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PHOTOS & VIDEO: Mayor Bloomberg Visits Camps HASC, Bnos & Town of Woodburne

[Click HERE for photos] (VIDEO LINK BELOW) Continuing on his campaign trail, Mayor Michael Bloomberg traveled out of NYC to Upstate New York, and visited Sullivan County in the Catskill Mountains. Travelling with the Mayor was NYC Councilman Simcha Felder, and Mark Botnick who handles Jewish outreach for the Bloomberg campaign. His first stop was at Camp HASC, where the Mayor spoke with camp directors, and met with many mentally challenged adults & children. The Mayor visited the camp’s gym, where he witnessed the campers play basketball and other sports. The campers were thrilled to meet the Mayor, and quite a few hugged him tightly. The Mayor posed for a photo with Lakewood Deputy Mayor Meyer Lichtenstein and Camp Directors, and left. His second stop was at Camp Bnos (an Agudath Israel summer camp), where the Mayor was given a warm welcome by more then a thousand cheering girls in their main ballroom. The Mayor was then introduced, and addressed the packed room. The highlight of the Camp Bnos visit was when the Mayor was asked to autograph a large painting which had a photo of himself holding a tee-shirt. At his side in Camp Bnos was Rabbi Meir Frischman, the Director of camp Agudah and camp Bnos, and Rabbi Bernard Freilich, the Special Assistant to the NYSP Superintendent. Finally, the Mayor travelled to the Town of Woodburne, where hundreds of people were eagerly awaiting his arrival. He arrived with a NYSP escort, and Town of Fallsburg Police were on hand to assist the Mayors security detail. The Mayor exited his black SUV, and was greeted by cheering supporters. The Mayor was smiling as he posed for photos with those who asked, signed autographs, and proceeded to take a slow walk down Main Street. He first stopped into the chocolate store, and purchased a nice box full of chocolates, posed for photos with the store owner, and thanked them for their support. As the Mayor exited the store, a schoolbus filled with Satmar children passed by all holding “Bloomberg For Mayor” signs written in Yiddish. The Mayor smiled, and waved to the children. The next stop was a fruit & vegetable store, where the Mayor was handed a juicy kosher sour pickle, thanked the store owner and then went next door to the Woodburne Pizza Shop. The Mayor walked behind the counter, posed for photos, and ordered two pies of pizza. He was joined by supporters at a table, ate a slice, and gave the rest of the slices to children who were packed around his table. Next was two stops: at the grocery store, and then the Woodburne Bakery where the Mayor was seen smiling and thanking supporters. Lastly, the Mayor posed for a photo in front of a Catskills Hatzolah ambulance, and a group of Hatzolah Coordinators and Volunteers – including long-time Flatbush Hatzolah member Neil Tepper. As the Mayor walked back to his SUV, he was given a public endorsement by Jewish celebrity and radio DJ ‘County Yossi’. “I endorse Mayor Michael Bloomberg for Mayor of NYC”, said Country Yossi. “He’s the best Mayor in the entire country”. Prior to leaving, the Mayor thanked everyone for their support, took photos with the NYSP Troopers, Fallsburg Police Chief Simmy Williams and officers from the Fallsburg PD, and left back to

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Psychiatrist Retracts Evaluation on Meah Shearim Mom

3:00PM IL: In an announcement that will have profound ramifications. Psychiatrist Dr. Yaakov Weill has announced he is retracting the evaluation on the Meah Shearim mom suspected of abuse that was submitted to the court. In his official evaluation submitted to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, Dr. Weill stated the mother in question does not have Munchausen by proxy and she does not pose a danger to her children. The weight of the doctor’s evaluation was instrumental in the court’s decision to release her and permit her to rejoin her family. Dr. Weill was the court-appointed psychiatrist instructed to evaluate the mental state of the mother. According to the Ynet report, Dr. Weill sent a letter to Rabbi Avraham Freilich, who was responsible for the mother during her house arrest period, stating he did not have the proper tools to make the determination. “I will stress that I do not consider myself an expert witness appointed by the court, and I was just obliging you, the rabbis, who asked that I examine her”, Ynet quotes the letter as saying. The state prosecution has submitted the letter to the court. YWN Israel contacted the Eida Chareidis and awaits a statement which will be published forthwith. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Rav Wosner Brutally Attacked in Upstate New York – UPDATE

[UPDATE BELOW] HaRav Mordechai Ze’ev Wosner, rosh yeshiva of Chernobyl Boro Park, who is in the Catskills in update NY, was brutally attacked in an apparent hate crime. Rav Wosner, a grandson of Maran HaGaon Shmuel Halevy Wosner Shlita is in Camp Kavanas HaLev with his talmidim. According to the information available, he went out at night for a walk in the country and an unknown person assaulted him, beating him without mercy until he was felled. His talmidim found the rav on the ground moaning from his injuries. He was transported to a hospital by Hatzolah. Non-detailed reports indicate the rosh yeshiva may have sustained significant head trauma in the attack, which occurred on Sunday night NY time. UPDATE 10:45AM EST: Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Special Assistant to the NYSP Superintendent tells YWN that police are taking this incident very seriously, and are doing their utmost to make an arrest. NYSP Captain Wane Olson of Troop F is personally involved in the case, and many investigators have already been assigned. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Another Hearing Set for Sunday for Chareidi Toddler in Hadassah

The president of the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court, Justice Shulamit Dotan on erev shabbos released the mother to house arrest, continuing in the home of askan Rav Freilich, reunited with three of her children. The hearing on Sunday will address the hospitalized toddler, who the mother is suspected of abusing. The court will have to decide if he too may be reunited with his mother upon his release, which is expected on Sunday.   The Eida Chareidis chalked up a victory on erev shabbos when Jerusalem District Court Justice Rafi Carmel upheld Dotan’s decision to permit the continued house arrest and to reunite the mother with her children.   Justice Carmel had harsh words for the prosecution, accusing the state of “taking things way out of proportion… After all there is an adult supervising. What is she going to do, drown them all in the bathtub?”   Mom was released and she returned to Meah Shearim on erev shabbos, with neighbors reporting she was met with a warm welcome, embraced by her children. It should be pointed out that Justice Dotan did release the mother but added there is sufficient evidence for a criminal indictment against the defendant regarding the hospitalized child, evidence that contradicts the favorable psychiatric evaluation submitted by Dr. Yaakov Weill. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Court Permits Mom to Return to [Some of Her] Children

The court on erev Shabbos ruled the mom in the suspected abuse case may remain under house arrest, but united with her children. Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Justice Shulamit Dotan remanded her to the custody of Rav Freilich, where she was until now, but she may now be reunited with her children after psychiatric Dr. Yaakov Weill in his evaluation expressed he does not view the mother as a threat to her children as alleged by the state and police. Regarding the child admitted to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital, mom will not be permitted to be reunited with him. Eida Chareidis officials told YWN Israel on erev shabbos they expect the toddler to be released today, Sunday, but he will remain with family members. His mother may not be in contact with him until state social workers give the green light to reunite them. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Tensions Mounting Between Toldos Aaron & the Eida

It is not just about what is good for the child or his parents some are already theorizing and tensions between Toldos Aaron and the Eida Chareidis continue to increase surrounding the toddler in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. As reported earlier by YWN, there appears to be much more to this case than the chareidi community just taking care of one of its own, as is beginning to unfold. Another hearing is scheduled and if the mother is not released from house arrest as is hoped, there is already a dispute surrounding her future. The askanim and rabbonim remain divided, with the moderates calling for the mother to remain at the home of Rav Freilich, not wishing to push their luck with the court, while the more militant faction is calling to ‘go for broke’ and totally disregard the secular state and its judicial system. Both R’ Freilich and R’ Smeidal seem to count themselves among the militants while opposing them are the Toldos Aaron Rebbe Shlita, Deputy Health Minister Yaakov Litzman and prominent chareidi askan and journalist Dudi Zilbershlag. One suggestion for an alternative location is the home of HaRav Tuvia Blau Shlita, but this was rejected. It appears tensions began flaring with the introduction of R’ Smeidal into the picture, brought in by Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaRav Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita. One of the ongoing dispute is the Eida, though R’ Smeidal, has hired the services of prominent attorney Yaakov Weinrot while the current attorneys, Reuven Bar-Chaim and David Halevy were hired by the Toldos Aaron Rebbe. Gavaad Weiss is expected to have the final say. One victory for the Toldos Aaron Rebbe is the fact that the woman did meet with the psychiatrist, a move opposed by Gavaad Weiss too, but Toldos Aaron askanim apparently were able to persuade this to take place, thereby at least making a first step towards satisfying the agreement reached with the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court surrounding the suspect’s release from jail to house arrest. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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What’s Really Going on With Chareidi Toddler Case?

