Reply To: Making fun of people who are frummer than you

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Making fun of people who are frummer than you Reply To: Making fun of people who are frummer than you



The OP was mentioning people who make fun of others who are “frummer” than them.

You seem to condone such a ridicule. I do not see how it is more appropriate than someone putting down someone for following a more lenient view.

What type of tefillin, or even if I do wear tefilin is not really your business. I might even wear the 64 pair your buddy 147 recommends.

As far as a mekor for some of the chumros? See Rashi Vayikra 19, 2.

Oomis’ response to HaLevi is a case in point. She seems to be highly offended buy something she is reading into someone else’s practices.

I am not bothered by those who accept more stringent measures for themselves. I have family members who are very stringent about various practices, my policy is live and let live.