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Search Results for: kehillas – Page 4

Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Memory of the Har Nof Kedoshim HYD

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Hundreds took part in the hachnasas Sefer Torah in memory of the victims of the Har Nof terror attack that occurred in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim four months ago. The Sefer Torah was donated by a philanthropist from the USA who wishes to remain anonymous. Murdered in that attack were HaRav Moshe Twersky, Rav Aryeh Kupinsky, Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine and R’ Avraham Goldberg HY”D. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photos: Avi Yudkovsky, News 24)  

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Rabbi Berland Backs the Yachad Party

Rabbi Eliezer Berland on Tuesday, 28 Shevat spoke with HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita to express his support for the new party. This would indicate that Eli Yishai’s party will now enjoy the backing of the Shuvu Banim community within the Breslov Chassidus. Rabbi Berland promised Rav Mazuz that he will work to bring votes to the party and expressed hope that they will receive 26 seats as a result. Adding to the growing list of rabbonim backing Yachad is Rabbi Shalom Arush Shlita of Kehillas Chut Shel Chessed. He too announced his support for Yishai and the new party. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Yerushalayim: Rabbonim to Launch Eruv Hotline Due to Snow Storm

Jerusalem Chief Rabbis HaRav Aryeh Stern Shlita and HaRav Moshe Shlomo Amar Shlita released a message regarding the city’s eruv. They rabbonim call on residents to report any breaks in the eruv. The rabbonim have established a hotline number, 02-621-4800, urging residents to report issues with the eruv. The rabbonim also report that restaurants and food establishments that remain open during the storm do have hashgacha as required. The rabbonim cite the kashrus unit is doing everything possible to reach restaurants that are operating in the storm but due to logistical limitations, consumers are urged to maintain a watchful eye. The rabbonim turn to rabbis of shul and kehillas in the city to monitor their congregants and be cognizant regarding which residents require special attention and see to it that they receive the assistance they require. They stress this applies to all residents, not just those attending shul. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTO: R’ Shmuel Goldstein Returns to Har Nof Shul for the First Time Since Attack

Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein is one of the survivors of the Har Nof shul massacre, the attack which occurred in Kehillas Beis Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim. The photo shows R’ Goldstein returning to the shul for the first time since being released from the hospital following the attack. Four neighborhood residents HY”D were murdered in that attack, along with a Druse policeman who tried to stop the terrorists. Murdered in the attack were Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rav Aryeh Kupinsky, Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine, and R’ Avraham Goldberg. The policeman who fell in the line of duty was Advanced Staff Sgt. Major Zidan Sayif. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Har Nof Terror Victim Rabbi SHmuel Goldstein Released from the Hospital

Har Nof terror victim Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, who was seriously wounded when terrorists YS”VZ entered Kehillas Beis Torah in Yerushalayim and began swinging meat cleavers and firing a handgun at mispallalim, has been released from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. At one point during his hospitalization, Goldstein spoke with the media, detailing the horrors of that morning. Four neighborhood residents HY”D were murdered in that attack, along with a Druse policeman who tried to stop the terrorists. Rabbi Moshe Twersky, Rav Aryeh Kupinsky, Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine, and R’ Avraham Goldberg. Efforts continue to raise funds for the almonos and their families. The policeman who fell in the line of duty was Advanced Staff Sgt. Major Zidan Sayif. Photo: Rav Goldstein alongside Hadassah National President Marcie Natan. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem / Photo: Hadassah Spokesperson’s Office)

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MK Maklev Calls to Authorize Handgun Permits for Ichud Hatzalah Volunteers

MK Uri Maklev has turned to Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich to authorize handgun permits for Ichud (United) Hatzalah volunteers in light of the recent escalation in terror attacks. Maklev reminds the minister that Ichud Hatzalah were first on the scene at the site of the attack at the Kehillas Bnei Torah Shul in Har Nof and the shots were still being fired by terrorists when the EMS personnel rolled onto the scene. Maklev is not asking to set a precedent, but he is simply calling to include Ichud Hatzalah volunteers to the same category as Magen David Adom volunteers and workers, who are permitted to carry weapons due to the nature of their position. Maklev points out that Ichud Hatzalah has some 2,400 nationwide volunteers including 350 in Yerushalayim and their responsibilities and timely response places them in a position that they should be armed in light of today’s new realities. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Two Weeks Following the Massacre, Policeman Details Events for Rav Kanievsky

Two weeks following the massacre in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim, policeman Yitzchak Weizman on Sunday afternoon 8 Kislev arrived at the Bnei Brak home of HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita to share the play-by-play details with the gadol hador. He explained how he tried to neutralize the terrorists and bring the attack to an end. Weizman was injured in the attack as he tried rescuing mispallalim from the shul. He explained he heard about the attack on his radio on the other side of the city and headed towards Har Nof as fast as he could. “I fired at one terrorist and killed him. I also fired at and wounded the second terrorist” Weizman told the gadol hador. At the conclusion Rav Kanievsky gave Weizman a bracha for a speedy refuah shleima. Mr. Weizman was escorted during his visit by volunteers of Yad Sarah, who are assisting him in his recuperation. Four Har Nof residents HY”D and a policeman from the Druse community were murdered in the attack HY”D. On motzei Shabbos Rav Kanievsky took part in a kenos hisorarus at the Lederman Shul in Bnei Brak. Other prominent rabbonim and roshei yeshiva shlita were also in attendance and addressed the event including Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Motzei Shabbos Atzeres Achdus at Lederman Shul In Bnei Brak In Light Of Har Nof Massacre

On motzei Shabbos Parshas Vayeitzei an atzeres achdus will take place at the Lederman Shul headed by HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. The event is prompted by the mourning felt in the chareidi community following the barbaric attack in the Har Nof shul, Kehillas Bnei Torah. Hence the gadol hador will appear at the atzeres achdus to give a chizuk to the tzibur. The Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva, HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita is also expected to take part along with other prominent rabbonim and roshei yeshiva shlita. Organizers believe thousands of Bnei Brak residents will attend. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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More Har Nof Residents Joining The Local Shomrim Organization Following Massacre

