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Federal, State and County Law Enforcement Officials Hold Multiple Meetings with Jewish Leaders Following Threats [PHOTOS & VIDEOS]

Top law enforcement officials have been demonstrating their commitment to ensuring the safety and security of New Jersey’s Jewish communities, holding a series of meetings with top leaders at several locations statewide. New Jersey U.S. Attorney Philip Sellinger visited Chabad headquarters at Rabbinical College of America in Morristown last week along with New Jersey State Police Regional Operations and Intelligence Center Section Commanding Officer Major Larry Williams, members of the NJSP Community Outreach Unit and other high ranking NJSP officials. Also present were representatives of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security, Morris County Prosecutor Robert Carroll, Morris County Sheriff James Gannon and other law enforcement officials. The group discussed security concerns amid rising anti-Semitism with Chabad’s head New Jersey emissary and Rabbinical College of America dean Rabbi Moshe Herson, Chabad assistant head New Jersey emissary Rabbi Mendy Herson, Chabad of Gloucester executive director and law enforcement chaplain Rabbi Avi Richler and NJSP chaplain Rabbi Abe Friedman, and was welcomed by hundreds of rabbinical students as they toured the campus. “It was extremely reassuring to hear high ranking law enforcement officials reaffirming their commitment to the safety of our communities and our houses of worship,” said Rabbi Moshe Herson, who oversees several dozen Chabad centers throughout New Jersey. Just days earlier, New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin spent time addressing concerns with Lakewood community leaders at Beth Medrash Govoha. Among those in attendance were BMG CEO Yosef Heinemann, Lakewood committeeman Meir Lichtenstein, Agudath Israel of America’s New Jersey director Rabbi Avi Schnall, chaplains Yisroel Bursztyn and Yaakov Wenger and others. “It was an honor to host Attorney General Platkin in Lakewood to discuss our security concerns,” said Lichtenstein. “Only by working together can we eradicate hatred and bias, which have no place in the Garden State.” A December conference had long-time community leader and police liaison Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Teaneck Deputy Mayor Elie Katz, Rabbi Schnall, Meir Lichtenstein and other community leaders meeting with U.S. Attorney Sellinger and other members of his team in his Newark office. Addressing the ongoing safety concerns, Sellinger outlined actions he and his office’s civil rights division have undertaken to combat hate crimes and anti-Semitism in the Garden State. “How fortunate we are to be living in a time and place where our religious freedoms are upheld and government officials take our concerns seriously,” noted Rabbi Freilich. “I commend U.S. Attorney Sellinger and his office for their continued efforts on behalf of all of New Jersey’s faith-based communities. The recent gatherings came on the heels of a November meeting with FBI brass in the wake of a broad threat made against New Jersey Jewish institutions this past fall. Rabbi Friedman, who also serves as a Department of Justice chaplain, thanked the FBI, the U.S. Attorney’s Office, the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness and federal prosecutors for their tough stance against anti-Semitism. “Knowing that the individual who made those threats was apprehended swiftly and is now facing federal charges for his statements gives the entire Jewish community the ability to sleep at night,” said Rabbi Friedman. “We are grateful to law enforcement for their support and pray daily for their safety.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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A Chanukah Review for Those Not in School and for Those Who Are

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for FEEL FREE TO PRINT AND REVIEW.. CHANUKAH HISTORICAL CONTEXT Chanukah occurred during the time of the Second Beis HaMikdash approximately in the year 3596/165 B.C.E. The Seleucid Greeks (or Syrian Greeks) ruled and enacted decrees against Klal Yisrael, outlawing the Jewish religion. The Greeks forbade Torah study and the observance of mitzvos. Ironically, they knew what many Jews do not know: what makes Klal Yisrael unique is Torah and mitzvos. Without these, our spiritual existence would gradually disappear and we would no longer be the Am Hashem. The Greeks took our money and violated our bnos Yisrael. They entered the Mikdash and desecrated it. They polluted that which was pure and caused Klal Yisrael much anguish. The Greeks placed such stress on Klal Yisrael that Hashem finally had compassion upon us and rescued us. The Chashmona’im, the family of the Kohain Gadol and those who joined them, were victorious in battle against the Greeks and saved Klal Yisrael from their hands. The Chashmona’im installed a king from among the Kohanim, thereby restoring the monarchy to Klal Yisrael for more than 200 years, until the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash (3829/70 C.E.). The underlying nature of the miracle of Chanukah in and of itself involves a renewal.  The Nesivos Sholom explains (Ma’amarei Chanukah p. 35) that the Gemorah discusses the underlying principle of how we light the Chanukah lamps itself, according to Beis Hillel.  It is called “Mosif v’holech – adding more and more as we go along. This special power of Chanukah began with the Beis HaMikdash – where more and more holiness was added.  It spread to the people. Rav Dessler writes that every Yom Tov is actually the very same day that comes back to us year after year.   Each Chanukah is the very same Chanukah that the Maccabbees experienced.  This light of Chanukah that increases as each day progresses is with us constantly. The Nesivos Shalom further asks why the verse tells us Mechadesh kol yom b’tuvo.  Why must Hashem re-create every day? He answers that it was to give man hope as well.  So that man can renew himself and say, “Today is a new day and I am newly created.”  By the same token the nation of Israel is compared to the moon.  Just as the moon renews itself, so too can we renoew ourselves and reach our fullest.  Perhaps it was because of this notion as well that Chanukah was made to also include a Rosh Chodesh – to remind us of our power of renewal. PRE CHANUKAH PREPARATIONS Generally speaking regarding the other Yomim Tovim throughout the year, we should study them and give lectures in them for 30 days before the holiday (See Megillah 29b).  This is not the case, however, regarding Purim and Chanukah (See Tosfos Megilah 4a “B’Mai”). The Raavad’s son known as the Ri, however, writes that one should prepare the Menorah as well as the oil two days before the holiday (cited in Sukkas Chaim quoting Kovetz Moadim).  The work entitled Orchos Rabbeinu about the Steipler Gaon zatzal writes that the Steipler would either prepare on the 18th of Kislev or the 22nd. THE MIRACLE OF THE OIL The date on which Klal Yisrael was victorious over the Greeks and destroyed

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Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Recognized for their Heroism

Taking advantage of an opportunity to express their appreciation-to those who dedicate their lives to serving others, community and faith leaders gathered at an event in New Jersey, to honor federal, state and local law enforcement officials for their extraordinary service. The event was held on the Hudson River waterfront, at the Palisades Parkway Police (PIPD) Headquarters. Among those honored for their heroism and their collaborative efforts to foster relationships with local communities were Chief Steven Shallop, PIPD, FBI Community Outreach, NY / NJ Specialists Evelyn Vera and Kimberly McDonald, retired Director of Homeland Security Thomas Donlon, DEA Special Agent in Charge Frank Tarentino III, NYPD First-Deputy Commissioner Edward Caban, Orange County District Attorney David Hoovler, and his Chief of investigation, Wilfredo Garcia, U.S. Marshal Juan Mattos, Newark NJ Director of OEM, Sharp James, the Port Authority Police Department and the Orange, Albany, Ulster, Sullivan, Saratoga, Bergen, Passaic and Putnam County sheriff’s departments. The Administrator of Kiryas Joel Volunteer Emergency Medical Service (Hatzolah EMS) and the CEO of central Hatzolah, extended their heartfelt gratitude to the Palisades Interstate Parkway Police Department for working closely with them and allowing hundreds of ambulances to travel the roadway without interruption each year, a partnership that has saved countless lives. Members of the PIPD who were distinguished for their service were Deputy Chief Jesse Cohen, who was recognized for his leadership and dedication to duty, Sergeant First Class Fabricio Salazar for his investigative efforts with the DEA task force and Sergeant Martin Clancy and Officer Elizabeth Santos, who were cited for their lifesaving efforts during a major accident on the parkway. Rabbinical Alliance of America executive vice president Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik was one of several community leaders who addressed participants, emphasizing the importance of building bridges between communities of faith and law enforcement. “Time and time again we have seen that working together yields tremendous results,” said Rabbi Mirocznik. “We are grateful to our law enforcement officials at all levels for their cultural sensitivity and feel confident that our voices are being heard and that our concerns are being addressed.” “The remarkable efforts of our law enforcement partners are not lost on us,” added senior community leader Rabbi Bernard Freilich. “Not only do we support them in their work, but we pray for their safety and that of their families.” Chevra Hatzalah CEO Rabbi Yehiel Kalish, Kiryas Joel Volunteer EMS Administrator Sruly Knobloch and YOssi Margareten, Coordinator of Rockland County Chaverim united in their praise for law enforcement, noting that positive working relationships with police are an essential component of their lifesaving efforts, particularly during the summer months when their members are frequently transporting patients to medical facilities on area roadways. Lauding law enforcement officials for going above and beyond the call of duty, New York/New Jersey police chaplain Rabbi Abe Friedman expressed his deepest appreciation to those who spend their days and nights upholding the law and ensuring public safety. “These noble individuals show their dedication on a daily basis, often risking their own lives to save others,” said Rabbi Friedman. “Individually and collectively, we each owe them a debt of gratitude and we look forward to continuing our joint efforts, working together for a safer community.” Also in attendance were NYPD Commanding Officer of Community Affairs Richie Taylor who is credited for