The case of the allegedly abusive mom from the chareidi community, suspected of having Munchausen by proxy syndrome, is not losing its place of prominence in the news. The big news that began late Tuesday night was carried as a major story in all the daily newspapers on Wednesday, all reporting the toddler is being transferred from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital to Tel Hashomer Hospital in Tel Aviv, to the satisfaction of the Eida Chareidis, the family and the chareidi community. The news of the transfer was carried by all the media, with Tel Hashomer releasing a statement late Tuesday night confirming the report. YWN did not publish the news on Tuesday night, waiting for confirmation on Wednesday morning, which came in the form of widespread media reports during the early morning hours. Later in the morning, both Hadassah and Tel Hashomer released statements to the press that the reports are simply inaccurate, with Hadassah stating the child will remain where he is until a court decides otherwise. Some in the chareidi community seem determined to use this case to advance the community’s cause, and YWN has learned there are mounting tensions between Toldos Aaron and the Eida Chareidis surrounding the case, with the Eida seemingly using it to advance its political powerbase. There are reports which are unconfirmed by Bikur Cholim Hospital officials that some 25 Satmar askanim in the United States are working to purchase the financially ailing hospital, which they plan to convert to a state-of-the-art chareidi medical facility, delivering a final blow to Hadassah. Hadassah staff members are reporting the boycott is evident, with less chareidim coming to the hospital, and reports that boggle the mind confirm that some people insist they be taken elsewhere, even at the expense of compromised medical care, all to drive a point home. Senior Hadassah official Dr. Yair Birnbaum has received death threats, as has Ruthie Shapira, who heads the city’s chareidi department of the city’s social services, blamed for calling the mother which led to her arrest. In one threatening phone call she received, the caller stated, “We are going to get you, your husband and your children. We know where you live” Ms. Shapira told police. In addition, security cameras have been installed in some offices in the hope of identifying some of the hooligans, and social workers are carrying teargas as per the directive from city security officials. Authorities have also placed security outside Shapira’s home, as well as a panic button inside her home. To her credit, Shapira on Wednesday morning explained that she feels most of the chareidi community still wishes to work with her and her staff, and they are quite concerned over recent events that are basically halting care to many families in stress. She did state however than regular operations will not resume until such time that she and her staff are assured they will not be targeted in attacks. Hadassah also continues to insist it has some 40 minutes of video footage showing the ill-actions of the mother, backed up by police, adding Rav Weiss Shlita has refused to see the footage which they are confident will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the child’s mother did indeed sabotage his medical care. HaMevaser reports Deputy Minister Rav Meir Porush

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Delinquent Chareidi Youths May be Expelled from Israel

A senior police official quote anonymously by the daily Yisrael HaYom states the delinquent chareidi youths, the “trouble-makers” who are significantly responsible for NIS 1 million in damage, may be expelled from Israel. The report state Israel Police officials are aware that many of these youths are viewed as ‘high-risk’, in some cases sent to Israel is a last hope to straighten them out. The high-ranking official explains police are contemplating moving ahead with measures to send them back to their countries of origin. Included in the growing list of damage caused during last week’s violent protests are 70 traffic signals, 230 trash receptacles and 24 garbage bins. Offices of government social workers, sidewalks and other infrastructure were damaged as well. On Friday night, a police patrol was targeted by rocks in Bnei Brak, resulting in damage. An 18-year-old detained by police explained he threw the rocks in solidarity with the chareidi struggle in Yerushalayim. A secular lobby group plans to turn to city legal officials, demanding the bill be given to the Eida Chareidit. Meirav Cohen of the Hitorarut organization insists “the Eida Chareidit must accept responsibility for the vandalism. It is unacceptable that the law-abiding public which suffered the inconveniences of the violence also be compelled to pick up the tab…if the city compels the Eida to pay, it will also serve as a deterrence in the future.” In the meantime, the so-called Munchausen mom is under house arrest in the home of chareidi askan R’ Avraham Freilich, who together with Deputy Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman so to arranging the NIS 450,000 bail necessary for her release. She will also undergo a psychiatric evaluation beginning this week. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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New Arrangements For Sloatsburg Davening Area

Many YWN readers recall the many problems which occurred in the summer of 2007, at the Thursday night Mincha/Maariv gathering location at the Sloatsburg Rest Area (on the NY State Thruway). YWN had posted letters and warnings from the NYS DOT and the NY State Police pleading with everyone to cooperate – or the area would be shut down. Much hard work was put into keeping this area open to the thousands of folks travelling to the Catskills. Numerous meetings and planning went into it, and all that was needed was a bit of cooperation from the people who are using it. Boruch hashem, everyone cooperated in 2008, and now Askonim are asking for your cooperation in the the summer of 2009. YWN has spoken extensively with Mr. Richard Newhouse, who is the Assistant NY Division Director of Operations with the NYS Thruway Authority, and with Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police regarding this issue. Due to the tremendous crowds and traffic caused by the Minyanim, the Thruway Authority will no longer allow the street level parking area for davening. All minyanim will now take place on the second level parking area which is level with the second floor restrooms. In the event of rain, minyanim will be allowed in the stairwell. Everyone who will be participating in the Minyanim is urged to drive directly to the second floor – and not park on any grassy area – or your cars will be towed immediately from the tow truck which will be stationed at the rest area specifically to deal with this problem. It is interesting to note, that the second floor is much better suited for the Heimish Oilam’s needs, as there is much more privacy, Tzinus, and easier access to the rest rooms (which are located on the same level). Additionally, there will be zero tolerance by the Thruway Authority and the NYSP regarding the selling of food. As YWN had reported last summer, Rabbi Freilich was working tirelessly to arrange for one vending machine to sell Kosher Le’Mehadrin products inside the building. This idea has finally come to fruition, with one machine selling Kosher products. There will also be zero tolerance with people collecting Tzedakah (AKA: panhandlers) – which is illegal. There was a recent meeting between the NYS Thruway Authority, Askonim, and New York State Police Officials – including NYSP Troop T Major Robert Meyers, & Captain Eveleyn Mallerd. Rabbi Morton Friedman (Chaplain for the State Troopers PBA) who gave his time each Thursday night during the summer of 2008 to ensure that things run smoothly at the area, will I”H once again be present at the Mincha Area, and will liaison with Thruway Inspectors and the community to ensure that everyone follows the simple instructions. Rabbi Freilich is asking everyone for their cooperation. “Please use the area which was so wonderfully given to us by the NYS DOT – for Davening ONLY. Do not make a Chillul Hashem by ignoring their complaints which will result in this Mincha / Maariv area being shut down,” Rabbi Freilich told YWN. Each Thursday night, there will be two inspectors from the Thruway Authority stationed at the Sloatsburg Rest Area – along with Rabbi Mordechai Friedman, to oversee the operation. Wishing you all a wonderful

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PHOTOS: Important Information Discussed At Pre-Summer Meeting at NYSP Headquarters

