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Search Results for: mispallel – Page 5

Shocking: Swastikas Spray Painted On Bnei Brak Shul

Mispallelim of the Yisrael HaTzair shul on Rechov HaRav Kook in Bnei Brak were met with a shocking sight upon arriving at shul on Shabbos morning: swastikas spray painted on the doors of the shul and inappropriate images strewn inside the shul. The mispallelim quickly gathered and discarded the images, which had been thrown in through an open window, before the other mispalleim arrived. Some of the photos were of Shira Banki, a’h, who was murdered by a mentally ill Charedei man during a pride parade in Jerusalem several years ago. One of the mispallelim, Yishai Weiner, told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “I, the son of Holocaust survivors, see a swastika opposite my home, on the shul I daven at – I began to weep.” The Yisrael HaTzair shul is a long-standing shul with both Chareidi and Dati Leumi mispallelim headed by HaRav Asher Landau. "מזכיר ימים אפלים": צלבי קרס רוססו על בית כנסת בבני ברק – ותמונות של שירה בנקי פוזרו במקום. ח"כ יעקב אשר – "פרי באושים של הסתה מתמשכת ונטולת רסן נגד כל דבר שריח של יהדות וחרדים נודף ממנו"@AkivaWeisz (צילום: ליכוד בני ברק) — כאן חדשות (@kann_news) July 31, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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SURFSIDE TRAGEDY: Chaim Rosenberg Z”L Of Flatbush Found In Rubble; Daughter & Son-In-Law Remain Missing R”L

After a grueling two weeks, the body of R’ Chaim (Harry) Rosenberg Z”L of Flatbush was found and identified in the rubble of the Surfside condo collapse. He was 52. Chaim purchased the second-floor condo only last month, hoping that its views of the Atlantic Ocean would help him find solace after a turbulent year that saw the loss of his wife, Anna Rosenberg A”H, to cancer, and both of his parents to COVID-19. Chaim was a longtime Mispallel at Rabbi Weinfeld’s Shul in Flatbush. In recent months Chaim had dedicated himself towards launching Mercaz Shalom, a young adult center for mental healing, located on the campus of Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, Israel, in memory of his late wife. His daughter, Malki Weisz, and her husband, Benny, of Lakewood, N.J., were staying with him at the time of the collapse. The Weiszes remain missing as at this time. Arrangements are being made with Hatzolah Air and family friends to have the Niftar flown back to NY tonight for a tentative Levaya on Friday. An in depth article of the Niftar is being worked on. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Miami: “It Was Like Yom Kippur, No Empty Seats In All The Shuls”

“The best way to understand how “Jewish” Surfside is is simply to stroll along Collins Avenue and count the shuls,” Rav Leibel Groner, the head of the Chevra Kadisha in Miami told Yated Ne’eman. Lists with the names of the missing and their names for tefillah were hung in every shul in the area, which were all filled to capacity on Shabbos. So many mispallelim showed up at The Shul, which is close to Champlain Towers, that two security guards stationed themselves at the entrance and turned people away. Fortunately, there are more shuls on the next street. “It felt like Yom Kippur, there wasn’t one empty place in all the shuls,” Rav Groner said. Silence reigned in The Shul. One Jew, Ada, who is not yet frum, said tearfully that she just had to show up for davening. “We felt like this when we heard about the Meron tragedy, but now this happened at home.” Ada said that on the night of the disaster she heard a boom but didn’t think it was anything unusual. “Whoever lives on Collins Avenue is used to it. We’re on Miami Beach – there’s no day or night. But then we heard more and more police sirens and realized that something terrible happened.” Ada said that she knows several people who live in the condos that collapsed. “Everyone goes to the same shul. In this community, even if you don’t really know someone, you recognize them.” Grand Beach Hotel in Surfside, located on Miami Beach, has morphed from a place where people used to stand on the balconies to watch the sunset to a place where families sit and daven for a yeshuah, the Yated report said. The hotel is housing dozens of families, Jews and non-Jews. It has been transformed into a semi-fortress, with security guards preventing anyone who doesn’t belong from entering the crowded lobby, where family members are waiting for the unknown. Tefillos are held in the hotel, with Shacharis, Mincha, and Maariv minyanim in the lobby full of people with red eyes, davening fervently. One of the rooms on the second floor of the hotel has been turned into a counseling center. In the next room, DNA samples are being taken to identify bodies. Some family members still cling to hope and refuse to enter the DNA room, as they continue to daven for a neis. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BDE: The Legendary Ba’al Koreh Of Mir Yerushalayim Passes Away

HaGaon HaRav Yechiel Zilberberg, z’tl, the legendary Ba’al Koreh of Yeshivas Mir and one of the chashuvei Talmidei Chachamim in Yerushalayim, passed away on Monday. Rav Yechiel, z’tl, was one of the first talmidim of the Mir in Yerushalayim and served as a Ba’al Koreh there for over 50 years. The Torah was the center of Rav Yechiel’s life and from a young age, he was noheig to be extremely medakdeik in halacha and was makpid al kalah k’chamura. He was also mechaber the sefer Minchas Yachid, a sefer of commentary and teshuvos on the Minchas Chinuch. Rav Yechiel was a well-known figure in the Mir, where he was noheig to sit and learn for hours and also developed a close relationship with the Roshei Yeshivah, especially HaGaon HaRav Nosson Tzvi Finkel, zt’l. Those who knew him at the Mir said that he used every moment for limud torah and never sought kavod, and treated everyone with the utmost respect. Beside serving as the Ba’al Koreh in the Mir, Rav Yechiel was one of the mispallelim at the Beis Knesset Chassidim in Batei Ungarin, where he lived, for over 50 years, and was a beloved member of the community. The levaya took place on Monday at 1 p.m. at Yeshivas Mir in Beis Yisrael and continued to Har HaZeisim, where the niftar was buried. Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rachmana Litzlan – 45 Korbanos in Meron: What We Should Be Feeling

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is one of the largest tragedies to have hit Eretz Yisroel in recent times, indeed, all of Klal Yisroel. So many injured.  And so many casualties r”l. Reb Dovid Krauss, 33, of Beit Shemesh – survived by a wife and 9 children.  A young man from Monsey, Yoseph Amram Taub, who was learning in Brisk in Yerushalayim. Reb Menachem Asher Zechback, 24, from Kiryas Sefer.. And 42 other Korbanos. And the injured? So many to be mispallel for.. a 12 year old girl, Esther Pessel bas Baila Chaya.. a niece of my sister’s neighbor.. injured in the horrible stampede.. And so many others.. What should we be feeling? All of this during Sefirah. During laG BaOmer. At times like this, we turn to our Gedolei Yisroel. The following words of Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l were said during 1948, when huge numbers of Klal Yisroel were in a state of grave danger as six Arab nations attacked Eretz Yisroel.  No family was free of casualties – everyone had a relative who was killed. A nation that had just emerged and escaped from the fiery gehenom of Nazi-occupied Europe was now facing a second annihilation.  The maamar can be found in Mishna Rabbi Aharon Vol. IV page 76. Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l began: EMPATHIZING In Taanis (11a), the Rabbis taught: When the Jewish people is immersed in tzaar, and a person separates himself from them [not sharing in their suffering] the two ministering angels who accompany a person come and place their hands on his head, as though he was an offering, and say: This man, so-and-so, who has separated himself from the community, shall not see consolation of the community. Another b’raisa teaches: When the community is immersed in suffering, a person should not say: I will go to my house and I will eat and drink, and peace be upon my soul. And if he does so, the verse says about him: “And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen and killing sheep, eating flesh and drinking wine; let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die” (Isaiah 22:13). And the prophecy continues with what is written afterward, in the following verse: “And the Lord of hosts revealed Himself in my ears: Surely this sin shall not be atoned by you until you die..” (Yishayahu 22:13). Rather, a person should be distressed together with the community. For so we find with Moshe Rabbeinu, who distressed himself together with the community, as it is stated during the war with Amalek: “But Moses’ hands were heavy; and they took a stone, and put it under him, and he sat upon it” (Shmos 17:12). But didn’t Moses have one pillow or one cushion to sit upon?  Rather, this is what Moshe said: Since the Jewish people are immersed in tzaar, I too will be with them in tzaar.” A DEFINITION One of the [48] methods through which Torah is acquired is Noseh b’ol chaveiro – carrying the yoke, or burden, of his friend.  What does Noseh b’ol chaveiro mean?  It means when your friend is in danger or in distress – you share that with him, you carry his burden with him.   TWO ASPECTS TO NOSEH B’OL CHAVEIRO There are two aspects to this sharing:

