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Search Results for: shamni

Shamni Uses Military Ceremony to Call on Chareidim to Serve

Using the forum to express his opinion on a number of issues, outgoing IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni was full of praise for the soldiers of the Netzach Yehuda unit, known more commonly as Nachal Chareidi. He added the project has proven itself and the unit is a success, calling to continue enlisting members of the chareidi community into the IDF, expressing satisfaction over the performance of its soldiers, now an integral part of the IDF infantry operations. During his address on Monday, Shamni also made reference to the hilltop youth, without mentioning them by name, as well as extremist members of the settler community, the command he was leaving. Shamni spoke at the ceremony held in IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi’s office, in the presence of Defense Minister Ehud Barak and other senior officials. Shamni’s next assignment is one signaling he remains in good standing with senior decision-makers, as he is the next IDF military attaché to Washington, DC. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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If You Wonder Why The IDF Is Left-Wing And Secular

The IDF is supposed to be apolitical as officers are not permitted to express political views. While this may sound pristine, reality paints another picture because officers, junior and senior alike, have a hashkafa, and this leaks out on different occasions. One prime example is Brigadier-General Ofir Winter, a highly decorated officer whose climb up the senior ranks has been painful and delayed due to his open expression of belief in HKBH, a belief he shares with his troops to the ire of the General Staff what the “G” word is forbidden. The same article referenced in the hyperlink sites the case of Effie Eitam, who was also a rising star but finally decided to leave the military when it became clear to him that his path to the General Staff is blocked by his decision to become a baal teshuvah. There are many other examples and of course there are examples to disprove this but the above-mentioned reality is the prevailing reality in the military today among senior command as the influx of mechinot officers by and large have not reached the ranks of leadership. In fact Winter is from the first class of Bnei David and therefore the older generation of post-mechina officers serving and we see the battle his is having. What is welcome however are comments like those aired on Wednesday 27 Menachem Av by retired Major-General Gadi Shamni, who served as Central District Commander. He spoke about Israel, referencing the state as “champion of occupation” in regard to Israel’s continued presence in Biblical areas; Yehuda and Shomron. In his address at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, Shamni blasted government policy, stating “We brought occupation to a level of art and we are the champions of occupation. I was head of Central Command and the commander of the occupation”. The former senior commander and member of the General Staff reflects the secular Zionist viewpoint, one that is void of Yiddishkheit and HKBH while overly concerned with the fate of the so-called Palestinian people. Shamni’s remarks came under fire by some including former Natioaal Security Advisor Yaakov Amidror. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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IDF Salutes Wounded US Soldiers In D.C. Ceremony

The IDF military attache in Washington, D.C. held a moving ceremony on Sunday (Apr. 3) saluting wounded American soldiers (currently in recovery) who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. The ceremony was planned with the help of the Jewish Institute for National Affairs (JINSA), its aim to express Israel’s appreciation and gratitude to soldiers and their families. As many as 30 wounded soldiers and their family members attended the event, held in the presence of the IDF’s attache in Washington, Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni. The wounded soldiers, hospitalized at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center and the National Naval Medical Center, were saluted for their personal and physical sacrifices in fighting terror and the radical axis. Israel’s ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, Dr. Colin Kahl and Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni gave speeches throughout the event. Dr. Kahl, who works at the US Department of Defense, said in his speech that, “Cooperation between Israel and the US exists in a wide variety of security matters which serve the interest of both countries.” Dr. Kahl added that, “The countries have a special relationship which began in 1948, immediately after the founding of the State of Israel, its essence not an alliance between nations but a friendship.” (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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America’s Chairman of Joint Chiefs Back in Israel

With the Iranian threat increasing by the moment, America’s chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen is back in Israel, meeting with senior officials to discuss the current situation. The senior commander’s visit comes amid American calls to permanent members of the United Nations Security Council to impose crippling sanctions against Iran to compel Tehran to adhere to international dictate and stop enriching uranium. Officially a guest of IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi, Mullen will meet with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and members of the IDF General Staff. They will discuss ongoing efforts to impose stern sanctions against Iran as well as military options and evaluate various intelligence community reports. Meetings planned during Mullen’s stay include with Deputy Chief of Staff Major-General Benny Gantz, Chief of Military Intelligence Major-General Amos Yadlin, Chief of Planning Branch Major-General Amir Eshel and IDF attaché to Washington, Major-General Gadi Shamni. Mullen has also requested to meet with officers who set up and ran the IDF field hospital in Haiti, a request that of course will be accommodated. According to American reports, the visit is to “advance joint security challenges”. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Shimshon Soldiers – Eretz Yisrael First & the IDF Second

