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Search Results for: mispallel – Page 4

The Kitchen Sukkah with the Stuck Skylight

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for One of the many positive things about teh Far Rockaway/Five Towns community are the shiurim that are arranged every chol haMoed in the various shuls, where Rabbonim, learned Baal HaBatim, yeshivaleit and others who are machshiv Torah gather together and hear shiurim from learned Talmidei Chachomim. Rav Daniel Asher Kleinman shlita  delivered a lomdishe at the Agudah of Long Island this morning.  He was introduced by Rav Meir Braunstein shlita.  Rav Kleinman introduced a fascinating question in regard to a Sukkah inside a house kitchen where the skylight door was stuck and could not be opened.  The kitchen Sukah had two skylight, where each skylight was 4 ft wide by 6 feet long.  They open the skylight over the schach. There was also a peninsula, but it is not a wall that reaches the ceiling. The Gemorah discusses many fascinating halachic concepts that we have received as halacha dating back to Moshe Rabbeinu at Sinai. One of them is gud asik – which means the wall goes up.  It legally considers a pre-established “wall” to figuratively continue upwards infinitely. For this to work, the wall must be a minimum of 10 tefachim from the ground and within 3 tefachim from the ground. Another one is dofen akumah.  If on part of the roof of the Sukkah there is an area of less than 4 amos of invalid sechach but not empty space of air and it is between the top of the wall and the kosher schach, the concept considers it as if the adjacent wall is bent or moved.  The Sukkah under the kosher schach remains kosher.  One may not sit under the invalid schach, however. The Kitchen Sukkah with the stuck skylight would not be kosher unless one combines both of the above two concepts.  However, this idea of combining two halacha l’moshe concepts is the subject of a debate.  Rabbi Akiva Eiger learns that they cannot be combined, while the Mishna Brurah seems to say that it can. Rabbi Kleinman was trying to figure out a way in which a sofa could be employed as a third wall in order to allow the family Kitchen Sukkah of one of his congregants to be used. Ultimately, he employed the use of a couch with secular books underneath it to allow it.  The shiur focused on the various halachic issues and hurdles, and whether such a fix could be employed through a gentile or on the other hand, perhaps even a Jew may do so under certain circumstances. The author can be reached at [email protected] Please be mispallel for Yair Nissan Ben Sara who is undergoing a procedure today beh.  

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Horror In Israel: Man Asks For Quiet Outside Shul And Is Stabbed To Death

A horrifying incident occurred several minutes before the end of Shabbos in the southern Israeli city of Dimona when a man asked for quiet outside a shul and was stabbed to death. The suspect, a 49-year-old resident of the city was yelling expletives outside the shul during Maariv. When one of the mispallelim left the shul to ask him to quiet down, the suspect stabbed him on his waist, critically injuring him. Emergency medical forces who arrived at the scene carried out resuscitation techniques while evacuating him to Soroka Hospital in Be’er Sheva. His death was declared upon his arrival at the hospital. The victim was later identified as Eliyahu Hazan, z’l, 59. The suspect, who reportedly is known to suffer from mental health issues, fled the scene. Police forces who arrived at the scene began carrying out searches of the area and located and detained the suspect about an hour later. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Where Does Avraham Fried Daven On Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur?

Israeli Charedi journalist Sivan-Rahav Meir wrote a post this week entitled: “Three surprises about Avraham Fried,” based on an interview carried out via Zoom at a workshop for women in Israel. Rahav-Meir wrote: “When I asked Avraham Fried how he succeeds in renewing himself over the decades of his career, he answered that renewal is not doing something different every time but doing what you do better.” “‘People try to reinvent themselves instead of sticking to their mission and finding renewal where they are,’ he said. ‘It’s like tefillah. The words don’t change. You need to change, to find the ta’am. I sing in English, Hebrew, Yiddish, do duets, but I remain within my domain. And if I need to sing my song Tanya for the millionth time, I say to myself that through hashgachas pratis, I received another opportunity to sing Tanya at this moment.’” Rahav-Meir continued: “When I asked about ego and kavod and publicity, Fried said that he mamash doesn’t think that it comes from a person’s yetzer hara. ‘People want to succeed in every field and that’s natural, that’s perfectly okay,’ he said. “It’s not a negative thing. You just need to act and daven that we’ll make a Kiddush Hashem, that we’ll influence others for the good, that we’ll cause nachas ruach.’” The participants of the workshop then asked Fried where they could hear him as a chazzan on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. “The answer was surprising,” Rahav-Meir wrote. “‘I daven in a corner of our shul in Crown Heights,” Fried responded. ‘Not in front of the amud – standing quietly as one of the mispallelim and not worrying about how my voice sounds. I had many offers over the years but I want to focus on my tefillos, on my intentions. The whole year I’m on the stage. On the Yamim Noraim, I appear only before the Ribbono shel Olam.’” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)  

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Ukraine Warns: “Russia Will Purposely Direct Missiles At Uman On Rosh Hashanah”

Mykhailo Podolyak, a senior adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, told Israel’s Kan News that “Russia will deliberately fire missiles at Uman on Rosh Hashanah.” In an interview with Kan on Friday, Podolyak said that the Russian army will deliberately fire missiles at Uman when Jews are gathered there and therefore he doesn’t recommend that anyone travel to the area for Rosh Hashanah. “We have no doubt that some chassidim will make efforts to reach Uman on foot,” he said. “We understand that they won’t listen to our warnings that there is a danger of rockets being fired at Uman,” adding that there is a chance that Russia “will purposely do this to create global repercussions.” Podolyak added that Ukrainian security forces will try to ensure the welfare of mispallelim but it’s impossible to provide 100% protection. “We’re warning people but those who come are responsible for their own lives. We’re a free country, we can’t prevent people from coming to Uman. We’ll try to actively intervene to maintain basic security so that if there is missile fire, people can find shelter.” Last week, the Ukrainian security forces carried out intensive training drills in preparation for the arrival of Jews to Uman. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Over 20,000 Attend 1st Main Selichos At Kosel

