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VIDEO & PHOTOS: David Storobin Joins The NYS Senate; Hikind Does Not Attend Swearing-In Ceremony

[VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] State Sen. David Storobin, a Republican from Brooklyn, was sworn in on Monday in the Senate chamber in Albany. Storobin narrowly won the 27th District, which will no longer exist come January and was formerly represented by Carl Kruger, a Democrat who resigned and pleaded guilty to corruption charges. Meanwhile, Gestetner Updates points out that Assemblyman Dov Hikind was in Albany yesterday but despite invitation did not attend the swearing-in of David Storobin who recently won the State Senate District 27 Special Election; a seat that represents Hikind’s neighborhood. Some insiders were “schmoozing” that Hikind snubbed Storobin because Hikind is backing Simcha Felder for the new Super Jewish District; one which will replace the 27’Th seat and one where Storobin will according to some likely be a candidate on the Republican line. But Hikind tells Gestetner Updates that this assertion is patently false. Said Hikind: “No no Chas V’shulem. God forbid. I did not snub him. I spoke with him yesterday a few times. In fact, he and his mother were recently at my Shabbos table. I consider him a friend. However we were yesterday literally in session and I had many meetings all day long too so I did not attend. But sure I congratulated him for his win. He is the State Senator now.” When I pressed him on the words “he is State Senator now,” Hikind said that he works with all elected officials once they are in office but “soon things will move to the next chapter,” which he likely meant to say that the Super Jewish election will heat up; a race where Hikind publicly backed Felder. YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos by Hillel Engel. Click HERE to watch this video on a mobile device.

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BREAKING: Fidler Declines To Appeal Court Decision; Storobin Wins NYS Senate Race

Thursday 4:30PM: NYC Councilman Lew Fidler has just issued the following statement to First, let me begin by saying “what a long strange trip it has been been,” and by offering my congratulations to David Storobin. In whatever time he may spend as the Senator from the 27th district, I pledge to work with him for the benefit of our community whenever and wherever we can find common ground. There are so many thoughts that one would want to express after this surreal experience. I will address those that my sensibilities say should be expressed and leave other thoughts for another day. First and foremost, I want to express my appreciation and gratitude to the hundreds of people who worked their hearts out in this effort, and to the thousands who showed their support at the polls or in some other way. In an election that was this nasty, this hard fought – and this long – I am left with a choice: to dwell on the disappointment of falling a handful of votes short, or to focus on the faith and commitment that so many showed by believing in me and what I have stood for during my years in public service. I said on election night before we knew the outcome: I was already a winner for the support and love that was shown to me by so many. READ MORE: FLATBUSHSCOOP.COM

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The Fidler / Storobin Fight Continues

The following are statements from both campaigns: Statement from Councilman Lew Fidler: “We respect, but respectfully disagree with, the Court’s decision. Over 100 otherwise healthy people spontaneously declared themselves to be disabled in the presence of no one other than David Storobin’s staffer. This is a proven fact. The Storobin campaign knows exactly what it did here and purposefully set out to do it. “This election – and this count – are far from over. While we await the actual opening of these ballots, a hand recount of more than 22,000 ballots will undoubtedly follow. At the very least, as this will be a first manual recount since the use of the new scanners, we will find out if the new machines are in fact giving us all an accurate count. When all the ballots are double-checked for accuracy, we will know who will be entitled to take the oath of office. “In the interim, I will continue to work as hard as ever representing the people of my district in the City Council. “Stay tuned.” Statement from David Storibin: Brooklyn, N.Y. — A State Supreme Court Justice today rejected City Councilman Lew Fidler’s bogus fraud claim against the Storobin campaign, clearing the way for the remaining 119 ballots to finally be counted. Campaign spokesman David Simpson said, “We were right all along. Everything the Storobin campaign did to encourage voter participation in this election, especially our outreach efforts into the Russian community, was done in accordance with the law and 100% above board. Today the court affirmed that. The Fidler campaign has wasted time and taxpayer money trying to steal this election and disenfranchise Russian voters. But all they succeeded in doing was to delay the outcome of the election for another month. Once these ballots are counted, we are confident that David Storobin will regain his lead and will be declared the winner.” David Storobin thanked his legal team of John Ciampoli, Vinnie Mussina and Gene Beradelli for their excellent work in protecting voters’ rights and ensuring that all remaining votes will be counted. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Lew Fidler Surges to 90 Vote Lead Over Storobin

Lew Fidler has taken a 90 point lead in the still undecided race for State Senator. As of Thursday afternoon, May 3, the tally is: LEW FIDLER………11,050 DAVID STOROBIN…..10,963 Kalman Yeger, the campaign manager for Mr. Fidler’s campaign tells YWN: “Today, the Board of Elections was finally able to proceed with the long-delayed vote count after Mr. Storobin withdrew the bulk of his bogus challenges to lawfully cast ballots. The result is clear: the voters chose Lew Fidler to be our State Senator. “While Mr. Storobin’s illegal voting scheme is still being heard in court, it is clear that the majority of lawfully cast ballots were cast for Lew Fidler. “Lew continues to look forward to the swift conclusion of this count so he can get to work in Albany fighting for our community.” (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Fidler / Storobin Election Costing Taxpayers $1 Million

The NY Post reports: Taxpayers will shell out about $1 million to elect a replacement for disgraced Brooklyn pol Carl Kruger — who pleaded guilty to taking more than $1 million in bribes — although the eventual winner will spend no more than eight months in office. That’s because Kruger’s 27th District state Senate seat will be wiped off the map by the redistricting process by the end of the year. There still hasn’t been a winner declared in the March 20 special election to replace Kruger — who resigned in disgrace in December — between Republican David Storobin and Democratic Councilman Lew Fidler. Storobin unofficially won by a mere two votes. So now, officials will recount all 22,000 ballots by hand — a lengthy process that could take months and hours upon hours of overtime at the Board of Elections. But the Legislature will adjourn for the year in June, which means the eventual winner may never cast a vote in Albany. Adding insult to injury is that the cost of the special election keeps increasing. Board officials said the initial cost to hold the election was $750,000. That figure covered the cost of poll workers and monitors, transporting the optical-scan voting machines to poll sites, advertising, mailings and other planning and administrative costs. But overtime costs to deal with the recount are piling up. Between March 17 and March 31, the board reported paying $125,000 in overtime — most of it to handle the recount, sources said. Even if only half of the overtime costs are attributed to the recount, the price for the race would be $825,000 through the end of March and nearly $900,000 for the first half of April. READ MORE: NY POST

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Florida In Brooklyn: Storobin Campaign Workers Block Fidler Workers From Entering Office

Not very classy. Today, in a stunt that would make Florida Republicans proud, Storobin campaign workers showed up at Councilman Fidler’s district office, blocking constituents and staff from entering the office. Mr. Storobin’s friends were relocated by the police. Councilman Lew Fidler issued the following statement: “Mr. Storobin’s stunt is disrespectful to the people he claims to want to serve. During the last nine days, I have continued serving my constituents, recognizing that the Senate Republicans, not caring if the 27th Senate district is represented, are working as hard as possible to delay a fair and accurate count. I have attended hearings and meetings of the City Council, and community meetings throughout my district. Last night I testified at the Board of Education hearing on the closing of Sheepshead Bay High School, which Mr. Storobin could not find the time to do. If Mr. Storobin wants to conduct his falsely-premised protest in front of my campaign headquarters, that’s just fine. But his attempt to obstruct the operations of my Council office is out of line. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Democrats See A Silver Lining in A Storobin Victory

