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BDE: HaGaon HaRav Ze’ev Dov Slonim Z”TL, Member Of Chabad Beis Din

HaGaon HaRav Ze’ev Dov Slonim ZT”L was niftar on Monday morning 14 Teves in Yerushalayim. The niftar was the official Rav of the Center of Jerusalem as well as a member of the Chabad Beis Din in Eretz Yisrael. Rav Slonim was born in Jerusalem in 5694 to Rabbi Yehuda Leib Slonim ZT”L and he was named after his paternal grandfather, Rav Ze’ev Dov Slonim ZT”L, rav of the kehillas Chabad in Hebron. His father was the gabbai of the Chabad Shul in Meah Shearim and a member of Chevra Kadisha Chassidim in Jerusalem. The rav studied in Mir, a talmid of the Mashgiach HaRav Yechezkel Levinstein ZT”L. he married Mrs. Gitel Leah (bas Rav Yisrael) Feldman. He was appointed as the rav of the center of Yerushalayim in 5730. The niftar authored a number of seforim including Shu’t Shaare Halacha. His children include Rav Aharon (Chabad shaliach in Binghamton, NY), Rav Yosef Yitzchak (Chabad shaliach to the center of Jerusalem), Rav Schneur Zalman (Chabad shaliach to San Paulo, Brazil), Rav Baruch (Rav of Chabad in Modi’in), Rav Tzvi Hirsch Chaim (Chabad shaliach in Mitzpei Ramon), Rav Yaakov (Chabad shaliach in Givat Mordechai & Ramat Beit HaKerem, Jerusalem), and his daughter Hadassah and her husband Rav Menachem Mendel of Jerusalem. The levaya began at 2:00pm from his home at 74 HaNevi’im Street via the Nachlat Shiva Shul, Chabad Meah Shearim, and to the Chabad section on Har HaZeisim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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HaRav Shraga Shteinman Appointed To Oversee Yeshivas Orchos Torah

During the morning hours of Wednesday, 2 Teves, HaGaon HaRav Shraga Shteinman arrived at the home of Ponevezh Rosh Yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein Shlita to receive his bracha upon being appointed to head Yeshivas Orchos Torah in Bnei Brak. According to the Kikar Shabbos report, Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman ZT”L, in his will, called to appointed Rav Shraga to head the yeshiva, which was established and run by the late Gadol Hador. It appears his new post will not result in Rav Shraga Shteinman giving shiurim or leading sichos, but more responsibility for the ruchniyus level of the yeshiva, working alongside the roshei yeshiva. HaGaon Rav Shraga Shteinman is a son-in-law to HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky and serves as Rosh Yeshivas Kehillas Yaakov L’Tzeirim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rebitzen Chana Yetta Wosner A’H; Wife Of Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Wosner ZATZAL

Rebitzen Chana Yetta Wosner A”H, 96, was niftar in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak on erev Shabbos. She was the wife of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Halevy Wosner ZT”L, the Shevet Halevy. She was the widow of Rav Yaakov Shmarya ZT”L, who was rav of Kehillas Chassam Softer Petach Tikvah. Fifteen years ago, she was married the Shevet Halevy. The rebitzen was born in Tzefas to Rav Aharon David Kahan, the father of the Rebbe from Toldos Aharon ZT”L and her mother, Moras Scheindel Bracha A”H, grandchild of HaGaon Rav Avraham Yitzchak Heller. The levaya began on motzei Shabbos at 10:30PM and kvura was in Har HaZeisim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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San Jose Jewish Community Celebrates The Installation Of An Eruv [PHOTOS]

Following a decade of planning, Kehillas Am Echad of San Jose, California is celebrating the completion of the San Jose Community Eruv. Until this point, San Jose was the only city of the 10 largest cities in the United States that did not have an Eruv. Baruch Hashem, now that situation has changed and the members and families of the Am Echad community will be able to stroll with their babies and young children to shul, and enjoy Shabbos with the community. To create this policy, Rabbi Menachem Levine, mara d’asra of the growing community of Kehillas Am Echad and Ephraim Lindenbaum, the president of the Eruv worked with many lawyers and experienced civil engineers. The process to receive the permits for the Eruv was long and complicated. In order to receive the permits for construction using highway barriers, the Eruv team worked with Caltrans, California’s Highway System, to create a new state-wide Eruv policy for all of California. As a result of this, creating Eruvin for other communities will be a far more streamlined process in California. An Eruv Celebration and Night of Appreciation is planned for Sunday, October 29th. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Exciting Tour for Beis Medrash Bochurim! Join Rav Nissan Kaplan on amazing Yeshiva Bein Hazmanim in Volozhin & Tour to Lithuania, Belarus & Poland – August 3-14th

ARE YOU COMING? This Summer Bein Hazmanin join the ultimate tour specially designed for Beis Medrash age Bochurim! Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tours invites you to join Rav Nissan Kaplan, Rav Kehillas Givat Hamiftar & Maggid Shiur in the Mir Yeshiva, along with your friends on a once-in- a-lifetime experience! An exciting 11 days of touring famous sites, learning sedarim in the original Volozhin Yeshiva, kumzitzim, barbeques, swimming, shiurim, history & more! TRAVEL TO VILNA-KOVNO- TELSHE-VOLOZHIN- MIR-RADIN- WARSAW-LIZHENSK- KRAKOW- LUBLIN-AND…AND…MUCH MORE! A geshmak custom made tour for beis medrash age bochurim! Join bochurim from top yeshivos in the U.S. and EY as you experience an amazing mix of touring, learning, davening, and other special activities. Hear Rav Nissan Kaplan’s riveting shiurim and hear incredible stories about the Gedolim and communties of pre-war Europe, kiddush Hashem, hester panim, and geula. Spend two special Shabboses – learning sedarim in the original Yeshivas Chochmei Lublin and in Vilna! In Vilna stay in a resort hotel near the lake! Daven at the kevarim of the Vilna Gaon, Rav Chaim Ozer and Rav Yitzchak Elchonan Specktor, the Remah, Maalei Amukos, the Netziv, Rav Chaim Brisker, and Noam Elimelech of Lizhensk. See the original Mir Yeshiva building, and travel to Radin and daven at the keverim of the Chofetz Chaim, Rav Chaim Volozhiner, Rav Yeruchem Leibowitz and more. In Krakow tour the fascinating Jewish Quarter and see the magnicifent ancient shuls. In Warsaw tour the Warsaw Ghetto and see other famous sites. See Auschwitz- Birkenau and Majdanek camps. Special Melava Malka in Lizhensk at the Noam Elimelech! Be a part of a distinct group of bnei Torah who will literally follow in the footsteps of the great roshei hayeshivas and baalei mussar who lived throughout Eastern Europe. You may hear stories about Eastern Europe, but when you walk the cobblestone streets, our historical heritage becomes alive… We guarantee that this experience of learning about the over one thousand years of Jewish life will be remembered long after your tour. HURRY DON’T MISS OUT! Contact Nesivos/Jewish Legacy Tour for more itinerary, costs & more details: US: Tel: 917-724- 2633 / Israel: 972-54- 654-1991 / U.K. 44-203- 769-1481 / email: [email protected] /

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PHOTOS: Mayor Francois Pupponi Calls To French Jews: Come To Sarcelles