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TONIGHT: Famous NYS Thruway Mincha Area Opens; Thousands Headed to Catskills Expected to Utilize Sloatsburg Rest Area

Sloatsburg NY. Once again, travelers making their way up to the Catskills on Thursday nights will be able to stop for Mincha and Maariv minyanim at the Sloatsburg Rest Area, located on the northbound Thruway between exits 15A and 16. The Tefilos Mordche Mincha Area is named in memory of long time Asken, Rabbi Mordche Friedman z’l who oversaw the Mincha Area for years and will be open from 5 to 11 PM each Thursday night throughout the summer season. The area is located on the Northbound side of the New York State Thruway, between exits 15A and 16. Community leaders, Askonim, have been working tirelessly together with NY State Police and the Thruway Authority to ensure that the area will be available for those seeking tefilla b’tzibbur on their way to the mountains. As in previous years, veteran askan Rabbi Abe Friedman his brother Joel Friedman, the sons of Reb Mordche A”H, will continue to oversee the Mincha Area. Representatives of the New York State Thruway Authority and the New York State Police met earlier this month with Community leaders, Askunim, Rabbi Bernard Freilich, Rabbi’s Abe and Joel Friedman to discuss important rules and regulations for the area. Travelers are advised to: Park only on the upper level of the parking lot, the most private part of the rest area which creates the least disturbance to other travelers, making it the ideal location for minyanim. Refrain from selling any food or merchandise or conducting any tzedaka solicitations at the Mincha Area which is designated for davening only. A Thruway representative will be present at all times to enforce this rule. Children of all ages must be supervised at all times and should never be left unattended in any vehicle, even for just a moment. Vending machines on the upper level parking lot will be stocked with kosher food. Obey all speed limits and drive with extreme caution when approaching the upper parking lot. Yield to all pedestrians when driving or parking. Rabbi Abe Friedman urged everyone utilizing the Mincha Area to follow the above rules in order to benefit all Catskills-bound travelers. “We are extremely grateful to the Thruway personnel and the New York State Police for working with us to accommodate the needs of the thousands of summer travelers who will be heading for the country every Thursday night,” said Rabbi Friedman. “With everyone’s continued cooperation, we hope to be able to provide this vital service for many years to come.” Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable summer! (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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WATCH: Jewish Belgian MP Wishes Israel Happy Birthday on Yom Haatzmaut

On the occasion of Israel’s 74th Independence Day, Belgian Jewish Member of Parliament Michael Freilich issued a warm message to Israel. “To my Israeli friends, today you celebrate the 74th Independence Day of your country. Let me take this opportunity to wish you congratulations on this day.” “Israel has achieved so much in such a short period of time. It can be proud of its achievements in healthcare, science, technology, security, and also recently its peace accords with many Arab nations.” “So let me wish you a Chag Haatzmaut Sameach – Happy Independence Day – from the heart of the Belgian Parliament in Brussels.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Belgian Garage Refuses Service To Jews Due To “Israel’s Position On Ukraine”

A garage owner in Antwerp published a letter saying that he will no longer provide service to Jews due to “Israel’s unacceptable position on Russia.” The letter, sent last month to various Jewish organizations, the Israeli embassy in Belgium, and media outlets, stated: “As of today, our Jewish customers are no longer welcome for vehicle maintenance or electrical problems.” The Forum of Jewish Organizations in Belgium, which said it was shocked by the letter, issued a statement saying: “Belgian Jews don’t have Israeli citizenship and have no influence on Israel’s decisions.” Over the past week, members of the forum tried to reason with the owner, saying that there’s a fundamental difference between religion and nationality, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy himself is Jewish but not an Israeli citizen. Additionally, the accusations against Israel are “fake news” since Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid publicly condemned Russia several times and called the massacre in Bucha a war crime. Furthermore, Israel voted against Russia several times in the UN, including last week’s vote to remove Russia from the Human Rights Council. The forum added in its response to the owner that Israel offered the most humanitarian assistance per capita of all countries in the world that don’t share a common border with Ukraine, including the field hospital in western Ukraine. However, the garage owner, obviously motivated by anti-Semitism, refused to revoke his letter and the forum filed a complaint against him to Belgium’s state prosecutor. Chareidi Belgian MP Michael Freilich told B’Chadrei Chareidim that “discrimination on the grounds of religion and origin is criminal. This is repugant discrimination and based on ‘fake news.’ I hope it will not be without consequences. We cannot tolerate this in society.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Antwerp: Major Victory For Chareidi Kehilla In Face Of Unusually High Cancer Rate

A Belgian court ruled this week that a gold processing factory located in the Chareidi neighborhood in the center of Antwerp must vacate the area within three years, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. The ruling follows a protracted public and legal battle by Chareidi residents of the area and other interested parties against the factory due to fears of pollution following a disproportionately high rate of cancer in the community in recent years In June, the gold factory, Value Trading, applied for a 10-year extension on its license, prompting the campaign against it. Askanim published leaflets with maps marked with dots indicating the high number of residents living near the factory who have contracted cancer in recent years and even died. Relatives of two members of the kehilla who passed away of cancer in the last two years told B’Chadrei that when they accompanied their relative to the UZ Leuven University Hospital, the professor asked them: “Do you live in the area near the gold-processing plant? This is already the second case of this disease in the area.” An almanah of a Chareidi resident who passed away recently of cancer told local media: “What else can they tell me? My husband is dead. I was left alone with eight children.” Other residents told the media: “We know dozens of people who were diagnosed with cancer. How many more victims will there be? A plant like this doesn’t belongs in the center of the city. If our government is really so committed to environmental issues, how can this plant still be allowed here?” Several weeks ago, Chareidi askanim in the city organized a protest against the factory that was attended by thousands, including dozens of Rabbanim and community leaders alongside environmental activists and politicians from the Belgian general community. Askanim and activists also filed numerous legal petitions against the factory. The ba’al chessed Shlomo Zeifman led the campaign, enlisting the support of local Rabbanim and organizing the protest. Zeifman told B’Chadrei that the Chareidi representative in Belgian parliament Michael Freilich is the one who deserves the credit for the victory as he did everything in his power in the battle against the factory’s continued presence in the neighborhood. Zeifman noted that the factory’s owner can still appeal the decision but if it does so, they are ready to relaunch the campaign in full force. He added that the factory owner is an oligarch with much power and influence over key government officials, which made the battle against the factory extremely difficult and therefore the court’s decision in the community’s favor has caused great excitement and satisfaction. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Chareidi Man Appointed As Honorary Consul Of Hungary In Antwerp

Hungarian Ambassador to Belgium Tamás Iván Kovács inaugurated a new consulate in Antwerp on Thursday and appointed a Charedi man as the Honorary Consul. Ari Epstein, who serves as the CEO of the Antwerp World Diamond Center, will serve as the Consul in the Flanders region, advancing economic and cultural ties between Hungary and Belgium. There is a large population of chassidic Jews in Antwerp and over 50% of them have Hungarian roots. One of the first steps that Mr. Epstein took was to launch the World Institute for Hungarian Jews inside the new consulate. The institute will advance ties between the Jewish communities in Antwerp and Hungary. A new book written by Rav Aryeh Tessler on the connection between the Jewish communities in the two countries was introduced at the ceremony. “Our hope is that the book will contribute to the knowledge of Antwerp’s Jewish community’s Hungarian roots and help revive the connection with the past in the present,” Epstein said. “Hungary has been a home for Jews for over a thousand years and Jews have constituted about 5% of the Hungarian population since the beginning of the 20th century.” Belgian politicians and representatives of the Jewish community in Antwerp participated in the event, including Jewish MP Michael Freilich, a frum member of Belgian Parliament, and Israel’s Ambassador to Belgium Emmanuel Nachshon. Very exciting. @EpsteinAri CEO of the Antwerp Diamond Center, appointed Honorary Consul of Hungary. Member of Parliament @MichaelFreilich "Ari makes us all proud". Including the Israeli Ambassador to Belgium @EmmanuelNahshon. And the ambassador of Hungary @tamasivankovacs — יענקי פרבר | Yanki Farber (@yankihebrew) October 14, 2021 I had the great honour to participate in the inauguration ceremony of the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Antwerp, with Federal Interior Minister @AnneliesVl , my friend Ambassador @tamasivankovacs and my friend @EpsteinAri to whom I wish success in his new functions 🇭🇺 🇧🇪 ! — Emmanuel Nahshon (@EmmanuelNahshon) October 14, 2021 איש החסד הבלגי אלי רבר, שרת הפנים הבלגית והשגריר ההונגרי בבריסל בטקס הכרתו של אריה אפשטיין לקונסול ההונגרי בבלגיה. — ישראל כהן (@Israelcohen911) October 15, 2021 A VERY important milestone in #Hungarian–#Belgian/#Flemish relations: officially opening our new Hon. Consulate in #Antwerp with HC @EpsteinAri of @AWDC, Minister @AnneliesVl, @BelgiumMFA @BelgiumDGB @jeroencooreman, @EmmanuelNahshon of @IsraelinBelgium & MANY friends! ⚫️🟡🇧🇪🇭🇺 — Amb. Tamás Iván KOVÁCS 🇭🇺 (@tamasivankovacs) October 15, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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NYPD Chief of Dept. Meets With Jewish Community Leaders At Central Hatzolah Headquarters [PHOTOS]