The incident resulted in anger and embarrassment, as well as possibly resulting in the ousting of soldiers, but during the Kosel swearing-in ceremony of the Shimshon infantry soldiers on Thursday night, some soldiers lifted a large sign stating “Shimshon Battalion soldiers do not carry out expulsions at Chomesh”. The move does indeed represent a blatant IDF violation demanding a total separation from expressing a political belief, but these soldiers’ love and commitment to Eretz Yisrael has pushed military rule aside, and they may be a price for expressing their position. This was not just a spontaneous act, but prompted by the fact many a Shimshon soldier was ordered to take part in evicting Jews from the N. Shomron communities of Chomesh and SaNur, where the battalion serves. The Office of the IDF Spokesman called the incident “unusual” and “shameful”, explaining the brigade commander, Colonel Oren Abman will have to consider the future service in his unit of the soldiers involved. One mother quoted by Ynet said, “We are not settlers, but we are proud of our children and of the fact that they are not robots. They were drafted to the army for military service in order to fight the enemy, not Jews.”  Members of the Chomesh First organization praised the act and congratulated the soldiers for taking a step towards restoring the pride back to the IDF. The organization’s message to the media added that unlike outgoing IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni, there are those who learned the lessons of the IDF’s taking part in the 2005 expulsion of Jews from their homes. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Theft During IDF Ceremony

While senior IDF officers were enjoying the moment, the ceremony marking the change in the central command, someone was busy sifting through pockets and purses, making off with cash, cellular telephones and other objects. Present were IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi, incoming central district commander, Major-General Avi Mizrachi, outgoing commander Major-General Gadi Shamni and many other senior military officials, as well as Defense Minister Ehud Barak. The wallets, phones and cash of dozens of soldiers from Charuv were stolen, prompting military police to act. The gates of the base were closed and everyone leaving was inspected, resulting in prolonged delays. Despite the effort, the stolen goods were not recovered. The investigation continues. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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A Citation for Major David Shapira

Outgoing IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni on Tuesday will present Major David Shapira with a citation for eliminating the Merkaz HaRav terrorist during the Jerusalem terror attack about 18 months ago. The officers who decided to bestow the citation on Shamni cited his bravery and professionalism, as the officer, then a captain, heard shots across from his home in the Kiryat Moshe area of Yerushalayim. He did not hesitate to respond, entering the building at considerable risk, ultimately eliminating the threat as police stood seemingly frozen outside. Shapira is currently on academic leave from the IDF as he advances his academic studies. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Evicts Jews from their Homes in Shomron

IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni on Monday announced he was issuing administrative orders banning two residents of Yishuv Itamar, Land of Israel organization activists, from their homes and all of the Shomron for six months. Military officials reported that their intelligence information confirms the two have been involved in illegal activities, actions that represent a significant threat to public order. MK (Ichud HaLeumi) Dr. Michael Ben-Ari objects to the administrative orders, depriving the recipients of due process of law, point out such actions are implemented only against right-wing Jews, adding “we have not heard of such orders against left-wing activists at Bilin and Na’alin, where they regularly throw rocks at soldiers”. The Land of Israel Forum strongly condemns the administrative orders, which they say are a severe blow to basic rights of individuals. Itamar Ben-Gavir, Dr. Ben-Ari’s parliamentary aide stated “hunting season on the right-wing has officially begun”. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Rapid-Response Team to Address Settler Violence

In response to an increase in the number of violent confrontations between residents of Yehuda and Shomron and security forces of late, the IDF has announced the formation of a new rapid-response team intended to address such violent confrontations in the future. Recently, firebombs were hurled at a security vehicle near Gilad Farm in Shomron, and there have been many cases of vandalism against security vehicles. IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has set up the unit compromised of border police troops, who are operating under IDF command. Shamni believes that this rapid response team will be deployed expeditiously where and when needed, and thereby prevent a situation from escalating. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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A Call for Non Discriminatory Government Policy

The Maale Adumim area communities of Nofei Porat, Kfar Adumim and Alon have had enough of the government’s discrimination, preventing Jewish construction while turning a blind eye to ever-increasing illegal Arab construction. They filed a petition with the Supreme Court on Thursday against Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni, seeking to compel the government to halt illegal construction in the Arab sector. The petition states 257 illegal Arab homes were constructed on land belonging to Maale Adumim, yet the government has not taken any action to address the situation, including implementation of demolition orders. The petition cites the presence of illegal roads and other realities constructed illegally which damage and compromise Maale Adumim’s infrastructure, as well as inhibiting future natural growth of the city. Petitioners are seeking a detailed explanation for the government’s failure to act towards law-enforcement regarding illegal Arab construction. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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9 IDF Soldiers Injured in APC Mishap

Nine IDF soldiers were injured on Tuesday night when an armored personnel carrier flipped in the Jordan Valley. The soldiers inside are all from the Kfir unit. A military chopper was dispatched to airlift the injured to the trauma unit of Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has ordered an investigation. Preliminary information signals the driver may have been driving above the permitted speed. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Settlers Getting Ready to Oppose Expulsion