Republican David Storobin is currently ahead in the recount of last Tuesday’s special election in Brooklyn, and at least some Democrats see a long-term advantage if his lead holds after all of the absentee ballots are counted later this week. The advantage, the argument goes, is that due to redistricting, the district Mr. Storobin campaigned for is dismantled, and the new district Mr. Storobin has vowed to seek reelection in does not contain his base in the Russian community. Instead, the new district contains a very heavy Orthodox Jewish population, which would open the opportunity for Democrats to run a conservative, Orthodox Jewish candidate against him. “[W]ithout Russians in the future Super Jewish district he would not be able to beat Jewish Orthodox Democrat,” Democratic Assemblyman Alec Brook-Krasny explained on his Facebook wall. “So as a result of that in November ( 2012 general elections ) instead of gaining a seat by electing Jewish Orthodox Republican, Senate Republicans will lose a seat in the Senate.” Mr. Storobin performed strongly in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in last Tuesday’s election, and, during the campaign, he touted his roots in Boro Park and Midwood, which will become the core of the new district, so he likely sees his electoral prospects differently than Mr. Brook-Krasny. READ MORE: POLITICKER

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YWN Exclusive: Storobin Leads Fidler By 38 Votes After Phase 1 Of Recount

YWN can exclusively report that phase 1 of the recount in the Senate race between Councilman Lew Fidler and Russian-American David Storobin has just been completed by the Board of Elections and Storobin leads Fidler by only 38 votes . Phase 1 is the easiest and fastest phase of the recount. It involved reviewing the actual information on the machines to ensure an accurate voting machine count. The voting machines were reviewed this afternoon. Phase 2 will start next week as the Board of Elections will review the over 1100 absentee ballots returned and any others that were not yet received but were postmarked with yesterday’s election date. The Democrats have a 4 – 1 voter advantage on these absentee ballots. There are also over 700 “affidavit” ballots that have not been counted yet, either. YWN can also report that a review of today’s election results found that Storobin beat Fidler in the Orthodox community by a margin of 58% to 42%. However, turnout was relatively low in the Orthodox community possibly due to the intensely negative campaign. The Orthodox community is estimated to make up 20% of the voting age population in this Senate district. However, initial returns show that the Orthodox community made up only 16% of the total vote. The opposite was the case in the Russian-American community where turnout was much higher than average. Russian voters apparently turned out in large numbers to support the candidacy of the native Russian Storobin. Storobin won the Russian vote overwhelmingly by a margin of 65% – 35%. Keep your browser pointed to YWN for up to the minute results on this close election. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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BREAKING: Fidler & Storobin Tied – Race To Be Decided In 2 Weeks [11:40PM EST]

YWN can exclusively report that with over 99% of the ballots counted tonight, Democrat City Councilman Lew Fidler and Republican lawyer David Storobin are in a virtual dead heat, in the special election for the Brooklyn State Senate seat District 27 in the New York State Senate, formerly held by Carl Kruger. There are over 700 paper ballots that will have to be counted. By law they may not be opened for one week, however there will be legal challenges to those ballots which means the race will not be decided for approximately two weeks The winner of the race will hold office until the end of the year, when the district will disappear as new political boundaries take effect. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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YWN EXCLUSIVE: Rabbonim Withdraw Support from David Storobin

[EXCLUSIVE LETTERS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] On the heels of David Storobin’s latest negative attack on Councilman Lew Fidler it appears that several rabbonim are sending a message: enough. YWN has confirmed that at least four rabbonim who David Storobin has publicly claimed as endorsing him have said that they HAVE NOT endorsed him. The rabbonim, well respected in their communities, each wrote personal letters stating very clearly that they are not endorsing Mr. Storobin. The statements are a serious break in Storobin’s claim to have lined up support from rabbonim – the central claim of his campaign. “I am not convinced that one candidates observance or hashkofas is better than the the others,” wrote Rabbi Mechel Rosenbaum. “I never authorized my name to be utilized in a political campaign or to urge a vote for David Storobin,” continued Rabbi Rosenbaum’s letter. [CLICK ON IMAGES TO ENLARGE SIGNED LETTERS] Rabbi Avrahom Moshe Binsky was equally forceful stating, “In no way do I endorse any candidate or any party in this political election.” Rabbi Natftoli Rottenberg echoed the same concerns, “I have never endorsed or authorized my name to be utilized in a political campaign nor have I urged anyone to vote for any particular candidate in this upcoming state senate race.” Also signing a letter proclaiming that he was not endorsing Storobin was Rabbi Chaim Krausz. “Our community should participate in the upcoming elections and vote based on who will represent us best and produce the most accomplishments for our community’s needs,” concluded Rabbi Rosenbaum. It is unclear if the Storobin campaign will take responsibility for this latest embarrassment or pass the blame on the organization that is believed to be responsible for originating the letter – Jews for Morality. According to several sources, Joseph Hayon and Joseph Friedman, both of Jews for Morality, actively solicited signatures for the letter. However, it appears that in the case of these four rabbonim they were not told by Mr. Hayon or Mr. Friedman that the letter was an endorsement of Storobin or that it was being organized by Jews for Morality. Jews for Morality was founded by Rabbi Yehuda Levin. Levin is well known in the Jewish community for his strong views on all things related to Toeiva. Levin quite famously endorsed Republican Carl Paladino in his race for Governor of New York last year. Levin later withdrew his endorsement in front of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral after Paladino refused to endorse all of Levin’s anti-toeiva platform. Ironically, Democrat Andrew Cuomo went on to win the election and immediately passed same-gender marriage into law. Rabbi Levin is also well-known for his endorsement of renowned anti-Semite Pat Buchanan for President. Less know is that Levin has run for Congress, Mayor and New York City Council twice. He lost each and every time. Keep your browser pointed to YWN for all the latest news in the final hours of this exciting race for New York State Senate. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Flatbush Shomrim Founder Says Storobin Endangering Community By Putting Child Predators Back on Our Streets

In a scathing interview this motzei shabbos on the Zev Brenner radio show, Chaim Deutsch, the founder of the Flatbush Shomrim ripped Senate candidate David Storobin for his work defending violent criminals including those who attempt to murder, assault women and prey on young children. Deutsch explained that Storobin’s website boasts of his success in getting these kinds of people off the hook. A quick look at the Storobin website finds him bragging that he even got someone off for “attempted murder and gang assault,” by pleading it down to a misdemeanor offense and put that person back on the streets after “time-served.” “Storobin’s values are not our community’s values,” explained Chaim Deutsch. “We at Shomrim work hard to keep criminals off the street and meanwhile Storobin’s website is bragging about put them back in our community. Does our community really want to be represented by someone who is proud to be the lawyer for alleged murderers and convicted child predators? We need our elected officials to protect us from the bad guys, not get them off the hook,” concluded Shomrim’s founder. FYI: Link to Storobin’s website. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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David Storobin: ‘Yiddishke​it In My Family’

From the start of his campaign for State Senate, Lew Fidler has engaged in nasty, vicious and false negative attacks against me. Realizing that he stands against traditional marriage, against vouchers, in favor of abortions, in favor of higher taxes and otherwise out of step with the people of the district, Mr. Fidler knew that he cannot appeal to the voters by discussing issues. As such, his campaign and its supporters resorted to character assassination. They said that I was tied to the Nazis. They questioned whether I’m really Jewish. They’ve attacked my profession as an attorney with a false smear. They’ve even repeatedly attacked my mother with words I won’t write here. Let me set the story straight. I was born in the Soviet Union. My grandparents were born into frum families, but when they were children, Communists came to power and wiped out Yiddishkeit in the Soviet Union. My maternal grandfather Pinchus knew how to be a shohet, but the only thing we knew is that he would buy and prepare the chicken during important events like weddings and funerals, without telling us why. While I was told of my grandparents’ brothers who got killed as WWII soldiers, I was never told about all the other relatives who perished in the Shoah until we came to the United States. In the Soviet Union, one could not give his children Jewish names, so if you wanted to name your child after someone named Abraham, you called him Arkady. Sarah became Svetlana. David – my name, and the name of my paternal grandfather after whom I was named – became Dmitry. This too became an attack against me from the Fidler supporters. They claimed that I renamed myself for this election, an attack that is blatantly false. I legally changed my name when I got my citizenship many years ago, and I have been known as David since my first day in the United States. In fact, even when I got my bris as a baby in 1979, my grandfather Pinchus said a prayer and used the named David for me. In the Soviet Union, we did what we could. My dad, inspired by Israel’s victory in the Six-Day war, got a bris in 1967 as a 23 year old. After their City Hall wedding, my parents quietly went under a self-made chuppah in the backyard out of sight of others where the only thing they knew how to do is to step on the glass cup. While knowledge of Judaism was impossible to acquire, and could potential subject one to arrest, we would do what we could, though usually without any knowledge of how to do it properly. In 1991, we were blessed to come to the United States. While we had the right to practice our religion, we did not have the knowledge to know where to begin. Even as we struggled to survive on my mom’s $5 an hour salary working double-shift, we tried to learn. Every Shabbos my mom would light candles. I learned to read Hebrew, and I learned what to say before eating bread or drinking wine. We learned when to fast and when to drink four glasses of wine. Some things we learned from the right sources. Other times, we’d pick up anything

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YWN Exlcusive: Storobin Preaches Apikorsus! Says Torah’s Account of Pesach is ‘Ridiculous!’