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HORROR IN SOUTH AFRICA: Thieves Tie Up Rav With Tallis Strips

A disturbing incident took place on Thursday morning in a shul that houses a kollel in South Africa when thieves ripped a tallis into strips to tie up the Rav and two avreichim, leaving them on the floor of the Ezras Nashim as they stole their belongings and ran off, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. There were only three men left in the Kollel in Kehillas Shomrei Emunin in Johannesburg on Thursday morning when the armed thieves entered. After they tied up the men, they stole the men’s phones, the kollel’s laptops, and a car belonging to one of the avreichim. The building is guarded by a private security company whose guards regularly patrol the area but for some reason, the guards somehow missed the incident. While the men were trying to free themselves from their restraints, the non-Jewish cook who prepares the food for the Kiddush on Shabbos discovered them on the floor and called for help. Only two days before the incident, a Jew who lived close by to the shul was murdered during a robbery, so despite the traumatic incident, the men were fortunate to have escaped with their lives. “What happened only strengthens the belief that the Torah protects us,” one of the mispallelim told B’Chadrei. “The thieves could have shot them – it was mamash a neis.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Reform Rabbi MK Uses Immunity To Hide Sefer Torah For WOW

A new twist was added to the monthly provocation of the Women of the Wall group on Tuesday as the newly elected Reform Rabbi MK took advantage of his parliamentary immunity to bring a Sefer Torah into the Kosel plaza, which is against Israeli law. MK Gilad Kariv (Labor) caused an uproar by the Kosel on Tuesday morning on Rosh Chodesh Iyar by hiding a Sefer Torah in his bag for the Women of the Wall group and refusing to allow the guard at the entrance to search his belongings. Kariv then proceeded to read from the Torah for the members of the Women of the Wall in a gathering at the upper plaza of the Kosel. ח"כ גלעד קריב מניף את ספר התורה במהלך תפילת נשות הכותל, הנשים שרות איתו, הפעילים נגדו שרים "עמלק תסתלק" והמאבטחים כורזים לו לחדול — שחר גליק Shahar Glick (@glick_sh) April 13, 2021 UTJ chairman Moshe Gafni slammed Kariv, saying: “Gilad Kariv is a well-known troublemaker from long ago and is now bringing down the Knesset to the lowest of the low, while taking advantage of his immunity in order to harm the Jewish nation around the world for generations.” Israeli journalist Aryeh Erlich wrote: “Reform ‘Jewry,’ the ones that erased all the tefillos regarding Tzion and Yerushalayim, uprooted the yearning for the Beis Hamikdash, and with that the avodas ha’karbanos (the essence of Tefillas Rosh Chodesh) – insist on a Sefer Torah at the remnant of the Beis Hamikdash in order to recite “ובראשי חודשיכם תקריבו עולה להשם’? Stam provocateurs violating the law and mocking tradition.” The Shas party also condemned Kariv, stating: “MK Gilad Kariv violated the instructions of the Attorney General solely to instigate a provocation at the Kosel, a despicable act that should be thoroughly condemned. Kariv and his group have absolutely no connection to the Kosel. They don’t believe in the Beis Hamikdash and only want to spur incitement and division.” אני גאה להשתמש בחסינות שלי על מנת לשאת בכותל את ספר התורה של נשות הכותל, ומתבייש בכך שרשויות שלטון עסוקות בניסיון להחרים ספרי תורה ולמנוע מנשים להתפלל ולקרוא בתורה כמנהגן.גם הבוקר חשוב להזכיר, ישנו צד אחד שהסכים לפשרת הכותל ההיסטורית וצד שני שסיכל אותה בדורסנות. נחשו מי באיזה צד — גלעד קריב (@KarivGilad) April 13, 2021 “MK Kariv arrived at the Kosel plaza together with 20 women of Women of the Wall,” the Western Wall Heritage Foundation stated. “Despite the fact that he was fully aware that the incident would violate public order in a highly sensitive place and the matter is in violation of the rules of the Kosel – and he was even given a letter from the Justice Ministry noting his prohibited actions – he, unfortunately, ignored these issues and continued his provocative behavior.” MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv used his parliamentary immunity to bring the @Womenofthewall #Torah scroll into the #WesternWall Plaza this morning Rosh Hodesh Iyar [photo: WOW FB] @KarivGilad #Israel #Kotel — Religion and State (@religion_state) April 13, 2021 “Through this step, Kariv renewed the disturbances that occurred at the Kosel in the past but has quieted down in the past year thanks to the Foundation’s efforts to create unity at the Kosel plaza in general and during Rosh Chodesh tefillos in particular.” “The Women of the Wall also engaged in

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WATCH: In 1st Since Pandemic Began, Birchas Kohanim B’Rov Am

Thousands of Jews participated in Birchas Kohanim on Monday morning, the first day of Chol Hamoed in Israel, marking the first time the tefillah took place b’hamon am in a year and a half. Israel’s successful vaccine campaign has dramatically reduced the infection rate and the number of seriously ill virus patients in recent weeks, allowing the government to loosen restrictions on gathering. However, some health regulations are still in place and due to this, Birchas Kohanim is taking place twice this year, on Monday and Tuesday, with the mispallelim divided into capsules by plastic partitions. On Sunday morning, Israel Police closed off all roads leading to the Old City to private vehicles and thousands of police officers were deployed throughout and outside the Old City to secure the area. Below, the Chief Rabbi HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef can be seen utilizing every moment for limmud Torah. הראשל"צ הגר"י יוסף שליט״א מנצל כל רגע פנוי ללימוד תודה… — ישי ירושלמי (@ishayyurslaem) March 29, 2021 UH ambulance transferred a homebound patient today, who requested to go to the Western Wall in order to participate in Birkat Kohanim. #Pesach #BirkatKohanim #MoadimLSimcha — United Hatzalah (@UnitedHatzalah) March 29, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Win $500 in a Pre-Shabbos HaGadol, Pesach-Halachos-Reviewing Song

