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Toronto Court Rules In Favor Of Frum Man On Life Support; Community Packed Courtroom

(VIDEOS & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) With tremendous support from the community, the family of Yochai Shalom Nethanel Ouanounou won a crucial victory in a Toronto court on Wednesday, when they convinced a judge to issue an interim injunction to prevent doctors at Humber River Hospital from taking Ouanounou off of life support R”L. Yochai Shalom Nethanel, 25, is breathing with the help of a respirator, after suffering a cardiac arrest brought on by a severe asthmatic attack on Septempber 27. Doctors say he is clinically brain dead and thus want to “pull the plug,” removing him from essential life support. A death certificate has already been issued, in line with the generally accepted position of the Ontario medical community that the statutory definition of death is cessation of brain functions. Ouanounou’s family say he is breathing, his heart is beating perfectly and is therefore very much alive under Jewish law. “Shalom and traditional Orthodox Judaism does not accept brain death as death,” the family argued. “Under Jewish law, and in accord with Shalom’s beliefs, Shalom is alive and the application of the brain death criteria expressly violate Shalom’s religious beliefs and thus discriminate against him based on his religion,” read a statement provided by Nissim (Max) Ouanounou, the young man’s father. In a tremendous Kiddush Hashem, hundreds of members of the Toronto Jewish community packed the courthouse at 330 University Avenue, as a show of support for the family. On Tuesday afternoon, the family and askonim began circulating a letter (See Below) urging the community to attend, with the Haskama of many Toronto Rabbonim. Amazingly, an overflowing crowd turned out just hours later, for the hearing at 10 AM on Wednesday. The court realized they would not be able to accommodate the audience and moved the hearing to a larger courtroom, which was filled to capacity as well. Baruch Hashem the court granted a temporary injunction, ordering the hospital to continue providing Yochai Shalom Nethanel with life support until the matter is resolved. Following the decision, the Ouanounou family and friends gathered for a heartfelt Kumzitz in Yochai Shalom Nethanel’s hospital room, led by singers Yaakov Shwekey and Shlomo Simcha and musician Yanky Katina. Another Kumzitz took place Tuesday night in the hospital, which provided the family with much needed Chizzuk for the difficult day ahead. It is unclear when the next court hearing will take place, but the court will then be asked to confirm what Ouanounou’s family considers Yochai Shalom Nethanel’s fundamental right to life based on his Jewish religion. In debating that issue, the court will be asked consider far-reaching implications regarding the definition of death and how much deference is granted to a patient’s religious beliefs, said Charles Wagman, a lawyer representing the Vaad Harabonim of Toronto and the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada. Please be mispallel for Yochai Shalom Nethanel ben Rivkah. (Nat Golden – YWN)

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PHOTOS: Chaverim Of Queens Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

[PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] The Chaverim of Queens members appreciation dinner was held this past Wednesday night in Kew Gardens Hills at Yeshiva Central Queens. Chaverim of Queens was founded in memory of Mr Jack Friedman, who was synonymous with Tzedakah and chesed and who’s name lives on with the work that Chaverim does. Chaverim is a 100% volunteer organization which started in January 2008 with just 10 volunteers. Chaverim now has over a hundred volunteers who respond to a few thousand calls per year. A new app sponsored by Emanuel and Alex from East Coast Auto will enable the volunteers to be able to answer Chaverim calls quicker and more efficiently. The dinner was held to show appreciation for the volunteers who go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis, to assist the Queens community. At the dinner, Supervising Coordinator, Avi Cyperstein and co-founder of Chaverim, thanked the Friedman, Fried, and Mermelstein families for their ongoing support to Chaverim. Thanks to their dedication the volunteers of Chaverim can continue doing what they do best, helping others in need. Elected officials who attended were NY State Senator Joseph Addabbo, NY State Assembly member Michael Simanowitz, and Councilman Rory Lancman, who all spoke of the tremendous impact that Chaverim has on the community. The elected officials were very impressed when they heard how many calls Chaverim has responded to. Also present at the dinner was the new Commanding Officer (CO) from the 107th precinct, Scott Henry. He spent time with the members learning about Chaverim and how they assist many of the local residents of Queens. He was very impressed and hopes to maintain the strong relationship between Chaverim and the Police department. It was an evening of acknowledgment, fun and recognition of the amazing efforts made by the members on a daily basis. In addition to acknowledging and appreciating the amazing work done by the volunteers on a daily basis, the Chaverim Community Service Award was presented to Moshe Verschleisser and Aryeh Edell followed by an inspiring speech made by Coordinator Moshe Vatch. The Chaverim leadership award was presented to Coordinator Eli Kreindler to acknowledge the work he does to help the organization run on a daily basis. A good dinner would be nothing without a “good dinner” and food was graciously sponsored by Chaimy, Heshy and Ushy from Seasons, Chaim from Mechys, Gabriel from Soy Sauce and from Sushi Fussion. Rabbi Hammel and Rabbi Lonner from YCQ made the arrangements for Chaverim to make use of the YCQ dining room to host the event. Comedian Mike Fine provided entertainment followed by some quick words of Chizuk by Rabbi Chaim Schwartz from the Vaad Harabonim of Queens and Rabbi Yaniv Meirov from Chazaq. Chaverim of Queens is responding to more calls than ever and is actively seeking more volunteers as well as donations to cover the necessary equipment. A few large projects are under way for the coming year so to get involved please send an email to [email protected] or contact Avi Cyperstein 347-684-1155 for more information.

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VIDEO AND PHOTOS: Inspirational Challenges, Enthusiasm and Achdus At Agudah Convention Motzoei Shabbos

[VIDEOS AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Energized by 25 hours of inspiring sessions and warm camaraderie, approximately 1,000 people enjoyed an uplifting Shabbos at Agudath Israel of America’s 94th National Convention at the Crowne Plaza Stamford. Buoyed by an inspiring display of achdus that had people from all backgrounds coming together to celebrate the individuality that is the hallmark of Klal Yisroel, participants combined Oneg Shabbos with their quests to strengthen their commitment to our mesorah and their dedication to the needs of acheinu bais Yisroel. The momentum that built throughout Shabbos lasted well into the night. Listeners were challenged to rise to the occasion and use their own innate talents and abilities to benefit others. They were inspired to get involved, both on an individual level and on a broader scale, through the efforts of the Agudah, whose network of services continues to expand with each passing year. As always, the highlight of the convention was the Motzoei Shabbos Keynote Session, which began with warm words of welcome from convention chairman Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz. Rabbi Lipschutz shared his recollections of his first Agudah convention at age 13 and his awestruck moments as he met prominent gedolim face to face for the very first time. Emphasizing the importance of being part of a klal, an effort that requires both humility and a sense of achdus, Rabbi Lipschutz noted that our enthusiasm to help others is something that elevates us and allows us to achieve potential greatness. The Novominsker Rebbe, Rabbi Yaakov Perlow, Rosh Agudas Yisroel, spoke eloquently about the importance of coming together at the convention to confront our identity as Torah Jews and to work together as a group to effect positive change for Klal Yisroel. Describing the Agudah as a microcosm of Klal Yisroel, a diverse entity where everyone can find their own niche, Rabbi Perlow urged participants to become a part of the Agudah and to play an active role in its mission of bringing k’vod shomayim to the world. Rabbi Perlow also touched on several other topics, declaring that cell phones have no place inside shuls and publicizing recent efforts to provide a Torah education for the many French Jews who have recently immigrated to Eretz Yisroel. The Rebbe concluded his remarks with an exhortation that we appreciate the community of bnei Torah and all they have contributed to Klal Yisroel. Drawing on the message of Parshas Vayera, Rabbi Doniel Alter, Rosh Kollel of Yerushalayim’s Kollel Ari Shebi’chabura, spoke emotionally about akeidas Yitzchak and Avraham Avinu’s willingness to sacrifice his only son at Hashem’s request. Rabbi Alter noted that Avraham Avinu always kept wood prepared in case Hashem ever called upon him to bring a korban and how he responded “Hineni,” when Hashem asked him to bring the ultimate sacrifice, his son, Yitzchak. So, too, said Rabbi Alter, the Agudah is also always prepared and ready to invoke the words of Avraham Avinu and say “Hineni – we are here, ready to sacrifice everything in order to do ratzon Hashem.” Acknowledging that people often wonder what type of work the Agudah does, Rabbi Shlomo Gertzulin, the Agudah’s executive vice president for finance and administration, described some of the many calls for assistance from all across the United States that flood the Agudah office. Rabbi Gertzulin asked

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Levaya Of Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum ZT’L, Rov In Boro Park

YWN regrets to inform you of the Petira of Rabbi Rabbi Gershon Tannenbaum ZT”L, the Rov of B’nai Israel of Linden Heights in Boro Park and director of the Rabbinical Alliance (Igud HaRabonim) of America. For the past few years he has been a columnist for the Five Towns Jewish Times. His learned articles filled with his life experience and insights have been printed by the Five Towns Jewish Times for the past three years. The 5TJT Editor Larry Gordon remarked, “His passing was a shock. He was an incredible individual with warmth. love of life, and true hartz. He had just submitted his article to us on Monday. My friend was to have dinner with him tonight. The article will now be published posthumously.” “What a loss,” He concluded. The Levayah will take place at Cong. Bnai Israel of Linden Heights, 4502 9th Ave. Brooklyn, NY, today, Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 12:00PM. Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

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STAR-K Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar Draws Attendees from Far and Near