YWN was shocked to discover an article written by New York State Senate candidate David Storobi preaching apikorsus. As background, Storobin is running for State Senate in a heavily Orthodox Jewish senate district to replace disgraced Senator Carl Kruger on Tuesday, March 20th. Storobin has been the source of great controversy as, apparently, he has given the impression to many, including Hamodia Newspaper, that he is a frum Jew. That claim has been debunked by Yaakov Gold on Yeshiva World and later one of Storobin’s advisers admitted that he was not Orthodox or even Shomer Shabbos. Despite this, Strobin is still actively courting the Orthodox vote based on his claim that his “values” are the same as the Orthodox Jewish community’s. However, based on this essay, Storobin’s “values” do not appear to be Jewish values. In this essay Storobin says many things that are against fundamental Jewish beliefs including that the “there is no evidence of Jewish presence in Egypt.” He goes on to say that the story of yitzyas mitzrayim and Jews defeating Egyptians is “ridiculous.” He adds that that there was no way that Yehoshua could have conquered Canaan and that Jericho’s walls had fallen from an “earthquake” and were not, as Storobin describes, “magically destroyed by the noise from the Hebrew’s horn.” The worst part, perhaps, of Storobin’s essay? As proof of his scholarship and accuracy, Storobin cites a television program on the Discovery Channel. Apparently, for Storobin a television station is more authentic then the Tanach. — The following is an unedited essay by David Strobin published on the Global Politician news website: The Origin of the Jewish People and the Land of Canaan 11/14/2004 By David Storobin, Esq. We’ve all heard the Biblical story about the origin of the Hebrew nation: Egyptian enslavement, God’s punishment of the Pharaoh, 40 years in the desert, conquest of Jericho and other Canaanite lands by Joshua, etc. There is just a small problem with the story: there is no evidence of Jewish presence in Egypt or in the Sinai desert. One would think that after hundreds of years in Egypt and 40 years in Sinai, Hebrews would’ve left traces of their culture – but they did not. Furthermore, we now have evidence that by the time Joshua came to Jericho, its walls were already destroyed by an earthquake, so they were not magically destroyed by the noise from the Hebrew’s horns. And most importantly, Land of Canaan was occupied by Egypt at it’s height of power. To suggest that Hebrews were able to defeat the Egyptians and establish a state in part of Egypt is like suggesting that a group of Gypsy migrants could attack the United States, conquer Florida and establish a state there. Such a claim is ridiculous! So what really happened? During the Egyptian rule of Canaan, it re-organized the territory. As a result, many peasants were left homeless and had to live in their caravans. Egyptians began calling them “caravan people.” The ancient Egyptian word for caravan people was similar to the word Hebrew. [1] Hebrews were not a separate nation – they were merely peasant Canaanites who were left homeless. [2] They made their residence in the Judean desert, which was part of the Egyptian empire at the time. “Joshua and the Hebrews were

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Mailbag: Gold Responds to Hayon & Says Rabbonim Believed Storobin Was Frum When They Endorsed Him!

1. I didn’t attack Mr. Storobin. I simply questioned why Hamodia would publish false information, now confirmed by Storobin’s adviser, that Storobin is frum. 2. With respect, Mr. Hayon is wrong. It DOES make a difference why Storobin went to shul and changed his name. In fact, Hayon admits that he did these for political reasons. That’s exactly why we hate politicians. How low can you go pretending to be frum solely to swing a few votes your way? 3. I agree that in most cases a person’s religious life should not be taken into account when deciding who to vote for. However, this case is different because Storobin was the one who brought it up – pretending to be frum just to gain a few votes. That speaks volumes about the kind of person that Storobin is. 4. I appreciate Mr. Hayon finally admitting that Fidler never called Storobin a Nazi. 5. My fifth point is the most damning. I spoke to a rov who signed on in support of Storobin. He told me that the rabbonim thought that Storobin was frum when they endorsed him. He was SHOCKED to learn that Storobin is michalal shabbos befarhesiya. This rov is now seriously considering withdrawing his endorsement of Storobin. So this lie that Storobin perpetuated is a very big deal and may undermine the validity of his rabbinical endorsements. In halacha we call this a mekach taos (mistaken arrangement) and, therefore, these endorsements are likely null and void. Finally, I must take exception to Mr. Hayon’s laughable description of Storobin as a non-observant Orthodox Jews. There is no such concept in halacha. If Hayon instead claimed that Storobin was a baal tshuva, I would have bought that answer. But Hayon is not even claiming that. Hayon is saying that deep down inside of his heart Storobin thinks like a frum yid but hasn’t taken any steps to become frum. Sounds to me like a sad excuse for what is really going on: Storobin was cynically pretending to be frum to gain a few votes and thanks to YWN having the courage to publish my letter – Storobin is busted and running for cover. Fool me once – shame on you, fool me twice – shame on me. Let’s not get fooled again by Storobin. I will remember on Election Day, March 20th, and hope that you do too. A freilichin purim, Yaakov Gold NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW.

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Storobin Adviser Admits He’s Not Frum – Blames Hamodia for ‘Miscommunication’

I am writing this in response to the letter Yaakov Gold wrote. He starts off describing Councilman Lew Fidler, his history and accomplishments. He then attacks David Storobin for inaccuracies written in an opinion article — which may have been done unintentional. There are many issues raised, but Mr. Gold went about this all wrong. First, it makes no difference why David started to go to shul, and I have no personal knowledge when he started to go to shul. The very fact that David chose to start at an orthodox shul is a huge step in the right direction. If David really changed his name from Dimitri to David, then we should be commend him for wanting a Jewish name. Even if David started going to shul and went through a name change to benefit his campaign, the Gemara says, “Mitoch shelo lishma, ba lishma” (Pesachim 50b), which means one who does the right thing for reasons other than Hashem, will eventually do so for Hashem. Second, David is considered a non-observant orthodox Jew. His beliefs are rooted in Orthodox Judaism, but he is not yet completely practicing. He strongly believes in the Torah and the Gemara. According to Jewish law, he is considered a tinok shenishba (captured infant). Third, absent extraordinary circumstances, a person’s personal religious life should not be taken into account when voting for a candidate in American politics. This is a position I have publicly written to Yeshiva World News when I ran against Steven Cymbrowitz in 2010. It is more important to look at a voting record and/or current political positions that are important to our community. In September, we voted for a gentile over a Shomer Shabbat Jewish person because of same-gender marriage. Fourth, there is no intentional lies here. It is a matter of miscommunication. Of course the job of an editor is to fact check information, but it is completely wrong to attack David for a mistake. It is true that Fidler never called Storobin a Nazi, but Fidler attacked Storobin, for having “ties to skinheads, and neo-Nazi groups, and white supremacist groups”. Also, if David wins, he would be the first [Republican] Russian-American elected to [public] office in [New York]. You can’t blame David if the interviewer misunderstood him. In addition, David never claimed to be observant-orthodox. He prays in an orthodox shul, so people made an assumption. Finally, David is endorsed by many rabbis. These rabbis include Rabbi Haim Benoliel of Bnai Yosef (AKA the Sitt shul), Rabbi David Ozeirey of Yad Yosef, Rabbi Avrohom Schorr of Kahal Tiferes Yaakov, Rabbi Shlomo Stern (AKA the Debreciner Rav), and Rabbi Avrohom Nelkenbaum of Mirror Yeshiva. Joseph Hayon Mr. Hayon ran against Assemblyman Steve Cymbrowitz in 2010 on the Republican line. While he lost, he earned a respectable 43% of the vote. NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Mailbag: Why is Hamodia Pretending That Senate Candidate David Storobin is a Frum Jew?

