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Search Results for: mispallel

Jewish Mispallelim Enter Shechem, 1 Almost Lynched By Arabs

The IDF and Border Police canceled a planned entry of Jewish mispallelim to Kever Yosef in Shechem after a group of mispallelim entered the city on their own overnight Monday. Shechem, a known terror hotspot, is unsafe to enter at the best of times and even more so during the current tense security situation throughout the country. One of the mispallelim was attacked by Arabs who almost lynched him. He ran away and hid overnight and was rescued in the morning by the Palestinian police who transferred him to IDF forces. He received emergency medical treatment and was evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah for further treatment. The video below shows the Palestinian police rescuing the Jew: Following the incident, the planned entry of 12 buses of mispallelim to mark the Yesod She’Biyasod of Sefer HaOmer was canceled. However, a small number of mispallelim were allowed in, including bereaved family members who lost their relatives in the war and relatives of wounded IDF soldiers. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Sirens Blare During Shacharis, Mispallelim Rush To Shelters Wearing Tefillin, Taleisim

The Hamas terror group fired five rockets at Sderot on Wednesday morning. One rocket scored a direct hit on an unoccupied building, causing extensive damage.  Three rockets were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and one fell in an open area. Two women were injured while running to a protected space and were evacuated to the hospital in light condition. The video below shows security camera footage from a Chabad house in the city where mispallelim were davening Shacharis when the siren blared. On Tuesday, thousands of Israelis participating in a march calling for the resettlement of the Gaza Strip by Jews were caught outside when rocket siren alerts went off, forcing them to lie on the ground. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Mispallelim At Meron Wave Lulavim During Rocket Barrage, IDF Strikes Deep In Lebanon

The Hezbollah terror group on Tuesday morning launched a barrage of rockets at northern Israel, spurring sirens in a number of communities near and in Har Meron. About 35 rockets were launched, several of which landed in Israel. Afterward, Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack, claiming that it targeted the air traffic control base on Har Meron in retaliation to Israel’s airstrikes deep in Lebanese territory on Monday evening. B’Chasdei Hashem, no injuries were reported and the IDF said that no damage was incurred at the airbase. In the video below, mispallelim at Meron wave lulavim and blow shofaros during the barrage. Following the barrage at Meron, the IDF carried out airstrikes in southern Lebanon, including in the village of Baisariyeh near the city of Sidon (50 km from the border). On Monday morning, Hezbollah downed an Israeli drone after firing surface-to-air missiles at an Israeli Hermes 450 drone in Lebanese airspace, downing it. In response, the Israeli Air Force (IAF) carried out airstrikes 62 miles (100 kilometers) north of the Israeli/Lebanese border. The strikes, the deepest in Lebanese territory that Israel has carried out since the 2006 Lebanon War, targeted Hezbollah targets in the city of Baalbek, a Hezbollah stronghold located east of the Litani River in Lebanon’s Beqaa Valley. At least two Hezbollah terrorists were killed in the attack. Following the strikes, Hezbollah launched a barrage of rockets at Ramat HaGolan. Earlier on Monday, Hezbollah announced the death of Hezbollah commander Hassan Hossein Salami in an Israeli strike on Majdal. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Intense Gunfire At Mispallelim At Kever Yosef [Videos]

Arab terrorists rioted and shot at a bus full of Jewish passengers traveling to Kever Yosef in Shechem overnight Wednesday. IDF forces returned fire and an intense gun battle ensued. According to Palestinian reports, an 18-year-old Palestinian was killed and 31 Palestinians were injured, three critically. B’chasdei Hashem, no mispallelim or Israeli security forces were injured in the incident. In the wake of the security incident, IDF forces evacuated the Jews from the area. It was the first time that Jews entered Kever Yosef since the shooting attack a month ago, when three Jews were injured, including IDF Shomron Regional Brigade commander Col Roi Zweig. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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TERROR IN SHECHEM: 3 Injured After Arab Terrorists Open Fire At Mispallelim at Kever Yosef [VIDEOS]

A group of Arab terrorists opened fire at hundreds of Jews davening overnight Wednesday at Kever Yosef in Shechem. The gunfire lightly wounded three people, an IDF commander and two mispallelim. Despite his injuries, the commander, IDF Shomron Regional Brigade commander Col Roi Zweig, acted with heroism and refused to be evacuated to the hospital for treatment until he ensured that all mispallelim had been evacuated from the area. “He’s a true hero and I salute him on behalf of all of Am Yisrael,” said Shomron Regional Council head Yossi Dagan. The IDF evacuated all Israelis from the area on the buses they arrived in. Video footage shows heavy gunfire in the area as Israeli troops engage the attacking terrorists.

