Reply To: Jewish music? Mah zeh?

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Dash: That reminds me of a speaker who literally called music kosher or treif. Like he was about to put a hechsher on. Though after the whole Star-K cell phone thing it would honestly not astonish me. (I honestly was thinking along the lines of, idunno, Matzah Brie/Matzarella or Rosh Havarti or [fill in bad Jewish cheese pun here].)

notasheep: I know that some producers definitely do secure permission. The only case I ever heard of where there was actually a ruckus about copying a motif without permission actually culminated with the non-Jewish group being sued because they themselves had copied the motif from another band…

My opinion is that it all comes down to personal taste. A specific tempo or genre means nothing- in the end, all Jewish music is derivative. I’ve been absolutely STUNNED by the types of music some people have found inspiring and others could say the same about the music I listen to- I’m not going to judge.