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More Neo-Nazi Acts In Eretz Yisroel?

hate crimes5.jpgArutz 7 is reporting that neo-Nazis attacked a 70 year old woman who was walking on the bridge connecting the Meridian Hotel and the Neve David neighborhood earlier Monday. They reportedly beat her and shouted “Heil Hitler.” This is yet another hate crime to hit Eretz Yisroel in the latest of a series of Nazi attacks since the arrest of a Nazi gang in Petach Tikva 10 days ago.

INN further reported that the victim said the two attackers kicked her and the other gave a Nazi salute and shouted out “Heil Hitler.” She was able to escape when a street sweeper stepped in to help her, but not before he, too, was beaten.

List of recent Neo-Nazi crimes in Israel:

9/08/07 Petach Tikva, Neo-Nazi gang busted.

9/10/07 Eilat’s Shul Vandalized with Swastikas.

9/16/06 Dimona Shul finds Swastikas on walls second day of Rosh Hashanah.

9/17/07 Migdal Haemek teen arrested for painting Swastikas on cars.

7 Responses

  1. What a fine mess you’ve gotten us into! Again!

    Once again the israeli government has gotten it wrong. They thought by bringing these goyim amongst us that it would bolster our numbers against the arabs. Instead it has bolstered the numbers of our enemies!

    These people are running crime, prostitution, drugs and antisemitism!

  2. Why is the world did these anti-semitic, Jew hating Russians come to Israel in the first place? The board walk in Brighton Beach fits them much better. Send them out!!!!!!

  3. Sammygol,
    That rant sounds like you imbibed on a little too much of their vodka. Calm down! Nothing good ever comes from lashing back.

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