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WATCH: Thousands Of Mispallelim Daven At The Kosel On Hoshana Rabba

Thousands of Jews flocked to the Kosel on Sunday night and Monday morning for Hoshanah Rabba tefillos. Thousands are also expected to daven at the Kosel on Simchas Torah, which in Israel, falls out on Monday night and Tuesday this year. Over 100 Sifrei Torah will be used at the Kosel plaza during the Simchas Torah tefillos. הושענא רבא בכותל המערבי — משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) September 27, 2021 Below, mispallelim daven at Kever Rochel. הושענא רבא אצל מאמע רחל — משה ויסברג (@moshe_nayes) September 27, 2021 (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Rav Berel Lazar Jumps, Dances With Thousands Of Mispallelim In Moscow

Thousands of Jews joined the Yom Kippur tefillos at the main shul in Moscow, the Marina Roscha shul. After Ne’ilah, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, HaRav Berel Lazar, spoke works of hisorerus and and jumped and danced with the mispallelim at the end of the emotional tefillah followed by singing “Napoleon’s” March” as is the Chabad Minhag. The Marina Roscha shul, which has 2,000 seats, is part of the vast Moscow Jewish Public Center, with 7,2000 square meters of spacious rooms, including a library, a concert hall, an art gallery, and many classrooms, where a variety of classes and club meetings are held. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Mispallelim Flee From Kosel Amid Sounds Of Explosion

A large number of Israel Police forces operated throughout the night on Motzei Shabbos as Arab rioters on Har Habayis attacked officers with rocks, chairs, and fireworks. Police officers used riot dispersal methods on the Arabs, including rubber bullets, tear gas, and shock grenades. The sounds of the explosions could be heard by mispallelim at the Kosel. Close to midnight, a particularly loud explosion was heard at the Kosel plaza, frightening the mispallelim, who thinking they were under attack, fled from the area. It later became clear that the explosion was from fireworks on Har Habayis. Later on Motzei Shabbos, police cleared the Kosel plaza for a period of time due to the chance of Arabs throwing rocks on the mispallelim. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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In South Africa, Mispallelim Will Daven Quickly, Skip Piyutim

The Jewish community in South Africa is preparing for Yom Tov. Currently, all shuls in the country are open but minyanim are limited to 50 mispallelim. The heads of the kehilla and Beis Din in Johannesburg, in cooperation with medical professionals, are calling on gabbaim to ensure that Rosh Hashanah tefillos do not last longer than two hours, B’Chadrei Chareidim reported. Several shuls have decided to daven quickly and skip piyutim and other shuls are holding a long break before Mussaf. South Africa has experienced a serious coronavirus outbreak, recording 653,444 cases and 15,705 deaths. It imposed one of the world’s earliest and strictest lockdowns in March but has recently begun easing restrictions as cases drop. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Intoxicated Man Attacks Mispallel, Burns Down Amud in Tiveria Shul [VIDEO & PHOTOS]

A strange man entered the Kehilas Chassidim shul on Shazar Street in Tiveria on Sunday night, and after getting angry at those in the Shul lit the Amud on fire. According to reports in the Israeli media, the man walked in and asked one of the Avreichim for money to travel to Yerushalayim. The Avreich gave him a shekel. When the man asked for more, the Avreich showed him that he didn’t have any more money on him. In response, the stranger attacked the Avreich and broke his glasses. The Avreich succeeded in fleeing the Shul after being beaten. When he returned, he found that the stranger had lit a fire on the Amud and burned it and the Talleisim underneath it. Four firefighting crews were called to put out the fire and succeeded in extinguishing the fire before it spread out of control but significant damage was caused. The Avreich reported that the stranger was: “intoxicated and in his anger, he went crazy because he wanted people to give him the entire amount for a ride to Yerushalayim. Baruch Hashem, there were no serious injuries, but it is difficult to see the burned holy books and other items.” (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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MAILBAG: Mispallel In Rabbi Rottenberg Shul Sounds Off About Hypocrisy Of Governor Cuomo

