VIDEO: Iran – Taanis Esther Tefilos at Kever of Mordechai & Esther


Vaad HaRabbonim shluchim will on Taanis Esther, this year observed on Wednesday, 13 Adar, daven at the kever of Mordechai and Esther in Iran.

The daily HaMevaser report the necessary permits are in order and the shluchim will be davening at the tziyun IY”H on the fast day. The report adds the Mekubal ‘Kav HaYashar’ wrote of the special zchus regarding one who is mispallel at the kever on Taanis Esther, and just as back in the time of Purim Mordechai and Esther saved Am Yisrael, one may benefit greatly from their merit by davening at the kever on the fast day, especially with the recitation of Laminatzeiach Ayeles HaShachar.

The kever was found in a 2,500-year-old structure in the city of Hamdan, the oldest building in Persia according to the report. It appears Yidden protect the holy structure throughout the years. There are still a handful of local Jews, decedents of the Iranian Jewish community, who annually arrive at the kever and explain to mispallalim the history of the site and the efforts made over the centuries to protect the kever from enemies of Israel.

Vaad HaRabbonim officials report the number of phone requests have increased significantly as a result of the planned taanis tefilla event, calls from the United States, France, Argentina and other countries, not to mention Israel.

Vaad officials add that funds collected in the days before Purim, including checks and credit cards, are converted to cash and distributed on Purim towards fulfilling the mitzvah of matonos l’evyonim. Persons interested in giving names to be included in the list taken by shluchim may do so today, Tuesday, 12 Adar 5772 and tomorrow morning, by calling 1-877-722-2646.

Below is a video previously published on YWN, with Rabbi Yisroel Meir Gabey, a man known to travel the globe to try and fix neglected Kevarim. The video was published when he had ust returned from visiting Israel’s most bitter enemy, Iran. There, he visited the Kevarim of Mordechai and Esther, the Kever of Chavakuk Hanavi, Daniel Hanavi, and other Kevarim

Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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