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Search Results for: mispallel – Page 3

LEFTIST HATRED: Bereaved Father Rabbi Leo Dee Attacked At Tel Aviv Tefillah [Video]

Yet another tefillah at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv was attacked by leftist “protesters” on Thursday morning, Chol Hamoed Sukkos. One of the participants in the tefillah was Rabbi Leo Dee, whose wife and two daughters were murdered in a terror attack in the Jordan Valley on Chol Hamoed Pesach. One of the leftists purposely pushed Rabbi Lee as he was holding a lulav and esrog and davening. A video of the incident that circulated on social media caused widespread outrage and condemnation, at least by right-wing figures. The mispallelim had erected a makeshift mechitzah for the tefillah but when the leftists saw it, they called the police and Tel Aviv municipal employees subsequently removed it. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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A Heartwarming Sight: Tefillah On The Streets Of Tel Aviv

Following the appalling events on Yom Kippur in Tel Aviv, when leftists “protested” against Yom Kippur tefillos and prevented them from taking place, a heartwarming sight took place on the streets of Tel Aviv on Wednesday morning, Chol Hamoed Sukkos. HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Tzfas, held a mass tefillah at the Beit HaKnesset HaGadol in Tel Aviv. Following the tefillah, the mispallelim spilled out on the street of Tel Aviv and danced with their lulavim and esrogim. Watch the videos below: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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18 Tel Aviv Minyanim Attacked On Yom Kippur: Protesters Threw Siddurim, Called Participants “Child Killers”

A disturbing report published by the Tel Aviv Religious Council on Tuesday revealed that the Neillah tefillah at Dizengoff Square was not the only one that was subject to violent and disturbing attacks on Yom Kippur. According to the report, 18 minyanim in Tel Aviv experienced attacks  – even minyanim that took place without a mechitzah and that were not held in public areas but were inside shuls. Some of the mispallelim reported that men deliberately sat down next to women and women next to men. Other mispallelim were attacked by protesters who yelled at them during the Yom Kippur tefillah: “Nazis, child murderers.” At one minyan, protesters entered the chazan’s stand dressed only in bathing suits. At another minyan, a protester called to “sic” their dogs on the mispallelim and all the other protesters laughed. Another woman called to throw the siddurim into the fountain and then began throwing the siddurim off the table. In a minyan held in a shul in Ramat Aviv Gimmel, protesters destroyed a mechitzah that was erected with legal permits. It should be noted that some of the minyanim that were disturbed by protesters had received permits from the municipality and were completely legal. According to the report, the actions of the protesters included “shouting, women dancing, destroying equipment, not allowing the minyan to start, and shouting ‘Nazis and child killers.’” At some minyanim, the protesters blew whistles and bicycle horns to drown out the sound of the shofar. The report stated that a total of 500 people participated in the protests. The protesters succeeded in completely preventing the tefillos from taking place in at least half of the incidents – while municipality officials did almost nothing to prevent the disruptions. Labor party chairwoman Merav Michaeli called the Yom Kippur protesters “heroes.” To end on a positive note, and in the ruach of simchas Yom Tov, the anti-religious protests spurred a “teshuvah backlash” by secular Israelis that will b’ezras Hashem continue to grow. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Even Liberals Found Themselves Under Attack On Yom Kippur

As YWN reported, leftists prevented Yom Kippur tefillos from taking place on erev Yom Kippur and Motzei Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, tearing down a makeshift mechitzah and engaging in clashes with the mispallelim. But who were the mispallelim? Sadly, it was truly a war between brothers as those davening at an outdoor minyan on Yom Kippur were secular Tel Aviv residents who were interested in partaking in the kedushah of the holiest day of the Jewish year. In a video that spread on the web [but has since been removed], one of the mispallelim can be heard yelling back at the “protesters:” “I protest every Motzei Shabbos at Kaplan. I’m a high-tech person, secular, I live here in Tel Aviv.” “I fight for democracy with you every week, and one day of the year, I decide to put on a kippah, then suddenly, I become ‘You?’ Explain to me, you enlightened leftists, who are ‘You’? When you say ‘You,’ are you talking about the kippah?” Many Israelis commented on the video that people are beginning to realize that the entire “protest” is against Judaism. One secular woman wrote about the video: “I totally relate to this video. I also used to support the meaningless protests until I saw the truth. In my view, this is the most powerful clip since the beginning of the protest!” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Israelis Buy Kippos, Don Tefillin: Teshuvah “Backlash” Against Yom Kippur Protest

The leftist protesters who prevented Yom Kippur tefillos from taking place on erev Yom Kippur and Motzei Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv, tearing down a makeshift mechitzah and engaging in clashes with the mispallelim, caused a religious “backlash” among Israelis who were horrified by the protesters’ display of hatred toward religion. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Israelis, have warm feelings for Yiddishkeit even if they don’t live a fully religious lifestyle. In the days after Yom Kippur, many of these Israeli were mekabel mitzvos on themselves as a “protest” against the leftists. Yaniv Turgeman, 43, wrote on Twitter: “I’m a secular Israeli from Givatayim. Thanks to the expulsion of Jews from the tefillah on Erev Yom Kippur at Dizengoff Square, I decided to take it upon myself to buy tefillin and put them on every day.” “In the wake of the incident, it’s important to me that my two children, who live in a secular city, will see their father putting on tefillin with a tallis every morning and will learn what Yahadus is.” Another secular Israeli, Guy Baruch, wrote: “It’s amazing what one Yom Kippur could do for a kibbutznik – I’m putting on a kippah starting today. Antiochus didn’t succeed, the Romans didn’t succeed, the Muslims didn’t succeed – you’ll also fail. Don’t touch my Yahudus – that’s a red line.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BUSHA! Tel Aviv Municipality Revokes Permits For Sukkos Events

The Tel Aviv municipality has informed the Rosh Yehudi association, which organized the Yom Kippur tefillah at Dizengoff Square, that it revoking its permits to hold events in the city on Sukkos due to the makeshift mechitzah it installed on Yom Kippur. The municipality stated that the permits were revoked after a hearing: “The letter of cancellation of the permits was given to the association after a hearing was held on the matter due to its violation of the conditions of the permit given to it for Yom Kippur tefillos in Dizengoff Square by placing a stage without the required permit and using physical means of gender segregation contrary to the municipality’s policy.” The municipality accused the Rosh Yehudi association of “almost a mass melee” – ignoring the fact that the “almost melee” was unilaterally caused by the protesters who destroyed the makeshift mechitzah and yelled “Bushah” at the mispallelim. “The Rosh Yehudi event on Yom Kippur in Dizegoff Square turned from a tefilla event into a humiliating event of distancing and of a significant public disorder that almost developed into a mass brawl,” the municipality claimed. “There is no reason to believe that the Sukkot events they are planning will be conducted differently. And if that’s not enough, there is a real fear that further Rosh Yehudi events during Tishrei, in particular at Dizengoff Square, will lead to another flare-up, which will once again cause public disturbances in the city.” The Religious Zionist party slammed the decision: “Ron Huldai who is plummetting in the elections is trying to win votes on the backs of the tens of thousands of religious, traditional, and secular residents who live in Tel Aviv and respect Israeli tradition.” The Rosh Yehudi association had obtained permits to erect a sukkah in the city as well as hold a hakafos sheniyos event. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: MOTZEI YOM KIPPUR NEIS: Children Leap Out of the Way Of Out-Of-Control Bus

