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DA: Leiby Kletzky Was Seen At Gas Station In Monsey

5:30PM EST: At the press conference which ended just moments ago, Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes confirmed that Leiby Kletzky was in fact in Monsey, as Levi Aron had said in his confession. Hynes said that the child was identified by a gas station clerk in Monsey, and further stated that Leby had asked to use the restroom, and that Levi Aron had pulled into a gas station.

There was no evidence that he was inside the wedding hall in New Square.

Earlier Wednesday, NYPD Chief police spokesman Paul Browne said that “Detectives now have reason to believe beyond Aron’s confession that Leiby was at the wedding, but not necessarily inside the venue.”

By the time the pair returned to the city, it was so late that Aron decided to take Leiby to his home to sleep and left him there Tuesday while he went to work, according to the police version of the confession. Workers at the supply store said Aron showed up as usual that day but seemed troubled.

Police believe Aron left work shortly before 5 p.m. and killed Leiby after being spooked by a massive search for the boy.

“When I saw the fliers, I panicked and was afraid,” Aron said, according to police.

Investigators say it’s possible that, while Aron was at work that day, the boy was in his apartment all day of his own free will.

(Dov Gordon – YWN)

15 Responses

  1. If the victim wasn’t kidnapped, but rather had been found when lost, and tagged along with the finder, then at the time of the murder he was a houseguest rather than a kidnap victim, and without the kidnapping or some other serious charge, the first degree murder count fails (so he ends up in prison for the rest of his life for second degree murder, unless found insane in which case he stays in a secure mental hospital for the rest of his life).

  2. If this is the case, I’m surprised Leiby didn’t try to call home?! perhaps he was afraid or Levi hid phones. who knows. Only G-D.

  3. “Investigators say it’s possible that, while Aron was at work that day, the boy was in his apartment all day of his own free will”.

    How would anyone know that? Because the murderer said so? Do we really believe that Levi A was treating Leiby well, and it was Leiby’s preference to stay with him and not be taken home? And that Levi A became a murderer that impulsively?

  4. It doesn’t make sense that Leiby stayed there out of free will. I presume that at that time he was drugged already

  5. Which means Leiby zt”l was alive for almost the entire duration of the search. And it was the search that caused Aron to panick and kill. Nevertheless, the massive search was certainly the correct approach to finding Leiby. There was no way to predict such a crazy reaction by Aron.

  6. #1 –
    “then at the time of the murder he was a houseguest rather than a kidnap victim”
    A houseguest?
    Surely you jest.
    An 8 year old child is definitely too young for his consent to be worth anything.

  7. i dont really believe he was there on his own will… the boy for sure knew his parents were worried about him, and would somehow try to contact them or leave the house unless he was alrady drugged or i read he had marks on his body showing he was tied up….
    he could of been scared and didnt want to get in trouble, but who really knows…

  8. i also hate the fact when it says “it was too late so he had him sleep over” any parent would b worried about their child and wouldnt care what time it was, just hoping for a safe return

  9. I don’t believe the whole story. I know every gas station in Monsey- which gas station was he seen at? Let’s see the actual witnesses..

  10. I dont get it. Forensics have ways of telling approx when death took place by examining a body. So when they found him, had death occured a few mins before or a few hours or 24 hours or 36 hours? Why are they not saying?

  11. #14 – You can’t just speak out publicly in Monsey. You first need to get permission from the leadership. These things take time and money. Hopefully changes for the better are coming soon as people start to realize that the insanity has to stop.

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