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LA Court Orders Pro-Palestinian Protesters To Pay $1.6 Million To Victim Of Violent Attack

A Los Angeles Superior Court Judge has ruled that two protesters involved in a violent antisemitic attack outside a Los Angeles restaurant in May 2021 must pay $1.6 million in damages to the victim, Mher Hagopian. The attack, captured on video, showed a group of individuals yelling antisemitic profanities, throwing objects, and physically assaulting diners at Sushi Fumi restaurant. Hagopian, who is not Jewish, protected his Jewish friends and other diners from the mob, suffering severe physical and emotional harm in the process. The court awarded punitive damages due to the egregious nature of the attack, including explicit antisemitic hate speech exchanged via text messages. The defendants’ messages included statements expressing pleasure in attacking Jews and seeking out Jewish individuals to harm. Two such texts say, “I never got to hit a Jew before so I’m Kinda Happy;” and “I need a blunt and then we go find Jews…” Hagopian’s legal team, led by Glaser Weil Associate Simon Moradzadeh, represented him pro bono, citing the importance of standing against hate crimes. Co-counsel Benny Khorsandi and Michael Yadegaran also praised Hagopian’s bravery, calling him a hero for risking his safety to protect others. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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REVEALED: Nukhba Terrorist’s Vile Lies Led To Arrest Of IDF Reservists

In a shocking revelation, it was revealed on Tuesday that IDF prosecutors called Hamas terrorists who were held at Sde Teiman and later released to Gaza and asked them if they had any testimony against IDF soldiers regarding their stay at Sde Teiman. The soldiers were arrested based on these terrorists’ testimonies, leading to a “revolt” by protesters who stormed two IDF bases. More details of the outrageous case are slowly being revealed. The terrorist who made the alleged claims was a Hamas commander in Jabaliya who took part in the October 7 massacre. Otzma Yehudit MK Limor Son Har-Melech took part in a meeting of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on Tuesday, at which the attorneys of some of the detained soldiers revealed that the terrorist was transferred from Ofer Prison to the Sde Teiman detention facility and was caught with a smuggled cell phone that he hid in his body. The soldiers were forced to remove the phone and as they did so, the terrorist began kicking and biting them, leading him to be injured in the orifice where he hid the phone. So what he did do? He accused the soldiers of sodomy, using his self-inflicted injuries as evidence. Additionally, the attorneys said that the terrorist assaulted one of the soldiers during the transfer and tried to steal a taser, leading the soldiers to call for assistance in restraining him. These were the ten soldiers who were detained. “This is a sad case where the defendants are soldiers who have been risking their lives for many months, while their families suffer greatly, in positions that no one else would fill – not the military police nor the prosecutors – who wouldn’t have lasted for even one day,” the attorneys said. The radically progressive Military Advocate General, Yafit Tomer-Yerushalmi, accepted the heinous terrorist’s version of events and arrested the reservists, many of whom left wives and children at home. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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VEEPSTAKES: Who Will Kamala Harris Choose To Be Her Running Mate?

President Joe Biden announced on Sunday that he is stepping down from the 2024 presidential race and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be his successor. This historic decision now raises the pressing question of who Harris will choose as her running mate if she secures the Democratic nomination. Here are some potential candidates who could join her on the ticket: Andy Beshear Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear has made a name for himself by winning and governing in a heavily Republican state. His success in turning a red seat blue in 2019 and securing reelection against a strong GOP challenger last year highlights his appeal. Beshear praised Biden’s decision to step down, calling it “in the best interest of our country and party.” Pete Buttigieg Known as “Mayor Pete” from his time as mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg gained national attention during the 2020 presidential race. He has been serving as Transportation Secretary under President Biden. At 42, Buttigieg’s youth and energy could be a valuable asset to Harris’s campaign. Roy Cooper North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has shown his electoral strength by winning governorships in a state that voted for Trump in the last two presidential elections. Cooper’s ability to turn North Carolina into a battleground state makes him a compelling choice for Harris. He recently praised Harris’s effectiveness during a joint rally. Mark Kelly Arizona Senator Mark Kelly is a key figure in the Democratic Party with a strong record since his 2020 election. While Kelly’s presence on the ticket could bolster Harris’s chances, his departure from the Senate would mean Arizona’s Democratic governor would need to appoint a replacement, potentially risking the seat. Wes Moore Maryland Governor Wes Moore is considered a rising star within the Democratic Party. His handling of state crises and his campaigning in battleground states have increased his visibility. Despite his potential, Moore would need to raise his national profile and gain more experience in federal politics. Gavin Newsom California Governor Gavin Newsom has emerged as a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, defending Biden and engaging in high-profile debates with Republican leaders. However, the fact that both he and Harris are from California could complicate their candidacy due to constitutional issues. JB Pritzker Illinois Governor JB Pritzker is another influential Democrat who has expressed strong support for Biden. With substantial personal wealth, Pritzker could self-fund a campaign, and his recent efforts to support abortion rights have further solidified his standing within the party. He will also host the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Josh Shapiro Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has been mentioned as a potential VP pick, given his popularity in a critical swing state. Shapiro’s leadership during crises and his unifying tone have earned him praise, though he would need to increase his national recognition before the general election. Gretchen Whitmer Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, a co-chair of the Biden-Harris campaign, has consistently been a powerhouse for Democrats. While she has been considered as a possible VP pick, Whitmer has stated her commitment to focusing on electing Democrats and opposing Trump. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Trade War Tactics: Businesses Buffer Tariffs with Strategic Storage

Discover how businesses use strategic storage to buffer against tariffs in trade wars, optimizing inventory and maintaining competitiveness. In today’s global economy, trade wars have become an unexpected chess game, with businesses caught in the crossfire. From the U.S.-China tariff tussle to Brexit’s impact on EU trade, companies worldwide are facing new challenges. Take, for instance, the American soybean farmers grappling with Chinese retaliatory tariffs, or European car manufacturers navigating potential U.S. auto taxes. Even tech giants aren’t immune, as semiconductor companies juggle supply chain disruptions. These trade tensions aren’t just political maneuvers; they’re reshaping business strategies, forcing companies to adapt quickly or risk being left behind in an increasingly unpredictable international marketplace. Tariff Impact on Business As trade wars escalate, businesses across industries are feeling the pinch of rising tariffs. These additional costs are squeezing profit margins and forcing companies to make tough decisions. Some are absorbing the costs, potentially risking their financial health, while others are passing the burden onto consumers, risking market share. Many businesses are seeking creative solutions to mitigate these impacts, with some turning to strategic inventory management.  This approach involves stockpiling goods before tariff implementation or finding alternative suppliers. However, this strategy requires careful planning and often additional storage space. For instance, some forward-thinking companies are utilizing business storage units in Clinton Township by NSA Storage to house excess inventory, allowing them to buy in bulk before tariff hikes and maintain steady prices for their customers. This tactic is helping businesses weather the storm of trade uncertainties while maintaining their competitive edge. Note: Interestingly, during the U.S.-China trade war, some Chinese manufacturers began shipping partially completed products to countries like Vietnam for final assembly, a practice known as “tariff engineering” to avoid higher duties. Strategic Storage Solution In the face of unpredictable trade wars, businesses are turning to strategic storage as a buffer against tariff uncertainties.  This approach offers several advantages: Ability to stockpile goods before tariff implementation Flexibility to buy in bulk when prices are favorable Improved inventory management and supply chain control Protection against supply disruptions Potential for cost savings in the long run By leveraging storage facilities, companies can create a cushion against sudden price hikes and ensure a steady supply of goods. This strategy aligns with best practices for small business inventory management as outlined by the U.S. Small Business Administration. It’s crucial, however, to balance storage costs with potential savings. As trade expert Dr. Emily Chen notes, “Strategic storage isn’t just about hoarding goods; it’s about creating a flexible buffer that allows businesses to navigate trade uncertainties while maintaining competitive pricing.” Choosing the Right Facility When implementing a strategic storage solution to buffer against tariffs, selecting the appropriate storage facility is crucial. Businesses need to consider factors such as location, security, accessibility, and climate control. A facility near major transportation hubs can reduce logistics costs, while robust security measures protect valuable inventory. 24/7 access allows for flexible inventory management, and climate control is essential for sensitive goods. Additionally, scalability is key – as trade situations evolve, storage needs may fluctuate. Some businesses opt for facilities offering short-term leases or flexible space options to accommodate these changes. It’s also worth considering tech-enabled facilities that offer inventory tracking systems, which can streamline operations and provide real-time data on stock levels. Expert

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Fire Safety Essentials for Propane Users

Propane cylinders may be designed tо withstand immense amounts оf pressure, but that doesn’t mean they won’t get damaged during transport. Gentle handling should be practiced during transit and all valve protection caps must remain attached at all times.   A propane storage cage offers a secure and well-ventilated environment for storing propane tanks outdoors, ensuring they are kept at an appropriate distance from buildings, property lines, and ignition sources. Safety Plan Boxes Propane is an environmentally-friendly fuel option, and one of the safest choices when used as an alternative to electricity or coal. But even though propane may pose little fire risk if stored or utilized improperly. A fire safety plan box іs an essential element іn ensuring proper fire safety for those who store оr use propane, such as commercial buildings, apartments, condominiums, schools, hospitals, оr any other facilities that store оr use this gas. This readily accessible box should house a comprehensive fire safety plan outlining procedures for emergencies. They enable firefighters quick access to a building’s fire safety plan containing contact details as well as sprinkler room locations and electrical shut off points for faster responses from firefighters in case of an emergency situation. Propane tanks should never be stored upright as heat, sunlight and movement can quickly increase pressure to dangerous levels. Instead, they should always be placed on an even surface in an open area with adequate ventilation – free from debris that could ignite. Propane Storage Cages Propane storage cages are essential in providing proper fire safety measures to anyone who stores or uses propane. By keeping gas cylinders away from sources of heat, water, and electricity to avoid physical damage that could cause leaks or ruptures and theft or overheating of cylinders they also protect them against theft or any tampering or theft – providing peace of mind when using or storing propane cylinders. Storing propane cylinders in easily accessible areas can increase their vulnerability to theft and explosions. Criminals might only want one cylinder, but finding multiple will tempt them into selling all at once and risking lives nearby. Propane cylinders should instead be stored in restricted access locations that are monitored with video surveillance to reduce theft risk. Propane tanks come equipped with relief valves designed to release excess pressure if it becomes too great. It is essential that this be regularly checked, and carbon monoxide detectors installed so you can quickly respond if there is a propane leak or fire. Also make sure that any cuts, gouges, denting or rusting on the tank could signal puncturing or leakage that requires further investigation. Safety Measures Propane can be a convenient and energy-efficient energy source; however, misuse can present serious fire risks. Propane systems must be installed and inspected by qualified technicians; fire safety measures such as ventilation must also be put in place in order to ensure safe operation of propane appliances. If a propane leak should occur, immediately sound the alarm, evacuate following your pre-planned evacuation route, and stay away from any ignition sources such as flames or combustion sources. Also consider installing carbon monoxide and smoke detectors in your home for added safety. Propane tanks should always be stored outside and upright – never inside or near combustible materials such as paper and textiles – while gas lines must