About an hour after end of Yom Kippur on Monday evening, a neis occurred in the Bayit Vegan neighborhood of Jerusalem when an Egged 39 bus standing at a bus stop began rolling down the street, hitting several parked vehicles. Several children were saved from death or serious injury when they ran from the scene seconds before the bus was stopped by two parked vehicles next to Wolfson Yeshivah. Eight passengers were lightly injured, including three children. Hatzalah paramedics administered emergency medical aid at the scene and several of the injured were evacuated to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for further treatment. According to witnesses, the bus, which was standing at a bus stop, began rolling down the street, hit several parked vehicles and was then stopped by parked vehicles next to Wolfson, where about 1,500 mispallelim were at the time. The driver had apparently left the bus to check one of the tires. The yeshivah bochurim who witnessed the neis broke out in singing and dancing. Footage from nearby security cameras showed the magnitude of the neis: בית וגן ירושלים: אוטובוס, עם נוסעים הידרדר ובנס אין נפגעים. — מה חדש.❓ (@Gloz111) September 25, 2023 Below, the Wolfson bochurim dance and sing in celebration of the neis: (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: “Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim Is The Key To Open The Gate Of Rachamim”

Tens of thousands of Israelis have been gathering at the Kosel for Selichos every day during the Aseres Yimei Teshuvah. On Wednesday, the Rav of Be’er Sheva, HaRav Yehuda Deri, [brother of Shas chairman Aryeh Deri] delivered divrei chizzuk to the mispallelim. “Kabblas Ol Malchus Shamayim – I want to just say one sentence on this – very very significant. Kabblas Ol Malchus Shamayim is the key to opening the gate of rachamim. It’s an explicit passuk in the Torah. Shema Yisrael – don’t fear because Hashem is with you. Rashi says in the name of Reb Shimon Bar Yochai – ‘Hakadosh Baruch Hu says to Yisrael: ‘My children, if all you had was Shema Yisrael alone – it’s k’dai to save you – there’s nothing to fear.’” “A person doesn’t have enough zechuyos – but he has Kriyas Shema. What is Kriyas Shema? Kriyas Shema is Kabblas Ol Machus Shamayim. When a person accepts Ol Malchus Shamayim upon himself, he’s saying two things: First of all, Hashem is the King of the World. Second, we accept Hashem’s yoke, to perform Hashem’s mitzvos. We’re your servants.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Urgent Court Appeal Against Tel Aviv Municipality: “Mechitzot Are Only For Muslims?”

In the wake of the Tel Aviv municipality’s decision to ban a mechitzah between men and women at the Yom Kippur tefillah at Dizengoff Square, an urgent administrative appeal was filed against the municipality. “The decision marks a new low in the in the history of the State,” the appeal by the Freedom and Human Dignity Forum in Israel states. “Since the British Mandate, there has never been a prohibition on a mechitzah in Eretz Yisrael – until now.” “The tefillah had become a focus of attraction for a broad and diverse public. Religious, traditional, secular – anyone who is interested found their place in the moving tefillah in the city’s streets. The tefilla has taken place every year with a mechitzah in accordance with Jewish tradition and halacha for generations.” “It should be noted that even Muslim prayers are held in the city with gender separation, using a mechitzah, without disturbance (and legally), as it has already been held in the city’s urban park – Charles Clore Park – a mass prayer and sermon with gender separation, in honor of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice. Fences that belong to none other than the Tel Aviv municipality served as the mechitzha there.” “The mass prayer in honor of the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice is held every year in the same format – with gender separation, in the same urban park, using the same municipality’s fences as a mechitzah. Prayers in a similar format are also held on Eid al-Fitr. It is superfluous to mention that these regular prayers are well-known to the municipality.” “The attempt by the Tel Aviv municipality to prohibit Jewish tefilla with the use of a mechitzha, according to Jewish halacha, is invalid. The municipality lacks the authority to create such a prohibition, out of nowhere.” “The prohibition on the use of a mechitzah for Jewish tefillah (and specifically Jewish tefilah) is not only illegal but also unconstitutional. The prohibition on conducting Jewish tefillah according to Jewish halacha and tradition violates the basic rights of the mispallelim, including the rights to freedom, dignity, autonomy, religious freedom, and equality.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Iranian Jewish Kehilla Warns Members Away From Protests On Rosh Hashanah

The Jewish kehilla in Iran recently issued a message to the members of the community that in preparation for Rosh Hashanah, community leaders have coordinated with the “respectable police of Greater Tehran” regarding “arrangements required for the safety of celebrating the important Rosh Hashanah.” The announcement stated that “in this regard, all mispallelim are asked to refrain from stopping and gathering in the streets for any reason during Rosh Hashanah after performing their religious duties in the shuls.” The warning is a reference to the upcoming anniversary of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini who died in police custody after being arrested for allegedly violating the Islamic dress code. The anniversary of her death, which sparked widespread protests followed by a brutal crackdown by the Iranian regime, falls out on Shabbos, September 16, the first day of Rosh Hashanah. Iranian authorities are tightening security measures in the country in anticipation of mass protests. There have been numerous petitions online by dissident groups to take to the streets on September 16 despite the fact that last year’s crackdown on the protests resulted in the deaths of over 500 Iranians, with thousands injured and tens of thousands thrown in prison. The announcement further stated: “During the thousands of years of existence of the Jewish kehilla in Iran, the community has always protected national interests and maintained a shining record in this regard, which has always spurred the envy and dissatisfaction of the enemies.” “It is clear that even this time, with foresight and in consideration of all aspects of the current situation, the cultured society of the Jewish community will not allow any kind of contact with the sworn enemies of proud Iran.” “The Jewish kehilla thanks the police for its incalculable and constant assistance. There is no doubt that the Jewish community supports the fight against the evil plans of Iran’s enemies and will celebrate the splendid ceremony of Rosh Hashanah at a distance from any demonstration, with G-d’s help until the end.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Moldova Is Prepared To Receive Thousands Of Jews On Their Way To Uman [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

