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justsayin, #1 a huge Mazel Tov! You should only have nachas from all your children. Many people offer to help and mean it when they say it but realistically it doesn’t pan out, so don’t feel bad you didn’t take it when they said it. Probably most of it wouldn’t have worked out anyway. If you live in the Brooklyn area there are a lot of sources of help. There is an organization called Oseh Chesed that provides trained help for 5 times for free and I believe for longer if you are willing to pay. There is a support group called Mothers of Multiples that you can find in classifieds section of the frum newspapers. I know quite a few women who belong and they find it helpful. N’shei Ahavas Chesed will find you women to come to your home for a few hours to babysit the babies so you can rest or do whatever you need to do. There are also organizations that will send you cooked lunches for a while. Most of these are listed in the Hamodia (I believe it is in Monday’s paper) when they list the gemachs. Hatzlocha.