Last night, Monday August 16th, NYPD Chief of Department Rodney Harrison visited the Central Hatzolah Headquarters in Brooklyn to meet with Jewish community leaders of Southern Brooklyn. Chief Harrison observed as emergency calls came in and were dispatched out, all in real time. He thanked Hatzolah for the tremendous work they do everyday, especially during COVID. Harrison also acknowledged the incredible response for missing 6 year old Yosef Shapiro in Canarsie Park last week. The Chief thanked all who responded and participated so quickly. Chief Rodney Harrison last visited the area about 10 weeks ago as was reported on YWN. Attending the meeting was: NYPD Deputy Inspector Richie Taylor Councilman Kalman Yeger Representing Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Abe Friedman Hatzolah CEO Yehiel Kalish Hatzolah President Isaac Stern Flatbush Hatzolah Coordinator Moshe Wulliger Flatbush Hatzolah Coordinator Zelig Gitelis Flatbush Hatzolah Member and NYPD Clergy Liaison Abe Brown Flatbush Hatzolah Member & NYPD Clergy Liaison Rafi Treitel Central Hatzolah Board Member & Boro Park Hatzolah Board Member Bernie Gipps Hatzolah Executive Director Avi Wertzberger Hatzolah Medical Director Dr Jason Zimmerman Director of Hatzolah Operations Eli Serebrowski Flatbush Shomrim Coordinator Bob Moskovitz Flatbush Shomrim Coordinator Tzvi Weill Boro Park Shomrim Coordinator Marc Katz Misaskim Coordinator & Boro Park Hatzolah Member Yanky Meyer Achiezer President & Far Rockaway Hatzolah Member Boruch Ber Bender NYPD Hon. Commissioner & Hate Crime Review Panel Chair Devorah Halberstam Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition Chairman Josh Mehlman NYPD Clergy Liaison Rabbi Berish Freilich NYPD Clergy Liaison Michael Melnicke NYPD Clergy Liaison Rabbi Eli Cohen NYPD Clergy Liaison Chanina Sperlin Hatzolah Museum Founder and Boro Park Hatzolah Member Nussy Josephy

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Ammunition Shelves Bare As U.S. Gun Sales Continue To Soar

The COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with record sales of firearms, has fueled a shortage of ammunition in the United States that’s impacting law enforcement agencies, people seeking personal protection, recreational shooters and hunters — and could deny new gun owners the practice they need to handle their weapons safely. Manufacturers say they’re producing as much ammunition as they can, but many gun store shelves are empty and prices keep rising. Ammunition imports are way up, but at least one U.S. manufacturer is exporting ammo. All while the pandemic, social unrest and a rise in violent crime have prompted millions to buy guns for protection or to take up shooting for sport. “We have had a number of firearms instructors cancel their registration to our courses because their agency was short on ammo or they were unable to find ammo to purchase,” said Jason Wuestenberg, executive director of the National Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Association. Doug Tangen, firearms instructor at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission, the police academy for the state, said the academy also has had trouble obtaining ammo. “A few months ago, we were at a point where our shelves were nearly empty of 9mm ammunition,” he said. In response, instructors took conservation steps like reducing the number of shots fired per drill, which got them through several months until fresh supplies arrived, Tangen said. Officer Larry Hadfield, a spokesman for the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, said his department also has been affected by the shortage. “We have made efforts to conserve ammunition when possible,” he said. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group, says more than 50 million people participate in shooting sports in the U.S. and estimates that 20 million guns were sold last year, with 8 million of those sales made by first-time buyers. “When you talk about all these people buying guns, it really has an impact on people buying ammunition,” spokesman Mark Oliva said. ”If you look at 8.4 million gun buyers and they all want to buy one box with 50 rounds, that’s going to be 420 million rounds.” The FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System database also documented an increase in sales: In 2010, there were 14.4 million background checks for gun purchases. That jumped to almost 39.7 million in 2020 and to 22.2 million just through June 2021 alone. The actual number of guns sold could be much higher since multiple firearms can be linked to a single background check. No data is available for ammunition because sales are not regulated and no license is required to sell it. As the pandemic raced across the country in early 2020, the resulting lockdown orders and cutbacks on police response sowed safety fears, creating an “overwhelming demand” for both guns and ammo, Oliva said. Factories continued to produce ammunition, but sales far exceeded the amount that could be shipped, he said. “Where there is an increased sense of instability, fear and insecurity, more people will purchase guns,” said Ari Freilich of the Gifford Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. As supplies dwindled, Feilich said, some gun owners began stockpiling ammo. “Early on in the pandemic, we saw people hoarding toilet paper, disinfectant, and now it’s ammo,” he said. Wustenberg emphasized the danger in first-time gun buyers not being

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Antwerp: Chassid Attacked Amid Kehilla’s Fear Of Removal Of Army Protection

A Belzer chassid was attacked by an anti-Semitic thug this week. The chassid, in his 60s, was on the way home from the Belzer Beis Medrash when a thug began punching him in his face. Jews nearby overpowered the assailant and called the police. Hatzalah volunteers arrived at the scene and provided emergency treatment to the chassid before evacuating him to the hospital. The assailant was arrested by the police. The incident occurred amid fears of the Jewish kehilla in Antwerp of the pending removal of army protection from Jewish institutions across the country by September 1, despite rising anti-Semitism in Belgium and across Europe. The decision was made by the Belgian government as part of a plan to reduce the number of soldiers in Belgian cities. Thousands of soldiers were deployed across Belgium in 2015 following the terrorist attacks at Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket in Paris. But the new government sworn-in in 2020 made a campaign promise to “gradually withdraw” the military from urban centers. The government has not offered an alternative plan to protect Jewish institutions. Rabbi Menachem Margolin, the chairman of the Association of Jewish Organizations in Europe (EJA), wrote a letter to the Interior Minister asking her to reevaluate the decision in light of the fact that “anti-Semitic threats are at a high and Jews are harassed on a daily basis.” “During the year of the coronavirus, and especially following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, we’re seeing a significant increase in threats and assaults against Jews in Belgium and across Europe,” Rabbi Margolin wrote. “We do not understand the decision or the timing.” Michael Freilich, a frum MP in the Belgian Parliament, has been working for months to reverse the government’s decision and ensure protection for Jewish institutions. He has appealed more than once to the Parliament to ensure protection for Jewish institutions but his proposals were not approved. “I’m disappointed that my request last week to the Parliament was denied but there’s another opportunity to ensure protection for Jewish educational institutions in a meeting today between leaders of the Jewish communities and the Interior Minister,” Freilich told B’Chadrei Chareidim on Wednesday. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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YWN EXCLUSIVE: REAL Winners & Losers of the Recent NYC Elections

What’s an election without the “real” winners and losers? They say all politics is local – here’s who won AND lost in the frum community now that it seems like Eric Adams is on his way to becoming the next Mayor of New York City. Winners: Sephardic Federation: Say this about the SY’s – they are fiercely loyal. Multiple leaders confirmed to this reporter that that leadership of the Sephardic Community was the first to endorse Eric Adams over one year ago and refused to even meet with Andrew Yang. What’s more, their handpicked successor to Councilman Mark Treyger, Treyger’s Russian-American protege Ari Kagan, appears to have won their Southern Brooklyn district thanks to their bloc vote. Congrats to Sam Sutton, Ronnie Tawil and Joey Shamie for their close relationship with Eric Adams. Crown Heights Jewish Leadership: The second community to endorse Eric Adams for Mayor was Crown Heights. Their support came at a critical time – when others were defecting to Yang. Multiple sources tell us that the unprecedented GOTV effort led by Chanina Sperlin, Yaacov Behrman, Shaya Gordon and Mendy Gansburg likely provides the margin of victory for Crystal Hudson over socialist anti-Israel candidate Michael Hollingsworth. As many as 4,000 Lubavitcher voters turned out. That’s twice the usual number. FJCC: There was a big internal debate as to whether they should buck their local elected officials or go with their gut. Instead they went with Daas Torah and supported Eric Adams. Congrats to leaders Josh Mehlman, Leon Goldenberg and Chaskel Bennet. The Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition also followed Daas Torah and didn’t endorse a council candidate in Flatbush for many good valid reasons. Sadly, the two leading candidates to replace Chaim Deutsch are not from the frum community. Darchei Torah & Far Rockaway Jewish Community: Darchei has the distinction of not only pushing Adams but they chose Katherine Garcia as their number two. They proved that they can pull out votes for Pesach Osina in an election a few months ago. Even though they lost that race they won accolades from the Queens establishment. Congrats to Baruch Rothman and Richard Altabe on their GOTV efforts. Jeff Leb, Jack Cayre, Aaron Jungreis: You may not know these heroes but they were the major movers to the critical SuperPac efforts that was formed to stop DSA Socialists in NYC that won over 70% of council seats. Sure Steve Ross, Ron Lauder and Will Zeckendorf are some of the bold names behind the effort but multiple sources tell us that these three worked day and night to ensure the efforts success to stop the Socialists from taking over the New York City Council from the likes of Moumita Ahmed a renowned anti-Israel activist. Rabbis Abe Friedman & Berish Freilich Two of the most prominent police chaplains in our community stuck with Eric Adams through thick and thin. Abe Friedmans is perhaps the oldest friend that Eric Adams has had since his day in the New York State Senate. Berish Freilich stuck his neck out in Boro Park and campaigned with Adams when no one else in Boro Park would. Expect Abe Friedman to play an especially large role in the Adams administration as a liaison between the frum community and likely new administration. Lou Scheiner and David Greenfield: We thought that

