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wow people! I wasn’t here for a few weeks,just popped in for a few min, but needed a lot more time to read, but it payd! It gives me chizuk to see people in the same situation going up and down… and even making fun of it!

First, welcome to our 2 new members sweettooth and princess.

dx3, and princess, thanks for the nice poems, it indeed made me in a better mood!

dx3 and reb,your attitude is great! keep it up!hope it rubs of on all of us!

Now about me,I have type 1 for 27 years already, am on the accu-chech spiri tpomp. the cgm is not approved here yet, and I’m not willing to pay for it…

After my second baby, I gained a lot and after my third more, so I developed type 2 as well. There was a point where I took 150 units a day + glucophage and still was 300 the whole day…

So my dr and me decided to operate, because , as you all know, for us it’s harder to lose, so 2 years ago I did the gastric by-pass, lost 75 pounds + the type 2, and now I learned how to count carbs, before, it just didn’t pay the effort…

My a1c dropped ’till 6.3, and as you all know already, I got a green light for a pregnancy b”h! But, it’s almost a year, and … nothing!!!!The last few weeks, I just gave up! I can’t anymore! I know I’ll have to be sooooo strict for 9 months, and now it’s adding up 1 month after the other… with nothing!!!

I try keeping low, but no patience to count…

Sorry for the long post, but thanks for letting me vent to people who truly understand me…