Weeks of planning, meetings and preparations in Moldova culminated this week when thousands of passengers are expected to land at the international airport in Chisinau and make their way to the border between Moldova and Ukraine. About 80% of the Jews traveling to spend Rosh Hashanah in Uman will pass through Moldova. The local Jewish community, led by the country’s chief rabbi, HaRav Pinchas Salzman, is working to help thousands of people together with the Ministry of Jerusalem and Tradition. In recent months, many meetings took place between members of the Moldovan Jewish kehilla and Moldovan officials, including airport, border, and customs officials. Additionally, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Jerusalem Minister Meir Porush, and HaRav Salzman met with senior government officials in Moldova. This week, staff members at the airport and border crossings were increased and Hebrew-speakers are on hand to assist. Michael Finkel, director of Agudath Israel – the Jewish community in Moldova, said: “This is a particularly complex logistical arrangement. We have area managers and locals at the airport and at the borders as well as in the refreshment facilities. The community in Moldova, led by Rabbi Salzman, understood the importance of the event and is handling it with the cooperation of Minister Porush and Rabbi Nachman Bansheya to help thousands of mispallelim reach Rosh Hashanah in Uman smoothly and without delays on the way.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Tel Aviv Municipality Demands: Yom Kippur Tefilla Without Mechitza

The Tel Aviv Municipality is demanding that the Yom Kippur tefilla that takes place at Dizengoff Square every year be held without mechitzos this year. Every year, Tel Aviv residents flock to the tefillah, mainly for Neilah and Tekias Shofar at the end of the day. In response to the ban, the Rosh Yehudi movement, which arranges the tefilla every year, stated: “If the Municipality of Tel Aviv insists on the outrageous ban on mechitzot during tefilla, we will be forced to cancel the traditional tefilla on Yom Kippur in Dizengoff Square. Rosh Yehudi has been holding tefillos in accordance with the traditional halacha of thousands of years, with a mechitzah between men and women and we will not change this minhag.” “Everyone is welcomed to the tefillah in the square with love and inclusion. Most of the mispallelim are residents of Tel Aviv, who on a daily basis do not wear a kippah on their heads, don’t visit shul and on Yom Kippur choose to come to daven and feel the kedushah and unity in the square. We chose to leave the air-conditioned shul in the Tel Aviv heat, to connect together with the thousands in the square for moments of kedushah.” “The battle against the tefillah at Dizengoff Square teaches us a lesson for life. You can daven with mechitzos, with love, and without discriminating against anyone, or you can discriminate, exclude and fight unnecessary wars, even without mechitzos. Choose which side you’re on.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Netanyahu, Mossad Chief Speak With Zelensky About Israelis Arriving For Uman

In the midst of escalating tensions surrounding the impending arrival of tens of thousands of mispallelim to Ukraine for Rosh Hashanah and Israel’s relationship with Russia, a telephone conversation transpired between Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During the conversation, as reported by the Prime Minister’s Office, the two leaders deliberated on Israeli assistance to Ukraine and the development of a civil alert system that Israel is actively constructing for the benefit of Ukraine. Additionally, Prime Minister Netanyahu emphasized the significance of ensuring the safe passage of Jewish mispallelim traveling to Uman. Mossad head Dovid Barnea also spoke with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this week. The phone call was an attempt to improve relations between Israel and Ukraine following reports that Ukrainian officials are refusing to cooperate with plans to expedite the entry of tens of thousands of Israelis into the country by increasing staff at the border crossings with neighboring countries. Ukraine is disgruntled with Israel about what it claims is the rejection of Ukrainian citizens into the country as well as with Interior Minister Arbel’s refusal to meet with the Ukrainian ambassador over the past year. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu held a meeting with Shas chairman Aryeh Deri and Barnea on Wednesday to discuss a solution that would foster cooperation with Ukrainian authorities. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TERROR IN ISRAEL: IDF Officer & 3 Soldiers Injured In Explosion At Kever Yosef

An IDF officer and three soldiers were injured near Kever Yosef in Shechem late Wednesday night when a large explosive device was detonated by terrorists. Videos of the scene showed a huge cloud of smoke following the explosion. The soldiers were operating in the area in preparation to secure the area for tefillos being held at Kever Yosef late Wednesday night. The IDF stated that “the explosion occurred at a military checkpoint and not on the route for the entry of civilians to the compound. The entrance of mispallelim to Kever Yosef continued as usual.” The officer and two soldiers were lightly injured and one soldier was moderately injured. They received emergency medical aid at the scene and were evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah for treatment. Apart from the explosion, severe riots developed when the IDF forces entered the area, with local Arabs opening live fire and throwing explosives. The local branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group claimed responsibility for the explosion. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Anger After Abbot Is Asked To Hide Cross, Kosel Foundation Apologizes [VIDEO]

A Western Wall Heritage Foundation employee requested that a German Christian Abbott cover his cross on a visit to the Kosel. A video of the incident was posted online by Germany’s Der Spiegel, causing an uproar. The employee told Nikodemus Schnabel, the Abbott of the Old City’s Dormition Abbey, who was accompanying the German educational minister on a visit to the Kosel, that the cross was “really big and inappropriate for this place.” Schnabel was eventually allowed to continue his visit to the Kosel without covering his cross but later complained about the incident himself on social media. Following the incident, Germany submitted an official protest to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem. Foreign Ministry officials contacted the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, which clarified that it is a long-standing regulation that visitors with prominent or particularly large crosses are asked to cover them in order to show respect to the Kosel and refrain from impinging on the feelings of the Jewish mispallelim. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation stated in response: “We are sorry for the distress caused. The Kosel is open to everyone. It should be emphasized that there are no procedures and regulations on this issue at the Kosel plaza. The employee approached him and politely asked if it was possible to cover the cross to avoid unpleasantness as happened recently in the Old City, out of a desire to respect the place. When he refused, his entry was of course not prevented and the employee respected it and continued on her way.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TRAGEDY: 12-Year-Old Suddenly Niftar On Shabbos In Camp Arugas Habosem

A terrible tragedy occurred in the Catskills on Friday night, with the sudden Petira of a  young boy in camp. Sources tell YWN that Shia Singer, 12-year-old, had finished the Shabbos Seudah at Camp Arugas Habosem in South Fallsburg, when he suddenly collapsed. Catskills Hatzolah did everything they could to save his life and rushed him to the hospital. Unfortunately, despite their life-saving efforts, he was R”L Niftar at the hospital. The family are Mispallelim at HaRav Binyonim Eisenberger’s Shul in Boro Park. There were more than 1,200 children at the camp, and the Chai Lifeline Lifeline Crisis Intervention Team was at the camp until the wee-hours of the morning on Sunday, ensuring that all the children were ok, and providing support and guidance to the staff, The Levaya will be held in Boro Park at 11:30am, at 1650 57 Street. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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50+ Public School Seniors Kept Shabbos @ BJX