More residents of the Jerusalem Har Nof neighborhood are joining the Shomrim organization in their neighborhood following the terrorist massacre of mispallalim and a policeman in the Kehillas Bnei Torah Beis Medrash on Agassi Street. Messages are being sent to young males in the community via WhatsApp groups, calling on them to join the ranks of the Shomrim. A special kenos was announced for Tuesday 3 Kislev, but it was postponed as a kenos hisorarus is going to take place in the shul, the site of the massacre, on Tuesday night. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Gedolei Yisroel To Attend Kenos Hisorirus Marking the End of the Shiva for Har Nof Kedoshim HY”D

A kenos marking the end of shiva for the Har Nof Kedoshim HY”D is scheduled for Tuesday, 3 Kislev at the site of the massacre, Kehillas Bnei Torah, 5 Agassi Street in the Har Nof area of the capital. According to the ad in Yated, the kenos, which will follow maariv which begins at 20:00. Gedolei Yisrael Shlita will be attending including Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein, Survivor Of Har Nof Massacre Recounts The Horror And Miracles To Media

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] One of the victims seriously wounded in the Har Nof Maassacre last week, was Rabbi Shmuel Goldstein. He was struck three times by one of the terrorists with a meat cleaver. Once on his head and ear, and once on his back. He miraculously survived, and recounted to the media the horrors of what transpired in those few minutes inside Kehillas Bnei Torah, located at 5 Agassi Street in Har Nof, where on Tuesday morning two terrorists killed 5 people in cold blood. 4 Kedoshim were murdered while they were Davening Shacharis, and one hero Israeli [Druze] police officer – one of the Chasidei Umos HaOlam – was gunned down as he tried to kill the terrorists. His graphic description is chilling, such as how despite having been seriously injured, he pulled one of the terrorists to the ground. Watch how he describes the miracle he experienced, when the second terrorist looked at him and told him to leave. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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Update on Terror Attack Victims

The following update on terror attack victims is from Sunday Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5775. Regarding the wounded from the Har Nof Kehillas Bnei Torah terror attack, the spokesman’s office of Shaare Zedek Medical Center reports that two victims remain in serious condition in intensive care units while a victim from another attack remains in light-to-moderate condition. The spokesman at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital reports four victims of the Har Nof attack remain hospitalized; with two listed in serious/stable condition in intensive care units. A third victim remains in intensive care in moderate condition and has regained consciousness. The fourth victim is a Har Nof paramedic who is in light condition with a fractured leg. Some of the names of Har Nof victims for tefilos are: Chaim Yechiel ben Malka Shmuel Yerucham ben Baila Eitan ben Sarah Yitzchak ben Chaya One of the soldiers injured in the vehicular terror attack at Gush Etzion Junction has taken a turn for the worse. The family calls on the tzibur to be mispallel for him – Moshe Yonatan ben Yikara bsoch cholei yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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HaRav Dovid Yosef: Mispallalim Must Carry their Weapons on Shabbos

Speaking to Mordechai Lavi of Kol Berama Radio on Thursday 27 Marcheshvan, HaGaon HaRav Dovid Yosef Shlita spoke about the current worrisome security situation in Israel, particularly in Jerusalem. We begin with the rav’s conclusion, that anyone with a licensed weapon must carry it on Shabbos during this worrisome period of increased attacks and Arab violence. A person should not carry a mobile phone and it makes no difference if the phone is on or off. However, phones should be left on and left in strategic places in shuls in the event of an emergency chas v’sholom. Kol Berama: Following of the Har Nof attack may one carry a cellular telephone in one’s pocket or is one attack not sufficient to compel halacha to permit this on Shabbos? Rav Yosef: We must first check if the incident that we are discussing is similar to a case in halacha. We know that pikuach nefesh or safek pikuach nefesh take priority over Shabbos. Hence we must decide that if my actions will provide a 1 in 100 chance of saving a life should such an occurrence repeat itself. We do not argue that people are afraid as we can see they walk on the street looking from side to side. However, is this sufficient to transgress Shabbos? We can say that anyone with a licensed weapon must carry it on Shabbos. If there was a definite situation of pikuach nefesh there would be no doubt and this is now safek pikuach nefesh and this compels carrying one’s weapon too. There is no doubt that is one of the mispallalim in that shul on that day had a gun, it is entirely possible the tragedy would have been averted to some degree. We had a meeting of the Har Nof Council including rabbonim and they discussed the possibility of some residents taking courses and getting a gun license. I think this too is important and not only isn’t there a problem with this, it is important. For modesty reasons I think at present this should be limited to men. The neighborhood has been plagued with home robberies on Friday night when people are not home but that is far less dangerous than an assailant entering a home that is occupied. In burglary cases in which the perpetrator was apprehended, most were Arabs. Now think of a case that Arabs walk into a home on Shabbos what can occur. That is why Har Nof as the Hashomer organization and a Druse driver is constantly patrolling and that has reduced the break-ins by 90% and I think this must be replicated in other neighborhoods too. Kol Berama: What about protecting girl’s schools? Rabbi Yosef: They must have armed guards too and this is our right and we must demand this. The same for kindergartens. Regarding a cellular phone, if a shul as an accessible phone that is fine. If not, perhaps a gabbai can make sure there is a phone or two that remain accessible for any event, which we hope will not occur. I fear that if we begin permitting phones, tomorrow people will start driving their cars for a security patrol. We must be careful with what is and is not permitted. Hence I feel that one does not have to carry a

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Vishnitzer Rebbe Advises Against Hiring Arabs

The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita has recommended to his chassidim to stop employing Arabs for the time being but emphasized his words are just advice, his conclusion based on contemplating today’s situation. He added his words are not to not compel chassidim as he is just advising. The rebbe made his announcement while in Modi’in Illit. Those present state the rebbe’s tone was pained over the horrific events of this week, particularly the barbaric massacre in Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof, Yerushalayim. “Our hearts ache and are pained over those taken Al Kiddush Hashem in the holy city of Yerushalayim by vile murderers from the Islamic race” stated the Rebbe. The rebbe spoke about how one of the murderers was employed in a nearby grocery store and “one should be wary of employing a member of the Yishmael community during the current climate” the rebbe added. The rebbe called on chassidim to do a cheshbon nefesh, to be mechazeik their limud and absolutely not to enter into any ‘sichos chullin’ in the beis medrash. Earlier in the week, the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe Shlita ordered the Arabs thrown out of the chassidus’ mosdos, explaining that their presence today represents sakonos nefoshos and this is not permitted. In 2008, YWN published an article following the Merkaz HaRav massacre, where Hagon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky said people should stop hiring Arab workers. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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MAILBAG: Terror and Tears in Our Neighborhood – Har Nof