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for This is a chance for you to both review your Pesach knowledge and halachos and at the same time fulfill a Mitzvah d’oraisah! Oh yes, and at the same time, you can win $500 from the Five Towns Jewish Times, if you are the first person to correctly fill out the answers in the following Pesach Halachos-Reviewing Song.  There will also be a second prize and a third prize. One entry per household, make sure that you include your name, address, and email address. Just be the first to email the 54 correct answers to the author at [email protected] Parents – you can use this as a review at your Shabbos table! Teachers, please feel free to print out and use this to review Pesach halachos. Business owners, you can distribute this as an incentive to give your employees your own prize!  The answers will (hopefully) appear in the next Five Towns Jewish Times! Also, if you wish to help out a needy family to fulfill the mitzvah of maos chitin – you can use that address too. Just please at an extra .18 cents to whatever you wish to give for record-keeping purposes. The Pesach-Halachos-Reviewing Song By Rabbi Yair Hoffman   Pesach is a favorite holiday of mine.. At the Seder we drink four cups of_________________ (1) Now that’s only if a person can, But it applies to every educable child, woman, and ______________ (2).   There is another law about the wine that we shouldn’t hide, And that is when we drink it we should lean on our left _____ (3). If you forgot to lean on cups number one or two.. You’ve  got to drink them again to be a good ______(4).   To show our freedom and to adore it, The cups of wine – try to get someone else to _________(5). You MAY NOT drink them all together – immediately -one after another.. This is true for all kids, the father, and also the _______ (6).   The cup should hold many ounces – three point three.. This is a very important halacha, you must  ____ (7). When Pesach falls on Shabbos, though, for Kiddush it is even more.. On that first cup you’ll need more than four point ______(8).   There’s another Mitzvah that many people, unfortunately, do abhor And that is the requirement to eat  a kezayis ____(9). It’s to remind us of our very difficult chayim When we experienced those dark days in _____________(10).   Some people use horseradish which is also called, “chrain..” Others use a type of lettuce called, “____________”(11). When you use the lettuce you must really search and detect.. You got to look out for any type of  ____________(12). Even with the Romaine the Mitzvah is no cinch.. You’ve got to eat an amount equivalent of eight by ten ________(13). And the amount for real horseradish – This shiur you beg? You must consume about one half of an ______(14).   If you find this amount absurd, Than of an egg-size of it – try to consume just one ______(15). But the Mitzvah with which you should spend most of your tayim Is the Mitzvah of, “sippur yetzias ________________”(16).   You should include all the details both happy and gory.. As you

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WARNING FROM HATZOLAH: This Purim has The Potential To Again Be a “Super Spreader” Event In Our Community

February 22, 2021 Dear Community Member, Before last Purim, we released our first community advisory regarding a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that was starting to spread in the United States. At that time, we encouraged the community to take basic precautions and to cancel any large gatherings, including on Purim. Immediately after Purim, unfortunately we saw a tremendous Increase in COVID-19 cases in our community. The devastation that COVID-19 left in its wake was enormous. This Purim has the potential to again be a “super-spreader” event in our community. As such, we feel compelled to release this advisory and remind people not to become complacent. We are hopefully nearing the end of this terrible pandemic, but we are not there yet. There are still many vulnerable people in our community who need to be protected. We want to remind you: Follow recommended CDC and government social distancing and mask precautions. Large gatherings should still be avoided, if possible. High-risk individuals should be extra cautious. If you are feeling sick: STAY HOME and consult your doctor if you have any medical questions. In the event of an emergency, call Hatzalah. A tremendous amount has been learned about COVID-19 over the past year, and there are several therapies and vaccines available now that have been helping to alter the disease trajectory. Cases in the United States are ב”ה on a downward trend, yet there are still many new cases of COVID each day. Hatzalah still sees new cases daily. We implore you to remain committed to the safe-practices listed above. With Hashem’s help, we will get through this together as a community. We are Mispallel and hope that this Purim the words of the Megilla ויקר וששון ושמחה אורה הייתה ליהודים come true.

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Purim In Israel: No Gatherings, Seudah With Nuclear Family Only

Israel’s coronavirus cabinet convened on Monday evening and ministers approved the outline of coronavirus czar Prof. Nachman Ash for celebrating Purim this year as well as a special outline for shuls for Parshas Zachor and Kriyas HaMegillah. In an agreement reached between UTJ MK Moshe Gafni, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Health Minister Yuli Edelstein, an outline for the opening of shuls was reached, to be implemented beginning this Shabbos, Parshas Zachor. Shuls can either operate with a limit of 10 mispallelim indoors or 20 outdoors or operate at 50% capacity for those with green passports, who have either recovered from the coronavirus or have been fully vaccinated. These regulations apply to Kriyas Megillas Esther as well. On Purim, seudos are restricted to nuclear families and the Health Ministry is launching a campaign to convince people to host only members of the family who are green passport holders. Purim mesibos, tischim, parades, and other gatherings are forbidden on Purim. Restrictions are limited to gatherings; there will be no restrictions of movement on Purim. It was also decided that the kever of Rav Shimon Bar Yochai will be closed from Thursday to Sunday. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Important Message From L.A. Rabbonim: Don’t Come From Out Of Town Collecting This Purim

As Purim approaches we all turn our eyes to Hakadosh Baruch Hu to protect us and deliver us from all illness and distress. In past years the Los Angeles community has welcomed and responded generously to the numerous groups of yeshiva bachurim soliciting funds on behalf of their worthy institutions. This year’s Purim needs to be different. The still severe health concerns in combination with the potential for Chilul Hashem require that we firmly urge that groups not be sent to our community this year. This includes bachurim whose families live in Los Angeles and are home for Purim. We strongly encourage the members of our local community to maintain and where possible increase their support of mosdos of Torah and Chesed, and are mispallel that in the Zchus of our assistance and caring for one another this Purim will bring אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. Rabbi Gershon Bess Kehilas Yaakov Rabbi Asher Brander LINK Kollel Rabbi Avorhom Czapnik Jewish Learning Exchange Rabbi Dovid Edelstein Bais Tefilo Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn Kehilat Yavneh Rabbi Shmuel Einhorn Zichron Moshe Rabbi Shmuel Fasman Kollel Los Angeles Rabbi Sholom Ginsberg Kehilas Yitzchok Rabbi Boruch Y. Gradon Kollel Merkaz HaTorah Rabbi Eliezer Gross Yeshiva Gedolah Rabbi Yochanan Henig Kollel Yechiel Yehuda Rabbi Moshe Kesselman Shaarei Tefilo Rabbi Yakov Krause Young Israel Hancock Park Rabbi Nechemia Langer Shaarei Torah Rabbi Shimon Raichik Bais Levi Yitzchok Rabbi Dovid Revah Adas Torah Rabbi Jonathan Rosenberg Shaarei Tzedek Rabbi Chaim Boruch Rubin Etz Chaim Rabbi Avorhom Stulberger Valley Torah Rabbi Yitzchok Summers Anshe Emes Rabbi Elchonon Tauber Bais Yehuda Rabbi Sholom Tendler Mesivta Birchas Yitzchok Rabbi Avrohom Union Av Bais Din – RCC (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Israel Police Return 7 Sifrei Torah Stolen From Sderot Shul

