Meretz leader MK Zahava Gal-On on Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av 5773, just hours before the election of new chief rabbis called for closing down the Chief Rabbinate of Israel.
Gal-On, who heads the left-wing opposition party, stated the Chief Rabbinate is a corrupt organization and truth be said, it does not matter who is elected. She feels that whatever the outcome of the race the new chief rabbis will not affect significant change and the ongoing problems with that institute will not be eliminated.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)
7 Responses
For the benefit of Israel the Meretz party should be closed down. Such a corrupt party has no business in Israel’s government.
is she wrong do we need federal rabbonim?
The Israeli government should be shut down. It is a corrupt organization, and it truly does not matter who is elected. Whatever the outcome of the elections, the newly elected officials will not affect significant change and the ongoing problems with that institute will not be eliminated.
IF the “Chief Rabbi” of the state was a serious job involving advising the government on the halachic appropriateness of legislation, and whose advise carried weight – then the job would be serious.
However its major functions is to hand out patronage.
Given that the majority of Israelis are either goyim or secular Jews, there is little reason we should their government to pick a “chief rabbi.” The system we use in the frum community, of looking to Gedolei Torah, is far superior and in most ways much more democratic (since we choose whom to follow, rather than having the state tell us whom to follow).
Using her logic we should close down the Knesset, Governments at all levels, Schools, Businesses, and all other institutions….hey let’s close down the whole country. Everyone is corrupt except for the Rabbinate who is the least corrupt of them all.
#3 and #5 – “Close down the government…”
Actually many Hareidim are advocating that. It would solve a lot of problems (no government, no conscription). Of course it would raise new ones (depending on what replaced it).
And in all fairness, “corruption” in the government rabbinate isn’t a matter of individuals getting rich, but rather the inherent problem of having an official government rabbi whose many function is dispensing political favors. That’s why frummies prefer to have “Gedolim” instead of elected chief anythings.
So many people lack a Sechel HaYashar!
The famous Gemarah says about a hard wife “it is sufficient that she raises our children and saves us from sin”.
Hate the Rabbanut as much as you want – do you know how vigilant the Rabbanut has been in ensuring basic Halachic standards in Israel?
How about ensuring that almost the entire country eats at least a basic level of Kosher? How about the fact that every couple who marries gets married Halachically? How about saving thousands from Mamzerut issues by making it a LEGAL requirement to receive a Get (something your American Jewish community doesn’t do!)? How about ensuring that Jewish burial is taken care if properly?
You simply have no idea how to find the good in things, and just love to bash and bash and bash – it makes you feel superior! Some people rise to greatness on their own, others step on people’s heads to get there.