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Cabinet Approves a Harder Hand Against Price Tag Villains

ptaThe Political-Security Cabinet on Sunday night 8 Tammuz 5773 approved a decision to grant law enforcement officials increased authority in dealing with price tag attacks. Price tag suspects may be classified as belonging to an illegal organization by the defense minister in line with the cabinet decision. The ministers fell short of the expected decision, classifying price tag incidents as acts of “terror”.

The new classification permits using laws from the British Mandate period, laws that deprive a suspect of basic rights under the law, including meeting with attorney.

In the interim, Justice Minister (The Movement) Tzipi Livni is preparing a bill that will classify price tag attacks as acts of terror under the law. Joining her is Minister of Public Security (Yisrael Beitenu) Yitzchak Aharonovich.

Some of the points appearing in the draft law include:

1. A suspect does not have to be brought before a judge until 96 hours following an arrest

2. Property belonging to a terror organization may be confiscated by authorities

3. An act of terror against a civilian is the same as an act of terror against a soldier

4. The same law will apply to terror organizations as well as to those funding and supporting them

5. Use of orders restricting one’s movement will be used; including house arrest and prohibiting one from leaving the country

6. Giving the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) broader authority so it can penetrate into computers of suspects

The draft law is very generous with its definition of “act of terror” or a “terrorist organization” to permit invoking the new law almost at will.

Any act motivated by a (1) political agenda, (2) religious agenda, (3) or ideological agenda may be classified an act of terrorism for as long as the act was (1)intended to instill fear in the public, (2) to prevent the government from doing something, (3) or to compel the government to act in a certain way.

The definition of such an ‘act’ includes endangering (1) life, (2) freedom, (3) national security, (4) public safety, or (5) an extreme attack against property, (6) infrastructure, (7) or significant financial loss.

The nation’s defense minister will be empowered to place restrictions on a citizen, including (1) house arrest, (2) limiting or prohibiting travel inside and outside of the country, (3) limiting or prohibiting contact with certain individuals and businesses.

Some believe the ministers decided not to equate price tag acts with terrorism because to date, despite the heinous nature of some of the incidents, there has been no loss of life.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. This smells like the liberal left is just trying to remove due process from those responsible for price tag attacks. That means you can be accused of a price tag attack and not have a fair trial for days. Those who are accused of price tag attacks are usually religious Zionists.

    This is just another front in the war the chilonim wage against ovdei Hashem. I am thoroughly disgusted with the erev rav, including Livni and her cohorts…

  2. When will this so called Jewish government in this so called Jewish state respect and protect Jewish places of warship like shuls the same way they do for non Jewish places?

  3. There is a difference between doing an ordinary crime (which generally ends there and is limited to the damage of the given crime) and doing a crime which has the potential to inflame things up.

    Lots of wars started by single actions of unemployed insane people (biggest example WW1).

    These kinds of crimes should be priority one for governments to stop, and if not possible, prosecute to the fullest extent, so the hard hats on the other side can’t pick on those actions.

    And to Commentators #1 and #2, I don’t know on which planet you live, or you just bored and would like to see some action.

  4. “Those who are accused of price tag attacks are usually religious Zionists. ”

    No, they are not! They aren’t religious because they brazenly oppose the authority of the leading religious Zionist rabbis such as Rav Aviner and Rav Lichtenstein, who have been merciless in their criticism of the Price Taggers. And they aren’t Zionist because they brazenly oppose the authority of the State of Israel and its institutions, violating its laws and bringing it discredit. They are NOT ovdei HaShem but the opposite, and it is they, and not Livni and her governmental partners, who constitute the erev rav. The Price Taggers and other Jewish terrorists should get the very same treatment that the Arab terrorists get.

  5. To charlie hall u r right the should get the same treatment and other words if they make a hunger strike they should be released etc

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