In a visit by a delegation from Dirshu to Paris and its environs to mark the siyum of the second part of Mishnah Berurah in the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program, they met the Sarcelles mayor who issued a call to the Jews of France: “Don’t be afraid; come to Sarcelles.” * It turns out that the mounting anti-Semitism in France is contributing to the connection of the Jewish nation to its roots * The heads of Dirshu meet 30 maggidei shiur in Paris: Ahead of the beginning of the study of the third section of Mishnah Berurah Hilchos Shabbos, we will increase the investment in France by opening dozens of new shiurim, they said. XXX “We are waiting for you and want to see as many Jews as possible settling in the city.” This call was issued by Mayor of Sarcelles Mr. Francois Pupponi, during a meeting with a delegation of Dirshu that was visiting France on a special trip to mark the occasion of the siyum of the second section of Mishnah Berurah in the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program. The mayor, who is an ardent oheiv Yisrael, did not hesitate to make the following declaration: “France without Jews is not France.” The Dirshu delegation visited several communities and cities throughout France. It was comprised of several Rabbanim, headed by the nasi of Dirshu, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, shlita. The objective was to visit the many dedicated maggidei shiur who deliver the Daf Yomi B’Halachah shiurim and have now completed the second section of Mishnah Berurah and are about to start the third. The trip had many emotional moments, but one of the surprises that awaited the delegation was when they arrived in Sarcelles, a city outside Paris, and discovered very active shiurim in Daf Yomi B’Halachah that draw multitudes of participants from all strata of the community, from bnei Torah to those taking their first steps in the Torah world. The members of the community and its leaders initiated a meeting between the delegation and the mayor. Joining the delegation was Harav Shalom Bruss, the Rav of Sarcelles, who is also the maggid shiur of the central Daf Yomi B’Halachah shiur, and Rabbi Avraham Elchaddad, one of the city’s Rabbanim. Also present was Dr. Uzan, the deputy mayor and president of the Jewish community in the city. Mayor Pupponi went out of his way during the visit by the Dirshu delegation to urge them to spread the call to the Jews of France to come to Sarcelles. Dirshu is the largest Torah organization in the world, with some 130,000 learners in 26 countries. “The knowledge that there are Jews who are afraid to live in France and want to go to Israel because of the rising anti-Semitism, arouses concern in the hearts of the French nation,” said Pupponi. He noted that “if a Jew wants to go to Israel because he loves the land, we cannot stand in his way. But those who are doing so out of fear – on the contrary, we call for them to come to Sarcelles, where we will welcome them with open arms.” He even revealed that he is working to build a new neighborhood with 500 housing units that the municipality wants to designate for Jews settling in the city. At the end

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VIDEO: Father Of Fallen IDF Hero Is A Guest Of Honor At Belzer Siyum

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] IDF officer Emanuel Moreno HY”D was killed during a classified operation in the Second Lebanon War while operating in Lebanon. He served as a senior Sayeret Matkal officer. Due to the fact members of his team are still alive, his photo may not be shown as is the case with the photo of his brother, for fear they will be identified as they are similar in appearance. The details of the mission he was on remain classified today. On motzei Shabbos, his brother Ilan Moreno and Rav Shmuel Moreno were guests of honor at a siyum Shas Yerushalmi held in the Beis Naftali Beis Medrash of Belz in Ashdod. The participants of the siyum were quite astounded to hear a bit about the fallen hero, Lt.-Colonel Emanuel Moreno and Major Roi Klein HY”D. Their memories are perpetuated in the shul due to the generosity of philanthropist Elio Moti Sonnenfeld. The limud of Yerushalmi took place in the shul this past year in memory of Danielle Sonnenfeld, a daughter of R’ Moti and all the avreichim who took part in the limud received a special grant. During the event an entrance to the Beis Medrash was dedicated in memory of Danielle. Danielle A”H was killed in an accident. Following her death, her father set up a fund that supports many tzedaka and chessed programs in her memory, including this siyum which was held before her second yahrzeit. Some of the others taking part in the siyum include HaGaon Rav Yosef Efrati, HaGaon Rav Aharon Berkowitz (Rav of the Reut Kehilla in Ra’anana), HaGaon Rav Shlomo Chanoch Werner (Head of Keren Danielle), Rav Elimelech Firer (Head of Ezra L’Marpeh) and HGaon Rav Menashe Fink (Rav/Dayan of Kehillas Belz Ashdod). (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Asara B’Teves Program Streaming Live Here

This coming Sunday, January 8, 2017, Torah Connections will present the Asara b’Teves Program. The program will be held at Merkaz HaSimcha, 1898 Bay Avenue, corner of East 19th Street near Avenue M, in Flatbush. Men and women are welcome. The admission fee is $10 ($20 per family). CDs of previous Tisha b’Av and Shiva Asar b’Tammuz lectures are available by phone order at (718) 998- 5822. Program: Rav Yosef Viener Rav, Kehillas Shaar HaShamayim, Monsey Time: 12:00 PM Topic: Hold on a little bit longer: Personal and National Reaction to Challenges Rav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Rav, Agudas Yisroel Bais Binyamin, Flatbush Time: 1:00 PM Topic: Why are We Fasting Today Rav Eytan Feiner Rav, Knesseth Israel (the White Shul), Far Rockaway Time: 2:00 PM Topic: Chanuka to Asara B’Teves: Transitioning from Celebration to Mourning The program will STREAM LIVE here on our homepage and be available for playback afterwards. The online broadcast will be provided in conjunction with and is sponsored in part by Mr. and Mrs. Kevin and Hindy Chorney in memory of their fathers, R’ Avraham Yaakov ben Noach HaKohen a”h and R’ Tzvi Eliezer ben Chaim Meir a”h. Additional sponsors are welcome. Please contact Torah Connections at: [email protected] or call (718) 998-5822. The Asara b’Teves Program, Shivah Asar b’Tamuz Program and Tishah b’Av Program have provided inspiration and education for the community for over thirty-five years. The major themes of these programs focus on the importance of mourning over the churban Beis Hamikdash, appreciating the magnitude of its loss and understand how it directly relates to us today. These programs have transformed these fast days into an uplifting spiritual experience for all participants. Please visit for more information and to make a donation.

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Glasses Worn By The Chazon Ish Being Auctioned

Shabbos glasses worn by the Chazon Ish are being auctioned by Jerusalem of Gold online, with bids beginning at $2,000. The website estimates that ultimately, the glasses will sell for between $5,000-$8,000. Also being auctioned is a pocket watch of Rav Elya Lopian ZT”L, known as the ‘Lev Eliyahu, with bids beginning at $1,900. A dollar from the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L is on sale as well, with bids starting at $770. And another interesting item is the document declaring the establishment of the Eida Chareidis, then called the Vaad Ha’ir Kehillas Ashkenazim Yerushalayim with bids beginning at $500. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Harsh Conditions For 170 Talmid Torah Children In N’vei Yaakov