[PHOTO LINK BELOW] Middletown, NY – The summer is quickly approaching, folks are getting ready to head to the Catskills, and various Askonim are hard at work to ensure a safe summer. To achieve that goal, the annual inter-agency meeting took place on Tuesday at the State Police Headquarters in Middletown, NY. A YWN reporter was privileged to attend the usually closed-doors meeting and reports the following: The annual meeting, is jointly arranged and coordinated by Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP, and NYSP Troop F Major Rasso. In attendance this year was special guest NYS Homeland Security Director Mr. Thomas Donlon, top brass from the NYSP, Sheriff’s, Under Sheriffs & local Police Chiefs from 5 Counties, the NYS DEC, and their respective Chaplains, Hatzolah and Misaskim. Each person at the meeting was given an opportunity to address the gathering about various issues of safety, tips, and other items which they would like to see in the summer of 2009. Below are some of their highlights mentioned at the meeting: A message was delivered on behalf of the NYSP Superintendent, Mr. Harry Corbitt, who was unable to attend as he did last year. The points in his message to the community were that there would be zero tolerance for speeders, aggressive drivers, people without seat-belts, and talking on cell phones. He wishes the entire community a safe and relaxing summer.  The State Police also warned people not to walk on the roadways, and wear reflectors when walking on the roads in the evenings. and discussed the new State Police patrol which has been placed in construction zones. “The troopers are sitting in the construction zones with their radar guns, and people better be following the reduced speed-limits in those zones, or they will be getting ticketed”, Troop F Major Rasso said. The NYSP urges all camp directors to report anything suspicious, and take down any license plate number which may assist them in apprehending a suspect. “You are our eyes and ears, and we rely on you for crucial and important information in solving many crimes”. Most important on the NYSP list was the alert regarding the construction which is ongoing on Route 17. There is a temporary traffic pattern which will cause serious delays while heading to and from the Catskills on the weekends. The construction is taking place between exits 118 and 122 in both directions. While traveling towards NYC, drivers will encounter a one-lane construction pattern for a few miles. The NYSP is urging everyone to leave plenty of extra time from Thursday afternoon through Monday while traveling to and from the Catskill Mountains. The Ulster County Sheriff Department mentioned their close working relationship with Rabbi Joel Gold – who is the Ulster County Sheriff Chaplain – stating that any issue which may arise is dealt with immediately by their Chaplain. Ulster County Sheriff along with the Sullivan County Commissioner of Public Safety Richard M. Martinkovic, reached out to the community to please educate children what 911 is supposed to be used for. “Last summer was better, but we still get dozens of kids calling 911 to wish a good day”, a 911 operator said. Another issue which was brought up by the 911 system, is that many camps only have their camp or colony name written in Yiddish or Hebrew

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VIDEO & PHOTOS: In Wake Of Foiled Terror Plot Officials Meet Jewish Community Leaders

[PHOTO & VIDEO LINKS BELOW] As more details emerge about the four men behind the alleged bomb plot in the Bronx, the state’s Office of Homeland Security held an emergency meeting Sunday in Brooklyn to address safety and security concerns with community leaders. NYS Senator Eric Adams, the Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman, brought Thomas Donlon, Director of NYS Office of Homeland Security to Boro Park to assure Jewish community leaders the state is doing everything it can to ensure their safety. “We are not going to localize our concern, we are going to protect the entire State of New York,” Adams said. “New York State is the target for those who want to hurt this country and we have the best team possible protecting the state at this time.” Rabbi Bernard Freilich – who is the Special Assistant to the NY State Police Superintendent – praised the superb efforts of FBI, NYPD, and NY State Police officers in their joint effort that thwarted a plot to terrorize worshippers at two Bronx synagogues and instill fear among all New Yorkers and all Americans. “We were definitely reassured that all government agencies, law enforcement agencies are focused on the threats that we face. They’re taking all the precautionary measures to assure the security of our community,” said Gan Yisroel Director Rabbi Aron Ginsberg. The four were arrested after authorities say they planted what they thought were explosives outside Riverdale Temple and nearby Riverdale Jewish Center. Also attending & addressing the meeting were community leaders including Abe Friedman – liaison to Senator Adams, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Glantz, Rabbi Yanky Meyer, Rabbi Simcha Bernard, Rabbi Kaufman from COJO, Rabbi Joel Eisdorfer – liaison to Senator Adams, and others. YWN PHOTO & VIDEO LINK: Click HERE for photos taken by Hillel Engel, and click HERE for video. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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PHOTOS: NYS Senator Eric Adams Visits Misaskim Headquarters

NYS Senator Eric Adams, who chairs the commission for Homeland Security, paid a visit to the Misaskim Headquarters on Sunday afternoon, to get a first hand look at Misaskim operations. Senator Adams was given a tour of Misaskim’s state of the art equipment, their fleet of emergency response vehicles, and Misaskim’s state of the art command center. The command center was used in many occasions – including the recent Mumbai terror attacks. The Senator was told Misaskim that he was pleased to see the high-tech equipment, and preparedness that Misaskim has available to the community in any case of any emergency. Various Askonim also met with Senator Adams including Rabbi Bernard Freilich who is the Special Assistant to the NY State Police Superintendent, Abe Friedman who is a liaison to Senator Adams, Yanky Itzkowitz (Williamsburg Shomrim Cooridinator). Click HERE for photos. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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NYSP Keeping Watchful Eye On Jewish Community

Due to the current situation in Israel, and hate-crimes happening in cities across the globe, the New York State Police reached out to YWN to ensure us that they are keeping a watchful eye on “houses of worship”, and highly populated Jewish communities under their jurisdiction. Although there is absolutely no threat to be concerned about, the NYSP Superintendent Harry Corbitt is reaching out to the greater Jewish communities across New York State to inform them that the NYSP is stepping up patrols in areas “of interest”. Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich told YWN that the message from Police Headquarters in Albany NY is the following: IF you see something, SAY SOMETHING! If you see a suspicious package, activity or a suspicious vehicle, don’t keep it to yourself. Immediately notify your local police department or call 1-866-SAFE NYS (1-866-723-3697). (Eli Gefen – YWN Queens Ops’ Desk)

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Chester, NY: Major Chemical Spill Forces Closure Of Route 17

11:00AM EST: (UPDATE BELOW) A fire on a tanker-truck hauling muriatic acid, has forced the closure of the NY Route 17, and evacuations of homes – and even Yeshivos in the area. Rabbi Bernard Freilich,Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP  tells YWN that the tanker caught fire on the west-bound Route 17 near Exit 127, causing a fire, and a large chemical spill on the highway. Both directions of the highway have been shut down, and will remain closed for at least 5 hours. Numerous Hazmat units from multiple fire departments, have been requested to the scene, and the NYSP and other rescue personnel are evacuating residents in the area. Additionally, the Nitra Yeshiva in Chester NY has been evacuated. There is no word on any injuries resulting from the chemical spill. UPDATE 5:00PM EST: The cleanup has been completed, and all lanes have been reopened on the highway. (Yehuda Drudgestein – / YWN-112 / YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

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Video & Photos: Tashlich 2008 in Brooklyn

(VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS AT END OF ARTICLE) There are a few Tashlich locations which are set up each year in Brooklyn to accommodate the tens of thousands of people going to Tashlich. The NYPD provides security to the large crowds by land, air, and water. The following is a short video clip taken at the Belt Parkway location the evening before Yom Kippur. Much thanks must be given to Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP Rabbi Bernard Freilich, NYPD Brooklyn South Chief Joseph Fox along with his staff at PBBS – most notably Sergent Ira (Yitzy) Jablonsky, and the Misaskim organization – for coordinating the police resources. VIDEO & PHOTO LINK: Click HERE to watch a video – including clip of the Spinka Rebbe and his Chassidim saying Tashlich, and click HERE for photos.