The following was sent by a YWN reader. We heard the ambulances. We heard there was a terrorist attack. Then we heard it was at our shul down the road. We got a phone call from Chaya Levine asking my husband to please look at the shul next door to see if Rav Kalman was there. My husband had dovened neitz with him just a short time ago. Rav Kalman gave him a hearty “yashar koach” for his duchening, and went back to learn. My husband came home to get Binyomin Dovid ready for the school bus. You see Tuesday morning is Abba day- Binyomin Dovid looks forward to Tuesday morning all week-. maybe because Abba puts ketchup on the cheese sandwich- or puts more pretzels in the bag than Ima does, or more salt on the salad. Or maybe because he so loves his Abba and their special morning together. And because Tuesday is their special day, my husband dovens at the neitz minyon next to our house,  instead of his regular minyon in Kehillas Bnei Torah. My husband might have gone to his regular minyon anyway. Since he was often the only Kohen, on Tuesdays he would pop in for chazaras hashatz  just to duchen for them. The carnage occurred during chazaras HaShatz. But Hashem had other plans for my husband. A few months ago a member of the shul, a Kohen, became an avel-a mourner- and he asked my husband if he could be the regular ba’al tefila. This Tuesday my husband did not go back to duchen, because he knew there would be a Kohen in his minyon. So after neitz at HaGra, he came home from shul. But Kalman- where was Kalman? My husband went back to HaGra to look for him. But he had left. Kalman had gone to Rav Rubin’s shul to ask the Rav a question. And Kalman did not come home. We heard names- we heard rumors- we didn’t want to believe they were true. Rav Moshe Twersky- the kind talmid chacham who always made time for those who came to him for guidance and halachic advice, and then taught and learned until late at night. He was the one to whom my husband would turn with questions that came up in the minyon. It was Rav Moshe who said at his son’s aufruf that this minyon was like mishpacha. We had lost a family member. R’ Aryeh Kupinski.  R’Aryeh? No- not R’ Aryeh? Haven’t they suffered enough? When his daughter Chaya died suddenly in her sleep he was mekabel the din with pure deep faith- and went on to be mechazek others.  R’ Aryeh- always running to help others; always a smile on his face- despite constant challenges. R’  Aryeh was the one who yelled “you run, I’ll fight”  using a chair against a gun and a hatchet to buy time so that others could flee. The ultimate chesed. The names to doven. Shmuel Yerucham ben Baila. Chaim Yechiel ben Malka. Eitan ben Sarah. Yitzchak ben Chaya. All still in need of tremendous Rachmei Shamayim. Please continue to storm the gates of rachamim on their behalf. Avraham Shmuel ben Sheina. Then the rumors turned to agonizing truth- Avraham Shmuel ben Aharon hy”d.  Mr Goldberg. That nice warm smiley gentleman who loved Torah

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WATCH – KIDDUSH HASHEM: ABC News Films Shul In Har Nof Massacre – Now Back To Full Time Limud Hatorah

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] ABC News on Wednesday visited Kehillas Bnei Torah, located at 5 Agassi Street in Har Nof, where on Tuesday morning two terrorists killed 5 people in cold blood. 4 Kedoshim were murdered while they were Davening Shacharis, and one hero Israeli [Druze] police officer – one of the Chasidei Umos HaOlam – as he tried to kill the terrorists. The Shul, led by its mora d’asra HaRav Yitzchak Mordechai Rubin Shlita, the mechaber of the sefer Orchos Shabbos, was back in business, as people were back at their Gemaras, and the sound of Torah being learned filled the room. ABC also interviewed one of the members of the Shul, who describes the scene of the attack. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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Yom Kippur Koton in Light of Har Nof Massacre

Ravaad Eida Chareidis HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita announced his shul in Har Nof will be having Yom Kippur Koton davening on Thursday, 27 Marcheshvan, at 15:30, in light of the massacre in Kehillas Bnei Torah earlier this week R”L. Yom Kippur Koton will also be held at 13:00 in Kehillas Bnei Torah, the site of the massacre as per the announcement of the mora d’asra shlita, Rabbi Yitzchok Mordechai HaKohen Rubin. There is also going to be a special Yom Kippur Koton at the Kosel at 15:30, arranged by Jerusalem Chief Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita in light of the massacre. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Religious Leaders Gather at the Site of the Har Nof Massacre [Letter From Bostoner Rebbe In Article]

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] As certain elements would be pleased to see the ongoing increase in violence and attacks in Yerushalayim turn into a religious war, others are acting to prevent this very occurrence. Religious leaders from different faiths gathered on Wednesday morning 26 Marcheshvan outside Kehillas Bnei Torah at 5 Agassi Street in the Har Nof community of Yerushalayim. This venue, a bastion of limud Torah and avodas Hashem on Tuesday became the site of the latest radical Islamic terror attack, the massacre of mispallalim while they were in tallis and tefilin davening shachris. Rabbani taking part in the event were Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita, Chief Rabbi Dovid Yosef Shlita, Jerusalem Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Aryeh Stern Shlita, Jerusalem Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shlomo Moshe Amar Shlita, the Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim Shlita, and Rabbi Rafi Feuerstein of Tzohar Rabbonim and a mora d’asra in Har Nof. There were also clerics from other faiths, all uniting in a call for calm in the hope of deescalating the current situation. The letter was released by the Bostoner Rebbe of Yerushalayim to the tzibur at large (in English) sharing some words of Torah and reflection following the attack R”L. FULL TEXT OF LETTER: After attending a gathering of leaders of different faiths around Israel, who came to Har Nof, to the very place where the holy souls were murdered praying to Hashem, My prayer and hope is that the message go forth from Har Nof and Yerushalayim that all of us living in the Holy Land of Israel are doing so in a civil and democratic fashion that cannot be found anywhere else in the Middle East. Hopefully this message will help calm the tension not only in Eretz Yisroel but throughout the civilized world. The ‘day after’ in Har Nof, we are all in mourning. There is no one in Klal Yisroel – young or old – who does not feel the pain of the widows, orphans, and fellow family members of the Kidoshey Elyon who were murdered in cold blood Al Kiddush Hashem. May they – and we – be consoled among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim. All who we able, gathered to mourn the fallen Kedoshim, the pure Neshomos whose very life was Torah, Tefillah, and Ma’asim Tovim. Thousands upon thousands attended the funerals, or simply listened to the Hespaydim, or cried together as one nation, and as friends of the bereaved families. Everyone wonders: What can we do to prevent – Chas V’Shalom – this from happening in the future? Only Hashem knows how to intercede in Shomayim for our future, our children’s future, and the Jewish people’s future. May we see this peaceful prophetic future soon. B”H we live in a generation where our children study in Yeshivas and Seminaries that we choose for them. We have more than enough of the basics needed to keep Kosher and observe Shabbos. It always inspires me how fellow Jews participate in all the many good causes that are needed by any community – all without expecting anything in return. But there is still more that we can do to increase our love and interaction with our fellow Jew. How many of us know or say hello to our immediate neighbors? How many fail to answer in reply?