Here we go again! Every election season we find a politician who pretends to be “one of us,” or part of “our community.” This year it’s David Storobin the Russian-born candidate for State Senate. Mr. Storobin is running against another Jew – Councilman Lew Fidler. Lew has been honest about his religious beliefs. He states unequivocally that he is a committed Jew who grew up Conservative and still is Conservative. Lew had a bar-mitzvah, he married a Jewish woman and his two grown sons have had bar-mitzvahs too. On yomtovim you can find him in his local conservative synagogue. He has spent his life committed to Jewish causes from the early 80s when he was a volunteer lawyer for the Crown Heights Jewish Community Counsel to his most recent work as a City Councilman fighting anti-Semitism in our community. What you see is what you get – a committed conservative Jew with deep ties and feelings for the Jewish community. As for David Storobin nobody really knows much about him. Even me. And that’s saying a lot. Because of the work that I do, I have lots of Russian friends – secular and religious. So, I called around to my Russian friends and here’s what I learned. Storobin is 33 years old. He is single. Never married. He was born in the former USSR. He never practiced any religion at all until recently when he decided to join a local shul as he was beginning his political career. According to everyone I have asked Storobin is by his own accounts not even Shomer Shabbos! One of my friends was actually amused, “we are laughing here in Brighton Beach that Dimitry is now pretending to be Orthodox. Dimitry is someone who has always enjoyed going out on Friday night.” For those who may be confused, I was told by my friends that Dimitry is David’s original name before he changed it a few years ago to David Storobin. Apparently, David sounds more frum. Which brings me to Hamodia. It seems that Hamodia won’t let the facts get in the way of their agenda. In week # 1 of this campaign, Hamodia propagated a lie – they claimed that Lew Fidler called David Storobin a neo-nazi. I have searched and searched and searched and found no evidence of this. In fact, just last week Lew Fidler told Hamodia that this never happened. That didn’t stop Hamodia from publishing their question as if it were fact. Last week, Hamodia decided to propagate lie # 2 that David Storobin would be the first Russian American elected to office in America. They put this in big bold letters on top of their interview of Storobin. Even Hamodia’s pathetic political staff must have met Alex Brook-Krasny. Alex is a Russian American Jew who made history when he was elected to the New York State Assembly – five years ago! Finally, this week Hamodia prints an article extolling people to defend the honor of David Storobin – an Orthodox Jew. Which begs the question: why is Hamodia pretending that David Storobin, aka Dimitry, is frum? As a loyal reader, I demand an answer! I know that Hamodia would never publish this, so thank you YWN for keeping ’em honest. Yaakov Gold NOTE: The views expressed here are

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Storobin Calls For Restoration Of Epic Rx Coverage

Coming off a successful performance at a major civic association candidates night on Wednesday, Republican candidate for State Senate David Storobin is turning his attention to senior citizen issues with a campaign appearance on Thursday. Storobin will be at the Sheepshead Bay Adult Care Center on Thursday morning to float a proposal that would restore a key prescription drug benefit that was cut by New York State in its current budget. Prescription drug bills have soared for seniors who long counted on EPIC (Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage) to help them pay the costs of pharmaceuticals they need to stay healthy. The cost hikes are so severe that seniors are sometimes forced to go without medication because they can’t afford it. The problem stems from a recent cutback in the state-run EPIC program that took effect at the beginning of the year. Before the cut, EPIC covered most of the out-of-pocket expenses associated with Medicare Part D prescription drug plans for people over 65-years old. Now, EPIC does not help with out-of-pocket expenses until enrollees reach a new coverage limit (or threshold) of at least $2,900 annually. Until seniors have spent the new limit, Medicare enrollees are now forced to pay 25 percent of their out-of-pocket drug costs at the pharmacy. The cut in EPIC coverage (up until participants reach the threshold) has become known as the “doughnut hole” for Part D participants. Although EPIC covers most costs after the threshold is reached, Storobin says the new system is ill-conceived and seriously impacts many seniors’ budgets, putting them in limbo and on the hook. “This cut in EPIC is having a more profound impact on senior citizens that anyone could have realized. We literally have seniors choosing between prescription drugs that they need and food. I’ve talked to them and we’ve seen stories in the press,” the candidate said. “Clearly this is not working for too many people. We need to restore the EPIC cuts and find another place in the budget to find the savings.” Storobin said that the cost of reversing the cut would be about $120 million in the current budget, according to most estimates, a figure that he says would be difficult but not impossible to absorb in the $130-plus billion state spending plan. “We’re obviously going to have to pay for restoring this cut. But it’s worth it. I think we can find other areas to cut that won’t directly impact seniors’ health as directly. And we should ask big pharmaceutical companies to chip in as well,” he said. Storobin is proposing a cost-share program to phase in the EPIC restoration shared by the state and a fund established by pharmaceutical companies. “We can ask big pharmaceutical companies to pay their share and help phase in the cost. It would be unrealistic to ask them to pick it up permanently. But a phased-in cost-share is doable, and I think worth it for the pharmaceutical industry as well,” Storobin said. (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Storobin Campaign Blames Agudah’s Shmuel Lefkowitz for Debate Fight

The following article was written by Chris Bragg & Laura Nahmias for City & State: Republican State Senate candidate David Storobin said in a statement this afternoon that Councilman/Democratic opponent Lew Fidler had become “stage shy” in response to two Jewish organizations’ requests for a debate between the two candidates – and that Fidler is trying to dodge the issue of school vouchers. According to Storobin’s campaign, Fidler recently refused a joint debate invitation from Agudath Israel and the Council of Jewish Organizations of Flatbush, while Storobin agreed. But Fidler’s campaign says it never got an invitation for the debate. And while David Simpson, Storobin’s spokesman, initially offered to produce an invitation, he has been unable to yet do so. In an email, Simpson did explain the series of events that had led to Storobin’s claims. Notably, Simpson said that the information about the debate had come from a single source: Shmuel Lefkowitz, a full-throated and prominent supporter of Storobin’s campaign. Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz who is with the Council of Jewish Organizations invited us to debate sponsored by that organization and Agudath Israel. We agreed, and it was our understanding that Fidler’s camp also agreed. After that, emails and phone calls went back and forth trying to firm up a date and logistics. Then, this afternoon (Friday), Lefkowitz got back to us and said Fidler had pulled out. I will make every effort to get you in touch with representatives from the Council of Jewish Organizations to back up our claim, but it’s probably not going to happen until later in the weekend. I have made several phone calls and no one is answering because Shabbos has already begun. That said, Fidler’s response skirts the issue. He’s deflecting onto whether or not a “formal” invitation exists instead of saying whether or not he agrees to an Orthodox debate. Does he or doesn’t he? We were told he said no and we’re sticking by that. Lefkowitz, who did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment, recently attended a press conference in which Storobin denounced Fidler. He doubles as the chief lobbyist for Agudath Israel and is one of the people that struck a deal with Republican Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos last year to land $18 million in yeshiva tuition assistance funding– with his promise of support for a Republican in this Senate race. Fidler’s campaign manager, Kalman Yeger, slammed the Storobin campaign in a statement to City & State, for what he said was Storobin’s deceit. “David Storobin continues to drag this campaign to the gutter with lies and deceit, this time inventing an imaginary debate,” Yeger said. “The fact is that Councilman Fidler agreed to every single debate offered in this campaign. Mr. Storobin obviously invented this imaginary event, to which we were never invited.” Fidler’s campaign also said that in a phone call this afternoon, following Storobin’s press release, the executive director of COJO of Flatbush said he had no knowledge of any debate being planned. Storobin’s statement this afternoon came minutes after the Fidler campaign had sent out a press release saying Fidlerhad been hospitalized with a case of gout – so Yeger also hit Storobin for his alleged insensitivity. “If Mr. Storobin had any class, he would have offered traditional ‘refuah sh’laimah’ (‘full recovery’) wishes,