Winter is here and the 170 children in the Bnei Avreichim Sephardi Talmid Torah in the N’vei Yaakov neighborhood of the capital are really feeling it. They are in classrooms without electricity or head. Why you ask, this depends on whom one speak to. The neighborhood in question, in the northern capital, continues to become more chareidi, attracting both Ashkenazim and Sephardim. In this case, instead of Sephardim pleading to have their son accepted to an Ashkenazi cheider, the avreichim established the Bnei Avreichim cheider for the little ones from Sephardi homes. The talmid torah began seven years ago, in the living room of Rabbi Mordechai Tamim, with four children, and little by little it has grown and they began renting apartments to use them as classrooms until the principal asked for a building for his over 100 students to enable them to learn in acceptable conditions. Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Tzvika Cohen (Shas), who hold the Chareidi Education portfolio, visited N’vei Yaakov to see for himself. He got a firsthand look at the difficult conditions in the talmid torah and the need for a building. He allocated eight classrooms from a city building being used for a girl’s school, which has since relocated to its new building. The building used by the talmid torah is divided into three, some classrooms still used by the girl’s school, the talmid torah, and Talmid Torah Kehillas Kaminetz. 170 talmidim entered the classrooms with the start of the current school year and they immediately realized there was no electricity. They basically have been learning in the dark for the past months but now winter is rapidly moving in and conditions are getting increasingly difficult, if not posing a health hazard to the children as the temperatures drop. It is added that Shas party leader Minister Aryeh Deri visited the building last month, promising to take care of the issue of the electricity. The question being asked now is how is it that the others have electricity to the exclusion of the 170 children of the Bnei Avreichim Sephardi Talmid Torah? The talmid torah blames its neighbors from the Kehillas Kaminetz Talmid Torah for intentionally cutting them off towards ousting them from the building. They claim that the talmid torah wants some of their classrooms and they want the community to be “Anash”, just Ashkenazim, hoping to rid themselves of the Bnei Avreichim Talmid Torah. The Sephardim explain the Ashkenazim will not permit them access to the electric controls until they turn over some of the classrooms to them (Kehillas Kaminetz). It is added they had a separate meter to pay their own way but have been cut off. It is also added that an electrician was brought in and told them “It should be clear to you this is simply because you are Sephardim”. The Kaminetz version explains it is a registered private NGO and is responsible for paying its own electricity without funding from other sources. Officials explain Bnei Avreichim was hooked up but was “stealing electricity”, leaving Kaminetz with the bill. It is added the entire hookup was illegal, cutting a 100-ampere line without authorization to tap into the electricity paid for by Kaminetz. All allegations of Kaminetz acting out of racial motives is baseless, adding they davka want the Sephardim to

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Son Of One Of The Har Nof Kedoshim Donates A Kidney In His Father’s Memory

Rabbi Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D was one of the victims murdered by Palestinian terrorists in the attack in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim  which claimed a total of five lives. A son of Rav Levine has made the decision to donate kidney in memory of his father, hoping to save a life. Rav Yerachmiel Levine tells the media he has no doubt his father would have supported his decision and now, following surgery, it is worth his pain and discomfort knowing he did it in memory of his father HY”D. Levine spoke with Kikar News and wished to thank the Tikva U’Marpe organization, which operates in Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim as well as Schneider Children’s Hospital in Petach Tikvah and volunteers are with the sick children, never leaving their side as well as working with him throughout every stage of the donation process. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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VIDEO AND PHOTOS: Inspirational Challenges, Enthusiasm and Achdus At Agudah Convention Motzoei Shabbos

[VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Energized by 25 hours of inspiring sessions and warm camaraderie, approximately 1,000 people enjoyed an uplifting Shabbos at Agudath Israel of America’s 94th National Convention at the Crowne Plaza Stamford. Buoyed by an inspiring display of achdus that had people from all backgrounds coming together to celebrate the individuality that is the hallmark of Klal Yisroel, participants combined Oneg Shabbos with their quests to strengthen their commitment to our mesorah and their dedication to the needs of acheinu bais Yisroel. The momentum that built throughout Shabbos lasted well into the night. Listeners were challenged to rise to the occasion and use their own innate talents and abilities to benefit others. They were inspired to get involved, both on an individual level and on a broader scale, through the efforts of the Agudah, whose network of services continues to expand with each passing year. As always, the highlight of the convention was the Motzoei Shabbos Keynote Session, which began with warm words of welcome from convention chairman Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz. Rabbi Lipschutz shared his recollections of his first Agudah convention at age 13 and his awestruck moments as he met prominent gedolim face to face for the very first time. Emphasizing the importance of being part of a klal, an effort that requires both humility and a sense of achdus, Rabbi Lipschutz noted that our enthusiasm to help others is something that elevates us and allows us to achieve potential greatness. The Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, Rosh Agudas Yisroel, spoke eloquently about the importance of coming together at the convention to confront our identity as Torah Jews and to work together as a group to effect positive change for Klal Yisroel. Describing the Agudah as a microcosm of Klal Yisroel, a diverse entity where everyone can find their own niche, Rabbi Perlow urged participants to become a part of the Agudah and to play an active role in its mission of bringing k’vod shomayim to the world. Rabbi Perlow also touched on several other topics, declaring that cell phones have no place inside shuls and publicizing recent efforts to provide a Torah education for the many French Jews who have recently immigrated to Eretz Yisroel. The Rebbe concluded his remarks with an exhortation that we appreciate the community of bnei Torah and all they have contributed to Klal Yisroel. Drawing on the message of Parshas Vayera, Rabbi Doniel Alter, Rosh Kollel of Yerushalayim’s Kollel Ari Shebi’chabura, spoke emotionally about akeidas Yitzchak and Avraham Avinu’s willingness to sacrifice his only son at Hashem’s request. Rabbi Alter noted that Avraham Avinu always kept wood prepared in case Hashem ever called upon him to bring a korban and how he responded “Hineni,” when Hashem asked him to bring the ultimate sacrifice, his son, Yitzchak. So, too, said Rabbi Alter, the Agudah is also always prepared and ready to invoke the words of Avraham Avinu and say “Hineni – we are here, ready to sacrifice everything in order to do ratzon Hashem.” Acknowledging that people often wonder what type of work the Agudah does, Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin, the Agudah’s executive vice president for finance and administration, described some of the many calls for assistance from all across the United States that flood the Agudah office. Rabbi Gertzulin asked

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Frum Bochur Killed In An Accident Denied Kvura In Bnei Brak

Teenager Natan Zeituni z”l was killed in a vehicle accident when his bicycle collided with a vehicle on Route 417. The family has since learned that the tragedy of his sudden death is being compounded by the refusal of the chevra kadisha to permit his kvura in the Shomrei Shabbos cemetery in Bnei Brak for various reasons. HaGaon HaRav Shimon Ba’adani, a member of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Torah has become involved, sending a letter to clarify the niftar was shomer Shabbos and was makpid in his adherence of Torah and Mitzvos. In his letter, Rav Ba’adani explains that since the petira of his friend Yaakov Levi 18 months ago, the niftar did teshuvah and returned to a life of Torah and Mitzvos including daily tefilla and limud Torah. The rav added the niftar did not have a non-kosher phone and when he was killed tragically, he was returning from learning with his chavrusa in Elad. The rav explains he was asked to assist in the matter to permit the niftar to be interred in Bnei Brak to prevent additional pain and sorrow to the family as well as preventing ‘bitzui’ of the niftar. Rav Ba’adani explains an avreich was witness to the fact the niftar returned to a proper life and davens three times daily and learns Torah regularly. Rabbi Yitzchak Stern of Kehillas Ziv Yehuda also become involved, adding “It is most unfortunate the doors are being closed to a baal teshuvah”. Ultimately, the decision was made to bury the niftar in a shomer shabbos cemetery in the Yarkon area. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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The Complete Guide To Picking Mehudar Arba Minim 2016

