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Deputy Squadron Commander Attacked on Base by Junior Officers

An attack against an Israel Air Force deputy squadron commander of the rank of major by soldiers on an air force base has caused more than a stir on that base.

The incident began on the Ramat David base when the officer, who was dressed in civilian clothing, asked the soldiers to slow down. The senior officer was escorting his children to a place on base on shabbos when he realized the military vehicle was driven recklessly. Apparently the subordinates did not heed the senior officer’s request and they mocked him and used foul language and threatened “we will get you”. According to the Yediot Achronot report they came back to the pilot’s area of the base where they live with their families and attacked the major with clubs.

When other base personnel on the base saw what was going on they quickly intervened and pulled the attackers off the major. When the identity of the victim became apparent, the others were shocked at the realization that base personnel would assault a senior officer.

The soldiers are now accusing the major of speaking to them in a derogatory fashion, using unacceptable language regarding members of the Ethiopian community, allegations that are being denied by the major.

The atmosphere on the Ramat David Base is one of shock over such an incident, violence and a physical attack against a deputy squadron commander. Officials admit the incident demonstrates an alarming breakdown in air force ethics for such an incident never occurred in the past. The soldiers were taken into custody and an investigation is underway.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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