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Toms River, NJ: Tragic death of Bashie Rand A”H, young mother of 3

As a Kehilla, we have endured overwhelming tragedy over these many months. Again a tragedy of unbelievable scope, a young wife and mother plucked from her family. Bashie Rand was just 37 years old and in good health just two weeks ago. With no warning or ability to plan she leaves behind a husband and three children. Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family The family only recently moved to the East Coast from Henderson, NV. While they accomplished so much in Henderson and were pillars of the community, they left the community they loved out of pure mesiras nefesh in seeking out a high school for their oldest child and yeshivos for the other two children. Bashie, a true aishes chayil, was her husband’s greatest fan, standing by him in all his endeavors. The quintessential mother to her children they were the apple of her eye. In addition, as was recounted many times throughout the levaya, Bashie was a speech therapist by profession. Through this role she was able to help hundreds of children struggling with their speech, however, with her passing, it leaves not only a loss for the community at large and all the many children’s lives she has impacted through her work but also a significant loss of income for the family. Somehow, Bashie’s husband and children will need to begin the process of picking up the broken pieces. They cannot do this alone. Mi K’amcha Yisrael! At a time of need is when we as a kahal are at our finest. With three young children to raise, no income, and a home to maintain we ask that you open your hearts and contribute. Help to carry them through this most difficult time, help to give them what they need. No longer do they have their mother but they have us, Klal Yisrael! ​ Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family This charitable endeavor has been personally endorsed by: ​ Harav Dovid Tzvi Schustal, Rosh HaYeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood NJ ​ Harav Mordechai Wolmark, Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey NY ​ Harav Shmuel Tendler, Rav Kehillas Bnei Yisroel of Lakewood NJ ​ Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, founding Rav of Ahavas Torah Center and Rosh Yeshiva Foxman Torah Institute of Cherry Hill and Greater Philadelphia ​ Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rav Khal Zichron Yechezkel of Toms River NJ ​ Please donate generously. Checks can be made out to: Khal Zichron Yechezkel 1779 Kathleen Ct Toms River, NJ 08755 Tax ID 82-1530789 Make sure to put “Rand Family Fund” in memo. All contributions are Tax-deductible 501(c)(3)

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Toms River, NJ: Tragic death of Bashie Rand A”H, young mother of 3

As a Kehilla, we have endured overwhelming tragedy over these many months. Again a tragedy of unbelievable scope, a young wife and mother plucked from her family. Bashie Rand was just 37 years old and in good health just two weeks ago. With no warning or ability to plan she leaves behind a husband and three children. Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family The family only recently moved to the East Coast from Henderson, NV. While they accomplished so much in Henderson and were pillars of the community, they left the community they loved out of pure mesiras nefesh in seeking out a high school for their oldest child and yeshivos for the other two children. Bashie, a true aishes chayil, was her husband’s greatest fan, standing by him in all his endeavors. The quintessential mother to her children they were the apple of her eye. In addition, as was recounted many times throughout the levaya, Bashie was a speech therapist by profession. Through this role she was able to help hundreds of children struggling with their speech, however, with her passing, it leaves not only a loss for the community at large and all the many children’s lives she has impacted through her work but also a significant loss of income for the family. Somehow, Bashie’s husband and children will need to begin the process of picking up the broken pieces. They cannot do this alone. Mi K’amcha Yisrael! At a time of need is when we as a kahal are at our finest. With three young children to raise, no income, and a home to maintain we ask that you open your hearts and contribute. Help to carry them through this most difficult time, help to give them what they need. No longer do they have their mother but they have us, Klal Yisrael! ​ Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family This charitable endeavor has been personally endorsed by: ​ Harav Dovid Tzvi Schustal, Rosh HaYeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood NJ ​ Harav Mordechai Wolmark, Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey NY ​ Harav Shmuel Tendler, Rav Kehillas Bnei Yisroel of Lakewood NJ ​ Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, founding Rav of Ahavas Torah Center and Rosh Yeshiva Foxman Torah Institute of Cherry Hill and Greater Philadelphia ​ Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rav Khal Zichron Yechezkel of Toms River NJ ​ Please donate generously. Checks can be made out to: Khal Zichron Yechezkel 1779 Kathleen Ct Toms River, NJ 08755 Tax ID 82-1530789 Make sure to put “Rand Family Fund” in memo. All contributions are Tax-deductible 501(c)(3)

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Toms River, NJ: Tragic death of Bashie Rand A”H, young mother of 3

As a Kehilla, we have endured overwhelming tragedy over these many months. Again a tragedy of unbelievable scope, a young wife and mother plucked from her family. Bashie Rand was just 37 years old and in good health just two weeks ago. With no warning or ability to plan she leaves behind a husband and three children. Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family The family only recently moved to the East Coast from Henderson, NV. While they accomplished so much in Henderson and were pillars of the community, they left the community they loved out of pure mesiras nefesh in seeking out a high school for their oldest child and yeshivos for the other two children. Bashie, a true aishes chayil, was her husband’s greatest fan, standing by him in all his endeavors. The quintessential mother to her children they were the apple of her eye. In addition, as was recounted many times throughout the levaya, Bashie was a speech therapist by profession. Through this role she was able to help hundreds of children struggling with their speech, however, with her passing, it leaves not only a loss for the community at large and all the many children’s lives she has impacted through her work but also a significant loss of income for the family. Somehow, Bashie’s husband and children will need to begin the process of picking up the broken pieces. They cannot do this alone. Mi K’amcha Yisrael! At a time of need is when we as a kahal are at our finest. With three young children to raise, no income, and a home to maintain we ask that you open your hearts and contribute. Help to carry them through this most difficult time, help to give them what they need. No longer do they have their mother but they have us, Klal Yisrael! ​ Please open your hearts and help the Rand Family This charitable endeavor has been personally endorsed by: ​ Harav Dovid Tzvi Schustal, Rosh HaYeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood NJ ​ Harav Mordechai Wolmark, Rosh HaYeshiva Yeshiva Shaarei Torah of Monsey NY ​ Harav Shmuel Tendler, Rav Kehillas Bnei Yisroel of Lakewood NJ ​ Rabbi Yehoshua Fromowitz, founding Rav of Ahavas Torah Center and Rosh Yeshiva Foxman Torah Institute of Cherry Hill and Greater Philadelphia ​ Rabbi Moshe Rotberg, Rav Khal Zichron Yechezkel of Toms River NJ ​ Please donate generously. Checks can be made out to: Khal Zichron Yechezkel 1779 Kathleen Ct Toms River, NJ 08755 Tax ID 82-1530789 Make sure to put “Rand Family Fund” in memo. All contributions are Tax-deductible 501(c)(3)

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Father of 8 with ALS wants to Live!

Dear Friends around the Globe, This Elul, merit the unshakable Bracha of the venerable Tzadik of Jerusalem, Harav Hagaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, who personally visited R’ Dovid and said: “Whoever will donate generously to Rav Dovid Frid (Father of 8 with ALS) in this merit will never be sick, not them or their families for all generations.” Click to donate! As the world has been “turned upside down” in 2020, there are so many NEW “normals”, but one thing hasn’t changed. My husband, Rav Dovid Frid, has been living with ALS for nearly ten years, fighting to live as a quadriplegic, on life support, only communicating with his eyes. It’s a tall order, but with G-d’s help, your support, and our family’s love, he has the strength to carry on! Please Tip the Scales this Elul and show Hashem how much we all need each other!! Looking back, it is unbelievable that so many years have passed. In the beginning, being able to give R’ Dovid quality care at home seemed like an impossible dream, but thanks to your support that dream has come true. R’ Dovid wishes to thank the Ribono Shel Olam and all of Am Yisroel for giving him life. Without you, the miracle would never have happened. Click to donate! In the merit of your support, may you and yours be Zocheh to the powerful Bracha of the venerable Tzadik of Jerusalem, HaRav HaGaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita who personally visited R’ Dovid: “Donate generously and in this merit you will never be sick, not you or your families for all generations!” Yamim Nora’im (Days of Awe) or High Holy Days are a powerful time of the year for prayer. Please pray for the Refuah Shlaima of Dovid Yehoshua Ben Leba Malka and all those who are struggling with illness. Click to donate! Endorsed by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. View recommendations: click here: For a tax-deductible receipt, please press the following link for Kupat Hair – קופת העיר. Payment via Bank Transfer in Israel (Shekalim): Fund no. 2605, Rabbi David Frid, Bank Poalei Agudat Yisroel, Branch 188, Account no. 621498. A tax-deductible receipt can be obtained from the accounts department of Kupat Hair, Bnei Brak – Tel no. 03-6716929. Payment by check to Kupat Hair. In order for the donation to be deposited in our fund, please write a note on the check that the contribution is for fund #2605 – Rabbi David Frid. Mail your check to American Friends of Kupat Hair, 4415 14th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219. Payment by check in Israel: In order for the donation to be deposited in our fund, please write a note on the check that the contribution is for fund #2605 – Rabbi David Frid. Mail your check to Kupat Hair, P.O.Box 49, Bnei Brak 51100, Israel. Payment by phone: Call 1888-587 2842 twenty four hours a day. Please specify that the donation is for fund #2605, Rabbi David Frid. We are truly grateful for your support. קופת העיר