Over 20,000 mispallelim attended Selichos at the Kosel on Thursday night at 12:30 a.m. It was the first of the 14 main Selichos that will be held at the Kosel this year. Due to the great demand, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation requested that the public come early to Selichos and not wait until the final ones before Rosh Hashanah in order to spread out the crowds and maintain the safety of mispallelim. Last week, a routine safety inspection of the Kosel stones was carried out with a special crane in preparation for the huge crowds expected during Elul and Tishrei. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Arabs Open Fire At Jews At Kever Yosef, Victim Evacuated By Military Helicopter

Five Jews traveled to Kever Yosef in Shechem in a private car overnight Monday and came under gunfire by terrorists near the kever. Two were injured, one severely and one moderately. The passengers did not coordinate their visit with the IDF. In the wake of the gunfire, the five passengers, two from Modiin Ilit and three from Jerusalem, abandoned their car, fled the scene, and hid on a nearby road. Their car was later set on fire by Arabs. IDF forces entered Shechem to rescue them and took them to a nearby checkpoint, where the 17-year-old severely injured victim was evacuated via military helicopter to Sheba Hospital in Tel HaShomer. The moderately wounded civilian was evacuated by a mobile intensive care unit to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The three uninjured passengers were taken for questioning to the police station as independently entering Shechem, which is part of Area A – under the full authority of the PA – is forbidden by Israeli law. At the same time, IDF forces entered Shechem and began carrying out searches for suspects. The head of the Shomron Regional Council Yossi Dagan, said: “Another barbaric terror incident from the Palestinian Authority, which due to its incitement and encouragement of terrorism, is responsible for this barbaric murder attempt.” “I am again calling – in the name of the Rabbanim of the Shomron – to enter Kever Yosef only in coordination with the IDF. There are arranged and coordinated tefillos at the kever every month. Unfortunately, every uncoordinated entry is sakanot nefashot. I call on the IDF to capture the terrorists and eradicate the killers’ dens in Shechem. Only the IDF’s full control of Kever Yosef can maintain the safety of mispallelim in Shechem.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: E-L-U-L! HaGaon HaRav Ezrachi Bangs On The Shtender

In the tradition of the age-old minhag, HaGaon HaRav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi banged on the shtender on Rosh Chodesh Elul and yelled out E-L-U-L! HaRav Ezrachi is the Rosh Yeshivah of Ateres Yisrael, located in Modiin Illit. The minhag of banging on the shtender on Rosh Chodesh Elul began as a way of instilling fear about the impending Yom HaDin in the hearts of mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Near-Tragedy: IDF Soldier Accidently Discharges Bullet At Friend’s Chest

A near tragedy occurred near Kever Yosef in Shechem overnight Wednesday when a Givati soldier accidentally discharged a bullet from his gun at his friend’s chest while they were riding in an armored vehicle. B’Chasdei Hashem, the soldier was only very slightly injured thanks to the ceramic protective vest he was wearing. The IDF stated: “During the withdrawal of IDF forces from Kever Yosef in Shechem, where soldiers were protecting mispallelim, a security incident occurred in a vehicle when a bullet was accidentally fired from a soldier’s weapon. The bullet hit a soldier’s ceramic vest. There were no casualties and the incident is being investigated.” The incident happened after IDF forces escorted hundreds of mispallelim to Kever Yosef. Arabs opened fire at the buses and an intense gun battle ensued. According to Palestinian reports, an 18-year-old Palestinian was killed and 31 Palestinians were injured, three critically. B’chasdei Hashem, no mispallelim or Israeli security forces were injured in the incident. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FLATBUSH: Levaya of Reb Luzy Steinmetz Z”L

The Flatbush community as well as the rest of the world suffered a tremendous loss on Friday afternoon, when long time Flatbush resident Rabbi Luzy Steinmetz Z”L was Niftar after battling a long illness. Luzy may have just been in his mid forties, but his accomplishments surpassed his age. He was a long standing Mispallel at Khal Bnei Torah led by Rav Bentzion Shiffenbauer. He was a graduate of Yeshiva Torah Temimah and a talmid of Yeshivahs Mir in Yerushalayim and Yeshiva Torah Vodas in Flatbush. Luzy encompassed all 3 pillars that we learn about in Pirkei Avos; Torah-Avodah-Gemilas Chessed. He embodied Torah as a long time Daf Yomi Magid shuir, as well as always ready to enlighten his friends and those around him with a good vort. His Avodah was something to admire. His tefiila and kedushas Bais Hamedrish was admirable. His Simchas Hachaim was obvious to all who knew him, every day and especially on Shabbos. Lastly, Luzy was a tremendous Baal chessed without ever needing recognition. His chessed helped many people in need, all without mention that Luzy was behind it all. Rosh Chodesh Av is a day that the Mishnah writes “we begin to diminish joy” as we enter Aveilus for the 1st and 2nd Bais Hamikdosh. Rosh Chodesh in general is a day of celebration, and even though it’s the beginning of the 9 days of mourning, we still say Hallel and celebrate the day as we do every Rosh Chodesh. It is also the Yartzeit of Aron Hakoen, who was a rodef shalom. It is no coincidence that Luzy’s passing is on Rosh Chodesh and sharing the same Yartzeit as Aron Hakoen. Luzy was a true Rodeph Shalom, someone who always had a smile on his face and filled the room with joy. May this Rosh Chodesh be a new beginning, a beginning of Gueula, a beginning of building the Bais Hamikdosh quickly. Levaya for ר’ חיים אלעזר ע”ה בן ר’ שמשון אריה נ”י will take place Sunday at 11am at Shomrei Hadas and Kevurah will be in Eretz Yisroel. May His family, friends and all those that knew him have a Nechamah. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Arabs Open Fire On Jews Who Entered Kever Yosef