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Analysis: Storobin Campaign On the Rocks

After weeks of insisting the he was not a Neo-Nazi, the campaign of Russian-American activist David Storobin appears to be on the rocks. Last week it was revealed that despite high initial expectations the Republicans hardly put any resources into Storobin’s lackluster campaign for State Senate. This week it was revealed that a key Storobin adviser was arrested for assaulting and endagering the welfare of his 14 year old son. And today we learned that in a last-ditch effort, Storobin’s campaign is retooling by bringing on a new campaign manager. Is it too late for Storobin to save his long-shot campaign for State Senate? Only time will tell. The Special Election is Tuesday. March 20th. Via State of Politics by Liz Benjamin With exactly one month remaining in the race for former Sen. Carl Kruger’s Brooklyn seat, there has been a shakeup in the campaign of Republican contender David Storobin. GOP sources confirm Jerry Sullivan, a one-time Assembly candidate and Brooklyn Republican operative who had been running Storobin’s campaign, is no longer on the job. “I was told he was just replaced,” a source said. Storobin’s operation is now being entirely run by Senate GOP staffer Jason Brown, who has been working on the attorney and political newcomer’s campaign for a while now. “You know how the Senate operates,” the same source said. “They always put their people in charge.” According to Storobin’s 32-day pre-special election filing, Sullivan was paid $1,770 between the end of January and the middle of February. Also appearing on Storobin’s filing is Liam McCabe, an aide to Rep. Michael Grimm who was suspended by the congressman over the weekend after he was arrested and charged with assaulting his teenage son outside the boy’s Brooklyn school. Storobin paid McCabe $1,200 over the past month as a consultant. Neither McCabe nor Sullivan appear on Storobin’s January filing. As I reported last week, the Senate GOP has yet to produce the “tremendous” investment Storobin had boasted was being put into his campaign. The Republicans appear to be reluctant to spend on the race unless internal polls show Storobin closing the gap between himself and his Democratic opponent, NYC Councilman Lew Fidler, as the March 20 election day draws closer. Since the GOP has proposed eradicating the 27th SD in its redistricting map to make a new so-called “Super Jewish” district, it seems unlikely the majority will spend a lot to assist Storobin. (Dov Gordon – YWN)

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Fidler Campaign Slams Latest Storobin Attack

For the second time in two weeks, David Storobin, the republican candidate for New York State Senate held a press conference on the steps of the Brighton Beach Jewish Center. In his latest presser, Storobin attacked Lew Fidler with a string of attacks – including the recycled claim that Fidler made, that Storobin has “ties to skinheads and neo-Nazi groups and white supremacist groups”. Another one of his major attacks against Fidler was that he parked his car illegally, a claim that Fidler disputes and stated he was given permission. Following his latest attacks against the Fidler campaign, Kalman Yeger, Lew Fidler’s campaign manager, gave the following statement   “For 14 straight days, Mr. Storobin has done nothing other than talk about a perceived insult he created in only his own head.  This is now his second press conference where he has erratically engaged in nothing other than false and malicious attacks on Lew Fidler’s words and record. While Lew Fidler continues to campaign on issues important to the people of Brooklyn, Mr. Storobin does nothing more than lie, attack, and lie some more.  It’s a bit sickening at this point, but what else can we expect from someone who has no record, no accomplishments, and is trying to buy a Senate seat as the shill of his Albany Republican pals.”  Why Storobin chose the steps of the Brighton Beach Jewish Center to once again hold a press conference is unknown. Storobin also claimed that Fidler’s campaign sent a “heckler” to the press conference. The campaign told YWN that no one was sent there, and stated that “as Fidler continues to take the lead in this race, we can expect to hear more outrageous and totally false claims from Mr. Storobin.” In related news, a senior Republican operative in Albany told YWN anonymously, that we (republicans) don’t think that Storobin even has the slightest chance in defeating Fidler, but have pumped in a few hundred grand into the race just to play with Fidler.” FLATBUSHSCOOP.COM

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Councilman Fidler’s Campaign Calls on Mr. Storobin to Come Clean on Ties to White Supremacis​t Websites

Today Councilman Fidler’s campaign for State Senate called on his opponent, Mr. Storobin, to release all writings, interview transcripts, and links to white supremacist and skinhead sites that have been wiped from the internet since Mr. Storobin announced his candidacy for State Senate. As soon as questions started swirling regarding his writings, Mr. Storobin’s entire internet archive was wiped clean, but his interviews and articles on hate websites remain. Additionally, Mr. Storobin held a smoke-and-mirrors press conference hours ago where he offered no denial or explanation as to the connection between himself and why these writings appear on hate websites. “Mr. Storobin should stop hiding his true beliefs,” said campaign spokeswoman, Jenn Krinsky. “If there was nothing offensive in any of these writings or interviews, then why did Mr. Storobin delete them from his website, and leave us only the writings that still exist on white supremacist and hate sites, such as Stormfront, American Renaissance or Phora?” Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist internet forum, described as the first internet hate site. American Renaissance is a monthly racialist magazine. Some of Mr. Storobin’s writings appear on these websites, which are inherently sympathetic to the causes of the white separatist Afrikaner Independence Movement, the Minutemen and other extremists. The website of Phora proclaims to “discuss racialism, eugenics, nationalism, holocaust revisionism, history, philosophy, science, politics.” READ MORE: FLATBUSHSCOOP.COM

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NYC Mayor de Blasio Appoints Pinny Ringel As Senior Liaison To Jewish Community

Pinnt Ringel, A well-known community activist has been appointed as a Senior Community Liaison to the Jewish community, YWN has learned. Ringel started his new job at the Community Affairs Unit some time last week. “New York City’s Jewish community is vast and has many issues. This is an important appointment by the Mayor and recognition of the needs of our community,” said Councilman David G. Greenfield. “Pinny Ringel is an outstanding selection for this position. He is a trusted Bill de Blasio adviser who is also trusted across the spectrum of the Jewish community. I look forward to continue working with him in he new capacity.” Ringel had worked in Former Councilman and now State Senator Simcha Felder’s office from 2002 to 2010. He then joined the office of [then] Public Advocate Bill de Blasio. In 2012, Ringel served for a short time as Community liaison and chief of staff to former Senator David Storobin, before returning to the public Advocate’s office just in time of Mr. de Blasio’s announcement that he’s running for Mayor. Following the mayoral election, Ringel was hired by the de Blasio administration in various positions until his new appointment. It was expected that Ringle would be getting this position, as was reported by YWN in November of 2013. (Chaim Shapiro – YWN)

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Mayor de Blasio Hires Avi Fink and Pinny Ringel As Staffers In The Mayor’s Office

