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Hizbullah: Tel Aviv Is The First Target In The Next War

Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah announced that in the next war with Israel, he will be sending missiles into Tel Aviv first, the Lebanese al-Akbar newspaper reports.

The terrorist leader is quoted as saying that in the next war that the Zionists begin against Lebanon, Tel Aviv will be the first to be hit with rockets and not in the north as expected.

According to the report, three agents recently arrested, who are suspected to passing information to Israel, have created some problems for Hizbullah, but the type of problems that can be repaired. He stressed that only a select few have knowledge of the most essential information, as was the case in the Second Lebanon War.

According to a report in the London-based al-Shark al-Awsat newspaper, three people were arrested by Hizbullah in recent weeks, suspected of passing information to the Israelis. One of the detainees is a senior Hizbullah official, and he does not deny the allegations against him.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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