Israel Police’s Shai District is preparing for expected violence surrounding resistance against the removal of 23 outposts throughout Yehuda and Shomron, the daily Haaretz reports. The unit is being headed by Border Police Commander of Forces in Yehuda and Shomron, Brig. Gen. Amitai Levy. The report goes on to report that police forces, including elite Yassam commandos are training, and exercises were observed by senior IDF commanders, including Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni, despite the IDF’s request to minimize the military’s involvement and use police troops in another expulsion operation. Bayit HaYehudi Minister Rabbi Prof. Daniel Hershkowitz reports that he spoke with a “very senior security authority official” who assures him there is no such plan in the works. Women in Green leader Nadia Matar however is not as trusting, and she feels “we must prepare for the worst”, explaining “we know Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently met with US Mideast envoy George Mitchell and Barak announced he is committed to complying with American demands to remove outposts established after March 2001. Matar added that people must realize the removal of 23 outposts will be the “first domino to the destruction of the settlement movement and the establishment of a Palestinian state that will threaten the future existence of Tel Aviv and Netanya”. She stresses that any concessions, even “on one grain of land are tantamount to giving in on all the land”. Matar believes most Israelis remain opposed to the establishment of a Palestinian state and as such, people must “break the routine,” stop going to work and begin becoming active in taking steps to prevent such a reality chas v’sholom. “To train our soldiers to act against us instead of the Arab enemy is troublesome and we must prepare accordingly. We must call on soldiers to refuse to comply to such orders,” Matar concluded. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Orders a Halt to Construction in Modi’in Illit

Those who bought homes ‘on paper’ in the Green Park and Na’ot HaPisga neighborhoods of Modi’in Illit were alarmed to hear that IDF Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has issued a stop-building order, bringing the projects to a standstill. According to a report appearing in the weekly Hebrew Mishpacha Magazine, the order is the result of a Supreme Court ruling demanding that the perimeter fence in the area between the Jewish community and neighboring Arab Bilin be rerouted. According to media reports, Shamni’s order is supported by Defense Minister Ehud Barak. Rumors indicate that during a meeting in NYC this week with US Mideast envoy George Mitchell, Barak explained that America’s demands to totally freeze construction in settlements will not stand up in court, explaining contractors who have all the necessary permits in hand and have begun construction will turn to the court to unfreeze the situation. The rumors do not include Mitchell’s response. Mishpacha adds that Modi’in Illit officials are not concerned, explaining the stop-work order in their community is not connected to American demands, but the issue of the separation fence must be rerouted and then construction will resume. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Concert Planned in Maoz Esther Outpost

As builders of Eretz Yisrael continue to defy the government, following Wednesday’s dismantling of outpost Maoz Esther in Shomron, work began almost immediately to rebuild the site, at least for the third time, sending a clear sign to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the Eretz Yisrael Faithful will have the last word. In another act of defiance, a concert is being hosted in the outpost on Thursday, tomorrow, June 4th, at 5:00pm. Kiryat Arba Chief Rabbi Rav Dov Lior Shlita is expected to attend. Earlier on Wednesday, the IDF declared several checkpoint areas in Shomron a closed military zone, a move taken by IDF Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni towards keeping Eretz Yisrael Faithful activists away from outposts. Authorities reported that on Wednesday, Jews in the Maoz Esther area set Arab fields ablaze and threw rocks at Arab vehicles. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Getting Tough with Outpost Activists

IDF Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni on Wednesday morning declared three Shechem area checkpoints ‘closed military zones’ to prevent outpost activists from making their way to the areas designated for removal by Barak. The order pertains to the Chawarah, Beit Fouriq and Awarta Checkpoints. The move is intended to prevent activists from making their way to Shomron areas to support the residents of outposts that are slated for removal in the coming days. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Chevron’s Tzion Road to Remain Closed for Now