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NEW: Six Gedolim Added To Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah Of Agudas Yisroel

For the first time in many years, new members of have been added to the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel of America. Their names have been released for the first time in a Kol Korei on Sunday afternoon. A statement released to YWN by the Agudah stated the following: “At the time of Agudas Yisroel’s founding in Katowitz in 1912, it established a body known as the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, consisting of gedolim from across Europe to stand at the helm of the movement. It has always been the hallmark of the Agudah, whether in pre-war Europe or post-war America, that its policies have been guided by the words of the Moetzes. The Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America has steered, advised, and guided American Orthodox Jewry through the challenges of Galus America for some three-quarters of a century, and continues to do so today. The Kol Korei issued today includes the signatures of fifteen members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. These include six members who have recently joined the Moetzes at the invitation of the existing members. The new chavrei Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah are: Rabbi Hillel David, Mara D’asra of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah; Rabbi Aharon Dovid Goldberg, Rosh HaYeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva Cleveland; Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller, Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Kollel Avreichim Toronto; Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha; Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta of Lakewood and Telshe; and Rabbi Shimon Yehuda Svei, Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia. These distinguished gedolim joined the sitting members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah: Rabbi Elya Brudny, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Mir; Rabbi Yitzchok Feigelstock, Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta of Long Beach; Rabbi Dovid Feinstein, Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta Tiferes Yerushalayim; Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel; Rabbi Yosef Frankel, Vyelipoler Rebbe; Chacham Yosef Harari-Raful, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Beis Meir; Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetsky, Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia; Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler, Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha; and Rabbi Aharon Schechter, Rosh HaYeshiva of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin. May the words of their Kol Korei – the translation of which follows – be a source of inspiration and guidance to us as we enter the New Year. The staff and administration of Agudath Israel join them in wishing acheinu b’nei Yisroel a wonderful 5781, in which the Jewish people – in health and prosperity – join as one in Yerushalayim. Elul 5780 We find ourselves, both here and in Eretz Yisroel, apprehensive about our fulfillment of the Torah and service to Hashem, and alarmed about our health and financial stability, in the face of challenges not faced for many years. We are faced with the dangers of technology and popular culture’s dilution of our values on the one hand, and the ever-present fear of COVID-19 on the other. Our young children’s schools are closed to a greater or lesser extent, our older children’s schools are operating under significant constraints, and attendance in our shuls is down – of the ones that are still even open. The future is uncertain – may Hashem rescue us from calamitous decrees! It is quite possible that the troubles we are facing are measure for measure: It may be that

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Watch: Inside ArtScroll Episode 4 – Interview with Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, Author of Blueprints

The newest episode of Inside ArtScroll features a full-length interview with Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, author of the new book “Blueprints” and ravof Kehillas Bais Yehuda Tzvi in Cedarhurst, NY. As one of the most prominent students of Rav Yitzchak Hutner zt”l, Rabbi Feitman shares fascinating stories about his interactions with the rosh yeshivah, as well as sage advice and insights gleaned from over four decades in the rabbinate.

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Rabbanim Of Har Nof: “Minimize Kinos On Tisha B’Av To Prevent Lockdown”

The Rabbanim of the Har Nof neighborhood, which is suffering from a high coronavirus infection rate, issued a psak on Wednesday, calling on residents to refrain from saying all the Kinos for Tisha B’Av at shul in order to minimize the amount of time spent with others in an enclosed space. “Each person should daven and read Megillas Eichah in a minyan and shorten the recitation of the Kinos at shul and continue reciting them at home,” the Rabbanim paskened. The letter stated: “We’ve been informed that the authorities are seeking to enforce a complete lockdown on Har Nof and with the efforts of askanim they agreed to push it off if the residents take the responsibility upon themselves to avoid spreading the virus, which can lead to fatalities, r’l.” The letter continued by imploring residents to adhere to health ministry regulations and then issuing the psak about minimizing the recitation of Kinos in shul. The letter was signed by a number of chashuve Rabbanim, including HaRav Dovid Yosef, Chaver Motetzes Chachmei HaTorah (Shas),  HaRav Nissin Shlomo Kaplan, Rosh Yeshivah of Daas Aharon and Rav Yitzchak Mordechai Rubin, the Rav of Kehillas Bnei Torah. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rejoicing In Antwerp: Shuls Re-Open After Three Months

Belgian Jews were permitted to resume davening in their shuls on Monday, with various restrictions in place, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. “People were actually walking in the street with tears in their eyes after davening on their porches for three months,” one resident of Antwerp told B’Chadrei. A special message sent to residents by the Kehillas Machzikei Hadas stated: “Since the federal regulations for the COVID-19 situation were implemented, the Chareidi community in Antwerp informed, requested and called to the members of the community – in various ways, through the rabbanim and leaders of the community – for maximum compliance with the regulations in public and private, despite the difficulties they imposed on day-to-day life both from a social and religious standpoint.” “On Wednesday, yud aleph Sivan, the Security Council approved the move to Phase 3 of the plan for the easing of restrictions and a return to the routine beginning on Monday, tes zayin Sivan. As reported in the daily health reports, the data regarding our health situation is encouraging, b’h. The experts have therefore given a green light to the beginning of this new phase.” The message continued by stating that community members must respect the regulations governing the maximum number of people allowed in each building – one person for each 16 meters – the prohibition of physical contact between people as well as the usage of objects by multiple users. Other rules are maintaining hygiene by using only paper towels, washing hands and refraining from shaking hands. Outdoor activities are preferable but if not possible, buildings should be well-ventilated. Men’s mikvaos in Antwerp were also re-opened on Monday. הצצה נדירה: המקווה של פשעווארסק באנטוורפן נפתח הבוקר אחרי שלושה חודשים תוך שמירה על כל ההנחיות — משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) June 8, 2020 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Petira of R’ Yaakov Radin Z”L Of Flatbush

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of R’ Yaakov Radin Z”L of Flatbush. He was Niftar on Sunday. His Levaya was held on Sunday and kevura was held with a “tnai”, since it was his wish to be buried in Eretz Yisroel. Yaakov was an active, outstanding member of Kehillas Young Israel of Avenue K / Congregation Ahavath Israel – for many, many years. He was a Member of the Va’ad Ha’Kohol of the SHul for over twenty years, and served for a number of years as one of the “Zayin Tuvei Ho’ir” / an Officer on the Executive of the Kehilla. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Posek Of Paris: Hagaon Harav Ben Chamu, Dayan, Moreh Tzedek, Ba’al Tzedaka, Succumbs To The Coronavirus

The Torah community of Paris was plunged into mourning with the death of Hagaon HaRav Massoud Ben Chamu, 72, the Rav of the Kehillas Mekor Chaim in Paris and the posek of the Chareidi community, from the coronavirus, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. After Purim, during which hundreds of congregants flocked to his home for a bracha, Rav Chamu began feeling weak. His condition deteriorated and last week he was brought to the hospital in serious condition. French Jewry gathered to daven for him but the decree was sealed and he was niftar on Wednesday morning. Just a few weeks ago, Harav Ben Chamu participated in the Yeshivas Mir dinner which was held in France, where he was the speaker of honor. Harav Ben Chamu, beside serving as the Rav of the Mekor Chaim kehilla with hundreds of members, served as the Dayan and Moreh Tzedek of the Beis Din of Hagaon Harav Mordechai Rottenberg in Paris. STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. Harav Ben Chamu was known as a tremendous gaon who would answer every shaila in the Chareidi kehilla and was considered an eminent posek in every halachic matter, from geirus to the smallest details of the Chareidi community. He gave shiurim to hundreds in his kehilla from morning until evening. In the past, when he used to live at a distance from the shul, he would walk an hour there and back to get to shul every Shabbos. [YWN CORONAVIRUS LIVE BLOG] His mesirus nefesh for the community knew no bounds. He would give his personal phone number to anyone who wanted it. He was also a great ba’al tzedaka, both on a personal level, and a communal level, by encouraging his kehilla to support Torah institutions and yeshivos. [LIST OF TEHILLIM NAMES] One of the community members told B’Chadrei Chareidim: “He was the posek that everyone went to who received all the shailos and paskened on all of them. He was moiser nefesh for the tzibur, in shiurim, in tefilos and every topic. He was a great man – his tefillos were tefillos of bechi and bakasha.” [Petira of R’ Yitzchock Zylberminc Z”L, Longtime Hatzolah Member In Far Rockaway] [LAKEWOOD CORONA VICTIM: Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Levi Bresler ZATZAL] [BORO PARK CORONA VICTIM: Son of Radziner Rebbe, Harav Yeshaya Englard ZT”L] [CORONA VICTIM: Petira of Reb Avrohom Hakohen “Romi” Cohen Z”L, Famed Mohel And Partisan Against Nazis] [In Milan: Father Of 4, Well-Known Member Of Jewish Kehilla, Dies Of The Coronavirus] (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Hagaon Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita: “Whoever will donate generously to Rav Dovid Frid will never be sick”

