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Wow Cofeefan, that’s truly beautiful!! WOW!! Thank you for sharing!!

Tralala – thanks for the welcome! Oh boy, do i (we?!) know those feelings of hopelessness / giving up / … Come on here more and we can vent n share together. Since finding this forum my outlook is s-l-o-w-l-y trying to change from giving up completely (i’ve done it for too long 🙁 ) to “biting my lip” and at least somewhat trying to be strong!

Allsgr8’s “YOU CAN DO IT! YOU CAN DO IT!!” should keep us all going… Allsgr8?

Is it harder for a diabetic to lose weight?? I thought it’s the food that you’re taking insulin for that makes one gain weight not the insulin in itself? (i also know that the lack of insulin makes you lose weight but, hey, we mustn’t think like that!!?! But it’s so hard not too esp when you stand on the scale and see how much weight you’ve gained since taking insulin more normally!!)

Sweettooth – you amaze me with your knowledge and more, with your determination! Perhaps you should consider to start to work for Meisels!!!