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Sister Of North Korean Leader Kim Calls South Korea’s Live-Fire Drills ‘Suicidal Hysteria’

The powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un called South Korea’s recent front-line live-fire drills “suicidal hysteria” as she threatened unspecified military steps Monday if further provoked. The warning by Kim Yo Jong came after South Korea performed firing exercises in its tense land and sea borders with North Korea in the past two weeks. The exercises were the first of their kind since South Korea suspended a 2018 agreement with the North aimed easing front-line military tensions in June. “The question is why the enemy kicked off such war drills near the border, suicidal hysteria, for which they will have to sustain terrible disaster,” Kim Yo Jong said in a statement carried by state media. She accused South Korea’s conservative government of deliberately escalating tensions as a way to escape a domestic political crisis. She said the riskiness of the South Korean drills is clear to everyone as they happened amid “a touch-and-go situation” established after the U.S., South Korea and Japan recently held a new military exercise that North Korea views as a security threat. “In case it is judged according to our criteria that they violated the sovereignty of (North Korea) and committed an act tantamount to a declaration of war, our armed forces will immediately carry out its mission and duty assigned by the (North Korean) Constitution,” she said, without elaborating. North Korea has been engaged in a provocative run of weapons tests since 2022. But its two recent tests — one on a missile with “a super-large warhead” and the other on a multiwarhead missile — drew widespread skepticism from South Korean officials and experts who said North Korea likely fabricated successful launches to cover up failed tests. In early June, South Korea fully suspend the 2018 inter-Korean military pact after North Korea flew balloons carrying manure, cigarette butts and waste paper across the border to protest South Korean activists scattering political leaflets in the North via their own balloons. The military agreement — reached during a short-lived era of reconciliation between the Koreas — required the two countries to cease all hostile acts at border areas, such as live-firing drills, aerial surveillance and psychological warfare. The deal had already been in the danger of collapse, with both Koreas taking steps in breach of it amid animosities over North Korea’s spy satellite launch last November. (AP)

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What Is A Diaphragm Pump Used For? Industrial Applications Explained

Have you ever wondered how industries manage to move various liquids, from water to thick slurries, without a hitch? The secret lies in a piece of equipment known as the diaphragm pump. Regardless of your industry, understanding how these pumps operate can give you valuable insights into their role in keeping things running smoothly.   This article discusses what a diaphragm pump is and explores its diverse industrial applications. So, if you’re curious about how these pumps make industrial processes more efficient, you’re in the right place. Dig in to discover the fascinating world of diaphragm pumps! What Is A Diaphragm Pump? Do you know how your heart pumps blood throughout your body? A diaphragm pump works in a similar way. Imagine a flexible diaphragm membrane constantly moving up and down. When it moves upwards, it creates a vacuum that sucks fluid in through an inlet valve. Then, as it moves back down, it forces that fluid out through an outlet port. This repetitive motion is how diaphragm pumps work their magic. They’re sturdy and can handle all sorts of liquids – thick ones and those with solid bits floating around. The key is that the rubber, plastic, or Teflon diaphragm continuously flexes to move the liquid. But before you get started, consider doing your due diligence on diaphragm pump parts and functions to understand how they operate and what maintenance they require. Familiarizing yourself with the pump will help ensure safe and proper usage when handling hazardous materials. Take your time to educate yourself first for secure chemical transfers. Industrial Applications Of Diaphragm Pumps Here are some of the areas that use diaphragm pumping applications: Chemical Processing When dealing with harsh chemicals like acids, bases, or solvents, you need equipment that can handle the job. That’s where diaphragm pumps come in handy. These rugged pumps can transfer even the most corrosive fluids without leaks or safety issues. Diaphragm pumps have a smart design that keeps hazardous liquids fully contained as they flow from one place to another—there’s no risk of dangerous spills or exposures. Whether in a chemical industry, lab, or any other situation with harsh chemicals, diaphragm pumps are the way to go. Food And Beverage Processing Industry The food and beverage processing sectors prioritize hygiene, making pumps that prevent contamination essential. For instance, smoothie bars use pumps to transfer thick fruit purees safely. Breweries rely on pumps that won’t taint beer flavors. And bakeries need equipment that maintains sanitation while handling heavy batters. Diaphragm pumps can easily clean and handle viscous liquids without risking contamination. They ensure products meet stringent quality standards consumers expect. With proper pump selection, businesses can move ingredients while upholding exceptional cleanliness. Water Treatment The water purification industry has unique equipment to get the job done right, and diaphragm pumps are one key player in the purification process. These pumps accurately add measured amounts of chlorine, lime, and other purification chemicals to the water supply. Their ability to transfer aggressive, thick chemicals without issue ensures sufficient and safe water treatment. Diaphragm pumps play a critical role in accurately putting the right purification chemicals into the water. Water treatment wouldn’t be nearly as effective without the reliable performance of these robust pumps. Pharmaceutical Industry Accuracy and immaculate cleanliness are priorities in pharmaceutical manufacturing. Diaphragm pumps excel

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“IT’S ALL ABOUT POLITICS”: Speaker Mike Johnson Assails Trump’s Felony Trial In Visit Outside Courthouse

U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson assailed the hush money case against Donald Trump Tuesday as an illegitimate “sham,” becoming the highest-ranking Republican to show up at court, embrace the former president’s claims of political persecution and attack the U.S. system of justice. It was a remarkable moment in modern American politics: The House speaker amplifying Trump’s defense and turning the Republican Party against the federal and state legal systems that are foundational to the U.S. government and a cornerstone of democracy. Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.” Outside the New York courthouse, he decried “this ridiculous prosecution that is not about justice.” He said, “It’s all about politics.” The speaker is leading a growing list of Republican lawmakers who are criticizing the American judicial system as they rally to Trump’s side, appearing at the courthouse to defend the party’s presumptive presidential nominee. Trump is accused of having arranged secret payments to a porn actress to hide negative stories during his successful 2016 campaign for president. With Trump stuck in court and barred by a judge’s gag order from criticizing witnesses or certain elements of the case, Johnson and the lawmakers are taking it upon themselves to attack the proceedings, now in a fourth week of witness testimony. They’re using the trial as a de facto campaign stop as they work to return the former president to the White House. In portraying the case against Trump as politically motivated, the Republicans are also laying the groundwork to dismiss its significance should the jury convict, and for potential challenges to the fall election, a rematch with President Joe Biden, a Democrat. Johnson was a chief architect of Trump’s efforts to challenge the 2020 presidential results ahead of the Jan. 6, 2021, mob assault on the U.S. Capitol, and last week he called the hush money trial and the other election-year cases against Trump a “borderline criminal conspiracy.” “It is election interference,” Johnson said Tuesday, insisting he was appearing on his own to back Trump, whom he called a friend. “And the American people are not going to let this stand.” Unlike other Republicans showing up to show their support, Johnson did not enter the courtroom where Trump is on trial, departing the scene following his remarks to reporters as he dashed back to Washington to open the House chamber for the day. Also with Trump on Tuesday were U.S. Rep. Byron Donalds of Florida and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum — both considered possible vice presidential candidates — as well as former GOP candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, one of Trump’s current top surrogates. U.S. Sens. JD Vance of Ohio and Tommy Tuberville of Alabama were among those who attended court on Monday. Trump’s campaign has lined up allies in recent days to appear at the New York courthouse to attack witnesses and others whom Trump is barred by a judge’s gag order from criticizing himself. Sen. Rick Scott of Florida said Monday that he appeared last week at the invitation of Trump senior advisor Susie Wiles. The campaign has said others volunteered to come to New York. “The Democrats are using the court system to go after and prosecute, criminally, a political opponent — that’s a crime,” Scott said over the weekend on Fox News.

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Republican Group Targeting GOP Incumbent Who Voted To Oust McCarthy

A political action committee that helps Republicans get elected to Congress is doing the unusual — spending more than $450,000 to defeat a GOP incumbent. That incumbent, conservative two-term Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., voted to remove former Rep. Kevin McCarthy as House speaker last fall. It’s just the latest example of how money is flowing into races involving some of the eight Republican lawmakers who voted along with Democrats to oust McCarthy. About $3.3 million has been spent on ads in the Virginia race going into Friday, according to the media tracking firm AdImpact. The ad buy underscores the internal divisions that have cracked open in the Republican Party since McCarthy’s ouster. The rancor has split the party on important House votes and spilled over into some of this year’s primary elections, too. The latest round of ad buys was unveiled on Monday and comes from Defending Main Street, a super PAC affiliated with nearly 90 Republican lawmakers in the Republican Main Street Partnership. The group describes its members as “conservative, governing Republicans.” It’s just the second time the group has worked to unseat a Republican incumbent. The first incumbent the group sought to unseat was then-Rep. Steve King of Iowa in 2020. King was removed from his committee assignments after lamenting that white supremacy and white nationalism had become offensive terms. He ended up losing in the GOP primary. Now the group is focused on Good. “We spend 99% of our money protecting incumbents and adding more mainstream conservatives to the House, but this was a unique situation,” said Sarah Chamberlain, the group’s president and CEO. Good has pushed Republicans to seek deeper federal spending cuts, even if that means risking a government shutdown. He leads the most conservative members of the Republican conference as chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, and has opposed the spending agreement McCarthy worked out with President Joe Biden so the government could continue paying its bills. When Speaker Mike Johnson split up a $95 billion aid package for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan into three separate votes, he voted no on each piece. Chamberlain said her group would have worked to defeat Good even if he had not voted to oust McCarthy because of his voting record. The ad purchased by the group doesn’t mention Good, but features an endorsement from a former local sheriff for Good’s opponent, state Sen. John McGuire, a former Navy SEAL. “Defending Kevin is not what Main Street does, though we 100% supported Kevin and are sorry that everything happened,” Chamberlain said of McCarthy. Groups coming in to support McGuire don’t make it a race about McCarthy, who recently himself called on his followers on X to contribute to the challenger’s campaign, saying McGuire “is ready to answer the call to serve our country again. Chip in $5 today.” But Good’s supporters clearly do want to make McCarthy an issue. In a fundraising pitch, an election group that works to expand the House Freedom Caucus said that McCarthy “and his establishment allies” were dumping millions of dollars into the race to defeat Good. And Diana Shores, Good’s campaign manager, said McCarthy is “on his revenge tour and he’s targeting conservative leaders like Congressman Bob Good who worked to oust him as speaker for his poor leadership.” Shores said in