Yosef Cohen has been attending a community kollel in Raanana, Israel, for the past five years. He decided to sign up for STAR-K’s Food Service Kashrus Training Seminar, held July 28-30, because he is considering moving back to the US and will need a parnasa. “I was always interested in Hashgacha and have taken a Hashgacha course in Eretz Yisroel and received a certificate from Rav Efrati and the Rabanut of Israel,” notes Mr. Cohen, a first time STAR-K seminar attendee. “The STAR-K training seminar was a great review of the pertinent Halachos, and gave amazing hands on information and tips for the seasoned and beginner.” What Mr. Cohen found most helpful was learning how to deal with the vendors: “We learned to always be a mensch and remember that you are the Rabbi while on the job, whether you think of yourself like that or not, and to remember what responsibility you have.” The seminar, held in STAR-K’s Baltimore offices, included sessions on Food Service Hashgacha, Kashering, Vegetable Checking, Raising and Maintaining the Standard of Kashrus Out of Town, Kashrus of Beer and Liquor, Important Differences Between Ashkenazim and Sefardim, and Practical Kashrus in Practice. Field trips included tours of Seven Mile Market, the Baltimore Convention Center, a catering commissary, and local eateries. At the conclusion of the seminar, certificates were awarded to all participants. Jacqui Austen, a mashgicha in Baltimore, Maryland, said one of the reasons she signed up for the seminar was, ”to see how people who have been in this business for years have worked through all of the different difficulties that come with it. I really believe that everything that I learned and re-learned in the seminar was very helpful. In kashrus one can second guess oneself and worry about the different aspects that come with it, and in this seminar we were taught about situations and the different areas of the food business that most of us probably hadn’t heard of before, and they reassured us about all of them…. My favorite part of the seminar was getting to see the different facilities. Seeing things hands-on is really important because we won’t be working in a classroom, we will be working in kitchens and hotels, etc. I appreciated that they didn’t sugarcoat it, because, let’s be honest there is no way to do that with kashrus.” Yehuda Nosenchuk, a mashgiach for Six Points Restaurant Group-a catering company in King of Prussia, PA, said, “I attended this program to keep up with the latest developments in the kashrus industry….The program was very informative and really beneficial for me as a kashrus professional. It was a good review of everything a mashgiach should know and offered me an opportunity to get my questions answered and to network with others in the field. My favorite part of the program was HaRav Heinemann’s shiur; I enjoyed the Halcha and Hadracha from a prominent Posek. I also enjoyed connecting with the staff of STAR-K and having the opportunity to interact with them.” Michael Bolden traveled from Houston, Texas, to attend the seminar. He has been employed by Houston Kashruth Association for about 3-1/2, as a mashgiach. “This was my first STAR-K training seminar, but hopefully not my last,” said Mr. Bolden. “I decided to attend the training because of

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Mailbag: Healing & Halacha

Dear Editor, Several weeks before Pesach 3 years ago, a patient of mine came for follow up care and asked if I knew that what I was doing in practice was now “Avodeh Zorah” (AZ) and Kishuf. I looked at the person and tried to smile. I was really taken aback by the statement. Of course, the patient didn’t believe it but, conveyed the information she had read from a Sefer. However, those boundaries seem to dissolve because the Sefer also took upon itself the purview of defining certain healing techniques as AZ or Kishuf. The topic continued to reoccur over the years to the point that a patient that I was treating came to me very upset. The patient related to me that a family member needed my help, but would not come because I was practicing Kishuf. It was that event that motivated me to explore why this problem existed. What I had discovered was that the individual supporting these statements, had acquired statements from a number of lay people, (non professionals), who said they were practicing Applied Kinesiology (AK), and with one brush stroke judged all practicing Applied Kinesiology guilty of AZ. When speaking with this individual he made references to what he thought was Applied Kinesiology, and embraced these concepts as if they were Min Hashomayim. After listening for awhile it was perfectly clear he had acquired a lot of information that he called AK that was not just inaccurate, but completely WRONG. For those wanting an education as to whom you should use as an appropriate and acceptable health professional practicing Applied Kinesiology, please read and understand what is approved. In 1964 a Chiropractic Physician and founder of Applied Kinesiology by the name of Dr.George Goodheart Jr., first observed that postural distortion is often associated with muscular dysfunction. Dr. Goodheart used manual muscle testing developed at Johns Hopkins in the 1940’s, to assess muscle function and found that non invasive manipulative treatment restored function. Today, it is the core approach in AK that encompasses joint and spinal manipulation, myofascial therapy, cranial adjustments, meridian therapy, nutrition, and various reflex procedures. Dr. Goodheart discovered and developed many other procedures that returned injured and strained muscles to their normal states. With these findings he was appointed to the medical staff, as the first Chiropractor, to the U.S. Olympic Team in 1980. While developing this theory and practice of AK as functional neurology, Dr. Goodheart concluded that specific muscles are universally related to specific organs. Because of this relationship, a wide variety of non muscular conditions are often benefited. For example, because the deltoid muscle in the shoulder shares a relationship with the lungs, the muscle test can be an indicator of the state of the lungs and can serve as an excellent monitor of the condition. In 1975 a group of AK practitioners founded the International College of Applied Kinesiology, (ICAK), and today it is truly an International College having organized chapters in teaching health professionals in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia, Germany, Italy, UK, Scandinavia, Switzerland and Russia. In Belgium, AK is taught as a post graduate course in medical school. AK is a widely practiced method of diagnosis and treatment. Applied Kinesiolgy is practiced by health professionals that have already completed their basic education in their fields of

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CRC Kashrus Alerts (January 21, 2013)

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council The Chicago Rabbinical Council now offers, where kosher consumers can check the kosher status of hechsherim, beverages, liquors, foods, fruits & vegetables, Slurpees, and medicine.  The information is accessible via a simple search box, and the site is optimized to work on mobile as well as desktop devices. Before one purchases fruits for Tu b’Shevat it is advisable to check our website and/or app for what can be consumed without checking for insects and the method of checking those fruits that require checking. The newest Slurpee flavors are Mountain Dew Blue Shock and Fanta Sugar-Free Peach Mandarin. Both are kosher pareve. Please note that Mission Food products produced by Gruma Corporation are only certified by the cRc when bearing the cRc logo. Products not bearing the cRc logo may be produced at non-certified facilities. Please be aware that the Laurel Hill brand of Nacho Multigrain Tortilla Chips is incorrectly labeled with a plain cRc logo, which would indicate it being pareve. The product is dairy (cholov stam) as indicated on the ingredient panel. The cRc is proud to announce that, as a service to the community, we are now certifying the coffee machine and Icee machine at the Walgreen’s at 3019 West Peterson in Chicago.  Please see the sign posted on the side of the machines in the store for specific beverage details. ELECTRIC FREE-STANDING DOUBLE OVENS/WARMING DRAWERS KASHRUS ALERT: The Star-K is alerting the consumer that some models of free standing electric ranges with warming drawers or double ovens may only have a single sheet of metal separating the upper oven from the lower oven, as opposed to an insulated double metal layer. This can create a kashrus problem when using one oven for meat & the other for dairy. Consumers are urged to research these ovens very carefully before purchasing. Please be advised that Shalom Glatt Supermarket located at 100-17 Queens Blvd Forest Hills, NY is erroneously advertising that they are under the supervision of the “Vaad Of Queens.” Corrective measures are being pursued. Please be advised Kosher Emporium in Merrick, NY is no longer under the supervision of the Vaad Harabonim of notes that this should not to be confused with Kosher Emporium of Plainview, NY. Due to kashrus violations, effective immediately, Edible Arrangements store # 572 located in the York Road Plaza 6352 York Road, Balltimore, MD 21212 is no longer certified STAR-K nor STAR-D. ChoPita, New York, NY is not under the Supervision for the OK (even though it is displayed on their awning). It is under the supervision of Badatz Beis Yosef. Please be advised that gummy worms packed by Crown Naturals, North Bergen, NJ sold by West End Deli, New York, NY was mistakenly packed with the OK symbol. Please be advised that effective December 10, 2012 Sandel Foods Inc. of Chilliwack, BC is certified BCK Kosher Dairy – Not Cholov Yisroel. Pareve products received prior to December 10th are still certified pareve, but going forward will be certified Dairy Springfield Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips, Unified Grocers Inc. Commerce, CA are certified as an OU-D Dairy product. The product contains milk derivatives. Recently, some bags were printed with a plain OU, without the D Dairy designation. The mislabeled products are sold primarily

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CRC Kashrus Alerts (Shavuos 5772 / 2012)

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council Kashrus Updates Please be advised that TRADER JOE’S CHOCOLATE CHIPS are no longer certified Pareve. They are certified dairy (non-cholov Yisroel) when bearing the OK-D on the label. The Chicago Rabbinical Council is pleased to announce that Kotel Kosher, located in the French Market, 131 North Clinton, Chicago, Illinois, is now under the certification of the cRc. All sealed foods and beverages sold are approved by the cRc. Please note that the cRc only certifies breads and other pastries as Pas Yisroel when stating Pas Yisroel on the package or when listed as Pas Yisroel in our website, Coke is introducing a low calorie version of Fanta and Sprite as “Fanta Select” and “Sprite Select”. Both are kosher pareve. The cRc website has been updated During the last several months there have been several new ice cream and frozen yogurt stores opening around Chicago and the country. Some are stand alone stores while others are located in malls. Many of these locations profess to sell kosher products under the certification of the cRc or other reliable agencies, and even have signs posted to indicate such. Unfortunately, while they may sell certain products that are kosher certified in their original factory sealed containers, most of the actual stores are not certified kosher. These letters only apply to the un-opened ice cream and yogurt that is listed on the letter of certification, and not necessarily to the store itself. Merely asking the store attendant if an item is kosher is not sufficient, as they may not be aware of specific requirements that may affect the kosher status of an item. One should see the actual product in its original container and be able to ascertain that the product in the container or soft serve machine is the same that you see in the original factory box and not a “token kosher box”. In some cases, the scoop must be first washed clean. Any other products purchased, such as cones, toppings, or any other additives must also be inspected to determine if they are kosher. Items such as cakes and novelty items may be coming in from another outside source, so special care must be taken when purchasing any of these items. Since one may not assume that there were no changes made since the last visit, this all must be done each time you go into the store to make a purchase! As the average person may also not always be aware of all of the kosher regulations, it is always preferable and recommended to only frequent shops under a reliable kosher supervision. Check with the cRc in the Chicago area, or your local Orthodox Vaad in other areas for the stores under kosher certification. Effective 5/15/12 Rosa’s Pizza at 350 Fifth Ave, New York, NY 10011 is no longer certified OU kosher. OU certified Fred’s Taco Seasoning Mix, Fred’s Inc., Memphis TN is missing “D” Dairy designation. OU certified Sweet Perry Orchards Cashew Medley Fruit and Nuts Mix, Go Picnic, Chicago IL is missing the “D” Dairy designation. Please be advised that some packages of Hot Cajun Mix, Oriental Nut Mix, Antioxidant Mix sold by Gourmet Nut, Brooklyn, NY, were mistakenly labeled with the OK (pareve) symbol, instead of OK-D. Joy Cone brand Ice Cream Cones Fun Pack, sold in Costco Stores, containing 5 individual varieties of cones, among which is a chocolate coated dairy cone, is bearing only the Star-K pareve symbol on the outside