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] In preparation for Sukkos, the Dayan R’ Moshe Bransdorfer shlit”a, spent several hours at the Center for Kehillah Development, teaching the CKD avreichim the practical dos-and- don’ts for buying mehudar arba minim. R’ Bransdorfer is Av Beis Din of Heichal Hora’ah in Yerushalayim and was meshamesh his father, HaRav Meir Bransdorfer ztz”l, Rav of Kehillas Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok and a Dayan on the Eidah HaChareidis. With his unique mastery, Rav Bransdorfer navigated through the halachic complexities, clarified the sugya of hiddur, presented common consumer errors, and revealed unsavory practices of some retailers to deceive buyers and justify inflated prices. Rav Bransdorfer began his presentation, explaining: “Most retailers have already selected for presentation only arba minim that meet the minimal standards of kashrus. Therefore, rather than kosher or posul, we should focus on what is considered hiddur. When people approach the purchase of their arba minim, regardless of whether they have learned the Gemaras, Rishonim and Achronim, they are nervous and lack confidence in their choices. I claim that anyone can master the principles of hiddur within a few minutes and pick arba minim with genuine expertise and confidence.” Rav Bransdorfer then listed these basic three guidelines:  “Hadar” means the fruit is pretty. That means it has a pitom, its top cone symmetrically ascends to the pitom, and it has an attractive pattern of indentations and bumps. If an imaginary straight line flows from the esrog’s base straight up through the pitom (meaning it is perfectly aligned vertically), then the esrog is exceptionally beautiful. 2. Dark dots on the esrog that are invisible to the naked eye when viewed from arm’s length do not detract from the esrog’s beauty at all. You should not examine the esrog up close to find dark dots, and you certainly should never use any sort of magnifying glass. A yellow esrog is more beautiful because its color testifies to its ripeness. Nonetheless, if one must choose between a more yellow hew or a more attractive pattern of indentations and bumps, the more attractive pattern takes priority. The video of Rav Bransdorfer’s full presentation to the CKD can be viewed here: *for more info about the Center for Kehillah Development check out the website:

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The Complete Guide To Picking Mehudar Arba Minim 2016

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] In preparation for Sukkos, the Dayan R’ Moshe Bransdorfer shlit”a, spent several hours at the Center for Kehillah Development, teaching the CKD avreichim the practical dos-and- don’ts for buying mehudar arba minim. R’ Bransdorfer is Av Beis Din of Heichal Hora’ah in Yerushalayim and was meshamesh his father, HaRav Meir Bransdorfer ztz”l, Rav of Kehillas Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok and a Dayan on the Eidah HaChareidis. With his unique mastery, Rav Bransdorfer navigated through the halachic complexities, clarified the sugya of hiddur, presented common consumer errors, and revealed unsavory practices of some retailers to deceive buyers and justify inflated prices. Rav Bransdorfer began his presentation, explaining: “Most retailers have already selected for presentation only arba minim that meet the minimal standards of kashrus. Therefore, rather than kosher or posul, we should focus on what is considered hiddur. When people approach the purchase of their arba minim, regardless of whether they have learned the Gemaras, Rishonim and Achronim, they are nervous and lack confidence in their choices. I claim that anyone can master the principles of hiddur within a few minutes and pick arba minim with genuine expertise and confidence.” Rav Bransdorfer then listed these basic three guidelines:  “Hadar” means the fruit is pretty. That means it has a pitom, its top cone symmetrically ascends to the pitom, and it has an attractive pattern of indentations and bumps. If an imaginary straight line flows from the esrog’s base straight up through the pitom (meaning it is perfectly aligned vertically), then the esrog is exceptionally beautiful. 2. Dark dots on the esrog that are invisible to the naked eye when viewed from arm’s length do not detract from the esrog’s beauty at all. You should not examine the esrog up close to find dark dots, and you certainly should never use any sort of magnifying glass. A yellow esrog is more beautiful because its color testifies to its ripeness. Nonetheless, if one must choose between a more yellow hew or a more attractive pattern of indentations and bumps, the more attractive pattern takes priority. The video of Rav Bransdorfer’s full presentation to the CKD can be viewed here: *for more info about the Center for Kehillah Development check out the website:

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The Complete Guide To Picking Mehudar Arba Minim 2016

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] In preparation for Sukkos, the Dayan R’ Moshe Bransdorfer shlit”a, spent several hours at the Center for Kehillah Development, teaching the CKD avreichim the practical dos-and- don’ts for buying mehudar arba minim. R’ Bransdorfer is Av Beis Din of Heichal Hora’ah in Yerushalayim and was meshamesh his father, HaRav Meir Bransdorfer ztz”l, Rav of Kehillas Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok and a Dayan on the Eidah HaChareidis. With his unique mastery, Rav Bransdorfer navigated through the halachic complexities, clarified the sugya of hiddur, presented common consumer errors, and revealed unsavory practices of some retailers to deceive buyers and justify inflated prices. Rav Bransdorfer began his presentation, explaining: “Most retailers have already selected for presentation only arba minim that meet the minimal standards of kashrus. Therefore, rather than kosher or posul, we should focus on what is considered hiddur. When people approach the purchase of their arba minim, regardless of whether they have learned the Gemaras, Rishonim and Achronim, they are nervous and lack confidence in their choices. I claim that anyone can master the principles of hiddur within a few minutes and pick arba minim with genuine expertise and confidence.” Rav Bransdorfer then listed these basic three guidelines:  “Hadar” means the fruit is pretty. That means it has a pitom, its top cone symmetrically ascends to the pitom, and it has an attractive pattern of indentations and bumps. If an imaginary straight line flows from the esrog’s base straight up through the pitom (meaning it is perfectly aligned vertically), then the esrog is exceptionally beautiful. 2. Dark dots on the esrog that are invisible to the naked eye when viewed from arm’s length do not detract from the esrog’s beauty at all. You should not examine the esrog up close to find dark dots, and you certainly should never use any sort of magnifying glass. A yellow esrog is more beautiful because its color testifies to its ripeness. Nonetheless, if one must choose between a more yellow hew or a more attractive pattern of indentations and bumps, the more attractive pattern takes priority. The video of Rav Bransdorfer’s full presentation to the CKD can be viewed here: *for more info about the Center for Kehillah Development check out the website:

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The Complete Guide To Picking Mehudar Arba Minim 2016