A car with four Jews entered Kever Yosef Hatzadik in Shechem overnight Thursday without coordinating with the IDF and came under Arab gunfire. One passenger was lightly injured on his head. They then tried to flee the area but their car overturned. They exited the car and managed to leave Shechem and hide nearby until IDF forces rescued them. An IDF medic administered emergency aid and they were transferred to Israel Police for questioning. Two weeks ago, mispallelim at Kever Yosef came under heavy gunfire at a tefillah held with the coordination of the IDF. Three people were lightly injured. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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This Shabbos: Enjoy A Sit-Down Shalosh Seudos At The Kosel

After a successful pilot run this past Shabbos, a sit-down Shalosh Seudos will be available for mispallelim at the Kosel each week, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation announced on Wednesday. In recent years, volunteers have offered basic food, including challah and dips, for Shalosh Seudos, but there was no seating available. Additionally, the food was often not sufficient for those who wanted it. The foundation decided to take the initiative to solve the problem, and with the help of generous donors, arranged for an organized Shalosh Seudos to be served to anyone interested. Beginning this upcoming Shabbos, visitors to the Kosel can enjoy challah, salads, dips and fish served on tables at separate complexes for men and women. [It is unknown if family-style seating will be available.] The men’s complex will be located on the roof of the Beis Strauss building and the women’s complex will be on the porch of the Beis Moreshes HaKosel building. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BDE: R’ Dovid Cohen, Z’l Davened At The Kosel On Shabbos, Collapsed & Died

R’ Dovid Cohen, z’l, a resident of the Geulah neighborhood of Yerushalayim, passed away suddenly over Shabbos at the age of 60. R’ Cohen, z’tl, was in the middle of davening Shacharis of Shabbos at the Kosel when he suddenly collapsed. Paramedics who were called to the scene carried out resuscitation techniques and rushed him to the hospital but unfortunately, doctors could do nothing but declare his death. The niftar was known among the regular mispallelim at the Kosel as he would daven at the Kosel each and every morning without exception. An acquaintance told Kikar H’Shabbat that HaRav Dovid, z’l, was moser nefesh to bring coffee and pastries every morning to distribute to the mispallelim and those attending shiurim at the Kosel. “He respected every Jew for who he was,” he said. “He assisted needy families with tzedaka, always quietly and pleasantly.” Yehi Zichro Baruch. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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EREV YESOD SHE’BAYASOD: Thousands Daven By Kever Yosef HaTzadik, Arabs Riot, Terrorist Killed

Thousands of Jews davened at Kever Yosef HaTzadik in Shechem on Tuesday night for the upcoming Sefiras Yesod Shebayesod of Sefiras HaOmer on Thursday night, which is the midah associated with Yosef Hatzadik. Chashuve Rabbanim attended the tefillah including HaGaon HaRav Mordechai Gross, Av Beis Din of Chanichei HaYeshivos. the Zvhiller Rebbe, and HaRav Shalom Arush. As Israeli security forces escorted the mispallelim into the kever, hundreds of Arabs began rioting, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at soldiers and some opening live fire. IDF soldiers returned fire and one terrorist was killed. The IDF spokesperson stated: “During the coordinated entry of mispallelim to Kever Yosef in the city of Shechem, a violent riot broke out with the participation of hundreds of Palestinians who threw stones and Molotov cocktails at the forces. The soldiers responded by firing at a suspect who threw a Molotov cocktail. A hit was identified. In addition, gunshots were heard in the area.” The Zvhiller Rebbe spoke briefly and said that his grandfather, Rav Shlomo of Zvhill, was niftar on the sefirah of Yesod SheBayesod. “My holy grandfather regularly came to the tzion of Yosef HaTzadik, with whom he felt strongly connected. There are many wondrous stories about how he got there. One of the chassidim once asked that maybe the Arabs made it up to earn money from Jews and Yosef HaTzadik isn’t actually buried here. Rebbe Shloimke answered that you can undoubtedly feel the presence of Yosef HaTzadik.” The tefillah was arranged by the Shomron Regional Council and was secured by IDF soldiers with the assistance of volunteers of the Kever Yosef administration and the Holy Places of the Shomron Regional Council. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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A YEAR AFTER THE DISASTER: Thousands Flock To Rebbe Shimon

A year after the worse civil disaster in the history of Israel, thousands of people began arriving at the Rashbi Kever in Meron on Wednesday. The police are prepared for the possibility of confrontations with extremists. Police officers have been dispersed throughout the area to prevent the arrival of extremists and to stop them before they even approach Har Meron. On Tuesday night, police thwarted the arrival of a group of extremists who were on their way to Meron equipped with wire cutters, utility knives, and other objects apparently intended to sabotage the infrastructure at the site. A large structure was set up on Tuesday night next to the hadlaka site as a zecher to the 45 kedoshim, with 45 yahrtzeit candles. The candles will be lit prior to the start of the Boyaner Rebbe’s hadlaka. There are already many complaints about the changes at the site, with people saying that it’s impossible to get close to the tzion and that everyone has to daven at the Toldos Aharon complex after waiting in impossibly long lines. Anyone who does get close to the tzion is only allowed to remain there for one minute before being pushed along.  In addition, the women are standing in line in the heat, with no shade over them. There are also reports that security guards are not allowing families with baby strollers into the site, a policy that was apparently not announced beforehand. Families who purchased tickets and traveled for hours are being turned away. אף אחד לא אמר להם את זה.אבל כל מי שמגיע למירון עם עגלת ילדים לא מורשה להכנס.אנשים מגיעים ממרחק מצויידים בכרטיסים ואומרים להם:"תשאירו את הילד מחוץ למושב" — אבי מימרן Avi Mimran (@avi1mimran) May 18, 2022 Close to midnight on Tuesday night, dozens of police officers began evacuating mispallelim from the kever compound in order to set up the passageways for the expected crowds. In the video below, the festivities begin at Meron. Deputy Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana can be seen dancing with a fierce critic of his, Chief Rabbi of Tzfas HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu. Four singers, Bentzi Stein, Ahrele Samet, Ari Hill and Chaim Israel, posted an achdus video ahead of Lag B’Omer: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Meron Regulations Violators To Receive 3 Months Imprisonment & Fine