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VIDEO & PHOTOS: Levayah in Eretz Yisroel of Rabbi Avrohom Ginsberg ZT”L

[VIDEO & PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] As shabbos approached, people gathered by the Chofetz Chaim Yeshiva in Sanhedria Murchevet to be melave the aron of Rabbi Avrohom Ginsberg ZT”L to har hazeisim, after arriving at Ben Gurion Airport from New York. The niftar was the Executive Director for Chafetz Chaim Rabbinical Seminary in America for over 50 years, and was the trusted assistant and aide to HaGaon Rav Henach Leibowitz ZATZAL, for more than 5 decades. He was one of the founding members of the Vaad HaRabonim in Queens, and Rav of the Kessel Street Synagouge in Forest Hills for 57 years. Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginsberg of Cedarhurst, New York, Rabbi Yissochar Ginsberg from the Lower East Side, and Rabbi Dovid Chait were maspid. Credits: Kuvien Images – YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for the photos. Click HERE to watch this video from a mobile device. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Levaya Of Rav Avraham Ginzberg Z”L

YWN regrets to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Avraham Ginzberg Z”L of Forest Hills, NY. Rabbi Ginzberg was the long-time Executive Director of the Rabbinical Seminary of America / Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim and trusted assistant and aide to HaGaon Rav Henach Leibowitz ZATZAL, for more than 5 decades. He was a founding member of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens and the Rav of the Kessel Street Synagogue in Forest Hills for 57 years. The levaya will take place today (Thursday) at 1:00PM in the Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim Beis Medrash – 76-01 147th Street, Kew Gardens Hills. Phone Hookup: (213) 342-3000 Access Code – 889001 Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel on Friday afternoon on Har Hazeisim. Boruch Dayan Emmes…

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CRC Kashrus Alerts December 23, 2011

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council Kashrus Updates Please be advised that the following flavors of Snapple 11.5 cans made by Dr. Pepper Snapple Group, St. Louis, MO are now made on dairy equipment and are labeled OK-DE: Diet Lemon Tea, Green Apple Juice, Kiwi Strawberry, Lemon Tea, Mango Madness, Orange Mango, Peach Tea, Raspberry Tea. Please note that any Snapple cans of these flavors still on the market with labels bearing the OK symbol (not marked DE) were produced on pareve equipment. Beginning January 1, 2012 the United Center will be offering a glatt kosher food cart serving hot dogs, sausages, pretzels and bottled beverages at Bulls and Blackhawks games. The cart will be located on the Main Concourse outside Section 114 and will be under the strict supervision of the Chicago Rabbinical Council. Please be advised that the following products distributed by NUTTY NATURALS (Brooklyn, NY) have mistakenly been labeled with the OK-D symbol and are being recalled: Choco Almond, Choco Peanut, Choco Pretzel, Choco Raisin. These products are not certified by OK KOSHER CERTIFICATION Please be advised that MOJOMILK Chocolate Milk Mix distributed by Mojomilk (Sandy, Utah) bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by the OK. Please be advised that Lolibar, LoliCrunch and Real Fruit manufactured by Snack Healthy, Inc., Juniper, FL bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. These products are not certified by Kosher Certification.   Please note that Starbucks has a hot chocolate mix with a Kof K – D that has marshmallows in it and there is gelatin listed in the ingredients. The product is indeed certified kosher dairy by the Kof K and they use a kosher gelatin.  The latest Slurpee flavor is Sprite Snowball Blas which is kosher/pareve. It can be found on the cRc website at Effective immediately 5 Spoke Creamery, Port Chester, NY is no longer under Kof-K Kosher Certification. Please be advised that OK Kosher Certification has revoked certification of Green Olive Restaurant, 300 E. 45th St, NY, NY due to kashrus reports that they are now certified as kosher by Badatz Beis Yosef of Queens. President’s Choice Bannock Topped Pie sold in Canada has an OV but is not certified by the Vaad Hoeir of St. Louis (OV). Effective after closing on Monday, December 12, 2011, the Kosher Subway in Baltimore will no longer be Kosher. The facility is being sold and will become a Non-Kosher Subway store. They will remove the “Kosher Subway – Star-K” sign above the store and place signs on each door stating, “This location is NO LONGER kosher”. This change does NOT affect the Subway in the Rockville, MD, Jewish Community Center. A small amount of Quaker Instant Oatmeal Weight Control Instant Oatmeal, Cinnamon flavor and Banana Bread flavor, Quaker Foods & Snacks – Chicago IL were mistakenly labeled with an OU Symbol without the “D”. These products are dairy and corrective measures were implemented. Please be advised that PANTRY BROWN GRAVY Savory Mix distributed by Rite Aid mistakenly bears the OK symbol. This product is not certified by the OK. The product is being relabeled without a kosher symbol The Star-K has informed the public that Samuel Adams “Chocolate Bock” beer is kosher, dairy, cholov stam.

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Irene Shabbos Info: Latest Info For Far Rockaway & Nassau [Friday 12:57PM EST]

The following is a current breakdown of all of the plans, decisions, and actions that our community will be taking in anticipation of a dangerous storm hitting our area. We met this morning with the local government agencies, the OEM, and all of the local community organizations. Though we cannot predict the exact path of the storm, it is clear to us that no matter how severe the storm will be, the Far Rockaway/Bayswater, and the Queens/Nassau border will be the hardest hit. As of now the Mayor’s office is advising that a mandatory evacuation for Zone A (Far Rockaway/Bayswater area) is highly likely to be ordered tomorrow morning. The rabbonim of the community are strongly urging once again that anyone who has the ability to go away for Shabbos should do so. With regards to Sunday morning Shachris plans, please refer to your individual Rav, as different shuls have already made their own decisions. In the event that an evacuation is ordered, we have thus far set up five community centers where people will be able to go to, receive  instructions, and get mass transportation to designated shelter areas. This will help avoid chaos and unnecessary Chillul Shabbos. The following shuls will be the designated areas, and will also be fully stocked with basic supplies with the assistance of Gourmet Glatt.     1. The White Shul (Empire Ave)     2. Sharray Tefilah (corner of Central and Lord)     3. Young Israel of Far Rockaway (Beach 9th St.)     4. Young Israel of Bayswater (Healy Ave.)     5. Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv (1 Cedar Lawn Ave.) The number one concern for our community right now is the safely of our elderly and handicapped residents. We are currently working on a plan to evacuate as many of these residents as possible over the next few hours. If you are aware of any residents who cannot care for themselves, please let us know immediately. We stress once again that these are precautionary measures and we are only acting upon the information that the OEM has given us. We will keep you posted as further information becomes available. It is our fervent hope that all these plans and measures will all be unnecessary. Lastly, there are many people with questions, concerns, or are simply not sure of what they should be doing. You can call our office hotline at 516-791-4444 and we will do our best to answer any questions or concerns you may have.   Mark Gross Hatzalah of the Rockaways & Nassau County   Rabbi Boruch B. Bender ACHIEZER   Rabbi Tzvi Flaum Vaad Harabonim of Far Rockaway & The Five Towns    Richard Altabe JCC    Natan Mandelbaum & Alex Glucksman NYC OEM  (Boruch B. Bender, Founder and President ACIEZER)

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CRC Kashrus Alerts August 14, 2011

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council Kashrus Updates Some boxes of Manischewitz Cheese Blintzes mistakenly display the word “pareve”. This product is certified by the OU and is dairy. OK Kosher Certification would like to announce in cooperation with Athens Foods, a temporary change in certification. Athens 1 oz SPANAKIPITA 48 count club store pack produced by Athens Foods, Inc., Cleveland, OH is TEMPORARILY not certified as OK dairy. Please check the package for kosher certification.   Please be advised that Wis-Con Ready-to-Serve Pudding bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by OK Kosher Certification. Please note that the all varieties of Lactase Caplets made for Kirkland and Rite Aid chains are no longer certified kosher by the Orthodox Union. Some cans of Planters Caramel Maple Sweet Roast Pecans display an OU, without the D. This product is certified by the Orthodox Union as Dairy and should be labeled OU D. Incredibly Great Fudge Marshmallow Cookies are not certified by the Orthodox Union and bear an unauthorized OU. (They are mostly sold in Waldo’s stores in Mexico). KC Masterpiece, Buffalo Marinade bears an unauthorized OU symbol. It is not certified by the Orthodox Union and contains dairy. Please be advised that VIKING BRAND HERRING TIDBITS in Matjes Sauce bears an unauthorized OK symbol on the label. This product is not certified by OK Kosher. Please be advised that the following batches of Nutty Naturals Jordan Almonds bearing the OK pareve symbol mistakenly contain some dairy ingredients. RAINBOW DUST EDIBLE STARS and EDIBLE HEARTS, produced by Rainbow Dust Colours in England, bear an unauthorized Star-K symbol. These products are not certified by Star-K. Please be advised that as of August 15, 2011 Love Bakery located in Encino will no longer be certified by the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California). Some Laura Lynn Honey Graham Crackers are labeled with an OU Pareve, instead of OU Dairy. This product is certified by the OU and is dairy. Totem Smokehouse Smoked Salmon, Totem Smokehouse, Seattle WA bears an unauthorized OU. This product is not certified by the OU. The following Kellogg’s Cereals will be changing their status from Pareve to Dairy and will be marked as such with the KD symbol; All Bran Buds, Cinnabon Crunchy Cinnamon , and Eggo Cereal. Some jars of Silver Spring Cream Style Horseradish, mistakenly bear an OU, without the D. This certified product contains dairy and should be labeled OU-D. Some Chewits Candies packaging have a logo that looks like an OU symbol. Chewits are not certified by the Orthodox Union. This product is mostly sold in the UK. Healthy Sweet Drinks, Healthy Sweet Beverages products bear an unauthorized OU and are not certified by the OU (and may also be dairy). Veronica Bianca Wafers bearing an OU symbol are being found for sale in Israel. The OU re-confirms that the product is still unauthorized Some individually wrapped S’mores Granola Bars, from Quaker Oats Co. mistakenly bear an unauthorized OU-D. This product is not kosher. The item in question can be found in both cartons of S’mores and Variety Pack cartons. The other varieties of Granola Bars are correctly labeled OU-D. A small quantity of OU certified Planters Brittle Nut Medley was labeled without the “D”. Brittle