Mayor Bill de Blasio has not filled up his administration yet, but Twenty-four of the 32 people who worked for him as Public Advocate got a free entry to the Mayor’s office, according to payroll records released Friday. The records show that a total of 60 people have been hired and placed on the payroll in Mayor de Blasio’s office since he was inaugurated. 20 of them are already drawing paychecks, yet listed with positions that include the words “Final Assignment TBD.” “Our transition staff is at work each day helping to carry out duties for the transition and assisting the administration while simultaneously being considered for jobs inside of the administration,” Mayor de Blasio spokeswoman Marti Adams told the Daily News. Avi Fink, Mr. de Blasio’s senior Jewish advisor was appointed to one of the most high ranking positions in the administration, working for the Mayor as deputy director of Intergovernmental Affairs under Emma Wolfe, with a yearly paycheck of $93.6K. Fink, who Mayor de Blasio counts as one of his most trusted advisors, was chief of staff to State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky; he served as director in Anthony Weiner’s district office, handled the campaign of Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley for Congress and most recently was deputy chief of staff in the public Advocate’s office and a senior adviser to Mr. de Blasio’s mayoral campaign. Pinny Ringel, who served as a community Liaison for Mr. de Blasio as Public Advocate, is also employed at the Mayor’s office for a yearly paycheck of $65K, yet with a position yet to be determined. Ringel, who’s the first Hasidic staffer in the Mayor’s office, is expected to serve as a Jewish Liaison in the Community Affair Unit under Commissioner Marco A. Carrion, sources tell YWN. Ringel had worked in Former Councilman and now State Senator Simcha Felder’s office from 2002 to 2010. He then joined the office of the Public Advocate. In 2012, Ringel served for a short time as Community liaison and chief of staff to former Senator David Storobin, before returning to the public Advocate’s office just in time of Mr. de Blasio’s announcement that he’s running for Mayor. According to Ami Magazine, before embarking in the mayoral campaign, Pinny received a bracha from the Belzer Rebbe, Shlit’’a: “You should be Nosei Chein (find grace) in people and may your chassidish levush (Hasidic attire) serve you well!” (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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We at YWN are proud to continue our tradition of giving you a behind the scenes look of the real winners and losers of yesterday’s elections courtesy of our political reporter Jacob Kornbluh. Winners Orthodox Jewish Community New York’s Orthodox Jewish Community flexed it’s electoral muscle yesterday and brought out a huge turnout. All the time spent by the various organizations including Agudas Yisroel, the Flatbush Jewish Community Council, Jewish Block Vote and Flatbush Community Advocacy Group appears to have paid off. For the first time ever there will be two frum Council Members from neighboring districts in Southern Brooklyn guaranteeing the community a big voice in City Hall. All these efforts mean Jewish voters are more engaged than ever. Aronim The minority chasidic sect in Williamsburg pulled off big victories yesterday. They took a risk in an early endorsement for Bill de Blasio for Mayor effectively shutting out their rival Zalis form the de Blasio world. Along with the powerful bloc vote of the Bobov community in Boro Park they played a big role in racking up huge number for Councilman David Greenfield’s victory over his lying competitor. Keep an eye on this new Satmar/Bobov alliance. Observers noticed that they seem to be moving in tandem these days. It may well be one of the most important political developments in recent years. David Greenfield Greenfield’s few enemies banded together in a shockingly dirty effort to defeat him. They found the perfect candidate – one who would be happy to spread any lies they asked him to spread and bankrolled his effort with over $100,000. Not only did they fail, they actually excited Greenfield’s supporters giving Greenfield the largest margin of victory of any candidate last night – a whopping 83%! Bonus: Greenfield was the first frum politician to endorse Chaim Deutsch – first on his radio show and then in an op-ed he penned Monday for Hamodia. Chaim Deutsch The odds were against him and he even had to pick up and leave his lifelong home to move into a new district but Chaim Deutsch pulled off a clear victory against David Storobin proving that his many years of hard work for the community as the leaders of the Flatbush Shomrim paid off. Chaim’s life-long dream of becoming a New York City Councilman has come true and expect him to be a leading voice on Public Safety as the political debate around stop and frisk and other police tactics heats up in a de Blasio administration. Simcha Felder The powerful Senator proved last night why “everybody loves Simcha.” Senator Felder cemented his reputation as the elder statesman of Jewish politics when he authored a letter praising Greenfield as “the hardest working Council Member I know” and in his last minute push to elect Chaim Deutsch to the New York City Council (we at YWN even received his robo-call). As one of Albany’s most influential politicians and now with two close friends in the City Council, Simcha has made good use of his role as the highest-ranking frum elected official in the United States. Losers Chaim Israel What possesses someone who spent years working for the community to flush away his reputation and credibility in the span of a few short months we will never know. As the apparent campaign

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Chaim Deutsch The Winner In The 48th Council District

Democratic candidate Chaim Deutsch is the declared winner of the heavily contested race for the 48th City Council District. The founder of Flatbush Shomrim, Chaim Deutsch beat Republican and Conservative candidate David Storobin by 56-39 percent.

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Flatbush Community Advocacy Group Responds To Criticism

Following the publishing of a press release earlier Tuesday from the Flatbush Community Advocacy Group (FCAG), the social site Twitter lit up with tweets by people questioning who the group is. YWN also published a press release by the Flatbush Community Rabbinical Alliance (FCRA), which blasted the FCAG for their endorsement of David Storobin, and going against the words of the local Rabbonim who endorsed Chaim Deutsch. We now received the following (unedited) press release from the FCAG: To the Flatbush Community: The FCAG was recently formed by a dedicated group of concerned residents of Flatbush, who are not members of any organization, nor affiliated with any particular party. The FCAG was formed to coordinate efforts by disparate segments of the Jewish community in Flatbush to foster the growth and development of one of the fastest growing Jewish communities in the country. The FCAG plans to address many of the civic and communal challenges that face the Jewish residents of Flatbush, including safety, zoning, quality of life concerns and emerging political issues. We are not intimidated by non-existant organizations such as the FCRA, which clearly was formed by an imaginary individual. The community has a right to decide whom to vote for, and we feel the best candidate for the Flatbush community is David Storobin. It’s interesting that many of the individuals who are pushing for Chaim Deutsch were ‘die-hard Storobin’ fans just two years ago. They all supported him, and now suddenly have all turned their backs on him. The community was never given an opportunity to hear what Mr. Storobin has to offer, as no debate was ever done between Deutsch and Storobin. We strongly endorse David Storobin for Councilman, and encourage all of you to run to the polls today, and vote for David Storobin for the 48th Council. (Press Release / YWN Desk – NYC)

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A Tale Of Two Right Hands – De Blasio’s Jewish Aides Exhilarating The Community’s Hope For Change

Democratic mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio is on course of making victory on Tuesday night by being elected as the first mayor for decades that was brought up and lives in Brooklyn. As a matter of fact, Mr. de Blasio’s public service started in Brooklyn when he was elected to the City Council in 2001, having the honor to represent parts of Borough Park as councilman. Mr. de Blasio is no stranger to the Jewish community, as well as to the pro-Israel community in New York. As an advocate for Jewish causes, Mr. de Blasio has earned many friends in the community that has helped him to garner the support he needed to win the Democratic primary and ultimately, according to public opinion polls, the general election on Tuesday night. But Mr. de Blasio is not a man alone. With the relationships that he had maintained over the years in government and with loyal staffers who hopefully will continue working for him in the mayor’s office, many in the community believe that there will be an open door in City Hall and that the community will be best served under a de Blasio administration. Two of the individual that have earned the trust of the Public Advocate and the community alike are: Avi Fink and Pinny Ringel. Avi Fink is the son of Rabbi Reuven Fink, Morah D’Asra of Young Israel of New Rochelle (YINR) since 1981, and the grandson of Rabbi Samuel Fink, Rav of Young Israel of Bedford Bay. “Coming from such an illustrious background, Avi brings forth eloquent leadership skills and dedication which was evidenced in the past congressional campaigns he ran,” Ami Magazine writes in a profile of Mr. de Blasio and his associates. Fink was chief of staff to State Senator Toby Ann Stavisky; he served as director in Anthony Weiner’s district office, handled the campaign of Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley for Congress and is currently deputy chief of staff in the public Advocate’s office and a senior adviser to Mr. de Blasio’s mayoral campaign. Fink is also very active on Social Media, a tool used by the campaign to interact with voters and to deliver the message across the board. Pinny Ringel, a prominent Belzer Chusid and a political operative for over a decade, is a Community Affairs Associate in his current capacity in the Public Advocate’s office. But since Mr. de Blasio declared his candidacy for mayor, he’s been voluntarily active in the campaign, serving as a right hand to Mr. de Blasio and has vigorously been advocating by outreaching to the Orthodox Jewish community in Brooklyn. According to Ami Magazine, before embarking in the mayoral campaign, Pinny received a bracha from the Belzer Rebbe, Shlit’’a: “You should be Nosei Chein (find grace) in people and may your chassidish levush (Hasidic attire) serve you well!” To prove Mr. de Blasio’s respect to Jewish tradition and his respect to Pinny, several sources have confirmed with YWN that there’s one hour in the day that Mr. de Blasio and his office knows not to disturb Pinny: During his daily – late night – hourly shuir. At several Jewish events recently, Mr. de Blasio hinted that Pinny would serve in a high capacity position, if elected mayor of New York City. A source, who spoke to YWN