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NO ESCALATION: Iranian Officials Downplay Scale Of IDF Attack, Suggest They Won’t Respond

Iranian officials say that they have no plans for immediate retaliation against Israel, following the IDF’s attack on Isfahan. A senior Iranian official is quoted as saying, “The foreign source of the incident has not been confirmed… We have not received any external attack, and the discussion leans more toward infiltration than attack.” Despite comments from some Israeli politicians seemingly accepting responsibility for the attack, Iranian officials have been purposely making believe Israel may have not been behind the attack – suggesting that Tehran may be seeking to avoid escalating tensions and risking full-blown war. In Israel, authorities have remained officially mum, but some politicians and former officials have spoken out about the strike. National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir tweeted a single word, “Weak!” which was met with criticism from opposition leaders. According to Israeli officials, the strike was intended to signal to Iran that Israel has the ability to reach Iran with its weapons. However, the response was tempered by international pressure to avoid further escalation. Former national security adviser Eyal Hulata stated, “It’s important Iran understand that when it acts against us, we have the ability to strike any point and we can do enormous damage… We have a capable air force and the US on our side.” As former national security adviser Ephraim Halevy noted, “It’s too early to say that it’s over… But there’s a difference between the Iranian attack and the Israeli response, which is intended to send a message and not result in widespread and significant damage.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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IDF Fighter Pilot: “I Downed Iranian Drones And Was Back In My Office By 4 P.M.”

An IDF fighter pilot spoke to The Telegraph about his experience defending Israel from the unprecedented Iranian attack overnight Motzei Shabbos. “Major G” said that thwarting the over 350 missiles and drones was “the most complex mission of my life.” “It really was a different thing with hundreds of those UAVs and missiles in the air getting intercepted around you, like Top Gun meets Star Wars, endless explosions and interceptions going on around you,” he said. “It was the most complicated mission I’ve done in 20 years in the Air Force, knowing that if there is a missed target, maybe it blows up in Israel.” “We flew in an amazing coalition with the US, UK and other forces and on the one hand it was a very aggressive attack coordinated by Iran, one which maybe we haven’t seen in modern warfare, but you’re seeing absolute defense in action.” Although Major G is well-trained for night missions and has flown for over 3,000 hours, searching for low-flying cruise missiles is a very dangerous mission for pilots. “It’s always harder to find and take down these targets in the night. They’re flying really low and so you fly low too but you’re unable to see the ground,” he said. “You rely on sensors, but at some points it’s really close. You’re seeing street lights or other things on the ground very close to you and it’s a very uncomfortable feeling. But we’re well trained for that and we’ve proven this time that we know how to get the job done.” Major G, who is a lawyer by profession, said that he was home with his wife and children when he was called. “They are already familiar with the situation when you get the call and grab the bag that’s always ready in the closet and you leave at a moment’s notice. It happens every now and then, but nothing as extreme as last Saturday.” But Major G. was back in his office by 4 p.m. on Sunday “shooting off emails” instead of missiles. “I took a shower, went to sleep for a few hours, woke up, had a great breakfast, and went back to work,” he said. “It’s a complicated transition but you learn how to do it as you go by. One minute you’re shooting down drones somewhere in the Middle East, risking your life, barely making it, with this huge responsibility on missions important for the entire country and people, then you go back to your day-to-day chores, you get the kids ready for school, take them to daycare, people harass you at work with their tasks which are important, but you have to get used to that diving in and out of that operational world.” He added that he has carried out many aerial missions since October 7th [in Gaza] but none were as significant or as dangerous as this one. “Here it was a whole battlefield, you see the ballistic missiles in the sky getting blown up, the fireballs as a target gets blown up, you’re flying low altitude at night, then when you fire your own missile blowing up that target right on your nose, that’s a pretty incredible frame to look at.” “It’s dark so you can’t see a lot but it’s in your radar lock.

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TIES FORGED BY ABRAHAM ACCORDS: UAE, Saudi Arabia Transmitted Intel About Iran’s Attack

Immediately after Israel eliminated Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi and other IRGC officers in Damacus and Iran vowed to retaliate, senior US officials began urging Arab countries to share intelligence about Iran’s plans and in the case of a major attack, to aid in intercepting drones and missiles, the Wall Street Journal reported on Monday. Although several of the Arab countries were wary of getting involved in the conflict and risking Iranian reprisal, after further talks with the US, the UAE and Saudi Arabia agreed to share intelligence and Jordan agreed to share its airspace with the US and other countries and use its own aircraft to intercept Iranian missiles and drones. Two days before the attack, Iran informed Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries of their intention to carry out an attack against Israel, sharing the outline and timing. The information was quickly transmitted to the US, allowing Washington and Jerusalem time to prepare. The White House then ordered the Pentagon to reposition aircraft and missile-defense resources to the area and led the the coordination of defense measures between Israel and the Arab countries, a senior Israeli official said. “The challenge was to bring all those countries around Israel” at a time when Israel is isolated in the region, the official said. “It was a diplomatic issue.” From the moment Iran launched the first missiles and drones, they were tracked by early warning radars in Persian Gulf countries linked to the U.S. operations center in Qatar, which transmitted the information to fighter jets from several countries in the airspace over Jordan and other countries, as well as to warships at sea and missile-defense batteries in Israel, officials said. The drones were shot down as soon as they came within range, mainly by IDF and US warplanes and in smaller numbers by British, French, and Jordanian warplanes. None of the drones or cruise missiles launched by Iran even reached Israeli airspace and only nine out of 130 ballistic missiles breached Israel’s air defense system and hit two of Israel’s air bases, but no significant damage was reported, a senior US official told ABC News. Although Arab countries have frequently shared intelligence on air-defense threats in the past, the coordinated defense to the attack “was the first time that we saw the alliance work at full power,” an Israeli official said, referring to the regional security cooperation efforts that began with the Abraham Accords. According to WSJ, “the formidable display of collective defense was the culmination of a decades-old but elusive U.S. goal to forge closer military ties between Israel and its longtime Arab adversaries in an effort to counter a growing common threat from Iran. “But the U.S.-led effort to protect Israel in the days and hours before the Iranian attack had to overcome numerous obstacles, including fears by Gulf countries at being seen as coming to Israel’s aid at a time when relations are badly strained by the war in Gaza. “Much of the cooperation Saturday night that led to the shooting down of the Iranian-directed barrage needed to be forged on the fly, and many details about the role played by Saudi Arabia and other key Arab governments are being closely held. “Israeli and the U.S. forces intercepted most of the Iranian drones and missiles. But they were able to do

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Biden And Xi Discuss Taiwan, AI And Fentanyl In Push To Return To Regular Leader Talks

President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed Taiwan, artificial intelligence and security issues Tuesday in a call meant to demonstrate a return to regular leader-to-leader dialogue between the two powers. The call, described by the White House as “candid and constructive,” was the leaders’ first conversation since their November summit in California produced renewed ties between the two nations’ militaries and a promise of enhanced cooperation on stemming the flow of deadly fentanyl and its precursors from China. Xi told Biden that the two countries should adhere to the bottom line of “no clash, no confrontation” as one of the principles for this year. “We should prioritize stability, not provoke troubles, not cross lines but maintain the overall stability of China-U.S. relations,” Xi said, according to China Central Television, the state broadcaster. The roughly 105 minute call kicks off several weeks of high-level engagements between the two countries, with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen set to travel to China on Thursday and Secretary of State Antony Blinken to follow in the weeks ahead. Biden has pressed for sustained interactions at all levels of government, believing it is key to keeping competition between the two massive economies and nuclear-armed powers from escalating to direct conflict. While in-person summits take place perhaps once a year, officials said, both Washington and Beijing recognize the value of more frequent engagements between the leaders. The two leaders discussed Taiwan ahead of next month’s inauguration of Lai Ching-te, the island’s president-elect, who has vowed to safeguard its de-facto independence from China and further align it with other democracies. Biden reaffirmed the United States’ longstanding “One China” policy and reiterated that the U.S. opposes any coercive means to bring Taiwan under Beijing’s control. China considers Taiwan a domestic matter and has vigorously protested U.S. support for the island. Taiwan remains the “first red line not to be crossed,” Xi told Biden, and emphasized that Beijing will not tolerate separatist activities by Taiwan’s independence forces as well as “exterior indulgence and support,” which alluded to Washington’s support for the island. Biden also raised concerns about China’s operations in the South China Sea, including efforts last month to impede the Philippines, which the U.S. is treaty-obligated to defend, from resupplying its forces on the disputed Second Thomas Shoal. Next week, Biden will host Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida at the White House for a joint summit where China’s influence in the region was set to be top of the agenda. Biden, in the call with Xi, pressed China to do more to meet its commitments to halt the flow of illegal narcotics and to schedule additional precursor chemicals to prevent their export. The pledge was made at the leaders’ summit held in Woodside, California, last year on the margins of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting. At the November summit, Biden and Xi also agreed that their governments would hold formal talks on the promises and risks of advanced artificial intelligence, which are set to take place in the coming weeks. The pair touched on the issue on Tuesday just two weeks after China and the U.S. joined more than 120 other nations in backing a resolution at the United Nations calling for global safeguards around the emerging technology. Biden, in the call,

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Iran Vows Response After Israeli Airstrike Demolishes Consulate In Syria, Kills Senior Commander