Dear friends, Purim and Thanksgiving – what’s the connection? As you know, my husband, Rabbi David Frid, has been struggling with ALS for the last ten years. Purim is a special time of Simcha, but for our family it is also a day of Thanksgiving. On Purim day six years ago R’ Dovid came home from Hadassah hospital after an emergency tracheotomy and a month long stay. Thanks to dedicated doctors and the Tefillot of Am Yisroel, R’ Dovid passed through that trial safely and returned home, albeit surrounded by life support and other machines, but still smiling. Even though Purim is a crazy, busy day, we’d be so grateful if you could give us a few minutes of your time. We’ve made the Mitzvah of Matanos L’Evyonim fast and easy. Please click the DONATE BUTTON on this page to give your lifesaving donation or for a tax-deductible receipt, press the following link to Kupat Hair – קופת העיר. By pressing on the SHARE button on your right, you’ll be doubling and tripling your Mitzvah! Looking back, it is unbelievable that six years have passed. In the beginning, being able to give R’ Dovid quality care at home seemed like an impossible dream, but thanks to your support that dream has come true. R’ Dovid wishes to thank the Ribono Shel Olam and all of Am Yisroel for giving him life. Without you, the miracle would never have happened. In the Zechus of your support, may you and yours be Zocheh to the powerful Bracha of the venerable Tzadik of Jerusalem, HaRav HaGaon Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz, Shlita who personally visited R’ Dovid: “Donate generously and in this merit you will never be sick, not you or your families for all generations!” Since Purim is a powerful time for prayer, please Daven for the Refuah Shlaima of Dovid Yehoshua Ben Leba Malka and all Cholim. Verified by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. View recommendations: click here: For a tax-deductible receipt, please press the following link for Kupat Hair – קופת העיר. Payment by check to Kupat Hair. In order for the donation to be deposited in our fund, please write a note on the check that the contribution is for fund #2605 – Rabbi David Frid. Mail your check to American Friends of Kupat Hair, 4415 14th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219. Payment by phone: Call 1888-587 2842 twenty four hours a day. Please specify that the donation is for fund #2605, Rabbi David Frid. We are truly grateful for your support.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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Flatbush Shabbos Project Unites 1,000+ Jews!

Flatbush Shabbos Project Unites 1,000+ Jews! By: Menachem Segal Can one describe over 700 people chanting and harmonizing Kabbalas Shabbos together? Can one describe the miracle of almost 150 young Jewish men and women from secular homes singing Shalom Aleichem and observing Shabbos? Or the many Flatbush families who joined the dinner with a less affiliated colleague or neighbor? Can one describe an exhilarating musical Havdalah of 500 Jews swaying shoulder to shoulder in complete unity? Can one describe a 90-year-old Auschwitz survivor triumphantly singing “Am Yisroel Chai” at the Challah bake and relating her story of faith and endurance? Chaya Lew, a BJX family member masterfully coordinated the beautiful Challah Bake.  Certain scenes defy description. Certain events are indescribable. Certain images can’t be conveyed in words. To capture the essence of the past BJX Flatbush Shabbos Project in words is impossible. You had to witness it firsthand to feel the electrifying energy and to tap into the tremendous spirituality. The inspiration was palpable; the love was tangible.  People’s hearts melted. People’s souls were ignited. Frum or non-frum, everyone felt that this past Shabbos was transformative.  Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer, Mora d’Asra of BJX, opened his Friday night address, “A Jew cannot be apathetic or indifferent. A Jew must be aflame and on fire to make a difference and to grow. If one isn’t ascending, one is descending. If one isn’t climbing, one is falling. If one isn’t swimming, one is drowning. This Shabbos is about becoming greater and sharing the love of Yiddishkeit with each other and our fellow Jews.”  People called the BJX office pleading to host guests and introduce them to the beauty of Shabbos. Numerous families opened their homes. Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, Director of BJX, and his devoted team, planned an epic Flatbush Shabbos Project that impacted more than a thousand people and spanned 5 different locations.  Programs and shiurim took place at Rabbi Bergman’s shul, Kingsway Jewish Center, Rabbi Cynamon’s shul, BJX Beis Medrash and the Agudah of Avenue L.  BJX partnered with Kingsway Jewish Center under the leadership of Rabbi Etan Tokayer and co-presidents Jeff Grodko and Yitz Elman who graciously opened their doors for the Flatbush Shabbos Project. Every nook and cranny of the massive Kingsway shul was full of eager people excited to participate in the special Shabbos. Kabbalas Shabbos with Yehuda Green was incredible.  Flatbush families joined the gala dinner with their unaffiliated guests. “My husband’s co-worker wants to now join us again for Shabbos dinner and is now seriously looking to get married and start a Jewish family,” shared Chanah Kayman. Rabbi Duvi Bensoussan riveted the crowd with a story of how the power of Shabbos impacted a global business conference. Through with and humor he eloquently illustrated that Shabbos is irreplaceable and non-negotiable. He quoted Bill Gates, “it’s something money cannot buy.” Dr. Jack Engelberg and his wife Gila also invited colleagues for the dinner. “It was an amazing opportunity to host a Yid for their first ever Shabbos meal”, he said. Renowned speaker and author, Rav Daniel Glatstein, Morah d’Asra of Kehillas Ahavas Yisroel in Cedarhurst, was the scholar in residence for Shabbos. Rabbi Glatstein said, “I came thinking I would give Chizuk to others but I made a mistake. Instead, I received Chizuk and inspiration from BJX. To witness young men and women keeping Shabbos

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FASCINATING FOOTAGE: An Inside Look At Jerusalem’s Mega Underground Burial Project At Har Menuchos With THOUSANDS Of Plots

The unique mega project undertaken by Rolzur Tunneling and the Chevra Kadisha Kehillas Yerushalayim carries an impressive $77 million price tag, as thousands of kevarim were carved underground, under the existing Har Menuchos in Jerusalem. There are 23,000 kevarim and the facility is in the final stages before opening. Kevarim are located in the rock walls, several stories high. The project was undertaken in response to the critical shortage of burial space in Yerushalayim, and other cities in Israel. After consulting with poskim, it was decided to move ahead with the project, which mimics kvura from 2000 years ago, during Bayis Sheni, when persons were interred inside caves. After a period of time, the bones of a niftar were reburied inside tunnel walls. This will not be the case today however. It is pointed out the underground tunnels are air conditioned and are situated up to 160 feet below ground. An app being developed will permit persons to find a kever with ease. The tunnels are well lit and lined with Jerusalem stone, eliminating fears of an eerie feeling as special lighting fixtures were designed by a German company to create a relaxing atmosphere underground. *****SIGN UP NOW —- GET YOUR NEWS IN RECORD TIME***** Make sure you are one of the more than 22,000 that signed up to YWN WhatsApp Status to receive news in live time. Click this link – or send a message to 1-888-4-YW-NEWS (888-499-6397) – to see our status posts***** Designers explain there is no maintenance, no issues regarding inclement weather including extreme heat or snow, and smart technology has been used to minimize the amount of electricity required to operate the lighting, ventilating and air control systems. Access is also far simpler, as an elevator takes one to the proper floor and then it is a straight walk, no longer having to navigate the old staircases and rocky terrain. This makes the entire complex accessible to one in a wheelchair. It is pointed out that at the current rate of burial, this new facility will be filled in about a decade and experts continue seeking solutions for kvura in Eretz Yisrael for the coming decades. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Your Kindness and Generosity Will Save the Life of Rabbi Dovid Frid and Change the Lives of his Family!

Dear Friends, This is the time of the year when we look back and forward, with hopes and dreams for the New Year. It is also a time to express our gratitude to our supporters, who have been our “lifeboat” since my husband was stricken with ALS nine years ago. You may not realize, but you have a tremendous merit, not only in keeping R’ David alive, but also in enabling my family and myself to function! As most of you already know, this debilitating disease has left him completely paralyzed and dependent on life support. The cost of around-the-clock caregivers, equipment, medicine and a myriad of other expenses as well as the general upkeep of the household are unending. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Your generous donation for the New Year will enable us to continue meeting expenses and keep R’ David alive!! This year’s goal is $100,000. Please share this campaign with your friends to help us reach our goal. FOR A TAX-DEDUCTIBLE RECEIPT USE THIS LINK: Wishing you and yours a healthy, happy and sweet New Year full of blessings,Rochel Frid in the name of R’ Dovid and the family Verified by: HaMekubal HaRav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlita, Jerusalem, HaRav Aryeh Shulman Shlita, Mara D’Asra Telz Stone, HaRav Michoel Sorotzkin Shlita, Rosh Kollel HaDeah V’Hadibur, Telz Stone, HaRav Yisroel Neuman Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood, HaRav Yaakov Hopfer Shlita, Kehillat Shearith Israel, Baltimore, HaRav Yaacov Haber Shlita, Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, RBS. View recommendations: click here: For a tax-deductible receipt, please press the following link for Kupat Hair – קופת העיר. Payment by check to Kupat Hair. In order for the donation to be deposited in our fund, please write a note on the check that the contribution is for fund #2605 – Rabbi David Frid. Mail your check to American Friends of Kupat Hair, 4415 14th Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11219. CLICK HERE TO DONATE Payment by phone: Call 1866-221-9352 twenty four hours a day. Please specify that the donation is for fund # 2605, Rabbi David Frid. Please take time to pray for Dovid Yehoshua ben Leba Malka and all ALS patients or do a good deed to increase their merits. We are truly grateful for your support. CLICK HERE TO DONATE

