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Jordan Valley Resident Murdered in Terror Attack [UPDATED]

breakingTerrorists broke into the northern Jordan Valley community of Brosh during the night, at about 01:00, and then bludgeoned and axed a resident to death. The victim HY”D was a man in his 50s, an officer in the IDF reserves. The wife B”H managed to flee. She sustained light-to-moderate injuries. She is admitted to HaEmek Hospital in Afula. Authorities are working on the assumption that the incident was a terror attack and not a criminal incident.

The latest attack comes less than a week since the shooting attack in Shomron, in the community of Psagot, in which Noam Glick was wounded by a lone infiltrator.

According to the preliminary findings the couple was seated in their living room watching television when the terrorists entered. They were armed with blunt objects, possibly including an axe. They began beating the husband mercilessly. The wife managed to sneak out the back door when this was taking place. She ran to the road and tried to stop passing vehicles to summon assistance. A vehicle did stop and emergency services were notified.

It remains unclear if the wife was injured by the attackers or while fleeing and seeking assistance.

[UPDATE] The husband was gravely wounded and paramedics fought to save his life but they were unsuccessful. The victim is a former senior IDF officer. Paramedics treated the wife as well, and then transported her to the hospital.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)


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