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Chareidim Attend the Funeral of the Slain Druse Policeman

While the tzibur has returned to 5 Agassi Street in Har Nof, Kehillas Bnei Torah, things may never return to what they were prior to the slaughter R”L. Some of the signs of the barbaric massacre remain as mispallalim gathered for minyan Wednesday morning 26 Marcheshvan, the morning after. When the tzibur heard that Israel Police Master Sergeant Zidan Nahad Seif died of his massive wounds sustained trying to stop the attack, the decision was made to charter buses and enlist members of the community to make sure there is a respectable turnout representing the chareidi tzibur, wishing to show their hakoras hatov for the 30-year-old policeman who gave his life to save others. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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What Measures are Being Taken Following the Har Nof Massacre?

The media analysts are abuzz and the experts are making appearances on the evening news offering their unsolicited advice as how to halt what many believe is the Third Intifada. Following the heinous barbaric attack in Kehillas Bnei Torah of Har Nof on Tuesday morning 25 Marcheshvan everyone is asking the same question – what do we do to halt the Islamic violence and attacks? A visit to the Kosel or a ride on the Jerusalem light rail may result in hospitalization or worse chas v’sholom. The police appear paralyzed and Israel Police Chief warns citizens that anyone taking the law into their own hands will be punished to the fullest extent of the law, not exactly what a city that is bleeding wished to hear during his visit to Har Nof following the latest Islamic terror attack. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu leads the calls to raze the homes of the terrorists responsible for the slaughter, both residents of the Jabil Mukhaber neighborhood of the capital. Netanyahu made the announcement late Tuesday afternoon after high-level security consultations The terrorists YS”VZ were cousins and live in the same community. A brother of one of them, another career terrorist, is serving a life sentence. One of them was released by the current administration in yet another Israeli ‘good-will’ gesture to the PA (Palestinian Authority). It appears Israel has used up its good will and the terrorists released some 18 months ago are back, hard at work murdering Jews. Police announce in the coming days there will be more checkpoints and less freedom of movement for residents of eastern Yerushalayim, which is their code word for “Arabs”, which they shutter to say. It would appear that after a number of fatal vehicular car attacks in the capital and other fatal acts of terrorism involving Arabs from Jerusalem, something is being done. Fearing chas v’sholom Islamic terrorists realize just how easy it is to carry out an attack, there will be increased security in Jerusalem schools with a focus on kindergartens. It remains unclear how long this will continue. Israel Police nationwide have moved to level 3 status, one level below a state of emergency. Israel Police is also going to work to give a boost to Mishmar Ezrachi (auxiliary police) units in various neighborhoods. Regarding Har Nof, community leaders have been calling to boost their Mishmar Ezrachi patrol for a long time but those calls were unheeded. Citizens and visitors alike are afraid, some thinking twice about taking the light rail while other think walking to and from the Kosel in the dark may be a life-threatening endeavor. Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich was on the scene of the latest Islamic act of terror and promised citizens that police would restore law and order. Unfortunately, the citizens of Yerushalayim are less than optimistic based on the minister’s track record since the summer. Aharonovich also instructed police to beef up security for shuls in the capital. This may prove difficult as potential terrorists are everywhere, from the shuk to hospitals and private stores. One of Har Nof terrorists worked in a grocery store down the block from the attack, and therefore no one was suspicious seeing him. Actually, hundreds of potential terrorists are on the streets of Har Nof every weekday morning as

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HaRav Moshe Twersky HY”D : HaRav Moshe Twersky HY”D, 60, was a steady participant in the minyan for the past seven years or so. He was Rosh Kollel Yeshivas Toras Moshe. The levaya will begin at 14:00 from Yeshivas Beis HaTalmud to Har Menuchos. He was a grandson of Rav Yoshe Ber Solovechik ZT”L and a son-in-law of Rav Abba Berman ZT”L. The rabbi was a US citizen. He is survived by Rebbetzin Bashy, who is a prominent teacher in Hadar seminary, and their five children – three sons and two daughters – aged 23-33, and ten grandchildren. Rav Aryeh Kupinsky HY”D: Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky HY”D, 43, was a US citizen too. He was a regular at the minyan where the attack occurred. The family has known tragedy as Rav Aryeh’s 13-year-old daughter, Chaya Chana was niftar 3 years ago in her sleep. Rav Aryeh was known as a man of chessed and ran a gemach. He was known to never refuse anyone seeking assistance in any form, always seeking ways to assist others. His oldest son learns in Yeshiva Gaon Yaakov in Bnei Brak, headed by Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita. He is survived by his wife and five children, ages 5-16. Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D: Rabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D, 55, was born in the United States. After getting married he devoted his time to kollel in Har Nof. Relatives describe him as one who was always happy and upbeat. He was makpid to be mesamayach chosson and kallah when he attended weddings. His family was dear to his heart and he made a point of participating in all family events. Rav Kalman attended the Lev Avraham Kollel in Meah Shearim and the evening kollel in the shul, Kehillas Bnei Torah. He was known stop learning at 10:27 to have several minutes to prepare for maariv to enable himself to daven as he felt one must with proper Kavanah… He is survived by 9 children, some still unmarried Hashem Yirachem…. and 5 grandchildren. R’ Avraham Goldberg HY”D: Rabbi Avraham Goldberg HY”D, 68, was born in Britain. He made aliyah in 1991. He usually was makpid to daven neitz and he was among those in the shul when the attack occurred. He was an educational advisor in the chareidi community. Friends explain he was committed to the time he dedicated to limud, and always exerted himself to advance in his comprehension of his limud. He is survived by his wife and six children. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC / YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Karlin-Stolin Rebbe Says Throw the Arabs Out of the Mosdos!

