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Search Results for: storobin – Page 3

Local Republican Mastermind Challenging Spitzer’s Petitions

While Eliot Spitzer has managed to shock his opponent by delivering 27,000 collected signatures to the Board of Elections, Thursday night, Mr. Spitzer’s level of joy might drop over the next few weeks. O’Brien Murray, best known as Bob Turner and Simcha Felder’s campaign manager, has filed an official challenge to Eliot Spitzer’s petitions in a bid to knock him off the ballot in the race for city comptroller, The NY Post reported Monday night. “Eliot Spitzer doesn’t deserve a free pass after what he put New York through,” O’B Murray told The Post. Murray, who was close throwing off former Senator Storobin from the ballot, last summer, reviewed the petitions finding many were riddled with errors. “Eliot Spitzer has returned to politics the way he left it – with lies, deceit and who knows, possibility illegal and fraudulent activity” Murray said. “Somebody had to step up,” Murray told YWN. Based on my knowledge of the process, the challenge, if specs are filed to invalidate the petitions, could take a few weeks if not more. Meanwhile, Mr. Spitzer would be forced to use his money, volunteers and energy to counter the challenge, not leaving his campaign too much time to knock on doors and focus on GOTV operation. Martin Conner, Spitzer’s election attorney released the following statement in response to petition challenge: “Anyone can file General Objections without showing a scintilla of substance for the challenge. The Spitzer campaign took great care in the petitioning process and filed far more than the number of valid signatures required by law. There are no worries in the frontrunners’ camp about making the ballot. That was last week’s concern.” (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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Ezra Friedlander Advocating For Christine Quinn’s Candidacy In The Orthodox Jewish Community

Last week, one of Borough Park’s prominent community activists – Ezra Friedlander, CEO of The Friedlander Group, took the role of being the first Orthodox Jew to publicly endorse Christine Quinn for mayor. In an Op-Ed on one of the news sites, Ezra explained why he decided to back Quinn for mayor and why the Borough Park community should follow suit. “For me, the turning point in deciding to write this op-ed was precisely when Speaker Quinn decried the pandering of the other candidates,” Friedlander writes. “It was precisely what she was not promising that convinced me that when she does make a commitment, you can bank on it. I have known Quinn since her earliest days in the New York City Council prior to her becoming speaker and her record exhibits that she is sincere and dependable.” “What should be most important to you as a voter, is a mayor who empathizes with the constituents. Christine Quinn’s record of public service and not her personal life demonstrates that she has the unique insights to understand the challenges and particular needs of the Orthodox Jewish Community,” Friedlander emphasized. In an effort to convince voters to be open to Ms. Quinn’s candidacy, Friedlander compared her to the remaining candidates who have been received warmly and are been considered to get to the Mayor’s office. “Politics is not the Bais Medrash. None of the serious mayoral candidates reflect our lifestyle, nor do they have to, in order be effective advocates for our community,” Friedlander writes. Adding, Christine Quinn is the only candidate outstanding as “smart, sensible, stable, strong, and sensitive.” “When it comes to politics, I always keep the following expression in mind, “Don’t be right, be smart.” I urge you to understand, don’t be right,” Friedlander concludes. In an interview on the Spin Class radio show I hosted Thursday evening, Mr. Friedlander explained that social issues are not the center of this campaign, since there’s no daylight between all of the ‘reasonable’ candidates, who have a shot at winning, on social issues. Nonetheless, Friedlander believes Ms. Quinn is “a person who has by in large a moderate, middle class approach to governing.” “Quinn is perceived as more conservative on economic issues,” he added, while pointing out that Bill de Blasio has already promised to raise taxes. Aren’t you preaching to a deaf crowd, I asked, pointing out to Bob Turner and David Storobin’s stunning victories? “In a citywide race, it is almost impossible for the Orthodox Jewish community to have that kind of influence and the numbers to dictate,” Friedlander responded. Adding, Christine Quinn should get the same consideration as the other mayoral candidates, giving her equal opportunity to stump about her candidacy. In a rather grilling interview, Assemblyman Dov Hikind mocked Friedlander’s assertion that Ms. Quinn is not pandering, and that her track record is one the Orthodox Jewish community would find as ‘friendly.’ CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO EZRA FRIEDLANDER’S INTERVIEW ON THE HIKIND SHOW (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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Brooklyn State Senator Introduces 43 Bills To Keep Legislative Performance Alive