As the sun began its descent on Friday evening, marking the commencement of Shabbat, I felt a sense of anticipation and tranquility– shared a public high school student observing his first Shabbos.  The regular mispallelim at Rabbi Weinfeld’s shul in Flatbush on Avenue L looked on in awe as over 50 public high school seniors joined them for a rousing Carlebach Kabbolos Shabbos (led by one of the renowned BJX chazanim). Local students, from Edward R. Murrow, James Madison, Midwood, Brooklyn Tech, Lincoln, and Fort Hamilton were keeping their very first Shabbos! It may have been the longest Shabbos of the year- but lodging was arranged by the BJX staff for all the students, and they were challenged to be fully Shomer Shabbos and disconnect from all technology. How would a very large group of public high school teens react? Would this epic challenge -on the longest Shabbos of the year- succeed? The davening was leibidik and heartfelt. The BJX staff and students danced around the shul. Rav Fingerer shared an inspiring vort on the Parsha and Achdus, and thanked Rav Weinfeld and the shul for hosting. “Thank you for allowing us to host BJX for Kabbolos Shabbos. Seeing all these young adults experiencing Shabbos for the first time was beyond inspiring. The singing and dancing were memorable as was Rabbis Fingerers’ infectious enthusiasm.  It was evident that their Kiruv work is a true labor of love. May Hashem assist all the young unaffiliated young men and women to become Torah Jews. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to see close-up the kiruv work you do,” said Yossi Brecher, the esteemed Gabbai of Rav Weinfeld’s shul.  Over 50 local public high school seniors kept their First Shabbos with Brooklyn’s Premier Kiruv organization, BJX. Watch their reaction! Can secular-raised public high school students, with no background, change their lives and be mekabel Torah and Mitzvos? Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, the indefatigable leader of BJX, shared an astounding fact about the success of their outreach programs: “A number of former public high school students today daven in Landau’s shul. They look indistinguishable from any Flatbush yeshiva boy. A graduate of Edward Murrow public high school and of several BJX programs, currently attending Brooklyn College, couldn’t be located on Shabbos afternoon. Where was he? He was off to the side, being mavir sedrah, learning Chumash with Rashi. Some of these students are now learning Gemara.” BJX runs successful college programs for unaffiliated students as well as innovative young professional programs. Simultaneously, BJX has a track for young men and women from Frum homes who left the fold. They even have a helpline dedicated specifically to guiding parents as they navigate this murky area with their at-risk teenage children. A particular focus of BJX is a special division for public high schools in Flatbush (and throughout Brooklyn) that are teeming with Jewish students. The Morah D’Asra of BJX, R’ Yitzchok Fingerer relates: “My childhood home was in close proximity to Murrow. I saw countless Jewish students who had never had the opportunity to feel a part of Klal Yisroel or experience the beauty of Yiddishkeit. It pained me. Why should these children of Avrohom, Yitzchok, and Yaakov be deprived? I pledged to try make a difference.” Today, we are witnessing the fulfillment of that pledge from years ago. Myriads of public high school students’ souls are being kindled; their Neshamos ignited.  One of the Madrichim for the BJX public high school program is Shuie Sokol, a native of Cleveland, now learning in Yeshivas

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Your Chance To Have Your Needs Addressed During R’ Shimon Galai’s Tefillos!

No shmoozing. No break. No interruptions. No distractions.  It’s the ultimate in learning.  Uninterrupted learning.  It’s the power of retzifus. Mesikus Hatorah,  a revolutionary retzifus program that has received the approbation of gedolei roshei yeshivos, has inspired thousands in yeshivos and kollelim across the country to undertake limud haTorah without disruption, tapping into the extraordinary benefits of learning continuously. Retzifus learning is like compounded interest. As one continues learning without a break, the sippuk hanefesh and aliyah grow exponentially. Like Rav Chaim Shmulevitz famously said, 12+12 doesn’t equal 24. It’s so much more! When one learns Torah for several hours, it’s not just 1+1+1 and so on. It’s a sum that’s greater than the hours learned. The time spent engaged in uninterrupted learning becomes infused with a higher dimension, where the sum of the parts far exceeds the whole. It’s an experience that defies simple math, but one that is felt deeply in the soul. Galvanizing  yungeleit and bochurim, the budget of Mesikus Hatorah over the past year alone exceeded $1 million. The program encourages bnei Torah to reach beyond their comfort zones and stretch their abilities, unlocking untapped potential in the process. And now, you can have a share in it, too. You can partner with Mesikus Hatorah, gaining a cheilek in the learning of those who are part of this novel, innovative, and game-changing program. And in return? Our revered gedolim will daven – for you personally. For a contribution of $30 a month for a year, or $360 at once, you will receive a special, personalized brachah from Hagaon Rav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Chevron, Hagaon Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshivah of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Hagaon Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, and Hagaon Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel, all of whom will daven during their Shemoneh Esrei for your personal bakashah. Be mentioned in the Shemoneh Esrei of the gedolei hador and have a cheilek in the immesurable zchus of Torah learnt b’retzifus! What a combination! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! And here’s an extra-special zechus: For all names submitted prior to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th, the day before Erev Shavuos, Hagaon Rav Shimon Galei will give a heartfelt brachah and be mispallel on Erev Shavuos for your personal bakasha – whether it is for a shidduch, a refuah, parnassah, hatzlachah in Torah, or nachas! We know that the koach of Torah and tefillah is unparalleled, and as Chazal say, “Tzaddik gozer v’Hakadosh Boruch Hu mekayeim.” So don’t miss out on this opportunity to tap into this special zechus now.  The Difference of Mesikus Hatorah  Some people call Mesikus Hatorah a “learning program.” But the truth is that it is so, so much more.  One yungerman remarked that “I can honestly say that I literally have a whole different life now. The only thing I can compare it to is…Shabbos. Everything else is off the radar. With retzifus, you’re in a different mode. It’s emeseh ruchniusdke bliss!”  Another ben Torah mentioned that his rosh chaburah turned to him at the end of seder on Shivah Assar B’Tammuz and said, “Did you ever see the bais medrash look like this on a taanis? I’m in yeshiva for

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WATCH: Terrorist Crawls Under Gate, Attempts Stabbing Attack, Is Eliminated