Dear YWN, I am a mispallel in R’ Rottenbergs Shul and live around the corner. We were at a family Chanukah chaggiga at my sister-in-law down the block from our house when this all occurred. Clearly this was a shocking event and we all have been hit with a tremendous sense of vulnerability. Of course we all know we are in golus, yet we live our lives and unfortunately don’t always live like we are not living the ideal. What I personally am feeling right now is that this country – and in fact many others as well – are suffering from the exact ill that got K’lal Yisroel into this long lasting golus. It is no longer unacceptable to openly express hatred – the left to the the right and then back in the other direction. No longer is there even an attempt to work things out, even if they weren’t all that sincere. If in the “highest” levels of our society it is acceptable to hate, how can we expect it not to become the norm. Governor Cuomo spoke on Sunday morning about the “body politic” having a cancer, but just last week he refused to allow federal judges to conduct marriages in New York because they were Trump appointees! How can he honestly say he will combat hate, when he is equally hateful? Even a small expression like this furthers the hatred that has become the norm of society. Yankie Gross – Monsey, NY NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN. DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE POSTED ON YWN? SEND IT TO US FOR REVIEW. (YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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HORRIFIC: Berland Cult Member Savagely Beats Famous Mispallel At Kever Shimon Hatzadik

Reb Zalman Grossman, a well-known Tzadik and Chosid in Yerushalayim, was severely beaten in an unprovoked attack at Kever Shimon Hatzadik, Wednesday morning. Rav Grossman spends hours each day at the Kever lighting candles and Davening for people. According to a report by Bichadrei Chareidim, Rav Grossman told a young child who was making alot of noise and being disrespectful at the kever to please be quiet and act appropriately. Seconds later, a young man, reportedly a member of the Shuvu Banim Cult, led by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, ran into the Kever, and began punching Rav Grossman repeatedly in the face, kicking him, and even throwing chairs and Shtenders at him. People who were at the Kever were unable to stop the man, as he overpowered them all and continued his savage attack. Rav Grossman was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for multiple traumatic injuries as well as serious facial trauma. The security cameras captured the entire incident, and police are actively looking for the man. The video below may be graphic for some. Viewer discretion is advised. In an interesting note, video footage surfaced earlier this week of Rabbi Berland himself punching one of his own Chassidim in the face repeatedly in some type of unheard-of-before ritual. Rabbi Berland constantly engages in eradict behavior, such as smearing olive oil on children’s faces, and spinning a dreidel during davening. Rabbi Berland was released from house arrest just before Rosh Hashana a year ago, the result of a conviction for assault. Berland pleaded guilty to his actions against multiple victims. he had first fled Israel and traveled from country to country, thus avoiding extradition to Israel, where a warrant for his arrest had been issued. He spent time in the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Morocco, Egypt, Zimbabwe, and Johannesburg before being arrested and extradited to Israel where he faced the law. His followers claim that Berland willingly took upon himself this disgrace, suffering, and exile, “which spiritually protects the Jewish People from heavenly decrees of annihilation”. It should be noted that audio footage was released where Berland was talking to his attorney about the details of one of his assaults. Despite the charges and the guilty plea, he continues to be a celebrity-rabbi, as thousands of thousands of people flock to him. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Women in Meah Shearim Were Mispallel at Chatzos Against the Draft Law

A group of Meah Shearim women gathered close to ‘chatzos’ Tuesday night in a shul in the heart of their community along with their daughters. The Aron Kodesh was opened for them as they began to be mispallel that Avigdor Lieberman should not give in and accept the current version of the draft law. They were also mispallel against the formation of a new coalition government. The group is called “Women of Meah Shearim” according to the Kikar Shabbos News report, and the group arrived in the shul and davened that Yisrael Beitenu party chairman MK Avigdor Lieberman does not give in to the demands of chareidi parties regarding the amended draft law. The women stood in the shul, at the steps of the Aron Kodesh, and were mispallel opposite the Sifrei Torah that a new Israeli government should not be established. It is pointed out that the special tefilla was done with the utmost secrecy, near midnight, with the shul locked, so as to prevent others from entering the shul. The tefilla was held amid news reports that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was to decide if he was going to dissolve the Knesset on Wednesday and declare new elections rather than giver another party an opportunity to attempt to form a coalition government. Talks between Likud were deadlocked as Yisrael Beitenu refused to acquiesce to the demands of the chareidi parties vis-à-vis the draft bill and their insistence that the bill be amended. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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HaGaon HaRav Ba’adani Traveled To Tiveria To Be Mispallel & Meet Mekubal Rav Kook