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WATCH LEVAYA LIVE: Petira Of Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Gissinger ZATZAL Of Lakewood

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Shlomo Gissinger ZATZAL, the Rov at Khal Zichron Yaakov, one of Lakewood largest Shuls and kehillas. He was 75. Rav Gissinger suffered from an illness the past few months. He was rushed by Hatzolah to a Manhattan hospital overnight and was admitted with a serious infection. On Thursday afternoon, his condition turned critical and was Niftar at around 6:00PM. Rav Gissinger was involved in dozens of Lakewood organizations, Mosdos and Chesed projects, and was one of Lakewood’s original Rabbonim and Poskim. The Levaya will take place on Friday morning at 10:30AM at his shul located at 175 Sunset Road in Lakewood. Boruch Dayan Ha’Emmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Levaya of Kalisher Rebbe of Flatbush, HaRav Yosef Rosenbaum ZATZAL

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of the Kalisher Rebbe, HaRav Yosef Rosenbaum ZATZAL. He was 78. His Shul, Bais Medrash “Ginzei Yosef” located on Avenue R in Flatbush, was well known in the area for more than 40 years. He was a tremendous Oved Hashem and big Tzadik. He leaves behind a Choshuva Mishpacha, many of whom are Rabbonim and have their own Kehillas. Recently, his Chassidus opened a Cheder located between Flatbush and Boro Park. His brother is the Clevelander Ra’nana Rebbe. The Levaya will be at 2:30PM in the Shul on Avenue R and East 13 Street. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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COMING SOON: These Are The Inspirational ‘Chizuk’ Videos That Will Be Streaming This Tisha B’av On YWN

In what has become a yearly tradition, the Yeshiva World will be hosting a series of Chizuk videos on its homepage in honor of Tisha B’av. Our hopes are that these videos will inspire, educate, and motivate people to grow in their personal avodas Hashem and to help us all merit the building of the Beis Hamikdash B’Mheroh Beyomenu. Here is a sneak peek into the planned videos that will be featured this year, along with a profile on the organizations that are publishing them: Project Inspire On Tisha B’av , Sunday August 11th, the Jewish community will have the opportunity to learn the real story of Reb Noach, the man for whom nothing was impossible and who made a huge impact on millions of Jews around the world.  Simply by logging onto and following the prompts, viewers will be able to access the hour long video presentation that will reveal the world of Reb Noach like nobody has ever seen before. Join thousands of members of klal yisroel on Tisha B’av in watching the story of a man with a spectacular legacy.  Discover the untold story of Reb Noach’s huge impact upon the future of the Jewish people on so many levels.  Listen to the riveting memories of Rav Yitzchak Berkovits, Aish Hatorah’s incoming Rosh Yeshiva, the amazing stories of Charlie Harary, and the tributes of dozens of former talmidim who owe their spiritual lives to Reb Noach.  Learn about this unique and unstoppable individual who changed the world, the man who could never say never. On Tisha B’av klal yisroel seeks meaningful inspiration in our constant desire to improve the Jewish world and strengthen our relationship with our fellow Jews.  That’s why it’s the perfect time to learn the story of the man whose sense of achrayus was endless and eternal. His legacy speaks for itself.  Projectinspire.Com The Common Thread – a compelling, inspirational film by Hashkifa, is guaranteed to transform your Tisha B’Av. Founded by Rabbi Yoel Gold, Hashkifa touches the lives of hundreds of thousands of viewers around the globe by harnessing the power of storytelling and technology to inspire today’s generation. We anticipate that this production will similarly impact you and your community and will evoke recognition of the hashgacha in our lives, and how we stand as a nation, governed by Divine Providence. To purchase film or for more info. please visit Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation Join over 50,000 people in 700 locations, in 16 countries around the world, who have all come to trust Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation to bring them a quality presentation that lasts throughout the year. This Tisha B’Av, the annual Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation World-Wide Event focuses on the single mitzvah most vital to bringing Klal Yisrael out of galus. “V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha: The Blueprint for Rebuilding the Bais Hamikdash,” explores this seemingly simple yet elusive mitzvah, and reveals a system anyone can use to take major strides in the right direction. The world-wide event, bringing together 50,000 Jews, is itself a testimony to the power of ahavas Yisrael. With two programs, each featuring some of the most inspiring speakers in Klal Yisrael, the event will tap into this powerful achdus and motivate Jews around the world to embrace “V’ahavta l’reiacha kamocha” as never before. For a

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Well Known Mohel of Modi’in Illit is Niftar

A well known mohel and avreich, Rav Yehuda Yitzchak Adler ZT”L, of Brachfeld Modi’in Illit, was niftar on Sunday after succumbing to a difficult illness. Rav Adler was diagnosed on erev Rosh Hashanah two years ago and was periodically hospitalized. He was moved on motzei Shabbos from Bnei Brak’s Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital during the night to Tel Hashomer, as he developed a serious infection. His condition continued to deteriorate rapidly until his petira on Sunday. He was 35 years old. The niftar was born in bnei Brak to HaGaon Rav Kalman Adler, among the Roshei Yeshiva at Kehillos Yaakov L’Tzi’irim and his mother, Rebbitzen Tova Gitel, daughter of HaGaon Rav Mordechai Shlomo Berman ZT”L, Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh, a grandson of The Steipler Gaon. In his youth, he learned in Talmid Torah Tashba’r on Chazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak until moving later on to the former Yeshivas Ramat Gan. After his chasenah, he lived in Modi’in Illit and was considered one of the prominent avreichim in Kehillas Torah V’Tefilla in Brachfeld, and a pillar of the neitz minyan in Beis Knesset Yeshuos David. He was among the heads of the Kollel Bnei HaYeshivos. He was also known for his expertise in milah. Despite his pain and suffering, he rarely missed a minyan as his mesirus nefesh was evident to all who knew him. He is survived by his parents, 16 siblings, his rebbetzin and four children. A CHESED FUND HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED FOR THE ORPHANS – CLICK HERE TO HELP תהא נשמתו צרורה בצרור החיים. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TRAGEDY: 34-Year-Old Mother Of Six From Bnei Brak Niftar

Mrs. Batsheva Jak (ז’ק) A”H of Bnei Brak was Niftar on Shabbos. She was 34, and a daughter of HaGaon Rav Refael Avraham Yisrael Yaakobzon, Rav of Kehillas Yotzei Slobodka in Modi’in Illit and a granddaughter of HaGaon Rav Meir Greinman. Batsheva took ill two years ago with cancer R”L, dealing with difficult yisurim during her illness. She was niftar on Shabbos. A number of days ago, she marked her 34th birthday. After completing her studies in seminar, she was married to Rav Yehuda, son of Rav Elchanan Jak, known for his kiruv work, which reaches far and wide. The levaya began on motzei Shabbos at 11:15PM from her home, at 4 Yechezkel Street in Bnei Brak to the Segulah Cemetery in Petach Tikvah. She is survived by her husband and six children. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Agudah Delegation Overseas Trip Promotes Torah and Achdus; Group Visits Mexico, Panama, Paris and Antwerp in Advance of the Siyum HaShas