The decision was made not to open Tzion Road in Chevron today, Wednesday, perhaps compelled by Tuesday’s statements to the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee by ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Director Yuval Diskin.   Diskin expressed his opposition to opening the road to PA (Palestinian Authority) motorists, a roadway that was closed to the PA drivers for 15 years due to security concerns. The closure was decided upon as one of a number of measures intended to halt and prevent terror attacks.   The following statement was released by the Chevron Jewish community.   “Chevron’s position, opposing opening of Tzir Tzion (Tzion Road) for security reasons, has been awarded an official stamp of approval. This proves two significant facts: “1) Claims made by Chevron-Kiryat Arba leaders, with the backing of various Knesset members, particularly those from the National Union, who yesterday visited Chevron, and ministers, including Interior Minister Eli Yishai, who publicly opposed reopening of the road, have now been confirmed. Reopening of Tzir Tzion will endanger Israeli lives. The Chevron community position is not a hysterically exaggerated – politically-motivated demand. Rather, it is an attempt to prevent more Jewish blood from being spilled. “2) The decision to reopen the road, beginning with Defense Minister Ehud Barak, down thru Central Command General Gadi Shamni and Commander of Judea and Samaria Noam Tivon, was not security-related. Israeli lives were not taken into account when their decision was made. Rather, the decision was politically motivated, in keeping with the idea that ‘easing Palestinian lives’ is more important than protecting Jewish lives.   “Chevron’s Jewish Community calls on the Defense Minister to admit his error, to accept the opinion of Israeli GSS director Yuval Diskin, and officially end attempts to reopen Tzir Tzion. It’s time that Ehud Barak stop playing politics with Israeli lives!”    MK (Prof. Aryeh Eldad) in his objections to Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s decision explained that during the past years, tens of Israelis were murdered by Arab terrorists and reopening the road would just facilitate renewed attacks. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)  

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Soldier’s Parents Make a Plea on Behalf of Discharged Officer

The parents of IDF soldier Noam Adin Richter Levy z”l, who was killed by mistaken fire from a commander have made an appeal to IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi to not take action against the officer.   Last week, YWN reported (HERE) that the deputy company commander was discharged from the IDF and another commander is being barred from leading operations for two years.   The parents met with the commander responsible for the accidental death, and he explained in details what occurred. The parents told Ashkenazi they are not angry at the officer, and they asked him to prevent his discharge from the IDF as was ordered by Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni. Ashkenazi agreed to order a probe which will present him with the findings, at which time he will make a final determination.   In the IDF, it appears opinion is divided regarding Shamni’s decision to dismiss Captain ‘A’, with some expressing criticism, accusing Shamni of acting too impulsively, adding the punishment was too severe considering the death, while tragic, was a result of events and not a mistake on the deputy commander’s behalf. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Soldier Killed in Birzeit Last Week Hit by Mistaken Fire

The investigation into last’s week death of IDF soldier Noam Adin Richter Levy, 20, from Mitzpei Netufa has determined the soldier was not killed by enemy fire, but by a bullet fired by the deputy company commander.   The officer responsible was discharged by Central Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni, and another officer was cited as bearing some of the responsibility and is barred from leading any operation for the next two years.   It was first believed that Richter was killed during a struggle with Arabs, theorizing his weapon discharged and hit him. It was later learned that the deputy company commander’s weapons discharged while he was struggling with local Arabs, and apparently, his barrel shifted position, killing the soldier. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Yosh Residents Demanding their Weapons Back

After Friday’s terror attack in the Southern Chevron Hills community of Bet Chaggai, regional leader Tzviki Bar-Chai turned to IDF Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni demanding that he order the return of weapons confiscated from area residents six months ago. In response increasing incidents of IDF-issued automatic weapons stolen from residents’ homes, the order was given to collect hundreds of weapons, significantly impacting the ability of area residents to defend themselves in the event of attack. The military justified the move by explaining the order was given for fear the stolen guns are falling into the hands of terrorists. Bar-Chai sent a letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gabi Ashkenazi, calling for the return of the weapons in light of the recent alarming increase in hostile incidents and terror attacks against residents of yishuvim throughout Yehuda and Shomron. Bar-Chai explains that while there are concerns the stolen weapons may fall into terrorist’s hands; these concerns may not be permitted to outweigh the reality that residents must be given the tools to defend themselves and their homes in case of attack. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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First Ethiopian Battalion Commander

Next week, Lt.-Colonel Tzion Shenkor will become the first IDF battalion commander from Israel’s Ethiopian community. He will command a Shimshon battalion in the Kfir Brigade. On Sunday, Major Shenkor was promoted to lt.-colonel in a ceremony in the army’s Central Command in the presence of the commander of the Central District, Major-General Gadi Shamni. Next week, he will assume command of the battalion. Shenkor began his military career as a paratrooper, assigned to Kfir after completing officers training. He has served as a platoon commander, company commander and deputy battalion commander. His last assignment was operations officer for the northern Gaza battalion, carrying heaving responsibilities during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza’s northern area.  (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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YWN Eretz Yisrael Evening News Roundup – 12/8/08