HaGaon HaRav Shimon Ba’adani, a member of Shas’ Moetzas Gedolei Torah, traveled on Sunday to Tiveria to be mispallel at kivrei tzaddikim in the city. This is the rav’s norm during bein hazmanim. During his stay in the city, Rav Ba’adani visited with mekubal Rav Dov HaKohen Kook. When Rav Ba’adani entered Rav Kook’s home, he said, “finally, we are meeting. I wanted to do so on so many occasions”. Rav Kook told Rav Ba’adani Adani that “I received your son’s book on Meseches Keilim. It’s a wonder. This sefer is really a wonder.” He refers to the son of the Rav, Rabbi David Ba’adani, the head of Kollel in the Old City for the study of Mishnayos Taharas. Rav Ba’adani replied: “Siyata Dishmaya, as he has been working on it for many long years.” Rav Ba’adani, who came together with his family, sons and grandsons, brought them in to receive a bracha from Rav Kook and reminded Rabbi Kook of the period of his studies at the Kollel in Bnei Brak that he headed, and suggested that he come to visit his youth. Rav Kook honored Rav Ba’adani with wine delicacies to a l’chaim in honor of Rosh Chodesh, and Rav Ba’adani gave the bracha “that the Geula should arrive speedily speedily! Enough. There is not enough strength to wait”. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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100s Are Mispallel At The Kever Of Natan HaNavi And Gad

Hundreds of mispallalim visited the kevarim of Natan HaNavi and Gad, located inside the PA (Palestinian Authority) village of Halhul, known to be a hostile village located south of Gush Etzion, along Route 60 towards Hebron. The mispallalim were escorted by the IDF and border police, and B’chasdei Hashem, the visit passed without incident. The actual kevarim are located inside a mosque, so the mispallalim remained outside, next to the mosque. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Chareidi Mayoral Candidate Deutsch is Mispallel at Kever of Rav Kook

In what many view as an action aimed at graining dati leumi support in the Jerusalem mayoral race, chareidi candidate for mayor in Jerusalem Yossi Deutsch visited and was mispallel at the Har HaZeisim kever of HaGaon HaRav Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen Kook ZT”L on his yahrzeit, 3 Elul. “It’s a great privilege to be mispallel here,” Deutsch said. “Rav Kook was a guide to hundreds of thousands of Jews, religious and non-religious. “Rabbi Kook was a thread connecting the sectors of the Jewish people in general and Jerusalem in particular,” he added. The visit of the so-called “chareidi candidate” to his kever stands out against the background of the fact that Rav Kook is not mentioned in the chareidi community. His seforim are not in on the bookshelves of yeshivos in the chareidi world, nor are they quoted. This may be because many chareidi Gedolim including the Chazon Ish and the Brisker Rov opposed his Zionist views, despite being acknowledged as a great talmid chacham. Rav Kook was also attacked by rabbonim in Hungary before the war, who took an extreme position against his hashkafa, and after WWII, the Satmar Rebbe disagreed with his views publicly. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: HaGaon HaRav Kook Is Mispallel Overlooking Har Habayis

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Following are photos of HaGaon HaRav Simcha HaKohen Kook Shlita, the mora d’asra of Rehovot as well as the Churva Shul in Jerusalem’s Old City. In the photos, the rav is seen on erev Rosh Chodesh Menachem Av being mispallel in Har Chotzvim, overlooking Har Habayis. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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Ayalon Police Nab Mispallel Who Helped Himself To Shul Tzedaka Money

A mispallel in a shul, 40, from Bat Yam, was taken into police custody after he is believed responsible for stealing tzedaka funds. Ayalon district police have arraigned the suspect in the Tel Aviv Magistrate Court, asking to extend his remand in light of the evidence against him linking him to the theft of tzedaka money from a pushke (charity box) in a shul on Yosef Tal Street in Bat Yam. Police say the man is alleged to have broken into the shul during the morning hours, on more than one occasion, emptying all the pushkes. He was taken into custody and arraigned on Wednesday. (YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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VIDEO/PHOTOS: 1000s Are Mispallel At The Tziyun Of The Baal HaTanya

