Reply To: Tzedakah for tuition crisis – NEED DONORS

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apushatayid — I disagree – You might be right that Yeshivos raise money throughout the year for various expenses. However even with “Larger Scholarships” there are families still struggling to meet the tuition payments.

If you run a business(Mosad,Yeshiva) and go over budget for whatever reason, either review your operating plan, and/or cut costs. Till today I do not understand what the yearly “Registration Fee” is. There are book fees, trip fees, shabboton fees, all I am saying is that with all these added fees, even with scholarships and dinners throughout the year, tuitions are still quite high.

When the Chinese auction is finished, do the parents get to see how much was raised and what is was used for? Maybe to your point, on their next tuition bill it should state, since we raised “X” dollars from the dinner/auction you can skip this months tuition payment!!! If I were a parent who saw this, I could then have some sort of justification of how the money was allocated.

Menuchos Hanefesh will give parents some feeling that someone is helping them out, very discretley and this would be Tzedakah to its fullest sense.

Another thought, why are tuitions raised every year? The learning in 5th grade costs more than the learning in 4th grade??? Are the teachers/rabbaim more qualified as the years progress??

the-art-of-moi, thanks for the support. Any leads you can throw my way??

As always – Yasher koach for your time.