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Orthodox Jewish Organizati​ons Ask Supreme Court Not To Interfere With Religious Liberties Of Religious Schools

An impressive array of Orthodox Jewish organizations and Rabbinical Courts from across the United States has filed an Amicus Curiae (“friend of the court”) Brief with the United States Supreme Court, in which they advocated that controversies between religious institutions and their present or former employees should be considered and determined by religious authorities applying the principles that govern the faith, such as a Beth Din (“Rabbinical Court”). At the center of the debate in the case of Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is the “ministerial exception,” which bars secular courts from presiding over employment-related lawsuits against religious organizations by employees who perform religious functions.  The Supreme Court will consider whether the “ministerial exception” extends to a teacher at a religious school who is involved in both the secular curriculum and the religious aspects of the school. The brief was filed by The National Jewish Commission on Law and Public Affairs (“COLPA”), which is an organization of volunteer lawyers that advocates the position of the Orthodox Jewish community on legal issues affecting religious rights and liberties in the United States.  COLPA has filed amicus briefs in the Supreme Court of the United States in 28 cases since 1968. COLPA filed the brief on behalf of Agudath Israel of America, National Council of Young Israel, Agudas Harabonim of the United States and Canada, Rabbinical Alliance of America, Torah Umesorah, Baltimore Bais Din, Beth Din of the Rabbinical Council of California, Boston Rabbinical Court of Justice, Kehilla Bais Din of Los Angeles, Maysharim Bais Din of Lakewood, and Bais Din Tzedek U’Mishpat of New York. In their brief, the organizations assert that every Jewish employee hired by a religious school who performs any religious function should be covered by the “ministerial exception,” whether it is a Rabbi or a teacher. They maintain that disputes involving a Jewish employee of a religious school who performs any religious duty should be heard by a Beth Din, rather than having a secular court become involved in the matter and attempt to ascertain the employee’s specific role in the school relative to the religious components of the institution. “The ‘ministerial exception’ that is being defined in this case should, in the view of these amici, be applied broadly to withdraw from the jurisdiction of secular courts litigation that could and should be decided in accordance with religious guidelines by religious authorities,” the organizations wrote in their brief to the court.  “This principle extends beyond employment controversies with employees whose ‘primary duties’ are religious.  It includes all claims made by or against any employee whose duties relate in any manner to the religious doctrine or teaching of his or her employer, particularly if, as is true of Jewish institutions, a meaningful internal religious remedy is available to the plaintiff.” In their amicus brief, the Orthodox Jewish organizations describe for the Supreme Court a number of relevant propositions of Jewish Law that affect the resolution of employment-related controversies involving Jewish religious institutions and Jewish employees. “Courts should not be permitted to substitute their superficial understanding of religious doctrine for more learned evaluations by scholars committed to observance of religious precepts,” concluded the organizations in their brief. “The Orthodox Jewish community has a particularly strong interest in insuring that disputes between Jewish institutions

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CRC Kashrus Alerts 1/28

Kashrus Updates January 28, 2011 By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council  Please note that the Kosher Reflections Café at the Illinois Holocaust Museum at 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie, IL has been closed. Due to kashrus violations, Survivor Industries, Oxnard, CA is no longer under KOF-K Kosher Certification. The following Ricola items are recommended by the cRc: Green Tea with Echinacea (sugar free), Honey Herb, Honey Lemon with Echinacea, Lemon Mint (sugar free), Lemon Mint, Lemon Verbena, Menthol (sugar free), Mountain Herb (sugar free), Natural Herb (original). Only these items are recommended and does not necessarily require a special kosher sticker on the individual package. 7 Seas Frozen Gravlax Smoked Salmon (British Columbia, Canada) – consumers of OU products are advised not to consume 7 Seas Gravlax Smoked Salmon, as it appears that a non kosher ingredient was used in that product. Consumers that see the product in the market should please contact the Orthodox Union The Chicago Rabbinical Council has started “tweeting” on Twitter ( some of their common daily questions. Below are some of the most recent “tweets” that will be helpful for the kosher consumer: Hawaiian Punch from a fountain is recommended Anchovies packed in salt water require a reliable hechsher. Pure Asafetida, which is a type of spice, would not require a hechsher. Approved Dr. Pepper (USA) products: Original, Berries and Cream, Cherry, Cherry Vanilla, Chocolate Cherry, Heritage, Red Fusion Stevia requires a reliable hechsher. Raw, unprocessed, fresh frozen individually wrapped tuna must have Hashgacha unless it still has the skin on it & you can determine that it has scales. Dried Figs do not require a hechsher however they must be inspected for insect infestation. Sliced fresh mushrooms that come in a package in the supermarket do not need a hechsher Plain unflavored instant coffee does not require a hashgacha Plain frozen orange juice concentrates with calcium added do not need a hechsher The Bet Din of Johannesburg would like to notify the public that Pick ‘n Pay kosher bakeries in Norwood, Killarney and Gallo Manor are 100% Pareve. The labels which list the ingredients on their rolls and breads, are prepared at PnP Head Office for ALL their bakeries nationally, and therefore include “milk” as an ingredient on some of their products. The Beth Din is working with Pick ‘n Pay to create separate labels for their kosher bakeries. In the meantime there is absolutely no milk in these products. Please be advised that the following batches of CHOCOLATE CHIPS, UPC No. 1111086603 product bearing the OK Pareve kosher symbol distributed by Kroger Value Stores contain some dairy chips. KROGER VALUE SEMI SWEET CHOCOLATE CHIPS, UPC No. 1111086603 With a best by date of October 1, 2012 through December 4, 2012 Product has been recalled.   Suntree Hickory Smoked Almonds contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the OU dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted.   24 Hour Thermogenics Choco Lettes, Health Management Care a.k.a. Diet Center bears an unauthorized OU-P mark. This product is not certified by the Orthodox Union, and is not kosher for Passover. Corrective measures are being implemented. Consumers who see this product should please call the Orthodox Union. Bora Bora granola bars are certified by the OU and bear an

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CRC Kashrus Alerts 12/10

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council 7-Eleven is introducing a new sugar free Slurpee flavor called Peach Dragonfruit. Please be aware that this flavor is dairy – cholov stam. There is also a new flavor called Mountain Ded White Out which is actually Sour Lime. All Mountain Dew flavors are kosher and pareve at this time. Please visit for a complete listing. A list of all Ferrara Pan candies that are kosher, even without the United Mehadrin logo on the label, is posted on the cRc website on the bottom of the Alert & news page: Miller’s Chill Lime Beer is now certified kosher by the OU and has been added to the cRc approved liquor list EMILY’S EDIBLES COOKIES AND PASTRIES bear an unauthorized Star-D. These products are not Star-D kosher certified.  Corrective action is being taken Please be advised that the following brand of canned tuna bears an unauthorized RCC logo: SHILANEH -product of Iran   Please be advised that as of today, Real New York Bagels, Inc, Real New York “KosherDepot” Bialys- frozen are no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification. Product prepared before December 9, 2010, bearing the OK symbol is still certified. Please be advised that Bell Bagel (Brooklyn, NY) is no longer certified by OK Kosher Certification due to kashrus violations. Product prepared before December 9, 2010, bearing the OK symbol is still certified. The following Pringles products, Procter & Gamble-Food Division – Ohio, contains dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted: Brazil – Sabor Creme e Cebola , Sabor Queijo, South America – Xtreme Queso Picante / Kicking Cheddar, Pringles Delight Sabor Crema y Cebolla / Sour Cream and Onions / Sabor Creme e Cebola. Packaging is being revised. WEIGHT WATCHERS FRUITIES and CAPPUCCINO CREAM MELTS and other candies manufactured in Italy bear an unauthorized Star-K. Corrective action is being taken. The Vaad of St. Louis logo inadvertently appears on a variety of Ready Pac prewashed salads such as the Santa Barbara and Spring Mix. This was printed in error as these products are not certified by the OV due to concerns of insect infestation. Triple washed iceberg and coleslaw varieties continue to be acceptable. Certain packages of Del Monte cut fruit containing a yogurt dip mistakenly bear a cRc. Although the fruit is kosher, the yogurt is not. The product is being removed from circulation. The 70 piece bag and 195 piece bags of Laffy Taffy and SweetTarts bearing the OU on the package are correctly certified by the OU. Other SweetTart products not bearing the OU are not certified as kosher. Check each bag for the hechsher Biermann Chocolate Marzipan Rum Balls, Multiflex Co., Inc. is correctly marked as OU. The ingredient panel incorrectly lists dairy ingredients. Future packaging is being revised. Please be advised that OK Kosher Certification is no longer certifying Divine Bakery, 1999 McDonald Ave, Brooklyn reports that they are continuing to be certified by the Vaad of Flatbush. King Soopers Pumpkin Loaf is mistakenly marked Scroll K D.E. This product is certified Scroll K Dairy since it contains milk solids. However, King Soopers in-store bakeries has some of the Private Selection Fruit Pies that are incorrectly being

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Rep. Weiner Meets With Jewish Community Leaders

On Sunday, October 17th, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D – Queens and Brooklyn) met with several Jewish community leaders from Kew Gardens, including Aaron Cyperstein, President of Chaverim of Queens, who hosted the meeting, and Rabbi Chaim Schwartz, Executive Director of Va’ad Harabonim of Queens. The meeting lasted for over an hour, with Weiner fielding questions about his work on national issues like the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, which recently passed the House of Representatives, as well as issues pertaining to Weiner’s work on behalf of Jonathan Pollard and Shalom Rubashkin. “I find it important to meet with leadership of the Jewish communities face-to-face in an informal setting,” Weiner said. “We speak all the time and update each other on what’s going on in the community and in Washington. But it’s also important to, from time to time, sit around a table in person, and brainstorm about what else we could be doing for the Jewish community.” At the meeting were heads of several local Jewish organizations, such as Hatzalah, Chaverim, the Va’ad Harabonim, the JCC of Kew Gardens, Tomchei Shabbos, the local Bais Ya’akov, as well as other organizations. Aaron Cyperstein, who hosted the meeting, said “Congressman Weiner gave these organizations an opportunity to discuss ways in which they can assist in servicing the needs of his constituents and how the Congressman can assist them.” Concern about Iran’s aspirations weighed heavy in the room, and Weiner delivered the news that stronger economic sanctions on anyone in the U.S. or EU doing business with any financial institutions in Iran were the only credible way to get Iran’s attention. “While getting Russian and China to join the most recent UN sanctions was a small victory, we will not see a significant slow-down in Iran’s nuclear activity unless we really put some teeth into new sanctions,” Weiner said. Have you checked out YWN Radio yet? Click HERE to listen! (YWN Desk – NYC)