Iran and one of its key proxies vowed Tuesday to respond to a strike widely attributed to Israel that demolished Iran’s consulate in the Syrian capital of Damascus and killed eight people, including two Iranian generals. Iran’s state TV reported Tuesday that the country’s Supreme National Security Council, a key decision-making body, met late Monday and decided on a “required” response to the strike. The report said the meeting was chaired by President Ebrahim Raisi, but provided no further details. Israel has repeatedly targeted military officials from Iran, which supports militant groups fighting Israel in Gaza, and along its border with Lebanon. Monday’s strike in Damascus signaled an escalation because it struck an Iranian diplomatic mission. It was not clear if Iran would respond itself, risking a dangerous confrontation with Israel and its ally the United States, or if it would continue to rely on proxies, including Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia and Yemen’s Houthi rebels. The airstrike in Syria killed Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi, who led the elite Quds Force in Lebanon and Syria until 2016, according to Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. It also killed Zahedi’s deputy, Gen. Mohammad Hadi Hajriahimi, and five other officers. Hezbollah said Tuesday that Zahedi played a crucial role in helping “develop and advance the work” of the group in Lebanon. A Hezbollah member was also killed in Monday’s strike, bringing the overall death toll to eight. Hezbollah announced the death of Hussein Youssef on Tuesday, but did not provide further details. “This crime will certainly not pass without the enemy receiving punishment and revenge,” Hezbollah said in a statement. Since the outbreak of the war in Gaza nearly six months ago, those proxies have stepped up attacks, leading to near daily cross-border exchanges between Hezbollah and Israel, and frequent Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping. Hamas, which rules Gaza and attacked Israel on Oct. 7, is also backed by Iran. Israel, which rarely acknowledges strikes against Iranian targets, said it had no comment on the latest attack in Syria, although a military spokesman blamed Iran for a drone attack early Monday against a naval base in southern Israel. Israel has grown increasingly impatient with the daily exchanges of fire with Hezbollah, which have escalated in recent days, and warned of the possibility of a full-fledged war. Houthi rebels have also been launching long-range missiles toward Israel, including on Monday. Iran’s official news agency IRNA said Tuesday that Iran relayed an important message to the United States late Monday and that it called for a meeting of the U.N. Security Council. The message to Washington was delivered through a Swiss envoy in Tehran; Switzerland looks after U.S. interests in Iran. IRNA said Iran holds the United States, Israel’s closest ally, responsible for the strike. Meanwhile amid ongoing tensions in the Red Sea, the U.S. Central Command said early Tuesday that its forces had destroyed a Houthi unmanned surface vessel the previous day. CENTCOM said the vessel posed “a threat to U.S. and coalition forces and merchant vessels in the region.” (AP)

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OUTRAGEOUS: Parents Say Their Sons’ Lives In Gaza Are Endangered Due To Qatari Assets

Almost a hundred parents of IDF commando soldiers in the Egoz Unit wrote an angry letter to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and IDF Chief of Staff Hertzi HaLevi stating that their sons’ lives are being endangered due to orders not to harm buildings in Gaza donated by Qatar. ‘We are a group of parents of commandos of the Egoz unit…who since October 7th, have been risking their lives in battles against a barbaric and murderous enemy,” the letter stated. “More than once or twice we’ve been privy to extremely serious situations in which it seems that the lives of our soldier sons are not a priority – as is evident in an order to clear out a Hamas ‘hospital’ (!) while risking their lives as well as is evident in battles in alleys before they were bombed and in high-rise buildings that can be cleared out by setting them on fire or artillery, as well as other incidents.” “Furthermore, we learned that Qatari-owned buildings receive immunity and there are instructions to minimize damage and our sons are forced to carry out surgical strikes instead of aggressive crushing, at the expense of their personal safety. Just last Friday, Sergeant-Major Alon Kudriashov, H’yd was killed and soldiers from the unit were injured. Today, Sgt. First Class Sivan Weil, H’yd, died of his wounds. We fear that this incident is the result of tying their hands from burning the houses, which would reduce the risk to their lives. ” “Can you testify that the lives of our sons are more important to you than public relations with the United States and the world? We demanded answers from the brigade commander but we didn’t get any, and we understand that this isn’t his decision but is the policy of the cabinet and the senior command.” “The lives of our sons are more precious than the lives of the enemy population or other interests. We demand of you: we entrust to you the most precious thing to us, protect the lives of our soldiers sons! The consequences of the terrible failure of the October 7th massacre must not continue into the conduct of the war – on the backs of our fighting sons.” Following the report, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir wrote a letter to Netanyahu demanding that he summon Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for an investigation regarding the needless endangerment of soldiers’ lives in Gaza. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Washington Post: Can Sinwar Be Killed Without Sacrificing Israeli Hostages?

Israeli officials are confident that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is still hiding inside “a labyrinthine network of tunnels surrounded by a human shield of hostages intended to deter an operation to capture or kill him,” the Washington Post reported. According to the report, US officials agree with the Israeli assessment that Sinwar is hiding in tunnels surrounded by hostages underneath his hometown of Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, where he was born in 1962. Israeli and US intelligence sources told the Post that even if Sinwar’s exact hiding place is uncovered, it would be extremely challenging to carry out an operation to eliminate him without endangering the hostages. “‘Sinwar can be found but killing him risks hostages’ lives too. It’s not about locating him, it’s about doing something without risking the lives of the hostages,’ sources told the paper.” The report added that sources familiar with the details  said that “analysts in American military intelligence agencies are helping Israel in the process of mapping out Hamas tunnels – using ‘powerful analytic technologies’ that combine various data outputs.” “The sources added that American intelligence agencies are helping Israel analyze encrypted communication and information extracted from computer hard drives, as well as processing information obtained via questioning and investigations.” The report continues by discussing how crucial the goal of killing is to the broader war effort. “Killing Sinwar would be a huge strategic and symbolic victory for Israel. But some experts question whether eliminating a single leader will bring the government closer to Netanyahu’s stated goal of totally destroying Hamas, which critics say is an ill-defined and unrealistic objective.” “’Killing Sinwar would be exercising pure justice. In fact, he deserves to die more than once,’ said Alon Pinkas, a veteran Israeli diplomat and former senior-level adviser. ‘For Israelis he represents evil incarnate, but there should be no doubt: Getting him will not ‘eradicate,’ ‘annihilate’ or ‘topple’ Hamas. Nor would it represent a victory. It would be a justified retribution exacted on one man and it would make Israelis feel there’s justice and a measure of closure. Nothing more, nothing less.’” “But the fate of Sinwar remains crucial to the outcome of the war, even if the definition of victory changes. Some officials involved in talks about a potential settlement have discussed allowing Sinwar to leave Gaza and go into exile, although it remains unclear whether he would agree and what country, if any, would be willing to accept him, said one Arab official.” “Another former Mossad officer, also still in close touch with his colleagues, argued that killing Sinwar and his lieutenants was important, but only one piece of a broader requirement to destroy Hamas’s military capability, for which an assault on Rafah is essential.” “‘Removing Sinwar will not end the war, but it could hasten Hamas’s demise,’ said one person close to senior Israeli leadership.” “’It would, we estimate, encourage more Gazans to speak out and take on responsibility without Hamas,’ this person said. ‘And it would sever vital ties between Hamas and its international network. We know of course someone else would step into his shoes, but it would either lead to a split or a tremendously weakened Hamas.’” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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BIBI BLASTS: Netanyahu Scolds IDF Over Drill Simulating Jews Kidnapping Arabs

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi has issued an apology for a recent military drill which simulated a kidnapping attack by Jews in the West Bank, sparking major backlash. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a scathing statement over the drill: “This fictitious scenario is detached from reality, undeserving and does an injustice to an entire and dear public, the residents of Judea and Samaria, at a time when many of them are fighting and also giving their lives in defense of Israel. I am not prepared to accept such insensitivity toward our brothers and sisters in Judea and Samaria.” The blowback over the exercise forced Chief of Staff Halevi to apologize. “The IDF fights in all arenas, and in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank], forces face brutal terrorism in a complex environment. The exercise carried out yesterday was designed to prepare the forces to deal with a wide variety of scenarios, with the aim of improving their readiness,” explained Halevi. “However, the scenario in question should not have been practiced and is an error.” The Chief of Staff emphasized the commitment to accountability and improvement following the incident: “We will investigate and learn, and we are sorry to anyone who was hurt by this.” He also praised the dedication of troops in the West Bank, particularly highlighting the efforts of Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox and his team, who “work around the clock while risking their lives for the security of the residents.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Wall Street Journal: As Much Of 80% Of Hamas Tunnels Remain Intact

A report in the Wall Street Journal on Sunday said that US and Israeli officials estimate as much as 80% of Hamas’s “vast warren of tunnels under Gaza” are still intact even after weeks of IDF forces risking their lives to destroy them. “Hamas’s strategy revolves around the tunnels—it is their center of gravity. They needed the tunnels to level the battlefield with the IDF,” said Mick Mulroy, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense and officer in the Marine Corps and Central Intelligence Agency. “The tunnels are where Hamas planned [before Oct. 7] to wait out Israel’s political will as Israel faced pressure for a cease-fire.” Israel’s goal to destroy the tunnels is hampered by the fact that the hostages are being held in the tunnels. According to a senior Israeli military official, some of the hostages are being held in a command center in a tunnel under Khan Younis – in the same location as Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, who is using them as human shields. Due to the presence of the hostages, the IDF is using an approach of focusing on clearing “nodes” within the tunnels rather than destroying the entire system. “It’s a very hard mission. It’s done slowly, very carefully. It’s urban warfare unseen globally,” the official said. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Could It Escalate? A Look At What Is Behind Iran And Pakistan’s Airstrikes

This week’s airstrikes between Iran and Pakistan that killed at least 11 people mark a significant escalation in fraught relations between the neighbors. Long-running, low-level insurgencies on either side of the border have frustrated both countries, and the apparent targets of the strikes — Iran’s on Tuesday and Pakistan’s response on Thursday — were insurgent groups whose goal is an independent Baluchistan for ethnic Baluch areas in Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan. The question is why Iran and Pakistan would choose to strike insurgents in each other’s territories rather than their own, considering the risk of a wider conflagration. THE BACKGROUND Iran and Pakistan share a 900-kilometre (560-mile), largely lawless border where smugglers and militants roam freely. Both countries have suspected each other of supporting, or at least behaving leniently toward some of the groups operating on the other side of the border. Jaish al-Adl, the Sunni separatist group that Iran targeted on Tuesday, is believed to operate out of Pakistan, launching attacks on Iranian security forces. The Baluch Liberation Army, which was formed in 2000 and has launched attacks against Pakistani security forces and Chinese infrastructure projects, is suspected of hiding out in Iran. WHY DID PAKISTAN RETALIATE? Pakistan said its strikes in Iran on Thursday were aimed at hideouts of the Baluchistan Liberation Army and the Baluchistan Liberation Front. It also wanted to send a message to Iran and other neighbors that it can fight back if provoked. The last time Pakistan retaliated against a neighboring country was in 2019, when it downed two Indian warplanes and captured a pilot in the disputed Kashmir region. It followed an Indian strike inside Pakistan against what New Delhi said was a terrorist training camp. WHY NOW? Iran and Pakistan have long had a volatile relationship, but these strikes are likely prompted by internal dynamics. Tehran has been experiencing a growing pressure for some kind of action after a deadly Islamic State group attack earlier this month, Israel’s war on Iran’s ally, Hamas, and wider unrest against its theocracy. Pakistan’s attack on Thursday also served a domestic purpose, according to analysts. “The government and military have been under immense pressure (since Tuesday),” said Abdullah Khan from the Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies think-tank in Islamabad. “The public perception of a strong army is not as it used to be, so it had to respond.” COULD THE SITUATION ESCALATE? Iran’s military on Thursday began a planned annual air defense drill stretching from its port of Chabahar near Pakistan in the east, all the way across the country to its border with Iraq in the west. The drill will include live fire from aircraft, drones and air defense systems. Fresh strikes by Iran and Pakistan cannot be ruled out, although this week’s attacks raise questions about the preparedness of their own militaries, particularly their radar and air defense systems. For Pakistan, such systems are crucial given its constant, low-level tensions with its nuclear-armed rival, India. Its equipment has long been deployed along that frontier, rather than its border with Iran. Separately, Iran relies on radar and air defense systems in the case of potential strikes by its main enemy, the United States. WHAT THE AIRSTRIKES MEAN FOR IRAN AND PAKISTAN Launching these strikes allows Tehran to point to it directly taking military