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Court Supports Athlete’s Shabbos Petition

The Supreme Court on Friday handed down a ruling in favor of Yuval Freilich, a Shomer Shabbos athlete who is seeking to have a championship event postponed to permit him to take part without chas v’sholom transgressing the Shabbos. The petition was filed by Yuval and his father against the Israel Fencing Association, telling the court the decision to schedule a match on Shabbos is tantamount to religious discrimination. Justice Chanan Meltzer ruled that Freilich’s rights to keep Shabbos superseded the fencing association’s schedule and therefore, if a match is held on Shabbos, Freilich must be awarded a technical victory, permitting him to move on to the championship level. Freilich is the national champion in fencing in the under bar mitzvah age class. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Monticello: Surveillance Cameras Helped Catch Two Burglars

Two men who allegedly stole a $3,000 compactor from the Sunshine Estates bungalow colony in the Town of Thompson in late August, were caught as a result of the group’s surveillance cameras MidHudsonNews reports. Randall Brown, 39, and Daniel Popet, 25, both of Woodridge, were arrested by the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office after they allegedly took the machine to a scrap metal dealer in Woodridge and sold it for $69. But, it was those computer-based surveillance cameras at Sunshine Estates that helped identify and catch the men. Colony Board President David Rosenberg told MidHudsonNews that the surveillance system provided the police with video information to identify their truck and other evidence that led to their arrests. And Rosenberg said the camera systems are invaluable. “I encourage very much people to put in cameras, especially bungalow colonies or camps where the presence is not always there like in the winter time,” he said. “There was a lot of breakings and pulling of copper pipes and metals when the price went up. So, this is a good deterrent.” He also credited Rabbi Bernard Freilich, liaison to the State Police, with assisting in the investigation that resulted in the arrests. ( / YWN-112)

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Photos: Dinner Meeting Supporting Re-Election Of Senator Adams

(Click HERE for photos) New York State Senator Eric Adams, New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, other elected officials, and leaders of the Boro Park Hasidic Community gathered at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Joel Eisdorfer on Wednesday, September 3, 2008, to recognize and honor the close working relationship, and deep commitment between the Senator and his constituents in the Boro Park Jewish community.   Assemblyman Hikind described a meeting two years ago when Eric Adams, at the time a private citizen, solicited the Assemblyman’s support in a State Senate primary election.  Assemblyman Hikind explained that he had already decided to support the bid for office, having followed the NYPD career of retired police officer Adams closely enough to know that this assistance was appropriate for an individual who had fought so assiduously and eloquently for the rights of others.  Assemblyman Hikind emphasized that the relationship has evolved into mutual esteem and brotherhood.   Speaking at the event Senator Adams said: “I am honored to be here today at the home of my community liaison, Joel Eisdorfer, along with my dear friend Assemblyman Dov Hikind and Joel’s father, Rabbi Abraham Eisdorfer. These men are more than colleagues to me. I have worked closely with them on important matters in my 20th Senatorial District and throughout Brooklyn, and our civic collaboration has been a tremendous success.  Perhaps even more important, however, is the indestructible bond of friendship we have developed, based upon reciprocal trust and affection.  It inspires the harmony of our partnership. “Joel’s hospitality this evening has enabled me to welcome and meet with some notable individuals in the Hasidic community. These leaders include the renowned Rabbi Leib Glanz, Rabbi Bernard Freilich Special Assistant to the NYS State Police Superintendent, Hon. Israel Goldberg, Yidel Perlstien, Rabbi Hershy Fischman, Rabbi Moshe Indig, Rabbi Shmuel Steinharter of Boro Park Bikur Cholim, Moshe Wieder of Ohel, David Greenfield of the Sephardic Community Federation and others.  I thank you all for your support.  I am proud to receive it. I also would like to thank NYC Councilman Matthew Eugene for joining our assemblage.” Senator Adams concluded: “The City of New York, the greatest city in the world, includes and embraces people of every race and every faith. The individuals present tonight stand united in the conviction that every moral and ethical human being champions the brotherhood of the one true race, the human race.” (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Bungalow Colony Car Thieves Arrested

Monticello, NY: UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLEYWN has learned that thanks to the outstanding detective work by the Sullivan County Sheriff Department, the people wanted in connection with the recent rash of car-break-ins have been arrested. As YWN had reported two weeks ago (HERE), more than one hundred vehicles in the Monticello area had been broken into, with the main target being GPS systems. Some of the bungalow colonies which had cars broken into were Freeds, Syms, Ichud, Alpine Estates, Beverly Hills The Sheriff Department had placed extra patrols, and assigned additional detectives to the case. Sources tell YWN, that four suspects (two males and two females) were arrested by the Sheriff Patrol on Motzei Shabbos at the former Gibbers Hotel – now the home of the year-round Viznits Community. Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP Rabbi Bernard Freilich spoke with YWN, and said that the Sheriff Department must be publicly credited for their hard work in this case. “Sheriff Mike Schiff and UnderSheriff Eric Chaboty personally spent countless hours meeting with concerned residents, and worked tirelessly to apprehend the suspects”, Freilich said. UPDATE 2:00PM EST: On Sunday August 31, 2008, at approximately 2:26 AM, Deputies from the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office responded to a 911 call of two suspicious males, possibly breaking into vehicles at 14 Gafen Lane in Kiamesha Lake. The Sheriff’s Office, which had investigated a rash of thefts from vehicles in the Monticello area over the past 3 weeks, immediately flooded the area with patrols. A short time later at the scene, deputies noticed where grass had been trampled in a path leading to the woods and heard twigs snapping. Deputies pursued the perpetrators and eventually caught them near the basketball courts of the former Gibbers Hotel. One male subject was wearing a complete camouflage outfit and the other was dressed in dark clothes. Both were wearing plastic gloves when they were arrested. Two female accomplices, also wearing dark clothing, were discovered sitting in a car, just out of sight, at a nearby gravel bank. They were taken into custody and transported to the Sheriff’s Office for questioning. Later in the morning, Sheriff’s Detectives searched a residence located at 42 Champlin Avenue in the Village of Liberty where they recovered property including several Global Positioning Systems (GPS), cell phones and other electronics. Charged with larceny are: Raymond Castro, age 20 Monticello NY Pedro Agosto, age 18 Monticello NY Theresa Sarosy, age 19 White Lake NY Claribel Mojica, age 24 Liberty NY All four suspects where being held for arraignment at the time of this press release. The Sheriff’s Office expects additional charges to be filed as the investigation continues. If anyone has any information regarding these thefts, please call the Sheriff’s Confidential Tips Hotline at 845-807-0158. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

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UPDATED 11:30PM EST: Bochur R”L Pronounced Dead Following Fall

8:25PM EST: [UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] We regret to inform you of the tragic Petira of 16-year-old Bochur (teenager) Yoel Yehuda Levi Z”L who fell out of a tree at the Kiryas Yoel Camp in Green County. Following the 20+ foot fall, a medevac was unable to fly him to a Trauma Center due to his unstable condition, and he was transported by ground (ambulance) to a local hospital. Sadly, he was Niftar a short time after arriving at the hospital. The noted Askan and Chaplain of the Green County Sheriff Department Rabbi Aryeh Leib Glantz is working along with Kiryas Yoel Hatzolah to have the body released and transported back towards the city. UPDATE 9:00PM EST: Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP Rabbi Bernard Freilich has informed YWN that the state police are working to have the Niftar released ASAP. Additionally, Kiryas Joel Public Safety Director Moses Witriol is en route to the hospital where the Niftar currently is to assist in expediting the arrangements. The Niftar is a son of Rav Yosef Dovid Levi Shlita a Magid Shiur in Satmar in Kiryas Yoel, and his grandfather is Rav Yosef Leib Cohen, the Menahel in the Yeshiva Gedolah in Kiryas Yoel. UPDATE 11:30PM EST: The Levaya is scheduled for 1:00AM EST at the Kiryas Yoel Bais Hakvaros, followed by the Kevura in the Satmar Chelka at the Washington Cemetery in Brunswick New Jersey. Boruch Dayan Emmes…. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