SECURITY/DEFENSE: *11:12: A bomb was detonated against IDF soldiers along the Gaza border in the Kibbutz Miflasim area. No injuries were reported. *Four bombs were detected along the Gaza border fence in the Kissufim area. No injuries were reported. *16:26: Kassam rocket attack without injuries. POLITICS, DOMESTIC & MORE: *Globes: 46% of industrial companies have cancelled employee pay hikes planned for 2009, and 40% of companies have cancelled bonuses, according to a new survey by the Manufacturers Association of Israel of 50 companies. *Likud’s primary elections got off to a late start in the Jerusalem Convention Center on Monday morning after a tractor damaged a fiber optic cable, resulting in outages in cellular and internet services in the capital and other areas. *Gavriel Bibi of Kiryat Arba, who is facing charges for assaulting a photographer last week in Chevron, was released on bail with restrictions on Monday. *An IDF soldier was lightly injured in the Golan Heights when the tank he was traveling in flipped over. *16:00: 20% voter turnout reported in Likud primaries. Party officials may extend voting from 23:00 to 00:00. *Israel’s first vehicle recharging station for electric cars opened its doors in Cinema City in Tel Aviv on Monday. *Ayala Ben-Gavir, the wife of right-wing activist Itamar, was arrested with her 8-month-old daughter for protesting outside the Modi’in area home of IDF Central District Commander Maj.-Gen. Gadi Shamni. She was released with conditions, including a prohibition against coming near the senior commander’s home in the future. Also arrested was Mrs. Elisheva Federman. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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PHOTOS – Bet HaShalom Falls: Chevron Residents Evicted [UPDATED 11:15AM EST – 18:15 IL]

8:03AM EST / 15:03 IL: (UPDATES & PHOTO LINK IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) IDF and border police forces a short time ago have begun the eviction of the residents of the Bet HaShalom in Chevron. The army has sealed off the area, preventing any supporters from making their way to the building or Chevron. According to initial reports, at least 20 civilians and security forces have been injured. Security forces are using teargas and other riot-control adjuncts to restore order. UPDATE 8:12AM EST / 15:15 IL: At least one Chevron resident is reported in serious condition with a head injury. Most of the others appear to be in light condition. The very large security force is operating and teargas is being used freely to evict Jews from the home. Only police seem to be actually removing Jews from Bet HaShalom, not soldiers. MDA Emergency Medical Service officials report they have moved to a level 3 operating status in Yerushalayim, the organization’s highest, fearing widespread violence. At this time, the entrance to Jerusalem is being blocked at present by some 100 youths, who have entered the street, the entrance from the Jerusalem – Tel Aviv Highway. A MDA chopper is heading to Chevron to evacuate the wounded. A number of ambulances are trying to enter the area, but are being stopped by security forces hurling gas and stun grenades. At present according to Baruch Marzel, the injured are not being cared for. EMS officials are being prevented from entering the area. Marzel adds that gunfire can be heard and it appears the move by security troops has signaled the Arabs to renew their attacks against Jews as well. Marzel states the situation is considerably worse than Amona, “ten times worse” decrying the indiscriminate use of force by security forces, adding that he personally saw innocent Jewish girls “mishandled” by security troops as well as “murderous blows” delivered to unarmed civilians. UPDATE 8:18AM EST / 15:18 IL: Chevron Arabs are responding to the security forces who are evicting Jews by force and have begun bombarding everyone in the area with rocks, standing on rooftops and pelting civilians and security forces below with rocks indiscriminately. UPDATE 8:20AM EST / 15:20 IL: Despite pleas from the parents of the Holtzberg Kedoshim, Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered the brutal eviction of the residents of Bet HaShalom during the shiva. The parents asked that he avoid additional mourning while the nation is united over the attack in Mumbai. Two helicopters are now responding to Chevron. It appears there are a number of people with head and suspected spinal injuries, in moderate or more serious condition. Many of the hundreds of residents and supporters of Bet HaShalom have already been removed from Bet HaShalom while the operation continues. From the eyewitness accounts received by YWN, security forces are acting with unprecedented brutal force against civilians, with total disregard to human rights and dignity. UPDATE 8:37AM EST / 15:37 IL: Bet HaShalom in Chevron has been emptied of its residents and supporters and it is now in control of Yassam and other forces. Encounters are still ongoing outside the building between security forces and civilians. All roadways heading to Chevron have been closed. Shas leader Deputy Prime Minister Eli Yishai condemned the move, accusing Barak of acting today,

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S. Chevron Hills Father Distanced from His Home by IDF Commander

Once again, Defense Minister Ehud Barak and the IDF have chosen to bypass the legal system and use the British Mandate administrative law to distance a Jewish man from his home. This time, the recipient of the administrative order is Moan Farm resident Moti Shavo, 32, the father of six, who was a convicted member in the so-called Bat Ayin Jewish Underground. The administrative order was signed by IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni. MK Uri Ariel in response to the report commented that the courts have ruled that administrative orders are not legal and should not be used yet the military continues to use them. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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More Violence Between ‘Settlers’ and IDF Soldiers