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Thousands came to be mispallel at the tziyun of the Baal HaTanya on 24 Teves, beginning in the afternoon hours of Wednesday and through Thursday for the yahrzeit. Chabad askanim headed by Rav Schneur Deutsch prepared for the guests, as food and hot drinks were distributed. There were also minyanim at the “Heichal HaAdmor” adjacent. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/ צילום: אומן אקספרס)

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PHOTOS: Chief Rabbi Lau Travels To The Kineret To Be Mispallel For Rain

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Chief Rabbi of Israel Dovid Lau Shlita on Wednesday afternoon, 16 Teves, traveled to the Kineret where he recited special tefilos for rainfall. While forecasters predict a stormy weekend, Rav Lau is well-aware the weekend storm is not sufficient, as Israel has had at least four consecutive years of drought and this year, the rainfall has been extremely limited to date. Kineret Water Authority officials warn the situation is dire. They traveled on a boat to an island in the Kineret, and island formed in the southern area as a result of the water level dropping annually due to insufficient rainfall. Also taking part in the tefilos were head of the local religious council Rabbi Shlomo Didi as well as rabbonim from the religious council and the general area. farmers from area kibbutzim also took part in the tefilla event. At the conclusion of the tefilos, Rav Lau stated, “We must remember we are one people and the Kineret is one, for all of us, and as one people, we all hope that our tefilos will be received out of love and good-will and we will merit the continuation of a rainy winter and the brachos from Shomayim will be upon all of us.” (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: 1000s Are Mispallel For Maintaining Kedushas HaKosel

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Thousands of mispallalim davened shachris at the Kosel on Wednesday, the second day of Rosh Chodesh Elul, with many joining a tefilla led by Tzefas Chief Sephardi Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita. The initiative for the tefilla led by the rav was to show unity and highlight Kedushas HaKosel at a time when Women of the Wall R”L and their supporters are interested in provocations and Chilul Hashem. The presence of the Women of the Wall did create a disturbance to put it mildly, but these mispallalim, together with Rav Eliyahu, continued their rosh chodesh tefilos without interruption. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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PHOTOS: 400 Are Mispallel At The Kever Of Otniel Ben Knaz

(PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) 400 mispallalim visited the tziyun of Otniel ben Knaz in Hebron on Tisha B’Av. Soldiers from the Yehuda Brigade provided security for the mispallalim as they are in charge of protecting the site year-round. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: IDF Spokesman Unit)

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Suspects In Custody For Attack Against Mispallel At Kever Shimon HaTzaddik On A Shabbos

A Jerusalem police spokesman reports three minors are in custody for an attack that took place against a mispallel who left the tziyun of Shimon HaTzaddik on a Shabbos morning. The attack took place on the morning of Shabbos Shelach. The Arab youths saw the man walking with a tallis on as he was leaving the area after davening. Police learned that after spotting him, the three crossed the street and began hurling rocks at the victim. The victim began running from the area. police spotted the man running and headed to him, fearing something was wrong. After learning what occurred they headed out in search of the suspects. The victim sustained light injuries. The suspects were found in the yard of an area home. They were arrested and being charged in a hate attack. They were arraigned and their remand extended until last week. They have since been indicted. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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VIDEO/PHOTOS: Thousands Are Mispallel In Amuka At The Tziyun Of R’ Yonasan ben Uziel

(VIDEO AND PHOTOS IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Thousands traveled to the tziyun of the Tana R’ Yonasan ben Uziel in Amuka on Tuesday, 27 Sivan, for the yahrzeit. Mekubal Rav Yechiel Abuchatzera was among the mispallalim, conducting Tikkunim with rabbonim of the yeshiva and kollel who maintain a presence at the tziyun year-round. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: מוסדות ישועות בעמוקה)

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Kosel Security Agent To Mispallel: If A Suicide Bomber Comes And Kills You, You Deserve It!