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Orthodox Jewish Activists Seek Religious Autopsy Accommodation Policies at International Gathering of Medical Examiners

For the last 44 years, the National Association of Medical Examiners (N.A.M.E.) has held an annual multi-day conference, gathering the medical examiners, coroners, pathologists, medicolegal experts, and other professionals in the field of forensic medicine from around the world. The conference’s agenda includes informative seminars focusing on the many intricate aspects of their field, and workshops displaying many of the new techniques made available by technological advances and scientific research. However, at the N.A.M.E. Conference that took place this week in Cleveland, an afternoon session focusing on avoiding autopsies out of respect for religious concerns — took most of the 400 participants by surprise. Agudath Israel’s presentation, “The Medical Examiner and the Religious Community”, marked the first time a presentation of this nature took place at the N.A.M.E. Conference. The presentation was an outgrowth of the continued outreach efforts to state and local medical examiner/coroner’s offices of Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Agudath Israel of America’s Mid-Atlantic regional director, and its Ohio regional director, Rabbi A.D. Motzen. Over the last number of years, Agudath Israel of America has coordinated presentations and meetings with dozens of coroners, medical examiners, and their staffs in numerous states. Rabbi Sadwin began the session by highlighting the graciousness of conference chairman and Cuyahoga County (Cleveland, OH area) Coroner, Dr. Frank Miller, for fitting the monumental presentation into the tight conference schedule. He also acknowledged the relationship that the Cleveland Orthodox Jewish community has enjoyed with Dr. Miller during his tenure. Rabbi Sadwin proceeded by sharing details with the assembled of his ongoing work as liaison to the Maryland Medical Examiners office and his extensive interactions with its chief medical examiner, Dr. David Fowler. He spoke of the mutually accepted procedural protocol that was implemented to deal with all medical examiner’s cases involving Jewish decedents and how this laid the groundwork for similar relationships in the other Mid-Atlantic states. Rabbi Sadwin encouraged the assembled to adopt similar procedures in their respective areas and jurisdictions to effectively and appropriately deal with these matters if and when they arise. Rabbi Sadwin then introduced Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, the director of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens’ and the president of the National Association of Chevra Kadisha. Rabbi Zohn provided a comprehensive explanation of the religious needs of Jewish decedents and their families as well as the background behind them. He then outlined the widely-used protocol he developed on how to minimize the invasiveness of an autopsy when it is unavoidable. A booklet of relevant material compiled by Rabbis Motzen and Sadwin was distributed to the assembled. It included a guide to religious protection clauses for autopsy laws and a copy of the procedural protocol developed for the Maryland State Autopsy Manual by Rabbi Sadwin. Rabbi Motzen commented, “Many of the participants approached me after the session for additional copies of the booklets to distribute to the respective staff. The repeated refrain that I heard was ‘thank you – it’s important that all of my colleagues back home are exposed to this information as well’ and that was very encouraging.” Dr. Fowler commented, “Medical Examiners and leaders of all faiths are striving to protect the community. When trusting relationships are developed based on open discussion, it allows us to recognize the important role everyone plays in the welfare of

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CRC Kashrus Alerts 08/15

By Rabbi Sholem Fishbane Kashrus Administrator of the Chicago Rabbinical Council When shopping at stores not under complete kosher certification (including the grocery sections), consumers must be very careful that the foods they purchase are certified kosher by a reliable agency or rabbi. Just being found in the “kosher aisle” or on a “kosher display” do not necessarily guarantee that the foods are indeed bear reliable kosher certification. Since most “Kosher” supermarkets employ a staff of Mashgichim, we encourage consulting them when unsure of a product’s Kashrus status. The cRc would like to inform the kosher consumer of the opening of Chalavi at 2931 W. Touhy in Chicago. All items are Cholov Yisroel (Please ask the Mashgiach in duty what items are Yoshon). The following Dairy Dips products bear “COR 408 Dairy” symbols where the word “Dairy” is not easily discernible: Baba Ghanouj, Grilled Artichoke Dip, Roasted Butternut Squash Dip, Roasted Red Pepper Dip, Tzatziki. These product labels are being changed to more clearly identify the “COR Dairy” designation. Whole Fruit Fruit Bars – Coconut Flavor manufactured by J & J Snack Foods, Pennsauken, NJ were mislabeled Kof-K PARVE. The Products Are Kof-K DAIRY. Brother Kane’s Cracked Pepper w/Salt; and Hot Sauce Potato Chips are OU dairy but the “D” was mistakenly omitted. Vitner’s Triple Cheese; Hot Wings and Blue Cheese; and Crunchy Curls y Limon Potato Chips bear an unauthorized OU symbol and are not kosher. The products are being withdrawn from the marketplace. Vitner’s Sour Cream and Onion; Sweet and Tangy BBQ; Salt ‘n Sour; and Louisiana Hot Sauce Potato Chips contain dairy ingredients as listed on the ingredient panel but the OU dairy designation has been inadvertently omitted. Packaging is being revised. Fresh & Easy Rocky Road Ice Cream mistakenly bears an unauthorized OU symbol and is not kosher. The product is being withdrawn from the marketplace Please be advised that Unico Manicotti and Unico Jumbo Shells made in Italy bear an unauthorized MK (Montreal Kosher) and should not be used. Please note that Genesis Super Spar has been sold and therefore with immediate effect the kosher sections are no longer under the supervision of the Johannesburg Beth Din The Vaad of Queens has received inquiries in connection to a Hashgacha in Queens by the name of Kehillah Kashrut of Queens. Please be advised that the Vaad Harabonim of Queens has no connection to KKQ. Sweetwater Spice Company has several products that bear an unauthorized cRc. None of their products are certified by the cRc. Please contact the cRc at [email protected] if you have seen any of their products in your area bearing the cRc on the label. Please be advised that Pita Pit bread (in Pomona CA) is no longer supervised by the RCC (Rabbinical Council of California) even when bearing the RCC logo. Please be aware that Northern Catch Salmon Fillets in Cajun Spice Sauce, Salmon Fillets in Lemon Sauce, Salmon Fillets in Dill Sauce and any other variety, Aldi Inc., Batavia IL: These products mistakenly bear an unauthorized symbol and are not kosher. They are being withdrawn from the marketplace. Consumers spotting these products are requested to contact the Orthodox Union Rabbi Yoseph Herman reports that the harvest of spring wheat and oats of the Chodosh harvest has begun at of Sunday

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Answering The Call For Help – Responding To Mental Health Crisis In The Kehillah: To Be Discussed At Rebbetzin Roundtable

A Rebbetzin needs to understand the problems that confront  individuals in her community. This situation will be discussed at an upcoming program sponsored by The Task Force on Children and Families at Risk, National Council of Young Israel, and Ezrat Chayim-Pride of Judea of the Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services. The 5th Annual Rebbetzin’s Round table will address “Answering the Call for Help: Responding to Mental Health Crisis in the Kehillah” on Wednesday, July 14th, at 7:30 pm at Congregation Nachalas Yitzchak (Rabbi Oelbaum), which is located at 141-39 73rd Avenue, Kew Gardens Hills, NY.   Rebbetzins will learn to recognize the signs of distress in adults and children and how they can offer assistance and referrals. Community mental health resources will be provided.   Dr. Faygie Zakheim, Co-Chair, Task Force for Children & Families at Risk, Adjunct Faculty, New York University, Met Council will offer opening remarks. There will be a panel discussion which will address the various topics.  The panelists will be Harriet Blank, LCSW, Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services Intake Coordinator, Geriatric Mental Health Program Coordinator; Mrs. Tina Machnikoff, LCSW, Ezrat Chayim- Pride of Judea, Therapist in private practice; and Dr. Gila Schwerd, Psychotherapist in private practice. Rebbetzin Judi Steinig, Young Israel of Bayside, Director of Programming, National Council of Young Israel, will be the moderator for the evening.   Rebbetzins throughout the metropolitan area are invited to this complimentary program and dessert reception. Reservations are requested and can be made by calling 212-929-1525 x 112 or by emailing [email protected].   This program has been made possible by the generous support of the Honorable Speaker of the Assembly, Sheldon Silver. Other sponsors of the program are Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, Tikvah at Ohel, and the Vaad Harabonim of Queens.

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Petira Of HaRav Mordechai Druk ZATZAL

This morning, in Yerushalayim, HaRav Mordechai Druk ZATZAL, known as the ‘Maggid Mesharim’ was niftar at the age of 66. Since the Six Day War in 1967, Rav Druk gave a shiur at the Kosel, first toveling in the mikve shortly after 4:00am. From there he went to Shaare Chessed, then Zichron Moshe, spending his entire day delivering Shiurim in Yeshivos, Batei Midrashim, and Kolelim. Thousands of American Yeshiva Bochrim were Zoche to hear his famous Shalosh Seudos Drashos. His entire being was just to deliver words of Torah…. In his Tzavah (Will) HaRav Druk wrote that the title “HaRav Hagon” should not be used, and that there should be no Hespeidim at his Levaya. The Levaya was held today (Monday) at his home on Rechov Shmuel HaNavi, and was brought to Har HaMenuchos for Kevura in the “Chelkas Harabonim”. Boruch Dayan Emmes….