An IDF soldier was lightly injured in a scuffle with settlers in Otniel in the Southern Chevron Hills on Wednesday afternoon. IDF officials report the soldier was hit over his head with a baton. He was transported to Soroka Medical Center in Beersheva. The violence began when Arabs in the area began harvesting their olive trees. Military officials report the Jewish youths began pelting them with rocks, compelling the IDF to respond and attempt to stop the attacks and restore order. Soldiers of the Duchifat unit responded, seeking to distance the Jews from the Arabs. During the scuffle, the soldier was hit with the baton. In another case, one youth attempted to grab a soldier’s weapon. Another soldier controlled the situation and the youth was taken into custody. Later in the day, a protest was held outside the Re’ut community home of IDF Central District Commander Gadi Shamni. Reports indicate 19 protestors were taken into custody. The protest was to decry the unfair treatment of residents of Yehuda and Shomron by the IDF. The protest was declared illegal and the arrests were made, mostly minors, who were released later in the day. Earlier in the week, some 30 protestors appeared in front of the senior officer’s home to protest. 29 were taken into custody. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Report: PA Prevented a Major Terror Attack

The daily Haaretz, quoting PA (Palestinian Authority) sources reports on Monday that the PA prevented a major terrorist attack, arresting two senior terrorists aligned with Hamas’ military wing in the Chevron area. They were apprehended with weapons and a bomb vest as well as a large quantity of cash intended to assist in carrying out an attack.   The two were taken into custody three weeks ago in Chevron. One of the terrorists is reportedly Wa’il el-Bitar, a commander of the Izzadin el-Kassam faction in the Chevron area. The two were also part of the planning of the February 2008 terror attack in Dimona. One Israeli was murdered in that attack and her husband was wounded.   IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni stated that the military wing of Hamas has been hit hard but remains a threat nonetheless. He is calling for unyielding pressure since he explains the terror organization can recuperate rather quickly. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Report: Israel Launches an Offensive Against “West Bank” Jews

The IDF has launched an offensive against Jewish dissidents in the West Bank. Military sources said the army’s Central Command has been ordered to dismantle unauthorized Jewish outposts and arrest organizers in the West Bank. The sources said the military has assessed that Jewish opponents of the government would try to accelerate construction and settlement amid the expected departure of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.  “There has been a rise in Jewish violence in Judea and Samaria,” Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Gadi Shamni said. “In the past, only a few dozen individuals took part in such activity, but today that number has grown into the hundreds. That’s a very significant change.” On Oct. 2, the army destroyed the Jewish outpost of Shvut Ami near the community of Kedumim and arrested several people. One of them was identified as Daniela Weiss, the former mayor of Kedumim and a key anti-government dissident. “The resistance against army operations has turned violent, and we cannot tolerate this,” a military source said. Weiss, arrested outside her home as she tried to stop authorities stealing a car, was charged with attacking a police officer. She was held in the N’vei Tirzah women’s prison along with another activist, Shosh Shilo. The two women will be arraigned on Oct. 3 at the Kfar Saba Magistrates Court. Land of Israel activists said they would not be daunted in their efforts to settle the entire Land of Israel. “The more they try to harass our members, the more our determination will increase to establish new settlement points in Judea and Samaria and to fight for the Land of Israel,” activists said in a statement. In August, Shamni ordered four Jewish West Bank residents, Elad Meir, David Libman, Akiva HaCohen and Meir Bretler, expelled from their homes for a period of three to four months, ostensibly to prevent them from interfering with the Arab olive harvest. “But the harvest hasn’t yet begun,” Libman said. “By the time we are allowed to go home, the harvest will be just beginning.” Libman and Bretler, who said that police continue to harass them, were arrested in late September as they traveled on roads that connect the West Bank to the rest of Israel. Both were acquitted by magistrates of any crime but both continued to refuse to sign a military travel ban issued by Shamni. On Sept. 3, police stopped two busloads of people on their way to protest against the expulsions outside Shamni’s home. More than 50 demonstrators were arrested, including an 85 year-old journalist. “The protestors stood outside the station, making noise, blowing whistles and the like, protesting against our detention merely for wanting to stand up for justice in this country,” activist Nadia Matar, head of the Women in Green organization, said. “Suddenly a whole bunch of policemen swooped down on them very violently. One girl in particular was treated very brutally. She was dragged with her arm behind her back, her shirt was pulled down, and she cried out. We all started to surround the police officer who was doing this, yelling at him to stop and suddenly the police officer started hitting us and Daniela Weiss and the photographer Miriam Tzachi, none of us young girls.” About 300,000 Jews live in the West Bank. The Olmert government has agreed

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Senior IDF Commander Concerned Over Extremist Fringe Element

