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Update on Neturei Karta Iranian Spy

lThe word in the streets of Meah Shearim is the accused want-to-be-spy for Iran, a member of Neturei Karta, is known to be mentally unstable. One resident, Yossi Kroizer, who is mispallel with the suspect in the same shtieble, explains “he is simply missing a few screws.” Kroizer says that while some community members are firm in their anti-Zionist views, only a few “nuts” meet with the Iranian leader and take other similar steps.

He explains there is a big difference in opposing the Zionists and to actively work to assist the enemies of Israel to kill innocent Jews. He explains that in time the media hype will pass and it will be made known to all that the suspect in custody does not need a jail but more appropriately, therapy and psychiatric care.

However, if one is to read the pashkavil circulating in Meah Shearim; it refers to saving the important community resident.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The Iranians intelligence can tell a nutcase when they see one. Was it a Shin Bet agent provacateur who “recruited” him?

  2. While it is likely that there is much that is mentally and emotionally wrong with all adherents of Neturei Karta, the gentleman in question included, the insanity defense is a whole other ball of wax and it is unlikely that he will be able to hide behind it.

    No one who reads the hate-filled comments of the NKs who regularly post on the YWN comment boards can really be surprised by this development.

  3. Oh, but of course Akuperma turns it around to an evil plot by Israel.

    Moderators Note:
    Name calling will not be allowed.

  4. I doubt anyone will believe this story about his being meshugah. Does Israel have capital punishment for convicted spies? That might provide the needed deterrent against other NK who might want to spy for the Ayatolah and his murderers.

  5. sicko picked up values from NK and took them to the logical extreme. sad, but extremism in itself is dangerous irregardless of which side of the spectrum.

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