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] In preparation for Sukkos, the Dayan R’ Moshe Bransdorfer shlit”a, spent several hours at the Center for Kehillah Development, teaching the CKD avreichim the practical dos-and- don’ts for buying mehudar arba minim. R’ Bransdorfer is Av Beis Din of Heichal Hora’ah in Yerushalayim and was meshamesh his father, HaRav Meir Bransdorfer ztz”l, Rav of Kehillas Toldos Avrohom Yitzchok and a Dayan on the Eidah HaChareidis. With his unique mastery, Rav Bransdorfer navigated through the halachic complexities, clarified the sugya of hiddur, presented common consumer errors, and revealed unsavory practices of some retailers to deceive buyers and justify inflated prices. Rav Bransdorfer began his presentation, explaining: “Most retailers have already selected for presentation only arba minim that meet the minimal standards of kashrus. Therefore, rather than kosher or posul, we should focus on what is considered hiddur. When people approach the purchase of their arba minim, regardless of whether they have learned the Gemaras, Rishonim and Achronim, they are nervous and lack confidence in their choices. I claim that anyone can master the principles of hiddur within a few minutes and pick arba minim with genuine expertise and confidence.” Rav Bransdorfer then listed these basic three guidelines:  “Hadar” means the fruit is pretty. That means it has a pitom, its top cone symmetrically ascends to the pitom, and it has an attractive pattern of indentations and bumps. If an imaginary straight line flows from the esrog’s base straight up through the pitom (meaning it is perfectly aligned vertically), then the esrog is exceptionally beautiful. 2. Dark dots on the esrog that are invisible to the naked eye when viewed from arm’s length do not detract from the esrog’s beauty at all. You should not examine the esrog up close to find dark dots, and you certainly should never use any sort of magnifying glass. A yellow esrog is more beautiful because its color testifies to its ripeness. Nonetheless, if one must choose between a more yellow hew or a more attractive pattern of indentations and bumps, the more attractive pattern takes priority. The video of Rav Bransdorfer’s full presentation to the CKD can be viewed here: *for more info about the Center for Kehillah Development check out the website:

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Dati Leumi Rabbonim Call To Strengthen State Kashrus Network

Dozens of rabbonim affiliated with the dati leumi community have signed a petition calling on public officials to act to strengthen the state kashrus, the kashrus of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. They acknowledge there are those seeking to harm the state kashrus system and their efforts must be blocked. “Recently we have witnessed voices seeking to abolish the ‘law prohibiting kashrus fraud’, to privatize the system and remove it from the authority of the Chief Rabbinate. These voices are trying to create a disconnect between the laws of the country to the values ​​of the Torah and thereby render meaningless the word State of Israel being a Jewish state” the rabbis wrote in the petition organized by the Kosharot organization headed by Rabbi Elyakim Levanon Shlita. Kosharot adds that “kashrus has been a vital component of the Jewish people throughout the generations, and the need to be vigilant to maintain kashrus has been handed down by father to son throughout the generations. This was anchored into law with the 5743 kashrus law. The petition calls on public officials to work towards strengthening the state kashrus apparatus. Among the rabbonim signing the petition are Rav Levanon Shlita (Rav of Elon Moreh and the Elon Moreh Hesder Yeshiva), Rabbi Yehuda Amichai (Machon HaTorah V’Haaretz), Rabbi Yigal Kaminetzsky (Rav of Gush Katif and head of מרכז תורה ומדינה), Rabbi Yerachmiel Weiss (Rosh Yeshivat Yashlatz), Rabbi Yaakov Varhaftig Shlita (Kehillas N’vei Nof, Har Nof), Rabbi Prof. Neria Gutel (President of Orot Yisrael College), Rabbi Gideon Binyamin (Rav of Yishuv Nof Ayalon), Rabbi Yehuda Kroizer (Rav of Mitzpei Yericho), Rabbi Elchanan Bin-Nun (Rav of Yishuv Shilo), Rabbi Yoel Katan and Rabbi Netanel Yosifun of Netanya. The petition follows reports the Chief Rabbinate of Israel is contemplating semi-privatizing its kashrus, signing deals with private hechsherim to carry out the kashrus supervision in the field for the Chief Rabbinate. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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HaGaon HaRav Fischer: Girls Over 5 May Not Ride Bicycles Due To ‘Tzniyus’

The rav of the Knesses neighborhoods of Nachlaot and member of the Beis Din of the Badatz Eida Chareidi HaGaon HaRav Eliezer Moshe Fischer Shlita has posted a kol korei to the community prohibiting girls over the age of five to ride a bicycle, citing reasons of tznius. The letter signed by the rav was posted in Knesses Aleph, Beis and Gimmel, near his shul, Kehillas Yaakov, known more commonly as Batei Broida. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Dirshu Celebrates Around the World

From the USA to England, from Modi’in Illit to Paris, from Bnei Brak to Holland to South Africa, Yidden joyously celebrate the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah in Daf Yomi B’Halachah This past week, thousands of lomdei Torah in cities around the world celebrated the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah in Daf Yomi B’Halachah. Dirshu, which launched a major revolution in Torah study with the institution of the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program hosted beautiful, inspiring events to honor Torah and talmidei chachamim in England, South Africa, France, Holland, and cities across Eretz Yisrael and the U.S. In England, hundreds of talmidei chachamim, avreichim, and baalei batim traveled from London and Manchester to participate in a stirring night of Torah and chizuk in the Buick Center??? in Gateshead. The event, which was graced by the city’s distinguished Rabbanim, opened with remarks from the esteemed chairman of Dirshu-Europe Hagaon Harav Dayan Binyamin Eckstein, shlit”a, who stressed that this occasion only marks the first step in attaining requisite knowledge of all of Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim, but is incontrovertible proof that the goal of acquiring broad knowledge and understanding of Halachah is, indeed, attainable. The venerable guest of honor, Hagaon Harav Aharon Lopiansky, shlit”a, quoted the Gemara, “Since the churban haBayis, Hakadosh Baruch Hu has nowhere in this world except for the daled amos of Halachah.” Hakadosh Baruch Hu’s Presence in this world, expressed Harav Lopiansky, is within the domain of Halachah. The word “halachah” itself derives from the root word H-L-CH, halach or halichah—walking, progressing. Thus, the ideal observance and fulfillment of the sacred mitzvos of the Torah, complete with all their laws and fstringencies, are crucial for each and every individual in order to reinforce his personal connection with the Master of the world. In Passaic, NJ, esteemed Rabbanim and marbitzei Torah led the community in celebrating the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah. Hagaon Harav Yerucham Olshin, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivah of Beis Medrash Govoha, equated the study of Daf Yomi B’Halachah to the cornerstone of a contemporary Torah home. He further praised Dirshu for instigating this incredible revolution. The resulting limud has positively impacted tens of thousands of Jewish homes in the amount and quality of Torah studied, and thereby enhanced the knowledge and observance of practical Halachah in all realms of the Mishnah Brurah. World-acclaimed lecturer and Rosh Yeshivah of Ner Yisrael of Baltimore Harav Yissocher Frand, shlit”a, delivered the keynote address, after which hundreds of maggidei shiurim across the U.S. marked the siyum of the first volume of Mishnah Brurah and commencement of the second volume, overflowing with simchah shel mitzvah. Journeying around the globe, Dirshu also sponsored special affairs in South Africa, Amsterdam, and other countries to mark this monumental achievement. In every city, the inspiration and simchah were keenly felt by the lomdei Torah who have been actively pursuing the daily study regimen and spread to family members, neighbors and friends, many of whom were motivated to join the Daf Yomi B’Halachah program as Klal Yisrael commences the study of the second volume of Mishnah Brurah. Several siyumim also took place in France, with the main event held in the capital. In attendance were Hagaon Harav Mordechai Rottenberg, shlit”a, Av Beis Din Agudas Hachareidim of Paris; Hagaon Harav Yehudah Toledano, shlit”a, Rosh Yeshivas Chazon Baruch which is located in Le Raincy, a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris; and Hagaon Harav Todros Cohen, shlit”a, Rav of Kehillas Yeshuos Yaakov in Paris. Harav Hagaon Naftali

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WATCH: Ohr Somayach Presents: Pesach; ‘A Quartet of Ideas’ – New Video

Watch this unique presentation featuring Ohr Somayach’s Rosh Hayeshiva Rav Nota Schiller, Rov of Kehillas Ohr Somayach Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz and senior lecturers Rav Dovid Kaplan and Rav Reuven Lauffer. This presentation, delivered on the main campus at Yeshivas Ohr Somayach in Yerushalayim, will infuse the viewer with meaning, values and lessons, applicable to Pesach. Enjoy this one of a kind presentation that is sure to inspire and entertain.