Speaking during an interview with the Haaretz daily, IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni expresses concern over the “several hundred extremists” comprising the fanatic fringe element in Yehuda and Shomron. The senior commander states that the overwhelming number of the close to 300,000 Yosh residents is perfectly normal. He stated that what used to number several tens is now a group of hundreds of extremists, willing to use violence to achieve their objectives. In recent weeks he explained, a dog was instructed to attack an officer, an officer’s hand was broken, tires of a military vehicle were slashed and in Chevron, an officer was attacked when soldiers tried to arrest Jewish children for throwing rocks at Arabs. Shamni blames the current worrisome state of affairs partially on the leadership and rabbonim who generally give active or passive approval of their actions. He blames their actions for causing significant damage to the IDF’s image as well as the image of the State of Israel. The senior commander adds he fears the numbers of the extremists continue to grow, and this he explains is cause for concern. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Israel: Soldier Lightly Wounded in Acid Attack

An Arab threw a caustic substance at a soldier manning the Chawarah Checkpoint in Shomron on Monday morning, injuring him lightly-to-moderately in his face. The soldier was transported to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The attacker, a female PA (Palestinian Authority) resident, was taken into custody. The attacker, in her 50s, used the “humanitarian” lane of the checkpoint, permitting her to pass without inspection. The army has ordered a lightening of restrictions are checkpoints in compliance with American pressure, and IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has ordered even “more consideration” at checkpoints during the Muslim month of Ramadan. Authorities believe the suspect in custody was also responsible for the acid attack at the same checkpoint two weeks ago, but that time, she succeeded in fleeing the scene. In another “humanitarian case”, a company commander was recently sent to prison (reported HERE on YWN ) after an Arab baby was born stillborn after the officer adhered to protocol and delayed the woman in labor, realizing many times, PA residents take advantage of humanitarian gestures. In this case, the officer was the fall guy and was imprisoned for following regulations. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Dozens Detained by Police Near Modi’in on Tuesday Night

Approximately 50 men, women, and children were detained by police on Tuesday night near Modi’in as they made their way to the nearby community of Re’ut for a protest outside the home of IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni. Among those taken into custody was Women in Green co-chairwoman Nadia Matar, who was held separately from the group. The cars and a bus were stopped by police at Shilat Junction as they planned to protest outside the senior officer’s home for his recent signing of a three-month administrative order which evicts a number of Shomron residents from their homes. Matar told YWN that she is speechless regarding the actions of police, who are not even willing to permit the basic right of peaceful protest while the army issues orders evicting Jews from their homes, without the right of appeal. She also questioned by the Anarchists are permitted to incite and engage in provocative activities in Chevron, and they are not permitted the right to protest. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Impounds Weapons from Yishuv Nili’s Sentry Post

As a result of an investigation being conducted against the security officer of Yishuv Nili, the IDF has ordered the weapons used in the community’s sentry post returned to the armory. The security officer is being investigated after a number of Arabs complained that after they entered the boundaries of the Jewish community, they were detained by him. As a result, the weapons used by the sentry post were placed back in the armory. Angry residents question why their security officer is under investigation for doing his job and why the weapons were put under lock and key, placing an entire community in danger. Letters were sent to IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni and area Battalion Commander Colonel Aviv Reshef, informing them that if chas v’sholom anything happens as a result of their decision, they will be held accountable. A copy of the letter was also sent to MK (National Union) Uri Ariel seeking his assistance and intervention. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Protest Called Against Eviction Orders Signed by Senior IDF Commander

A protest is planned for Tuesday, September 2nd, at the Re’ut home of IDF Central District commander Major-General Gadi Shamni for signing an eviction order (HERE) against a number of residents of Shomron, compelling them to leave their homes for a number of months. The order was signed as a preventative measure, without providing the recipients due process, without being charged with a crime, without an opportunity to defend themselves. The protest is being arranged by Women in Green, and it will take place at 7:00pm outside the senior commander’s home in the Modi’in area community, which is home to a relatively large number of senior officers and air force personnel. For additional information or transportation arrangements, one may phone 052-311-4627. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Distances Yesha Residents from Their Homes Ahead of Olive Season

IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni has taken a bold step, signing an administrative order prohibiting a number of Yesha residents from remaining in their homes for a period of three-to-four months, ahead of the start of olive harvesting season. The army explains that they have gathered intelligence information that the recipients of the administrative order plan to disrupt Arab farmers who come to the fields to harvest their olives – prompting the preemptive move, ordering them to leave their homes for a period of months. The recipients of the order include Meir Bretler and David Lieberman, both of Adi Ad near Shilo, and Akiva HaCohen of Yitzhar. All are residents of Shomron. They are literally now homeless — banned from entering Shomron, without police, the IDF or the state offering any housing solution that will permit them to remain with their families. The order demands they leave their homes before this Shabbos. HaCohen lives on his farm, adjacent to Yitzhar, and he questions who will be responsible for his land and his crops. It will also prevent him from planting his first crop after Shmitah year ends. Chevron resident and the head of the Chazit Yehudit organization, Baruch Marzel, sharply protested the “discriminatory move,” questioning why left-wing activists and Arabs are not barred from areas such as Na’alin where violent protests against the security perimeter fence are regular occurrences. Here he explains, they are being ousted from their homes without having done anything wrong. While an appeal is planned before Shabbos, they do not feel they will succeed in overturning the IDF administrative order. It must be pointed out that in the past, there have been many recorded cases in which Arabs under the guise of harvesting olives get dangerously close to Jewish communities and often take advantage of the situation to spy on the Jewish communities. Many Arabs do indeed harvest their olives and nothing more, but security officials have without a doubt documented many cases when the ‘farmers’ are using their freedom-of-movement in proximity to Jewish communities for ulterior motives. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Abu Mazen Threatens to Dismantle the PA

