Shin Bet Foils Plot To Poison Food In Restaurant

shabak_logo.jpgIn what could have been a deadly terrorist attack, instead ended quietly one month ago – without the public’s knowledge of the entire incident. 

It has now been cleared for publication, that two Arab terrorists from Shechem who were employed at a restaurant in Ramat Gan, were arrested a month ago for allegedly planning to poison the food in the restaurant that they worked in.

The Shin Bet told the media on Thursday, that Aham Rial and Anas Salum, both 21-years-old had plotted to poison the food in the restaurant with a white and odorless poison – in a terror attack directly funded by Hezbollah. After receiving credible information regarding that planned attack, the Shin Bet arrested the two terrorists on March 19.

The Shin Bet stated that a confession into the exact details of the planned terror attack has been given by the two arrested terrorists. The information includes the names of the (already) wanted terrorists who recruited the men, and the terrorists which have are reportedly in possession of the poison.

No information regarding the type of poison which was to be used in the attack was released by the Shin Bet at this time.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

20 Responses

  1. The owner of the restaurant should be locked up for hiring these terrorists and putting his customers at risk. This is why the Gedolim have asured hiring arab workers. It may be cheaper, but is it worth putting your life and your customers lives at risk to save a few bucks?

  2. It’s amazing that Hagaon Moren Rav Chaim K anivesky just recently came out so strong against keeping…….workers in heimishe stores!!

    Editors Note: Rav Chaim Kanievsky ruled against hiring Arabs in Yeshivos as far as YWN in aware. Click HERE for all stories in regards to that Psak.


  4. Rav Dov Lior was proven correct. He said that it’s assur to hire Arabs.

    So did Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Rav Ovadia Yosef.

  5. Although we need no proof, this just goes to show all the critics and the sceptics out there how right was Maran Harav Chaim Kanievsky.

  6. another example that listening to our gedolim is the way to go even though we may not understand there rationale we must listen either way

  7. ..well, well, to that poster who had rachmanis on the old arab that was to be fired and all those who cried “collective punishment”,and who compare this act to germany who rounded up the jews and to those who had rachmonis and said “enough slander on Muslims , and to, and to (see all postings on the Hurav Hak. CH. Kneivsky article… vindicated .not that it needs any.lets remind again, there is such a thing as collective punisment in torah (p kedoshim l’gabay moilech) when have reason enough to believe all are guilty if not on act alone but as total support of act as we have seen all cheer 9/11, or when terrorists slaughter in yisroel and they cheer and hand out candies, unlike us.. Dovid hamalech didnt build bais hamikdosh because bashefer said “d’omim rabim shufachto” even though it was mitzvah..that is the difference between us and them

  8. #7.. we dont rely on miracles.. we do action according to the rules of teva.. and l’maaseh we are required to take precautions.

    Where are all the naysayers now that were screaming “1930’s germany” and all that junk last time.

    Those who keep saying “lets thank hashem.. ” and “we need to strengthen ourselfs” and then scoff when we put out these measures.. why ? because you cant control your teyvos ? because your scared the pizza will cost more ? not taste as good ?

    Mamash meshuga.. and to the one that said boycoting arabs is like 1930’s germany.. yes and you jews that pay the arabs is like the 1930’s jews that did business with the nazi’s yimach shemam.

    What if it was a epidemic type poison ? what if it was anthrax or rican virus or g-d knows?

  9. to #9..yes, we must listen to them even if we dont understand thier rationale “afili oimrim al yemin shehu smol v’al smol shehu yemin” but in this case “kol me s’yesh moach b’kodkedo” can understand this except those who have more rachmonis on yishmaels einiklech then his own brothers (as you can find in some posting in the link above {see #2}) “kol s’hu meracham al huachzory soif s’hehu achzory al rachmoni”

  10. looke here:

    A similar incident occurred five and a half years ago in Jerusalem. At the time, three Arab residents of east Jerusalem were arrested before their plan to poison Israeli patrons at the Rimon Café in central Jerusalem could be realized. The three had also planned to carry out a suicide bombing during a right-wing demonstration. The cell had been found to operating under Hamas.

    Some four years ago a Fatah cell was arrested in Qalqiliya, the group had been planning to detonate an explosive device encased in HIV-infected blood in a crowded Tel Aviv area.

    Wow how shocking (not) how many of us eat at rimon ?

  11. Dear #11 CHILL OUT I was just commenting that everyone should just thank Hashem and SUGGEST that the shop owner not get Arabs. And you must understand that it is not the arabs that wanted to poisen it, it was a Shliach HaMakom and the same for “Shin Bet”. But of course you must make Hishtadlus. Thank You

  12. As this happend right before purim maybe it was in zechus of Mordechai Hatzadik who foiled the plan of Bigsan and seresh. We got saved from two other bigsan and sereshes.

  13. to #18 & #20 pashuteh yid..3 cheers ,you couldnt have said it better…flatbusher yid living with head buried in he sand. also he is the of the ones that have rachmonis on yismael einiklech more that his brothers so have noticed in previous posts…also “ein holchin b’nofushos acher harov” kol shcain rov arabs want us dead so there is no problem of going acahr harov..

  14. #19.. it only takes 1 arab kitchen worker r’l at say cafe rimon or big apple pizza and we could have lo aleinu hundreds(!) of dead jews haya lo tihiye!

    #16.. AGAIN… we dont rely on miracles!!

  15. It’s a DOVOR POSHUT that at one point they were going to do it. Raboisai this one we can stop. If you go to a restaurant and see Arabs in the kitchen, you go over to the manager on duty and tell him that you will not eat there because of that reason. Vezehu. Enough talk. Let’s start doing something.

  16. 1. The owner of the restaurant should be locked up for hiring these terrorists and putting his customers at risk. This is why the Gedolim have asured hiring arab workers. It may be cheaper, but is it worth putting your life and your customers lives at risk to save a few bucks?

    Comment by imrei sheker — April 10, 2008 @ 11:00 am

    You think the owner wanted to poison his consumers? Imagine it would happen in Boro Park that two mexicans got angry at someone and would try to poison them. Would anyone say that noone should hire mexicans anymore? Who are the Israeli’s supposed to hire?

    #17- Good one. I didn’t even think into when it actually took place. The arabs were probobly thinking to poison the tourists that come for purim.

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