Reply To: A Mouse In My House

Home Forums Around the House A Mouse In My House Reply To: A Mouse In My House


Mepal, I think the question is too soon to ask.

BTW, I tried those round discs, I think made by D-Con, where the mouse goes in and can’t get out, and you would know if a red mark showed up, which was triggered by the mouse entering and getting caught. I tried baiting it with Peanut Butter, chocolate, Peanut chews. I did not catch one!! I also purchased this battery operated zapper, which is suppose to kill the mice right away, I also baited that one with their favorites, that did not work either. They did not go inside.

I did try the snap traps made by TomCat?? You line it against the wall and they are suppose to run through it, and snap!! get caught. Well, we did catch on, by the tail!! and it was running around with the trap on it’s tail. I finally cornered it and through it in a bucket, where it almost jumped out of it. and it was a big one too!! am not going to tell you how I got rid, of it, I just hope it was considered humane.

I have had a professional exterminator come and seal the holes in my home, so far, B”H, so good, and just in case, I have made friends with some cats that come around my door!!