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Boro Park: Community Board 12 Hold Pre-Pesach Meeting, Announces Sreifas Chometz & Garbage Collection Info

Boro Park, Brooklyn – On Tuesday, Community Board 12 hosted a meeting, via zoom, with New York City’s Fire, Sanitation and Police Departments, along with community leaders, community organizations and elected officials, to review plans in anticipation of the upcoming Pesach Holiday. Although COVID restrictions have eased somewhat since last year Pesach, the pandemic remains, therefore procedures were adopted so a kosher Pesach can safely be celebrated. The meeting follows an annual tradition, first instituted by Rabbi Edgar Gluck in 1966, of hosting a multi-agency conference to facilitate the coordination of Passover planning. The group discussed the need for additional city services as well as the need for the community’s cooperation to maximize efficiency of resources and ensure safety. The agenda this year focused on; sanitation services needed to accommodate the inevitable increase in trash before the holiday, maintaining a visible security presence throughout the holiday, and a strategy to lessen the inevitable frustration encountered in the pre-holiday traffic. The agenda also covered sanitation container locations, and most importantly, the protocols to follow to avoid any serious injuries resulting from Sreifas Chometz as well as COVID prevention guidelines to follow. “I am once again thankful to our partners in City government for working with us, as they do every year, to help us have a safe and healthy Pesach. Last year Pesach we struggled with COVID shortages of resources, but I’m confident that this year the City of New York will come through once again and ensure safety and cleanliness of our district this Pesach season. Our community organizations support the efforts of the NYPD and FDNY so these agencies can be super focused on their tasks at hand: providing essential services. Our annual meetings serve as an example of a beneficial government-community relationship with a common purpose of service to the public.” said Community Board 12 Chairman Yidel Perlstein. “Thank you to all the community leaders and city officials who participated in this” added Perlstein. “I am thankful to all our devoted partners in public service; the city agencies, community organizations, and elected officials for taking time out of their demanding schedules to participate in this meeting. The cooperation of this meeting’s participants is why Erev Pesach is a day that the community can safely engage in the hectic concerns common with Seder preparations. I especially would like to commend the DSNY, FDNY, and the NYPD whose expressed desire for a worry free, joyful Pesach Holiday for our residents drives the efforts to accommodate the unique needs it brings. These agencies devote countless hours and resources towards this goal. A special thanks to our partners in the Shomrim, Hatzolah, Chaveirim, Misaskim and other organizations who serve a vital role in keeping everyone safe,” said District Manager Barry Spitzer. “The pre-Pesach accommodation is a testament to New York City’s commitment to fostering diverse religious practices and worship. The agencies that deliver the essential services that allow our Pesach celebration should be rightly recognized; FDNY thank you for keeping us safe and injury free so we can perform Sreifas Chometz, NYPD thank you for providing additional security so we can celebrate Pesach with peach of mind, DSNY thank you for helping clean up the district for Pesach” said Councilman Kalman Yeger. “I commend District Manager Spitzer, Chairman Perlstein and all our

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Kol Haposhet Yad: A Timely Purim Message From Philanthropist Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz

L’chvoid all the Purim Shluchei Mitzvah, As the events of this past year has caused all of us to alter our plans, traveling this Purim to collect for the Mosdos Hatorah and Chesed are unfortunately no different. As someone living on the west coast, although it may be a tad more difficult, I’d like to try and help in my own small way. Just over the last two weeks, between emails, voicemails and texts, I’ve received over a thousand requests to participate. It’s been hard for me and people assisting me to decipher most of the messages. Among the communications, there were duplicative, incoherent messages, some missing the names of the Mosdos, their addresses and a host of other pertinent information. I’ve therefore created a new email just for this Purim. The address is [email protected] These are the absolute guidelines to guarantee a response. 1. Send an email detailing the following:   A) Name of the Mosad the way it appears on its 501(c)(3) exemption. B) The mailing address. C) A general description of the type of Mosad. D) The amount of people that uses its services. E) The amount of money you received last Purim. F) The head administrator of the Mosad. G) In the subject line, write “Purim Charity 2021”. H) Do not send more than one email! This will substantially reduce your possibility of getting a response. However, should you not receive a response within 45 days, please send another email but add in the words “2nd request” into the subject line. I) Should you not have access to email, please fax the above detailed information to (323) 524-1322. If the charity request is for a Yochid, the Rav of his Shul should send a general description of the cause with all of the above pertinent information. A Freilichen Purim, SHLOMO YEHUDA RECHNITZ L’refuah Shlaimah L’liba Devorah Bas Rivka

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Tehillim United!

TEHILLIM UNITED TELECONFERENCE TONIGHT!TONIGHT, thousands of women and girls worldwide will UNITE to harness the power of Tefilla on the tremendous Eis Ratzon of Purim. The live teleconference will take place tonight at 10:15 PM. We will begin by jointly finishing Tehillim hundreds of times followed by short Divrei Chizuk from Harav Malkiel Kotler Shlita and Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish. For those who have not yet joined, join now with the thousands who are already part of this tremendous zechus. The following numbers can be used  to call in to the teleconference: 712-832-5656 Conference ID 5050#712-432-3566 Conference ID 5050#712-832-5702 Conference ID 5050# The goal of Tehillim United is to have Sefer Tehillim finished hundreds of times as a tremendous zechus for Klal Yisroel and all those saying it.The way it works, is that you sign up before Purim to receive your ‘Yom L’chodesh’ to say. The Tehillim should ideally be said during the allotted time on Leil Purim but for those not able, it can be recited any time over Purim.WITH THOUSANDS HAVING ALREADY SIGNED UP, JOIN NOW, THE POWER IS IN THE NUMBERS!Spread the word, multiply the zechusim and may Hashem be mekabel our tefillos!TO SIGN UP NOW:Call the automated system @ 732.334.0050 Ext 7  ORTEXT THE WORD ‘TEHILLIM’ TO 833-593-0047OR  EMAIL [email protected] To find out about sponsoring and having a part in this tremendous zechus please call 732-334-0050 Ext 5.A Freilichen Purim!

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A Heartfelt Letter from the Previous Gabbai of The Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe Zt”l

I hope this message finds you well. There are no words to thank Hashem for all the kindness He does for us and for everyone in general and in particular. As you know I was in critical condition from the corona. Thanks to your prayers and the faithful messengers of Laniado Hospital I am here with you today. As the Gabbai of the Rebbe when he was alive, I was saved in the same hospital he established. With great pride, I stand here today on the decision to establish 24 of the most sophisticated intensive care units for the benefit of our brothers in the Eretz Yisroel. I ask you to be partners with me for this noble and important goal. Please click on the link and donate as a zchus for you and your family. As it is known from the hospital’s founder, the Rebbe from Sanz ZTL, who wrote in his will “Any chance I have in Olam Haemes, I will recommend for their benefit and all their families.” A Freilichin Chanukah,With love and respect,Rabbi Ephraim Reich

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US-European Ocean Monitoring Satellite Launches Into Orbit