Israel Police returned seven Sifrei Torah and megillos stolen from a shul in Sderot following a week-long investigation. The shocking theft was discovered on Friday. Police were called to the scene and they immediately launched an investigation. The investigation led to the identification of five suspects, residents of the city and nearby moshavim. The suspects were detained and three of them were brought before the court with a request to extend their detention. The police also uncovered and raided the location where the Sifrei Torah and megillos were being stored on a farm on Moshav Noga. They brought the Siferei Torah to the Sderot police station and notified the shul’s gabbi, asking him to come to the station and identify them. Immediately following the gabbai’s identification, the policemen brought the Sifrei Torah to the shul. “Seeing the excitement and joy of the gabbai and the mispallelim this morning was heartwarming,” said Sederot Mayor Alon Davidi. “It’s erev Rosh Chodesh Adar, which we all rejoice in and now the happiness is double.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israeli, 36, Dies Of COVID, Friends Blame “Fake News” Backers As “Murderers”

Avraham Bodman, z’l, of the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem, passed away on Wednesday at Shaarei Tzedek hospital at the young age of 36 due to complications of the coronavirus, sadly before he merited to marry and raise a family. The niftar’s friends from his shul claim that his death could have been avoided, placing the blame on the spreaders of “fake news” regarding the vaccine against COVID-19. “With great sorrow, we inform you of the death of our dear friend due to complications of the coronavirus, Avraham, z’l, who greeted everyone cheerfully despite his difficult life, and frequented the beis medrash,” an email to the mispallelim of the Mishkan Shraga shul stated. “Now, when his grave lies open before us, it should be noted that Avraham, who was at some risk, refrained from getting vaccinated due to the fear of it harming fertility.” “The person who told him this nonsense, and all those who spread these lies, are murderers!” “Everyone in our community who was affected by the loss, should use this painful incident in order to warn people of the responsibility to get vaccinated and prevent the death of young and old!” Avraham, z’l, was born and raised in Mea Shearim. Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TEHILIM – Hagaon HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner Tests Positive For COVID

Hagaon HaRav Yitzchok Scheiner, the Rosh Yeshiva of Kaminetz, and member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, has tested positive for COVID-19. The Rosh Yeshiva is currently at home and in stable condition. Please be Mispallel for the 98-year-old Rosh Yeshiva. His name for Tehillim is Yitzchok Aryeh ben Perel. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Police Disperse Minyan in Beitar and Talmud Torah in Modi’in Illit For Covid-19 Violations

During a raid on a Talmud Torah that opened its doors to students on Sunday, the police arrested five men from the Peleg Yerushalmi in the city of Modi’in Illit. At the same time, violence erupted between Mispallelim and police officers at a Shul on Darchei Ish Street in Beitar Illit, following an attempt by the police to shut down a Minyan inside the shul. A spokesperson for the police issued a statement which said: “Following reports that were received regarding students learning in a Talmud Torah in Modi’in Illit, police officers were sent to the school who found dozens of students inside the building. As the officers attempted to find the director of the school and order him to disperse the classes of students, dozens of men arrived and began an altercation with the officers at the scene.” A news team that was at the location was also attacked and while police attempted to rescue them and extricate them from the crowd, the gathered Charedi men blocked the road, damaged a passing bus, and caused severe damage to police cruisers. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Antwerp Police Raid Belzer Maariv Minyan

Antwerp police officers raided a Belzer maariv minyan on Tuesday night, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. According to Belgian law, only gatherings of up to 17 people are currently allowed. The number of mispallelim at the minyan was only slightly above that number but the police recorded the personal information of all the mispallelim and each will be sent a fine of 250 euros. “There were mamash just a few people – all wearing masks and socially distancing as required,” one of the mispallelim told B’Chadrei. “The police are extremely stringent here. There’s someone here who simply is malshin to the police every time and they come and fine us.” This past Friday night, the police also raided the Belz shul and recorded the personal details of all the mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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The great music keeps coming our way from the Chizuk Project, as philanthropist Jeremy Strauss’s Covid-era dream of bringing music to the community steams full speed ahead through this challenging winter. This past Sunday night, was chosen for the release of the most upbeat Chizuk Project song so far, a wordless “Chizuk Nigun” full of joy and optimism, sung by the effervescent Shmueli Ungar. Representing a fusion of Shmueli Ungar’s authentic chassidish warmth with Eli Gerstner’s up-to-date musical and production choices, the song offers a very 2021 way to get chizuk (through music) and get happy this Chanukah. “I was working hard on my own “Madreigos” album when Eli called to invite me to take part in the Chizuk Project,” recalls the singer, whose own long-awaited third album burst onto the scene this past Tuesday. “I was very excited, but with a full album to plan and sing, my time was packed. Then he sent me the nigun, which was really fresh and fun, full of guitar twanging and happiness, and of course I wanted to do it.” Ungar says that although he has never collaborated with Gerstner before, he’s been a longstanding fan of his music. “The first Yeshiva Boys Choir album, with “Kol Hamispallel,” came out when I was growing up, and I loved it. It was exciting to get a call from Eli Gerstner.” The Chizuk Nigun is fresh, lively, and totally on-trend, ready to bring simcha to everyone’s home on a Chanukah when many are still unable to enjoy family parties. It’s an interesting contrast to the Madreigos album, where Shmueli goes back to his Chassidish roots, and expresses himself in a more authentically chassidish musical style, but the singer pulls it off with grace and his trademark sense of fun. For a sneak peek ahead, the next Chizuk Project release, coming out in around two weeks, is an English single entitled “We are One” written and sung by Baruch Levine, with arrangements by Eli. Without giving away too much in advance, Eli promises it is a soulful ode to achdus which will just hit the spot for a People who is proud of how close they can stay while forced apart. RISE, Hodu Lo, and Avraham Fried’s Chesed, were the first three installments of the Chizuk Project.  Together with songs four and five, “Chizuk Nigun” , “We Are One,” and five incredible new songs, which will be released on a free album, sung by stars Avraham Fried, Baruch Levine, Shmueli Ungar, Eli Gerstner, and The Yeshiva Boys Choir. To round out the fun for everyone, there will also be another exciting music video, and an exclusive women’s only production of RISE, sung by Shaindy Plotzker. What sets the Chizuk Project apart is its purpose, Eli explains. “The planning process for the Chizuk Project has been so different and refreshing. Jeremy’s generosity has enabled us to approach the song selection with an open mind. The songs don’t have to be catered to a wedding; instead, they have to touch people’s hearts.” The feedback from listeners has shown how RISE, Hodu Lo, and Chesed have already brought so much encouragement and help to listeners the world over, offering them a ladder to climb up toward certainty and happiness. These gorgeous songs will play over and over, at

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Get a Special Birchas Kohen From the Saintly RAV GAMLIEL RABINOWITZ!

Precious Yidden, There is a very chashuva talmid chochom whose son just got married. Currently, the situation is one of pikuach nefesh, as he has no money at all and is in a very difficult situation. I personally ask all my talmidim, friends, and to every yid wherever he may be to please help him by donating a substantial amount of money. He is in desperate need of the money and your donation will prevent him from falling apart! CLICK HERE TO DONATE! This a personal request and I am reaching out to you to help this tzaddik and to alleviate his financial strain. Please include yourself in this great mitzvah. I grant you a bircas Cohen with love: you should see only good things in your life and much success. Amen Also, I will be mispallel on זאת חנוכה for all who donate. Rabbi Gamliel Rabinowitz CLICK HERE TO DONATE!