A terrorist armed with a knife was shot and eliminated on Shavuos morning after infiltrating the Jewish yishuv of Teneh Omarim in the southern Chevron Hills and attempting to carry out a stabbing attack. After entering the yishuv, the terrorist found the shul where he tried to stab mispallelim. One of them, a member of the yishuv’s security squad, immediately shot the terrorist and thwarted the attack. B’Chasdei Hashem, no Jews were injured during the incident. The terrorist’s death was confirmed at the scene. Footage from the security camera at the yishuv’s gate shows the terrorist crawling under the gate and entering the yishuv. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BEAUTIFUL: Public School Students Experience Matan Torah at Flatbush Kiruv Center- BJX

I was surprised that BJX now has close to fifty public high school students from Murrow, Madison, Midwood and Brooklyn Tech attending weekly Torah classes. Eight young men in public high school are putting on Tefillin each morning. Clearly, unbeknownst to many Brooklyn residents, there is a miraculous renaissance taking place. This past Shabbos, BJX celebrated the Aufruf of a public high school graduate from Edward R. Murrow, who is now on fire with his Yiddishkeit. I wondered, can another community or kiruv organization duplicate these numerous unexpected spiritual gains? What is hidden behind the success of the BJX Kiruv movement? Why are secular Jews, astoundingly, coming back? I decided to visit BJX for a Shabbos- and I picked the right one! While this past Shabbos should have been like any other in Flatbush, it was truly exceptional. For me, it was personally, indescribable being inside the holy walls of the BJX Kiruv Beis Midrash. I was overjoyed to bear witness to such incredible (and unexpected) Yiddishe growth in Flatbush. On Shabbos morning, the Beis Medrash was filled with young men, graduates from the Edward R Murrow public high school located just blocks away, on Avenue L and East 17th street. A few years back, these men were your typical public-school students. I imagine it would have been hard to identify them as Jewish. They ate non-kosher, didn’t keep Shabbos- they lived a non-Jewish lifestyle. These same young men now stood in BJX, adorned in Shabbos attire, celebrating the Aufruf of their classmate who not only keeps Shabbos today, but even made a Siyum on an entire Masechta! The Rav, Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer delivered a heartfelt and beautiful Shabbos drasha scintillating with Torah depth and sophistication- with a very poignant message for the Choson and his friends about creating a successful marriage. The Rav extolled the Choson’s sacrifice to go against the tide and become observant. He applauded his commitment to build a Torah home. Famous Chazan, Reb Shelly Lang, magnificently called up the Chosson for Maftir. It was truly impressive, hearing this young man recite the Birchos HaTorah and then the Haftorah Berachos. His voice rang with sincerity and Ahavas haTorah. Then it struck me- while that this may be unique in Flatbush -this isn’t unique in BJX. I learned that almost every Shabbos a new recruit receives his first Aliyah, or first Hagbah or first Pesicha. I then began to wonder how does this kind of grand and exquisite renewal of becoming a Baal Teshuvah happen? Why are people changing their lives here? “To the onlooker it appears unexpected and chutz mederech hatevah – because our students come from secular parents and are attending public school and secular colleges- but once you invest your full heart and spiritual kochos into them, you experience the dividends and watch them climb in their level of observance,” said Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Director of BJX. “BJX energizes me and pushes me to reach and expand beyond my current beliefs and opinions,” Michael, a Brooklyn College student, told me. “Basically, I learned that I make my life more meaningful, moment by moment,” he shared. I was impressed by all these young individuals fired up for Yiddishkeit. I continued to wonder, how they learned how to daven and become Shomer Shabbos? Does BJX have

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Last Chance Before Shavous- Your Needs Addressed During R’ Shimon Galai’s Tefillos

No shmoozing. No break. No interruptions. No distractions.  It’s the ultimate in learning.  Uninterrupted learning.  It’s the power of retzifus. Mesikus Hatorah,  a revolutionary retzifus program that has received the approbation of gedolei roshei yeshivos, has inspired thousands in yeshivos and kollelim across the country to undertake limud haTorah without disruption, tapping into the extraordinary benefits of learning continuously. Retzifus learning is like compounded interest. As one continues learning without a break, the sippuk hanefesh and aliyah grow exponentially. Like Rav Chaim Shmulevitz famously said, 12+12 doesn’t equal 24. It’s so much more! When one learns Torah for several hours, it’s not just 1+1+1 and so on. It’s a sum that’s greater than the hours learned. The time spent engaged in uninterrupted learning becomes infused with a higher dimension, where the sum of the parts far exceeds the whole. It’s an experience that defies simple math, but one that is felt deeply in the soul. Galvanizing  yungeleit and bochurim, the budget of Mesikus Hatorah over the past year alone exceeded $1 million. The program encourages bnei Torah to reach beyond their comfort zones and stretch their abilities, unlocking untapped potential in the process. And now, you can have a share in it, too. You can partner with Mesikus Hatorah, gaining a cheilek in the learning of those who are part of this novel, innovative, and game-changing program. And in return? Our revered gedolim will daven – for you personally. For a contribution of $30 a month for a year, or $360 at once, you will receive a special, personalized brachah from Hagaon Rav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Chevron, Hagaon Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshivah of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Hagaon Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, and Hagaon Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel, all of whom will daven during their Shemoneh Esrei for your personal bakashah. Be mentioned in the Shemoneh Esrei of the gedolei hador and have a cheilek in the immesurable zchus of Torah learnt b’retzifus! What a combination! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! And here’s an extra-special zechus: For all names submitted prior to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th, the day before Erev Shavuos, Hagaon Rav Shimon Galei will give a heartfelt brachah and be mispallel on Erev Shavuos for your personal bakasha – whether it is for a shidduch, a refuah, parnassah, hatzlachah in Torah, or nachas! We know that the koach of Torah and tefillah is unparalleled, and as Chazal say, “Tzaddik gozer v’Hakadosh Boruch Hu mekayeim.” So don’t miss out on this opportunity to tap into this special zechus now.  The Difference of Mesikus Hatorah  Some people call Mesikus Hatorah a “learning program.” But the truth is that it is so, so much more.  One yungerman remarked that “I can honestly say that I literally have a whole different life now. The only thing I can compare it to is…Shabbos. Everything else is off the radar. With retzifus, you’re in a different mode. It’s emeseh ruchniusdke bliss!”  Another ben Torah mentioned that his rosh chaburah turned to him at the end of seder on Shivah Assar B’Tammuz and said, “Did you ever see the bais medrash look like this on a taanis? I’m in yeshiva for

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Why Was Shacharis In Yeshivas Mir Shortened By 10 Minutes?