Following the massacre of mispallalim in Kehillas Bnei Torah in Har Nof on Tuesday morning 25 Marcheshvan, the Karlin-Stolin Rebbe Shlita has instructed his gabbaim to get the Arabs out of the chassidus’ mosdos; including schools, shuls and batei medrash. The rebbe explains that doing so today is tantamount to sakonos nefoshos. The rebbe is aware that there are Arabs employed in many areas of the mosdos but explains that none of this can justify placing the tzibur in a life-threatening situation. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Terrorist Slaughter in Har Nof Shul During Shachris: 4 Dead HY”D [UPDATED 2:03 PM IL]

14:03: Israel Police nationwide move to level 3 alert, one below its highest level. The names of the three other Kedoshim HY”D: The levayas of the three kedoshim will begin in front of Kehillas Bnei Torah, the site of the attack, at 3PM and proceed to Har Menuchos. 1. Rabbi Avraham Shmuel Goldberg 2. Rabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine 3. Rabbi Aryeh Kupinsky The levaya of the fourth victim, Rabbi Moshe Twersky will take place at 2PM at Yeshiva Beis HaTalmud and then to Har Menuchos. 13:33: Eight attack victims remain hospitalized in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital and Shaare Zedek Medical Center. Three of the victims in Hadassah are listed in serious condition. 13:30: The levayas of three of the kedoshim will begin in front of the site of the attack, Kehillas Bnei Torah, 5 Agassi Street in Har Nof. The three levayas will proceed from the shul to Har Menuchos for kvura. The levayas will get underway at 3PM. 13:25: The condition of the policeman who was gravely injured in his head by gunfire has reportedly improved slightly, now showing “a measure of stability”. He is in Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. 13:00: Israel Police Chief Yochanan Danino orders the cancelation of all vacations of members of the force. HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita: 12:55: Rabbi Shalom Cohen Shlita, head of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael explains that the bitul Torah and complacency are contributory causes to such horrific acts calling on the tzibur to add additional limud Torah and tefilos to their daily schedules. 12:52: Arab violence and attacks against security forces in clashes taking place in the Ramallah area, Jabil Mukhaber (Jerusalem) and Adam Junction in the southern Shomron. 12:48: Names of victims for tefilos bsoch cholei Am Yisrael: חיים יחיאל בן מלכה איתן בן שרה שמואל ירוחם בן ביילה אברהם שמואל בן שיינה אריה בן ברכה Rav of the Kosel Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita: 12:41: I call on Muslim leaders to work to halt the bloodshed and incitement, especially amid the realization they too are aware there is no reason for the last wave of incitement. 12:37: Police surveillance balloon operating over the Shuafat area of the capital. Former Jerusalem Police Chief Aryeh Amit 12:15: Every citizen who has a gun should carry it. The way the government has been handling the escalation in attacks is not satisfactory and one cannot be surprised that attacks continue for the matter is not being handled as it should be. The policy making it close to impossible to get a legal handgun today is nothing more than hysteria and it does nothing to better the situation. There is an enormous amount of illegal handguns in the Arab and criminal sectors but my son who is a paratrooper cannot get a gun permit. We live in the Mideast here, not Hawaii and citizens should be able to get a weapon. Those who have one must carry it everywhere. 12:05: Terrorists waited at the scene for a period of time until there were about 20-25 mispallalim in the shul. The shot and swung their hatchets for about seven minutes before they were neutralized by police. Statement from US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro via Facebook: 12:03: Today’s vicious terrorist attack at Kehilat Yaakov synagogue in Har Nof in Jerusalem represents a barbaric new low

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Har Nof Terror Victim Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D

Rabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D, 55, was born in the United States. After getting married he devoted his time to kollel in Har Nof. Relatives describe him as one who was always happy and upbeat. He was makpid to be mesamayach chosson and kallah when he attended weddings. His family was dear to his heart and he made a point of participating in all family events. Rav Kalman attended the Lev Avraham Kollel in Meah Shearim and the evening kollel in the shul, Kehillas Bnei Torah. He was known stop learning at 10:27 to have several minutes to prepare for maariv to enable himself to daven as he felt one must with proper Kavanah…. He is survived by 9 children, some still unmarried Hashem Yirachem…. and 5 grandchildren. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Hespeidim For Rav Zundel Kroizer ZT”L

On Thursday night the eve of 24 Iyar, there will be Hespeidim for HaGaon Harav Zundel Kroizer ZT”L. The event is being held in Batei Broida, Kehillas Beis Yaakov, following Maariv. Maariv begins at 20:05. The shul’s address is 11 HaNatziv Street. Expected to attend are the Mora D’asra HaGaon HaRav Moshe Fisher Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita, the niftar’s talmid HaRav HaTzaddik Nachum Cohen Shlita, HaRav HaGaon Mosher Braverman, and a grandson HaRav HaGaon Tzvi Sirota. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: Boro Park JCC Distributes Grape Juice for Pesach Joy