The Knesset’s Public Security Committee on Tuesday approved the new regulations for Lag B’Omer at Meron. The regulations call for a three-month jail sentence and an administrative fine for anyone who violates the regulations, including those who arrive at Meron without a ticket or who fail to leave after four hours and anyone who operates an event at the site without the required permits. The committee’s chairman, Yesh Atid MK Meirav Ben-Ari, said: “The committee members toured Har Meron last week…over the past year 63 illegal structures were demolished. The last one was demolished today.” “The site is very small, too narrow to contain hundreds of thousands of mispallelim. Yesterday night, I checked and over 64,000 tickets had already been sold.” “I still can’t understand how Meron was safe in the past, there were probably many nissim, and unfortunately, last year’s disaster was inevitable. We as a country must do everything to correct this and ensure the safety of visitors.” Ben-Ari continued and said that she toured the area with the police and saw all the work that was done but she still doesn’t feel the area is completely safe. As Ben-Ari said, the last illegal structure at Meron, the Ohr Rashbi yeshivah building, was demolished on Tuesday – the 63rd building to be demolished over the past year. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Women Of The Wall Refuse To Hold Service At Designated Plaza

Like every Rosh Chodesh, the Women of the Wall group engaged in its monthly provocations at the Kosel on Monday morning, Rosh Chodesh Iyar. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation stated that the group refused to hold its service at the special plaza designated for them, which was established by the order of the Justice Ministry in order to separate the group from the other mispallelim and prevent conflict. “Despite repeated requests, they chose not to enter the plaza and instead disrupted the public order,” the foundation stated. “Furthermore, Mrs. Yochi Rappaport, one of the group’s leaders, decided to create a provocation and approach mispallelim standing at the upper plaza in order to rile them up and disturb public order.” “The foundation’s director Eden Shimon appealed to her personally to return to the plaza to prevent violence and not turn the Kosel into a place of protest but she chose to continue and again turned the site into a battlefield.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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VIOLENCE AT MERON: Conflict At Site Between Bochurim & Police

Conflicts broke out on Thursday at Meron between a group of yeshivah bochurim and police at the site. The bochurim arrived at the site for the last day of bein hazemanim, Erev Rosh Chodesh Iyar, and began dancing and singing on the roof of the tzion. For some reason, the police ordered the bochurim to leave and that’s when the conflict began. A police statement said: “Young Chareidi extremists came to Kever Rashbi in Meron and began violent riots that included an attempt to destroy the new infrastructure that was built for the upcoming Lag B’Omer while disturbing the public and the mispallelim who were present. The extremist youth forcefully violated the police officers’ instructions, threw objects at them, and refused to leave. Many police forces were rushed to the site, four suspects were arrested and additional arrests are expected.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Thousands Daven By Kevarim Of Yehoshua Bin Nun, Rav Lau Leads Tefillos For His Wife

Thousands of people davened at the kevarim of Yehoshua Bin Nun and Calev ben Yefunah in the Palestinian village of Kifl Haris in the Shomron on Tuesday on the occasion of the yartzheit of Yehoshua ben Nun. The tefillah was arranged by the Shomron Regional Council and the mispallelim were accompanied by IDF forces. Among the mispallelim were Chief Rabbi Rav Dovid Lau, Rabbanim who immigrated from Ukraine in the past month, including HaRav Shlomo Wilhelm, the Rav of Zhytomyr and western Ukraine, and the Rav of the Shomron HaRav Elyakim Levanon. Rav Lau led tefillos for his wife, who is in serious condition after suffering a stroke on Pesach. The public is asked to continue davening for Feiga Tzipporah bas Hadassah l’refuah sheleima b’toch shaar cholei Yisrael. Tefillos were also held for the refuah of HaRav Chaim Druckman, the most senior Dati Leumi Rav in Israel, who is currently ill. The name for tefillah is HaRav Chaim Meir ben Milka b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Bittersweet Siyum HaShas at Lederman Shul

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman Maran Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim zatzal held that a siyum is actually preferable to fasting on Erev Pesach.  Why is that?  Because a Siyum is actually a seudas Mitzvah, while the firstborn fasting on this day is a Minhag – a strong minhag, but nonetheless a Minhag. Rav Chaim zatzal would conduct his siyum on the entire Bavli each year at the Lederman shul.  He would then go home and make his siyum on the entire Yerushalmi. This year, the congregants and the Gabbai of the Lederman shul had requested that Rav Chaim’s eldest son, the b’chor, conduct the siyum in his father’s stead.  Those in attendance heard the words of the Siyum Kaddish and could not help thinking that Rav Chaim zatzal would no longer be conducting the annual siyum on Shas, but were consoled by the fact that his son, yblct”v Rav Avrohom Yishayahu Kanievsky shlita would continue the tradition. It did involve a change, however.  Rav Avrohom Yishayahu Kanievsky shlita would always conduct the siyum on the yartzeit of his grandmother, the Steipler’s Rebbitzen and sister of the Chazon Ish – Rebbitzen Pesha Miriam Kanievsky a”h, on the second of Nissan.  In deference to the needs of the Mispallelim, he made the siyum on Shas and the Tosefta on Erev Pesach and then immediately began Meseches Brachos. Beside him at the siyum was the list of those who had sent in their names as for brachos and as a z’chus. Rav Avrohom Yishayahu shlita completed the Yerushalmi siyum at home.   The author can be reached at [email protected]

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WATCH: HaRav Lau Visits Moldovan Shul Transformed Into Refugee Center

At the invitation of HaRav Pinchas Saltzman, Chief Rabbi of Israel HaRav Lau on Wednesday flew to Moldova, where hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian refugees have been arriving in recent weeks. HaRav Lau visited the shul in Kishinev, which has been transformed into a place to sleep for Jewish refugees. Prior to Shabbos, HaRav Saltzman told the mispallelim not to come to shul on Shabbos as he needed the space for the refugees. “I hope that the shul will revert to a place of tefillah but people are made to feel at home here – it’s simply moving,” Rav Lau said. Apart from providing chizzuk to the refugees, HaRav Saltzman also requested that HaRav Lau come to Kishinev to assist him with complex halachic shailos that arose due to the war. The beleaguered refugees were astonished to see the Chief Rabbi of Israel in Moldova and his presence provided them with much encouragement. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Moldovan Rav’s Shabbos Indistinguishable From Weekday Amid Countless Pikuach Nefesh Cases

