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sweettooth- i just started bolusing 15 minutes before but i think thats not enough time because it still goes up (not so high but i wanna try for not havong it go up at all or very little…)think it will help if i wait another 5 minutes? my doc suggested waiting between bolus and eating 2 times ago when i was by her which was in november so i tried it and it brought my a1c down from 7.3 to 6.6 (combined with other adjustments…) so im a big fan of it though its not always easy to remember to do that!!!

i use Dr. wallach in mount sinai in manhhattan and i like her. prob is that shes a pediatric doc so idk if she would start someone new if theyre not techinically a child… i should really start looking for a regular one… 🙁

i cant get over how many of us there are now! im so EXCITED we all gain from eachother (i know i love to read what y’all have to say!!!!) yay!