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After Long Break Due To COVID, WOW Resumes Rosh Chodesh Provocation

About 2,000 mispallelim davened at the Kosel on Tuesday morning for Rosh Chodesh Kislev. However, unfortunately, the tefillah was disturbed by a small group of about ten women of the Women of the Wall organization who once again tried to smuggle a Sefer Torah into the Kosel plaza, in violation of the decisions of Israel’s Supreme Court and Attorney-General. The representatives of the Women of the Wall arrived at Shaar Ha’Ashpot and carried out a protest holding a Sefer Torah until the entrance to the Kosel. Their entrance was blocked by the Kosel Heritage Foundation’s security guards but the women refused to concede and a skirmish broke out at the scene. In their customary manner, the women caused a public disturbance by trying to physically force their way through the security checkpoint, pushing off the ushers and police officers. “We regret the fact that the entire goal of this group is to cause a provocation without heed to the consequences and harm to the feelings of the public and the kedushah of the Kosel Hamaaravi,” the Kosel Heritage Foundation stated in a press release. JOIN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS WHO ALREADY ARE ALERTED OF BREAKING NEWS LIKE THIS IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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The Semi-Minyan of COVID Times

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for In the ever-fluctuating laws of COVID times, we may be back to that ten-man limit, unfortunately.  The fear of getting a summons causes the minyan attendees to spread out among mini-minyanim. All this, brings us back to studying the halachos of semi-Minyanim more carefully. The burning question is: What happens when not all of the ten people that have gathered for the minyan are davening now? Is it considered Tefilah b’Tzibbur?  One of the outdoor minyanim in Far Rockaway will sometimes have people that have already davened.  At times the speed of the minyan is not compatible with what that mispallel is used to and he will opt to daven later.  Is that considered full-fledged Tefilah b’Tzibbur? The answer: It is a very good question and a fascinating halachic debate. At the heart of the matter lies a controversially read Chayei Odom (Klal 19:1). Rabbi Avrohom Danziger (1748-1820) writes in his Chayei Odom: “And the essence of Tefilah b’Tzibbur is the prayer of Shmoneh Esreh, that is –  ten adult people who will pray together. And not like the masses think, that the essence of praying with ten is just so that one can hear kaddish and kedusha and Barchu. Therefore, they are not careful to pray together – they just ensure that there are ten people in shul, and it is a great error.” TWO WAYS TO READ THE CHAYEI ODOM Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l (1895-1986) addressed this issue in the years 1951 and 1952 in a series of Teshuvos.   In Igros Moshe OC I #28, Rav Moshe understands this Chayei Odom as actually saying that all ten must be davening together and that if even one is not davening it is not full-fledged Tfilah B’Tzibbur. In the very next Teshuvah in the Igros Moshe is addressed to Rabbi Mordechai Spielman (1923-2007). Rabbi Spielman argues that the Chayei Odom could be read to indicate that the majority is davening. A close reading of the Rambam in Hilchos Tefilah 8:4 also seems to indicate that it is considered Tefilah B’Tzibbur even if there were only a majority of the ten who are present actually have davened. Rav Moshe zt”l, in fact, addresses this Rambam in response #30 to Rabbi Noach Breier from Spring Valley. Rav Moshe attempts to avoid a contradiction between this Rambam and a responsum written by the Rambam and thus rereads the Mishne Torah Rambam in a manner that he himself says does not reflect the simple reading. THE OTHER READING Those that disagree with Rav Moshe aside from the two mentioned above are the following: Dayan Weiss zt”l (Minchas Yitzchok Vol. IX #6) Rav Ovadiah Yoseph according to this author’s recollection (but as yet have not found the reference). Rav Binyomin Zilber zt”l in Oz Nidberu (Vol. II #57) disagrees as well. Dayan Yisroel Yaakov Fisher zt”l (Even Yisroel Vol. VII #9), however, agrees with Rav Moshe’s reading and reasoning. These views are cited in the Psichas HaIgroa p.21. ROSH CHODESH DAVENING Another question that may depend upon this machlokes is when you have 10 but 1 of the 10 has to leave to drive his wife to work [which happened this morning].  What if the replacement tenth man did not daven Shacharis yet?  Normally, we say he should sit

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Israel: Shuls Reopen For Minyanim Of 10, 1st-4th Graders Return To School

Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed 812 new coronavirus cases on Motzei Shabbos, with test results reflecting a positivity rate of .2.1%. There are currently 419 seriously ill patients, of whom 182 are ventilated. The death toll has risen to 2,523. The coronavirus cabinet approved a rollback of coronavirus restrictions on Friday, including the reopening of shuls for minyamin of ten mispallelim beginning on Sunday at 6 a.m. Minyanim of 20 mispallelim are allowed outdoors. Participants of any minyanim found to be in violation of restrictions will be fined NIS 500 each. Weddings and other simchas will also be allowed with up to ten participants indoors and 20 outdoors. Hair salons, vacation rental sites, national parks and historical sites are allowed to reopen on Sunday but stores will remain closed until November 15. First to fourth graders are returning to their classrooms on Sunday. The IDF, in cooperation with the Kupot Cholim and hospitals, tested elementary teachers for COVID-19 this past week. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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COVID Fringe Benefit? A Rare Quiet Rosh Chodesh At The Kosel As WOW Stays Away

As Israel’s Kosel Hamaaravi re-opened on Sunday following a four-week lockdown, mispallelim began flocking to the site to daven once again at the Makom Hamikdash and recite the special tefillos for Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan. About 1,500 mispallelim were present at the vasikin minyan for Rosh Chodesh on Monday morning, divided into separate capsules. The tefillah was made even more special by the fact that for the first time in years, the provocative members of the Women of the Wall were missing in action, choosing to carry out their monthly “Rosh Chodesh protest” on Zoom. Instead, only Jews who were solely interested in davening were present, lending the tefillah a special peacefulness and achdus. “The Kosel Heritage Foundation calls out to continue this path of a lull in protests at the Kosel plaza every Rosh Chodesh, leaving it as a site of unity, per the mesorah in Israel,” the foundation stated. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Rejoicing At Dawn: Neitz Minyan Resumes As Kosel Re-Opens

Israel began implementing the first steps in emerging from its four-week nationwide lockdown on Sunday, including the reopening of the Kosel plaza for a restricted amount of mispallelim in capsules. During the lockdown, only those who reside within a kilometer of the Kosel were allowed to daven there, including on Chol Hamoed Sukkos, when tens of thousands usually are “oleh l’regel” throughout the Yom Tov. Birchas Kohanim took place with only about 20 participants. Early Sunday morning, the Gabaiim of Neitz minyanim at the Kosel, who had to daven elsewhere for the past month, showed their joy at being able to resume their regular davening at the Makom HaMikdash. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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MAILBAG: Father of Journalist Jacob Kornbluh Speaks Out