Its never too late to match up. Democratic State Sen. Kevin Parker, of Brooklyn, isn’t interested in hearing about a dysfunctional Legislature mired in corruption and inaction. He’s been busy introducing bills — lots and lots of bills. In one single day – May 16 – the last day of unlimited bill introduction, Senator Parker introduced 43 bills. Last month, Bill Mahoney of The New York Public Interest Research Group estimated that the Legislature is on track to duplicate their performance from last year when they passed the fewest bills two-house bills since 1914. And Mahoney says that, as of now, the Legislature is still on pace to perform just as badly. “With eight session days to go in 2012 (the year with the fewest 2-house bills since at least 1914), they had passed 139 bills. With eight session days to go in 2013, they have passed 123,” said Mahoney. According to Mahoney, the Senate still has time to make up with the remaining bills  to gain passage in a second house as 432 bills gained passage in a second house in eight days last year. “They are, however,” said Mahoney, “currently running behind last year’s pace.” Former Brooklyn Senator, David Storobin, who was elected in a special election, sponsored 42 bills in the 20 days he was in Albany, before the summer session ended. It seems that a number of major legislative proposals including ethics reform, public financing of campaigns, reform of marijuana possession laws, The DREAM Act, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s women’s equality legislation are likely to be jammed up in the Senate for one reason or another. It is likely that Republicans and the IDC will be eager to pass as many other bills as possible to deflect from criticism on failing to act on other major pieces of legislation. (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN via Gotham Gazette)

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The Tale Of Two Parties Within The GOP In Brooklyn

A year ago at this time, the Brooklyn GOP had 5 Republican elected officials for the first time since 1974. A year later, with the redistricting forcing Bob Turner to retire, David Storobin to lose his senate seat and Michael Grimm getting most of his district in Staten Island, the Brooklyn GOP has only two elected officials representing them statewide. Yet, a recent rift between Chairman Craig Eaton and Senator Marty Golden has split the party to the grassroots level. As petition season kicks off this week, the two factions are putting in an effort to recruit as many activists and candidates to their side. The Brooklyn GOP is coordinating its slate of candidates with the John Catsimatidis campaign, while Senator Golden is recruiting party loyalist to his side. The Brooklyn GOP Fountainhead blog filed this report: “The Brooklyn GOP Organization held three outreach meetings this week: the first was held in the Trump Village part of the 46th A.D. and was attended by about fifty people, half of which were eligible to vote and/or run in that district; the second was at Buckley’s in Marine Park where Craig Eaton, Russell Gallo and Diana Sepulveda spoke to a packed house getting a favorable response from most; the most recent event for “County” was earlier this evening at the Grand Prospect Hall, where Eaton, Gallo and Sepulveda were joined by Gerry O’Brien and introduced about 45-50 newcomers to the world of the Kings County Republican Committee. “Perhaps cutting into a few of those that might have gone to the GOP event at the Grand Prospect Hall, was the competing meeting thrown at Gargiulo’s by “Republicans for Change.” More than the selection of the site suggests that “Republicans for Change” is focused on a few districts in Southwest Brooklyn. The selection of the event’s speakers, Marty Golden, David Storobin and Clorinda Annarumo suggest that the “Republicans for Change” group does not cover a lot of territory. Nonetheless, the evenings offerings at Gargiulo’s might have succeeded in bringing out what one of my operatives described as a much larger contingent of supporters than the similar affair last week at the Bay Ridge Manor. However, maybe that should be taken with a dose of salt, because another source reported in some detail that the event was dismally similar to the earlier event that Golden threw at the Bay Ridge Manor, but this time with many more bumps along the way and a crowd that was largely confused as to why they were there. Interestingly, mayoral candidate Joseph Lhota was introduced but didn’t give a speech.” Photo credit: Brooklyn Daily (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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5 Brooklyn Rabbonim Show Support Erick Salgado’s Campaign for Mayor