Rosh Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Yehudah Finkel recently arranged for the yeshivah’s Shacharis minyan in the main Beis Medrash to be shortened by ten minutes. The goal is to courage Israeli bochurim to daven in yeshivah as since the establishment of minyanim in Beis Shalom for bochurim in the “yeshivah within the yeshivah” of HaGaon HaRav Asher Arielli, the number of mispallelim at the main yeshivah minyan has decreased as many Israeli bochurim prefer to daven in nearby shteibelach. The Rosh Yeshivah is also being mechazeik the minyan by arranging a Mishnah Berura chaburah for Israeli bochurim immediately after Shacharis for ten minutes, with the goal of one amud a day with tests and the distribution of stipends. HaRav Finkel is shortening the tefillah by allowing only Israeli bochurim to daven from the amud except in cases of regular mispallelim having chiyuvim. Additionally, the Mi Shebareich for cholim will no longer be recited after Kriyas HaTorah and instead will be said as part of the recital of Tehillim after Shacharis. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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The Opportunity Of A Lifetime: Our Gedolim Will Daven For You During Their Personal Shemonah Esrei’s.

No shmoozing. No break. No interruptions. No distractions.  It’s the ultimate in learning.  Uninterrupted learning.  It’s the power of retzifus. Mesikus Hatorah,  a revolutionary retzifus program that has received the approbation of gedolei roshei yeshivos, has inspired thousands in yeshivos and kollelim across the country to undertake limud haTorah without disruption, tapping into the extraordinary benefits of learning continuously. Retzifus learning is like compounded interest. As one continues learning without a break, the sippuk hanefesh and aliyah grow exponentially. Like Rav Chaim Shmulevitz famously said, 12+12 doesn’t equal 24. It’s so much more! When one learns Torah for several hours, it’s not just 1+1+1 and so on. It’s a sum that’s greater than the hours learned. The time spent engaged in uninterrupted learning becomes infused with a higher dimension, where the sum of the parts far exceeds the whole. It’s an experience that defies simple math, but one that is felt deeply in the soul. Galvanizing  yungeleit and bochurim, the budget of Mesikus Hatorah over the past year alone exceeded $1 million. The program encourages bnei Torah to reach beyond their comfort zones and stretch their abilities, unlocking untapped potential in the process. And now, you can have a share in it, too. You can partner with Mesikus Hatorah, gaining a cheilek in the learning of those who are part of this novel, innovative, and game-changing program. And in return? Our revered gedolim will daven – for you personally. For a contribution of $30 a month for a year, or $360 at once, you will receive a special, personalized brachah from Hagaon Rav Dovid Cohen, rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Chevron, Hagaon Rav Yisroel Neuman, rosh yeshivah of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Hagaon Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg, and Hagaon Rav Shlomo Feivel Schustal, rosh yeshivah of Yeshiva Tiferes Yerachmiel, all of whom will daven during their Shemoneh Esrei for your personal bakashah. Be mentioned in the Shemoneh Esrei of the gedolei hador and have a cheilek in the immesurable zchus of Torah learnt b’retzifus! What a combination! This is the opportunity of a lifetime! And here’s an extra-special zechus: For all names submitted prior to 10 p.m. on Wednesday, May 24th, the day before Erev Shavuos, Hagaon Rav Shimon Galei will give a heartfelt brachah and be mispallel on Erev Shavuos for your personal bakasha – whether it is for a shidduch, a refuah, parnassah, hatzlachah in Torah, or nachas! We know that the koach of Torah and tefillah is unparalleled, and as Chazal say, “Tzaddik gozer v’Hakadosh Boruch Hu mekayeim.” So don’t miss out on this opportunity to tap into this special zechus now.  The Difference of Mesikus Hatorah  Some people call Mesikus Hatorah a “learning program.” But the truth is that it is so, so much more.  One yungerman remarked that “I can honestly say that I literally have a whole different life now. The only thing I can compare it to is…Shabbos. Everything else is off the radar. With retzifus, you’re in a different mode. It’s emeseh ruchniusdke bliss!”  Another ben Torah mentioned that his rosh chaburah turned to him at the end of seder on Shivah Assar B’Tammuz and said, “Did you ever see the bais medrash look like this on a taanis? I’m in yeshiva for

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TEHLLIM: Lakewood Mashgiach HaRav Mattisyahu Salomon Flown By Medevac To Hospital

Harav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit”a, the longtime mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha, was airlifted to a hospital in Pennsylvania, Tuesday afternoon. The mashgiach had been transported to MMCSC yesterday. Rav Mattisyahu shlit”a was previously airlifted to HUP, where he spent about a month before being released home on Shushan Purim. Rav Mattisyahu shlit”a has been the mashgiach of BMG since 1998, when he succeeded Harav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l. Prior to that, he served as mashgiach in Gateshead Yeshiva for three decades. The tzibur is requested to be Mispallel for Matisyahu Chaim ben Etel bsoch sha’ar cholei Yisrael. THIS STORY WAS FIRST PUBLISHED ON LAKEWOOD ALERTS STATUS CLICK HERE SIGN UP TO THE LAKEWOOD ALERTS WHATSAPP STATUS TO BE INFORMED OF LAKEWOOD NEWS IN LIVE TIME (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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WATCH: HUGE NEIS: Terrorist’s Gun Jams After Shooting From Point-Blank Range

The moments of the terror attack on Tuesday morning which injured two Brelover chassidim can be seen in footage from security cameras. The terrorist walked up to the car, stopped at the light, and shot at the car from point-blank range. In a huge neis, the terrorist’s gun apparently jammed, preventing him from continuing to fire. The victims of the attacks were regular mispallelim at Kever Shimon HaTzaddik. One of them is a well-known figure at the tzion who has been delivering a shiur in Kabbalah at the tzion for the past 20 years. In another neis, seconds before the attack, the chavrusah of the victim passed by the site riding a bike. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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In An Arab Village: Cholent From Beitar In The Middle Of The Night

Thousands of mispallelim visited the kevarim of Yehoshua Bin Nun and Kalev ben Yefunah in the village of Kifl Charis in the Shomron overnight Sunday for the yahrtzeit of Yehoshua bin Nun on Chav Vav Nissan. The entry to the kevarim took place under the direction of the Shomron Regional Council and the directorate of Kever Yosef and the Mekomos HaKedoshim of the Council and was secured by the IDF and security forces. Pots of cholent were brought to the village from the city of Beitar and distributed to the mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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FLATBUSH: Levaya of Rebbitzen Sarah Zakheim A”H