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] As part of its effort to serve the community, the Boro Park Jewish Community Council (BPJCC) distributed almost 2000 cases of grape juice as part of its Pesach distribution. The grape juice, obtained through the efforts of the Met Council on Jewish Poverty, was in addition to the close to $100,000 in food vouchers that had been previously distributed. “During these difficult times when so many people in our community are still struggling financially, Pesach becomes an even extra burden and so the JCC was glad to be of some assistance,” said Isaac Stern BPJCC president. The Grape Juice was allocated through the various kehillas and shuls for their membership. Joining JCC in assisting were a host of elected officials including Public Advocate Letitia James, Brooklyn Boro President Eric Adams, Assemblymembers Dov Hikind and Felix Ortiz, and Councilmembers David Greenfield, Brad Lander, Mathieu Eugene and Carlos Menchaca. BPJCC, an affiliate of Met Council, was founded to serve Boro Park and surrounding areas with all their social service needs, including Medicaid and Health Insurance enrollment, food stamp enrollment, employment services, crisis assistance and services to seniors and holocaust survivors. (YWN Desk – NYC)    

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Halachically Speaking: Personal Use of a Shul

[Halachically Speaking appears on YWN weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays]  Written by Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits of KOF-K Kosher Supervision   The Gemorah[1] says since our shuls (bais hakenesses) and batei midrashim are called mikdashei me’at[2] one has to treat them with proper respect.[3] Hashem gave us these mikdashei me’at, and if we treat them properly the shuls will merit going to Eretz Yisroel.[4] TheGemorah in Berochos[5] says Hashem can always be found in shuls and batei midrashim. Therefore, not treating a shul with the proper respect is denying the existence of the Shechinah.[6] The Gemorah[7] says our tefillos are more likely to be accepted when said in a shul.[8] Whoever comes to shul (or bais medrash) in this world will merit coming to them in the world to come.[9] People who enter shuls and batei midrashim full of sins can leave them full of mitzvos.[10] The Yalkut[11] says davening in a shul is like davening in the Bais Hamikdosh. One should treat a shul with the utmost respect and with great awe, since it is a place where we connect with Hashem.   The poskim are in dispute whether the mitzvah to honor the shul and bais medrash is a mitzvah d’rabanan or a d’oraisa.[12]       Shul or Bais Medrash A building which was originally designated as a place for adults to learn with a chavrusa on a steady basis (i.e. at least an hour or two a day) is classified as a bais medrash,[13] which has greater kedusha.[14]   Talmid Chachum Except as noted below, all the dinim discussed in this issue also applies to a talmid chachum who may consider a bais medrash his home since he spends most of the day there.[15]   Treating a Shul Properly When leaving a shul one should walk with his back to the door to avoid turning his back to the sifrei Torah in the aaron kodesh.[16] If the exit is on the side of the shul then turning ones back when leaving is permitted.[17] Accordingly, if there is no sefer Torah in theaaron kodesh it is permitted to turn ones back to it when leaving.[18]   There is a mitzvah to run to shul.[19] However, in the shul itself one should walk in a manner which demonstrates fear and awe of Hashem.[20] Therefore, children should not be allowed to run in a shul. One who is running in shul in order to hear a kaddish is allowed to do so.[21]   Many poskim say that one should not raise his voice in a shul.[22] However, one who is learning may raise his voice since doing so is needed for the learning.[23]   One should not spit in a shul,[24] especially if one does not spit in his house.[25] It goes without saying that one should not spit in front of other people because doing so disgusts them.[26]   One should not throw garbage[27] such as candy wrappers or tissues on the floor of a shul. [28] There is an uncertainty if one has to pick up garbage that he sees on the floor of the shul.[29] It would seem that the right thing to do is to pick up the garbage from theshul’s floor.[30] One should keep the garbage cans outside of the shul.[31]   There is a discussion in the poskim if one who cuts or bites his nails in shul may throw them onto the floor.[32] L’maseh, doing so is permitted since it is a small thing which is not a disgrace to the shul.[33]   Touring a Shul One is not allowed to take a walk in shul without a specific purpose.[34] Many people tour old shuls to see the beauty of them. There is uncertainty in some poskim if this is permitted.[35] The minhag seems to be that doing so is permitted, since it is an honor for theshul that people come to see its beauty.[36]   Entering a Shul for personal reasons The Gemorah in Megillah[37] says one who goes into a shul (or a bais medrash) to call his friend should read a halacha, Mishnah[38] or posuk before calling his friend.[39]  One who is not a learned person should either tell a child to read a posuk for him or should sit down for

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Porush Fails to Get Support for Beit Shemesh Shlomei Emunim List

While there is achdus in the chareidi community around the reelection bid of Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul, the Kehillas HaChasidus list (Koach – כח) of Shlomei Emunim, Meir Porush, is not getting the backing it hoped to receive. On erev Shabbos Parshas Vayikrah 5774 Hamodia includes a letter of support for the Agudas Yisrael list. The letter is signed by the senior Admorim Shlita who make up the Agudas Yisrael Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael; Gur, Belze, Vishnitz. Biala, Moditz and Boyan. The rabbonim write on 9 Adar II there will be reelections in Beit Shemesh and the success of the city depends on the chareidim, upon whom we call to vote for “Agudas Yisrael – Gimmel” and for Rav Moshe Abutbul for mayor”. “כאשר ביום ג’ הבא – ט’ אדר ב’ תשע”ד, יתקיימו בחירות חוזרות בעיר בית שמש, וההצלחה בעיר זו הינה הצלחתה של היהדות החרדית כולה, על כן אנו מבקשים בזאת מכל אחד ואחד שביום הנ”ל ילכו להצביע ולבחור בעד רשימת “אגודת ישראל” – אות ג’ למועצת העיר, ובעד הרב משה אבוטבול הי”ו לראשות העיר”. The tzibur is also asked to work to bring additional people towards making sure all eligible voters get out and vote as instructed. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Chabad Rabbonim Call on Chassidim to Join the Million Man Atzeres