Several of Brooklyn’s leading rabbonim came together Thursday evening to show their support for Erick Salgado, a candidate in the Democratic Primary. The theme that flowed through the Rabbis’ talks was that Salgado was the only candidate in the Democratic Primary who will protect the values that the orthodox Jewish community hold dear. Rabbi Avrohom Yaakov Nelkenbaum, Rosh Yeshiva of Mir told the gathering, “I’m excited for Mr. Salgado’s candidacy due to the fact that he’s dedicated and committed to safeguard our freedom to observe our religious practices and Torah values. In recent times, there were attempts to outlaw certain mitzvahs of the Torah…there were attempts to forbid them from using Mayim Shelanu (overnight well water) for the Matzohs, Metzitza B’Peh, even circumcision itself. There were attempts in various states to outlaw it. The Gemara says (Shabbos 54B) kol m’e sheyesh beyado lemchos, ve’ano moche, nitfas be’oso avon (if someone has it in his power to protest and prevent someone from doing a transgression and he doesn’t, he’s also punished for that transgression because he’s allowing it to happen and that way he’s aiding). So we have the ability to put someone in office who will hopefully be able to stem the tide and maybe even reverse it. That goes into the category of kol m’e sheyesh beyado lemchos…and therefore it’s incumbent on everyone to see that it happens (elect Salgado Mayor). Rabbi Nekelbaum concluded his talk by addressing those who thought that Salgado was a long shot by pointing out that God runs the world and that both Bob Turner and David Storobin were also long shots. Rabbi Auziel Admony, of B’nai Yosef, highlighted the importance of Salgado’s campaign for the orthodox Jewish community stating, “This is not considered a political event. It’s a religion issue. It’s a religious obligation to be here tonight and support the campaign of Mr. Salgado.” Rabbi Beni Rachmanov, a student of Rabbi Eliyahu Ben Haim and a leader in the Queens Bukharan community, also highlighted how important it was for the orthodox Jewish community to actively support Salgado. Rabbi Romi Cohen, a mohel, expressed his concerns about City government interfering with religious practice, telling the gathering that he was a Holocaust survivor who fought with the partisans and came to this country because of our First Amendment ̶ freedom of religion. Now he is seeing what Mayor Bloomberg is doing to hinder the practice of orthodox Judaism. Also addressing the gathering were State Senator Ruben Diaz, who has endorsed Salgado’s candidacy, and who brought an Hispanic delegation from the Bronx; and Gregory Davidzon, a leader in the Russian community. Senator Diaz, the only Democrat in the State Senate who voted against same gender marriage, said that voting for Salgado will send a message to the Democratic Party not to ignore the religious vote. Salgado, whose campaign has been gaining momentum, told the Rabbis, “Your support is a significant boost to my campaign, but equally important it is strengthening the coalition that I am building that will protect traditional family values in this City. New York City needs a Mayor who understands that these values must be protected. “They can say you have no chance, you have no money, you have no name recognition, you can add to the list, but still, if I

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Pinny Ringel Rejoins Bill De Blaisio’s Staff

Public Advocate Bill de Blasio announced today Pincas (Pinny) Ringel has rejoined his office as Community Affairs Associate. Ringel’s responsibilities include expanding the office’s relationships with community-based organizations. “We are thrilled to have Pinny back on our team. He’s a powerful voice for Brooklyn with a strong record standing up for communities that aren’t getting a fair shake from City Hall,” said Public Advocate Bill de Blasio. “It’s great to be back,” said Ringel. “I’m going to pick up right where I left off and with the experience I gained in my leave, I am ready and excited to face the challenges and opportunities ahead in this year.” During his leave of absence from the Public Advocate’s Office, Ringel served as Chief of Staff for former State Senator David Storobin. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Controversy Brewing In Super-Jewish Senate Race [UPDATED]

[UPDATE IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] An interesting situation is playing out in the race for the super-Jewish seat in Brooklyn. A flyer was circulated throughout Boro Park this weekend claiming that Democrat Simcha Felder has the endorsement of the newly established “Community First” organization. This would be newsworthy because “Community First” had been supporting Republican David Storobin for State Senate. The flyer which purported to be from “Community First,” and was on its letterhead, listed many reasons why Community First was endorsing Felder. Interestingly, on the same day a newspaper published by “Community First” was delivered door-to-door in Boro Park stating that Community First was now neutral in the race for State Senate. So which one was it? Was “Community First” endorsing Storobin? Were they going with Felder? Were they neutral? Jacob Kornbluh, a consultant to “Community First,” cleared the air today when he tweeted a brand new flyer that was distributed by “Community First” explaining that Community First did NOT endorse any candidate and was waiting to see which candidate would be focused on middle-class issues in the final days of the race. Interestingly, Kornbluh tweeted the flyer in Yiddish. Apparently, he did not want the mainstream media to find out about this fiasco. The question that Kornbluh did not answer: who put out the false flyer that “Community First” was endorsing Felder? UPDATE: A tipster has submitted this image which is an endorsement of Simcha Felder, Marty Golden and Eric Ulrich, which was published in the Ami Magazine. It is unknown why Community First endorsed Felder in this ad, and now claims they are not endorsing either candidate. Click on images to ENLARGE them. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Backroom Deals: Hikind May Retire To Clear Way for Son