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rebbitzen Sarah Zakheim A”H. She was 105. Rebbitzen Zakheim was the wife of HaRav Yaakov Zakheim Zt”l, a longtime Rov in Flatbush. Rebbitzen Zakheim was born in Palestine, and at a young age immigrated to the United States. As a girl, she was a secretary in Yeshiva Torah Vodaath. When she left her position, it was said that they had to hire three people to replace her. She married in the late 1940’s and moved to Trenton, NJ, where they became Rav and Rebbitzen. Before the birth of her first child, she realized that Trenton was not the place to raise a family, so HaRav Yaakov got a new job as a Rav in East Flatbush at Beth Medresh HaGadol of East Flatbush. They remained there there until 1976 when the community changed. They moved their shul to Bedford Avenue and Avenue J in Flatbush, where she gave her heart and soul to the shul and to its Mispallelim. She did everything and anything to make the Shul run smoothly. Nothing was below her dignity, and she treated everyone in the Shul like her family. Even after the Petira of her husband 14 years ago, and even in her advanced age, she still ran the Shul. She was known to all as an “old time Rebbitzen” who had a certain regal demeanor about her. Her children are Moshe Zakheim, Rachelle Klein, Devora Hamada, and her son who was Niftar 10 years ago Shlomo Zakheim Z”L. her sister is  Mrs. Malka Rennert. The Levaya will be held on Tuesday evening at 6:00pm at the Shul at 3120 Bedford Avenue and Avenue J. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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TRAGEDY IN LOS ANGELES: Petira of Dr Julian Mirman Z”L, Struck By Vehicle On Friday Night

YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of Dr Dr Julian (Yehuda) Mirman Z”L, a well-known doctor in Los Angeles. He was approximately 63 years old. As YWN had reported, Dr Mirman and another doctor were walking home frum Shul on Friday night, when they were both struck by a vehicle outside Rabbi Rubin’s Shul on 3rd and Citrus. One victim suffered minor injuries, but Doctor Mirman suffered critical injuries. He was rushed to the hospital, where he remained in grave condition until his Petira on Monday. The Niftar lived on Citrus, and was a Mispallel in Rabbi Bess’ Shul and occasionally near his home by Rabbi Rubin’s Shul. He leaves behind a wife and four married children. Levaya details will be published when they become available to us. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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TEHLLIM: Lakewood Mashgiach HaRav Mattisyahu Salomon Flown By Medevac To Hospital

Harav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit”a, the longtime mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha, was airlifted to a hospital in Pennsylvania, Friday afternoon. Over the past few days, the Mashgiach suffered numerous medical incidents, including seizures and aspirating. Hatzolah transported him to the hospital earlier in the week and he was released the following day. Hatzolah was back at his home on Wednesday after he suffered a seizure. On Friday he again suffered seizures, and a decision was made to airlift him to an appropriate medical facility for treatment and testing. Rav Mattisyahu shlit”a has been the mashgiach of BMG since 1998, when he succeeded Harav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l. Prior to that, he served as mashgiach in Gateshead Yeshiva for three decades. The tzibur is requested to be Mispallel for Matisyahu Chaim ben Etel bsoch sha’ar cholei Yisrael. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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TEHILLIM: BMG Mashgiach HaRav Mattisyahu Salomon Shlit”a Hospitalized

Harav Mattisyahu Salomon shlit”a, the longtime mashgiach of Beth Medrash Govoha, was hospitalized on Sunday night after suffering a medical incident at his home. As reported by Lakewood Alerts, Hatzolah was called to the famed mashgiach’s home on Sunday night, with paramedics transporting him to Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus in Lakewood. Rav Mattisyahu shlit”a has been the mashgiach of BMG since 1998, when he succeeded Harav Nosson Wachtfogel zt”l. Prior to that, he served as mashgiach in Gateshead Yeshiva for three decades. The tzibur is requested to be Mispallel for Matisyahu Chaim ben Etel bsoch sha’ar cholei Yisrael. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Is Your Loved One Buried in Eretz Yisrael? This Is He Next Best Thing To Being There.

Chany sighed as she hung up the phone. She was trying to get through to her second cousin Shmuly unsuccessfully for the past few days. Shmuly lived in Yerushalayim, and she wanted him to assemble a minyan for her father’s yahrzeit that was coming up next week. She herself was unable to travel there this year, but she couldn’t bear to think of not having a minyan at the kever on the yahrzeit. Perhaps she would try calling him again later… Moshe sat in the hospital, numb with pain and grief. His dear mother had just passed away, and while the funeral and burial arrangements were already set he couldn’t move off his chair. His siblings were all flying to Eretz Yisroel for the kevura, but he was staying behind with his elderly father who couldn’t travel. If only there was a way for him to see the levaya, but he couldn’t ask this of anyone going. They were all grief stricken and definitely not tech savvy. His shoulders felt heavy as he sat in the cold hospital room, his head spinning. Shoshie’s daughter was sick, very sick. Family members were saying tehillim for her around the clock, and every word was appreciated. She herself sat over her tear stained tehillim, praying for her dear daughter’s refuah. An image of her dear grandmother suddenly came to mind, and Shoshie sighed, wishing she could visit her kever to beseech her to storm the heavens on behalf of her granddaughter, who was also her namesake. If only the kever would be more accessible, Shoshie thought to herself. Her grandmother was buried on Har Hamenuchos, and it had been years since Shoshie had been there. The shul is quiet. It is time for yizkor, and those fortunate enough leave the shul as those who stay remain lost in their thoughts. As each mispallel holds their own machzor and memories, they think of all their parents have done for them. And in the moment, they wonder if there is anything they can do in return to honor their memory.  These scenarios are heartbreaking, but they occur in a similar form every single day. A dream of many members of Klal Yisroel is to be buried in Eretz Yisroel, the land of our forefathers. And yet, when the time comes, family members who want to honor their loved ones’ wishes have no idea where to turn. Who will take care of the matzeivah? Who will upkeep the area and ensure that it is groomed and cared for? Who will make sure there is a minyan there every year on the yahrzeit? B’tzror Hachaim is the answer to all these questions. Based in the USA and Israel, with decades of experience, B’tzror Hachaim takes care of every detail, from helping with the purchasing of the matzeiva, to yearly minyanim on the yahrzeit. They even will go on request for special needs, such as bringing an invitation to an upcoming simcha. For thousands of families, B’tzror Hachaim makes it feel like they have a family member close by who understands and cares for their needs as if it was their own. The language barrier is one that many find difficult to navigate when burying a loved one in Eretz Yisroel, but there is no such issue with

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WATCH: Saved By His Hat: Dancing For Yeshiva Bochur Whose Life Was Spared

A yeshivah bochur’s life was saved by his hat as the shrapnel that he found after the attack penetrated his hat rather than his head. The bochur, a resident of Givat Zeev, attends Yeshivas Pinsk-Karlin. After his life was saved, he davened Shacharis in a shul in Yerushalayim and afterward the mispallelim danced in honor of the neis he experienced. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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MAMA ROCHEL: 70,000 Jews Expected To Visit Kever Rochel For Yahrtzeit

