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Moshe Leon Assured Shas Support in Mayoral Race

Moshe-LeonAmong those arriving on Kablan Street to me menachem aveil the Yosef family was Jerusalem mayoral candidate Moshe Leon. Shas leader Aryeh Deri was on hand and he spoke with Leon, his candidate of choice. He told Leon that Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L was upset that Leon was not brought to him to visit during Chol Hamoed Sukkos. “Despite the fact I was ill you should have brought Leon to me…” Deri quoted the late posek as saying.

Deri turned to the many present in the mourning tent and said “If you want to bring nachas to the niftar then work to bring additional support for Leon.”

Deri stated that Shas’ Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael will be releasing a kol korei to vote for Leon, telling the tzibur “since this was Maran’s wish, go out and vote for Leon on Tuesday, 18 Cheshvan and vote for one of us (Sephardi), who is a Yirei Shomayim and is one with vast knowledge of public service and one capable of doing a great deal for Jerusalem residents”.

The kol korei form the Torah Council was written while the rav was alive, who approved it, Deri reports.

It appears that Shas will be highlighting the Sephardi card in the upcoming election, calling on potential voters to adhere to the wishes of Maran ZT”L.

While some are critical of Deri’s comments coming so soon following the rav’s petira, others point out that one must realize that elections are on 18 Cheshvan and Leon is fighting a very uphill battle, trying to unseat an incumbent who enjoys a measure of popularity and support.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Deri has been running Leon for some time now. It absolutely beggars belief that harav Ovadia zt”l was somehow not given the opportunity to meet with and endorse Leon. If he chose to remain silent on such an important issue as the Jerusalem mayoral race he did so for a substantive reason.

  2. #2
    harav Ovadia zt”l was mostly out of commision the last months

    Leon was a likud/lieberman man

    Oh,if you’re so pious, Tell what’s your purpose of supporting secular Barkat..

    For Your Falsehoods,you’re on par

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