For weeks we’ve been hearing rumors that Assemblyman Dov Hikind is considering stepping down in middle of his upcoming term to give his son Yoni a better chance of winning the election to replace him. By some accounts, Hikind is tired of schlepping back and forth to Albany and wants to retire to Israel. Adding fuel to those rumors, Yoni went on Dov’s radio show a couple of weeks ago and clearly said that he intends to run for office one day. “If Dov steps down before the end of the term, he would be able to give Yoni the Democratic nomination and a leg-up in the race to succeed him,” explained one political strategist. However, insiders say that Yoni Hikind would face competition if and when Dov decided to retire from the New York State Assembly. We’re told that possible candidates for an open Assembly seat include Simcha Eichenstein, an adviser to Comptroller Tom DiNapoli, Pinny Ringel, Chief of Staff, to Senator David Storobin and Berri Spitzer, District Director for Councilman David Greenfield. It should be noted, that in January of 2012 YWN published an exclusive story that Hikind may run his son. Following our article, Hikind spoke with another Jewish news website who dismissed our story as (quote) “completely unfounded” and said that (quote) “he has no idea how the rumors regarding his son got started”. “Yoni has no interest in any political office at this point in time.” (Dov Gordon – YWN) This is a small selection of a new exclusive political analysis column – Backroom Deals – available only in Yeshiva World News print edition distributed every Fridays in Boro Park, Midwood & Queens. Dov Gordon is a political maven with unrivaled sources in the New York political world. Have a tip for Dov? Email him at [email protected]. As you can see from his column, he guarantees all his sources confidentiality. Please note, this column is an opinion piece. The views reflected here are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YWN.

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Felder Increases Lead in Conservative Primary For Open Senate Seat

Brooklyn- The Board of Elections’ completed canvass of absentee of affidavit ballots has increased Simcha Felder’s lead by 12 votes in the 17th Senate District. The first canvass identified over 100 write-ins for Simcha Felder (more than the 94 that were scanned on election night.) The Felder campaign is now confident that Simcha Felder will receive a minimum of 121 votes, while David Storobin will lose with approximately 91 votes. “Simcha Felder’s lead is strong and solid, and he will be the nominee of the Conservative Party,” said E. O’Brien Murray, Felder’s campaign manager. “This is a tremendous victory for a candidate whose name was not even on the ballot.” Simcha Felder is running for the newly formed open 17th Senate District that encompasses Borough Park, Flatbush, Midwood, Kensington and Sunset Park. Felder is currently New York City’s Deputy Comptroller for Budget and Accounting. He served the neighborhoods of Borough Park, Kensington and Flatbush in the City Council from 2002 through 2010. Click on image to ENLARGE. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Simcha Felder May Caucus With GOP

This Brooklyn Dem is seeing red. Simcha Felder, running for a hotly contested state Senate seat against Republican incumbent David Storobin, is hammering out a deal to caucus with the GOP if elected, insiders said. “He will go to the highest bidder — which is ironic because he is running for Carl Kruger’s seat,” said an Albany insider, referring to the former lawmaker now in prison for corruption. If elected, Felder, 53, “ will be in the driver’s seat,” said political consultant Hank Sheinkopf. “Should he win, he’ll be a senator in a very unique position. Both sides will want him, but on most issues, only one side will have him — and that will be the Republicans.” READ MORE: NY POST

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Calling Himself A Distraction, Orthodox Jew Abruptly Resigns As Director Of Jewish Outreach For NY GOP