The yahrtzeit of Rochel Emeinu falls out this year on Shabbos, Parshas Lech Lecha, and hundreds of Jews began visiting Kever Rochel on Thursday, with tens of thousands more expected to visit on Friday, Motzei Shabbos, and Sunday. Hundreds of Israel Police and Border Police officers were deployed to the area to ensure order and the safety of mispallelim. No visitors were allowed to visit the complex by foot or private vehicle, with entrance allowed only via organized shuttles from Teddy Stadium that began operating on Thursday at 8:30 p.m. and will continue through Sunday evening. Shachar Fireman, the manager of Kever Rochel on behalf of Israel’s National Center for the Development of Holy Sites, told Kol Chai: “Mispallelim should remember that the capacity of the site inside and outside is limited to the number of people determined by the site’s engineer.” The preparations for the yahrzeit began months ago at a meeting between the IDF, Border Police, and Israel Police. The National Center for the Development of Holy Sites is maintaining a special telephone line for the transmission of names which will be mentioned at the kever. The service is provided free of charge by calling 02-6451142. Names can also be transferred through the website of the National Center for the Development of Holy Sites. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l and the Mi Sh’Bairach for President Eisenhower

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for For a refuah shleima to a R’ Binyomin Zev ben Charna President Eisenhower needed a working vacation and flew to Denver in mid-August of 1955.  The plan was to stay there until October.  But on Friday, September 23rd, after a round of golf at the Cherry Hills Golf Club in southern Denver, he returned to the home of his shver and went to bed early. It was Shabbos Shuvah, and early Shabbos morning, on September 24th, he had severe chest pains.  They called his personal doctor.  A heart specialist from Fitzsimons Army Hospital was called to perform an EKG.  The doctor’s suspicions were confirmed – the president had suffered a massive heart attack. The next day, Erev Yom Kippur, the nation heard the news, but the severity of the heart attack was downplayed. There was much concern. President Eisenhower had an empowered image as an effective world leader against tyranny. He had won the war against the Nazis, the decision was just made to allow West Germany to rearm and allow them to join NATO, and then there was the Cold War, with Khrushchev about to consolidate his power. There was another issue as well.  The United States was the manufacturing power of the world.  China had not yet come onto the world manufacturing team.  Many in the United States stood to lose a fortune, because if someone else came to power and the manufacturing contracts between American businessmen were to be cancelled, well, that would be bad news. That evening, Sunday, September 25th, there was a gvir who davened every Yomim Norai’m with the Yeshiva in Lakewood’s BMG.  The next morning, on Yom Kippur, he asked Rav Aharon zt”l whether he could make a Mi sh’bairach for the President.  As it turned out, the market lost 14 billion dollars that day.  The Dow Jones Industrial Average slid 6.5 percent.  Rav Aharon responded that he could recite the Mi sh’bairach.  After that, the market did recover and there was a bull market until April of 1956. There are various heterim to allow the recitation of a Mi sh’bairach for an aino Yehudi, the limitation being lo sechanaim.  We see from Parshas Vayeirah that Avrohom Avinu was mispallel for Avimelech, but that was before Matan Torah.  One of the heterim is the TaZ in Yoreh De’ah 151 regarding an akum hamakiro. Another heter is for hakaras hatov.  A third heter is l’tzorech.  A 4th heter is aivah.  In this case, heter 3 and 4 certainly applied. What follows is a brief overview of some of the halachos of reciting a Mi sh’bairach. The Aruch HaShulchan (OC 215:1) writes that if we answer Amain to a Mi sh’bairach for a sick person, we fulfill the Torah Mitzvah of V’ahavta laraiyacha kamocha. The Mi sh’bairach should be recited out loud so that the Rabbim can answer amain and that it will be counted a tefilas Rabbim. The Gemorah in Brachos (7b) states that the meaning of term ais ratzon in the verse, “vaAni, sefilasi, lecha Hashem ais ratzon, is when the tzibbur, the public is davening for someone or something.  Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Halichos Shlomo chapter 8, 22:61) explained that the benefit of having a Tzibbur pray for a person is when they hear who they

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Segulah Event: Preparations Underway for Historic Tefillah Event on Chazon Ish’s Yahrtzeit

Gedolei Yisrael shlit”a, talmidim of the Chazon Ish zy”a, and hundreds of tinokos shel beis Rabban will daven for yeshuos for Klal Yisrael at the Chazon Ish’s kever on his yahrtzeit Preparations are underway for the upcoming massive tefillah event that will take place on the Chazon Ish zy”a’s 69th yahrtzeit which falls next week, Wednesday, the 15th of Cheshvan. This year, once again, Gedolei Torah and hundreds of talmidim from Talmud Torah Tashbar, which was originally founded by talmidim of the Chazon Ish in his home, will unite to daven and recite a special tefillah at the tziyun of the Chazon Ish on his yahrtzeit. This stirring tefillah event, which has taken place traditionally on his yahrtzeit, has engendered yeshuos and refuos for Klal Yisrael, individually and collectively. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR NAME The event will be graced by Gedolei Yisrael shlit”a and talmidim of the Chazon Ish zy”a who will daven together with hundreds of tinokos shel beis Rabban for yeshuah and hatzlachah for Klal Yisrael. The tefillos will be led by Hagaon Harav Shimon Galai shlit”a who will commence the event with Yud-Gimmel Middos followed by the recitation of Tehillim and Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim by hundreds of young children. The participants will then recite the special Tefillas Eim al Bna that the Chazon Ish composed, which appears in Igros Chazon Ish. Gedolei Yisrael shlit”a will address the assembly, imparting divrei chizuk and hisorrerus to the children, and in conclusion, the Tashbar talmidim will learn and complete Shisha Sidrei Mishnah fifteen times at the Chazon Ish’s tziyun l’iluy nishmaso. In the past years, many have reported experiencing miracles and salvations immediately after hundreds of tinokos shel beis Rabban davened and mentioned their names at the Chazon Ish’s tziyun on his yahrtzeit. Specifically, there were numerous cases in which parents and mechanchim witnessed astounding positive changes in the chinuch of their children after davening for their success at this awe- inspiring event. The event will be broadcast live and available for viewing in centers across Eretz Yisrael and around the world, enabling Yidden to join this historic tefillah event wherever they may be and merit the segulos of tefillah at the Chazon Ish’s tziyun on his yahrtzeit. The administration of Talmud Torah Tashbar, which coordinates this annual event, is engaged in fervent preparations to facilitate the safe entry of thousands of mispallelim into the Shomrei Shabbos Cemetery in Bnei Brak on the day of the yahrtzeit. Copies of the Chazon Ish’s special tefillah, along with the complete list of tefillos to be recited at the tziyun on the yahrtzeit will be distributed at the event. CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR NAME

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