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Chaverim Of Queens Conducts Free Pre-Winter Auto Checkup

PHOTO LINK BELOW: This past Sunday December 6th was a wonderful day for the Queens community. Chaverim of Queens, which was founded just under 2 years ago, in memory of Mr. Jack Friedman, held a Free Pre-Winter Auto Inspection for the Queens community. Chaverim of Queens has responded to a few thousand calls already and is growing every day. The Pre-Winter Auto Inspection was held at Maven Motors in Kew Gardens. Maven Motors, which is located at 121-02 Jamaica Avenue is not only known as a trustworthy and reliable mechanic, but has been involved in working with Chaverim of Queens since day one by providing training for all new members. They also have mechanics available (for Chaverim members) on a regular basis to answer questions in any severe type of emergency beyond the scope of the basic training. The event was sponsored by Personal Touch Home Health Services and co-sponsored by the Vaad Harabonim of Queens. The mechanics at Maven Motors together with about 15 members from Chaverim inspected many cars and anyone who needed to have immediate work done was able to have it done on the spot if they so chose. Tires were filled with air, bulbs were replaced if necessary, and most cars received new windshield wipers free of charge. The one episode that really stood out is somewhat quite amazing. During the routine inspection on someone’s car, a small crack in the tire was found running from the side to the front of the tire. The mechanics explained with certainty that this could lead to a blowout especially in severe weather. The person who’s car was being inspected then went on to say how she was about to take a drive up to Montreal and decided when she saw the event advertised that she would come in and get the car checked out even though she knew nothing was wrong with it. Well Baruch Hashem she did, because this tire needed to be replaced and it was. Throughout the day, local police officers stopped by to say hello and were really impressed with what was being done. It truly was a tremendous kiddush hashem. Councilman Jim Gennaro who has also been a friend and supporter of Chaverim of Queens also stopped by to say a few kind words and of course to have his car inspected as well. Refreshments, also sponsored by Personal Touch were served throughout the day to all participants, volunteers and of course the mechanics. Chaverim of Queens is growing and is therefore always looking for new volunteers with day and night time availability. If you would like to join or know anyone who would like to join (or make a donation of any kind) please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 347-684-1155 to request an application and an interview. YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos. (Eli Gefen – YWN)

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Chaverim Of Queens To Conduct Free Pre-Winter Auto Checkup

Chaverim of Queens in memory of Jack Friedman is pleased to announce that they will be conducting a free pre-winter Auto Checkup this Sunday December 6th. This is a community wide event and all members of the community are invited to come and have their cars checked out to make sure they are ready for the winter ahead. The event will take place at Maven Motors in Kew Gardens located at 121-02 Jamaica Avenue, Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Representatives from local police departments will be available as well to instruct on proper use of child restraints and general auto safety. Refreshments will be served. The event is sponsored by Personal Touch Home Health Services and co-sponsored by The Vaad Harabonim of Queens. (Eli Gefen – YWN)

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Tefillin & Torah Giddin: The Hidden Kashrut Scandal

In recent years massive amounts of non-kosher and bidievad-kosher giddin, the special thread used to sew tefillin, sifrei Torah, Nach and megillot have appeared in the STa”M marketplace. This giddin is sold to unsuspecting sofrim and then passed on to the kosher consumer. The problematic giddin is of 2 types. Giddin made from gid, sinews, taken from pigs, horses, camels and other tamei animals or made by non-Jews is pasul and pasuls the STa”M items in which it is used. Giddin processed by machine and thus not made lishmah lowers the kashrut level of divrei STa”M to being only kosher bidieved. Information about this scandal has been very slow in becoming public knowledge. This is despite the fact that the Jerusalem Badatz, the Vaad HaRabonim L’inyanei STa”M, Rav Mordechai Friedlander, Rav of Mishmeres STa”M of Jerusalem and Rav Shamai K’hat HaCohen Gross, Rav of Mishmeret Hakodesh have all issued strong warnings in the past to the public about it. Tefillin having only a general kashrut certificate are suspect as to the giddin used in them. They should be checked by a certified STa”M examiner and re-sewn with giddin having a hechsher. How has this scam come about? Because few people are familiar with the complex laws of giddin, retzuot and tefillin batim. Most sellers of STa”M are not sofrim. Also, most sofrim only learn how to write STa”M without studying these additional halachot. Even many rabbis are unfamiliar with these halachot unless they have undertaken special study. Due to the growth in size of the world-wide Jewish community and the attendant growth in the amount of divrei STa”M being produced, the making of giddin has become an industry on the order of magnitude of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually. Giddin without a hechsher is sold at a very low price at great profit to the illicit manufacturers. Those involved either are ignorant of the halachic requirements for kosher giddin or are knowingly ignoring these requirements for financial gain. The amount of giddin used in a single pair of tefillin or even in a complete Torah scroll is very small. Thus, demanding kosher, mehudar giddin adds only minimally to the price. Just as with what we eat, tefillin, sifrei Torah, Nach and megillot need to have kashrut certification that includes supervision of the giddin used. The buyer must know who gives the kashrut certification and what is covered by the certificate. If it is not clear what the certification covers a Rabbi should be consulted before making the purchase. For further halachic references and a list of the hiddurim present in mehudar giddin, see this letter from Rav Shamai K’hat HaCohen Gross , Rav of Mishmeret Hakodesh for Sta”M, and this letter from the Jerusalem Badatz . Additional Background Information: How Giddin is Made Giddin is thread made from the gid, sinew, of a kosher animal. The Shulchan Aruch, basing itself on halacha l’Moshe miSinai, specifies that giddin is the only thread that is kosher for sewing tefillin, Torah scrolls and megillot. The halachot of giddin detail which animals can be used as source material and how the giddin is to be made. Production of kosher giddin is both physically demanding and time consuming. It is almost an art form. Until very recently the skills involved, which can take years

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Following Ban, Streit’s Matzo to Sport Kof-K in 2010

The Kof-K logo will make an encore appearance on the Streit’s Matzo streits_logobox for Passover 2010, alongside the Soloveichik kashrus seal that has been on Streit’s products since the 1950s. The change is a result of the ban on Streit’s matzo products enacted by the Vaad HaRabonim of Queens and the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway just before last Pesach. Although Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik had been the sole hashgacha on Streits-Kof-K logoStreit’s matzo since 2007, the two community organizations claimed their sudden action in 2009 was necessary due to Streit’s lack of a nationally known hashgacha. Rabbi Yosef Eisen, rabbinic coordinator of the Vaad of the Five Towns, pronounced the news about the Kof-K and Streit’s to be “wonderful.” Would he expect any problems next Pesach about allowing stores in the Five Towns and Far Rockaway to stock Streit’s matzo? “Absolutely not,” he said. Rabbi Yoel Schoenfeld, who heads the Queens Vaad and led the way on the initial Streit’s ban, was more cautious. “Obviously, we’re very delighted that they’re taking a national hashgacha,” he said, but “we’ll have to see how they proceed. That’s something that’s going to have to be left to our kashruth committee.” Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik began supervising Streit’s matzo production in 2001 following the death of his father, Rabbi Aharon Soloveichik, zt”l. The elder Rabbi Soloveichik, a brother to Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, had overseen Streit’s since the 1950s and was considered beyond reproach. The son was publicly embarrassed earlier this year to learn that he, apparently, was not. “I received apologies,” he said. “One rabbi called an hour and a half before Pesach [after] all the stores were closed down. I received an apology from another rabbi for not having called me to find out the details.” As for working with the Kof-K again, Rabbi Soloveichik said, “I’ve worked with them before and we worked well together … I guess [Streit’s] feel it’s a form of protection to have a national hashgacha from people who would say all kinds of things without having a real basis for it.” The Kof-K now has a business relationship with Streit’s that makes him unable to comment, said Rabbi Daniel Senter. For Streit’s the addition of the Kof-K is purely a business decision, as it was to remove it after the 2006 baking season. “I have spoken to [the two vaads] and I’m still not sure why they did what they did,” said Alan Adler, one of the cousins who operate the company founded by his great-grandfather, Aron Streit. “I asked, ‘Is there any way to get Streit’s into the stores without a national hashgacha,’ and they only responded, ‘If you have a national hashgacha the problem will go away.’” Adler said the added expense would not cause the price of matzo to go up. The company estimates the ban last Pesach, which Adler called “an ambush,” had cost Streit’s about $200,000 in lost orders. Prominent local rabbonim were critical of the Vaad of the Five Town’s sudden move against Streit’s and promised to do a better job of policing its activities. Consumers were supportive when the ban became public, said Adler. “Almost everybody we heard from was outraged by what the vaads did and came out to support us.” “I got e-mails from

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YWN Editorial: Same Gender Marriage – A Threat to Our Lifestyle

By Rabbi Yehuda Levin for YWN: Governor Paterson, legislative leaders, politicians and activists have put same gender marriage on the fast track with the goal of presenting it as a fait accompli before the “shame” celebrations in late June. Thus, it is imperative that the Orthodox Torah community understand the impact such legislation would potentially have on our daily lives.  Furthermore, we should be aware of how the great Torah leaders of this past generation reacted to the Toeiva political agenda. Finally and most importantly: What can and must, we the ordinary citizens, do to assure that this measure not be voted into law? Severity: From a Torah perspective, the severity of same gender marriage legislation can not be over exaggerated. The Midrash Rabah at the end of Parshas Bereishis states that the final straw, which led to Hashem (G-D) ordaining the Flood of Noach, was when mankind began writing same gender marriage contracts. Furthermore, even secular society throughout the ages has used the term sodomy to remind us that the final straw which led to the destruction of Sodom was when her citizens surrounded Lot’s house, demanding he surrender his guest “so that we may know them” (Bereishis/Genesis 19:5; see Rashi). The Torah tells us that Hashem’s ultimate struggle intergenerationally is with Amalek. The commentary Rashi (Devarim 25:18) defines the misdeeds of Amalek as Mishkav Zachor, Toeiva. What Gedolim Did: When the first “Toeiva rights” legislation was enacted in Dade County, Florida, a nondescript, non-orthodox Jew from off the street went to Rav Moshe Feinstiens’s  Z”TL apartment in the Lower East Side and explained to him what the bill and agenda were about. Rav Feinstien immediately instructed Rabbi Hirsch Ginsburg, the director of Agudas HaRabonim to send letters to each Dade County Commissioner urging them to reverse this legislation. Rav Moshe signed the letter(s) Moses Feinstein (in English).  When I arranged for Rav Moshe to receive a letter on this subject signed by Rav Avigdor Miller and the Debrciner Rav Z”TL, he again chose to respond on Agudas HaRabonim stationary (rather than on that of Agudath Israel whose Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah he headed). He wrote in part that “it’s a holy obligation for everyone to do all in their power to impress on the politicians to vote against such legislation.”  He also requested of “all who heed our words to personally fill the City Council chambers for all the days of the hearings to sanctify G-D’s name by showing all nations manifestly that G-D’s people loath abomination.” Just imagine what Rav Feinstien would have said about same gender marriage, which is so much more severe than just “Rights”!  The fact that aside from a press release or two, the Orthodox organizations are not at all following Rav Feinstien’s clear instructions and vigorously opposing this is quite puzzling, disappointing, and dangerous to say the least. Impact of the Legislation: Same gender couples would have thousands of benefits heretofore granted to heterosexual couples. School text books and educational curriculum would be replete with text, pictures, etc…requiring respect for this relationship, and insisting that it is proper irregardless of religious teaching. Government funding for educational institutions may eventually require adherence to these laws as a condition for receiving any state funding. Anyone dealing with government, government agencies contracts, etc…as well as many professions which require state licensees and