As the father of Jacob Kornbluh, I wish to express my horror and disgust at the trolls and vile comments and curses directed towards Jacob. Some comments even incite others to murder him for being a Moiser. All you need is one crazed person to take that “Mitzva” on board Chas V’esholom. Has anyone verified the definition of what Mesira is? Suppose a Jew climbs into an apartment building in the dead of the night with an intent to steal and possible injure you or your family in the process, would you consider it Mesira to call Police? What he did was to report his Shul as being open to the public at a time when there was total lockdown, when Yidden were dying in the dozens; and hence his agenda was to alert the authorities to prevent further deaths and make sure that the Mispallelim stay safe at home and do not go to Shul at a time when COVID-19 was raging. There was no political nor financial motive besides advocating wellbeing and promoting protective safety measures for his fellow Shul members through alerting the Mayor who agreed to deploy police officers just to disperse the gathering. No one was arrested, No one was jailed, no one was fined, no one was deported, no one was exiled. How can his actions be considered as legitimate Mesira? Unfortunately the Chareidi world is in denial and wearing masks or social distancing is taboo and hence the flare up of this virus. Where are the community activists, the Rabbonim and the community leaders as a gang of mobsters descend outside a family home and hurl abuse and obscenities and incite hostility against a family who are trapped in their own home through fear and trepidation? These scenes were beamed around the globe via Major TV stations and Media outlets. The Chillul Hashem in watching fellow Jews behaving like crazed anarchists in chanting booing and baying for Jacobs blood like hoodlums and egged on by a mob Leader is just beyond comprehension. Where are the parents of those Bochurim who participated? What message does such behavior send to our young children? If anyone has a legitimate claim against Jacob, then call him to a Rov or a Dayan who will judge whether he is considered a Moiser, but to act as judge and jury in condemning him for his actions and meting out such abhorrent retribution is just not acceptable . Kind Regards Yitzchok Kornbluh NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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“Should We Daven For A Covid-19 Patient Who Didn’t Adhere To Regulations?” HaRav Zilberstein Responds

Hagaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein, a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah, the Rav of the Ramat Elchanan neighborhood of Bnei Brak, and the son-in-law of HaRav Elyashiv, z’tl, paskened that if someone defiantly chooses not to wear a mask, in some cases he’s considered as if he’s knowingly harming himself and there’s no need to daven for his refuah. Kikar H’Shabbos reported that someone approached Rav Zilberstein, one of the greatest poskim of the generation with specific expertise in medical issues, saying: “In a certain shul, there’s a tzaddik and talmid chacham who says Tehillim for cholim and many people give him names to daven for.” “One shul member who has health issues comes to shul without a mask. Other mispallelim, including the talmid chacham, asked him to wear one but he absolutely refused. The talmid chacham said to him: ‘You’re destroying yourself with your own hands. Don’t come to me asking to daven for you.’” “Sure enough, the man contracted the virus and when he was hospitalized in serious condition, his family members asked the talmid chacham to daven for him. The talmid chacham responded that he doesn’t want to daven for him ‘because we warned him that he’s knowingly committing suicide and that he shouldn’t come to me if he gets sick.’” The man then asked Rav Zilberstein his shaila: “Am I obligated to daven for someone who goes to shul without a mask?” Rav Zilberstein responded: “If the patient was already unhealthy even before he contracted the coronavirus and maybe he wasn’t even completely in his right mind, we have a chiyuv to daven for him despite the fact that he didn’t wear a mask.” “There’s a lot of confusion and there are people that rationalize that there’s no need to wear a mask. The Minchas Elazar said that if a person puts himself at risk in order to save his possessions and he’s saved through a neis, he doesn’t bentch Hagomel.” “There was an incident of a Jew who owned precious stones and he walked in the street holding his package of precious stones. An armed thief accosted him and tried to steal his package. Although the Jew was aware that the thief was armed, he refused to cede the package and instead fled the scene. The thief shot at him but didn’t succeed in hitting him.” “The Jew approached us and we paskened that he’s a pere adam [wild man] who put himself at risk. According to the din, he was obligated to give over his possessions and not risk his life and therefore he doesn’t bentch Hagomel. Hagaon Rav Chaim Palagi wrote that a person who drank poison and put himself at risk but the doctors managed to save his life, doesn’t bentch Hagomel because he brought the tzara on himself with his own hands. But if he drank it due to great distress because he was starving then he does bentch Hagomel.” In conclusion, Rav Zilberstein paskened: “We don’t need to daven for a person who knowlingly harms himself for no reason. If the man is saved, he doesn’t bentch Hagomel. But if prior to his extremist actions he was already in a difficult situation or he was ill, then we daven for him. If he’s saved, the man has to bentch Hagomel.” (YWN

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DEVELOPING: The Yom Kippur Battle: Will Israel’s Shuls Remain Open?

As Israel’s daily coronavirus cases continue to soar, the coronavirus cabinet met for over eight hours on Tuesday to discuss further restrictions to combat the growing spread of the coronavirus but the meeting ended without any decisions. Following the meeting, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu‏‏ said that “the decisions will be reached no later than tomorrow.” The cabinet is expected to reconvene on Wednesday to reach a final decision on further restrictions. The key issue that led to the lack of decisions was that of closing shuls, especially on Yom Kippur, followed by the issue of the ongoing protests against Netanyahu. Interior Minister Aryeh Deri threatened to resign if shuls will be closed while protests are allowed to continue. Although minyanim will be allowed to convene outdoor, the religious MKs said that forcing mispallelim to daven outside all day in the heat on Yom Kippur while fasting is not realistic. “Why are there no discussions regarding protests and beaches?” Deri said at the meeting. “You are mentioning only mikvaot, batei knesset and the Arba Minim. I don’t understand why tefillos should be banned but not protests. A government that decides protests can be held but tefillos cannot is acting like a non-Jewish government.” Not all Rabbanim agree with Deri. HaRav Dovid Yosef, member of the Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah of Shas, the son of Hagaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef, z’tl, called for the immediate closing of shuls, even on Yom Kippur, saying that tefillos should only be held outdoors. הרב דוד יוסף, חבר מועצת חכמי התורה של ש״ס ובנו של הרב עובדיה יוסף: לסגור באופן מיידי את בתי הכנסת. גם ביום הכיפורים התפילה רק באוויר הפתוח או בבתים ביחידות — יאיר שרקי (@yaircherki) September 23, 2020 On the other hand, Rav Yosef’s brother, the Rishon L’Tzion HaRav Yitzchak Yosef, called for shuls to remain open on Yom Kippur with fully opened windows and small groups of mispallelim – all wearing masks and maintaining social distancing regulations. Many Rabbanim, including the Rishon L’Tzion and Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau, have instructed men to refrain from the customary minhag of being toivel in a mikvah on erev Yom Kippur. Netanyahu also slammed the double standard regarding protests, when hundreds or even thousands of Israelis gather with little regard to wearing masks or maintaining social distancing. Furthermore, as a “protest” organized at a beach in Tel Aviv in recent days attested, there is often a thin line between a legitimate protest and a party. “I refrained from commenting on the issue for a long time but after hearing the experts claiming that gatherings are a huge danger to public health it’s my obligation to address it,” Netanyahu said at the coronavirus cabinet meeting, Channel 12 News reported. “The entire public is required to comply with restrictions with only a group of protesters excluded from the regulations. You’re allowed to go to the Kotel only if you live within 1,000 meters of it, but people from all over the country can travel to Balfour Street [location of the Prime Minister’s Residence in Jerusalem].” “Only capsules of 20 people are allowed at the Kosel but anything goes at the protests. This farce must stop. Everyone understands this, even on the left. We’re in a state of emergency. There must be one law for both tefillos and demonstrations and

