July 11, 2010 12:54 pm at 12:54 pm
Derech HaMelech
Sorry. I mean to say that the word kneidlach is equal to the word baruch which is alluded to in the pasuk “vayevar ech eloykim es yom hasvi’i”. Rashi says on that pasuk that Hashem blessed Shabbos with mann. So I meant to say that by having kneidlach (which is equal to baruch) on Shabbos ie. being “mevarech” Shabbos with kneidlach- we will be zocheh to the bracha of mann.
By being “mevarech” Shabbos with kneidlach we will be zocheh to “umevarechecha baruch” which is a part of a pasuk from Bereishis that “vayiten lecha” is from. Bereishis 27:28-29 which is the bracha that Yitzchak Avinu gave Yaakov “vayiten lecha ha’elokim mi’tal hashamyim u’mishmanei ha’aretz…”
Anyway I made it all up so don’t worry about it!