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TRAGEDY: 31-Year-Old Rosh Kollel In Modiin Illit Is Niftar; Hours Later A Son Is Born; His 7th Child

A few short hours after the petira of HaRav HaGaon Rav Yaakov Kochav ZT”L, his seventh son was born. The child came into the world hours following his petira and a few hours before his father’s levaya, which began on Wednesday, 6 Adar-II at 14:00. Rav Kochav who was Rosh Kollel “Maale Adumim” in Kiryat Sefer was niftar during the night at the age of 31 as a result of the difficult illness he was battling. The levaya will begin at his father-in-law’s home 11 Kehillas Yaakov Street in Bnei Brak. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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This Pesach, Your Life May Change

[COMMUNICATED CONTENT] There are so many choices for Pesach. While the majority of families enjoy spending the Yom Tov at home, some travel to hotels in exotic locations all over the world, others rent an apartment in Orlando or Miami, and many go to one of the Pesach hotels in the Tri-State area. When one thinks about a Pesach hotel, one conjures up being wined and dined a delectable menu, world-class entertainment, exemplary service, programs for tots, children and teens, swimming and fitness, lectures and so much more. Then there’s a different kind of Pesach hotel experience that features all of the above but is also truly invigorating and maybe life-altering. BJX, renowned for its incredible warmth, inspiring and enthusiastic davening, stimulating, life-changing shiurim and innovative programming has teamed up with the famous Meisner’s Gourmet Catering of the Five Towns, with over twenty years in Pesach hotel experience, to offer the most uncompromising hotel experience. Meisner’s & BJX will offer succulent buffets and Viennese tables, scrumptious 24/7 tea room, nightly entertainment by music superstars Yoni Z, Mendy J, and hypnotists, illusionists and magicians, a tot program, day camp by Avi Devor, the famed “Activity Guy”, teen program, a full fitness center, separate swimming and special VIP treatment. The magnificent and luxurious hotel in Stamford, Connecticut, just an hour from Brooklyn, offers elegantly appointed rooms and amenities. But there will be something much more exceptional and unique about the BJX Pesach program. This Pesach program will not only pamper you royally to satisfy the zman chairusainu element of the Yom Tov but the overarching theme and specific purpose of this particular Pesach program is to offer you seminars and spiritual nourishment and enrichment that will equip you with hands on tools to improve your interpersonal relationships, marriage, parenting skills, and solidify your relationship with Hashem. We live in a changing world. Many relationships are strained, so many teens are, unfortunately, off the derech, and too many adults from our community are outwardly frum but don’t feel any internal connection to Yiddishkeit. BJX has truly changed the landscape for so many. Rav Yitzchok Fingerer, Morah D’Asra of BJX, has introduced to the community an animated and exciting davening, which has uplifted and transformed many people’s approach to Yiddishkeit. Shiurim at BJX are not run of the mill. They tackle and clarify Hashkafah topics and questions and analyze contemporary Halachic issues. The underlying theme is becoming a better person who is in touch with oneself but understands the need to reach out and care for others. More importantly, there’s a love and joy at BJX that is palpable and sincere. An entire week over Pesach with BJX will, without a doubt, rejuvenate and galvanize you to become a better Jew, parent, spouse or child. So many Yeshiva graduates have lingering questions that were never addressed or answered during their days in Yeshiva. Rav Fingerer will be presenting special seminars on Hashkafah, Jewish philosophy, including shiurim on evidence of Hashem’s existence and other intriguing and critical subjects. Rav Doniel Kalish, Morah D’Asra of Blue Ridge Estates and Menahel of Waterbury, is a pioneer in dealing with youth and teens at risk. He is world famous for helping rebellious young men become self-reliant bnei Torah and ovdei Hashem. Rav Kalish will offer seminars on parenting and Chinuch Habanim. HaRav Feitman, Mora D’Asra of Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi speaks on every Torah related topic imaginable. His speeches have impacted generations and inspired the masses.

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Shuva Yisrael Kehilla Planning a Worldwide Tefilla for Refuah of Imprisoned Rabbi Pinto

Kehillas Shuva Yisrael is planning a world tefilla ‘Tikun HaNefesh’ on behalf of the head of the kehilla, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto Shlita, whose physical condition continues to deteriorate. YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that Rabbi Pinto is not going for regular chemotherapy at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital for the trip in the prison van from Ramle and return trip have made the ordeal more than his fragile body is capable of enduring at present. The worldwide tefilla effort is scheduled for Tuesday, 21 Adar-I, at 6:00PM Israel time. The times for the international tefilla in other countries/cities around the world as given by Shuva Yisrael. New York: noon Los Angeles: 9AM Paris: 6PM Canada: noon Miami: noon London: 5PM Panama: noon (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Yerushalmi Faction Opens a New Shul in Modi’in Illit

Tranquil is not the word one would use to describe the situation in Kehillas Avi Ezri in the Cheftziba neighborhood of Modi’in Illit. The machlokes that prevails in this tzibur has led to a split and avreichim who follow HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita have opened a new shul. Quite frankly, the machlokes in this neighborhood is nothing more than a microcosm of the machlokes that exists in Bnei Brak, Yerushalayim and elsewhere in the chareidi litvish community in Israel. The past months have been accompanied by verbal machlokes in the Avi Ezri Shul between avreichim following Gedolei Torah Shlita in Bnei Brak and the Yerushalmi branch which follows Rav Auerbach. A number of weeks ago, the rav of the kehilla, HaGaon HaRav Zevulun Shuv, took part in the rally in the capital organized by Rav Auerbach and the Yerushalmi branch together with the Eida Chareidis against the amended draft law. Avreichim explained participating in the event was contrary to the wishes of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita. This may have been the event that highlighted the machlokes between the factions. In fact, a kenos was held last week to decry the actions of those who participated in the Yerushalayim event. Amid this ongoing and deepening machlokes, the Yerushalmi faction avreichim have moved to a new shul. The question that remains is what will the rav do – remain in the original shul or move to the Yerushalmi branch shul? Members of the Yerushalmi branch explain Rav Shuv was never mora d’asra, but came to give a chizuk and serve alongside the rav of the neighborhood, HaGaon HaRav Aaron Mittleman. They add the rav wanted to leave some time ago when he realized the machlokes was widening. Kikar Shabbos News adds many Yerushalmi branch members add that the decision to open the new shul is simply because many preferred a shul that follows the derech of Rav Auerbach and not a result of this particular machlokes. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Tragedy Strikes Chabad Community in Yerushalayim; Prominent Member of Community Dies Of Massive Heart Attack

