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Growing Efforts to Fire Arab Workers

kan11.jpgFollowing this week’s p’sak halacha (ruling in Jewish law) by Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita, there is reportedly a growing movement in the Bucharin and Meah Shearim neighborhoods of the capital to compel employers to dismiss Arab workers.

On Monday, one self-proclaimed activist circulated flyers to store-owners warning if they do not adhere to the ruling of the rabbi, the neighborhood residents will have no alternative but to boycott their store. 

There are reports, albeit yet unconfirmed, that Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Shlita has echoed Rav Kanievsky’s call to dismiss Arab employees, enlisting even more support towards reaching the objective.

The mainstream press is already portraying the campaign to dismiss the Arab employees as a racist policy, and there are calls among secular and anti-religious elements to take legal action against rabbis endorsing such a “racist policy”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

25 Responses

  1. Calls to take legal action….

    If these people (“calling for”) have the “right” to publicly imply that these are “racist” remarks, cannot someone else have the right to say what he thinks is important,and unfortunately necessary also, even if it can be construed as “racist”. Of the great rabbonim, or any Yid who knows what da’as torah is, no one would be “racist” for racimism’s sake, just that a particular people has openly said that they want us all dead. The necessity for me to even have to write this disgusts me greatly. The same right to speak out applies to anyone, according to their own outlook. If someone else can’t speak freely, even if you think he is saying something terrible, I think that what you say is even worse! Who says you can speak out?! …I hope someone else can put this more diplomatically. This makes me so angry.

  2. The fact that the killer came from east JERUSALEM
    doesn,t bother the left and other anti-religious;
    shows they care more about being politically correct then doing what is in the best interest of jews.

  3. and will they force the Yishuvim who HAVE NOT (for many years) let arabs in for work to now let them in

    the next step against the Frum would be to force Woman teachers in the ALL BOYS Yeshivahs and teach equality

    or i am afraid the they have a MASTER PLAN just get rid of the Yishuvim

  4. Its about time! Why did we have to wait for a disaster to happen until we realised the arabs should not be working amongst us! We help finance terrorism that way! Are there not enough Jewish people looking for jobs?????

  5. If the mainstream press is so concerned about these workers, I suggest that they hire all these workers to work for them.
    This is neither racisit nor discriminotory. To leave a live grenade in your home with children present would be considered good sense. These workers presnt a potential danger to everyone.

  6. When the mainstream press decides that killing yeshiva students is also racist, their opinion on racism will begin to matter.

  7. Not to be read as a criticism in any way, but I would like clarification. Is this a call to fire ALL non-Jewish employees, thus allowing for (unemployed) Jews to take on the work and obtain some parnassa, albeit minimal? Or is this a security concern to fire only Arab employees, and allow for the hiring of other non-Jews, such as Filipinos, Koreans, Polish, etc….?

  8. RACIST???

    The Gerer Rebbe fired all Arab worker in the Gerer Mosdos years ago, when the Intafada began.–ChoChom Adif MeNavi!

  9. #5- Next time a shady Israeli collector comes to your door with a sad story how he has to marry off a family, why not offer him a job. I did, and he told me he doesn’t want to work too hard (the actual term he used is offensive). My point is, you will not get Jews to take these hard labor jobs that the Arabs currently have. It is the same problem in America with illegal immigrants, how nobody is willing to sit in a dirty kitchen of a food establishment and clean dishes, unless they just got off a boat.
    These are the facts my friend.

  10. Racist, now that is an interesting term for the left to use. Let us see, may this be a double standard? When was the last time you heard of the left mouthing off against the Arabs because they will not hire Jews? When was the last time you heard the left mouth off for any of the fascist actions the Arabs take against Jews on a daily basis? Their souls are so devoid of any sense of justice that they do not even have eyes to see or ears to hear what they say. They have become their own idols as they set up and worship their own warped set of standards. They deny their heritage and the right of a Jew to live. Shame on them for siding with the enemy against their brother!

  11. To Lawman,

    As I recall the remark of R’ Chaim was that ordinarily, you can hire non-Jews to do work, if it saves you a bit of money, but here it’s a matter of saftey. So to answer your question, it would look like you can hire other goyim in their stead.

  12. The racism argument can be easily refuted by a comparison with the necessity for the seperation gate. It has saved many lives.

  13. Daniel Ramos:

    well said.

    only im not so sure about the “shame on them” part.

    in these days before Moshiach there is an intense darkness. so dark that we are unable to see how dark it really is, so dark we think the darkness is light.
    it is good to point out their foolishness in a general way, for that adds a bit of light, but are they blameworthy? maybe, i dont know. if we were Tzadikkim, we probably would feel only Rachmonos for them.

  14. Challahback, it is the same argument that the left has in America about allowing Mexicans to cross the border illegaly.
    If you raise the wages of low paid workers, to compensate for the demeaning nature of the job, more and more Jews will be willing to take it.
    As a result, more Jews will be employed, Arabs will be left without jobs, and workers cleaning dishes, and washing bathrooms will be paid a better living.
    I applaud the efforts to rid Israel of Arab labor, especially as a step of ridding Israel of Arabs.

  15. to#11 “my friend”..we are talking here about “scones nefoshaes..” to #12 racist, shamasit..its just smoke screen ..”gedolah sina sel am aretz l’talmid chachim yosar misinas akhim l’yisroel..” psochim..

  16. An Arab may even WANT you to fire at him so he canbe a “martyr’ and cause a riot. The same 6hing is going to happen if you fire an Arab worker just because he is Arab. There will be more trouble.Meir Kahane ,then, was right;deport ALL Arabs out of Israel.Sort of like when Avrohom Ovinu kicked Yishmael out of his home.

  17. If I were in Monsey,Monsey-Guy,my friend,would we be able to fire or refuse to hire an Arab? In the USA,it would be illegal,and a Jew, would endanger your life and property by hiring them .Where you live now,would you feel secure to have Arab workers in your home>?

  18. the jerusalem plaza is fully employed by arabs from reception maitre down to the chambermaids. i asked the one jewish employer that i saw why this is so. he told me that the arabs are paid grushim for these jobs. that explains it

  19. i would love to hqave the same policy here in the us, but its illegal. would cost big bucks (and jewish lawyers to sue).

    as for the meir kahane comment — one imp fact — meir kahane hy”d, PAID CASH to have arabsd move out of israel — and was prosecuted for PAYING CASH!!!

    of course he was right (and right)! but cannot be done. note too — its easier not to hire, than to fire, so dont hire to begin with.

  20. The Mercaz Harav shooter was the first terrorist ever to had been employed by Jews in Yerushalayim. Getting rid of all the Arab workers is taking this over the edge. It is a fine idea, IF what you want to do is take the Arabs who are content in getting somee degree of income from Jewish bosses and have no interest in rocking the boat, and push them to the terrorist side.We will always have some malcontents. Let’s not increase the number expotentially.

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