A number of prominent Chabad rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael are calling on the tzibur to take part in the Million Man Atzeres, scheduled for Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Adar I 5774. The rabbonim explain “In light of the government’s effort to chas v’sholom draft talmidei yeshivos and impose criminal sanctions against those continuing to study the Torah HaKadosha…” the rabbonim call on Chabad Chassidim to take part in the event via their kriyas kodesh. Signed to the document are rabbonim who are among the prominent Chabad Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael; HaRav Gedalyah Axelrod Shlita (Rav Kehillas Chabad Haifa), HaRav Baruch Boaz Yurokevitz Shlita (Rav Kehillas Chabad in Lod) and Rav Yeshayahu Herzl Shlita (Rav Kehillas Chabad in Nazareth Illit). Other Chabad rabbonim, affiliated with SOS-Israel, have called on the Chabad tzibur to take part in the atzeres too. “This is not the time to remain silent when a sharp sword is placed on the Torah world and yeshivos in Eretz HaKodesh that the Holy One gave us. At this time we should act like Mordechai the Tzaddik “לך כנוס את כל היהודים” , to cry out and beg HKBH to remove the harsh gezeiros against Am yisrael quickly that we should have an eternal redemption and merit the building of the Third Beis HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach” reads the SOS-Israel media statement. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Tragedy in Beit Shemesh R”L: Mother of 13 Niftar

A tragedy struck in the Beit Shemesh community on Thursday morning 27 Adar I 5774. The mother of 13 children was Niftar in Shaare Zedek Medical Center. The nifteres, Mrs. Sara Cohen z”l, was the wife of avreich Rav Shlomo Cohen, a member of Kehillas Sanz in Beit Shemesh. The nifteres is survived by 13 children, 11 still at home and the youngest is under 2. The levaya began at 13:30 on Rav Pinchas ben Yair Street in beit Shemesh. Kvura was in the Har Menuchos Beis Hachaim. תהא נשמתה צרורה בצרור החיים (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Efforts to Make Sholom Bayis in the Eida

The rav of Kehillas Dushinsky in Beit Shemesh arrived in the Jerusalem home of Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita on erev Shabbos Ki Sisa 5774 following the ravaad’s resignation earlier in the week. Rav Sternbuch resigned due to the widening split in the Eida surrounding the Golovnititz project in Beit Shemesh. Eida Chareidis Gavaad HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss Shlita remains firmly against the construction, as Asra Kadisha maintains the building compromises kevarim at that location. Rav Sternbuch however does not agree following his extensive probe into the matter, permitting the construction with the provision the work is carried out in compliance with his restrictions. The Dushinsky faction is trying to mend fences and bring an end to the machlokes surrounding the construction project, working to persuade Rav Sternbuch to withdraw his resignation. Rav Sternbuch has been under widening attack from zealots in the Eida, including pashkavilim and protests against him for his psak Halacha. Rav Weiss however remains firm in his position, that the construction must be halted for its compromises kevarim. He is equally firm in his calls to the tzibur not to take any action that compromises the kovod of R’ Sternbuch. Rav Weiss explained that he refused to sign the kol korei of Asra Kadisha for a protest at Kikar Shabbos last week for he felt doing so would be an insult to Rav Sternbuch. Rav Weiss is also explaining that when he arrived at the Beit Shemesh protest last week and saw the podium, he decided to remain in the vehicle for he did not wish to have a hand in compromising Rav Sternbuch’s kovod. Rav Weiss added he was led to believe the event was to ask mechila from the niftarim and nothing more and when he realized it was a protest; he refused to get out of the car. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Hundreds to be Tested on Yabia Omer

During recent weeks hundreds of talmidim and avreichim have been reviewing Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef’s ZT”L ninth volume of Yabia Omer which addresses Halachos in Orach Chaim. The sefer is the Shailos Uteshuvos written by the late posek ZT”L. The project was launched by HaGaon Harav Amrami, rav of Kehillas Chasdei Shmuel and a rav in the Har Homa neighborhood of the capital in memory of Maran. Actually the project began when the gadol hador was ill towards his refuah shleima and now continued in his memory. The lomdim will be tested on Wednesday, 2 Nissan 5774 and the first prize winner will receive 20,000 NIS, second prize 10,000 NIS and third prize 5,000 NIS. The other seven of the top ten contestants will receive 1,000 NIS each. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Parsha Potpourri: Parshas Terumah

V’asu li Mikdash v’shachanti b’socham (25:8) In Shir HaShirim (3:11), Shlomo HaMelech refers to an event which occurred b’yom chasunaso ub’yom simchas libo – on the day of his wedding and on the day of his heart’s rejoicing. The Mishnah in Taanis (4:8) homiletically interprets “the wedding day” as referring to the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, which represents the marriage between Hashem and the Jewish people, and “the day of the heart’s happiness” as a reference to the building of the Beis HaMikdash. Rav Shach explains the comparison by questioning how Shlomo could refer to the day of his heart’s gladness separately from his wedding day, implying that he didn’t rejoice at his own wedding. He answers that although Shlomo was certainly happy when he married, his joy was limited to the extent that he knew his bride and recognized her positive qualities. Many people get engaged after dating for a few short weeks or months and get married following an engagement of not much longer. This may be a sufficient period of time to determine that one has found his life partner. However, this stage, due to its brevity and the unnatural relationship that exists, isn’t conducive to fully appreciating the greatness of one’s fianc? or forming a deep relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. It is only through years of living together, raising a family, and jointly confronting life’s challenges that a person comes to a real awareness of the wonderful decision he made in choosing his spouse. While it is unlikely that any single event will ever bring the same joy that one felt at his wedding, Shlomo is hinting that the lasting period of deep inner happiness resulting from a genuine bond lies in the future. Similarly, at Mount Sinai the Jewish people demonstrated great faith in their “Groom” (Hashem) by unanimously declaring (24:7) na’aseh v’nishma – we will do and we will listen. They committed themselves to doing His will without even knowing what it is and were rewarded by being selected as His chosen people for all time. Nevertheless, there was a certain lacking in the closeness of the bond, as the bride hadn’t yet recognized the greatness of the Groom. It was only after the wedding, when Moshe taught them the mitzvos and they began performing them, that a deeper relationship began to develop. The pinnacle of that closeness came when the bride built a magnificent dwelling place where she could come to draw near to her Groom. This allowed for a full recognition of her tremendous fortune in being selected as Hashem’s bride. As the Ramban writes in his introduction to Sefer Shemos, the Mishkan was the spiritual culmination of the Exodus from Egypt. The relationship which began centuries earlier with Avrohom and continued through the Exodus and the “marriage” at Mount Sinai was finally consummated with the event which brought true rejoicing to our hearts. V’asisa shnayim Keruvim Zahav miksha ta’aseh osam mi’shnei k’tzos ha’kapores (25:18) Hashem commanded Moshe to make two Cherubim on top of the Holy Ark in the Mishkan, one on each end. Rashi explains that they had the faces of small children. However, this imagery is difficult to reconcile with an earlier comment made by Rashi. In Parshas Bereishis, after the sin of

