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High Court Petitioned to Cut Yeshiva Funding

In light of the fact that the Tal Law granting legal status to avreichim not entering the IDF expired at the end of July 2012, a petition was filed on Tuesday 26 Menachem Av 5772 to halt funding to yeshivos attended by these avreichim. The petition filed by a number of organizations states that the funding for yeshivos was based on the legality of draft deferments granted under the Tal Law and with the abolition of that law by the High Court of Justice the funding is also no longer legal and should therefore be halted. The petition states that the ability for one to declare limud torah as one’s profession is no longer an option and therefore the state may no longer fund yeshivos under this now outdated and illegal arrangement.

The petitioners feel that the funding for 54,000 avreichim is no longer legal and call upon the nation’s highest court to issue an injunction to immediately halt state funding of the yeshivos.

The daily HaMevaser reports that “members of the torah community” responded by saying “The yeshivos will continue to grow and prosper despite the efforts of the enemies of religion. Those learning will not stop, even for a moment and the opponents seeking to target them will not be successful in their war and כאשר יענו אותם כן ירבו וכן יפרוצו.

“Why haven’t we heard of a similar petition to date regarding the Israeli Arab community, to stop funding their schools where students are taught to hate towards achieving the destruction of the state? Or why not to halt funding for universities where students oppose the concept of Zionism, calling for its destruction.

“Because the petitions are full of hate for Torah and those who study it, that’s why. In their deviant way against Torah and in their efforts to diminish the Torah way, be advised that chareidi Jewry around the world will engage in an all-out struggle against the Jewish state, with the latter acting out of envy seeking to oppress the chareidi tzibur in the Holy Land”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. אשריך ישראל! And all of us in the Diaspora will ‘share the burden’ of our brethen and strive to drop more mundane daily disturbances, in our pursuit of diligent Torah study and increasing in Ahavas Yisroel.

  2. “a petition was filed on Tuesday 26 Menachem Av 5772 to halt funding to yeshivos attended by these avreichim.”

    The 26th of Av is the yahrtzeit of the tzadik who fought against taking money from unpure sources. May the Zchus of the tzadik help to purify the yeshivos and Avreichim.

  3. Rabbosai the actions of this govt are solely להכעיס against the growth of the torah community- as the article states their targeting bnei torah only, not other institutions. As gabi ashkenazi stated the chareidim are not needed in the miltary and not wanted likely. they would have to bend over backwards with adjustments to accomodate the new influx and their style of life- adjustments they are not ready to do.

    this is solely a campaign against the torah world and likely intended to cut off funding of mosdos hatorah. we must stand up for what we know to be the right derech ha’chaim and what protects bnei yisroel ha’yosheiv betzion. if they will cut off funding to our mosdos we should not be tomeich their economy- tat for tat. i suggest if this gezeirah comes to for anyone who has money in israel banks should remove it not do anything that their economy should prosper because these sanctions are the only thing that are meaningful to them. We should not support secular businesses only frum ones. we have ways to fight back the gezeirah let us use everything within our means.

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