Chief Rabbi of Moldova HaRav Pinchas Saltzman turned his shul into a refuge for Ukrainian refugees and before Shabbos told his regular mispallelim to stay at home due to lack of room in the shul, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. “There was no choice,” HaRav Saltzman told B’Chadrei. “I told the Jews in the city not to daven or eat here because we had no other place to put the people who fled from Ukraine. We had cases of pikuach nefesh mamash that couldn’t wait until after Shabbos. Whatever we could push off until after Shabbos, we pushed off.” HaRav Saltzman traveled on Shabbos to the Ukrainian border, received dozens of phone calls and text messages, paid money if necessary, and gave orders to cook on Shabbos for women and children. Rav Saltzman’s rescue activities involved difficult humanitarian cases of vulnerable refugees arriving in Moldova on Shabbos, including those who were wounded by shelling, the elderly, babies, and pregnant women. “If these people had remained in Ukraine, their lives would have been endangered, there were cases of pikuach nefesh,” HaRav Saltzman said. Members of the kehilla and United Hatzalah volunteers provided Shabbos meals for the refugees who had arrived in Kishinev, as well as hundreds of hot meals to refugees still at the border crossing. I’m at the Moldova/Ukraine border crossing to provide emergency assistance to thousands forced to flee the country, following the escalation in hostilitiesI’m seeing An unprecedented humanitarian crisis. Families fleeing, children suffering.Keep on praying for Peace in Ukraine. — Yaakov Flitchkin (@Yaakov_Flitch) March 1, 2022 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rav Aharon Motoz, Head of Dirshu In Ukraine: “No One Wants To Live Under Putin Dictatorship, We Are Fleeing”

“It Is Our Fervent Hope That the Zechus of the Chofetz Chaim Will Protect Us!”  Yidden around the world are bring requested to be mispallel for our brethren in Ukraine. An exclusive Interview with Rav Aharon Motoz, Head of Dirshu in Ukraine, as he, together with 200 Members of the Odessa community flee the area Rav Aharon Motoz is a Rav in Odessa and heads all of Dirshu’s operations in Ukraine. As Russian troops began bombing and encircling large parts of Ukraine, Rav Motoz consulted with Gedolei Yisroel and was told to flee. His hometown of Odessa, one of Ukraine’s largest cities, is strategically located on the Black Sea and is a very important city that the Russians are certainly planning on conquering. Rav Aharon spoke to a senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala in Yerushalayim this past erev Shabbos, from the bus on which he was fleeing with his wife, children and a convoy of more than 200 members of the kehillah. Rav Aharon. Where are you now? How are you and your kehillah faring? We have been in transit for twelve hours already. The plan is to travel for another full two days until we reach the most western part of the country. The entire kehillah has fled together with me. Many goyim who live near us begged us to let them come along, but we simply did not have room. People are sitting in the aisles and in every available inch of the busses. I must admit that right now, the mood is one of great despair. Odessa is located right near the Black Sea and the Russian forces are gathering en masse for an invasion. We know that they have no problem killing civilians. That is why we have fled. At first, we tried to get into the nearby country of Moldavia, but many of us did not have the proper papers to be allowed entry. We are now traveling to the West where we hope to stay in a refugee camp until things quiet down. Why didn’t you stay in Odessa? The Russian Army says that they do not plan on targeting civilians? Even if that would be true, we felt we must flee. The Ukrainian government is planning on drafting every male between the ages of eighteen and sixty. My brother is already fighting in the army. Those of us who cannot fight have decided that it would be safest to flee. Our primary fear is that we will be stopped and forced to return. That is why we will be travelling straight, day and night, until we reach our destination. It will soon be Shabbos, but we have been told by our poskim that we must continue traveling, even on Shabbos. It is truly pikuach nefesh to get as far away from the war zone as possible. The truth is everyone who can find a way to leave is leaving – Jews and non-Jews. Everyone knows that during war, human life is considered worthless. Are you worried about what life will be like under a government that is effectively controlled by Putin? No one wants Putin. We don’t want to be under Russia in any shape or form. We view Putin as another Stalin type of dictator. He is an enemy of humanity. He

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DISGRACING THE KOSEL: Reform MK Breaks Promise, Joins Women Of Wall, Woman Violates Sefer Torah

Labor MK Gilad Kariv broke his promise to President Yitchak Herzog and came to the Kosel together with the Women of the Wall on Wednesday morning for Shacharis of Rosh Chodesh Adar Aleph. One woman in the group smuggled a Sefer Torah into the women’s section by hiding it underneath her clothing, in complete violation of its kedushah, a move decried by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which called it a “horrific and severe chillul hakodesh opposite the avnei kodesh.” “A small group of Reform women of Women of the Wall headed by MK Gilad Kariv arrived at the Kosel plaza and dug in their heels in their battle, like they declared last week that their goal is to come and demonstrate at the Kosel on their world view regarding the nature of religion in the state of Israel,” the foundation stated. “Unfortunately MK Kariv chose to attend this event despite President Herzog’s appeal to him because his presence stirs things up and turns the Kosel plaza into a battlefield.” “The group violently broke out of the area designated for them, again violating all the agreements reached with them by the president and the Justice Ministry. The group acted violently against Orthodox mispallelos and pushed them in order to reach the Kosel.” Blue and White MK Alon Tal also attended the Women of the Wall’s demonstration. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israel’s “Omicron” Shabbos: Minyanim For COVID Patients Only