Yossi Gestetner, who just last week was hired by the New York Republican Party to be the Director of Jewish Outreach (as was reported here on YWN), took to twitter yesterday to announce he was resigning from his post. “My appointment as Director of Jewish Outreach has been a distraction for the NYGOP. As such I am resigning my duties,” he wrote. Yossi, an orthodox Jew who’s 27 years old and lives in Monsey, was lauded in a press release by the New York Republican Party upon his appointment last week, calling him a “resilient voice for Conservative values and Republican ideals,” and someone who “has illustrated his broad understanding and deep connection to members of the Jewish Community.” At the time, analysts believed Gestetner was chosen by Ed Cox, the New York State GOP Chair, in an effort to help increase the support of the Republican Party in the Chasidish communities in NY, with-whom Gestetner has a close relationship. But somehow a week later, that very same resilience had turned into a distraction. Last week, journalist Steven Weiss of The Jewish Channel started investigating Gestetner’s past, including his previous consulting work and his many blog and twitter posts. When he discovered that Gestetner had done consulting work for a group called, “True Torah Jews Against Zionism,” Weiss contacted Gestetner to set up an interview to find out if Gestetner was a true Zionist. During the often tense interview, Gestetner refused to condemn the “True Torah Against Zionism” group, and instead argued that just because he did consulting work with the group it didn’t mean he agreed with all of there positions and statements. But when pressed by Weiss whether indeed he was a Zionist, Gestetner demurred saying, “I’m an American, I live in the United States, and I hope to see that people who live in Israel, such as my immediate family, that they are safe and sound.” In the interview, Gestetner also seemed to claim that Orthodox Jews should support the Republican Party because they care more about the poor then the Democrats, and they’ll be willing to provide the many hand-outs that the Orthodox community has come to rely on. Soon after the interview was conducted and other journalists were tipped of by Weiss as to what had transpired, Gestetner took to twitter to announce he was resigning from his position so as not to be a distraction to the GOP, The Jewish Channel then took credit for his resignation, claiming that less than 30 minutes after GOP State Chairman Ed Cox found out about Weiss’s investigation of his new appointee, Gestetner had resigned. But on a post on his blog, Gestetner strongly disagreed with Weiss’s claim that his resignation had anything to do with his interview. Instead he gave an entirely differnent explantion for his resignation. Here’s what he wrote: “A main reason behind this [his resignation] is simple: Dean Skelos, the Leader of the Republicans in the New York State Senate has an understanding with former NYC Democratic Councilman Simcha Felder that he, Skelos, will back Felder in the November elections for the “Super Jewish State Senate District” on the expense of David Storobin, a sitting Republican State Senator.” But Weiss, The Jewish Channel’s managing editor, wouldn’t back down from his claim that Gestetner’s work for

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Fidler Campaign Gets An Unofficial Vote Bump, But the End Is Not Near

The following is from WNYC: The contest between Republican David Storobin and Democratic City Councilman Lew Fidler—now more than two weeks after the March 20 special election to fill the seat vacated by disgraced former state Senator Carl Kruger—got both a little closer and a little further away from a final resolution on Wednesday. Lawyers from both campaigns, as well as from the Board of Elections, huddled with state Supreme Court judge David Schmidt to hammer out the next steps now that a panel of judges has suggested which of the contested absentee and other paper ballots should be counted. As it stands, the Storobin campaign hangs on to a razor thin three-vote lead. The panel of judges, who were assigned by the court as special referees, looked at more than 210 ballots the campaigns argued should be invalidated for one reason or another. Out of the 164 ballots the Storobin campaign objected to, 143 of them were ruled valid. Of the 54 Fidler-initiated objections, 35 were overturned by the judges, who said they should be counted. Assuming the opposing campaigns were looking to take votes away from their opponents, the suggestions the referee judges made to the court are good news for the Fidler campaign. The ballots reviewed by the referee judges have not been officially counted. But—of course—that’s not where things end. Both campaigns are also pushing to get large chunks of ballots invalidated on different grounds. The Storobin campaign wants the Board of Elections to provide supporting documents for 50 or more voters who were given permanent absentee ballot status, in the hopes of showing this was done in error—that they should have been going to the polls on their own volition and, thus, should have their absentee ballots invalidated. The BoE’s lawyers said they felt that was impossible because the documentation was no longer available and likely permanently destroyed. Fidler’s lawyers are asking for information for dozens of absentee ballots collected by Alla Pometko, who they alleged may have committed voter fraud. Pometko, they say, asked for nearly 180 absentee ballots from the board, but only returned 119, raising questions about what she did with the other 65 or so. More seriously, they say, out of that 119 absentee ballots submitted on behalf of voters, 16 of those voters actually went to the polls on Election Day. The Fidler lawyers are suggesting that there may have been an intentional attempt by Pometko to commit voter fraud, and might seek in the next hearing on April 11 to have all of the Pometko-submitted absentee ballots invalidated. READ MORE: WNYC

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DEVELOPING: Hikind May Have Cast The Deciding Vote For Lew Fidler

As of this moment it appears that Councilman Lew Fidler is up by 1 vote over his opponent Russian David Storobin. Per the City & State Blog story by Chris Bragg below, Hikind may have single-handedly taken Fidler over the top! From: City & State NY Blog The mystery of whom Assemblyman Dov Hikind voted for in the Brooklyn Senate special election may have been solved! There were only two voters who voted absentee in Hikind’s electoral district: Hikind, who was in Albany on the Mar. 20 special election day, and a man named Harry Weiss. Vote tallies from that ED counted today show that one person voted for Councilman Lew Fidler, and one person voted for his Republican opponent for Senate, David Storobin. And reached by phone, Weiss confirmed that he had voted for Storobin — so we’re thinking that means that Hikind ended up voting for Fidler. Hikind’s office didn’t return requests for comment, which I made yesterday in anticipation of the vote counting. Hikind had been thought to initially be backing Fidler, but later publicly said he was not sure who he would support. He ultimately stayed neutral in the heated race, which currently has a 10 vote margin between Fidler and Storobin. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Fidler Develops Some Momentum in Early Absentee Counting