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has sent a message to Israel that if Jerusalem decides to release Hamas affiliated members of the Palestine Legislative Council and ministers, he will dismantle the PA. This message was delivered to Israel a number of weeks ago during a meeting between senior PA official Hussein a-Sheikh and IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni. According to reports, a-Sheikh stated “he did not say he will resign” but “he will dismantle the PA.” Following the 2006 kidnapping of IDF soldier Gilad Shalit, Israel arrested PLC members and cabinet members, all with Hamas affiliation. A number were since released due to a decision by a military court. Today, some 40 of the Hamas-affiliated officials remain in Israeli prison. Abu Mazen fears their release will further compromise the struggle of his Fatah faction to maintain control of PA autonomous areas throughout Yehuda and Shomron following Hamas’ rise to power in Gaza last year. When asked to comment, a-Sheikh confirmed the meeting took place but denied that he ever delivered such a message to the senior IDF officer despite widespread media reports contradicting his statements. The announcement of Abu Mazen’s threat some feel will further complicate efforts towards obtaining Shalit’s release, although it should be pointed out that none of the 40 Hamas officials appear on the list of 350 names submitted to Israel by Hamas. Hamas insists there will be no negotiations and if Israel does not agree to the release of all of the 350 appearing on the list, Shalit will remain prisoner. To date, Israel announced it agrees to release only 70 of the names appearing on the list. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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Some Remarks Following the Prisoner Exchange

Following are some of the remarks released to the media following the notification to the Regev and Goldwasser families by senior IDF officials. 1. Major-General Elazar Stern – Commander of IDF Human Resources We are in this home, not for the first time. Once again, bringing bitter news, today as well, but alongside the difficult feeling there is a sense of relief, having succeeded in bringing Eldad and Ehud to “kever yisrael”. 2. Major-General Gadi Shamni – IDF Central District Commander I just informed the Regev family of the positive identification of Eldad z”l. the IDF strengthens and hugs the entire Regev family. 3. Tzvi Regev – Eldad’s father in a phone conversation with Galei Tzahal (Army Radio) This is a very emotional day. We could not watch too much of it. We prayed and we hoped that we would meet with and hug Eldad. 4. Omri Avni – Karnit Goldwasser’s dad, Ehud’s father-in-law Thank you Major-General Stern, who gave us the difficult news that Eldad and Ehud were identified as dead. During the meeting, present in the room were Miki and Shlomo (parents), my wife (Ehud’s mother-in-law), Yair and Gadi (brothers) and Karnit (wife). I must say that after two difficult years, this was the most difficult – the moment in the room. You know that Karnit vowed to bring Ehud home and after accomplishing this, the emotions released. We are all in a difficult state. We would now like to be left alone to pain, heal, hug and be with one-another. Please, when I am done with my statement, honor the request. Sometime towards evening, we will travel to the Schrage Base to depart from Udi and then make preparations for the funeral. We are in touch with the Shalit family too, and I want to tell them that we began this as three families, and while we are finishing, Gilad is not forgotten and we will remain three families towards bringing Gilad home. I do not wish to get into details, but I can say that much was done and some of the details given to the family are not for publication, they do not change realities, and we must now part from our loved ones and get on with life. Ofer Dekel did marvelous work. We were in touch with him for about 18 months and we last spoke a few minutes ago and this is an opportunity to commend him on a wonderful job that was 24/7. The Prime Minister’s Office contributed to convincing the cabinet to accept the deal and we are thankful. We are in touch with the Regev family and we will speak later and then we will make funeral arrangements. (Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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IDF Senior Officers Make Formal Notification to Bereaved Families

IDF Central District Commander Major-General Gadi Shamni on Wednesday afternoon traveled to the Kiryat Malachi home of the Regev family to officially inform them that the remains in one of the two coffins returned by Hizbullah are indeed of those of Eldad. IDF Chief of Human Resources Branch Major-General Elazar Stern is doing the same in the Nahariya home of the Goldwasser family, informing them the remains of Ehud have been positively identified by forensic experts. Stern in his same capacity informed both families of the adduction of the soldiers two years ago, and this is his last assignment since tomorrow, Thursday, he will be retiring from the military following 32 years of service. (YWN Desk – Israel)

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