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Photos: NYPD Special Victims Unit To Receive Sensitivity Training

(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) A unique meeting took place last Wednesday afternoon following an unfortunate incident in Boro Park. As YWN had reported (HERE), a young girl was abducted on a Boro Park street two weeks ago. Following NYPD protocol, detectives from the NYPD Special Victims Unit were brought into the 66th Precinct  to interview the victim and conduct their investigation. Following the investigation (which is still ongoing), many community Askanim, along with Brooklyn South Chief Fox felt that the same way that local precinct officers know all about Shabbos, Yomim Tovim and other Jewish laws and customs – the Special Victims Unit should be given sensitivity training as well. Following the wishes of the concerned community leaders, Misaskim arranged a meeting at their state-of-the-art headquarters which was well attended by NYPD personnel including: Commanding Officer of the Special Victims Unit (Citywide) Tracy Shortell, Lieutenants of the same unit, Chief Banks (PBBS), Inspector Thursland (PBBS), 66th Precinct Commanding Officer Bill DeBlasio, Inspector the devoted men and woman of Brooklyn South’s Community Affairs Unit – including Lieutenant Jimmy Woods, Sergent Ira Jablonsky and members of the NYPD’s Commissioner Unit. Also in attendance were Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the NYSP Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Dr Marcel Biberfeld (Vice President at Mimonodies Hospital) Simcha Bernath Coordinator of Boro Park Shomrim, Bernie Gibs Coordinator of Boro Park Hatzolah, Raphael Treitel a liaison with the NYPD, Rabbi Osher Eirenreich Principle of Bais Yaakov, noted Askan Rabbi Aryeh Leib Glantz and volunteers from Misaskim. “There is nothing more important then being sensitive to the communities needs when god-forbid a tragic story like we just saw takes place”, Chief Fox said. “We will do everything to ensure that the highest level of sensitivity will be used in such a situation”. Many of the attendees had the opportunity to address the very important meeting, all expressing their concerns – and how they can very easily be corrected. A system was put into place where various professionals from various major community organizations will lecture the detectives of the Special Victims Unit on sensitivity to the Jewish Community. Additionally, should such a story Chas VeShalom take place, various professional community personnel will be contacted to respond to assist in the NYPD investigation – as sometimes victims will be reluctant to “open-up” to a strange detective. PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN NYC Desk)

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Photos: Catskills Hatzolah Meets With Ulster County Agencies

(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) Most people vacationing Upstate New York only think of Sullivan County when thinking of the Catskills, but not many folks are aware that there are many Jewish camps in Ulster County as well. In keeping with their constant “communication meetings”, to ensure a smooth summer of emergency operations, the Catskills Hatzolah Coordinators met with personnel from various agencies in Ulster County on Monday morning. As the Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich put it at the opening of the meeting, “Hatzolah’s great relationships with law enforcement, local FD and EMS personnel, come from three things – communication, communication, and communication”. This summer has Boruch Hashem so far been uneventful, and the few incidents which Catskills Hatzolah did respond to in Ulster County, saw Hatzolah working hand-in-hand with the local authorities. Just last week a child fell off of a truck on Dairyland Road near Route 52, and a Medevac was needed. The Ellenville Fire Chief stressed his amazement at the speed of Hatzolah’s response in that particular incident. “Working hand in hand, we save lives together”, the Ellenville Fire Chief said. Ellenville Police Chief Philip S. Mattracion spoke about the importance of “education” and how imperative it is to work together. Also publicly noted by the Chief was the very useful Liaison Rabbi Joel Gold, who also serves as the Chaplain of the Ulster County Sheriff Department. “Thanks to the devotion and dedication of Joel Gold, any issues related to the Jewish Community in Ulster County which arise, are quickly dealt with,” the Chief said The Ellenville Hospital thanked Rabbi Yankel Richter, one of the Catskills Hatzolah Coordinators, for all his years of making sure that things run smoothly between the hospital staff and the Jewish Community. Also attending the meeting were representatives from the NYSP Ellenville Barracks, Ulster County Sheriff Department, Ellenville Rescue Squad and other officials. Catskills Hatzolah Coordinators Rabbi Yehuda Frankel, R’ Bernie Gibs, R’ Yidel Feig, and R’ Yom Tov Malek thanked the local authorities for their overwhelming cooperation during the summer, and wished them all a safe ‘rest-of-the-summer’, and a quiet and safe winter. PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

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Photos: Three Missing Children Found Safe At Gur Camp

(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE) At approximately 7:00PM on Sunday afternoon, a search was launched for three children (aged 6,8,9) at Gur Camp on Whittaker Road in South Fallsburg, NY. Catskills Hatzolah responded to a call from the parents, and and dozens of members arrived to help. Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich arrived on the scene just as Hatzolah was establishing a command post, and placed calls to Fallsburg Police Chief Simmy Williams, Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff, and State Police Captain Jimmy Boyland for their assistance with K9 and other resources. Misaskim dispatched two vehicles with light towers, and Bochrim from nearby camps arrived to offer their assistance as well. A trailer with ATV’s was dispatched from Freeds Bungalow Colony as well. All the resources quickly placed together were Boruch Hashem not needed, when word came that all three children were found in the forest at approximately 8:00PM by a Hatzolah member – in healthy condition. It took close to 20 minutes for the children to be brought back to the command post, where they were happily united with their parents. PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Sullivan County News Desk)

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Monticello: Man With Knife Burglarizes Staubers Bungalows

Monticello Police are looking for a teenager who attempted to burglarize a bungalow in Staubers Bungalow Colony on Carpenter Avenue this past Wednesday night. Sources tell YWN that the Frum resident awoke at approximately 2:00AM and found the suspect inside his bungalow about to steal his wife’s purse. Without hesitating, the man confronted the thief – who pulled a knife on the man. A scuffle broke out, but the man was Boruch Hashem able to wrestle the knife and purse away from the thief – who quickly fled on foot. Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich tells YWN that Monticello Police Chief Doug Solomon is personally involved in the investigation, and ensured us that detectives are hard at work on the case. To make matters a bit easier for detectives, the knife – along with one of the mans shoes are in the hands of police. This is not the first burglary this summer at Staubers Bungalows, including incidents of stolen money, digital cameras, credit cards and cell phones. Anyone with any information is asked to please call the Monticello Police at 845-794-4422. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

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Photos: Catskills Mid-Summer Law Enforcement Meeting Discusses Teens at Risk

PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE: On Monday morning, Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich arranged to receive an update from the various policing authorities in Sullivan & Ulster Counties. Agencies represented were NYSP, Sullivan County Sheriffs Department, Chiefs of Liberty, Monticello and South Fallsburg police departments. Also in attendance were Rabbi Yidel Feig Catskill Hatzolah Coordinator, Rabbi Simcha Bernath Chaplain at the Sullivan County Sheriff Department, and Rabbi Joel Gold Chaplain at the Ulster County Sheriff Department. The meeting was held at the NYSP Liberty Barracks. A discussion ensued regarding some of the recent incidents that generated and required a 911 response. High on the list was an unfortunate incident which occurred this past Shabbos afternoon involving a teenager from Brooklyn that allegedly got drunk and got behind the wheel of someone’s car. Shortly thereafter he crashed, rolled over multiple times, and hit someone’s bungalow where a child was sleeping on the other side of the wall. Bichasdei Hashem nobody was hurt in the incident. The driver then fled the scene prompting the Fallsburg Police to give foot pursuit, and place the driver under arrest. Another problem discussed was that the police departments have been receiving a number of complaints regarding procurement of alcoholic beverages. It is alleged that some of our youth are asking adults to purchase alcohol for them. Last summer YWN reported an incident where a frum person was arrested for this offense and it would be a shame for this to happen again. Liberty Police Chief Robert J Mir told YWN that just last week he witnessed this offense take place at the Town of Liberty Shop-Rite. “Be responsible”, the Chief said. “Think before you buy a teen a drink, it’s against the law”. Rabbi Ezra Max founder Kosher Coaching who was called to the meeting explained to the various officials that the Frum community B”H has a phenomenal and positive track record with teens obeying the laws and behaving appropriately. “An incident like this is very unfortunate and must be addressed, but it is certainly an anomaly and not the norm”. “Most of the teens and young adults upstate are having a great summer and not doing anything wrong”, Rabbi Max told the gathered officials. “Thousands of dollars are being spent every motzei shabbos for Girls and Boys to have separate venues to have fun. Kiamesha lanes is rented out by Ohr Naava from 11:30pm – 3:00am for girls ONLY. This is for the average good kid to have a good time in an environment that will not challenge them.” The officials all agreed that considering the amount of people (250,000!) that are coming upstate for the summer months there is certainly not a significant increase in crimes being committed by this population. A “hats-off” to Sullivan County Sheriff, Michael Schiff who proposed a late night decal idea similar to the CAT program. One of the heimishe community organizations would coordinate a registration process for families to get a sticker/decal for their vehicle. If a police officer in Sullivan county witness any vehicle with said decal being driven past 1am, they would make a traffic stop and verify that they vehicle was being used with permission. This will be an anti theft device as well as an insurance policy

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UJCARE Honored at Brooklyn Borough Hall

They’re still talking about it!!! Three months after a pre-Pesach food distribution of major proportions took place in the heart of Williamsburg, they still talk about.  But this time, they were talking about it at Borough Hall. On Tuesday evening, July 15th, Brooklyn Borough President, Marty Markowitz, paid tribute to UJCARE by honoring the volunteers of SABAINU, the UJCARE project that distributed over 200 tons of fresh fruits and vegetables for the Pesach Holiday (reported HERE on WYN) The Borough President had only moments to meet, greet and congratulate UJCARE’s Executive Vice President, Rabbi Leib Glanz, before being called away for a family emergency.  Apologetically, Borough President Markowitz sent a personal congratulatory letter to Rabbi Glanz, highlighted in bold type with the word, “BRAVO”. Borough Hall, however, was well represented by Assistant to the Borough President, Yvonne Graham and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Bella Vais, as the event drew over 200 guests, including dozen’s of dignitaries, filling the upstairs courtroom, the most prestigious room in the house. Ms. Graham eloquently described the April 13th event, praising the sacrifice and servitude of the seventy volunteers who made the distribution possible. Rabbi Glanz not only thanked Marty Markowitz and his Borough Hall staff for hosting and arranging the tribute, but took the opportunity to pay his own tribute to those dignitaries who stood by him through the years and now stand by UJCARE through its growth. New York State Assemblyman, Joseph Lentol became emotional as he addressed the crowd from the podium, recounting his years of service and his affinity to the Jewish community.  Assemblyman Lentol expressed pride in praising the work of the organization and congratulating its honorees.  Rabbi Glanz joined Assemblyman Lentol in a special presentation to the Williamsburg Shomrim Patrol.  The Patrol spent the evening hours before the Pesach distribution into the early hours of the morning making arrangements and setting up barricades to direct traffic for the event, and continued to coordinate traffic and crowd control until the event ended late Sunday night.  Accepting on behalf of the Shomrim were coordinators Yanky Itzkowitz & Zalman Leib Hoffman. Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Assistant Superintendent of the New York State Police, always referred to, endearingly, by Rabbi Glanz as his brother, praised the Shomirim “for their years of service to the community… serving with pride… serving with purpose”. Councilman Simcha Felder shared his public acknowledgement of UJCARE’s outstanding work and service to the community, reaffirming his commitment to supporting an agency of their caliber. Rabbi Glanz then singled out Joel Vitriol, the first Chassidic police officer, presenting him with a special award as top brass of the NYPD looked on. Howard Katz, UJCARE’s Executive Director, delivered a crowd pleasing “Drasha”, masterfully employing Pirkei Avos (Ethics of Our Fathers) and Parshas (Torah portion) Pinchas to express his gratitude to the leadership behind UJCARE and his staff.  “Baruch She’Bochar Bahem”, he quoted.  “Blessed is He (G-d) who has chosen them (these special individuals) who have sacrificed for the community.  But G-d does not just drop such individuals on your doorstep”, he continued.  “It takes other motivated individuals to identify, coordinate and organize such outstanding personalities.  ‘Baruch She’Bochar Bahem’, Blessed is “he”, the one who identified and organized and coordinated “them”, the volunteers who served our Jewish community.  That “he” may go under many

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Two Bochrim Missing in Forest Found Late Friday Night

10:18PM EST: A search for two missing Bochurim in the Catskills, Boruch Hashem ended safely on Friday night. Sources tell YWN that Hatzolah was contacted on Friday night to respond to Camp Binyan Dovid in Mountaindale, after two campers who went hiking on Friday afternoon, did not return after Shabbos started. Catskills Hatzolah Coordinator Boruch Gibs, Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich, and Misaskim Search & Rescue units gathered numerous resources to start a search for the missing boys. Fallsburg Police Chief Simmy Williams, NY State Forest Rangers, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff, along with Captain Thomas Boylan from the State Police Liberty Barracks mobilized their officers, along with K9 dogs, and started searching. Many Hatzolah members assisted in the search as well, as more than 50 volunteers from the Mountaindale Fire Department. At approximately 10:30PM, the two boys were found as they were exiting the heavily wooded area onto a road – miles from where they started from. They were Boruch Hashem not injured, and were found to be in healthy condition. (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

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Photos: Fundraiser For Councilman Yassky Held in Williamsburg

Various community leaders – representing the Chasidic community – joined together with NYS Senator Eric Adams and came out to support NYC Council member David Yassky, who is running for NYC Comptroller. Among those attending the fundraiser were Rabbi David Niederman head the UJO, Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Rabbi Abe Friedman Satmar Community liaison to Government officials, Rabbi Joseph Mentzer, Shia Bernath Hatzalah Coordinator, and others. The event was held at the home of Rabbi Abe Friedman. [Click HERE for photos] Following the fundraiser, the group made a surprise visit to Yanky Itzkowitz, the head of Williamsburg Shomrim, who was involved in a serious accident on Monday night (photos taken by Hillel Engel of that incident can be viewed by clicking HERE).

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Tragic Incident in Fallsburg: How to Avoid a Repeat Situation