The Politicker reports the following: Maybe Lew Fidler was right to be optimistic about the absentee vote counting today in the hotly contested, and very close, special election for the State Senate in Brooklyn. With 163 of the 757 absentee ballots counted, Mr. Storobin’s 119 vote lead from last week has dropped to 62, although, of course, the count is subject to significant fluctuations as pockets of support from both candidates are tallied. In addition, hundreds more currently invalid absentee ballots can be contested by the two campaigns, possibly placing even more votes in play. Needless to say, even though the last vote was cast Tuesday night last week, this race is far from over. READ MORE: POLITICKER

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PHOTOS: Reformers & Greenfield Win, Establishment & Hikind Lose in Historic Election of Perlstein As Chairman of Community Board

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] History was made last night in Borough Park as Community Board 12 voted by a 2-1 margin to install R’ Yidel Perlstein as the first new chairman in nearly 20 years. Mr. Perlstein defeated Alan Dubrow in a contentious and closely watched election. Mr. Dubrow has served on the board for 34 years. He was Chairman for the last 19 years. Perlstein becomes the first Chasidic Jew to serve in this important capacity in New York City. Community Board 12 serves the mor than 200,000 residents of Boro Park, Midwood, Kensignton and Bensonhurst in issues pertaining to city government. Councilman David Greenfield, who was an early supporter of Perlstein, played a critical role in last night’s election after Mr. Dubrow objected to Mr. Perlstein’s candidacy due to Dubrow’s arbitrary interpretation of the board’s bylaws. Dubrow insisted that a vote not take place (as reported first on YWN). However, Greenfield, as a former board member and current ex-officio member, cited the city corporation counsel’s determination that any board member can appeal the chair’s interpretation of the by-laws for a full vote by the board. As a result, the board first voted to appeal Mr. Dubrow’s determination and therefore approve Mr. Perlstein as a candidate before moving forward with the ballot election which Perlstein won by an even larger margin. Bizzarely, Assemblyman Dov Hikind, who initially supported Perlstein, called his allies on the board and asked them to vote against Perlstein. Sources say that Hikind even told Perlstein’s supporters that there would be “no vote” taking place last night and they should get over it. The Hikind flip-flop was confirmed when Hikind’s senior staffer and community board member, Sharon Fuchs, voted against Mr. Perlstein. “Dov proved that his support is not only worthless because he promises it to each side but also meaningless because the board knew that Dov opposed Yidel and voted overwhelmingly in Yidel’s favor,” said one board member. Finally, there was an impressive display of unity among the reformers on the board who voted for Mr. Perlstein. Chasidic Boro Parkers joined with the Catholic residents of Bensonhurst and Sephardim from Midwood to take Mr. Perlstein over the top. For his part, Mr. Perlstein thanked Mr. Dubrow for his service and promised to bring the community together to do accomplish more for all communities. Mr. Perlstein also asked for and received a standing ovation for Mr. Dubrow’s years of service. In what can only be described as a side-show, Republican Senate Candidate David Storobin showed up and pretented that he was the winner in the still contested Senate Seat. Mr. Storobin seemed oblivious to the critical election taking place at the community board and spoke for a few minutes on how he would “fight for the community.” Community Board 12 makes up a small part of the current 27th Senate District. However, it makes up a large part of the future Super-Jewish district. This was a strong indication by Storobin that he intends to run the Super-Jewish district this November. YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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TODAY – Special Election To Be Held For Brooklyn State Senate Seat

A special election is being held Tuesday for the Brooklyn State Senate seat District 27 in the New York State Senate, formerly held by Carl Kruger. Democrat City Councilman Lew Fidler and Republican lawyer David Storobin are vying for the seat. The winner will hold office until the end of the year, when the district will disappear as new political boundaries take effect. Kruger resigned in December after pleading guilty to corruption charges in connection with a bribery scheme. He faces nine to 11.25 years behind bars when sentenced on April 26. (Source: NY1)

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Tuesday: The Latest ‘Scoop Network’ Headlines (Monsey, Flatbush, Boro Park)

