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NDG: Of course not. All I’m saying is that people who want to see it that way could have read Rav Chaim’s statement as justification for an attack. Obviously it is not.

The timing of the statement was specifically to be against the Beni Torah (and Tov) Party, who broke off of Gimmel and held Rav Shteinman to not be the Gadol HaDor. What I am acusing is that it is possible (I’m throwing out the idea) someone (a fanatic) who understood Rav Chaim’s statement to apply to anyone who doesn’t vote Gimmel held the same way in an applied manner to those who didn’t vote for Beni Torah. To quote the article:

The gedolim issued sharp words of condemnation against those who have had the audacity to diminish the respect shown for gedolei Torah and against those who have founded parties to challenge Degel Hatorah in the Torah community.

Now that we have this attack, I ask (and I think others should do so as well) what set this fanatic off? Was it the Beni Torah/Gimmel fight, and the rhetoric that came along? Was it the “support” for Nachal Charaidi (for non Yeshivaliet), for which Rav Shteinman has been attacked in the past? Was it his unwillingness to openly protest against the government cutting funding? Or something else.

eclipse: The Torah would call him a Rasha.

HaLeiVi: You understand where I am going. Had Palin actually promoted Gifford as deserving death (as opposed to an ambigious ad), then I would have to at least think about it.