A U.S.-European satellite designed to extend a decades-long measurement of global sea surface heights was launched into Earth orbit from California on Saturday. A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the satellite blasted off from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:17 a.m. and arced southward over the Pacific Ocean. The Falcon’s first stage flew back to the launch site and landed for reuse. The Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich satellite was released from the second stage about an hour later. It then deployed its solar panels and made first contact with controllers. Named for a former NASA official who had a key role in developing space-based oceanography, the satellite’s main instrument is an extremely accurate radar altimeter that will bounce energy off the sea surface as it sweeps over Earth’s oceans. An identical twin, Sentinel-6B, will be launched in 2025 to ensure continuity of the record. Space-based sea level measurements have been uninterrupted since the 1992 launch of the U.S.-French satellite TOPEX-Poseidon, which was followed by a series of satellites including the current Jason-3. Sea surface heights are affected by heating and cooling of water, allowing scientist to use the altimeter data to detect such weather-influencing conditions as the warm El Nino and the cool La Nina. The measurements are also important for understanding overall sea level rise due to global warming that scientists warn is a risk to the world’s coastlines and billions of people. “Our Earth is a system of intricately connected dynamics between land, ocean, ice, atmosphere and also of course our human communities, and that system is changing,” Karen St. Germain, NASA’s Earth Science Division director, said in a pre-launch briefing Friday. “Because 70% of the Earth’s surface is ocean, the oceans play an enormous role in how the whole system changes,” she said. The new satellite is expected to have unprecedented accuracy. “This is an extremely important parameter for climate monitoring,” Josef Aschbacher, the European Space Agency’s director of Earth observation, told The Associated Press this week. “We know that sea level is rising,” Aschbacher said. The big question is, by how much, how quickly. Other instruments on board will measure how radio signals pass through the atmosphere, providing data on atmospheric temperature and humidity that can help improve global weather forecasts. Europe and the United States are sharing the $1.1 billion (900 million euro) cost of the mission, which includes the twin satellite. (AP)

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TODAY! An Evening Of Firsts

Tonight, at 6:30 PM, tune into the most exhilarating event that Jewish entertainment has ever seen! Tonight at 6:30 PM the Tenathon will commence! The Mega event will be live streamed, free of charge, around the globe, for everyone to enjoy! For the first time ever in the USA, Avraham Fried will appear on stage accompanied by the 60 piece Freilich Philharmonic Orchestra that will be conducted by Fried’s musical director Yuval Stupel. Stupel, who was flown in from Israel, has been arranging musical numbers filled with classics and new surprises with musicians from both Israel and the United States. The 5 hour livestream will also feature musical sensation, Shulem Lemmer, and rising star Eli Marcus with background vocals provided by the Shira Choir. They will be joined by surprise performers who will electrify the stage and delight the audience. Throughout the course of the evening Rabbi Y.Y. Jacobson and Charlie Harary will illuminate the stage and uplift the audience with profound words of inspiration. Many performers will be performing from multiple stages, to create a tremendous visual effect that has, until tonight, never been attempted. The Tenathon’s executive producer, Davidi Crombie relates “The past three months have been an exhilarating whirlwind as we attempted to put together the most entertaining, professional and exciting event that Jewish entertainment has ever seen. And now, thanks to the efforts of my incredible production team, I think we will have succeeded!” It is the event of the year, and you do not want to miss it! Throughout the evening, there will be the live drawing of the winners of the Ten Yad Auction. It isn’t too late to purchase your tickets to win one of nearly 80 incredible prizes! Buy your tickets here. Tune in, tonight, at 6:30 PM, to participate in the Tenathon and to find out if you are a lucky winner! Watch the Tenathon at

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Antwerp: 1st Coronavirus Fatality In Frum Kehilla Is Meir Mishka Elyashkov, 64

The first victim of the coronavirus in the Antwerp community was Meir Mishka Elyashkov, 64, of the Georgian kehilla, There are currently 4,937 cases of the coronavirus in Belgium and 178 fatalities. Leaders of the Jewish community have predicted that the coronavirus will be contracted by 85% of the community, a higher number than experts have predicted for the general population, due to the Belgian Jewish community’s close-knit ties. Michael Freilich, a frum politician from Antwerp told JTA that Jews may suffer a higher infection rate “because Antwerp Jews all know each other, each synagogue is an extended family.” “If the average Belgian person has a circle of 15 close friends and family,” he said, “then with Antwerp Jews it’s 150 people.” The Belgian government ordered a partial lockdown on its citizens on Monday. STAY UPDATED WITH BREAKING UPDATES FROM YWN VIA WHATSAPP – SIGN UP NOW Just click on this link, and you will be placed into a group. [Petira of R’ Yitzchock Zylberminc Z”L, Longtime Hatzolah Member In Far Rockaway] [LAKEWOOD CORONA VICTIM: Hagaon HaRav Avrohom Levi Bresler ZATZAL] [BORO PARK CORONA VICTIM: Son of Radziner Rebbe, Harav Yeshaya Englard ZT”L] [CORONA VICTIM: Petira of Reb Avrohom Hakohen “Romi” Cohen Z”L, Famed Mohel And Partisan Against Nazis] [In Milan: Father Of 4, Well-Known Member Of Jewish Kehilla, Dies Of The Coronavirus] [Posek Of Paris: Hagaon Harav Ben Chamu, Dayan, Moreh Tzedek, Ba’al Tzedaka, Succumbs To The Coronavirus] (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Rabbi Yechiel Spero’s Special Purim Message – Stop the Talking in Shul!

Prior to Yom Kippur, we make all types of Kabbalos to better ourselves and help us achieve a positive outcome in our yearly judgment. Our very lives depend on it. Purim provides an even greater opportunity. Chazak reveal that Yom Ki’Purim is a day that is “like Purim”. This means that Purim is the ultimate day of prayer, even greater than Yom Kippur. With a firm commitment to Stop The Talking In Shul, we can effect change and facilitate yeshuos and refuos for all of Klal Yisroel! Watch this MUST SEE video and on Purim and beyond you will soar to the greatest of heights. If you haven’t yet made the kabbalah, now is the time to do so. If you have, then strengthen that kabbalah, share the opportunity with others and Iy”H, we will marvel as “Revach ve’hatzalah yaamod la’Yehudim!” Ah freilichen Purim!

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Dirshu World Siyum North America Highlight Video

By Rabbi Shmuel Kamenetzky

By no stretch of the imagination is Newark, New Jersey, the epicenter of the Torah world. Yet for one evening, the city of Newark hosted the most significant celebration of Torah accomplishments in the United States: The World Siyum of Dirshu…

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A Cute Shabbos Chanukah Game to Play at the Shabbos Table

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for To enhance the Shabbos Chanukah table, YWN and are giving readers this Shabbos Chanukah game to play at the table.  Feel free to print it out before Shabbos and play it. One can divide the guests and family into females versus males and pit each against each other.  Since it is multiple choice, the teams do not have to fairly divided.  You can have a Brisk Kollel guy on one side, and a 5th grader on the other side.  One method of playing is to appoint a captain for each side.  The first person on the entire team to raise their hand, must answer the question as soon as the and is raised.  If it is wrong the question automatically goes to the other team.  The captain of the other team chooses who on his or her team can answer the question.  This helps empower that captain too.  After the first question is answered, the other team answers the next question and it goes back and forth. For example, it is possible to answer your teams question, and then the other team’s question (after that team answered incorrectly) and then it be your team’s question again. Another option is to have the captain can choose either a parsha question or a Chanukah question. The winning team can get double desserts or another prize.   Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Chanukah Q: I once heard in the name of a certain Gadol that a Kollel member who is learning Torah in the Beis HaMidrash – it is preferable that he not stop his learning, and his wife should light at home in his stead. Should one conduct himself in such a manner? A] One should conduct himself such. B] One should not conduct himself such.  C] Either way D] If he is truly never mevatel then he should do so.. Q: On Shabbos Chanukah – when it is already 30 minutes after Tzeis HaKochavim is it permitted to utilize and benefit from the Chanukah lights?  Or do we say that since it was Muktzah during Bein haSHmashos one cannot benefit? A] One may benefit B] One may not benefit C] Mutar but hamachmir tavoh alav bracha Q: What was the custom of the Chazon Ish’s house on Motzei Shabbos Chanukah? Did Havdallah come first or did he light first? A:  Havdallah first and then he lit. B] He lit first then Havdallah C] He switched off when there were two Shabbosim – the first he did chanukah licht first. D] He switched the first he did havdallah Q: According to the custom of those who light first then do Havdallah, should the wife also recite Boruch HaMavdil before her husband’s lighting? A]  It is worthwhile that she do so. B] No, it will create a safek for her havdallah later Q; May one light the Chanukah lights with oil that is Shviis? A: It is forbidden. B] Yes, mitzvos lav lehanos nitnu Q: It has been publicized in the name of Rav Chaim that if a person is in the hospital during Chanukah Rachmana litzlan, and he wishes to light Chanukah candles where he is, but the hospital policy is to forbid it, that he light with a battery operated flashlight. Is this statement accurate

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More Than 1.5K Attend Chai Lifeline Chanukah Party In Brooklyn [PHOTOS]

On Tuesday night, December 17, Chai Lifeline hosted its annual Family Chanukah Party at The Palace in Brooklyn. More than 1,500 people were in attendance, including Chai Lifeline children, families, volunteers and staff. One hundred and fifty families received special Chanukah presents from generous donors. In total, more than 50,000 toys will be distributed to Chai Lifeline children and families around the world this Chanukah season. The evening’s entertainment included performances by Benny Friedman and Uri Davidi, accompanied by Freilich orchestra. The party’s elaborate décor was generously provided by Luxe. Special thank you to Ruchie Waldman, Gershey Moskowitz and Shulem Schwartz for all their assistance in arranging the event. “Throughout the year, Chai Lifeline is there for children and families during their darkest hours,” said Chai Lifeline CEO Rabbi Simcha Scholar. “Our dedicated staff and volunteers work tirelessly to brighten lives which have been dimmed by illness or loss, and there is no better time to spread that joy and hope than Chanukah.” “The annual Chanukah party is a wonderful opportunity for our New York area families to get together, enjoy themselves and be inspired,” said Rabbi Mordechai Gobioff, Chai Lifeline national director of client services. “It’s also an important reminder for them they are not alone in battling their child’s illness and that there’s a community of support there for them.” Learn more about Chai Lifeline at