Due to the soaring number of Omicron cases in Israel, many minyanim for COVID positive mispallelim only were held over Shabbos, BChadrei Chareidim reported. In the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Jerusalem, a simcha hall was used for a COVID minayn. In Yeshivas Mir Brachfeld, a special Beis Medrash and dining room was set aside for bochurim and staff who tested positive. The same scenario was reported in frum cities and neighborhoods throughout Israel. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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DISGRACING THE KOSEL: Rosh Chodesh Provocation: In A First, Women Of The Wall Bring Men Into Ezras Nashim

As they do every month, a group of Women of the Wall members arrived at the Kosel on Monday morning for Shacharis of Rosh Chodesh Shevat and disturbed the tefillos of thousands of mispallelim. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation slammed the group, stating that “the group decided to leave the designated area set aside for them, thereby violating their commitment to the President of the state and disturbing the public order at the Kosel plaza.” The Foundation also slammed the “entry of men from the Women of the Wall group into the Ezras Nashim, something that harms the kedusha of the Kosel and is unprecedented.” Oren Henig, the director of Mercaz Liba, excoriated the behavior of the group, stating: “Men, led by Yizhar Hess, who serves as the deputy director of the Histadrut HaTzionit, joined the ‘provocative women’…and brazenly entered the Ezras Nashim, in complete violation of the law and regulations.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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UPDATE: Mother In Woodmere Crash Remains In Grave Condition As Klal Yisroel Rallies In Chesed

The mother injured in the horrific accident in Woodmere on motzei shabbos remains in grave condition, with an outpouring of tefillos and zchusim needed for her refuah sheleima. A second accident victim remains in the ICU at Long Island Jewish Medical Center but is baruch hashem rapidly improving and is expected to make a full recovery, though the process will be long and arduous. The two other girls in the accident suffered more moderate injuries and one has already been discharged from the hospital. As previously reported on YWN, 15-year-old Liel Namdar A”H from Great Neck, one of the girls riding in the vehicle struck by a drunk driver was tragically killed in the accident, with her kevurah taking place in Eretz Yisroel on Monday. A fund has been set up to support the family of the mother who remains in severe condition, as her family faces dire financial straits. The fund, set up by TAG, Rabbi Friedman of Rambam, the Rabbonim of the North Woodmere Jewish Community, and Achiezer, has already garnered donations from thousands of yidden who have chipped in to assist the woman and her family. As of this posting, more than 6,100 people donated to this cause, raising a whopping $518,000. Mi K’amcha Yisroel! May the tzedakah given to support the injured woman and her family be a zchus for the refuah sheleima of all the victims of this tragedy. Please continue to be Mispallel for Miriam bas Ina Pesya Yocheved, and Chana Eliana bas Naomi. YWN must note the incredible work that the Achiezer Organization has been doing since this tragedy struck, as they have been working around the clock assisting the victims, their families, and the thousands affected by this terrible tragedy. RECEIVE YWN BREAKING UPDATES IN LIVE TIME: YWN WHATSAPP STATUS UPDATES: CLICK HERE to join the YWN WhatsApp Status. YWN WHATSAPP GROUPS: CLICK HERE to be added to an official YWN WhatsApp Group. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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BDE: One Of The Last Jews In Egypt Passes Away

Reb Yosef Ben-Gaon, z’l, the head of the tiny Jewish community in Alexandria, Egypt passed away recently at the age of 69, Kan News reported. Ben-Gaon davened at the Eliyahu Hanavi shul which was renovated in recent years by the Egyptian government. The magnificent Eliyahu Hanavi shul was closed in 2016 after the roof in the women’s section collapsed. In 2017, the Egyptian Antiquities Authority Ministry approved a $4 million renovation plan which was completed in 2020. It now has enough seats for 700 mispallelim, which of course remain empty, and is considered one of the largest shuls in the Middle East. The Eliyahu Hanvai shul was built in the 19th century on top of the original edifice built in 1354, which sustained significant damage during Napoleon Bonaparte’s invasion of Egypt in 1798. There were a total of about 80,000 Jews in Egypt until 1948, with about 30,000-40,000 Jews living in Alexandria and the rest in Cairo. Currently, it’s estimated that there are less than 20 Jews in all of Egypt. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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AFTER 4 MTH-LOCKDOWN: “Davening In A Minyan Is Like Emerging From Darkness To Light”

After a lengthy and protracted lockdown in Australia with no tefilla b’tzibur permitted, which included the Yamim Noraim, shuls are finally officially permitted to reopen – albeit with strict restrictions in place. All mispallelim must have received both vaccine shots, are required to wear masks and socially distance during tefillos, and no singing is allowed! A number of shuls in Sydney have reopened including Chabad’s Sydney’s Shul, headed by Rav Chaim Levy. Rabbi Levy told B’Chadrei Chareidim that the feeling is like leaving a bomb shelter after an extended period of time. “We emerged from darkness to light. It was very difficult not to hold tefillos during the Yamim Noraim – kapparos, tekias shofar, Yizkor – we didn’t have the most important things in Yiddishkeit.” “In fact, we haven’t had a regular life for almost two years – definitely not regular tefillos,” Rabbi Levy lamented. “Young children didn’t really experience the feeling of the Yamim Tovim. We hope that the situation will now revert back to pre-coronavirus days.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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What Tefilla Did Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka Add On Yom Kippur To Stop COVID?

The Yom Kippur tefillos in Yeshivas Slabodka in Bnei Brak were held with hundreds of talmidim of the yeshivah, current and past, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. The tefillos were attended by the Roshei Yeshivos, HaGaon HaRav Dov Landua, HaGaon HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, HaGaon HaRav Simcha Shmuel Zaks and HaRav Yitzchak Schwartz. While the recital of Tehillim was taking place between Kol Nidrei and Maariv, the mispallelim were surprised when HaGaon HaRav Landua interrupted to request that ‘יושב בסתר’ be recited as it’s a segula to end a mageifah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Deadline: Neilah Tefillah By Rav Chaim Kanievsky For Singles In Shidduchim Deadline In 24 Hours!

