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Rav Berland In U.S. To Raise Serious Cash For Subsidizing Tickets To Uman

The Breslov campaign to subsidize tickets to Uman for Rosh Hashanah is attracting many people, as over 9,000 tickets have already been sold. On Monday night, the community’s leader Rabbi Eliezer Berlind Shlita left for the U.S. where he hopes to raise significant funding to assist in covering the cost of the Uman Rosh Hashanah and other projects affiliated with the chassidus. The rav will be in the United States for up to one week, during which time he will attend dinners and other fundraising events and meeting with philanthropists.

Chadrei Chareidim reports the rav will be hosted by the Spinka Rebbe Shlita.

Breslov officials report a total of 10,000 subsidized tickets are being sold, at the cost of 6 million NIS and this is the sum R’ Berland hopes to raise during this visit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

12 Responses

  1. i’m sorry, but i beg to differ (although i don’t reach his toes in gadlus, something doesn’t sound right here)
    raise 6 million for uman?
    what about using the money to combat poverty?
    what about using the money to support Limud HaTorah?

    let’s get our priorities straight

  2. it seemed that the Breslov chassidim decided that it was time to spend quality time with their wives and stop leaving them home for the high holidays.

    The women folk got together and spoke with the Rav that this is not proper; it is the only time they have Shalom Bies. So the Rav is now raising money so that the husbands can go to Uman.

    The chesbon is simple: if there are no shalom beis fights; then G-d will give them a good gezera; but if the men stay home; there is certain to be many fights and then there will be a bad gezera.

    Overheard from the inside…

  3. I will receive everyone equally regardless of subsidized tickets or not. And not only that but those who give to the cause will also be in my prayers.

  4. Poor Rebbaim waiting for their salaries that are months behind, almanos & yeshomim that need clothes and food for yom tov, kiruv needs and monies to help youth who are in substance addiction…..

  5. Azoy, the annual debate about yidden leaving their wives and familiy to go party in Uman. We will read the usual drivel about the importance of davening at the kever of Rav Nachman, whether his remains should be reburied in EY to save these tens of millions of dollars wasted annually subsidizing the anti-semitim in Uman, figuring out how many “pilgrims” will be arrested for intoxication, fighting on the airplanes with the flight attendants, the plight of the temporary “widows and yesomim” left alone for Rosh Hashanaha etc. I’ve seen this movie before but forget the name. Can someone recall? It wasn’t Groundhog Day”.

  6. Is going to Uman one of the three reasons given in the Gemara as to why it’s Mutar to leave Eretz Yisrael? Let’s see, the reasons are:

    1. a zivug

    2. parnasa

    3. to learn Torah

    Hmm… no, I don’t see going to Uman on the list. Perhaps Breslav has a different version of the Gemara??

    an Israeli Yid

  7. To #7

    I live in Eretz Yisrael I see just like that.
    By davening at the Tzion Of Reb Nachman one is Zoche to all three
    1- Zivug and or Shalom Bayis
    2- Parnassa Brevach
    3- Be Zoche to learn Torah Lishma

    Yasher Koach for spelling all three out.

    And Yes it is Muttar to leave Eretz Yisrael To Be Mispallel at a Kever Of a Tzadik.

    Another Eretz Yisrael who appreciates you have a different opinion.

  8. May The Rav Have Much Hatzlacha on his trip and may he Be Zoche to receive at least double then he expected. Amen!!!

  9. As far as leaving Eretz Yisrael for kevavrim, the Poskim speak about it:

    Birkei Yosef (OC 568:1): If one lives in Eretz Yisrael and desires to prostrate on graves of Tzadikim in Chutz la’Aretz, or he lives in Yerushalayim and desires to go to graves of Tzadikim (elsewhere) in Eretz Yisrael, he may go on condition to return (Pri ha’Aretz 3:6:14, in some editions 3:10:7).

    Sedei Chemed (1, Ma’areches Aleph): One may leave Eretz Yisrael to prostrate on the graves of Tzadikim, for it is a great Mitzvah.

  10. “By davening at the Tzion Of Reb Nachman one is Zoche to all three….
    2- Parnassa Brevach

    If all those chassidim are zoche to parnassa, then why the rabbi going around and collecting for them?

  11. To Nos. 8 and 10

    And we don’t have enough kivrei tzadikim in EY? I guess the Avos, Imahos, neviim, etc. don’t hold a candle to Rav Nachman.

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