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@zyzz,Abercrombie models wear shorts thus you would not know if they train the thigh muscles.

(sorry for the long post and plz don’t take anything personally)

it would bother me because it is not my priority in life to have a pretty guf. in order to have as you say “the most aesthetically pleasing shape possible by developing all muscles proportionally” it requires rigorous training and dedication. it becomes one’s focus and priority in life. between physically training, the preparation (diet, sleep etc) and eventual competition, much time is spent on looking perfect. there is nothing wrong with being in shape or playing a game of hoops everyday between sedarim or after work. I am looking for a husband who’s priority is to serve H’ and provide for his family as well (a working guy) bluntly, it bothers me because it seems like misplaced priorities to me. the guf is a vessel to serve H’. and just like a car needs maintenance to run properly, the body needs food, exercise, periodic ‘tune-ups’. a car can be a pimped out mustang with chrome wheels, megawatt speakers and V8 engine or it can be a basic Toyota Camry. both are cars but one is for function, the other is not. just because I don’t have a six pack or highly defined biceps, does not mean I can’t carry 40lbs easily or hold down a screaming 5 year old. it is not a prerequisite of being in shape to have defined muscles. if a person is in shape and healthy, B”H.

I do have to add that I do not like the look of Arnold at his prime or other professional body builders who serve their bodies rather than the other way around