With preparations for the upcoming 13th Global Siyum HaShas well underway, the excitement for this monumental kiddush Sheim Shamayim has gone international, with a delegation of Agudas Yisroel representatives visiting Mexico, Panama, France and Belgium. “We met with these various kehillos to invite them to the Global Siyum HaShas,” said Shmuel Yosef Rieder, member of the Agudah’s Board of Trustees, “and to have them join in the Torah study initiatives – specifically the Daf Yomi Chaburah program, Chavrei HaSiyum, and Masmidei HaSiyum – that have been launched under the direction of the Moetzes Gedolah Hatorah of Agudas Yisroel.” This endeavor to reach out to Jewish communities across the globe was undertaken under the direction of the Siyum HaShas Executive Committee members, Shloime Werdiger, Dr. Dudie Diamond, Hashi Hertzka, Yatti Weinreb and Duvi Gross. “The greetings we received in the various locales we visited were unreal,” related Rabbi Naftali Miller, Agudas Yisroel’s National Director of Development. “We were treated like royalty, and the excitement of lomdei Daf Yomi and lomdei Torah from around the world who will be participating in the Siyum HaShas was invigorating.” The first visit was to Mexico City, where the delegates – including Rabbi Moshe Matz, Regional Director of Agudah of Florida, and Mr. Eli Rieder, Siyum HaShas Committee Member – reaffirmed and strengthened the ties between the Mexican Jewish community and Agudas Yisroel. “This trip recognized the close connection that the Agudah has with the Mexican community,” remarked Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudas Yisroel. “We still remember with appreciation the hundreds of people from Mexico who joined us at the last Siyum HaShas.” There is a very large, vibrant, and strong frum community in Mexico, as well as Mexican Jews who are strongly affiliated with the frum community. The community as a whole welcomed the Agudah delegation with a packed itinerary, showcasing the community’s Torah and chesed projects, including the local shuls, yeshivos, and Bais Yaakovs. The delegates met with one of the chief rabbis of Mexico, Rav Shlomo Tawil, Rosh Kehillas Maged David, who expressed his enthusiastic support for Agudas Yisroel’s programs. Mr. Eli Tussie, a member of the Mexican Jewish community, is a son of Rav Mordechai Tussie, who leads a kehillah in Mexico, and a grandson of Rav Moshe Tussie, who has opened 22 kollelim in Mexico, in addition to another 35 worldwide. “More than 25 leaders of Mexican mosdot filled out forms on the spot committing to take on Agudah programs in their own organizations,” said Mr. Tussie. “Im yirtzeh Hashem, in the coming weeks and months ahead, there will be many more. We hope to keep sharing ideas both ways with our friends from North America, the wonderful leaders of Agudas Yisroel. With Hashem’s help, more than 500 guests from Mexico will be part of the upcoming Siyum HaShas.” The visit to Mexico culminated in Agudah’s major presentation to community leaders, attended by over 50 roshei mosdos, principals, roshei kollelim and community leaders. The event was organized by local askanim, including family members of the late Mexican Jewish leader, Marcos Katz z”l. The group heard about the programs and initiatives of the Agudah to promote increased learning in the spirit of Daf Yomi. Two weeks after the trip to Mexico, the Agudah delegation was back on the

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BPJCC Along With Met Council Feeds Over 1,000 Boro Park Families [PHOTOS]

This year’s Boro Park Pesach food distribution event benefited more than 1,000 needy families equal to more than 6,500 vulnerable and insecure individuals. The Boro Park participants were supplied with Passover staple food items during the annual holiday food distribution organized by the Boro Park JCC in partnership with Met Council. Boro Park Shomrim were also on hand to assist with the high quality food distribution which took place on Wednesday, April 10. “This is my third year directing this critical food drive,” says BPJCC CEO, Rabbi Avi Greenstein. “It is an incredible feeling to stand at the forefront of an organization like the BPJCC which is always here to assist people from every walk of life in whatever way possible. The holiday food drives are just one initiative of so many others which help make a huge difference for countless individuals and which make me proud to play an integral part in such an amazing organization.” The location for the distribution was sponsored by HCS (formerly known as Human Care Services). Boxes were donated by Yidel’s Fresh Food Station; and the trucks, which were central and critical for assuring an expedited delivery process, were supplied by Yidel Perlstein from Lucky Truck Rentals. “This year, the majority of our deliveries were home deliveries,” says Rabbi Greenstein. “We partnered with a number of Boro Park kehillas who were able to directly identify families within their community with the strongest need so that we knew our food was going to where it was needed most.” Families received 50 pounds bags of potatoes, onions, and carrots. In addition, cases of chicken, fish, grape juice, apple juice, eggs, sugar, oil, nuts, seltzer and more were distributed. “Many families who are able to make it year-round struggle with the high-cost of Pesach,” says David G. Greenfield, CEO, Met Council. “That’s why we at Met Council triple our food distributions before Yom Tov. Met Council is proud to provide food and programming support to Boro Park JCC for thousands of Boro Parkers. This year, together with Boro Park JCC, we are providing more free food for Pesach than ever before..“ The Passover food distribution event was attended by local leaders and electeds as well who came out to show their support for the BPJCC and what it represents as well as to lend a hand in assisting the community. “I’m so proud of how our community comes together to lend a hand to those who need extra help making Pesach,” says Councilman Kalman Yeger. “Boro Park JCC and Met Council have really stood up again to help make it a little bit easier for so many of our community’s families. Thousands of our neighbors will have a better Yom Tov because people took time from their busy schedules and generously contributed to make this all possible. I can’t thank them enough.” “It is always great to visit with friends and leaders in the Boro Park community,” says Rubén Díaz Jr., “especially as people are beginning to prepare for the upcoming Passover holiday. I am glad I was able to help out with the Met Council and BPJCC food drive and see first-hand all the work they do for so many New Yorkers in need.” The Boro Park Jewish Community Council was formed in 1997 to address

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PHOTOS: Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov Melave Malka – “L’Hachzir Atara L’Yoshna Isn’t Just A Slogan. It’s A Mission”

Last Motzei Shabbos, Kehillas Moreshes Yaakov of Flatbush held its eighteenth Melave Malka celebrating twenty four years as a vibrant and flourishing kehila. Over two hundred friends and members of the kehila joined this special event, reflecting upon its outstanding past successes and looking forward to a greater future. The evening also represented a watershed event for the kehila, with Rabbi Daniel Binsky officially being appointed as its Assistant Rabbi. Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov is a Torah community of several hundred Russian Jewish families located in the heart of Flatbush. Under the leadership of Rabbi Avrohom Binsky, the kehila serves as a nucleus for its members. The shul offers a wide range of shiurim, activities, celebrations, and events. Its members are fully observant and their children are enrolled in mainstream Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs. The Kehila is one of the greatest hidden success stories in the annals of the Russian immigrant kiruv movement. Dr. Simonovsky, Chairman of the event, reflected upon the Kehila’s formative years, saying, “Our kehila is an impossible dream that became a reality.” It wasn’t easy of course, “but Hashem carried us. Hashem granted our morda d’asra with siyata dishmaya. Our Rov didn’t let any obstacles get in his way. He is a true leader who gives us direction and inspiration.” Rabbi Avrohom Binsky, the tireless leader of Kehilas Moreshes Yaakov, noted the importance of this very unique kehila. “Our shul,” he said, “is dedicated to bringing people from the Former Soviet Union tachas kanfei hashechinah.” Rav Esriel Ehrlanger, Mashgiach at Mirrer Yeshiva, served as Guest Speaker. He called the kehila “a miracle, a real community based on a solid foundation.” He also praised Rabbi Daniel, the new Assistant Rabbi, noting his “shleymus” and adding that he is “a young man holding by paskening shaylos.” Rav Ehrlinger said that Rabbi Daniel’s talents would blend well with his father Rabbi Avraham’s vision. “Rabbi Avraham is a born leader who always looks to add more” inspiration to the kehila, while Rabbi Daniel, he said “is an expert in the small day to day halachos. We need both the vision and the daily halachos in order to achieve shelaymus.” Perhaps R’Betzalel Stern, CEO of Community Hospital, said it best when he tried to describe this kehila. “There are many shuls in Flatbush,” he said, “but only a few select kehillos.” R’Betzalel spoke about Rabbi Daniel’s tremendous desire to give. “He will be at the hospital doing bikur cholim, reading the megillah, and blowing the shofar for the patients. I once saw him in the lobby and he told me, “I was just driving by and came in because maybe someone will need me’. He has both zerizus and ahavas yisroel. As an outsider I am jealous that you will have him as an assistant Rabbi.” Rabbi Daniel accepted his mission with grace, saying “I am both humbled and grateful for this tremendous zechus.” His appointment, he said, is actually the fulfillment of the tzava’ah of Rabbi Yisroel Belsky, zt’l, who served as the Nasi of the Kehila. “He gave me my marching orders to continue the work that my parents began in the late 1900’s, to glorify that which was. L’hachzir Atara L’yoshna.” But he immediately addressed his own set of marching orders. “We’re celebrating the past but we’re also looking

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The Battle Is On To Save Jerusalem’s ‘Shikun HaRabbonim’ Neighborhood

In the Shikun HaRabbonim, Mekor Baruch, and Sarei Yisrael, an atzeres tefilla was held on motzei Shabbos in response to plans to destroy the shul in Shikun HaRabbonim to permit the construction of high-rise chareidi housing in the area of the entrance to the city from the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway. The atzeres tefilla was held in Kehillas Chayei Nefesh on Sarei Yisrael Street, led by HaRav Yosef Binyamin Weiss. Additional such tefilla events are planned for the coming weeks as well. According to BeChadrei Chareidim, there is a plan by foreign entrepreneurs to demolish the mythological central shul in Shikun HaRabbonim established in 1949 and is one of the most famous in Jerusalem. In addition, there are plans by entrepreneurs who document the construction of the giant towers, including hotels and recreation centers on Shari Yisrael Street. These plans are already being discussed this week by municipal committees, which will lead to the secularization of the neighborhoods of Sarei Yisrael and Mekor Baruch. At the motzei Shabbos event, HaRav Binyamin Adler warned of indifference and danger of the destruction of a shul and secularization of the neighborhood. Other rabbonim who addressed the event delivered similar messages. One of the organizers who spoke to BeChadrei Chareidim, explaining “This is a malicious plan to demolish a shul. I do not think there was such a thing and it was best stated by Rav Binyamin Adler, who was close to all Gedolei Yisrael, who expressed pain over this in the old neighborhood of Jerusalem, alongside the residents of the Makor Baruch and Sarei Yisrael neighborhoods that the situation of the secularization of the neighborhood is at stake.” Photos by Shlomi Cohen (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Five Million for Belz: How it will happen iy”h – THE FULL STORY