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“This conversation is Over!” Biden “Running Out Of Patience” With Netanyahu – Axios

According to Axios News Agency, President Biden and top U.S. officials are increasingly exasperated with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s dismissive response to their recent proposals concerning the war in Gaza. This sentiment emerges despite Biden’s robust support for Israel since the Hamas attack 100 days ago, as conveyed by four U.S. officials familiar with the matter. The backing from the Biden administration, featuring unprecedented military and diplomatic aid, has continued, even amidst political repercussions for Biden during an election year. However, behind the scenes, patience seems to be wearing thin. “The situation sucks and we are stuck. The president’s patience is running out,” a U.S. official expressed to Axios. Senator Chris Van Hollen, in touch with U.S. officials regarding the war, added, “At every juncture, Netanyahu has snubbed Biden.” The strain in relations is evident from the lack of communication between Biden and Netanyahu since a tense phone call on December 23, breaking their almost daily contact during the war’s initial two months. This call ended abruptly with Biden’s declaration: “This conversation is over,” following Netanyahu’s refusal to release Palestinian tax revenues. Despite John Kirby, National Security Council spokesperson, attempting to minimize the significance of reduced communications, the frustration is becoming increasingly apparent. Central to Biden’s frustration is Netanyahu’s resistance to U.S. priorities, including the release of Palestinian tax revenues and insufficient efforts to facilitate humanitarian aid into Gaza. Moreover, Netanyahu’s reluctance to engage in serious discussions about post-war plans and his rejection of a U.S.-proposed role for a reformed Palestinian Authority in post-Hamas Gaza has heightened concerns. U.S. officials worry Israel might not scale down its Gaza operations by the end-of-January deadline, risking Biden’s continued support level for Israel’s military campaign. In response to these frustrations, an NSC spokesperson told Axios that the administration is concentrating on ensuring Israel’s defense capabilities against Hamas, increasing aid to Gaza to relieve Palestinian civilian suffering, and collaborating with Israel to secure the release of all hostages. During Secretary of State Tony Blinken’s recent visit to Israel, tensions within the White House and State Department intensified. Although Netanyahu agreed to allow a UN mission into northern Gaza, his concessions were limited. Blinken openly criticized the Israeli government’s post-war plans as unrealistic and emphasized that Arab nations would not assist in Gaza’s rebuilding and governance without Israeli concessions. Blinken’s meetings revealed that Netanyahu’s withholding of Palestinian tax revenues is obstructing U.S. efforts for Palestinian Authority reforms. The Biden administration is now exploring a potential mega-deal with Saudi Arabia, including a historic peace deal with Israel, contingent on Israel’s commitment to a two-state solution. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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BD”E: Petirah Of Legendary Philanthropist And Baal Chesed R’ Naftali Tessler Z”L

The Jewish community of Chicago, and the Jewish world at large, lost a giant on Tuesday morning with the petirah of R’ Naftali (Rudolph) Tessler z”l. Sadly, he was Niftar while sitting Shiva for his brother (age 91) who survived Aushwitz together with him. His brother was niftar 3 days ago. R’ Naftali was born in 1926 to R’ Shlomo and Esther Tessler in Viseu, Romania. R’ Shlomo z”l was a talmid of the Vishiveh Rav, the Keren L’David, and this close familial relationship with such an adam gadol greatly influenced the young Naftali. On Wednesday, May 24, 1944 the Tessler family arrived in Auschwitz. R’ Naftali, his father and two of his brothers, were separated from the rest of his 67 members of his extended family who were immediately taken to the gas chambers. For the following year, R’ Naftali endured the unspeakable horrors of the concentration and work camps, yet all the while maintained his Emunah and passionate desire to live which enabled him to survive. It was in the work camps when R’ Naftali first interacted with the great Klausenberger Rebbe, risking his own life to perform labor on the Rebbe’s behalf. On a death march at the end of the war also, he helped to carry the Rebbe thereby saving the Rebbe’s life. B’chasdei Hashem, R’ Naftali survived the war along with his father and two of his brothers – R’ Baruch and R’ Mendel. In 1947, at just 21 years old, R’ Naftali came to America. Several years later, he met his wife, Edith (Chaya Sarah), nee Hoffman a”h. Together they built a majestic family in Chicago where he lived for nearly seventy years. R’ Naftali was tremendously instrumental in the growth of the Torah community of Chicago and was ראש וראשון לכל דבר שבקדושה. His involvement in communal matters was not limited to his generous philanthropy. It was with the strength of his persona and his bold determination that he built numerous mosdos spanning from Chicago to B’nei Brak, Netanya, Migdal Ha’emek and beyond. R’ Naftali had the ear of politicians and men of influence from all walks of life and he utilized his connections to help individuals and the community at large. To the many who knew R’ Naftali, he was larger than life. He set high goals for himself, and elevated all who had a relationship with him. In his lifetime R’ Naftali was a legend, stories of his greatness will be told for generations to come. R’ Naftali Tessler is survived by his children, Mrs. Fradel Mandel (Lawrence), R’ Dovid Tessler (Chicago) and R’ Mordecai Tessler (Chicago); numerous grandchildren, great-grandchildren and a great-great-grandson. A levaya is taking place in Chicago on Wednesday, with a second at the Vizhnitz Yeshiva in Bnei Brak that was built through his philanthropy. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Lost Midrash and The Pre-History of Chanukah

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman If we delve into the prehistory of Chanukah, we learn all sorts of interesting new information.  When we combine this information with Midrashim – it enhances our understanding even more.  Finally, when we unearth lost midrashim and combine it all together – the information can be downright fascinating. LOST MIDRASHIM It is a sad fact that over 90% of our Midrashim have been lost. This is due primarily to the seizure of manuscripts and seforim by the Catholic Church in Europe. How do we know that this is the percentage that was lost? The answer is that it can be culled from a statistical analysis of the sheer numbers of Midrashim quoted in the Drashos of the Rishonim that are simply not there. Nine out of ten times that a Rishon cites a Midrash – it is not to be found. ***There is an almanah who has undergone a severe trauma and is in need of some serious assistance.  Rabbi Yair Hoffman and Rabbi Zvi Gluck are both familiar with this situation.  Please help and Tizku l’Mitzvos*** Below we find a Midrash cited by the Bach that can only be found in in Eisenstadt’s Otzar HaMidrashim (p. 93). Boruch Hashem, this one was not lost entirely, but others, unfortunately were. The Bach writes (Orech Chaim 670:4): “That evil one [Antiochus] decreed to abolish the Korban Tamid and he further said to them: They have one particular practice in their hands – if you abolish it from their hands, then they will already be lost. Which practice is it? The lighting of the Menorah – as it states, “l’haalos bah ner tamid – to light in it a constant lamp – there is a drasha the entire time that they will light it, they shall be constant – they shall always endure. They then went and made impure all of the oils. When Klal Yisroel returned and did Teshuvah, risking their lives for the Avodah – then Hashem saved them. This happened through the Kohanim – those that served Hashem. And then a miracle happened also with the lamps.” HIS BROTHER BEFORE HIM This author would like to suggest that the Midrash fits quite nicely into some of the historical background of Chanukah. Antiochus’s brother was the Seleucid/Greek ruler who had reigned before him. His name was Seleucus the IV – Philopater. It seems that Seleucus the IV, actually had much respect for the Beis HaMikdash. He gave gifts to the Beis HaMikdash and initially allowed an exemption of his tax revenue – any Korban brought to the Beis HaMikdash. The sources indicate that it was not just him who esteemed and gave gifts to the Beis HaMikdash – his predecessors did as well. Eventually, Seleucus IV fell under extraordinary pressure. He had lost a war with Rome and had to pay them war debt. He sent his minister Heliodorus to the Beis HaMikdash to collect money out of its treasury. In the years before the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes IV – the villain of Chanukah, Heliodorus succeeded in getting that money out of the Beis HaMikdash treasury. When he returned from Yerushalayim back to Seleucus IV – Heliodorus assassinated his king! Heliodorus then took the throne for himself. Seleucus’ son should have been the true

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Zaka Announces Massive Unity Concert For Israel

*Zaka Announces Massive Unity Concert For Israel* Zaka, the world-renowned organization of Chesed Shel Emes, has just opened ticket sales for “One Heart One Song”, a unity concert featuring Jewish Music’s biggest stars. We’re all feeling broken up about the situation in Israel. We all want to help, but many of us don’t know how. One thing is certain. We can all use a night of achdus and chizuk, to come together as one nation. Since the moment the first siren sounded in Israel on October 7, Zaka’s volunteers have been on the front lines, risking their lives, and performing true Chesed Shel Emes. They have been working round-the-clock to identify our fallen brothers and sisters, and to make sure they have an honorable burial.  While Zaka volunteers practice the utmost mesiras nefesh on every level, they need our support to make sure they have the necessary equipment to stay safe, and to continue their holy work. With this goal in mind, Zaka has just announced a massive unity concert titled “One Heart One Song”. This incredible evening of achdus and solidarity will include a star-studded lineup including Avraham Fried, Yaakov Shwekey, Mordechai Shapiro, Benny Friedman and surprise stars. Rabbi Manis Friedman will be sharing words of inspiration, and leading the crowd in Tehillim for Eretz Yisroel. “With G-Ds help, this will be a truly unforgettable evening,” co-director Dovid Weinbaum, of DW Productions said. “We are working on a unique lineup of related songs. We want the feel to be uplifting, and uniting.” With your help, the show will raise much-needed funds to enable Zaka to carry on their holy work. The event will take place on Sunday, November 19 at The United Palace in Manhattan. Tickets are on sale now at For information and sponsorship opportunities, email [email protected].

