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Shin Bet Monthly Terror Summary – August 2013

hamasAugust 2013 saw an increase in the number of terror attacks: 99 attacks as opposed to 82 in July.

The main increase is noted in Yehuda and Shomron with 68 attacks as opposed to 50 in July.

Other areas kept similar numbers of attacks –Gaza with five attacks and Sinai with one attack, as in July. Jerusalem notes a slight decrease: 26 attacks as opposed to 25 in July.

An unusual event was the launching of rockets (August 22) from Lebanon towards Israel (no casualties).

One Israeli citizen was lightly wounded as a result of a firebomb attack (August 20) at Herod’s Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Data regarding terror attacks in August 2013

Following is a regional distribution of attacks:

5 attack from Gaza (as in July); 68 attacks in Yehuda and Shomron (50 in July); 25 attacks in Jerusalem (26 in July); 1 attack from Sinai (as in July).

Jerusalem and Yehuda and Shomron: Most attacks executed in August (72 out of 93) were in the form of firebombs (July: 60 out of 76).

Distribution of attacks according to regions and pattern profile:

Following is a distribution of attacks in August 2013 according to regions:

Gaza – 5 attacks: 3 rocket launchings; 1 IED; 1 small arms shooting.

Yehuda, Shomron and Jerusalem – 93 attacks: 18 IED (12 in Jerusalem); 3 small arms shootings; 72 firebombs (13 in Jerusalem).

Sinai – 1 attack: rocket launching toward Eilat.

High-trajectory launchings from Gaza and Sinai

Throughout August 2013 5 rockets were launched towards Israel, 4 from Gaza and 1 from Sinai (toward Eilat), in 4 attacks .Compared to July: 7 rockets, 5 from Gaza and 2 from Sinai toward Eilat (in 6 attacks).

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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