Shaatra, nobody says that Kupat Hair isn’t worthy of donations and that the work they do isn’t deserving utmost respect. I believe that even the most negative posts here merely meant to say that it isn’t the ONLY Tzedakah, and that the advertisements on their mailings seem to imply that one will be automatically granted personal intercessions by the greatest Tzaddikim if he contributes to this charity.
Two things must be kept in mind. Firstly, every penny given to ANY legitimate Tzedaka is a source of merit and is “matzil mimoves”. Secondly, even the mailings from Kupat Hair, when they bring the stories of supernatural events, specify that so and so, when asked for a Beracha, said that “if you give to Kupat Hair, you will have the salvation you are asking for”. Nowhere do they claim that EVERYONE who gives is granted his wishes. This isn’t much different from when any Tzaddik says to his petitioner that if he contributes to a certain tzedakah that the tzadik is involved with, he will daven for him.