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No Prosecution For “Jews Burn Best” Sung By Belgian Soccer Fans

Belgian public prosecutors announced their decision on Friday that they will not take legal action against four soccer fans filmed singing a vicious anti-Semitic song: “My father was in the commandos/My mother was in the SS/Together they burned the Jews/Because the Jews burn best.” On August 26 of last year, the four identified fans were among a group of dozens of Brugge soccer fans who were filmed singing the song during a top match in the team’s stadium to cheer Brugge’s victory over the Brussels’ Anderlecht team. Since Club Brugge officials managed to identify four of the fans and Belgium’s national soccer association banned them from all major Belgian stadiums for three years, the West Flanders’ public prosecutor’s office saw no need to penalize them further. “We won’t be bringing them to justice,” public prosecutor Johan Lescrauwaet told news outlet De Standaard. “The stadium ban that Club Brugge handed them is, we think, a sufficient punishment.” Flemish nationalist MP Michael Freilich, the only Orthodox Jew in the Belgian parliament, slammed the “incomprehensible decision.” “This is a bad sign,” Freilich told the news site HLN. “Anti-Semitic hate speech is an offense according to the criminal code. So it must be punished. Otherwise, why do we have laws? “A sign is being given that racism and anti-Semitism are not a priority. This is the way you promote impunity.” Freilich isn’t planning on letting the matter rest, saying that he will be turning to Belgian Justice Minister Koen Geens to take action. “He has the power to bring a case before a court. This must be assessed by a judge — and we will, of course, abide by that judgment.” Belgium recently gained its first Jewish (and first female) prime minister, the daughter of a Holocaust survivor, but it is unclear whether Freilich will solicit her assistance. In the past few years, there have been several anti-Semitic incidents related to soccer in Europe. This includes an incident in January when Dutch police arrested five soccer fans for singing the same song about burning Jews as the Belgian fans – on Holocaust Remembrance Day. This particular song about burning Jews has caught on in recent years in the Netherlands and Belgium and has been sung at events unrelated to soccer or even Jews, such as a high school graduation party in Amsterdam, an Arutz Sheva report said. Other soccer-related anti-Semitic incidents occurred in Italy in 2018 and England in 2016. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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STARTING TODAY – Thousands Headed To Catskills Expected To Utilize Sloatsburg Rest Area

Once again, travelers making their way up to the Catskills on Thursday nights will be able to stop for Mincha and Maariv minyanim as of Thursday, June 27th at the Sloatsburg Rest Area, located on the northbound Thruway between exits 15A and 16. The Tefilos Mordche Mincha Area is named in memory of Rabbi Morton Friedman who re-established the Mincha Area 12 years ago and will be open from 5 to 11 PM each Thursday night throughout the summer travel season. Earlier last week, the New York State Thruway Authority and the New York State Police met with Rabbi Abe Friedman, Rabbi Joel Friedman and Rabbi Bernard Freilich, who will continue to oversee the Mincha area, to discuss important rules and regulations for the rest stop. Travelers are advised to: Park only on the upper level of the parking lot, the most private part of the rest area which creates the least disturbance to other travelers, making it the ideal location for minyanim. Refrain from parking in handicapped restricted areas unless they have the proper permits. Pray only in the designated Mincha area and not in any other locations in the parking lot. Refrain from selling any food or merchandise or conducting any tzedaka solicitations at the Mincha area which is designated for davening only. A Thruway representative will be present at all times to enforce this rule. Supervise children of all ages at all times, who should never be left unattended in any vehicle, even for just a moment. Obey all speed limits and drive with extreme caution when approaching the upper parking lot. Yield to all pedestrians when driving or parking. Vending machines on the upper level parking lot will be stocked with kosher food for the convenience of Orthodox Jewish travelers. Organizers are urging everyone utilizing the Mincha Area to follow the above rules in order to benefit all Catskills-bound travelers. “We are extremely grateful to the Thruway personnel and the New York State Police for working with us to accommodate the needs of the many travelers who will be heading to the country every Thursday night,” said Rabbi Abe Friedman. “We count on everyone for their continued cooperation, so that we can continue providing this vital service for many years to come.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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California To Require Background Checks For Ammo Purchases

California has among the most stringent gun laws in the country and on Monday a far-reaching new initiative to curb violence will require background checks for every ammunition purchase. Gov. Gavin Newsom and other proponents said it will save lives but opponents are suing in hopes of eventually undoing a law they said will mostly harm millions of law-abiding gun owners. Voters approved the checks in 2016 and set an effective date of July 1. Ammunition dealers are seeing a surge in sales as customers stock up before the requirement takes effect. “In the last two weeks I’ve been up about 300%” with people “bulking up because of these stupid new laws,” said Chris Puehse, who owns Foothill Ammo east of Sacramento. Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence spokeswoman Amanda Wilcox appeared with Newsom at a news conference Tuesday and said the checks are “the kind of thing that could have prevented” last week’s fatal shooting of rookie Sacramento police Officer Tara O’Sullivan. Prosecutors charge that Adel Sambrano Ramos fatally shot the 26-year-old officer using one of two rifles assembled from parts to create assault weapons that are illegal in California. Wilcox and other supporters said ammunition background checks can help authorities discover so-called ghost guns that aren’t registered with the state. The state Department of Justice, which will administer the background check program, estimates there will be 13.2 million ammunition purchases each year. But 13 million will be by people who already cleared background checks when they bought guns in California, so they are already registered in the state’s gun owners’ database. They will pay a $1 processing fee each time they pick up bullets or shotgun shells. Store clerks will run buyers’ identification through that database and a second database of those who bought guns legally but are no longer allowed to own them because of certain criminal convictions or mental health commitments. Those who pass get their ammo on the spot. But the Democratic governor and Robyn Thomas, executive director of the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, said there are still some issues that must be addressed. People who bought rifles or shotguns before 2014 and anyone who bought a handgun before 1996 are likely not in the state’s Armed and Prohibited Persons System. “Sometimes in the drafting process little bits and pieces don’t always fit perfectly together,” Thomas said. Wilcox and Matthew Cubeiro, an attorney representing opponents, said owners who aren’t in the system will have to pay $19 for a one-time background check that can take days to complete and is good for a single purchase within 30 days. Wilcox said that should encourage owners to register their firearms. Buyers will also have to get their ammunition through registered dealers, ending a practice that Thomas said allowed bullets ordered online to be delivered to their doors “like a pizza.” But she said the law allows owners to give each other ammunition. The state is also seeking to require owners to prove that they are in the country legally if their drivers’ licenses contain the notation that “federal limits apply.” Republicans in the state Assembly criticized a move that they said will harm the millions of drivers who don’t yet have new federally approved REAL ID driver’s licenses in part because of a months-long

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Boro Park CB12 Announces Extra Garbage Pickups & Important Sereifas Chometz Info

Sanitation Pickup Schedule: There will be a district-wide recycling pickup Bedikas Chometz night, April 18th. The pickup will start at 12 am and continue through the night. There will be district-wide regular pickup on Erev Pesach, April 19th, starting from 6:00 am throughout the day, until all trash is collected. Residents are asked to put out all their trash by Thursday night. Recycling must be separated from the regular trash, not doing so may result in the garbage not being picked up. Should someone have a missed pickup please do not hesitate to call our office at 718-851-0800. Additional sanitation trucks are being brought in for the entire week before Pesach to help the Sanitation Department clear all the additional garbage that is put out. DSNY will begin collecting bulk items from now through Erev Pesach, Friday, April 19th. DSNY is asking anyone with bulk items to put it out for collection as early as possible. Large electrical appliances can get collected by DSNY, but an appointment must be made with 311 or visiting Placing large electrical appliances for pickup without an appointment will result in a fine. As an added benefit, the Sanitation Department will be cleaning certain major commercial strips in the district, every night this week from 12:00am to 8:00am, using MLPs (Motor Litter Patrols) and heavy duty blowers. Sanitation Enforcement cautioned that all bulk items and cardboard boxes should be tied up and placed out neatly. All mattresses and box springs must be entirely wrapped, preferably in a store bought bed bug bag or in plastic. If a mattress or box spring is placed out without being wrapped, Sanitation will not collect them and a fine may be issued. Try to leave driveways clear so that Sanitation workers can retrieve bulk and/or garbage quickly and efficiently. Please do not double park cars. At all times, regular garbage must be separated from recyclables and put out in proper fashion. Sanitation will provide dumpsters at designated sites for additional garbage drop-off. A list of these container locations and burn sites is being published along with this press release. Following a yearly tradition, Community Board 12 met last week with New York City’s Fire, Sanitation and Police Departments, along with community leaders, community organizations and elected officials, to go over plans in anticipation of the upcoming Pesach Holiday. These meetings serve to facilitate the coordination of added city services to accommodate the unique needs Pesach brings, as well as the best means to inform the community about these services. The agenda this year focused on: the services provided to clean up our community before the holiday, ensuring the community is safe throughout the holiday and a strategy to lessen the inevitable frustration encountered in the pre-holiday traffic. The agenda also focused on the special sanitation pickups scheduled, the bread burning and sanitation container locations, and most importantly, the protocols to follow in order to avoid any serious injuries resulting from Sreifas Chometz. “I am very proud of the progress made in the way we work out Sreifas Chometz in this district. This year we are building on the success and improvement of previous years. I’m confident that with the coordinated effort of the City of New York and volunteer organizations, we will once again, increase the safety and