Five Million for Belz: How it will happen iy”h In an historic move, on Monday, January 14th at 10am EST, Merkaz Mosdos Belz will beging to raise at least $5,000,000 in 30 hours to help keep the Mosdos afloat. We spoke to Rav Pinches Lerner, Director of the US Branch of Mosdos Belz who is spearheading this campaign. Q:$5,000,000! That’s a lot of money to raise in a little more than a day A: Yes, it’s the highest goal ever set in a one day campaign. There are no matchers; it’s truly historic in many ways. Q: Tell us a little about yourself and how you got involved with Belz? A: My official title is Director of the American Office of Merkaz Mosdos Belz based in Eretz Yisrael. Merkaz Mosdos Belz in Eretz Yisrael is the umbrella title for all Belzer Mosdos in Eretz Yisrael. I used to work in the food business. Around twenty years ago there was a dinner for Belz in America in which over 3,000 people attended and I helped arrange the entire dinner. Afterwards, the Rebbe asked me to come and work for Belz. He said it would be good for Belz and good for me. The former Director here was Rav Chaim Duvid Halberstam who was retiring at 85 after having served faithfully for many years. I sold my food business and took over here. Q: Why the need to raise five million dollars now? A: Besides for general donations, Belz relied on several individuals who used to give big money every year to the tune of several million dollars. For various personal reasons, they weren’t in the position to continue with their large donations. While we tried to find people to fill the gap, we were unsuccessful and we realized we need to rely on the tzibbur at large to help out the Mosdos. Q: How did you come up with this method of a campaign, “Levavaini Eilav”, where Belzer Chassidim will try to raise money from family and friends this coming Tuesday? A: We turned to the company Charidy who helped provide us with statistics that helped us plan this campaign. We learned that everyone who wants to help, has a circle of around 40 people they reach out and of those 40, around 15 people end up helping. We have around 8,000 Belzer Chassidim worldwide, outside of Eretz Yisrael. If less than half of the chassidim can raise around $1,500 in total from their inner circle of 15 people, then we can reach our goal of five million quite easily. Of course if more join in, it will be even more successful. People can visit for more information. The annual budget is tens of millions of dollars, but we remain with a deficit of ten million dollars which we need to fundraise annually. With the issue this year with large donors falling out, we need to fill the gap desperately. (CONTINUED AFTER IMAGE) Q: What is the Belzer Rebbe’s involvement in this campaign? A: The Mosdos opened in 1952 under the auspices of the Ruv zt”l, Reb Aron of Belz. The Ruv zt”l had over 70 family members killed during the war and he often said that “The bochurim in the yeshiva are my children; giving to the yeshiva it

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PHOTOS: Chai Lifeline Annual Retreat Gives Families The Tools To Cope With Pediatric Illness

The Chai Lifeline Annual LH Financial Winter Retreat held this year on December 27-29 at the beautiful Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel in Asbury Park, NJ, brought together 500 family members, rabbinic figures, mental health experts, volunteers, and staff for an extended weekend of professional and peer support, educational programming, respite and relaxation, and inspiration. Chai Lifeline’s professional staff had seen to every detail. Upon arrival, families received personalized bags for each child, family games, and delicious room packages. The children’s programming and outing on Friday delivered on its promise of creativity, fun, and sport. The mothers’ spa experience on Friday afternoon set the stage for a weekend both relaxing and stimulating, filled with facilitated support groups, leisurely meals and social activities. The Shabbos meals, punctuated by the Chai Lifeline tradition of singing and dancing, further bonded families together. “Mutual support is vital for these families who are bound together by circumstance,” said Chai Lifeline Chief Executive Officer Rabbi Simcha Scholar. “The goal of these retreats is not only to provide these families with a sense of normalcy and chizuk, but to also let them know they are not alone in battling their child’s illness or in their emotional response to the situation.” The spiritually and emotionally uplifting weekend was enhanced by the presence of the esteemed scholar-in-residence, Rabbi Yaakov Feitman, shlita, of Kehillas Bais Yehudah Tzvi in the Five Towns. Mrs. Chani Juravel, renowned therapist and lecturer, led workshops for mothers to help them cope with the emotional trials of pediatric cancer. Her hashkafic and psychological insights helped participants process their “new normal,” and gave them a framework for dealing with the uncertainty of illness. In addition, Chai Lifeline’s professional staff were also on hand throughout the weekend. Rabbi Mayer Gross, a Chai Lifeline parent from Lakewood, NJ, addressed the group and shared his advice for living with pediatric illness. Licensed clinical social worker and marital relationship expert, Rabbi Eliezer Zwickler, spoke with the parents about how a child’s illness can impact a marriage, and provided concrete tactics for strengthening relationships during difficult times. A Motzei Shabbos carnival, complete with indoor inflatables, took place shortly after Shabbos ended, much to the children’s delight. Benny Friedman, Yitz Henkin and the Mezamrim Choir took the stage for an incredible concert during the Retreat’s Melava Malka. Levi Lesin, Avromi Basch, Pinny Lunger, Isaac Bernath, Meir Rosenbaum, and BH Audio also made the concert into an amazing event. The cumulative effect of structured support through therapist-facilitated groups, inspirational keynotes and time with other parents had its intended effect, and parents left invigorated, and armed with a toolbox of new coping strategies. Mrs, Baila Brackman, a Chai Lifeline parent from Chicago, was thankful for the opportunity to be part of the Retreat. “I have learned that illness doesn’t discriminate,” she said. “We were Jews from every walk of life. There were so many incredible families, so strong and so positive, with smiles and tremendous bitachon in Hashem. I know that we all share something universal, and that’s simcha. The happiness that was felt by both the children and parents was so beautiful. There was a feeling of simcha poretz geder, the joy of the children will break all boundaries.” Chai Lifeline is grateful to Jay Podolsky, Stuart Podolsky and the Amsterdam Hospitality Group for their continuous support

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Tragedy: 35-Year-Old Yerushalayim Mother of Eight is Niftar

Mrs. Esther Kornfeld A”H, the wife of Rav Shimon Kornfeld, was niftar in Rambam Hospital in Haifa on Wednesday morning at the age of 35, after fighting a difficult illness. She is survived by her husband and eight children, with the youngest being a year old and the older, bar mitzvah. In recent months many have davened for Esther bas Devorah, but to the dismay of her family and many acquaintances, this morning she returned her soul to her Creator following a continued decline in her condition. The deceased A”H was initially treated in Jerusalem, but on the advice of medical professionals, she was transferred to Rambam Hospital in hopes of recovering from the disease. Her father is Rabbi Tzvi Rand, one of the most important members of Kehillas “Yad Ezra”. Her funeral began at Shamgar in Yerushalayim at 3:00PM and kvura was in Har Menuchos in Yerushalayim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Levaya of HaRav Chanina Herzberg ZT”L, Longtime Menahel At Yeshiva of South Shore, Rov In Far Rockaway

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of HaRavv Chanina Herzberg zt”l. He was 69. Rav Herzberg was the Menahel of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of South Shore for nearly 40 years. Growing up in East New York, he attended Yeshiva Toras Chaim as a young boy, under Rav Yitzchok Schmidman and went to Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin where he learned under Rav Yitzchok Hutner. When Rav Shlomo Freifeld began Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv, in Far Rockaway, he was from the early Talmidim. He grew under Rav Shlomo to become a talmid muvhak and a mechaneich par excellence. After his reputation grew as on of the outstanding Rabbeim and later s’gan Menahel of Yeshiva Tiferes Moshe, Rav Binyamin Kamenetzky invited him to assume the role of Menahel of his Yeshiva of South Shore which had merged with Rav Schmidman’s Yeshiva Toras Chaim, a role he held until his petirah. Rav Herzberg was the Rav of Kehillas Ohr Shlomo in Far Rockaway named in memory of his rebbe, Rav Shlomo Freifeld zt”l Rav Herzberg was married to Naomi Spiegel, the daughter of Rav Moshe Spiegel z”l, who was the son of Rav Elchonon Yochanan, the Ostroveh Kalushiner Rebbe. He leaves behind, his wife and six children, Reb Moshe; Reb Mendy; Rav Eli, a rebbe at Yeshiva Toras Chaim, Rav Yitzchok, menahel of the elementary school of Mesivta Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, Reb Yudy, Rivky Nachman, Brocha Kaplan. The Levaya will take place Sunday Morning 10:30 AM at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Bais Binyamin, 1170 William Street, Hewlett, NY. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes… (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Adass Yisroel Community In Melbourne Appoints New Rov [PHOTOS]

The Adas Yisroel community in melbourne Australia chose Hagaon Harav Shlomo Kohn as their new Rov on Sunday. Rav Kohen, a noted Posek and Rov in the Mattersdorf Section of Yerushalayim, visited Melbourne last week. Rav Kohen toured the community, visiting all Mosdos Hatorah, Batei Midrashim, and major organizations. He is a close Talmid of the late Posek, Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner ZATZAL. The community had been searching for a Rov since the Petira of Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Tzvi Beck ZATZAL, who was Niftar this past June. Rav Beck had led the community for nearly 30 years. Below are photos of Rav Kohen’s recent visit to Melbourne, followed by photos of the community voting.