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RH Around The World: Ship On The Danube & Dual-Border Shofar Blowing In The Caribbean

Jews around the world marked Rosh Hashanah in a manner they wouldn’t have envisioned a year ago, with almost everyone at least davening in smaller minyanim while wearing masks and many davening in outdoor minyanim. But in some countries, Rosh Hashanah minyanim was even more unusual and in at least one country – non-existent. In Hungary, a recent surge in coronavirus infections led to the government tightening restrictions right before Rosh Hashana, banning all religious activities in indoor houses of worship. Instead, Hungary’s Jews davened in a variety of open-air locations, including a boat on the Danube River, in tents, and on the deck of a floating hotel, JTA reported. As the Zsilip shul in downtown Budapest is located on the Danube riverside, its Rav, Rabbi Shmulik Glitzenstein, decided to rent the deck of a floating hotel on the Danube to hold open-air tefillos. The Rav of another shul, the 200-year-old Óbuda shul in Budapest, which normally hosts about 700 mispallelim on Rosh Hashanah, arranged for a huge tent to be set up outside the shul with room for a few hundred mispallelim. “We have decided to proceed with all the holiday celebrations as planned while taking all the necessary health and safety precautions to protect our community,” Rav of the shul and Chabad shaliach Shlomo Koves told JTA. Koves added that shofar-blowing was arranged in open-air locations in each of Budapest’s 23 districts. In the Caribbean, Chabad Rav Rabbi Moishe Chanowitz, blew the shofar on the national border of St. Martin, enabling Jews on both sides of the island to hear the shofar, The Jerusalem Post reported. St. Martin is the smallest land mass in the world which houses two separate countries, with the northern part of the island being French St Martin and the southern part being Dutch Sint Maarten. The division was always a friendly agreement, with citizens freely moving across the border in both directions – that is until the coronavirus pandemic. When the Dutch side decided to lift their tourist ban, the French side opposed the move and subsequently closed its border to their southern neighbors. “It created real chaos,” says Rabbi Moishe Chanowitz, who co-directs Chabad-Lubavitch of S. Maarten/Martin with his wife, Sara. “People live on one side and do business on the other, while others go to school on one end away from their homes on the other end. It’s really one country, and no one ever looked at the border as anything other than a symbolic marker. The only difference is the electric company, really.” Rabbi Chanowitz decided to blow the shofar on the border itself and stuck with his plan even after the French government retracted its move following heavy protests and opened its border on Thursday. “Right now, we feel so apart from each other,” Goldman said. “This split has really kept us away from one another, and we are all so happy to have this chance to gather and be a community again.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Starting 8:30 Tonight! The Ohel Sarala Aseres Yimei Teshuva Live Stream Event

DON’T MISS IT! TUNE IN HERE AT 8:30 PM In honor of the Aseres Ymei Tshuva, This Monday night, Motzai Tzom Gedalia, Ohel Sarala and Bonei Olam will host an Evening of Inspiration. The live stream will feature renowned speakers, Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and Charlene Aminoff. Watch an all-new, real-life Ohel Sarala story and hear what it’s like to be part, from some of our very own Ohel Sarala girls and Kallahs. The Livestream will begin at 8:30 PM right here on YWN, and at It can also be accessed on the phone by calling 605-313-5333 Access Code: 752698   The Story of Ohel Sarala:It all began when Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam, visited Hagaon Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zatzal. Rav Shteinman told Rabbi Bochner that there are two challenges facing Klal Yisroel that allow him no peace of mind – singles seeking shidduchim and couples struggling to have a child. Both have no children. The Torah itself shows that the two are related, said the Rosh Yeshiva. Only after Sarah Imeinu gave Hagar to Avraham Avinu, saying “Ulai ibaneh mimenah, perhaps I will be built from her” (Beraishis 16:2),” did Hashem send the malach to tell her that she would give birth. The Torah is teaching us middah k’neged middah. When a person assists someone else with having a child, there is a havtacha that he will also merit a child. And since a person can only have a child through marriage, said the Rosh Yeshiva, helping someone have a child is a zechus for a single to find a zivug. Rav Shteinman advised Rabbi Bochner to give singles an opportunity to help waiting couples financially. Such an arrangement, he said, would harness the power of middah k’neged midah, and would open a channel of great brachah. A short while afterward, Rabbi Bochner related this conversation to Rabbi Aryeh Ginzberg. Rabbi Ginzberg and his wife had been seeking a project to undertake in memory of their daughter, Sarala, a”h. Taking Harav Shteinman’s words to heart, they founded Ohel Sarala as a zechus for the neshamah of their daughter, a”h, who didn’t merit to get married or have children. Ohel Sarala matches singles with couples waiting for children.The process is simple. The singles sign up through Ohel Sarala; the couples are reached through Bonei Olam. The singles make a donation to designated couple being helped by Bonei Olam. Then, following Chazal’s dictum of hamispallel b’ad chaveiro ne’eneh techilah, the singles and couples daven for each other. People donate anything from small amounts to $10,000. Ohel Sarala has raised significant funds for Bonei Olam, so that collectively, the singles are fulfilling Sarah Imeinu’s words, “ulei ibaneh memenah.” Ohel Sarala has a beautiful website where people can sign up to join, and view powerful speeches and articles. The entire project is completely anonymous. The singles and couples get only a Hebrew name to daven for. Today, Ohel Sarala has been part of over an astonishing 260 babies and 1247 shidduchim.  

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Shocking Incident In Manchester: 3 Sifrei Torah R”L Fall To Ground During Birchas Kohanim

A disturbing incident occurred in Manchester on Shabbos, the first day of Rosh Hashanah, when three sifrei Torah fell on the ground in the Chabad shul on Singelton Street. The shul was holding tefillos outdoors in the courtyard of the shul due to the coronavirus. The sifrei Torah were placed within an Aron Kodesh on a table but apparently the makeshift arrangement was not sufficiently secure as a strong wind blew the aron with the sifrei Torah onto the ground. The incident, which would have been disturbing at any time but was especially distressful due to it occurring on Yom HaDin, was a source of great shock and tzaar to the mispallelim. The shul’s Rav, Rav Mendel Cohen, announced that he will consult with the community’s Rabbanim to decide what tikkunim the mispallelim should undertake in wake of the incident. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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The Ohel Sarala Aseres Yimei Teshuva Live Stream Event: TONIGHT!

