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DaasYochid – The grandmaster is not choosing the moves of the opponent (us). He is anticipating moves and watching the mind of the opponent as he thinks of possible moves and makes those moves. Although the grandmaster (who is not your regular chess player, as you can see by now) has the power to cause the opponent to move in a certain way and either win or lose the game, he “steps back” so to speak and allows the opponent to make his own moves. Hashem has clear knowledge of our present and future choices. He can see and indeed allows into being the cascade of events that result from our single action/choice. Hashem is beyond time. Past, present, and future are one to Him. Hashem does not generally prevent us from moving in a certain direction, although He certainly can. The world is set up with cause and effect and is a world of tevah. Built into the structure of the universe are results for actions. Gravity is a clear example. Drop the apple and it falls. I think this can be applied on a microcosmic level, even to the level of the subtleties of human interaction. The famous question is..Can Hashem create a stone that is too heavy for Him to lift. The answer is OF COURSE, but it is not tevah, so it will not happen.