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GOP Strategist OB Murray Bids On Chaim Deutsch In The 48th City Council Race

The seat to replace Councilman Mike Nelson in the 48th Council District may be the only competitive race to watch, in the entire Borough of Brooklyn, in next Tuesday’s elections. While the Republican and Conservative candidate, former Senator David Storobin, is still  seen as the favorite to win the district that has a majority of Russian-speaking voters, the rift in the GOP locals and the write-in candidacy mounted by Russian radio mogul Gregory Davidzon has given the campaign of Democrat Chaim Deutsch some push in the final stretch. Despite spending less money in advertisements, Mr. Deutsch picked up the endorsements of a majority of the weeklies as well as the support of the Rabbanim and community leaders in the Orthodox Jewish community. Josh Mehlman, founder of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition and a supporter of Mr. Deutsch, told The Jewish Week that there’s a reason to believe that a united Orthodox Jewish electorate could hand an easy win to the Democrat. Mr. Storobin, who’s running with the support of the State Republicans, is banking on the heavy Russian population and his name recognition in the Jewish community to overcome the political establishment’s desire to see one of their own represent the District. But Mr. Storobin’s trouble may start at home. GOP consultant and staffer on the campaign of Joe Lhota, O’Brien Murray contributed $1,750 to the campaign of Chaim Deutsch, City Finance Board records show. Murray, known by his nickname “OB” is not a stranger in the Orthodox Jewish community. He managed Republican Bob Turner’s successful campaign for Congress in a 2011 special election and conservative Democrat Simcha Felder’s successful state Senate run last year, all in which the Jewish community played a major role in determining the election. In a phone interview with YWN, Murray suggested his contribution was a vote of confidence in the Democratic candidate. “Chaim Deutsch has been a leader in the community. His involvement for more than 20 years with the Flatbush Shomrim Safety Patrol has kept our children safe,” said Murray. “Chaim will represent the community well.” (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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Deutsch Supporters Looking At CD48 As A Way To Reassert Political Clout

No we are not talking about the race for mayor or for the next District Attorney. The election that will determine not only the victor, but the extent of the Orthodox Jewish voting strength and Agudath Israel’s political clout, is the City Council seat in the newly-drawn 48th District. Despite the heavy Russian population, Chaim Deutsch, who won the Democratic primary while the two Russian candidates split the vote, believes he’s up for an upset once again. “It’s going to be a close election,” Mr. Deutsch told The Jewish Week in an email interview. The divide in the Russian community between former Senator and the current Republican/Conservative candidate, David Storobin and Russian radio mogul Gregory Davidzon, who’s running as a write-in candidate, gives Josh Mehlman, founder of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition and a supporter of Mr. Deutsch, a reason to believe that a united Orthodox Jewish electorate could hand an easy win to the Democrat. “We don’t think the community is being split at all,” Mehlman told The Jewish Week. “Many people are looking [at the election] as an opportunity to win the community back.” Nonetheless, Mr. Storobin, who’s running with the support of the Republican and Conservative parties in a relatively Conservative oriented district, is banking on the heavy Russian population and his name recognition in the Jewish community to overcome the damaged Republican brand citywide and the political establishment’s desire to see one of their own represent the District. (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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Russian Radio Mogul Gregory Davidzon Announces Write-in Candidacy For CD48

This is a developing story… The seat currently held by outgoing council member Mike Nelson is seeming to become a hot seller. Russian radio mogul and the once considered kingmaker in the Russian community, Gregory Davidzon announced, Thursday afternoon, that he’ll be running as a write-in candidate for the 48th City Council district, on November 5th. Davidzon, who initially backed Democratic District Leader (ad45) Ari Kagan in the Democratic primaries, told his listeners on the radio that since the candidate he backed — as the most qualified candidate in his eyes — lost the Democratic nomination, he sees himself as the only viable candidate to represent the constituents in what’s called the “Super Russian” district. A campaign insider told YWN (off the record) that Mr. Davidzon will be rolling out some non-Russian elected officials’ endorsements in the coming future to indicate he’s a serious candidate. “We’re not interested in talking about our opponents,” a spokesperson for Democratic candidate Chaim Deutch told YWN. “What we’re interested in is talking to the residents of southern Brooklyn and listening to their concerns about the critical quality of life issues the district faces and how to best address them.” YWN reached out to the campaign of Republican David Storobin as well as Mr. Davidzon. We will update our readers as we receive an official response. UPDATE: “I realize that this is an unusual undertaking, however, I was encouraged by many members of the community − ordinary residents and political leaders − to run,” said Mr. Davidzon in a press release. “While I do have the backing of elected officials from both political parties, I made it clear to them that I always have been and will remain independent; focused fully on what is best for the community and the people.” ​​​​​​​​​ “My experience as a businessman, with a proven track record of creating hundreds of jobs for New Yorkers, combined with my years of work in our community and established relationships with the area’s elected officials make me the most qualified candidate. With our economy far from robust, still suffering after Sandy, and with the city entering the post-Bloomberg era, it’s vital that our community be represented by a Councilman who understands the economy, knows the issues – local and citywide – and has a record of getting things done,” Davidzon stated.​ (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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A Tale Of Two Party Chairmen In Two Boroughs For One Fractured Party

The Republican Party in New York City, already outnumbered 6-1 by a Democratic majority, is looking to change. The growing Orthodox community in Southern Brooklyn and the rising of new stars has given republicans hope to reclaim a two-party system. But in that path to change, the party couldn’t be more fractured as it is at a crucial moment, ahead of the mayoral election. In Queens, Both Phil Ragusa and former Congressmember Bob Turner have declared themselves winners in the election to head the Queens GOP on September 27, while in Brooklyn a faction led by state Sen. Marty Golden tried — and failed [so far] — to boot party chairman Craig Eaton. Senator Golden (R–Bay Ridge) and his supporters wanted to replace Mr. Eaton with Timothy Cochrane — a former Conservative Party congressional candidate — claiming that Eaton had failed to enlarge the Republican base or challenge long-sitting Democratic electeds. To unseat Eaton, Mr. Golden’s faction – named “Republicans for Change” – brought 565 proxies — signed affidavits from executive committee members not present at the convention allowing him to vote in their stead. But the party’s credentials committee — a four-person body appointed by Eaton to decide the legitimacy of proxies — threw out 295 of the affidavits before they could be counted, arguing that they were invalid because Golden had collected them before the convention was officially called on Sept. 24. After a raucous 5-hour debate, voters in the room backed Cochrane over Eaton 66–20. But Eaton had 420 proxy votes with him — which trumped the 270 Golden was left with after the credentials committee’s decision, for a final tally of 440 votes for Eaton against 336 for Cochrane. Cochrane and his supporters vowed a lawsuit against the party to force it to count the tossed-out votes, arguing that there is no rule against gathering proxies before the declaration of a convention, according to The Brooklyn Paper. “I believe that I will be named the rightful Chairman soon,” Mr. Chocrane told YWN. “The party deserves leadership that is not self-serving and that will empower, unite and uplift its membership, not divide and suppress growth because it fears it members having an independent voice.” Back in Queens, according to Party officials, Mr. Ragusa won re-election as chair by 52 percent to Bob Turner’s 48 percent of the vote. But Councilmember Eric Ulrich said Turner in fact had higher tallies than reported and had the support of “a clear majority” of voters. There was no independent monitor in the room to count the votes, he said according to the Queens Courier, and the Party’s leadership had thrown out valid proxies. “The county’s members are using fuzzy math,” Ulrich said. “Their attempts to disqualify the proxy votes of duly elected county committee members are shameful. When every single vote is counted, it is clear that Bob Turner is the chairman.” Both Turner and Ragusa have submitted certificates of election with the state and city Board of Elections. Ragusa released a statement, saying he had been declared the “clear winner.” “I am honored and humbled by the show of support given to me by Queens County Committee and State Committee members,” he said. “I will continue to lead the party honorably and faithfully and will work to unify the party