Are you or someone you know in need of a zechus for their bashert? Once again , Harav Chaim Kamievsky will be saying a special tefillah at Neilah for all the Ohel Sarala members that “this year should be the year”. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to submit your kvittel for this rare tefillah and bracha.  JOIN HERE The Ohel Sarala Initiative was born 6 years ago, at the recommendation of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman ZT”L. You can read more about Ohel Sarala below. Over the last few years, Ohel Sarala has been part of over 385 babies and 2271 shidduchim. It all began when Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, founder of Bonei Olam, visited Hagaon Reb Aron Leib Shteinman, zatzal. Rav Shteinman told Rabbi Bochner that there are two challenges facing Klal Yisroel that allow him no peace of mind – singles seeking shidduchim and couples struggling to have a child. Both have no children. The Torah itself shows that the two are related, said the Rosh Yeshiva. Only after Sarah Imeinu gave Hagar to Avraham Avinu, saying “Ulai ibaneh mimenah, perhaps I will be built from her” (Beraishis 16:2),” did Hashem send the malach to tell her that she would give birth. The Torah is teaching us middah k’neged middah. When a person assists someone else with having a child, there is a havtacha that he will also merit a child. And since a person can only have a child through marriage, said the Rosh Yeshiva, helping someone have a child is a zechus for a single to find a zivug. Rav Shteinman advised Rabbi Bochner to give singles an opportunity to help waiting couples financially. Such an arrangement, he said, would harness the power of middah k’neged midah, and would open a channel of great brachah. A short while afterward, Rabbi Bochner related this conversation to Rabbi Aryeh Ginzberg. Rabbi Ginzberg and his wife had been seeking a project to undertake in memory of their daughter, Sarala, a”h. Taking Harav Shteinman’s words to heart, they founded Ohel Sarala as a zechus for the neshamah of their daughter, a”h, who didn’t merit to get married or have children. Ohel Sarala matches singles with couples waiting for children. The process is simple. The singles sign up through Ohel Sarala; the couples are reached through Bonei Olam. The singles make a donation to designated couple being helped by Bonei Olam. Then, following Chazal’s dictum of hamispallel b’ad chaveiro ne’eneh techilah, the singles and couples daven for each other. People donate anything from small amounts to $10,000. Ohel Sarala has raised significant funds for Bonei Olam, so that collectively, the singles are fulfilling Sarah Imeinu’s words, “ulei ibaneh memenah.” Ohel Sarala has a beautiful website where people can sign up to join, and view powerful speeches and articles. The entire project is completely anonymous. The singles and couples get only a Hebrew name to daven for. CLICK HERE TO JOIN

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Benny Friedman & The Global Cholim List

WATCH VIDEO BELOW ARTICLE by Riki Goldstein The year which is drawing to a close, 5771, has brought a series of heartbreaking blows. We were shattered by the multiple tragedies Klal Yisrael endured in Meron, then just weeks later, the Surfside collapse brought us to a new low. Composer and producer Eli Gerstner shares how he felt. “Like many people, we knew of families who were in the Champlain towers building. And for the first two days, we still hoped and prayed they would be found alive. Coming on the heels of the Meron tragedy, we all felt that another disaster was just too much.” As Eli was davening for the rescue, the powerful words “Avinu Malkeinu kera ro’a gezar dineinu…[tear up the evil decree]” were going round and round in his mind. Just then, he received a text from a friend of his, who had been diagnosed with cancer. “That was the straw that broke the camel’s back,” he says. “It all just hit me.” And in the overwhelming pain of so much suffering, in the swirl of darkness, he began to sing and plead with Hashem. At the piano, he put the pain into music with the words “Avinu malkeinu, send a refuah sheleimah to the sick of Your people, tear up the evil decrees.” The melody that emerged from those tearful prayers, “AVINU,” was just released on Sunday August 29th, the first day of Selichos. One phrase which jumps out from that first night of Selichos is we ask Hashem to look at our misfortunes instead of our sins—“Penei nah el hat’laos, ve’al lachataos.” Instead of focusing on what we are doing wrong, please, Hashem, won’t You consider all our pain and troubles. Consider the pain of Your children who are sick, the families who are grieving and forever incomplete, the couples longing for children, the teenagers lost and broken. If You look at those, surely You will have mercy and bring an end to harsh decrees. Surely You will stop sending us tragedies. Eli had already planned the final two songs to be released as part of The Chizuk Project, but when he sent his new nigun to Jeremy Strauss of Strauss Music and the Chizuk Project, they decided to lay their original plans to the side, and work on this new song, which is so expressive of the pleas arising from all our hearts.  They both knew who would sing it: Benny Friedman, whose depth of emotion enriches his vocals and touches the listeners’ hearts. “When we sent the song to Benny, he immediately agreed to sing it,” Eli says. “And we all knew, as we worked on the track, who we were dedicating it to—the cholim of Klal Yisrael.” Benny loved the song, “it’s a song you could feel in your kishkes.” More than that, he loved the idea that singers and fellow Yidden were getting together to daven. “When a person is mispallel by himself, that’s a beautiful thing. But being mispallel with the community is an entirely different level. The Chizuk project is bringing people together, creating a tzibbur to daven for cholim across the world, and we all hope our united tefillos will be answered speedily.” Eli immediately began to work on the arrangements. Although he had composed the song on

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Meron Effect: Wire Reels Placed On Roof Of Rav Nachman’s Tzion In Uman

Ukrainian officials, along with Jews around the world, are preparing for Rosh Hashanah, as thousands of Breslover chassidim make their way to the Uman. In a meeting between senior Ukrainian government officials and the administrators of Ichud Breslov B’Uman, the officials said that photos published every year show dozens of mispallelim reciting the Tikun Haklali on the roof of the tzion and they are concerned that the roof could collapse or mispallelim could fall, chalilah. A decision was made to ensure the safety of mispallelim by installing wire reels on the roof of the tzion to prevent people from climbing on it. Israeli media reports said that in the wake of the Meron disaster, Ukrainian officials are putting much effort into implementing various safety measures ahead of Rosh Hashanah. They are especially concerned about the mass recital of the Tikkun Haklali at chatzos on Erev Rosh Hashanah, when tens of thousands of mispallelim gather together at the same time. They are also implementing a “revolving gate” method for mispallelim to enter Rav Nachman’s kever on erev Rosh Hashanah to prevent too many people from entering at once. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Gur & Karlin-Stolin Impose Strict Restrictions For The Yamim Noraim

