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Crown Heights School Bus Pelted With Stones

ch shomrim.gifOn Monday afternoon, a Lubavitcher Yeshiva school bus full of young children was pelted with stones as it was making its rounds dropping children off, CHI reports. The incident took place on President Street between Utica and Schenectady as the bus began pulling away, when the driver noticed a large group of youths and all of a sudden a few rocks hit the bus.

The driver said that he immediately stopped the bus, and tried to chase after the group while calling police and Shomrim. Unfortunantly, they all fled in different directions, and he was unable to apprehend any of them.

The bus monitor remained with the children on the bus and made sure no one was injured B”H. One of the stones came crashing through a window just where a child lay sleeping and landed in the isle between the seats, and the second stone busted another window, also just narrowly missing two children who were sitting in that seat.

The driver, bus monitor and two mothers witnessed the incident and described the group as Black youths around the ages of just 10 to 12 years old. Another disturbing note was that the witnesses said it appeared that the kids already had the stones in their possession.

The commanding officer of the NYPD’s 71st Precinct responded to the scene along with a sergeant and the community patrol unit and had detectives assigned to the case.

(Source: CrownHeights.Info)

14 Responses

  1. let’s convey a grand jury!! oh wait…..the school children arent sons of a cop….forget it! 🙂

  2. Whoever thinks a grand jury will be convened raise your hands please.

    Will the cops conduct midnight raids on some suspects?

    Will Charlie Hynes give a hoot about this?


    And all they want is justice… Yeah, right!

  3. the new “frum yid” should learn from his zaides that being tough in galus does not work . all the patrols in the world can not protect you from millions of anti semites and thugs . the only way is to act humbly to the even the lowiest person and rely on hashems promise in galus of “ve’ahf al zois lo azavteecha …” see ranban on that pasuk . the zionist way is becomming ingrained even in frum yidden and it has no mekor in the torah nore is it logical . one lamb amongst 70 wolves ! there are 1000 ‘s of young thugs hanging aorund the streets of crown heights day and night . they don’t learn in yeshivas …they are raised in violence and have little to lose ..

  4. feif un ..i beleive that this happened because of a rash of “vigilante” activities …it’s those activities that i believe don’t work and are counter productive . protection and offence are 2 differnt things

  5. My family had property in that area many years ago, and my aunt lived two blocks from 770 until her death. These kinds of crimes occurred even WAY back then (I’m talking 40 years ago). I don’t know where this anti-Semitism comes from on the part of the African Americans (considering they’ve been through their own acts of crimes perpetrated against them by racists), but as far back as I can remember I, my friends and neighbors suffered this kind of crime against us (and for some, much worse). When I was a youth I and my friends would sometimes be chased home and terrorized by non-Yidden. Today, I don’t harbor any ill feelings towards anyone (we’re hated on many fronts, not just from kids like the ones in question). I simply daven and do my best to be a good Yid and do what is pleasing in HaShem’s eyes, and treat all people the way I wish to be treated (although I only enounter non-Jews outside of my circle of friends and family). Anger, yes, I certainly get very angry whenever I hear of such crimes against our Jewish people. Do I harbor it, no, I can’t. I believe I would self-destruct if I did. I leave it all in HaShem’s hands; He will make all things right some day, and He will definitely avenge us all of our enemies — on all fronts.

  6. I lived in Crown Heights/Bed Sty in the 1950’s…Park Place near Utica Ave…they were animals then and still are…those kind of low forms of trash never change…my mother had to meet me at the bus stop (the bus took me to Hebrew school at Kingston Ave at Park Place) armed with a stick to keep the animals at bay…what a way to live!! If this offends the liberals I don’t care… those savages will never change…violence is in their blood!! Thank G-D we finally moved in 1961 and lived among normal people in East Flatbush.

  7. Please stop hitting on the “zioninim”. There is no need for this.

    We have out shita and you have yours so lets leave it at that. Both are grouned in Torah, Rav Kook was as great of a Talmid Chacham as Rav Sonenfeld.

    We should respect each other like those Talmide Chachamim respected each other.

    Right now we are in the middle of avaylus of Sfira, Rabbe Akiva and his students all died in the wars of Bar Kochva (see Rav Shrira Goan and the Rambam)and the potential for geulah was lost becuase they did not have Ahava towards each other.

    Now with the State of Israel we once again have an opening for Geulah, “Kol Dodi Dofek” so please dont loose it through needless fighting.

  8. #10 I appreciate your kind words of not harboring hate and indeed G-D may someday make it all right for us Jews and repay our enemies for their bad actions but until that happens ….a whack accross the head with a wood baseball bat on those who do such things works well in my way of thinking…I spent too many years being terrorized by these savages to be as forgiving as you are…and as with our good neigbors in Gaza the West Bank and the entire Mid East they DO understand force when used against them and fear that force!! Prayer to G-D is just fine but so is that good old bat idea.

  9. #13, thank you for your words. I agree with you about how to handle our enemies. It’s in Torah, and throughout Tanakh, how HaShem told us to war against our enemies and conquer their land — and to rid the land of ALL their idols, etc. It’s people like me (passive) which is why, I’m guessing, we haven’t destroyed our enemies in Israel. Personally, when I daven about these atrocities, I’m asking for justice and vengeance for our people who are suffering at their hands. You and I have had similar experiences with those people. I won’t say that I’m perfect; on the contrary. When I was a young yid living in Crown Heights, I hated them — with a passion. Hey, you live in what should have been a safe community and have to look over your shoulder every time you leave your home for fear that these evil people are waiting to attack, and tell me if you wouldn’t hate them! Now, as an adult, I realize that (and again, someone please correct my beliefs) they ALL hate Jews. Most may not physically harm us and never dream of doing so, but they teach their children to hate us. They don’t think too much of us. So, when I say I don’t harbor any hatred, I can’t. If I did, I would probably find myself forming a gang of vigilantes to walk the streets of Jewish communities looking for these evil humans and protecting our people from their violence. Today, my anger is expressed in prayer and to my friends whenever I hear about these crimes perpetrated against our people. But I will say this: if HaShem in prayer showed me signs that I must change my “passive” attitude and fight the war against these criminals, I would probably be found on the front lines with the biggest baseball bat I could carry.

  10. to #7 americancitizen..can you please enlighten us where is there such halucha that we shouldnt protect ourselves if we can. should we abolish all these shomrim we have, zolen zei alle zain gesunt…what you keep mentioning the tzionist thats different because it organized campain to be moirid…..will not go into details as that is for bigger gedolim debate.(not for us,at least not for me..).but to protect oneselve..of course we dont rely on our “koichi v’otzem yodi” we rely on the eibishter

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