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Thank you, and I daven for her refuah. Our mutual friends DO know, but at first many of them did not realize she was speaking of me and encouraged her. When they discovered she was writing about me, they were horrified and very apologetic to me for having unknowingly added fuel to her fire. But there are also those whose first thought was, “Well where there’s smoke…” and that is the real danger of motzi shem ra. There will always be someone who thinks it MIGHT somehow in SOME way be even a LITTLE bit true.

In this case, it is an inyan of a complete break with reality, coupled with apparent paranoia. I am convinced that she has begun to believe her own fiction, especially the part where she believe she has done “endless chessed for those who spit in the face of chessed.” Gam zeh ya’avor. Obviously Hashem feels I need this particular nisayon right now. Let it be a kaparah.