Baruch Dayan HaEmmes: Tragedy struck the Chabad tzibur in Yerushalayim on Tuesday morning 9 Shevat due to the sudden petira of HaRav HaChossid Yisrael Frishman Z”L, a prominent member of the local Chabad community and head of the Kehillas Chabad Shul on Chana Street. R’ Frishman was 58 and apparently suffered a heart attack during the night. Those who knew the niftar explain he was an askan during his years, working tirelessly for the tzibur. He served as Menahel Chinuchi in Yeshivas Toras Emmes, was active in Yad Eliezer and a member of the chevra kadisha. Just a day earlier he participated in a chalaka for a grandson together with many other family members. The levaya began at noon and kvura was in Har Menuchos. תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Maran Hagon HaRav Shteinman to French Jews: Be Mechazek in Limud And Don’t be Afraid

HaGaon Rav Yitzchak Katz of France visited Maran HaGaon HaRav Aaron Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita, seeking Divrei Chizuk following the devastating terror attacks in Paris this past week that claimed 129 lives. The gadol hador told Rav Katz that the Yidden in France should be mechazek in their limud torah and not be afraid. HaGaon HaRav Katz, is the head of Kehillas Yirei’im in Rova Four in Paris and head of Mosdos Yad Mordechai. Rav Katz expressed the concerns of the frum tzibur following the terror attacks, seeking a bracha for the community. Rav Shteinman explained the torah protects us, stating “התורה מגינה ומצילה”, instructing the Jews in France to be mechazeik in their limud and that talmidim should increase their hours studying in yeshivos. Rav Shteinman also signed a letter of support for Mosdos Yad Mordechai which includes a yeshiva gedola, talmid torah, and kindergartens. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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A New BMG Supported Kollel In Chesterfield, Missouri, Is A Celebration For Klal Yisroel

On Monday, November 9th, a group of Gedolei Torah and Bnei Torah gathered together at the home of Baruch Jeremias for a celebration. The evening event was an inauguration of what promises to be yet another step higher in Torah and Kedushah for the Tpheris Israel community of Chesterfield, Missouri, through the formation of a Chesterfield Kollel. The Yungeleit and Roshei Kollel were privileged to meet with Reb Malkiel Kotler and other honored Rebbeim and Rabbonim, including Rav Aharon Winter, Morah D’Asrah of Chesterfield, Rav Eliezer Herzka, Rav of Kehillas K’hal MeOhr Chaim, and Rav Chaim Herzka, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Yaakov Yitzchok to mark the upcoming haschalah of this lofty venture and to hear divrei chizuk and bracha. Chesterfield, Missouri: A Brief History Tpheris Israel was established in 1883 in east St. Louis to welcome newly arrived eastern European Jewry. In 1973, under the direction of Rav Milton Polin and a group of praiseworthy pioneers, Tpheris Israel Congregation moved from east St. Louis to the suburban community of Chesterfield, Missouri. Through the years, under the direction of many distinguished Rabbinic leaders, the congregation admirably strove to hold on to their traditions and their heritage. When Rabbi and Rebbetzin Winter arrived in Chesterfield twenty six years ago, the city was but a small community searching for spiritual growth and the Rabbi and Rebbetzin had a mission. Imbued with the lofty ideals of Reb Henoch Leibowitz ztl, they believed that by simply introducing and presenting the emes of undiluted Torah to their Jewish brethren, no matter how unaffiliated, the Torah being taught would have the power to enter their neshomos and transform their lives. With the continued support of Reb Henoch, and the fact that nearly half of Chesterfield’s population of 47,000 are Jewish, the community saw incredible communal and spiritual growth. Over the next twenty five years, with the help of Hashem, the Shul thrived and the Baalei Batim developed deeper levels of shmiras haMitzvos and limud haTorah. These amazing families of Tpheris Israel supported their Rav in raising the mechitzah twice, building and maintaining an eruv, designing and building a beautiful Mikva, and most recently, in bringing a yeshiva high school and Bais Medrash, Mesivta D’Missouri, into the walls of their Shul, which now has over eighty boys learning in their brand new campus. Rabbi Winter would be the first to explain that through those years, all he ever did was showcase the beauty of Torah and stress the need for spirituality in our lives and that the Baalei Batim were always willing to be moser nefesh for the Shul and the community’s spiritual growth. Walk into Tpheris Israel today, and behold a frum, welcoming, diverse and ever growing community committed to deep Torah values. And now the next step: A full time Kollel with BMG yungeleit. The idea of a Kollel Is Developed Thanks to a combination of warm and wonderful Baalei baatim, a dynamic Rav, the physical beauty of a suburban Midwestern city, a Mikvah, an Eruv, a Yeshiva and an economically vibrant community looking and able to provide frum couples with employment, Chesterfield and the Shul continued to grow! A new trend had begun where young families began looking to relocate to smaller, more affordable “out of town” communities and many of them have chosen Chesterfield,

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IDF Receives the Order to Seal & Destroy Homes of Terrorists

The IDF Spokesman announced that in line with directives from Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, soldiers in the engineering corps working with Israel Police troops destroyed the homes of two terrorists in Jerusalem. The homes of Naif Jaabis and Abu Jamil Jason were razed. Jaabis was involved in the 8 Menachem Av 5774 terror attack that claimed the life of avreich R’ Avrohom Wallis HY”D near Kikar Zvill in Yerushalayim.  Seven others were injured in that attack before Jaabis was shot dead. Jason was responsible for the 18 Marcheshvan 5775 attack along with Abu Jamal Udi Ben-Abed in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim. In addition the room that was used by Ibrahim Halil Hajazi was sealed with concrete by security forces. He was responsible for the 5 Marcheshvan 5775 attempted assassination of Rabbi Yehuda Glick, a Har Habayis activist. The IDF statement adds that in line with directives from the government, security agencies will not hesitate to use all legal means at their disposal to strike out at terrorists and those who assist them. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Published on isru chag in Israel)  

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Meretz: Fire Cheder Heads for Canceling Presidential Visit

Laura Warton, who heads the Meretz faction in Jerusalem, called for the firing of the heads of the Ramot area talmid torah that cancelled Sunday’s planned presidential visit on the first day of school in the chareidi sector. The heads of the school informed Jerusalem City Hall that they do not want President Reuven Rivlin to visit as planned following the president’s remarks following the fatal stabbing attack at the Jerusalem toeiva parade. The president’s logistical and security personnel have already visited the school to lay out the details for the visit, which was called off just days before it is to have taken place. In her letter to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, Warton writes “We were shocked to hear of the Kehillas Yaakov chareidi school’s refusal to have the president visit at the beginning of the school year”. She criticized the school’s disrespect for the president, expressing anger, especially following the murderous stabbing attack. The letter adds “the school’s refusal to host the president highlights senior officials do not understand the gap that exists between the chareidi community and Israeli society after the era of enlightenment that free society from prejudice and ignorance of many types”. As such, Meretz is calling on the city to immediately fire the school’s principal and launch an investigation to determine just who pressured the school to act as it did. The letter concludes “The state and its laws are under attack from offensive repulsive fanaticism. We must not surrender to those threatening the government and we may not compromise those seeking to undermine our values. We hope that your will act immediately and without compromise. We demand red lines in dealing with extremists in the city, something that has been lacking in recent times. Standing firmly behind the president must be the beginning of new red lines that will signal the beginning of a new policy”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Jerusalem Talmid Torah Cancels Presidential Visit