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Hurricane Norma Makes Landfall Near Mexico’s Los Cabos As Tammy Threatens Islands In The Atlantic

Hurricane Norma made landfall near the resorts of Los Cabos at the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula on Saturday afternoon. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Norma, once a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall as a Category 1 hurricane with winds of 80 mph (130 kph) near el Pozo de Cota, west-northwest of Cabo San Lucas. Norma is expected to continue weakening over the weekend as it crosses into the Sea of Cortez, also known as the Gulf of California. While in the Atlantic, Hurricane Tammy was very near Antigua and threatened to batter the islands of the Lesser Antilles. Earlier on Saturday, businesses in Cabo San Lucas nailed up sheets of plywood over their windows, and government personnel hung up banners warning people not to try to cross gullies and stream beds after Norma regained strength and once again became a major storm Friday. Norma had weakened early Saturday and was downgraded to Category 1 on the hurricane wind scale. By early afternoon Norma was located 15 miles west-northwest of Cabo San Lucas, according to the U.S. National Hurricane Center. It was moving north-northeast at 7 mph (11 kmh). The hurricane was expected to continue on that path through the evening before turning to the northeast and slowing down through Monday. The forecast track would take a weakened Norma toward the mainland of Mexico’s western Pacific coast as a tropical storm. Its languid pace raised the possibility of severe flooding. Norma was expected to dump six to 12 inches of rain with a maximum of 18 inches in places across southern Baja California and much of Sinaloa state. John Cangialosi, a senior specialist at the National Hurricane Center, said the area is vulnerable to rain because it’s a dry region generally. “Six to 12 inches of rain is what is generally forecast, but there could be pockets of up to 18 inches of rain and we do think that will be the most significant impact that could result in flash and urban flooding and mudslides,” he said. Authorities in San Jose del Cabo helped two families of tourist – one Mexico and one from the United States – who had been stranded at the closed airport. Authorities took them to one of the 24 open shelters that by the afternoon held about 1,700 people. There were early reports of downed trees and power poles, but no reported injuries or deaths. The Los Cabos Civil Defense agency urged residents to stay indoors all day as winds and rain increased. Emergency workers rushed around the area evacuating people from low-lying areas and moving them to shelters. Police in San Jose del Cabo rescued two people from their truck when a surging stream swept it away early Saturday. Some informal settlements, away from the hotels that serve tourists, were already isolated by rising water. Some neighborhoods lost electricity and internet service. By late morning, the area’s streets were littered with palm fronds and other debris, and essentially deserted except for occasional military patrols. Strong winds whipped traffic signs, trees and power lines. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said hurricane conditions were already occurring over southern parts of the peninsula. Hotels in Los Cabos, which are largely frequented by foreign tourists, remained about three-quarters full and visitors made no major moves

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HaRav Zilberstein Responds: “Should Chareidim Volunteer For The Police?”

The Rav of the police, HaRav Rami Birchiyahu, asked a shaila to HaGaon HaRav Zilberstein about recruiting Chareidim for the establishment of civil defense teams in Chareidi cities. HaRav Zilberstein responded: “Since those who are turning to you are baalei batim, yirei Shamayim but not bnei yeshivah, it’s permissible for them to volunteer to save Am Yisrael – to protect cities and neighborhoods from murderers and enemies.” “In every place that the police believe that danger lurks and it’s necessary to patrol with weapons, they can patrol even on Shabbos – if possible by a non-Jew – and if not possible, it permissible for a Jew to do. And of course, Rabbanim should be consulted about every halachic shaila that arises.” “All of the above does not apply to Bnei Yeshivah whose Torah is their emunah and they protect Am Yisrael with their Torah – on this it’s written ‘אלף למטה אלף למטה’ [Bamidbar 31: 4).” Rav Birchiyahu said: “During such challenging days for the Israeli public, after Jewish blood was spilled in an attack by heinous subhumans, we see the police officers and soldiers who are mamash risking their lives in order to protect the country.” “Difficult days await us – days of a national struggle of the entire population that will be required to stand firm and strong. We are a nation of believers and as such we have an address – the Creator of the world. We don’t know and we won’t know the cheshbonos of Shamayim but we know that we’re obligated to turn to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and to plead before Him that He’ll protect Am Yisrael and all the soldiers.” “We turn to you [the Chareidi public] with a kriyas kodesh to daven in the shuls for the welfare of the police officers, the soldiers, and all those who are involved in helping protect the country. This is the time to storm Shamayim.” Regarding the civil defense teams, Rav Birchiyahu said: “This is the first time that the public in these cities will see baalei batim physically protecting the city as part of the police security system. These residents will be trained in the operation of weapons and will be capable of assisting the police forces when necessary.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Jordan Fails For Second Time In Vote To Become House Speaker

Republican Rep. Jim Jordan failed again Wednesday on a crucial second ballot to become House speaker, the hard-fighting ally of Donald Trump losing even more GOP colleagues who refused to give him the the gavel. Next steps were highly uncertain as a bipartisan group of lawmakers floated an extraordinary plan — to give the interim speaker-pro-tempore, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., more power to reopen the House and temporarily conduct routine business. What was clear was that Jordan’s path to become House speaker was almost certainly lost. He was opposed by two more than the 20 Republican detractors he lost in first round voting the day before. The House gaveled in with angry, frustrated GOP lawmakers looking at other options. And as the rollcall was underway, a few new detractors emerged to oppose Jordan who did not seem to be picking up new votes beyond one lawmaker who was absent the day before. Ahead of the morning vote, Jordan made an unexpected plea for party unity, the combative Judiciary Committee chairman telling his colleagues on social media, “We must stop attacking each other and come together.” A surprisingly large and politically diverse group of 20 Republicans had rejected Jordan’s nomination the day before, many resenting the hardball tactics seeking to enforce support, and viewing the Ohio congressman as too extreme for the powerful position of House speaker, second in line to the presidency. The House has hit a standstill, stuck while Jordan worked to shore up backing from Republican colleagues for the job to replace the ousted Kevin McCarthy. Republicans are exhausted by the infighting since McCarthy’s sudden removal by hard-liners, who are now within reach of a central seat of U.S. power. The vote for House speaker, once a formality in Congress, has devolved into another bitter showdown for the gavel. With Republicans in majority control 221-212, Jordan must pick up most of his GOP foes to win. Tuesday’s tally, with 200 Republicans voting for Jordan and 212 for the Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, left no candidate with a clear majority, as the 20 Republicans voted for someone else. . In nominating Jordan, veteran Republican Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma said it was time to end the upheaval that he had warned against with McCarthy’s sudden ouster. “We have a chance today to end that chaos, end that uncertainty,” Cole said. He said that Jordan was “not a shrinking violet” but someone who could lead the House. Democratic Rep. Pete Aguilar noted that Jeffries continues to win more votes and is the best choice to move the country forward. “The country cannot afford more delays and more chaos,” Aguilar said. Bipartisan groups of lawmakers have been floating ways to operate the House by giving greater power to McHenry or another temporary speaker. The House had never ousted its speaker before McCarthy. The novel concept of boosting the interim speaker’s role was gaining favor with a pair of surprising high-profile Republicans: Former GOP speakers Newt Gingrich and John Boehner. Gingrich said while he likes Jordan, he has “no faith” the nominee can get much beyond the 200 votes he won in the first vote. “We can’t sit around and suck our thumbs and hope the world will wait until the House Republicans get their act together,” Gingrich told

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WATCH: United Hatzolah Founder Eli Beer Speaks With President Biden In Israel

Today, the President and Founder of United Hatzalah Eli Beer met with the President of the United States Joe Biden during Biden’s solidarity visit to Israel. Following Biden’s meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu and the war cabinet, the U.S. President proceeded to meet with representatives of the families of hostages, with survivors of the massacre, and with Eli Beer, the President and Founder of United Hatzalah, Israel’s leading volunteer-based EMS organization as well as other first responders who were on the ground in the days following Hamas’ attack. “The President embraced me,” Beer recounted after the meeting. “I was deeply moved and shed tears. He wanted to know exactly what United Hatzalah volunteers, who were in the conflict zones from the onset of the war, told me about the scenes there. I told him about our 7,000 volunteers, orange angels, many of whom are U.S. citizens and represent the diverse spectrum of Israeli society. I told him that our volunteers consist of Muslims, Christians, and Jews, both religious and secular, men and women, who upon hearing of what had happened, even before understanding the full scale of the disaster, left everything behind and entered the inferno, risking their own lives to save others.” “I also conveyed that some of our volunteers were wounded and kidnapped, along with two beloved volunteers, one Arab and one Jewish, who lost their lives while providing assistance to the injured. The President was deeply moved and said that he personally knows the pain of loss and feels the pain of the people of Israel in a personal way. I expressed my pride in being Jewish, and told him that we love him, and that his coming to Israel uplifted the whole spirit of this country. I then thanked him for his support which is unparalleled since the establishment of the state of Israel. I also told him that nearly 50 percent of our funding comes from U.S. donors and that I am very proud of the support that we receive from the American people.” “The President of the United States was shocked by the horrors our volunteers witnessed,” Beer added. “He requested I extend condolences to the families of the deceased volunteers, thanked United Hatzalah volunteers and their numerous supporters on behalf of the American people, and conveyed his admiration for their tremendous dedication.” “As we parted ways, President Biden left me with a sentence I will forever remember: ‘You don’t have to be Jewish to be a Zionist.’” DONATE TO UNITED HATZALAH HERE (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Jim Jordan Will Try Again To Become House speaker, But Detractors Skeptical