  In honor of Aseres Yemei Tshuva, this Monday night, Motzei Tzom Gedalia, Ohel Sarala and Bonei Olam will host an Evening of Inspiration. The livestream will feature renowned speakers, Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and Mrs. Charlene Aminoff. Watch an all-new, real-life Ohel Sarala story. Hear from some of our very own Ohel Sarala girls what it’s like to be part of such a beautiful and meaningful organization. The Livestream will begin at 8:30 PM right here, and at It can also be accessed via phone by calling 605-313-5333 Access Code: 752698 The Story of Ohel Sarala: It all began when Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam, visited Hagaon Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zatzal. Rav Shteinman told Rabbi Bochner that there are two challenges facing Klal Yisroel that allow him no peace of mind – singles seeking shidduchim and couples struggling to have a child. Both have no children. The Torah itself shows that the two are related, said the Rosh Yeshiva. Only after Sarah Imeinu gave Hagar to Avraham Avinu, saying “Ulai ibaneh mimenah, perhaps I will be built from her” (Beraishis 16:2),” did Hashem send the malach to tell her that she would give birth. The Torah is teaching us middah k’neged middah. When a person assists someone else with having a child, there is a havtacha that he will also merit a child. And since a person can only have a child through marriage, said the Rosh Yeshiva, helping someone have a child is a zechus for a single to find a zivug. Rav Shteinman advised Rabbi Bochner to give singles an opportunity to help waiting couples financially. Such an arrangement, he said, would harness the power of middah k’neged midah, and would open a channel of great brachah. A short while afterward, Rabbi Bochner related this conversation to Rabbi Aryeh Ginzberg. Rabbi Ginzberg and his wife had been seeking a project to undertake in memory of their daughter, Sarala, a”h. Taking Harav Shteinman’s words to heart, they founded Ohel Sarala as a zechus for the neshamah of their daughter, a”h, who didn’t merit to get married or have children. Ohel Sarala matches singles with couples waiting for children. The process is simple. The singles sign up through Ohel Sarala; the couples are reached through Bonei Olam. The singles make a donation to designated couple being helped by Bonei Olam. Then, following Chazal’s dictum of hamispallel b’ad chaveiro ne’eneh techilah, the singles and couples daven for each other. People donate anything from small amounts to $10,000. Ohel Sarala has raised significant funds for Bonei Olam, so that collectively, the singles are fulfilling Sarah Imeinu’s words, “ulei ibaneh memenah.” Ohel Sarala has a beautiful website where people can sign up to join, and view powerful speeches and articles. The entire project is completely anonymous. The singles and couples get only a Hebrew name to daven for. Today, Ohel Sarala has been part of over an astonishing 260 babies and 1247 shidduchim.

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The Ohel Sarala Aseres Yimei Teshuva Live Stream Event

In honor of the Aseres Ymei Tshuva, This Monday night, Motzai Tzom Gedalia, Ohel Sarala and Bonei Olam will host an Evening of Inspiration. The live stream will feature renowned speakers, Rabbi Shlomo Farhi and Charlene Aminoff. Watch an all-new, real-life Ohel Sarala story and hear what it’s like to be part, from some of our very own Ohel Sarala girls and Kallahs. The Livestream will begin at 8:30 PM right here on THE YESHIVA WORLD NEWS, and at It can also be accessed on the phone by calling 605-313-5333 Access Code: 752698   The Story of Ohel Sarala:It all began when Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam, visited Hagaon Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zatzal. Rav Shteinman told Rabbi Bochner that there are two challenges facing Klal Yisroel that allow him no peace of mind – singles seeking shidduchim and couples struggling to have a child. Both have no children. The Torah itself shows that the two are related, said the Rosh Yeshiva. Only after Sarah Imeinu gave Hagar to Avraham Avinu, saying “Ulai ibaneh mimenah, perhaps I will be built from her” (Beraishis 16:2),” did Hashem send the malach to tell her that she would give birth. The Torah is teaching us middah k’neged middah. When a person assists someone else with having a child, there is a havtacha that he will also merit a child. And since a person can only have a child through marriage, said the Rosh Yeshiva, helping someone have a child is a zechus for a single to find a zivug. Rav Shteinman advised Rabbi Bochner to give singles an opportunity to help waiting couples financially. Such an arrangement, he said, would harness the power of middah k’neged midah, and would open a channel of great brachah. A short while afterward, Rabbi Bochner related this conversation to Rabbi Aryeh Ginzberg. Rabbi Ginzberg and his wife had been seeking a project to undertake in memory of their daughter, Sarala, a”h. Taking Harav Shteinman’s words to heart, they founded Ohel Sarala as a zechus for the neshamah of their daughter, a”h, who didn’t merit to get married or have children. Ohel Sarala matches singles with couples waiting for children.The process is simple. The singles sign up through Ohel Sarala; the couples are reached through Bonei Olam. The singles make a donation to designated couple being helped by Bonei Olam. Then, following Chazal’s dictum of hamispallel b’ad chaveiro ne’eneh techilah, the singles and couples daven for each other. People donate anything from small amounts to $10,000. Ohel Sarala has raised significant funds for Bonei Olam, so that collectively, the singles are fulfilling Sarah Imeinu’s words, “ulei ibaneh memenah.” Ohel Sarala has a beautiful website where people can sign up to join, and view powerful speeches and articles. The entire project is completely anonymous. The singles and couples get only a Hebrew name to daven for. Today, Ohel Sarala has been part of over an astonishing 260 babies and 1247 shidduchim.

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What Are Israel’s Rules For Rosh Hashanah Davening?

Following the Israeli government’s approval of a nationwide lockdown beginning on erev Rosh Hashanah, it also approved a special outline for tefillos for the Yamim Tovim in Tishrei. The outline will go into effect at the same time as the lockdown, on erev Rosh Hashanah and continue for three weeks, until after Sukkos, on October 11. Davening will be allowed in minyanim of up to 20 people outdoors. The number of mispallelim and/or minyanim allowed in closed spaces indoors will be in accordance with both the size of the building and the number of entrances to the building as well as the infection rate in the city the shul is located in. Every shul large enough to have more than one entrance will be allowed to hold three minyanim or capsules for the first two entrances, with another two minyanim or capsules allowed for each additional entrance, as long as there are four meters of space for each person in the shul. A small 70 square-meter shul will be allowed to hold one minyan with ten people. In a “red zone,” a larger shul with more than one entrance will be allowed to hold three minyanim of ten people each for each entrance. So for example, a 250-meter shul in a “red zone” with two entrances will be allowed to hold six minyanim with ten mispallelim each in separate capsules and a 500-square meter shul with five entrances will be allowed to have 12 minyanim of ten people each in separate capsules. In a non-red zone, tefillos will be allowed in minyanim or capsules of up to 25 mispallelim, with the amount of minyanim in accordance with the size of the shul, the number of entrances, and the maintenance of four meters for each person. For example, in a 400-meter shul in a non-red zone with two entrances, four minyanim with 25 mispallelim each will be allowed as long as there are four meters of space for each person. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Coronavirus Cabinet Approves Outline For Yamim Noraim Tefillos

Israel’s coronavirus cabinet, which convened on Sunday evening, approved an initial outline for Yamim Noraim tefillos. Tefillos on the Yamim Noraim will be able to be conducted outdoors in groups of up to 250 mispallelim, divided into capsules of 20 people each. Mispallelim must sit two meters apart except for nuclear family members. Indoor tefillos can only be held in buildings that are at least 40 square meters (430 square feet) large in gatherings that allow mispallelim to sit two meters apart. Large shuls can hold tefillos with up to 1,000 mispallelim as long as the number of people do not exceed one person for every four square meters. Shuls in “red zones,” in which infection rates are high, will be subject to additional restrictions, as outlined in coronavirus czar Prof. Ronni Gamzu’s “traffic light” model, which was approved by the cabinet on Sunday. The outline must still be approved by the Knesset. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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