President Reuven Rivlin was scheduled to visit the Mishkenos Yaakov Talmid Torah in Yerushalayim on Sunday, Rosh Chodesh Elul. The talmid torah is located in the Ramot neighborhood of the capital. The president was going to make an appearance as is customary for the opening of the new school year for the chareidi tzibur. Last year the president visited a school in a chareidi area of Beit Shemesh. However, the school sent a message to the president via City Hall requesting that he not come and visit another venue, Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) reported on Tuesday, 26 Menachem Av. City Halls officials explain that pressure from rabbonim led to the cancelation of the presidential visit. Unnamed officials are quoted explaining that the president’s harsh statements following the stabbing attack perpetrated by Yishai Schlisel at the toeiva parade in the capital led to the rabbonim pushing for the cancelation. Security and logistical personnel assigned to the president have already visited the talmid torah in preparation for the visit. A ‘chareidi source’ in City Hall was quoted by Galei Tzahal reporters Oriyah Elkayam that “President Rivlin is viewed as persona non grata” by the talmid torah. Officials in the President’s Residence expressed sorrow over the cancelation, stating all that remains is the hope that a shiur in ahavas chinam will have many participants. Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat commented “I am sorry over the erroneous decision of the Kehillas Yaakov School. We are blessed with a president with deep Yerushalmi roots, a true friend of the city who works all the time for unity among the people and we are honored to host him in Jerusalem at any place and at any time. The school’s decision is inconsistent with our duty, especially in these days, to educate our children in all sectors about ahavas chinam, to accept one another, tolerance and bringing one another closer”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rally Against Court Ruling to Raze Givat Ze’ev Shul

In response to a High Court ruling to raze Kehillas Ayelet HaShachar in Givat Ze’ev, a rally is set for Sunday evening to express opposition to the demolition order. Mispallalim explain that they have already paid out Arabs in the past who claimed the shul was built on their land but the High Court would not hear this, preferring to accept the position of left-wing organizations including ‘Yesh Din’. Mispallalim point out the shul is used by 400 mispallalim. Residents of the community and mispallalim of the shul are calling upon the general public to join the battle to save the shul. The rally on Sunday is set to begin at 19:00. The court on Sunday agreed to hold off with the demolition until 2 Elul after shul officials in an urgent appeal showed papers documenting the shul legitimate ownership of the building. It is also reported on Sunday, hours before the start of the rally, that Shas leader Economy Minister Aryeh Deri and Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon reached agreement by which the state will ask the High Court to place the demolition order on hold to permit the sides to reach agreement. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu agreed to the move. The agreement calls on mispallalim to vacate the shul within one week and the shul will be sealed for a half year during which time efforts will continue to reach agreement with the Arabs who claim ownership of the land. In the past, efforts to reach agreement with the Arabs failed as they were unwilling to accept any sum, demanding the demolition of the shul. Rishon L’Tzion Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef Shlita also turned to PM Netanyahu to become personally involved to prevent the demolition. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Har Nof Shul Where Massacre Occurred Hosts Bris of Grandson of One of the Kedoshim HYD

A bris took place in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Jerusalem in which four people were murdered HY”D. The child was a grandchild of one of the kedoshim, Rav Kalman Ze’ev Levine HY”D, a sign that the life of the Torah community continues despite the heinous actions of terrorists. Many rabbonim from the community were on hand for the special bris of Kalman Levine שייכנס לתורה לחופה ולמעשים טובים. The other kedoshim murdered in the attack were Rav Aryeh Kupinsky HY”D, HaRav Moshe Twersky HY”D and Rav Avraham Goldberg HY”D. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Two STAR-K Kashrus Training Seminars Draw Participants from Toronto to Deerfield Beach

If you place food on a crock pot that is on a timer for Shabbos, is it considered bishul Yisroel? Beyond the food, what obligations does a Kashrus agency have in a facility, e.g., the attire of the wait staff, the type of entertainment and music played, etc.? What is the criterion for Kashrus agencies to decide whether or not to certify an establishment that has just lost its certification? The answers to these intriguing questions and more were shared by STAR-K Rabbinic Administrator HaRav Moshe Heinemann at the 12th Annual STAR-K Kashrus Training Program, held July 13-16, and its back-to-back annual Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar, held July 20-22, in STAR-K’s Baltimore, Maryland, offices. The former was coordinated by STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Zvi Goldberg; the latter, by STAR-K Kashrus Administrator Rabbi Sholom Tendler. In addition to lectures such as: Administrative Issues; Appliances; Food Service Hashgocho; Vegetable Checking; Fish; Cheese, Milk and Cholov Yisroel; the Beverage Industry; and Beer, Wine, and Liquor, both seminars featured field trips to the largest kosher supermarket in the country—Seven Mile Market. STAR-K Kashrus administrators also led tours of a candy factory, caterer, slaughterhouse, restaurants, and hotel kitchens, including the designated STAR-K certified kosher kitchen of the Hyatt Regency Baltimore. Both seminars received rave reviews from the participants. Rabbi Chaim Dovid Kulik, the Rav of Kehillas Sho’avei Mayim, who also teaches in Teferes Bais Yaakov High School and is a member of the Rabbinical Vaad Hakashruth of The Kashruth Council of Canada (COR), in Toronto, shared, “I signed up for the Kashrus Training Program to get a little bit more knowledge about what’s behind kashrus and it was, in fact, fascinating. I know a lot more going out than coming in! The STAR-K is very impressive. You see how much goes in—a lot more than seeing the STAR-K on the package. It’s a pity a lot of people don’t understand what goes deep into kashrus. I’d like to get the message across to some people out there who have things to say, and now I have a little bit more ammunition to answer. ” Rabbi Dr. Yoel Erblich, a psychologist from Elizabeth, New Jersey, attended the program because he is interested in potentially starting a community in a small neighborhood. “[It was] the idea of being able to take all the Yorah Deah that was learned and then seeing it laid out,” said Rabbi Dr. Erblich. “I wish I could stay longer. I felt like every time one of the Rabbanim spoke, I wanted another hour of their time to hear even more, because there was just so much and it was so amazing. I definitely got a feel, first hand, about STAR-K’s dedication, integrity, and yashrus in trying to figure out how to do the best you can to do something the right way. It’s nice to see that and it’s inspiring.” Kollel fellows attended the Kashrus Training Program, as well. Rabbi Shmuel Nadoff, a kollel yungerman in Beth Medrash Gevoha in Lakewood, New Jersey, said. “I enjoyed the seminar immensely and wish it would have been longer. I hope to use all the things I have learned as background knowledge in kashrus for my own life and for the necessary training for a kashrus position. My impression of STAR-K is that it

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PHOTOS: Authorities Seal the Home of Har Nof Shul Massacre Terrorist

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Security authorities on Wednesday morning 14 Tammuz operated in Yerushalayim, sealing off the Jabil Mukhaber home of the terrorist responsible for the massacre in Kehillas Bnei Torah in the Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim. A policeman was also killed in the attack, which left others wounded, some seriously. The terrorist entered the shul shortly before 7 AM, during shachris, opening fire and swinging a hatchet. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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