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Levaya of HaGaon HaRav Leibel Mintzberg ZT”L of Kehilas Masmidim in Yerushalayim

HaGaon HaRav Leibel Mintzberg ZT”L was niftar in Jerusalem Shaare Zedek Hospital on Thursday morning at the age of 75 after battling a difficult illness. He was the head of the Kehillas Masmidim. The niftar was born in Yerushalayim to Rav Elimelech Mintzberg ZT”L during the War of Liberation. His father was killed when the niftar was five-years-old, struck by a mortar rocket in the Beis Yisrael area of the capital. Rav Mintzberg was raised in the home of HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Reisman ZT”L, who was a Dayan and Moreh Zedek for the Eida Chareidis. He was placed at the head of the chaburos of Masmidim at the age of 16, under the leadership of Rav Avraham Leib Klein, giving lectures and mussar. He was married to Rebitzen Chana at the age of 18, the daughter of HaRav HaGaon Eliezer David Brand, learning in Kollel Kaminetz in Yerushalayim which was headed by HaGaon Rav Mordechai Elefant ZT”L. The levaya began at 1:00PM from the Beis Medrash Masmidim in Minchas Yitzchak and kvura was at Har Menuchos. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein Inaugurated as Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath

Rare is the occasion when history is celebrated and history is made at the same moment, but this past Sunday, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath accomplished that feat. The walls of the yeshiva are saturated with rich history, and the legacy of Torah permeates every sefer, every shtender and every floor tile in the bais medrash. Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, known as “America’s Yeshiva,” opened its doors in 1919.  Rav Binyomin Wilhelm walked the streets of Williamsburg, convincing parents to send their children to his new yeshiva, where they would continue the age-old talmud Torah on these foreign shores. Since then, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath created a legacy of Torah, educating thousands of American talmidim, some growing to be gedolei olam, and many serving later on the hanhalah in the very same yeshiva that taught them their way of life. Many of today’s gedolim have spent years learning Torah at Yeshiva Torah Vodaath, steeped in Torah and chinuch. The richness of Torah learned over the last century remains until today, as Yeshiva Torah Vodaath boast a world-class yeshiva ketanah, mesivta, bais medrash and kollel, educating close to one thousand talmidim. This past Sunday, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath welcomed and inaugurated its new rosh yeshiva, Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein. “We were searching, waiting to see who the Ribono Shel Olam had in store for us, someone who will live and breathe Yeshiva Torah Vodaath,” Rabbi Yitzchok Gottdiener remarked. “With much siyata diShmaya, we are honored to have Rav Lichtenstein join our hanhalas hayeshiva to serve as rosh yeshiva.” Following the petirah of the late roshei yeshiva, Rav Avrohom Pam zt”l and Rav Yisroel Belsky zt”l, a search was initiated for an individual to join the current roshei yeshiva, Rav Yosef Savitsky and Rav Yisroel Reisman. Rav Lichtenstein joins Yeshiva Torah Vodaath with notable commendations and an illustrious background. A talmid of Rav Dovid Soloveitchik and a tremendous talmid chochom proficient in many miktzaos haTorah, Rav Lichtenstein embodies mesoras haTorah while possessing the ability to understand the challenges of and to connect with today’s bochurim. The day began with a private breakfast reception for the Board of Directors and supporters of the yeshiva, the backbone of the yeshiva’s financial stability. These dedicated baalei batim live and breathe Yeshiva Torah Vodaath and were excited to meet the new rosh yeshiva and hear of his visions for the future. The Chairman of the Board, R’ Chaim Leshkowitz, formally welcomed the rosh yeshiva and echoed everyone’s sentiments for hatzlocha as he helps begin the second century of Torah Vodaath. Rav Lichtenstein thanked the board for devoting themselves fully to the yeshiva. He spoke about the partnership between Yissochor and Zevulun and thanked everyone for inviting him to be part of the yeshiva. Following the reception, hundreds of talmidim, alumni, parents and friends joined the hanhalah and rabbeim of the yeshiva in the bais medrash to hear the inaugural shiur kloli from Rav Lichtenstein. Every seat in the bais medrash was taken, and the overflow crowd was standing in the back, in the ezras noshim and in the vestibules. Rav Lichtenstein, son of Rav Aron Lichtenstein zt’’l and grandson of Rav Yoshe Ber Soloveitchik zt’’l, hails from a long line of gedolim. A great-great-grandson of Rav Chaim Brisker, Rav Lichtenstein has not only immersed himself in understanding his zaide’s Torah, but has

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The Latest News On The Upcoming Israeli Municipal Elections

Chareidi Achdus Around Shas Candidate In Maalot Elections There is achdus among the chareidim in one municipality, the northern municipality of Maalot, where the tzibur will be backing the Shas candidate, Rav Shlomo Sussia. In the second slot is Rav Tuvia Glazer. While the chareidim do not represent a significant population in the city, it is somewhat refreshing to report on achdus in one venue regarding the upcoming municipal elections. A “kinnos achdus” was held on Monday, 23 Elul, in the home of Rav Gil Ben-Shoshan, with the participation of MKs Michael Michaeli and Yinon Azoulai, both of Shas. At the gathering, it was decided and agreed upon that Sussia will be backed by chareidi residents, Ashkenazim and Sephardim alike. This will undoubtedly strengthen Shas and the chareidim in the city. Also present for the event were Rav David Levi (director of the talmid torah), Rav Oded Netzani (Rav of Kehillas S’dei Tzofim), Rav Shlomo Sussia (Shas head in the northern city), and Rav Tuvia Glazer (the second slot candidate). Degel Talks About A Divorce – Litzman Fires Back Degel Hatorah officials continue talking about running apart from the chassidish Agudas Yisrael faction of Yahadut Hatorah in the Jerusalem municipal elections, as well as in some other cities. Deputy Health Minister (Agudas Yisrael) Yaakov Litzman, who is affiliated with the Gerrer Chassidus, fires back. During his address at a Gerrer event on Sunday evening, Litzman rejected statements from Degel officials that they were being discriminated against by the chassidish Agudas Yisrael faction. He also denied an “internal split” within Agudas Yisrael and threatened Degel with breaking the agreement in place with Degel Hatorah in Bnei Brak. “They shouldn’t threaten us with splitting,” Litzman said in his speech, adding a threat of his own: “If we do not go together in coordination in Jerusalem, we will not go together in coordination with Bnei Brak.” As for the size of the Litvish party, Litzman said, “It makes no sense that Degel is bigger than Agudah. Did you hear of any epidemic among the chassidim? “I heard something else,” continued Litzman. “I heard that there is a serious split among the litvish, and that Belz and other groups joined us.” At the end of his speech, Litzman continued to rely on the old agreement in Yahadut Hatorah, saying that “Maran HaRav Shach ZT”L and the Pnei Menachem ZT”L decided the split would be 60:40 and there has not been any change from this.” Aryeh King Speaks Out Against Berkowitz’s Hisorarus Party Aryeh King, chairman of the Me’uchadim (United) faction and running for slots on the Jerusalem City Council, attacks the Hisorarus list that was revealed Sunday evening in a gathering of party activities, led by party chairman, Ofir Berkowitz. King opposed the appointment of Aliza Arens, the daughter of former Foreign Minister Moshe Arens: “The cat is out of the bag. For those who are still unclear, the appointment of Aliza Arens, who is affiliated with the New Israel Fund, makes it clear that there is no difference between Hisorarus and Meretz. “As a member of the previous council, I often found myself pausing in the face of Ofir Berkowitz’s votes on clauses that undermine Israel’s sovereignty in Jerusalem and undermines the positive Jewish demographic balance that has existed in the city since

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The 100 Ride: An Extraordinary Cycling Event For Chesed and Family Experience