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Parsha Potpourri: Parshas Mikeitz

Vayehi mikeitz shenasayim yamim u’Paroh choleim v’hinei omeid al sfas haye’or (41:1) By linking the end of the two years of Yosef’s additional jail time with Pharaoh suddenly having the dream which brought about his freedom, the Torah seems to imply that there is a deeper association between the two events. The Beis HaLevi explains the connection by noting that the average person’s understanding of cause-and-effect is flawed. If somebody becomes rich as a result of winning the lottery, the casual observer will assume that the cause was his selection of the winning numbers and the result was wealth. This is how the laws of nature cause the situation to appear to the naked eye. In reality, the relationship is exactly the opposite. The cause which set the events in motion was Hashem’s decree that this individual should become rich. The effect of Hashem’s decision was that the winning numbers turned out to be those chosen by this person, as this is the manner in which somebody becomes wealthy according to the laws of nature. Similarly, in the case of Yosef, the ignorant onlooker would conclude that Pharaoh’s confusing dream was the cause that coincidentally brought about Yosef’s release from jail. In reality, the truth is that because the time had arrived for Yosef to be freed, therefore Pharaoh had a disturbing dream. In fact, the Ohr HaChaim HaKadosh notes that the verb relating that Pharaoh dreamed is in the present tense (choleim), which indicates that Pharaoh actually had this same dream every night for a period of two years. If Yosef hadn’t sinned by placing his trust in the cupbearer to intercede with Pharaoh and secure his release from prison, he would have been freed the first time that Pharaoh had this dream. Because the true underlying cause wasn’t Pharaoh’s dream but rather Hashem’s plans for Yosef, Pharaoh wasn’t disturbed by the dream, or even by its repetition for two consecutive years, until the time had come for Yosef to be released. V’ein maggid li (41:24) In a moving eulogy delivered about his mentor Rav Sholom Schwadron, Rabbi Paysach Krohn discussed how the loss to the Jewish people was tremendous, as Rav Shalom was universally beloved and known as “the Maggid of Yerushalayim.” After hearing the devastating news of Rav Schwadron’s passing on 22 Kislev, he began reviewing the weekly Torah portion, which that week was Parshas Mikeitz. Trying to heal himself from the pain and magnitude of the loss, Rabbi Krohn was floored when he reached the verse stating V’ein maggid li, which can be read, “And my Maggid is no longer.” Indeed, there is nothing which isn’t hinted to in our Holy Torah. V’atah yeireh Paroh ish navon v’chacham vishiseihu al eretz Mitzrayim (41:33) After Yosef was freed from prison to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams, he explained that they foretold seven years of abundance to be followed by seven years of famine. Therefore, he recommended the appointment of a wise advisor to oversee the project of storing for the famine during the years of plenty. As Pharaoh had only requested Yosef to interpret his dreams, why did he offer advice on how best to deal with the ramifications of his interpretation of the dreams, something which wasn’t at all requested of him? The Kehillas Moshe notes that the

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Parsha Potpourri: Parshas Chayei Sorah

Vayakam Avrohom me’al p’nei meiso vay’dabeir el b’nei Cheis leimor ger v’toshav anochi imachem t’nu li achuzas kever imachem v’ekb’ra meisi mil’fanai (23:3-4) The Gemora in Bava Basra (15b) relates that the Satan challenged the piety of Iyov and suggested that his commitment to Hashem wasn’t as pure and reliable as that of Avrohom, who didn’t question Hashem’s ways even when confronted with the trial of purchasing a burial plot for his beloved wife Sorah. As the Satan was attempting to demonstrate the extent of Avrohom’s devotion, why didn’t he invoke Avrohom’s steadfastness at the Akeidah, when he demonstrated his willingness to offer his only son to Hashem? What exactly was the trial involved in purchasing Sorah’s burial place, and in what way was it considered a more difficult test than the Akeidah? Rav Mattisyahu Salomon explains by way of a parable. Imagine if one day the government would enact legislation making it illegal to study Torah more than eight hours daily. All of the leading Torah sages would give rousing speeches and publicize letters calling upon yeshiva students to brazenly and defiantly ignore this diabolical decree, and they in turn would eagerly heed the call. If so, why is it that on a regular basis, there are so many yeshiva students who constantly get distracted and fail to study eight hours daily? The answer is that when a person feels that he is being confronted by a challenge, his adrenaline takes over and he rises to the occasion, but when he doesn’t feel that he is being tested and there is no enemy to fight against, many times his performance leaves much to be desired. Similarly, it was easy for Avrohom to recognize that he was being tested through the Akeidah. Hashem called to him and explicitly spelled out the trial, making it clear what was being demanded of him. While the difficulty of the test was unfathomable, it was nevertheless obvious that he was being tested, thereby allowing his adrenaline to flow and helping him to rise to the occasion. On the other hand, purchasing the burial plot from the conniving, money-hungry Ephron – the equivalent of a modern-day used-car salesman – after he had just returned from the emotional rollercoaster of the Akeidah to find his beloved wife dead wasn’t presented to Avrohom as any sort of unique trial. Nevertheless, Avrohom handled it properly, conducting the transaction fairly and calmly in spite of his emotional state, without knowing that he was being tested. There was no knowledge that his actions would be recorded for posterity for all future generations to read about, yet he passed with flying colors through his natural and ingrained fear of Hashem. In informing Miriam of her error in comparing Moshe to other prophets, Hashem explained (Bamidbar 12:7) that Moshe was different: B’chol beisi ne’eman hu – in My entire house, he is the trusted one. The Rashbam explains that “ne’eman” – trusted – means fixed and established always, in all situations of life. A similar expression is used in regards to Avrohom (Nechemia 9:8): U’matzasa es levavo ne’eman l’fanecha – and You found his heart trustworthy before You. Avrohom’s greatness wasn’t proven by his unprecedented accomplishment in passing the trial of the Akeidah. Every person has peaks in his life when he

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