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Different From All Other Years: Streit’s Matzo Off Preferred List in Five Towns

The following article is written By Mayer Fertig, and will appear in tomorrows Jewish Star. Every conversation with a kashruth professional about Streit’s Matzo –– on the record or off –– eventually winds up in the same place: no one wants to be disrespectful to the memory of Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik zt”l whose name was on the Streit’s box from the mid-50s until his death in 2001 — or to hurt his son, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik, who gives the hashgacha (kosher certification) today — by publicly raising a concern that the quality of supervision at Streit’s has slipped in recent years. Yet, less than a month before Pesach, the Vaad HaRabbonim of Queens decided to remove Streit’s Matzo and matzo products from its list of approved products. The Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway immediately followed suit. The result was that days before Passover the makers of Streit’s Matzo felt ambushed, Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik was embarrassed publicly and many kosher consumers are confused: is the stuff kosher for Pesach, or not? Everyone seems to agree that it is. The directive from the Queens Vaad was in no way meant to imply that the matzo is not kosher for Passover, said Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld, co-president of the Vaad HaRabonim of Queens. “People asked me, ‘I bought Streit’s Matzo. Should I return it?’ I said no.” “We’re not saying, chas v’shalom, that it’s not kosher,” said Rabbi Yosef Eisen of the Five Towns Vaad. “We’re just saying that there are certain concerns about the level of oversight.” “No one here at all had any malice, any intention to hurt anybody,” he stressed. “The reason that this has been pushed off from year to year, although there have been certain concerns that this is a private hashgacha, but no one wanted to hurt, at all, Rabbi Soloveichik. [He] is a distinguished individual. In the end not wanting to hurt him, to be damaging to him personally” turned out to have the opposite effect. “Streit’s matzos were held in very high esteem while they were under the hashgacha of Rav Ahron Soloveichik,” according to an expert in machine matzo production who spoke to The Jewish Star on the condition that he not be identified. “When the hashgacha went to his son the perception was that the same standards were not maintained.” “Because it was Rav Ahron Soloveichik’s hechsher –– no one wants to mess with the Soloveichiks in general,” he explained. “There’s a feeling of reverence [for] the family.” Among the problems that can occur on a matzo production line are the folded over matzo, called a kefulah, or the swelled matzo, called a nefucha, the expert said. “And part of the job of the hechsher agency is to make sure these are removed prior to crush –– the making of all kinds of matzo meal products. Because once it’s crushed and turned into itty bitty pieces, you can’t tell if it was once kosher matzo or not.” No one who spoke with The Jewish Star offered any cause for specific concern in those regards. “Its very important that you understand that the question is not whether one trusts the Streit’s company,” said Rabbi Daniel Senter, the kashrus administrator of the Kof-K. “[They] are very honorable people. The question is …

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Gedolei Yisroel at Special Meeting: No Compromise on “Kabolas Ohl Mitzvos” of Converts

Jerusalem…An impressive group of Gedolei Yisroel, rabbonim and dayanim reaffirmed the importance of ascertaining the sincerity of potential converts in accepting the “ohl hamitzvos,” at a special meeting organized by the Eternal Jewish Family (EJF) on May 29th. The meeting followed the highly publicized debate in Eretz Yisroel over the assertion that many conversions were lenient about the concept of “kabolas ohl mitzvos” at the time of conversion. The meeting was opened by Harav Leib Tropper, Rosh Yeshiva, Kol/Yaakov, who serves as the head of Vaad Harabonim of EJF. He noted that the timing was rife for a gathering of yirei hashem on the subject, “which could only lead to positive results.” Harav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, representing the Bais Din of Harav Vosner and Rosh Yeshiva of Chasam Sofer, read a massage from Harav Sholom Yosef Eliyashiv, who warned that “we must be on guard with all our strength to prevent the incursion of foreign concepts (in giyur) into bais yisroel.” The assembled expressed a great deal of concern about converts who are totally removed from authentic Judaism and who misuse their certificates by dayanim resulting in a great deal of confusion as to their Jewish identity. They suggested that while the convert may never have intentioned to be a shomer mitzvos, they function in society as fully recognized Jews, leading to many halachic problems on their status as well as the status of their offspring. The rabbonim reiterated the spirit and word of the letter of Gedolei Yisroel in 1984 confirming that only geirim who sincerely and genuinely accept ohl mitzvos at the time of conversion can be accepted into klal Yisroel as geirei tzedek. The rabbonim were particularly concerned about the wholesale geirus of thousands of non-Jews who never have any intention of observing Torah and mitzvos. They urged all rabbonim to be on guard during the application process for marriage to ascertain the background of the couples. The rabbonim singled out for praise the rabbinic committees in many Israeli cities who conduct exhaustive background checks prior to agreeing to officiate at weddings. Harav Tropper suggested closer scrutiny at time of giyur to determine the sincerity of the potential converts in keeping Torah and mitzvos. He also reiterated the position of Gedolei Yisroel that conversions can only be performed in established batei din and not batei din that are set up for the purpose of doing giyur and whose conversion must be redone. The meeting resolved to embark on an intensive educational campaign amongst local religious councils to emphasize their responsibility in preserving the sanctity of the Jewish nation. Amongst the participants were Harav Yitzchok Scheiner, Rosh Yeshiva of Kaminetz and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah; Harav Shmuel Deutsch, a Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva Kol Torah; Harav Eliyahu Heishirik, Dayan of the Bet Din of Tel Aviv; Harav Mordechai Shlomo Steinmetz, Rav of Chasidei Viznitz, Jerusalem; Harav Moshe Havlin, Rav of Kiryat Gat; Harav Yosef ben Porat, Rosh Yeshiva Ashrei Ha’ish; Harav Nochum Eisenstein, Chairman of the International Committee on giyur affiliated with the beth din of Harav Eliyashiv; Harav Mordechai Kalmanowitz, Director of the Wedding Registry, Ashdod; and Harav Zvi Weinman, a toen. (Wittten by Lubicom)

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Gateshead Crowns Its New Rov

(Click HERE for photos) The Gateshead Kehillah last week formally inaugurated their new Rov, Rabbi Shraga Feivel Zimmerman.  The historic and moving ceremony took place in the large Community Centre in Bewick Road on Monday night, in the presence of the whole community, with a top table graced by Roshei Yeshiva, Dayonim and Senior Rabbonim. The Rov, whose parents and parents in law came from America to participate in the Simcha, entered the packed hall flanked by the Va’ad Harobonim, to the harmonious sound of Rabbi Fordsham’s choir singing “Boruch Haboh”. Following Mincha, the Rosh Hakohol, Mr Yosef Schleider, movingly welcomed visitors and dignitaries to the historic and auspicious occasion.  Mr Schleider stressed that any community will be comprised of many varied opinions and views.  If all those differing perspectives are focused on a common objective, the result will be unified strength.  The force that can coalesce those forces is a Rov.  That was the great skill of Gateshead’s previous Rov, Rabbi Bezalel Rakow zt”l; and the great Siyato d’Shmayo in finding a successor of the calibre of Rabbi Zimmerman to continue that pivotal role. Rabbi Falk, representing the Va’ad Harabonim, described the triple qualities required by a leader – personal example, warmth and approachability, and the power to inspire.  Drawing on the Torah’s comparison of a leader to a shepherd, Rabbi Falk listed amongst his qualities the care and compassion for his flock and also the superior foresight to demand of his charges to move on when required.  Rabbi Falk stressed that the Kehillah has always followed the Da’as Torah of previous Rabbonim, and would continue to do so.  He then read out the K’sav Rabonus and presented it to Rabbi Zimmerman to the resounding heartfelt words of Tehillim, “Yomim al Yemei Melech Tosif”. Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneebalg, Rov of Manchester’s Machzikei Hadass, welcomed the new Rov, stressing that Klal Yisroel’s demand for a new king is praiseworthy when their request is motivated with a desire to be subservient to his authority.  If our contemporary kings are our Rabbonim, and his followers look to their leader for direction and counsel, then they too will be blessed with success. Rav Ephraim Padwa, G’avad of the UOHC,  extolled the virtues of Gateshead as a model Torah town, but that its continued development hinged on having a Rov.  Contrasting a Rov to a general, Rabbi Padwa commented that whereas a general stays at the rear of his army where he can plan his strategy, a Rov is one who leads from the front, guaranteeing success with his won z’chusim. Prior to the Rov’s response, Mr Feisvish Steinhaus, senior member of the Kehillah, presented the Rov with a new Tallis.  The Rov’s brochoh and Shehechiyanu were in effect the highlight of the afternoon, encapsulating all the gratitude to Hashem and hopes for the future. In a masterful and emotional address, Rabbi Zimmerman thanked Hashem Yisborach for the tremendous privilege of his appointment.  Quoting the Lubliner Rov, Rabbi Zimmerman stressed that the function of a Rov is not to bask in the reflected glory of his predecessors, but to build on the foundations that they established.  The Rov quoted his late grandfather, Rabbi Yonah Horowitz, the Frankfurter Rov, who explained that the reason each person has to write their own Sefer Torah, despite the

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Assemblyman Schaer Convenes Meetings With Medical Examiners To Discuss Autopsies And Religious Considerations

Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer (D-Passaic), in partnership with Agudath Israel of America, convened two meetings over the past two months which have brought top leaders from the Jewish community together with leading officials in county and state medical examiner’s offices. The purposes of the meetings were to present the Jewish perspective on autopsies and ensuring the dignity of the deceased. “While New Jersey already has strong legislation that protects the rights of religiously observant residents, these meetings serve as forums that allow those involved to gain a greater appreciation for the needs of the observant Jewish community,” said Assemblyman Schaer who recently authored several pieces of legislation aimed at religious accommodation that were signed into law. “It is my hope that New Jersey will continue to serve as a model to all other states when it comes to sensitivity to religious concerns.” In all but seven states, religious decedants who die of unknown causes can be autopsied. States which have state Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) do not have explicit laws governing autopsy, but families of religious decedants can potentially use the RFRA to protect their religious rights. In all states, autopsies are still performed in cases of compelling public necessity. New Jersey law has specific autopsy legislation protecting religious rights. Among others, the meetings included Rabbi Elchonon Zone, the Director and founder of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens and the National Association of Chevros Kadisha, Rabbi  A.D. Motzen, Ohio Regional Director of Agudath Israel, and NJ Agudath Israel Director Josh Pruzansky. Additional meetings will be formalized in the coming months to further discuss these important issues.