The following are the latest headlines (03/13/12) on, and, – all affiliates of YWN: The most recent site in the “Scoop Network” to have been launched is It was launched approximately two months ago, with thousands of readers already logging on each day for the latest local news around Monsey. and have recently passed their one year anniversary, with Boruch Hashem, great success. will be re-launched once again for the summer of 2012, with an expected launch date around Pesach time. PHOTOS: Two Federally Funded Health Clinics Open In Spring Valley PHOTO: Problem At The Shell Gas Station On Route 59? PHOTOS: Structure Fire At 30 Edison Court Cops Chase Man With Knife On Elmwood Ave & East 2nd Storobin Backs Governor Cuomo’s DNA Expansion Bill VIDEO & PHOTOS: 70th Precinct 25th Memorial Anniversary For Detective Louie Miller VIDEO & PHOTOS: Greenfield & 60 Rabbonim, Askanim & Frum Community Leaders Endorse Lew Fidler for State Senate PHOTOS: Purim 5772 Around Flatbush PHOTOS: Brooklyn Jewish Experience Purim Celebration NYPD Makes Arrests In Recent Tire Slashings PHOTOS: MVA On 14th Ave & 68 Street PHOTOS: Purim 5772 Around Boro Park PHOTOS: FDNY & NYRRT Distribute Free 9-Volt Batteries & Fire Safety Materials (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Op-Ed: Lew Fidler Will Fight For Us In Albany, Just As He Always Has

What makes a good public servant? Do they have to look like you? Act like you? I have known Lew Fidler for over 25 years. He has always worked hard to serve our community. And politics always took second place to his integrity. I have heard his opponent claim to be “one of us.” Are we that politically naive? I’ve looked carefully at his opponent’s material. In material sent to the frum community, he wears a yarmulke. But he sends mail to the Russian community and his head is bare. After Madoff, scam artists and crooked politicians, are we going to be fooled again? Lew Fidler lives in Sheepshead Bay with his wife and two sons. His home is modest. He never used politics to make himself wealthy. He works hard to pay his bills just like you and me. He is a traditional Jew who is proud of his faith. He isn’t frum and doesn’t pretend to be. But when Jewish students were threatened at Brooklyn College, Lew stepped in to defend them. He did this long before he was elected to the City Council. He gained no political benefit, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Lew knows the danger of apathy. He knows Jewish history. That’s what makes him one of “us.” Lew has spent the last decade as a City Councilman supporting and protecting our community institutions, yeshivas and mosdos. His opponent doesn’t even come close to matching Lew’s service to our community. Some are trying to make this election a referendum on the so-called marriage bill. It’s true that our community was disheartened when the bill passed last year. But Lew Fidler had nothing to do with that bill. In fact, it is David Storobin’s friend, Republican Sen. Dean Skelos, and those who support him, who are most responsible for allowing this bill to get to the Senate floor. If Sen. Skelos and the Republicans in the majority refused to allow this bill to the floor, it never would have passed. But they buckled to pressure, and now we have this law. Mr. Storobin is using trickery and deceit to fool our community. Lew Fidler never attacked David Storobin, but Mr. Storobin has been untruthful about the facts. Lew simply asked why Mr. Storobin would allow his writings to be linked to racist websites. Mr. Storobin has still not answered those very important questions. Like so many in our community, I’m a conservative voter. But I know a scam being perpetrated on our community when I see it. And the Republican candidate in this election is doing exactly that. Lew Fidler will fight for us in Albany, like he’s fought for us at City Hall. You can take that to the bank. Shlomo Z. Mostofsky is an attorney and the immediate past president of the National Council of Young Israel. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.

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Analysis: In Bid to Lock Down Orthodox Vote, Lew Fidler Hires Frum Political Operative As Campaign Manager

