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Reclaiming Eretz Yisrael, One Dunam at a Time

When one hears the name Israel Land Fund, one does not expect to see its director arrive on a scooter but that is how Aryeh King gets around. King, who is undoubtedly a “doer” and not an office person, began redeeming portions of Eretz Yisrael quite a few years ago, leading to the formation of the fund back in 2006. A native kibbutznik, he found his calling, “getting out there and doing it” as he told YWN-ISRAEL.

The fund makes land purchases in Akko, Jaffa (Tel Aviv), Tzfat, Yerushalayim, and the Galil. What is truly amazing is that on the one hand, how few N. Americans are aware of the activities of the organization, while on the other hand, those who have dealt with the organization simply walk away pleased. That is to say, for many, they simply help redeem a piece of land by making a legal acquisition while walking away with a good piece of real estate. Take Akko for example, where the Jewish community is now thriving as more young couples move in daily. A hand full of years ago those who purchased a rundown apartment in an undesirable area have seen a handsome return on their investment. In the Galil, one can easily buy a parcel of land, a straightforward undisputed real estate investment and own a portion of Eretz Yisrael. At times, something is so uncomplicated that it scares people off, King explained to YWN-ISRAEL in an interview.

He added that with shmitah only 2.5 years away the organization is meeting with prominent rabbonim shlita, seeking to attract shuls, yeshivos or simply private individuals who may contribute and participate in one of the Mitzvos T’luyos Ba’aretz. He explained to YWN-ISRAEL that they plan to give the land parcels to Jewish farmers to work and they will act under the direction of poskim, creating more Jewish produce ahead of shmitah and permitting people and communities in Eretz Yisrael and abroad to take part in fulfilling this wonderful mitzvah.

This is just one example, King adds, explaining that it is truly amazing. “People think you have to be wealthy and can only redeem a home in eastern Yerushalayim but that is not so. Homes and land parcels in Akko, the Galil and other areas are significantly less expensive and many wise investors or those looking for a place to live in Israel have already taken advantage and are smiling today”.

King is keenly aware that too much of the Holy Land has already been bought up by Arab petrodollars, and this is what compelled him to begin traveling around to persuade Jews who are seeking to invest to do so, here, right at home in Eretz Yisrael. Today, the return of the Jewish community to Akko is the direct result of his efforts, as is the Maale Zeitim community in the Har HaZeisim area of the capital.

Baruch Hashem that community, which began in a caravan, today is a neighborhood in the heart of an Arab occupied area of the city. In the Shimon HaTzaddik neighborhood he proudly told me that “a few talmidim from Mir live in an apartment purchased by Americans as an investment for the future” and they are living there today, walking distance from their beis medrash.

It appears the Israel Land Fund does not spend on public relations and hefty operating facilities and as a result, has been operating under the radar for too long.

If one wishes to contact King and the fund, one may email [email protected].

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Wait till the courts start overturning Jewish land purchases inside the green line as well as outside it. Moshe Zar bought huge tracts of the Shomron, but the defense department won’t recognise his purchase or let him do anything with it.

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