Many people were on the security line to enter the Kosel one night earlier in the week. One of those people, Moti Malka, who davens maariv at the holy site daily, explains “The metal detector sounded even though I emptied my pockets. The area is manned by agents of a private company that got the tender for security. I was asked by the agent, who appears Russian, to remove my shoes and belt and I was okay with it, realizing this is their job as part of protecting us and the area. Then one of them shouted for all to hear ‘if a suicide bomber comes and kills you, you deserve it’. I decided this was enough for I was unwilling to hear such words at the holy site. I asked that he identify himself, but he refused. I asked his supervisor to respond, which he did. “His colleagues told the guard he should give me his details as I requested. He then complied and apologized a number of times but I told him at this point I was uninterested as he said it to many people – loud and clear”. He explains the security person was simply rude and was not suited to be in the post as he acted this way to all entering. Moti then proceeded to the police station to file a complaint against the guard. Upon hearing what occurred and of the police complaint, the guard was fired by the company. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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100s Are Mispallel At Kever Yosef Ahead Of Pesach

Hundreds of mispallalim visited Kever Yosef on the Monday night, the eve of 7 Nissan in an approved visit escorted by the IDF. Among those taking part in the pre-Pesach visit was Shomron Regional Council leader Yossi Dagan as well as his predecessor, Gerson Mesika, and area IDF commanders. B’chasdei Hashem the visit passed without incident as often, PA (Palestinian Authority) residents attack soldiers and/or mispallalim. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Degel Hatorah Calls on Roshei Yeshivos to be Mispallel for Rav Shteinman

Due to reports from Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital the condition of HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita has taken a turn for the worse, Degel Hatorah has released a letter to roshei yeshivos and principals of girls’ high schools to be mispallel for the Gadol Hador. Earlier, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita called for the recitation of Tehillim 142. Rav Shteinman was admitted to an ICU in Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak on motzei Shabbos after complaining of “difficulty breathing”. Earlier on Sunday, it was reported the medical team is seeking to determine the cause of the rav’s systemic infection. The tzibur is urged to continue being mispallel for Aharon Yehuda Leib ben Gittel Faiga bsoch kol cholei yisrael. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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WATCH: Berlin Rabbi Visited Injured Israeli And Was Mispallel At His Bedside

[VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE] Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, Rabbi of the Jewish community of Berlin, on Tuesday 20 Kislev visited the Israeli injured in the ramming truck attack in Berlin and was updated by his doctors as to his medical condition. Rabbi Teichtal asked to inform all who are concerned that the Israeli who is hospitalized in one of the Berlin hospitals, that after hearing about his medical condition, the injured man was operated and is no longer in a life-threatening situation, however he is standing before a long recovery process. In addition, Rabbi says that his staff and he are currently in touch with all hospitals in the city and they are doing their best to try and track this Israeli man’s wife who has not yet been found. The Rabbi is in touch with the family of the injured Israeli from early morning hours as well and keeping in touch with his personal doctor and will notify them all accordingly. The Rabbi stated that “I stood right next to the injured man and said some Tehillim and prayed for his full recovery. My community and I will continue davening for his health and we hope to hear good news about his wife too”. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Rav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman Calls on the Tzibur to be Mispallel for Shimon Peres

HaTzaddik HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Dovid Grossman of Migdal HaEmek is calling on Am Yisrael to be mispallel on behalf of former President Shimon [ben Sarah] Peres, who suffered a major hemorrhagic stroke on Tuesday night 10 Elul. Rabbi Grossman added that those who can should also “do a good act” in Mr. Peres’ merit as he is in need of a refuah. The Chief Rabbis of Israel have also called on the tzibur at large to be mispallel for Mr. Peres. The latest update from Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer Hospital from Wednesday morning 11 Elul states Mr. Peres is listed in serious/stable condition amid reports he does appear responsive to some degree as he held the hand of one of the physicians. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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Beersheva Man Who Was Mispallel at Kivrei Tzaddikim Drowns at the Kinneret

Beersheva resident Reb Machlouf Malka z”l, 72, was niftar after downing at the Kinneret on Monday, 15 Iyar. The niftar visited the Kinneret as a stop during a visit to northern Kivrei Tzaddikim. Persons close to the niftar explain he traveled together with mispallalim in his shul, Shiras HaRambam, to visit Kivrei Tzaddikim in the area as well as swimming in the Kinneret. Zaka on Monday reported a body was found on the shore of the Shikmim Beach after being missing for a number of hours. Police report that its divers found the body, which was transported to Poriah Hospital in the city. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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