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Tzvika Cohen in Line to Become Shas’ Candidate in the Elad Mayoral Race

shasWhile Shas leader Aryeh Deri a number of weeks ago informed Tzvika Cohen that he would not be the party’s candidate in the Elad mayoral race, it appears that Deri has had a change of heart. However this is conditional on Cohen making peace with Elad’s Chief Sephardi Rabbi Mordechai Malka Shlita. Rav Malka is adamantly opposed to having the former mayor, Cohen, run as a candidate in the mayoral race.

Shas officials point out that Deri has great respect for the rav and he will not run with a candidate if the rav is strongly opposed. Therefore, Deri informed Cohen that the decision is not final – apparently contingent on Cohen’s ability to persuade Rav Malka to change his mind.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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