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CD48 – Theresa Scavo Emerges As Frontrunner in the Democratic Primary

Starting the race as a perceived underdog, Theresa Scavo has emerged as the favorite to win the September 10 Democratic primaries in the 48th Council district. Her Democratic challengers are Chaim Deutsch, Igor Oberman, Ari Kagan and Natraj Bhushan. Waiting for these candidates on the Republican side for the general election is former State Senator David Storobin, who also has also secured the Conservative, Independence and School Choice lines. Bhushan is a young attorney who has had a hard time gaining traction, raising only $4,465, most of it from himself and his family. With only about a thousand dollars left in his campaign, it is questionable whether he’ll be able to continue, as he’s even had trouble earning the support of his fellow Pakistani-Americans because their community leaders are close to Councilman Mike Nelson who’s backing Deutsch. Other Democratic candidates have all been on a massive spending spree with Deutsch at $63,258, Oberman at $64,372 (including liabilities he owes), and Kagan spending the most at $64,820. By law, those who participate in the matching funds program – which every CD48 candidate is – are limited to spending $168,000 on the primary. Much of their spending was on consultants and paid campaign workers. The need to spend this much came from the lack of volunteer help these candidates have been confronted with. In sharp contrast, Ms. Scavo spent only $14,160, less than a quarter what the others spent. According to reliable sources who have spoken to YWN, she has over 90 volunteers helping her campaign. The volunteers come not only from her own contacts, but also due to the support for Scavo from all the local Democratic clubs: the 41st, the 45th and the 46th, each with hundreds of regular primary voters. Kagan has the official support of the Brooklyn Democratic Chairman Frank Seddio, but his base is in Mill Basin and Canarsie. Seddio’s base is also more liberal, while the local CD48 clubs are known to take centrist positions that are more in line with local voters. What’s more interesting is the fact that during petitioning, Seddio quietly sent half his available people to help Scavo, helping her as much as he helped Kagan. Surprising many, Scavo got the support of the Sephardic community, both their media and their community leaders. As the Chairperson of Community Board 15, which covers much of the Sephardic-majority areas, she’s had the chance to establish good will by helping many in that community, and they are now helping her in return. At the beginning of the race, political observers believed that as fellow Orthodox Jews, the Sephardic community would side with Chaim Deutsch, but that does not seem to have happened. Sephardic Jews make up close to 10% of the voters in the Democratic primary. Less surprising is the support Scavo, an Italian-American, received from Catholic voters, who are her natural base. She also has the support of the key secular Jews in the district, including Assemblyman Steven Cymbrowitz and the long-time district leader Mike Geller. Showing his strength and popularity, last year Cymbrowitz, who’s neither Orthodox nor Russian, defeated Ben Akselrod, who’s both Orthodox and Russian, despite the fact that his district is made up overwhelmingly of these two groups. Cymbrowitz’s Assembly district overlaps significantly with CD48. Catholics and secular Jews make up

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CD48 – Candidates Square Off At Manhattan Beach Jewish Center Debate

In what is believed to be a competitive race in the Democratic September 10th primary, the candidates vying to replace Mike Nelson as councilman in the 48th Council district squared off, Wednesday night, in a live debate over who’s best suited to represent the redrawn Multi-racial district. Former State Senator David Storobin, the only Republican in the race, put in another dominant debate performance, with Chaim Deutsch also looking strong during the forum sponsored by the Jewish Press, Shorefront Y and the Manhattan Beach Jewish Center. Mr. Deutsch relied on his personal life experience to connect with the audience and to describe his strengths as a candidate. He came off as likeable and knowledgeable. Storobin’s performance, on the other hand, was highly passionate as he repeatedly argued why Republican and Conservative principles are best for this district. Last year, Storobin routed Lew Fidler in their two debates, coming back from 30% behind in just 20 days following their first debate, which was broadcast on NY1. Last night, he once again displayed an ability to argue for school vouchers, lower taxes and job creation, drawing the heaviest applause from the audience. In contrast, Democratic hopeful Ari Kagan fidgeted uncomfortably during every answer. Mr. Kagan was also the only candidate to draw boos during the debate when he declared his support for the embattled City Comptroller John Liu, who three days ago lost all government funding of his campaign because of allegations of impropriety that led to his staffers being indicted and convicted. Kagan failed to respond to Storobin’s claim that the fact that he got UFT endorsement and financial backing means he can never support school vouchers or funding for private schools. Also participating was Igor Oberman, the first Russian-American judge, who displayed professional demeanor worthy of his position as a judge. He argued that he would be a good steward of City funds because as Co-op President he not only balanced the budget, but even managed to reduce maintenance fees despite the building being damaged by Hurricane Sandy. Last but not least was Theresa Scavo, the chairwoman of Community Board 15, which includes Manhattan Beach, among other neighborhoods. She displayed excellent knowledge of community issues, insisting that her experience would make her a strong Councilperson. (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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Lhota, Catsimatidis Wooing GOP Voters In Republican Strongholds

They might be the forgotten ones, but the Republicans also have a primary to choose their nominee for mayor in hope to maintain power after 20 year of consecutive Republican control. Below the radar, Republican candidates John Catsimatidis and Joe Lhota have both been spending a lot of time courting voters in southern Brooklyn, a Republican stronghold, in recent days, The Brooklyn Eagle reports. With six weeks to go before the Sept. 10 primary, both Catsimatidis and Lhota are pulling out all the stops in an attempt to get the marginal deciding vote in what seems to be a dead heat at this point. On June 29th, Catsimatidis held a ribbon cutting ceremony to mark the grand opening of his new campaign office in Bay Ridge. This marks the eighth office the candidate has opened in the city and the second in Brooklyn, according to his campaign. The candidate was joined at the ribbon cutting by his wife Margo Catsimatidis and by Brooklyn Republican Party Chairman Craig Eaton and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis (R-C-Bay Ridge-Staten Island), both of whom have endorsed his bid for mayor. “The largest percentages of Republicans in the city are in southern Brooklyn,” Ms. Malliotakis told the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. “It shows the attention John has given to our community in this campaign. He has talked about the issues that matter to the people of our community; the B37 bus, property taxes, high water bills, the high tolls on the Verrazano Bridge. It shows that Brooklyn will get his full attention when he becomes mayor,” Malliotakis said. Meanwhile, Joe Lhota was also trying to woo southern Brooklyn voters over the weekend. He was the guest of honor at a barbeque hosted by the Brooklyn South Conservative Club at MCU Park in Coney Island prior to the Brooklyn Cyclones game on July 28. Mr. Lhota joined GOP City Council John Quaglione, David Storobin, Anthony Testaverde, and Andy Sullivan. All of the candidates above were endorsed by the Conservative Party in addition to their Republican line, giving Mr. Lhota at least one spot on the ballot regardless of the outcome in the GOP primary on September 10. (Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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