An tragic unfortunate incident occurred this past Friday in the Town of Fallsburg, which many community organizations and local officials feel must be publicly addressed, so that such an incident can be avoided in the future. At approximetly 6:15AM on Friday morning, a person driving a bicycle along Route 42 came across a dead body lying on the side of the roadway. The person called 911, and the Fallsburg Police arrived on the scene. An intense investigation was launched by the Fallsburg PD, and detectives found evidence leading them to believe that the man was struck by a passing vehicle sometime between 1 and 2AM – with the driver along with the vehicle leaving the scene. It was a tragic accident indeed, but by the driver choosing to leave the scene, the incident turned into an unfortunate fiasco which could have been easily avoidable. Detectives working aggressively on the case, had sufficient evidence to make an arrest, and early Friday morning arrested a man whom they believe was the driver of the vehicle in question. During questioning, the driver of the vehicle told police he was unaware that he had struck a pedestrian, but rather thought he had struck a deer on the roadway. Due to the July 4th Weekend, a judge was unavailable to see the driver, and the dreaded thought of a Frum man spending Shabbos in the Sullivan County Jail set in. Numerous Askonim – including Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich, representatives of Misaskim – along with the newly appointed Fallsburg Police Chief Simmie Williams – began diligently working to resolve the situation. After much hard work, and the personal involvement of Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff – along with Undersheriff Eric Chaboty –  they were able to secure his release on Friday afternoon in time for Shabbos. YWN spoke with the Fallsburg Police Chief Williams, who explained that although a tragic death occurred, people must be made aware of a few points which can save innocent people much hardship. #1- “If you are involved in an accident, you MUST stop and wait for the police. THIS INCLUDES HITTING A DEER! There are no exceptions to this law. This was nothing more than an accident”, the chief told YWN. “All that was needed was a police report, and questioning, and he would have been on his way. Accidents unfortunately happen, and that’s why they are called accidents. But leaving the scene is not an accident, and people must understand that if they are involved in an accident they MUST call and await the arrival of the police.” #2- “This tragic incident should be a wake-up call for the many folks who do their exercise, or take leisure-strolls along the country roads. This is not NYC, and there are no sidewalks,” Williams said. “People need to use extreme caution while walking on roads, and reflectors should be worn during early morning, and evening hours”. “Unfortunately, drivers are constantly swerving to avoid pedestrians walking carelessly on the roadways – and not on the shoulders where they belong”. #3- “Drivers should be extra cautious for pedestrians walking along the roadways, and should always maintain the posted speed limits.” “I’ve instructed my officers to enforce the speed limits, and ‘radar cars’ are out

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VIDEO: Pre-Summer Meeting Held In Monticello

(Exclusive video of NJ Governor Corzine, the Superintendent on the NYSP and others talking to Yeshiva World, has been linked at the bottom) Just before the actual ‘vacation season’ sets upon the Catskill region, local law, safety and health officials held their annual meeting in order to discuss pertinent issues. The conference – which took place at the Monticello Municipal Building on Monday, June 23 – was chaired by the Sullivan County Legislator, Jodi I. Goodman, and included Sullivan County Sheriff Michael A. Schiff, representatives from NY State Police Troop F (Liberty), Commissioner of Public Safety Richard M. Martinkovic, Terri Hess President/CEO of Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce, Special Assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Representatives of Catskill Regional Medical Center (CRMC), Representatives from the Misaskim Organization, Rabbi Simcha Bernard who is the Chaplain of the Sullivan County Sheriff Department & Chaplain at CRMC, Rabbi Joel Gold who is the Chaplain of the Ulster County Sheriff Department & Chaplain at CRMC, Conservation Police, Fish & Wildlife Representative Carl Lindsley, Catskill’s Hatzolah coordinator Baruch Gibbs, Alex Rau E-911 Coordinator, Meir Frischman from the Association of Jewish Camp Operators and other elected officials. The sole purpose of the annual meeting is to organize and prepare for a safe, coordinated summer. To their credit, local authorities give it their best shot to accommodate everyone in the most pleasant manner as possible. Among the items discussed were the following: BEARS: Carl I. Lindsley took the chair by relating how the bear population is growing rapidly. Lindley advised those who spot a bear NOT TO  CALL 911! 911 is only for emergencies, such as bodily harm or life endangerment cases. Additionally, he said that extra care should be exercised to minimize the possibility of bears in public places. Garbage pails on campgrounds and bungalow colonies should be emptied daily, as the bears are attracted to food scraps. Bird feeders also are a significant problem, enticing bears into the area. Lindsley said they will be cracking down on camps and bungalow colonies which do not properly cover their garbage dumpsters, and have them constantly emptied. Besides the challenges presented by the bear population, Lindsley said that coyotes, pose a threatening presence, citing the instance where a coyote attacked one person in the state of New Jersey, resulting in wounds that required 47 stitches. Coyotes resemble German Shepards, tend to have rabies, and instinctively go after bats and other small pets. If encountered by a coyote, the smart choice of action is to chase it away; they will typically run off. CRMC: Catskill Regional Medical Center, formally known as Harris Hospital and the frum community have been working closer than ever, and a team of new doctors have been brought in. Among the steps that the hospital has taken to assist in expediting treatment was the recent acquisition of the Life Net 75 helicopter (medevac), stationed at the Catskill Regional Medical Center (CRMC), twenty-four hours a day, all year round. This vital medical transport unit is accessible for all trauma emergencies – and helped save countless lives last summer. The CRMC also has included a kosher menu to its meals and designated “Chesed Rooms” in the hospital to accommodate frum families of patients. It also has incorporated a patient advocate program with frum

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IMPORTANT ALERT: New Arrangements For Sloatsburg Davening Area

Many YWN readers recall the many problems which occurred last summer, at the Thursday night Mincha/Maariv gathering location at the Sloatsburg Rest Area (on the NY State Thruway). Last summer YWN had posted letters and warnings from the NYS DOT and the NY State Police pleading with everyone to cooperate – or the area would be shut down. Much hard work was put into keeping this area open to the thousands of folks travelling to the Catskills. Numerous meetings and planning has gone into it, and all is needed is a bit of cooperation from the people who are using it. YWN has spoken extensively with Mr. Richard Newhouse, who is the Assistant NY Division Director of Operations with the NYS Thruway Authority, and with Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the New York State Police regarding this issue. Due to the tremendous crowds and traffic caused by the Minyanim, the Thruway Authority will no longer allow the street level parking area for davening. All minyanim will now take place on the second level parking area which is level with the second floor restrooms. In the event of rain, minyanim will be allowed in the stairwell. Everyone who will be participating in the Minyanim is urged to drive directly to the second floor – and not park on any grassy area – or your cars will towed immediately from the tow truck which will be stationed at the rest area specifically to deal with this problem. It is interesting to note, that the second floor is much better suited for the Heimish Oilam’s needs, as there is much more privacy, Tzinus, and easier access to the rest rooms (which are located on the same level). Additionally, there will be zero tolerance by the Thruway Authority and the NYSP regarding the selling of food. As YWN had reported last summer, Rabbi Freilich was working tirelessly to arrange for one vending machine to sell Kosher Le’Mehadrin products inside the building. This idea has finally come to fruition, with one machine selling Kosher products. There will also be zero tolerance with people collecting Tzedakah (AKA: panhandlers) – which is illegal. In closing, Rabbi Freilich is asking everyone for their cooperation. “Please use the area which was so wonderfully given to us by the NYS DOT – for Davening ONLY. Do not make a Chillul Hashem by ignoring their complaints which will result in this Mincha / Maariv area being shut down,” Rabbi Freilich told YWN. Each Thursday night, there will be two inspectors from the Thruway Authority stationed at the Sloatsburg Rest Area – along with Rabbi Mordechai Friedman (who is an Askan in Kiryas Joel) – to oversee the operation. (Rabbi Friedman can be reached at 917-578-1818.) YWN also spoke with the noted Askan Rabbi Edgar Gluck, who was the architect of this area many years ago. He too voiced his concerns – and urges the public to follow the simple rules and regulations posted above, to ensure that a true Kiddush Hashem is made. Wishing you all a wonderful summer! (Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN Desk) (Photo & image by YWN)

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NY State Police, Sheriff’s, Police Chiefs Meet With Catskills Haztolah To Map Out Summer