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London Bain Hazmanim Kumzits Attended By Hundreds [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

The much anticipated Pre-Pesach Kumzits for Men, Bochirm and boys took place once again last Wednesday evening. This year was the seventh annual event. The organiser Duddy Iczkovits of Duddy’s Events was only persuaded to make the evening a short time before, just as the bochurim were returning home from Yeshivah. However, the response from the kehillah, both in North-west London and far beyond was overwhelming. A special advertising campaign brought an instant response – the event was a sell-out. On the night, it was standing room only at the Kinloss Suite in Kinloss Gardens. In the brief time before the event, Duddy managed to assemble an impressive line-up of international singers. He remarked afterwards that the evening had special siyata dishmaya to enable everything to fall into place. Avraham Fried was able to fit the kumzits into his busy schedule. The ever-popular Asaf Flumi band could be present, together with London’s up and coming popular singer Levi Cohen and the Golders Green newly formed choir Nashir Beyached, led by Efi Klein. The atmosphere generated at the kumzits was awe-inspiring. The evening was compered by Reb Yanki Rothchild who set the tone for the evening. The melodies and lyrics were a powerful inspiration for the whole audience. Everyone was encouraged to join in, so that the whole hall was drawn together in unison by the music. This year, the event was dedicated to raising awareness and funds for a very special cause. Lev Echod was founded by Mrs Malky Sprung forteen years ago in order to support and help teenagers over 18 who are faced with a life-threatening illness r”l, together with their families. Sruli Margolies introduced the invaluable work of Lev Echod. He appealed for more bachurim to come forward and offer some of their time during bein hazemanim for social work in order to support the wonderful achievements of Lev Echod. The kumzits continued late into the night and everyone was reluctant to bring the singing to an end. Afterwards, many fathers thanked Duddy profusely for providing a wonderful evening of inspiration for the bachurim who had just returned from a long winter z’man. Duddy commented afterwards on the spirit of achdus that pervaded his whole team, led by Production Manager Dudi Finiasz with Arieh Englard. The hall management team, the sound and lighting engineers and Moshe Greenfeld and his team from Reich caterers all worked together with a determination that the occasion should be successful. The kumzits was once again an unforgettable event for all the hundreds of bochurim fathers and sons. PHOTO CREDITS: S. Freilich

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Important Tips for Those Who Drink on Purim

It is worth knowing that hangovers can be avoided. With a little knowledge and care, you can still get drunk to the point of “ad delo yada” without suffering from it afterwards. The following directions can prevent or reduce the unpleasant side effects of drinking. They are based on reliable medical sources, and have been proven in practice. If you don’t feel well, do not drink. Alcohol interferes with the immune system, and drinking can inhibit the body from healing itself properly. Before drinking: 1. Eat a lot. Fatty foods (or foods mixed with olive oil), fried foods and starchy foods (made of flour, potatoes, rice, etc.) are especially good. 2. Eat burnt toast. The carbon in it aids greatly in the digestion of alcohol. 3. Drink water or other non-alcoholic beverages, especially those containing vitamins. Taking a multi-vitamin is also a good idea. Though eating may slow the effect of the alcohol, it will not prevent intoxication. Drinking and eating will prevent dehydration, and help the body absorb the alcohol properly, preventing feelings of nausea. While drinking: 1. Cheap alcoholic drinks are harder on the body, so don’t drink junk. Light-colored drinks and those with no sugar added are also better for you. 2. Stick to one type of drink. Only drink beverages derived from the same source of alcohol (e.g. grape, grain or other fruits). Definitely do not drink wine after beer. 3. Don’t drink too much too fast. You should wait at least half an hour between drinks. (One drink = one glass of wine or one shot of whisky). Waiting will not prevent your intoxication. 4. Accompany your alcoholic drinking with more food and non-alcoholic beverages (burnt toast is particularly helpful). It is best to drink at least one light beverage with every alcoholic drink you have. 5. Don’t drink carbonated beverages. They complicate the absorption of the alcohol. 6. It is advisable to avoid caffeinated beverages like cola, coffee, or tea. If you start feeling nauseous, stop drinking alcohol, drink lots of water, and eat starchy foods. The food will absorb the toxins of the alcohol-not eating is a big mistake. After drinking: It is important to help the body continue to digest the alcohol within it, and to replenish its store of vitamins. Therefore you should continue drinking water and other beverages containing salt, sugar, and vitamins (especially vitamin C and potassium). You may also want to take a multi-vitamin. If you don’t feel well the next morning, have eggs (cooked are better than fried) with burnt toast and a banana. These foods contain the nutrition that the body needs to rehabilitate itself. You can also aid the process by drinking water and resting up well. A freilichen Purim.

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The REAL REASONS Why NYPD Tow Trucks Are Scouring Boro Park

An open letter to the community: Much has been said about the widely publicized incident that took place last week when community members removed an about-to-be towed car from an NYPD tow truck and urged the driver to flee the scene before making disparaging comments to an NYPD tow truck operator who was just doing his job.  Over the last few days, police tow trucks have been out in force in Boro Park, but the idea that the NYPD is exacting revenge for what happened this past Thursday is a very grave error. We have been in close contact with the NYPD who is very much aware of a massive scam that is taking place in various communities involving bogus inspection stickers and doctored registration decals.  There are vehicles on our streets that have these fake stickers and the NYPD is out there looking for them and for their owners, many of whom owe thousands of dollars in fines on their cars. In Boro Park alone, the NYPD is combing the streets looking for many of these vehicles and their owners, whose identities are known to them.  An SUV that was towed today in Boro Park, whose picture has been circulating on social media and elsewhere, had no registration sticker in the window, its license plate revealing $3,025 in accrued violations.  Another person who was arrested after police towed his car had accumulated over $16,000 in fines. [REVENGE? NYPD Tows Multiple Vehicles In Boro Park – This Time With Zero Resistance] The NYPD and its tow trucks have their eyes on Boro Park, but they are not retaliating for last week’s disaster.  They are here because of problems of our own making – people in our community who are deliberately and flagrantly violating the law, producing fake inspection stickers on high tech machinery, and creating counterfeit registration stickers.  And once police are already out with their tow trucks because of this scam, they are coming down hard on illegally parked cars, which instead of just being issued summonses, are also being towed.  Those fraudsters who think they are pulling a quick one with those fake decals?  They are the the primary reason for the rash of towing in the last few days and not anyone else. Cars parked illegally, in front of or near fire hydrants, are another cause of the recent crackdown. By law, a 15 foot clearance is required on either side of a hydrant and parking any closer than that to a pump, on either side, is illegal.  There is no question that parking is difficult in our area, but the law exists to save lives, not to create emergency spots for private vehicles.  It is not lost on the NYPD that people have been parking in front of hydrants overnight, assuming that no one will be writing tickets at that time of the day, and they have every intention of issuing summonses and towing any car they find 24/7 that is parked less than 15 feet from a fire hydrant. These practices of bending or breaking the law to suit our own purposes create an enormous chilul Hashem and they need to stop immediately. If you are in possession of any doctored inspection or registration stickers, we strongly suggest that you clean up your act now,

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Open Letter From R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin, The “Baal Haness”

