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PMO’s Office: Construction Will Continue as Planned

Despite a warning message amid statements of protest from Israel’s allies in the European community regarding the announced construction of 3,000 housing units, officials in the Prime Minister’s Office reaffirm the construction will move ahead as planned. Yisrael HaYom quotes “a senior political source” as quoting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu signaling the threats from London, Paris and other European nations will not compel him to halt the construction, adding they should have all thought of this ahead of the UN General Assembly vote granting the PA (Palestinian Authority) non-member observer status.

Officials are not backing down, stating “this time around” Israel will not back down and the construction will move ahead in response to the unilateral PA move, adding it is now too late to try to change the course of events.

While Israeli diplomatic officials in Europe had a difficult day on Monday, 19 Kislev 5773, some admonished over Israel’s announced construction plans, in Jerusalem, at least for the time being, it appears there is no turning back the clock and the international community will have to live with the realization that the PA’s move carries “harsh consequences” as Israel warned would be the case.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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