Reply To: Meanings of the names Zelig and Zalman

Home Forums Bais Medrash Minhagim Meanings of the names Zelig and Zalman Reply To: Meanings of the names Zelig and Zalman

🍫Syag Lchochma

but it was never about whether or not Yiddish was the equivalent of English. I agree 100% that Yiddish was the language of the Jews and you can still find a connection to secular Russians by speaking in Yiddish, but that does not give it the same status as lashon hakodesh and does not ‘okay’ it to be used to be called up to the Torah. Rabbi Krohn writes (I did not say paskins) that one should NOT use Yiddish names lichatchila, but that it is okay to name after someone who’s name is Yiddish. He has obviously researched the matter well, and would be a good source of information for you.

My name (on the other hand) is not really a name. It is often used, and it is a character trait of my grandfather, after whom my mother wished to name me. Although it is lashon hakodesh, and is a beautiful name, I would not have made the same choice for my own kids.

Golfer – though I don’t agree at all, can I still have some coffee?