Having lost the first vote to become House speaker, Rep. Jim Jordan will try again on a decisive second ballot that will test whether the hard-edged ally of Donald Trump can win over the holdouts or if his bid for the gavel is collapsing, denied by detractors. Ahead of Wednesday morning’s voting, Jordan made an unexpected plea for party unity, the combative Judiciary Committee chairman telling his colleagues on social media, “we must stop attacking each other and come together.” But a surprisingly large and politically diverse group of 20 Republicans rejected Jordan’s nomination, many resisting the hardball tactics enforcing support, and viewing the Ohio congressman as too extreme for the powerful position of House speaker, second in line to the presidency. Additional voting Tuesday was postponed as the House hit a standstill, stuck while Jordan worked to shore up backing from Republican colleagues for the job to replace the ousted Kevin McCarthy. “We’re going to keep working,” Jordan said late Tuesday at the Capitol. It’s been two weeks of angry Republican infighting since McCarthy’s sudden removal by hard-liners, who are now within reach of a central seat of U.S. power. The vote for House speaker, once a formality in Congress, has devolved into another bitter showdown for the gavel. The tally, with 200 Republicans voting for Jordan and 212 for the Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, left no candidate with a clear majority, as the 20 Republicans voted for someone else. With Republicans in majority control 221-212, Jordan must pick up most of his GOP foes to win. Jeffries swiftly intervened, declaring it was time for Republicans to partner with Democrats to reopen the House — in what would be an extraordinary if not unprecedented moment in congressional history. Bipartisan groups of lawmakers have been floating ways to operate the House by giving greater power to the interim speaker, Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., or another temporary speaker. The House had never ousted its speaker before McCarthy, and the lawmakers are in rarely tested terrain. “The Republicans are unable to function right now,” said Jeffries. He said talks would “accelerate” between Democrats and Republicans on alternative plans. Late Tuesday, the novel concept was gaining favor with a pair of surprising high-profile Republicans: Newt Gingrich, the former Republican speaker, said while he likes Jordan, he has “no faith” the nominee can get much beyond the 200 votes he won in the first vote. “We can’t sit around and suck our thumbs and hope the world will wait until the House Republicans get their act together,” Gingrich told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on his show. John Boehner, another former GOP speaker, reposted Gingrich’s views saying, “I agree,” on social media. The two men have deep experience with the subject. Both were chased to early retirement by threats of ouster from right-flank insurgents like those who toppled McCarthy. But with public pressure bearing down on lawmakers from Trump’s allies, including Hannity, it’s unclear how long the holdouts against Jordan can last. Already, some lawmakers said their first vote was merely a protest, and they would be with Jordan on next rounds. “Jim Jordan will be a great speaker,” the former president said outside a courthouse in Manhattan, where he is facing business fraud charges. “I think he’s going to have the

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Republicans Reject Rep. Jim Jordan For House Speaker On The First Ballot

Republicans rejected Rep. Jim Jordan for House speaker on a first ballot Tuesday, as an unexpectedly numerous 20 holdouts denied the hard-charging ally of Donald Trump the GOP majority needed to seize the gavel. More voting is expected as Jordan works to shore up support to replace the ousted Kevin McCarthy for the job but the House immediately went into recess as the firebrand leader of the GOP’s hard-right flank struggled to take a central seat of U.S. power. After two weeks of angry Republican infighting since McCarthy was removed by hard-liners, the House vote quickly became a showdown for the gavel. Reluctant Republicans refused to give Jordan their votes, viewing the Ohio congressman as too extreme for the powerful position of House speaker, second in line to the presidency. In all, 212 Democrats voted unanimously for their House leader, Hakeem Jeffries of New York, while 200 Republicans voted for Jordan and 20 for someone else. Jeffries has no chance of winning, and Jordan must pick up most of his GOP foes to win a majority. The holdouts are a mix of pragmatists, ranging from seasoned legislators and committee chairs worried about governing to newer lawmakers from districts where their voters back home prefer President Joe Biden to Trump. But with public pressure bearing down on lawmakers from Trump’s allies including Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, it’s unclear how long the holdouts can last. Jordan swiftly flipped dozens of detractors in a matter of days, shoring up Republicans who have few options left. “Jim Jordan will be a great speaker,” the former president said outside the courthouse in Manhattan, where he is facing business fraud charges. “I think he’s going to have the votes soon, if not today, over the next day or two.” The political climb has been steep for Jordan, the combative Judiciary Committee chairman and a founding member of the right-flank Freedom Caucus. He is known more as a chaos agent than a skilled legislator, raising questions about how he would lead. Congress faces daunting challenges, risking a federal shutdown if it fails to fund the government and fielding President Joe Biden’s requests for aid to help Ukraine and Israel in the wars abroad. To seize the gavel, Jordan will need almost the full majority of his colleagues behind him in a House floor vote, as Democrats are certain to back their own nominee, Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York. With the House Republican majority narrowly held at 221-212, Jordan can afford to lose only a few votes to reach the 217 majority threshold, if there are no further absences. Jordan conferred immediately afterward with McCarthy, who fared nearly as badly in January, having lost almost as many votes on the first of what would become 15 ballots for the gavel. As the somber roll call was underway, each lawmaker announcing their choice, the holdouts quickly surfaced. One, Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., a leader of the centrists, voted McCarthy, the ousted former speaker. Murmurs rippled through the chamber. Others voted for Majority Leader Steve Scalise, who was the party’s first nominee to replace McCarthy before he, too, was rejected by hardliners last week. Making the official nominating speech was another top Trump ally, GOP conference chairwoman Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York, who drew from the lessons

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The Situation is Urgent! The Emergency Fund for Helping the Families and the Soldiers

Together we’ll be victorious! The emergency fund for helping the soldiers and the families in southern Israel Thousands of families have reached a state of hunger after losing everything in one moment •  The system crashed under the unprecedented overload • In the meantime, they’re hungry and are lacking clothing •  Many have lost their source of income due to the situation •  Kupat Ha’ir has established a special fund to assist soldiers and families  • Together we’ll be victorious! The “Iron Swords” war which attacked Am Yisrael on Shabbos morning, Simchas Torah, took and continues to take a terrible price. The slaughter and the catastrophe are seared deep into our consciousness these days, compounded by the memories we have borne with us throughout the generations. But this doesn’t mean that in the meantime we sit on the side with hands folded. The opposite is true- each one of us is obligated to participate, to join and assist. It’s impossible to just stand by while so many families are being evacuated, panic-stricken, from their homes. Some have fled and lost part of their family on the way, r”l. We cannot stand aside and do nothing… Now is the time to take the initiative and offer assistance! In this current chapter of our history, each and every one of us can be a participant. It’s for this purpose that Kupat Ha’ir’s emergency fund was established- a special fund intended for the residents of the South and the precious soldiers of Tzaha”l who are risking their lives for all of us. By contributing to this fund you become a partner in supporting families in the most difficult hours of their lives, allowing them to subsist and survive until the situation calms down and the relevant authorities are able to give them the compensation they deserve. You’re throwing them a lifesaver which will allow them to hang on until the rescue helicopters save them and bring them to a safe haven. For assisting the soldiers and the residents of the South click here>>> Assistance to the families will be distributed according to lists which have been prepared by local tzedakah organizations of the cities and towns in the South. The local organizations are not able to keep up with the present overwhelming numbers of requests for help, and were compelled to turn to Kupat Ha’ir, which has accompanied and supported them during ordinary times- how much more so during times of emergency. Donations to the soldiers will be used to supply them with the means to fight and to defend themselves, as well as with religious objects which are lacking in those areas, such as kippahs, tzitzis, tefillin, siddurim, books of Tehillim, items for making kiddush and havdalah on Shabbos and motzai Shabbos and more. Hundreds of warm-hearted Jews have already participated by contributing financially- now’s the time to join them and to take part in this vital project. And as it’s been written- ‘Tzedakah saves from death’; there’s no time that we’ve needed this promise so badly as during these days, when “outside the sword bereaves and in the inner rooms is terror.” For assisting the soldiers and the residents of the South click here>>>          

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Chicago Is Keeping Hundreds Of Migrants At Airports While Waiting On Shelters And Tents

Hidden behind a heavy black curtain in one of the nation’s busiest airports is Chicago’s unsettling response to a growing population of asylum-seekers arriving by plane. Hundreds of migrants, from babies to the elderly, live inside a shuttle bus center at O’Hare International Airport’s Terminal 1. They sleep on cardboard pads on the floor and share airport bathrooms. A private firm monitors their movements. Like New York and other cities, Chicago has struggled to house asylum-seekers, slowly moving people out of temporary spaces and into shelters and, in the near future, tents. But Chicago’s use of airports is unusual, having been rejected elsewhere, and highlights the city’s haphazard response to the crisis. The practice also has raised concerns about safety and the treatment of people fleeing violence and poverty. “It was supposed to be a stop-and-go place,” said Vianney Marzullo, one of the few volunteers at O’Hare. “It’s very concerning. It is not just a safety matter, but a public health matter.” Some migrants stay at O’Hare for weeks, then are moved to police stations or manage to get into the few shelters available. Within weeks, Chicago plans to roll out winterized tents, something New York has done. Up to 500 people have lived at O’Hare simultaneously in a space far smaller than a city block, shrouded by a curtain fastened shut with staples. Their movements are monitored by a private company whose staff control who enters and exits the curtain. Sickness spreads quickly. The staffing company provides limited first aid and calls ambulances. A volunteer team of doctors visited once over the summer and their supplies were decimated. Chicago offers meals, but only at specific times and many foods are unfamiliar to the new arrivals. While migrants closer to Chicago’s core have access to a strong network of volunteers, food and clothing donations at O’Hare are limited, due to airport security concerns. Most of the 14,000 immigrants who have arrived in Chicago during the last year have come from Texas, largely under the direction of Republican Gov. Greg Abbott. As more migrants arrived, the city’s existing services were strained. Officials struggled to find longer-term housing solutions while saying the city needed more help from the state and federal governments. Brandon Johnson took office in May and has proposed tents. Many migrants are from Venezuela, where a political, social and economic crisis in the past decade has pushed millions of people into poverty. At least 7.3 million have left, with many risking an often-harrowing route to the United States. Maria Daniela Sanchez Valera, 26, who passed through Panama’s dangerous, jungle-clad Darien Gap with her 2-year-old daughter, arrived at O’Hare days ago. She fled her native Venezuela five years ago for Peru, where her daughter was born. After her daughter’s father was killed, she left. “We come here with the intention of working, not with the intention of being given everything,” she said. A recent Biden Administration plan to offer temporary legal status status, and the ability to work, to Venezuelans doesn’t apply to her because she arrived after the deadline. She tries to keep the toddler entertained with walks around the terminal. On a recent day, a staff member told Valera to make her daughter stop running or else they would be kicked out. The company, Favorite Healthcare Staffing, said

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Government Shutdown Averted With Little Time To Spare As Biden Signs Funding Before Midnight