Four years ago, Rabbi Senter , Rav of  of Kehillas Yesharim of Wesley Hills in Rockland County galvanized a group of his fellow chesed-minded cyclists with a novel idea and started a new tradition that has taken Rockland County and its environs by storm – a spring bike marathon for tzedakah. “At the time, I was taking up bicycle riding for health purposes and I found it to be an invigorating and enjoyable activity,” Rabbi Senter said. “There are a lot of great bike riders in my shul who were very enthusiastic about launching an initiative that would use bicycle riding as a means of raising much needed funds to benefit those in need. This is why The 100 Ride was created. “The Ride is called the 100 Ride since 100% of all money raised by the riders goes directly to tzedakah. Every cent of the money goes to benefit two established local tzedakos, Tomchei Shabbos and Kupath Ezra, both of Rockland County. Boruch Hashem, this year marks our fourth Ride, and due to demand from other communities, we have opened up the Ride to riders from all communities to participate as teams and even raise money to benefit the tzedakah of their choice, if they so choose.” Riders perform the purest form of chesed, raising funds to benefit their designated charity at the highest level of giving, devoid of expectations of receiving anything in return. Uri Kirschner has ridden in several tzedakah bike marathons and was excited by the challenge of raising enough money from sponsors to cover the costs. All aspects of The Ride are meticulously planned to perfection by Uri, and his group of volunteers work on the logistics for several months prior to each Ride. From its inception, they wanted to encourage less experienced bikers to participate in the event. So the ride offers a choice of a 25, 50 and 75 mile ride. In the true spirit of camaraderie fostered by The Ride, many of the more experienced bikers offered to accompany groups of less experienced ones to ensure their safety, making sure they paced themselves and hydrated themselves properly. There are also several father/son teams. Each route has many volunteers manning support shacks with water, energy bars, and energy drinks. In order to participate, each rider has to raise a minimum of $1000. “The support of our sponsors is amazing,” says Mr. Kirschner. “Not only do the corporate sponsors cover all our expenses – of the jerseys, equipment, medical, advertising, and the barbeque – but all additional sponsorship funds raised goes directly to tzedakah. “    Proud corporate sponsors of The 100 Ride include Kof-K Kosher Supervision, FM Home Loans,  Bubba’s Bagels, Evergreen Kosher Market, and Emstar Medical Services, Riverside Abstract among many others. The 100 Ride begins with a delicious “breakfast of champions,” graciously catered by Bubba’s Bagels. Infused with energy, the riders embark upon their scenic route, through Harriman Park, Bear Mountain, savoring nature’s beauty on an early summer day. Reaching their destination, our champions receive a hero’s welcome, and are feted with a gala sumptuous barbeque and musical celebration, a most fitting tribute for a chesed mission selflessly performed. Since The Ride’s inception three years ago, it has evolved from a group of 60 riders to its present and ever expanding number

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EXTENDED DUE TO SNOWSTORM! Win Your Downpayment for House in Lakewood!

Dearest Friend, This letter is a first. And in writing it, I feel privileged, grateful, hopeful.  It’s been only three years since the first few Belz families moved from overcrowded Brooklyn to Lakewood – and already, we, as a community, are inviting you to share and celebrate our tremendous growth and achievement B’chasdei Hashem! As we lay the roots of what has been only a dear hope, we are ourselves overwhelmed. We’ve grown to welcome close to 200 families. Our Mosdos Hachinuch educate more than 350 children, kein yirbuh. What a breathtaking z’chus! What an awesome responsibility!  Certainly, a goldmine of potential. Will you help us tap into it? Will you empower us with the ability to invest in our generations? Will you contribute to our work of establishing all aspects of our fledgling kehillah? Will you support our efforts to bring more beauty, more joy – in unity – to Am Yisroel? Please, check out the link below and join our Harchivi Campaign today. More life, more space. More money, more merits. Because your contribution means more than you can even know. And whatever you hope for – we wish you even more. Gratefully, The Belz Community of Lakewood             About The Belz Community of Lakewood   Few thought it possible. Most deemed it unrealistic. ‘Everyone’ was wrong. The Belz Community of Lakewood is thriving. And all are awed. Indeed, we marvel with curious wonder at this unprecedented achievement.   Its establishment, its success, its growth – the making of this community has begun and continues, with the blessings, support and guidance of the Belzer Rebbe, Shlita. It’s a community of building – with hands and heads and hearts. And ultimately, it’s a community of growth – as individuals, as families, as a community.   Humble Beginnings They set out with just a vision and their age-old values in the rucksack on their shoulders. They were just a few families taking brave, pioneering steps. They were following only a pencil-sketched image of what might become – and the word of their Rebbe. They uprooted their families from an overcrowded Brooklyn. And created the Belz Community of Lakewood. The first of its kind. Incredibly, in just 3 years – the first few families have grown to 200!  The number of school-aged children have increased to more than 350! Kein yirbuh, so may it continue to increase. And the markings of all these milestones are reflected in the efforts and achievement of the Mosdos Hachinuch.   Mosdos Belz of Lakewood The community members had moved to these larger, Lakewood apartments – for their children; they established this community – for their children. And so of course, their very first undertaking was to build a Talmud Torah and Bais Malkah – for their children. Because our dearest possessions require our greatest efforts. In October of 2015, tens of children gathered in small basement rooms – some with their rebbe, some with their teacher.  A cheder. A school. The establishment of Mosdos Hachinuch in Lakewood began in this bubble of purity and eagerness and love. One year later, the rooms were full of light and learning and laughter – and too many children to be contained. With the involvement of experts, lots of figuring and financing, a new

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PHOTOS: Fathers Of National Heroes Moreno And Klein – Guests Of Honor At Belz Siyum HaShas

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Mr. Aharon Klein, father of Major Roi Klein HY”D, who was killed in the Bint Jbeil battle in the Second Lebanon War, was one of the guests of honor at the Siyum HaShas Bavli that took place last week in Beis Medrash Beis Naftali of the Belz community in Ashdod. The siyum was held l’ilui nishmas Danielle Sonnenfeld A”H, whose yahrzeit falls on 13 Adar, Taanis Esther. The Siyum HaShas was also the venue of a sheva brachos held for the granddaughter of Rabbi Elimelech Firer, Chairman of Ezra L’Marpeh, who attended the festivities. Beis Naftali is named in memory of Rabbi Firer’s father, Rabbi Naftali Firer Z”L. Also present as honored guests at the event were Mr. Ilan and Rabbi Shmuel Moreno, father and brother of Lieutenant Colonel Emanuel Moreno HY”D, a commander in the elite Sayeret Matkal General Staff Reconnaissance Unit who was also killed in the Second Lebanon War and whose picture may not be published until this day for security reasons as persons associated with him are still operating in the field. In a remarkable display of unity, the Siyum HaShas was attended by rabbonim from both the chareidi and dati leumi communities, a showing of true achdus. Numbering among the venerable guests were HaGaon HaRav Yosef Efrati Shlita, HaGaon HaRav Menashe Fink (Rav and Dayan in Kehillas Belz-Ashdod); HaRav Aharon Berkowitz (Rav of Kehillat Reut in Ra’anana); HaRav Yaakov Zilberman (Rav of Kehillat Yotzei Brazil in Ra’anana); HaRav Peretz Einhorn (director of Tzava L’Shem Shomayim and maggid shiur in the pre-military mechina Etzem), as well as Mr. Elio Moti Sonnenfeld; Rabbi Shlomo Chanoch Werner, chairman of the Re’em Fund and Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation; Rabbi Yaakov Edrei, former rabbi of Ohr Yehuda and an uncle of the late Danielle, and many other guests who eagerly joined the festivities. In the course of his speech, Elio Moti Sonnenfeld spoke about the imminent holiday of Purim and the special joy of the day that must be absorbed despite his personal grief over his daughter. Danielle was an exceptional young woman who personified traits of chessed and simcha. Sonnenfeld also quoted HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, zt”l, who quoted the Tepliker Rav, one of the great geniuses of Yerushalayim, in asking why Rav Pappa and his sons are mentioned at the end of each mesechta. Rav Pappa was an Amora, and there were certainly greater Tannaim than he, so why is he the one mentioned? The answer is that in many instances of machlokes in the Gemara, Rav Pappa chose the way of compromise, expressing a message of achdus, unity, and kovod, mutual respect for all in spite of the many opinions required to learn regarding Torah. In this manner Rav Pappa, who resolved machlokes between talmidei chachamim with messages of peace and unity, merited to carry that same peace and unity to Torah study and thus enable people to complete Shas! The siyum HaShas, taking place for its third consecutive year following two years which saw the completion of both Shas Bavli and Shas Yerushalmi, was attended by hundreds of members of the Belz community in Ashdod, including dozens of members of the Shas learning programs. Each person who completed Shas received a generous bonus gift from the Danielle Sonnenfeld Foundation. In addition, Talmud

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Tragedy In Modi’in Illit: Young Child Dies After Being Struck By Vehicle

Baruch Dayan Emmes: Eight-year-old Moishe Horowitz z”l, who was hit by a jeep and seriously injured on Meshach Chachma Street in Modi’in Illit on Tuesday 21 Shevat, was niftar of his massive injuries later in the day. The levaya took place at 12:30AM Wednesday, at Shamgar, with kvura on Har HaZeisim. Moishe z”l was the son of Rav Yaakov Horowitz, Rosh Kollel in Beit Knesset Kehillas Meshach Chachma in Modi’in Illit. Moishe was a talmid in second grade in Talmud Torah Derech Emmes, named after his grandfather HaGaon Rav Horowitz, a prominent talmid chacham from Bnei Brak. Police report that the child was transported to the trauma unit at Tel Hashomer Hospital. The driver was detained for questioning and an investigation launched. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: MDA Spokesman Unit)

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