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Out Of The Mailbag – To YW Editor (Hillary, And Community Leaders)

Dear Yeshiva World,  Although the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah told us to vote, they didn’t say for whom. Not to worry. Boruch Hashem we have other yidden to help us out with that. I find it funny (sickening), that when I open any Jewish newspaper I see endorsements for candidates by ordinary people (AKA:) “Community Leaders”. First of all, last I checked, the community “Leaders” are not a few Boro Park Hatzolah members, or the director of Chaveirim, or a Shomrim coordinator (as those ads clearly say) – but rather Leading Gedolim, Rabbonim, Admorim, and Roshei Yeshivos. In a full page ad in the Hamodia is says the following: “THE GREATER JEWISH ORTHODOX COMMUNITY IN BROOKLYN ENDORSES HILLARY CLINTON,” and [some of] the signatures say: Yitzchok Fleisher (Bobov); Heshy Dembitzer (Administrator, Bobover Yeshiva); Moshe Gold (Belz); Rabbi Gershon Tennenbaum (Agudath Harabonim); Bernie Gips (Hatzolah); Avrumi Fischman (Krasne); Rabbi MD Niederman (Satmar) [who by the way was a staunch Rudy supporter just a few months ago see HERE]; Rabbi Aryeh Leib Glantz (Satmar); Chaskie Rosenberg (Paramedic, BP Activist); Aron Kohn (Chaveirim BP); Jacob Daskal (Shomrim BP); Moshe M. Senderowitz (Viznitz). First of all, who are these “Community Leaders” to self proclaim that they represent the “Greater Jewish Orthodox Community”? And are we led to believe that BOBOV, SATMAR, HATZOLAH, SHOMRIM, CHAVEIRIM, KRASNE, VIZNITZ – all endorse Hillary? Did Rav Dovid Feinstein sign his name on behalf of Hatzolah? Did the Bobover Rebbe sign his name? Did the Satmar Rebbe sign his name? Were these Rabbonim even consulted? Where is the Heter to deceive the general public into thinking that these organizations endorse a particular candidate? Perhaps your readers should be informed that they should ask their individual Rov who they should vote for; and not pay any attention to any “Community Leaders”. Disgusted in Brooklyn.

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A Virtual Alternative to Autopsies?

The use of “virtual autopsy” to accommodate religious concerns was the subject of a recent seminar here at Bolling Air Force Base. The procedure – using Computed Tomography (CT) scans rather than scalpels in post-mortem examinations – has been employed by the military over 2000 times at Dover Air Force Base in Delaware. It saves time – often taking as little as two minutes, compared to up to ten hours using the traditional method; it can better render the path taken by a projectile; and it facilitates triage, including helping identify cases where an invasive, autopsy might be deemed necessary. Not considered when the military began using the scans, however, were religious concerns. But such concerns were much on the minds of the presenters and more than forty military chaplains who participated in the Bolling Base seminar. The event, which was spearheaded by noted askan, Chaplain Captain Menashe Miller, USAF, and coordinated by Rabbi A. D. Motzen, Ohio regional director of Agudath Israel of America, featured an expert panel — assembled by Rabbi Motzen, together with Rabbi Aaron Kotler, CEO of Beth Medrosh Govoha – who examined the issue of virtual autopsies from medical, legal, and halachic perspectives. Panelists included Commander Edward  Reedy, Ph.D., M.D., Chief Deputy Medical Examiner of the Armed Forces; Rabbi Shmuel Bloom, executive vice president of Agudath Israel of America; Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director and founder of the Chevra Kadisha of the Vaad Harabonim of Queens and the National Association of Chevros Kadisha; and Steven Sholk, Esq. a practicing attorney for 25 years and currently of Gibbons P.C. In a compelling presentation, Rabbi Rabbi Elchonon Zohn, director of the National Association of Chevros Kadisha, conveyed the Jewish emphasis on preserving the dignity of the deceased, outlining some of the halachic issues related to immediate burial and autopsy. “Although blood and toxicology samples may still need to be taken in many cases,” he said, “virtual autopsy will have a significant impact in reducing invasive procedures.” “With virtual autopsies, meisim who would otherwise need to undergo invasive and sometimes time-consuming procedures can be scanned and returned to the families for immediate burial,” said Rabbi Motzen, adding that the procedure is already being used to accommodate religious convictions in England and Australia. “Even when medical examiners may need to remove a bullet, the scan can pinpoint the exact location, saving the pathologist many hours of work, and the body from invasive desecration.”     The Agudah representative noted that in cases of mass casualties like hurricanes, virtual autopsy can be used as a triage tool to decide which bodies can be spared more invasive autopsy. Commander Reedy pointed out that virtual autopsies are so new and cutting-edge, the courts do not yet recognize their results as scientific evidence. Such recognition, he said, is critical for the procedure to be adopted for civilian use, and gaining court acceptance  is one of Commander Reedy’s highest priorities. Once that happens, civilian medical examiners and coroners will be more likely to incorporate this technology into their work.  A number of medical examiners have already contacted the Armed Forces for more information about the procedure and the necessary equipment. Expressing gratitude to Commander Reedy and the Air Force for their willingness to examine ways to respect the religious views of servicemen, Rabbi Motzen noted that

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Yom Hashoah – Choir controversy

CJN: The Toronto Board of Rabbis (TBR), comprising mainly Conservative and Reform clergy, said it won�t take part in, or endorse, this year�s community-wide Yom Hashoah commemoration after organizers decided the full Renanim Youth Choir can�t sing at the event because the group has both boys and girls. This year, for the first time, organizers decided to invite the Renanim choir to take part in the annual event, but only with its male singers. The decision was made out of deference to the Vaad Harabonim, the umbrella for some 70 Orthodox rabbis, in order to respect the traditional prohibition against men hearing women sing (kol isha). The six-year-old choir is two-thirds female and its 25 members range in age from 10 to 18. Although there are no formal, written guidelines for the event � to be held April 24 at Earl Bales Park � female clergy, female soloists and mixed choirs have not been on the program in past years. Organizers want everyone in the community to feel comfortable, event co-chair Louis Greenbaum said. Both rabbinic groups, along with about a dozen other organizations, have been longtime co-sponsors of the Holocaust Community Commemoration, which is facilitated by UJA Federation of Greater Toronto. The TBR, whose approximately 40 affiliated rabbis are mostly Reform and Conservative, voted unanimously this month to withdraw its support from this year�s event, said Rabbi Aaron Flanzraich, who will succeed Rabbi Daniel Gottlieb as president June 1. �I think the exclusion of children is particularly painful, because children�s voices were silenced in the Holocaust,� said Rabbi Gottlieb, who was on the event�s steering committee. He said the program, as it stands, does not �reflect the community,� and that although he has asked for the inclusivity issue to be looked at in the past, it has not happened……..

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Canadian kosher gym?

They really gotta copy the NY Kosher Gym. I guess it is more kosher! TCJN: Although the word �exercise� and the term �Orthodox� tend not to go together much in the public mind, in fact, many Orthodox do indeed realize the importance of being fit, eating healthy and, yes, exercising.. there are more serious considerations for the Orthodox person who wants to exercise, than deciding on Pilates or aerobics, particularly for the Orthodox woman. These considerations revolve mainly around tzniut, modesty…Rabbi Reuven Tradburks, spiritual leader of Kehillat Shaarei Torah and secretary of the Vaad Harabonim, said that the Talmud exhorts women to cover certain parts of the body. Sleeves must reach the elbow and skirts are to be below the knee. Slacks, which are considered men�s clothing, are not permitted.Theoretically, Rabbi Tradburks said, women can exercise in skirts, perhaps with tights under them, and in loose tops with long sleeves, but he recognizes that �it would be extremely uncomfortable� for them. Obviously, these issues do not apply in a home environment or in an all-women gym. Exercising on fitness equipment in the home, however, the rabbi recognizes, is not as satisfactory or as effective. It is no more acceptable, he added, for women to see men immodestly dressed than it is for men to see women that way. Matthew and Felicia Taub have operated Sensible Fitness Solutions in the heavily haredi Bathurst and Lawrence area of the city since last fall. Certified physical fitness professionals, they began their careers giving private lessons in people�s homes. Since many of their clientele are part of that community, they became sensitized to their particular needs. Having Orthodox relatives, Matthew said, made them more aware and �supersensitive� on the subject. When they opened their facility, they wanted to make sure that the Orthodox, particularly Orthodox women, would be comfortable there. Matthew only gives instruction to men and boys. �I have never even seen what goes on in the women�s classes,� he said. �We guarantee privacy � doors are locked during classes, and we make sure that there are no interruptions.� In the room where group classes in yoga and aerobics are held, the windows are two-thirds tinted glass. �We left the top clear, so that sunshine, which is rejuvenating, can come in,� said Felicia. These accommodations have made haredi women feel welcome and comfortable, Matthew said. �We even have young girls from the nearby Orthodox high schools coming in to get fit.� There are classes for haredi men and boys, held at separate times and under the same conditions. Besides the issues of tzniut, the Taubs are cognizant of Orthodox cultural norms. Much of the music used in regular gyms is not considered appropriate in the Orthodox world, so even the tapes used as background are carefully vetted.

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