(Photos Click HERE) Middletown, NY – The summer is quickly approaching. Folks are getting ready to head to the Catskills, and the New York State Police, Sheriff’s Departments, local Police Departments, Catskills Hatzolah, Misaskim, and various Askonim are hard at work to ensure a safe summer. To achieve that goal, the annual inter-agency meeting took place on Tuesday at the State Police Barracks in Middletown. A YWN reporter was privileged to attend the usually closed-doors meeting and reports the following: The newly-appointed NYSP Superintendent Harry Corbitt opened the meeting by saying that he made the trip to attend the meeting – solely to “listen-in”, and to get to know what happens “in the community”. He added that he has full confidence in the Majors, Captains, and Lieutenants of the NYSP to make sure that the summer runs smoothly. Each person at the meeting was then given an opportunity to address the gathering about various issues of safety, tips, and other items which they would like to see in the summer of 2008. Catskills Hatzolah Coordinator Boruch Gibs publicly thanked the law enforcement personal from all agencies – that thanks to these inter-agency meetings, the relationship between Hatzolah and the police is close to perfect. Recalling the summer of 2007, Mr. Gibs said Hatzolah in the Catskills responded to 500 more calls than past years – and even with that extra call volume, the cooperation from the police and local 911 was close to perfect. Some of the items mentioned by the State Police to be publicized were that there would be zero tolerance for speeders, aggressive drivers, people without seat-belts, and talking on cell phones. They also warned people not to walk on the roadways. Also publicized was the new State Police patrol which has placed in construction zones. “The troopers are sitting in the construction zones with their radar guns, and people better be following the reduced speed-limits in those zones, or they will be getting ticketed”, Troop F Major Rasso said. Ulster County Sheriff Paul J. Van Blarcum, along with the Sullivan county 911 operators, reached out to the community to please educate children what 911 is supposed to be used for. “Last summer was better, but we still get dozens of kids calling 911 to wishes a good day”, a 911 operator said. While speaking to YWN, Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff told YWN that he is anticipating a safe summer, and is looking forward to a “safe-ride” for the summer months. Along with Undersheriff Eric Schebody, their main concerns are with kids-at-risk attending “floating parties” which involve drugs, drinking, and other serious, dangerous activities. “I understated that there are organizations aggressively working to establish alternative recreational activities for these kids, the Sheriff told YWN. “I am doing whatever I can on our end to prevent a repeat of some of the unfortunate incidents which took place last summer, but my message today is directed towards the parents, and camp directors: KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE AT ALL TIMES.” As Captain James J. Boylan of Troop F Liberty put it “we have 230,000 people coming up to the area for the summer, and I’m convinced that together we can make this the safest summer ever.” Over and over, the assembled publicly thanked Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent for his devotion,

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UPDATED: Large Search Underway in Sullivan County For Missing Child – CHILD FOUND!

(UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) 8:53AM EST: Sullivan County: Emergency services personnel are searching the area near the Swinging Bridge Campground in Mongaup Valley, and looking for a three-year-old boy who was reported missing on Saturday. The child, Daniel Niktalova, was last seen at the campground at approximately 11:00AM. Sheriff’s deputies who responded immediately called in the Monticello Fire Department, New York State Police, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Police and State Forest Rangers to help in the search. The Sullivan County Wild Land Search and Rescue Team also responded. Patrol boats from the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office, DEC police, and Alliance Energy, the owners of the Swinging Bridge Reservoir, responded to the scene and patrolled the shore line adjacent to the campground. The New York State Police Aviation Unit and local resident Mike Croissant responded with their helicopters to aid in the search. The terrain around the campground is bordered by the Swinging Bridge Reservoir on one side and thick woods on the other. Searchers had covered the entire camp ground and a substantial area surrounding it by early evening. The search was scaled back as night fell, but Sheriff’s Detectives and State Police Investigators continued to question guests of the campground. State Police Aviation plans to fly a helicopter mission Saturday night using FLIR (Forward Looking Infrared). The full scale search is resuming at 8:00AM Sunday. As of this point, Hatzolah or other community resources had not been contacted for their assistance. Daniel Niktalov is one of three children who belong to Eduard Katanov and Svetlana Niktalov. The Family resides in the Forest Hills section of Queens, NY. UPDATE 11:40AM EST: Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the NY State Police tells YWN – that Sullivan County Sheriff Michael A. Schiff says the child has just been found. Although the child’s condition is not 100% confirmed, we can confirm that the child is dehydrated. (Source:

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Photos: New York State Police Superintendent Visits Satmar Community

Newly-appointed New York State Police Superintendent Harry Corbitt visited Williamsburg last night, where he first met with the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum Shlita, and then visited the home of the son of the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel, Rav Mendel Teitelbaum Shlita – Rov of Satmar Williamsburg. The Superintendent had flown by chopper from Albany to Brooklyn – as he was honored by State Senator Eric Adams, at a gathering of many politicians and community leaders (Click HERE for photos) – just prior to visiting Williamsburg. Senator Adams then accompanied the Superintendent on his visit to Williamsburg. Upon his arrival at the home of the Satmar Rebbe (Click HERE for photos), Superintendent Corbitt was greeted by the Rebbe and other community leaders, including Rabbi Sol Perelstein, vice-president of the Satmar congregation. Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the NY State Police, Rabbi Abe Friedman, Community Liaison to the NYPD, Rabbi Simcha Bernath, Rabbi Joel Gold Chaplain of Ulster County Sheriff’s Department, and others, who congratulated Superintendent Corbitt on his appointment by Governor David Paterson and welcomed him to his new position as head of the New York State Police and its more than 7,000 sworn members and 1,000 civilian staff. Superintendent Corbitt received a Bracha from the Rebbe, who wished him the best of luck and success in all future endeavors. The Superintendent then went to the home of Rav Mendle Teitelbaum Shlita, who is the son of the Satmar Rebbe from Kiryas Yoel. (Click HERE for photos) There he was warmly greeted by the Rov, along with various member of the Kehilla, most notably Rabbi Leib Glanz, community leader and Executive Vice President of UJCARE. First, Rabbi Glantz spoke of the importance of community relations, and how the community of Kiryas Yoel works hand-in-hand with the NYSP. The Superintendent then took the floor, and spoke of the importance of raising children in the proper way, and that children should be taught to respect one another. This deeply impressed the Rov, who explained the Superintendent that in fact the term “Derech Eretz Kodma L’Torah” – how one must have respect prior to learning – is the driving force behind the spending of $120 million just to build Yeshivos in Williamsburg in the past few years. He then wished him well, and gave him a Bracha that anytime the Jewish communities need assistance from the NYSP it should be for happy occasions, and not Chas VeShalom for anything bad. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Chometz Burning Locations a Success in Williamsburg & Boro Park

(Click HERE for photos) This year a few days before Pesach, YWN posted a lengthy list of locations for people to burn their Chometz. Most important, were the locations in Williamsburg and Boro Park – which unfortunately have R”L seen many serious injuries [such as burns] in previous years. This year, the locations in Williamsburg and Boro Park were manned by the dedicated volunteers of Shomrim and Chaveirim, and Boruch Hashem, there was not one incident reported by Hatzolah or the FDNY. This concept – which has been in operation in Williamsburg for the past four years without any injuries – was originally founded by Harry Kahan, a Williamsburg Hatzolah Paramedic. His cause for starting this concept, was after 20+ families spent their Pesach Seder (five years ago) in a NYC Burn Center R”L. The communities owe a dept of Hakoras Hatov (gratitude) to FDNY Assistant Chief Edward Kilduff, Deputy Commissioner Community Affairs of Mayor Bloomberg Jarrod N. Bernstein, Assistant Commissioner of Community Affairs of Mayor Bloomberg Fred Kreizman, the NYPD Precinct Commanders, the Community Affairs Officers of the 66, 70, 79, 88, and 90 precincts, and the NYC Sanitation Department. A special Hakoras Hatov must be publicly given to the Williamsburg Shomrim Patrol, most notably Yanky Itzkowitz (Shomrim Coordinator), noted Askan Avrumi Rosenberg, the Boro Park Shomrim Patrol, most notably Simcha Bernad (Shomrim Coordinator), and Chaveirim Volunteers, most notably Chaim Fleischer. Additionally, a special note of thanks must be given to Rabbi Bernard Freilich, special assistant to the Superintendent of the NY State Police, the Misaskim Organization, the local NYC Councilman, and Rabbi Edgar Gluck for arranging extra sanitation pick-up on Erev Pesach in Boro Park. (Yehuda Drudgestein)

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