B’H Monday, 1st day of Chanukah Dear Family, Friends & Fellow Yidden, Last night, surrounded by my family, I lit the Chanukah Menorah. We sang HaNeiros Halalu and sat in the glow of the candles sharing stories and Divrei Torah, fully immersing in the experience of the Yom Toiv and in each other’s company. It sounds beautiful but unremarkable – the same was happening in countless Jewish homes around the world. But it was extremely remarkable for me. It has been TEN Chanukois since I’ve been with my family for the Yom Tov. Ten Chanukois, Eighty nights, I lit the Menorah by myself in a cold and dark place called prison. It’s a pain that’s indescribable. No human being should ever know. As I think about my brothers left behind tears fill my eyes and I daven hard that each and every one experience an immediate yeshua. The absence of family was felt very strongly, especially during Yomim Tovim, but I never felt alone. For one thing, our Father, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, was always with me. For another, I discovered a world of siblings I had only ever heard about, but never directly experienced. All of Klal Yisroel, all my brothers and sisters, rallied to my side during those difficult times, through thick and through thin, through ups and through downs – until the very end of my ordeal, when I was miraculously released last year on Zois Chanuko. BaYamim HaHeim, BiZman HaZeh. My gratitude to Hashem knows no bounds, and neither does my gratitude to you – my family. I have been encouraged by Gedolei Yisroel of many communities to engage in Pirsumei Nisoh, making it clear that Hashem watches over every single Yid with amazing Hashgacha and a Yid is never alone. It is in that spirit that I want to invite you to celebrate this great miracle together with me on Sunday Zos Chanukah, 7:30pm at the Ulam Hagadol 4217 New Utrecht Ave. Brooklyn NY. We will gather in celebration and unity, as we did exactly one year ago, with music, singing and dancing in praise and thanks to Hashem for His infinite kindness, and in complete faith and trust that we will see His kindness in every aspect of our own lives. We will be joined by Avraham Fried, Avremi G, Shira Choir and others who will come to add joy to the celebration, but it is not a concert and there is no charge at the door. It is a family celebration and I hope to see you there – after all, we are one family. Looking forward to seeing you! A freilichen Chanukah! Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin Thank you! (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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PHOTOS: Flatbush Jewish Community Activists Host NYPD New Chief Of Department

Last week the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC, hosted a meeting with community leaders and NYPD officials, together with Flatbush Hatzoloh and Flatbush Shomrim​​. The purpose of the event was to introduce the NYPD’s new Chief of Department Terence Monahan to the community leadership. It would be the first time that the Chief of Department would be addressing an Orthodox Jewish group, and represented a major milestone in leadership interaction between the Jewish community and the NYPD. The FJCC was established in July of 2013 to unite and represent the greater Flatbush Jewish community on communal, civic, and political concerns. ​​The Coalition represents over 200 organizations, shuls, Yeshivas, and Bais Yaakovs. According to Josh Mehlman, Chairman of the FJCC, “When community organizations, Rabbonim and lay leaders work together they form a united front that benefits all of us on many levels.” The meeting, held at the Flatbush Hatzoloh building, was attended by over fifty prominent community Rabbonim and leaders. Also in attendance were NYPD Brooklyn South Commanders Chief Steven Powers and Chief Charles Scholl, and community affairs Lt. Ira Jablonsky, and commanders of the 60, 61, 63, 66, 70 police precincts- Inspector Joseph Hayward, Captain James King, Captain Tito Romero, Inspector David Wall, and Inspector James Palumbo, respectively. In a meaningful program, community leaders expressed their appreciation to the NYPD and their desire to work together for the common good. Josh Mehlman, Chairman of the FJCC, served as MC of the event and welcomed the officers and the community leaders, whose attendance indicates their deep commitment to serving the community. Rabbi Meir Platnik, Rov of Khal Kesser Yisroel Mordechai, gave the invocation and Raphael Treitel, FJCC executive board member, longtime Hatzolah member and NYPD community liaison, thanked the commanders for their dedication the community’s safety. A farewell cake was presented by members of Flatbush and Boro Park Hatzoloh to Chief Steven Powers who will be retiring this month. Malcolm Hoenlein, Executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, is also a Founder and Honorary Chairman of the FJCC. “This event,” he said, “is of special importance to all of us. Our tradition teaches us to respect those in authority. That’s why we teach our children to respect the police and law enforcement. It’s a great privilege for me to express our hakoras hatov, our appreciation, to you for your services.“He also addressed Chief Monahan, saying, “We found a partner in the Chief who understands the importance of communities.” As the developer of the Neighborhood Policing Philosophy, Chief Monahan believes that the community and the police department need to be united. Chief Monahan indicated that as a result of Neighborhood Policing, “crime is down in Brooklyn South, and the city has become much safer.” Leaders of many organizations participated in the meeting, including Leon Goldenberg executive board member FJCC and Vice President COJO Flatbush; Moshe Wulliger, Zelig Gittelis, Eli Fischer, Avrumi Rubin, and Isaac Ungar of Flatbush Hatzoloh; Peter Rebenwurzel executive board member FJCC, NYPD liaison, and Vice Chair Maimonides Hospital; Pinny Ringel of the Mayor’s Office; Rabbi Abe Friedman of the Boro Presidents office; Rabbi Yanky Mayer of Misaskim; Rabbi Zvi Gluck of Amudim; Chaskel Bennett co-founder FJCC and board member Agudath Israel; David Mandel of Ohel; Rabbi Mordechai Gobioff of Chai Lifeline; Bob Moscovitz, Michael

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TODAY – NYS Thruway Mincha Area To Open This Evening

Once again, travelers making their way up to the Catskills on Thursday nights will be able to stop for Mincha and Maariv minyanim as of Thursday, June 21 st at the Sloatsburg Rest Area, located on the northbound Thruway between exits 15A and 16. The Tefilos Mordche Mincha Area is named in memory of Rabbi Morton Friedman who re-established the Mincha Area 12 years ago and will be open from 5 to 11 PM each Thursday night throughout the summer travel season. Earlier last week, the New York State Thruway Authority and the New York State Police met with Rabbi Abe Friedman, Rabbi Joel Friedman and Rabbi Bernard Freilich, who will continue to oversee the Mincha area, to discuss important rules and regulations for the rest stop. Travelers are advised to: Park only on the upper level of the parking lot, the most private part of the rest area which creates the least disturbance to other travelers, making it the ideal location for minyanim. Refrain from parking in handicapped restricted areas unless they have the proper permits. Pray only in the designated Mincha area and not in any other locations in the parking lot. Refrain from selling any food or merchandise or conducting any tzedaka solicitations at the Mincha area which is designated for davening only. A Thruway representative will be present at all times to enforce this rule. Supervise children of all ages at all times, who should never be left unattended in any vehicle, even for just a moment. Obey all speed limits and drive with extreme caution when approaching the upper parking lot. Yield to all pedestrians when driving or parking. Vending machines on the upper level parking lot will be stocked with kosher food for the convenience of Orthodox Jewish travelers. Organizers are urging everyone utilizing the Mincha Area to follow the above rules in order to benefit all Catskills-bound travelers. “We are extremely grateful to the Thruway personnel and the New York State Police for working with us to accommodate the needs of the many travelers who will be heading to the country every Thursday night,” said Rabbi Abe Friedman. “We count on everyone for their continued cooperation, so that we can continue providing this vital service for many years to come.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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Waffle House Shooter’s Guns Were Seized But Then Returned

Travis Reinking exhibited multiple warning signs that he was mentally unstable: He talked openly about delusions that he was being stalked by pop-star Taylor Swift. He insisted unknown people were making barking noises outside his home. He even went to the White House on a mission to talk to the president. Reinking’s behavior resulted in the revocation of his Illinois firearms license, and his weapons were turned over to his father. But authorities say his father simply returned the three rifles and a handgun to his son when he decided to move out of state. The son now stands accused of opening fire Sunday at a Waffle House in Tennessee using an AR-15 that had been among the firearms seized. Four people were killed in the attack. The case illustrates the difficulty of keeping guns away from mentally disturbed people and shows how easy it is for them to retrieve confiscated weapons. “It’s a story of a highly effective law that then has a really dangerous loophole,” said Jonas Oransky, deputy legal director for Everytown for Gun Safety, which works to tighten gun laws. Reinking was disarmed by a man at the restaurant and fled. He was captured Monday. Under federal law, a gun owner’s weapons can be seized if that person is convicted of a felony or involuntarily committed for mental health treatment. Illinois is one of the few states with a mechanism to allow firearms to be seized if someone’s behavior constitutes a “clear and present danger” but does not necessarily rise to the level of a felony conviction or an involuntary commitment. Police reports describe Reinking as unstable but not violent. He was well known by local law enforcement, and his troubles were not a mystery to his relatives, who told authorities that he had been having delusions since 2014. In May 2016, Reinking told deputies from Tazewell County, Illinois, that Swift was stalking him and hacking his phone, and that his family was also involved. He agreed to go to a hospital for an evaluation after repeatedly resisting the request, a sheriff’s report said. Another sheriff’s report said Reinking barged into a community pool in Tremont, Illinois, last June, and jumped into the water wearing a pink woman’s coat over his underwear. Investigators believed he had an AR-15 rifle in his car trunk, but it was never displayed. No charges were filed. Last July, Reinking was arrested by the Secret Service after he crossed into a restricted area near the White House and refused to leave, saying he wanted to meet President Donald Trump. Reinking was not armed at the time, but at the FBI’s request, state police in Illinois revoked his state firearms card and seized four guns from him, authorities said. “It seems like they were proactive and effective at suspending this dangerous person’s access to guns in the first place, particularly since that’s not something they could’ve done in most states,” said Ari Freilich, a staff attorney at the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. But they “did not foresee the father being so irresponsible and dangerous in returning the guns to this person.” The father could face charges for returning the guns, according to Marcus Watson, an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives who spoke Monday at

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