In a further sign of his close relationship with the Orthodox Jewish community, Councilman Lew Fidler today confirmed that frum political strategist Kalman Yeger will be managing his campaign for New York State Senate. This is Fidler’s latest salvo in an effort to appeal to the key voting bloc of the Orthodox Jewish community. Most recently, Fidler ran ads touting his many years of support for the Orthodox Jewish community including securing $15 million in government funding for dozens of Jewish groups including Hatzolah, Shomrim and Agudath Israel of America. Yeger is a long-time political strategist who has managed many campaigns and is also a leading expert in the area of campaign finance in the city of New York. Most recently, Yeger was the senior adviser to David Greenfield’s successful campaign for New York City Council. He is also a senior adviser to Bronx Borough Present and rumored mayoral contender Ruben Diaz, Jr. Yeger has lived his whole life in the Midwood district that Filder seeks to represent. Insiders speculate that the hiring of Yeger indicates that Greenfield will endorse Fidler for Senate. While Fidler had nearly a dozen elected officials and another 200 community leaders at his announcement for New York State Senate yesterday at City Hall, neither Greenfield nor the other Orthodox Jewish power-broker, Dov Hikind, were present. Hikind, who has committed in the past to supporting Fidler has recently indicated that he may flip-flop and support Storobin instead. Those who know Hikind say that he may be concerned about upsetting the Republican Party as he seeks to obtain their party line for the 2012 election. In the last election, the Republicans ran a non-Jewish candidate against Hikind who received an astounding 40% of the vote against Hikind in his super-Jewish district. As for Greenfield, those close to him say that he is pleased at the hiring of Yeger as campaign manager. Apparently, one of the main reasons that Greenfield would not endorse Assemblyman David Weprin in his race for Congress was that Weprin refused to take Greenfield’s advice about outreach to the Orthodox community including apologizing for giving a speech stating that same-gender marriage is compatible with Orthodox Jewish religious beliefs. Weprin, who is Orthodox, refused to apologize for his controversial speech and went on to lose his race for Congress. By hiring Yeger, Fidler is sending a clear message to Greenfield that he values his input and will continue his record as a friend of the Orthodox Jewish community these sources say. One Greenfield associate who spoke on the condition of anonymity, explained that Greenfield will meet this week with Fidler to discuss his positions on increased funding for yeshivas. “Funding for yeshiva education is Greenfield’s number one issue in the State. Fidler has a great track record in the City on these issues, but in the State these issues are more complex,” the source explained. “If Fidler agrees with Greenfield’s positions, it will go a long way in locking down his full support for Fidler’s senate race.” (Daniel Miller – YWN)

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YWN Exclusive Analysis: Jewish Councilman Lew Fidler Leads Race To Replace Corrupt Kruger In Senate

That didn’t take long. Less than 72 hours after Senator Carl Kruger resigned in disgrace due to a corruption scandal, the race to replace him seems set. Under New York State rules political parties get to choose who will run on their respective lines in a special election that is expected to take place within the next three months. Sources say that Councilman Lew Fidler is the likely Democratic candidate and Russian immigrant David Storobin is the likely Republican. Councilman Fidler, who has spent the past ten years as a New York City Councilman appears to have the edge in this race due to his deep relationships not only in his council district which overlaps significantly with the senate district, but in the broader Orthodox Jewish community, as well. While Fidler himself is not Orthodox, he is a self-described committed Jew who has consistently fought on behalf of the Orthodox Jewish community. Fidler first came on the Jewish political scene as a volunteer attorney who helped the Lubavitch leadership in Crown Heights deal with the aftermath of the 1991 Crown Heights riots and tragic murder of Yankel Rosenbaum. Since then, by Filder’s own account, he has worked hard for Brooklyn’s frum community including securing $15 million in government funding for groups as diverse as Hatzolah, COJO of Flatbush and the JCC of Boro Park. While David Storobin is the vice-chair of the Brooklyn Republican party, he appears little known outside of the Russian community. A prominent criminal defense attorney, his criminal law practice which includes the successful defense of alleged murderers and robbers may come back to haunt him in the socially conservative district. Republicans remain optimistic, however, due to the recent victory of Bob Turner for Congress. Insiders explain that the dynamics of this local race for senate are quite different from the national race for congress and instead point to four key leaders whose support of either candidate could shape this compressed race. Here’s a quick sketch of those leaders and who they are likely to support. Assemblyman Dov Hikind – While traditionally Hikind waits until the very last minute to make an endorsement in political races, thereby diminishing his ability to move votes, insiders say that Hikind is likely to be an early endorser of Councilman Lew Fidler. According to several sources, Hikind expects Fidler to easily win the race and has already committed to endorsing Fidler. Some say that Hikind, who regularly endorses Republicans, is also looking to support Fidler to bone up his credentials with Hikind’s own Democratic party in advance of his 2012 re-election. Advantage: Fidler. Councilman David Greenfield – The popular Borough Park & Midwood Councilman seems to prefer to focus on his government duties and has avoided making endorsements in the nearly two years since he has been elected to office. However, insiders say that Greenfield has been very impressed with Fidler’s commitment to Greenfield’s signature issue – increasing funding for yeshivas and providing relief for tuition-paying parents. Media accounts demonstrate that Greenfield and Fidler have regularly worked together in the Council to secure funds for Jewish organizations and local yeshivas. The two also teamed up to successfully restore vouchers for yeshiva parents in this year’s city budget. Advantage: Fidler. Radio Mogul Gregory Davidson – Those in the know report that Mr.

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