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Rav Dovid Schustal Visits Norfolk VA

Reb Dovid Schustal Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva Lakewood, visited Norfolk, VA on Sunday. 

Reb Dovid Schustal Shlita Rosh Yeshiva Lakewood arrived at Norfolk, VA International Airport at 10:00 am on Sunday morning – where he was met by over 50 Bnei Torah singing Yamim al Yemei Melech Tosif – to give chizuk to the community.

From the airport, the Mara D’asra, Rabbi Chaim Silver drove the Rosh Yeshiva to The Bnai Israel Congregation where the Rosh Yeshiva addressed the Mesivta Bochurim of Yeshivas Aish Kodesh. After speaking to each bochur personally, the Rosh Yeshiva moved to a different room where he addressed about 30 students of the Toras Chaim elementary school (The Rabbi Chaim Shereshevsky institute of Mesorah Learning). He focused on the subjects the students were learning and expressed his shock and delight in finding such a crowd of Bnai Torah in Virginia. The Rosh Yeshiva centered on the theme of Mitzvos, repeating many times that Mitzvos are a privilege. Chacham Lev Yikach Mitzvos.

Reb Dovid spent several minutes giving brachos and speaking to the students in learning.

At 12:00, the Rosh Yeshiva addressed over 100 people from the general community. The Rosh Yeshiva focused on the theme of ‘Lo sishachach mipi Zarao”. He noted that there must be special zechus avos in Norfolk and praised Norfolk for being a place of Torah even though it is not part of the large ‘fortresses and citadels’ of Torah. He quoted a Zohar that Hashem will collect all of the Galuyos as the Kohein collected the Eifer Haparah. He Benched the community with continued success despite the inevitable hardships that can arise. He noted that Reb Aron Kotler had arrived in an America that was not ready for his message. He did not know the language, yet he came through and achieved great things for Torah and for Klal Yisroel.

After speaking, Reb Dovid made a point of meeting all of the elder members of the Kehilla. He expressed his admiration for them. As people of many walks of life greeted him, Reb Dovid spoke with each person patiently with no regard for the flight he needed to catch.

Many men were moved to tears as they thanked Reb Dovid for visiting the Norfolk Community.

One Response

  1. Beautiful report. May the community of Norfolk continue to grow and be marbitz Torah, and be mezakeh the rabim. I’m sure the community will remember and appreciate the visit of the Rosh Yeshiva for a long long time.

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