The threat of a federal government shutdown suddenly lifted late Saturday as President Joe Biden signed a temporary funding bill to keep agencies open with little time to spare after Congress rushed to approve the bipartisan deal. The package drops aid to Ukraine, a White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP lawmakers, but increases federal disaster assistance by $16 billion, meeting Biden’s full request. The bill funds government until Nov. 17. After chaotic days of turmoil in the House, Speaker Kevin McCarthy abruptly abandoned demands for steep spending cuts from his right flank and instead relied on Democrats to pass the bill, at risk to his own job. The Senate followed with final passage closing a whirlwind day at the Capitol. “This is good news for the American people,” Biden said in a statement. He also said the United States “cannot under any circumstances allow American support for Ukraine to be interrupted” and expected McCarthy “will keep his commitment to the people of Ukraine and secure passage of the support needed to help Ukraine at this critical moment.” It’s been a sudden head-spinning turn of events in Congress ahead of the midnight funding deadline after grueling days in the House pushed the government to the brink of a disruptive federal shutdown. The outcome ends, for now, the threat of a shutdown, but the reprieve may be short-lived. Congress will again need to fund the government in coming weeks risking a crisis as views are hardening, particularly among the right-flank lawmakers whose demands were ultimately swept aside this time in favor of a more bipartisan approach. “We’re going to do our job,” McCarthy, R-Calif., said before the House vote. “We’re going to be adults in the room. And we’re going to keep government open.” If no deal was in place before Sunday, federal workers would have faced furloughs, more than 2 million active-duty and reserve military troops would have had to work without pay and programs and services that Americans rely on from coast to coast would have begun to face shutdown disruptions. “It has been a day full of twists and turns, but the American people can breathe a sigh of relief: There will be no government shutdown,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. The package funds government at current 2023 levels until mid-November, and also extends other provisions, including for the Federal Aviation Administration. The package was approved by the House 335-91, with most Republicans and almost all Democrats supporting. Senate passage came by an 88-9 vote. But the loss of Ukraine aid was devastating for lawmakers of both parties vowing to support President Volodymyr Zelenskyy after his recent Washington visit. The Senate bill included $6 billion for Ukraine, and both chambers came to a standstill Saturday as lawmakers assessed their options. “The American people deserve better,” said House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York, warning in a lengthy floor speech that “extreme” Republicans were risking a shutdown. For the House package to be approved, McCarthy was forced to rely on Democrats because the speaker’s hard-right flank has said it will oppose any short-term funding measure, denying him the votes needed from his slim majority. It’s a move that is sure to intensify calls for his ouster. After leaving the conservative holdouts behind, McCarthy

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With Temporary Status For Venezuelans, The Biden Administration Turns To A Familiar Tool

From a White House podium in May, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas outlined new legal pathways to the United States for Venezuelans and others, along with a “very clear” message for those who come illegally. “Our borders are not open. People who cross our border unlawfully and without a legal basis to remain will be promptly processed and removed,” he said. On Wednesday, Mayorkas announced temporary legal status for an estimated 472,000 Venezuelans who had arrived in the country as of July 31 — including some who ignored his stern warnings and came illegally. Circumstances change, but the Biden administration’s sharp expansion of Temporary Protected Status may complicate its messaging. Many Venezuelans will migrate to the United States with or without prospects for TPS, a 1990 law that empowers the Homeland Security secretary to grant eligibility for work permits in renewable increments of up to 18 months to people whose home countries are deemed unsafe due to natural disasters or civil strife. But administration critics say the vast sweep of Mayorkas’s announcement will encourage other Venezuelans to try to enter the U.S., figuring that warnings of swift deportations ring hollow and another expansion will follow. Smugglers will seize on the news, said Chad Wolf, acting Homeland Security secretary under President Donald Trump, whose administration sought to severely limit and reduce use of TPS. “It’s just going to incentivize more and more, because you’re giving them a benefit that they want,” he said. Others disagree. Outside a Mexico City bus station Friday, U.S.-bound Venezuelans, none of whom had heard the TPS news, said conditions at home drove them. Danny Romero, 45, flashed a family photo to explain his motivations. “The one who is 18 years old wants to study medicine, but how can I pay for his school if I don’t have the money? I can’t ruin that dream,” said Romero, who left the northern city of Valencia on Sept. 2. He came with a nephew and a few belongings in a backpack. His children and their mother remain in Venezuela. The son who hopes to become a doctor is working as a barber, and another, 14, sells drawings for a dollar each. A political, social and economic crisis over the last decade has pushed millions of Venezuelans into poverty, with teachers, professors and public employees relying on side jobs or money from relatives abroad to make ends meet. At least 7.3 million have left the country, with many risking an often-harrowing route to the United States. The recent announcement of status for 472,000 Venezuelans came on top of more than 242,000 who were previously covered under TPS grants in 2021 and 2022. Returning home to Venezuela is unsafe “due to the enduring humanitarian, security, political, and environmental conditions,” Mayorkas said. “However, it is critical that Venezuelans understand that those who have arrived here after July 31, 2023, are not eligible for such protection, and instead will be removed when they are found to not have a legal basis to stay,” he said. Homeland Security said Saturday that it was using “the limited tools it has available” because Congress has failed to agree to comprehensive changes to the U.S. immigration system. Under Mayorkas’ watch, TPS grew to cover more than 600,000 people from 16 countries as of the end of

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US Defense Chief Urges Nations To Give Ukraine More Air Defense Systems

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin urged allied defense leaders Tuesday to “dig deep” and provide more air defense systems for Ukraine, to help the country block increasing barrages of Russian missiles. But while the allies said they will discuss how they can best help Ukraine’s counteroffensive, they appeared no closer to commitments on the longer-range missiles that Kyiv’s leaders insist they need. “Air defense is saving lives,” Austin said as he opened the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group at Ramstein air base in Germany. “So I urge this group to continue to dig deep on ground-based air defense for Ukraine. We must continue to push hard to provide Ukraine with air-defense systems and interceptors.” The group is made up of the defense and military leaders from more than 50 nations and is the main forum for raising contributions of weapons, other equipment and training for Kyiv’s war effort. It meets about once a month, in person and virtually, and this is the 15th gathering. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other Ukrainian leaders have repeatedly pushed for the longer-distance weapons. Proponents have argued that Ukrainian forces need to be able to strike Russian troops and facilities while still staying out of range. But the U.S. has continued to balk, expressing longstanding worries that Kyiv could use the weapons to hit deep into Russian territory and enrage Moscow. The Army Tactical Missile System, known as ATACMS, could give Ukraine the ability to strike Russian targets from as far away as about 180 miles (300 kilometers), but the U.S. also has other variants of the missile that have a shorter range. Speaking before the meeting began, Bill Blair, the Canadian defense minister, told reporters that the allies are listening to Ukrainian leaders’ descriptions of their military needs and are discussing “new and important ways” to help bolster the ongoing counteroffensive. Austin said the 31 M1 Abrams tanks promised months ago will soon begin arriving in Ukraine, as has been expected. A defense official said they have arrived in Europe and will begin crossing the border into Ukraine within the coming days. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the precise location of the tanks is sensitive. Ukrainian troops began training on similar tanks in June, while the ones arriving soon were being refurbished in the U.S. Defense leaders are working to continue what they say is unbowed support of Ukraine, despite growing worries that public and international government backing for the war, which is well into its second year, may be starting to wane. Zelenskyy will be in Washington, D.C., later this week to meet with President Joe Biden and congressional leaders in a move to shore up support for continued American funding and weapons. The visit comes as there is a growing partisan divide in Congress over continued Ukraine funding. Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has told reporters that he wants more aid for Ukraine to be debated on its own merits as a standalone bill, rather than attaching it to other priorities like government funding. But Senate leaders want to combine the aid with other priorities, such as a short-term spending bill that will likely be needed to avoid a shutdown at the end of September. Nations have been pouring millions of rounds of artillery and other weapons into Ukraine,

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McCarthy Finds That Even A Biden Impeachment Inquiry Isn’t Enough For GOP

Angry, frustrated and unable to lead a fractured and unruly Republican majority, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Thursday told the colleagues threatening to oust him: Do it. The embattled Republican leader essentially dared his hard-right flank to quit holding the risk of a vote to remove him from the job. If you’re going to do it, go ahead and try, McCarthy told the Republicans behind closed doors. “File the f——- motion,” McCarthy said, using a profanity for emphasis, according to those in the private meeting. With a government shutdown looming, McCarthy is confronting the same stubborn problem that has driven Republicans before him from the speaker’s job — trying to lead a ruptured GOP majority that’s split between what’s left of the traditional party and a harder-right element largely allied with former President Donald Trump. Even his decision to launch an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden did little this week to appease the demands of the Freedom Caucus and others as they threaten to shut down the government in pursuit of deep spending cuts or move to a motion to oust him from office. “I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated with some people in the conference,” McCarthy said after the meeting in the Capitol basement as lawmakers were wrapping up for the week. “But when we come back, we’re going to get this done. Nobody wins in a government shutdown.” This may be the toughest moment yet for McCarthy who is trying to survive his first year as House speaker and live to fight another day. But now, after promises made and possibly dashed, he has barely any days left. At the moment McCarthy has just nine working days to pass the spending bills needed to fund the government or risk a politically devastating federal shutdown. An interruption in government services would ripple across the country, almost certain to hurt his party politically as Republicans are blamed for the disruption and disarray. Led by Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida, a core group of McCarthy critics is holding the threat of removal over him unless he meets conservative demands. A top Trump ally, Gaetz reiterated the conservative flank’s many demands after McCarthy’s meeting — single-subject spending bills, a subpoena for Hunter Biden in the impeachment inquiry and other priorities. “So instead of emotionally cursing, let’s do this,” Gaetz chided. “We must begin immediately. Pull yourself together, Kevin!” None of the hard-right opponents of McCarthy rose to speak during the private morning meeting — in fact, few even showed up. But McCarthy still addressed them directly — and profanely. “Kevin doesn’t live in fear about this,” said Rep. Brian Mast, R-Fla. McCarthy has prided himself being a survivor, who rose from the ranks over the past nearly 20 years to lead House Republicans. At the start of the year, he suffered through 14 votes in his reach for the speaker’s gavel before colleagues finally agreed to give it to him on the 15th vote. Top McCarthy ally Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene recaptured the speaker’s message. “He said, ’If you want to throw in a motion to vacate, that’s fine. I didn’t survive 15 rounds for nothing and I’ll survive another 15 rounds.” That said, there still is no viable plan or having the House pass the bills

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