Chassidic courts are busy preparing for large crowds during the Yamim Noraim, especially Gerrer and Karlin-Stolin, both of which are known to be stringent about coronavirus restrictions. HaRav Itche Meir Tauman announced to Gerrer chassidim on Sunday that everyone eligible for a booster shot should immediately receive it and those who are not vaccinated will not be allowed to daven in the Gerrer Beis Midrash over the Yamim Noraim. HaRav Yitzchak Meir Gutman, the supervisor of the Gerrer Talmudei Torah, announced to parents that children age 12 and above can only daven in the main Gerrer Beis Medrash on Rosh Hashanah if they present documentation of being recovered or positive results from a serological test. After submitting the proper documentation, the children will receive a special bracelet allowing them entry into the Beis Medrash. An announcement was also made in the Gerrer Beis Medrash that all adult mispallelim will also have to wear an “entry bracelet,” which will be received upon submittal of a Green Pass. Karlin-Stolin announced that only chassidim who fall in the following categories are permitted to spend the Yamim Noraim with the Rebbe: Those who received three vaccines and at least a week has passed from the third vaccine (the third vaccine must be received no later than Monday evening). Those who have only received two vaccines, with the second vaccine administered within the last five months. Those who recovered from COVID within the past year and were only vaccinated with one shot can participate. Those who recovered within the past year but didn’t receive any vaccines should immediately receive the first vaccine, no later than Monday evening. Those who have a positive result on a serological test, who aren’t considered as recovered or vaccinated according to the above rules, can participate if the test result is from within the past month. Children under the age of 12 can participate only if they recovered from COVID within the past year or if they have a positive result on a serological test within the past month. Those who are recovered or have a positive result o a serological test must show evidence of Health Ministry documentation. Self-determination is not sufficient. A Green Pass from the Health Ministry is not sufficient to participate on Rosh Hashanah. Entry is dependent on the above rules. Entry is allowed only upon receipt of a designated seat and with the presentation of a special certificate to be issued by the Vaad. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Meron Effect: Kosel Mechitzos Tested For Stability

As the Yamim Tovim approach and thousands of visitors are expected at the Kosel, a special test was carried out to ensure the stability of the mechitzos at the site, Kikar H’Shabbat reported. “The test was performed on the partitions themselves as well as on the panels from which the partitions are assembled when needed, to ensure that in cases of pressure or falls they can withstand the load in real-time,” one of the inspectors from Isotest Laboratories said. The government has set the number of mispallelim allowed at the Kosel as 10,000, and the plaza area will be divided into capsules. A conflict arose at the government’s cabinet meeting last week, with the Kosel Heritage Foundation requesting an allowance of 15,000 mispallelim and the Health Ministry demanding the number to be limited to 5,000, the official number of participants currently allowed at gatherings in open areas. A compromise was reached, with the number set at 10,000. Beginning on Thursday, the Kosel plaza will be divided into capsules in accordance with Health Ministry regulations. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Mi Ka’Amcha Yisroel! A True Story How A Cremation Was Prevented Last Week

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for It is a remarkably inspiring story involving mesiras nefesh, tefilos at kever Rochel, and a seven day yartzeit candle. It began with a knock on the Rav’s door that came out of the blue, this past Motzei Shabbos. One of his mispallelim, Reuvain we will call him, was at the front door. His aunt had passed away on the west coast. The aunt’s instructions were that she should be cremated, rachmana litzlan. Reuvain had three brothers, and they did not know what to do or how to approach things. THE BACKGROUND Reuvain’s father was a chozer bitshuvah years ago. His side of the family was entirely unfamiliar with the loftiness of what a tzelem elokim represents. It was a family that did not yet know the beauties of Torah minhagim. The four brothers did wish to demonstrate their sense of family and to be noseh b’ol chaveiram. They just didn’t know what to do and how to go about things. And so there was that knock on the Rav’s door. The Rav got in touch with Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, of the Queens and Manhattan Chevra Kadisha. Rabbi Zohn carefully encouraged and instructed them as to how to approach it.  They must, at all costs, proceed with darchei noam and with kiddush Hashem in mind. He also called the legendary Yanky Meyer and asked for his man on the ground on the west coast. That man on the ground was a remarkable Chabad Shliach. Everyone realized that the only way to change the course of what was about to happen was if they all flew out to the west coast. The four boarded the first flight that they could book. OVERWHELMED The daughters of the deceased aunt were overwhelmed by what they saw. Here were their cousins from New York who had flown out to be with them. And all this in the middle of the Delta-Variant flare up. The brothers, their cousins, had purchased food; they consoled; they were figurative shoulders to cry on; and, interestingly enough, they had also purchased a seven day yahrtzeit candle. The aunt’s daughters were curious about the candle. They asked when it was supposed to be lit. The brothers answered that traditionally it is lit in the home – after the burial. THE DOOR OPENS A door was opened. The daughters asked and inquired about more and more of the wonderful Jewish traditions of mourning. There were also delays in the cremation procedures. The daughters initially agreed that it would be best to go through the traditional route. WE DID IT! Some of the brothers expressed to themselves how they had felt, “Wow! We did it.”  Later, they realized that this may not have been the correct feeling to have.  On some level, they were perhaps missing a deeper understanding of the yad Hashem. THE MONKEY WRENCH A short while later. one of the boyfriends of the woman’s daughters got involved and so did some other family members.  A monkey wrench was thrown into things.  The changes were undone, and the cremation arrangements went back into place. The brothers placed the dilemna on the family chat.  Tehillim were recited by the two sisters in Eretz Yisroel and by kvarim of Tzaddikim in Eretz Yisroel.  People from New York

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