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these things you say mr. or mrs. chance are very interesting but i wondor why no one ver told me that vaccines cause problems. i spoke to every professional in the field be it doctors or homeopathic people and they never said that veccines cause these problems. does that mean we should never vaccinate our kids. sorry but this doesn’t make sense!!!!! and by the way i went to dr bigger and better than the dr you mentioned in manhatten and they said in no way possible are the vaccines responsible for autism or diabetes. my daughter got all the vaccines on time and true she became autistic but my son i did not give him any shots until he turned 3 but by the time he was 9 months he was autistic. i know that does not prove anything but i just wonder. and the person that you know who is reversing autism sorry but autism is not a sickness like strep ar bronchites where you take medicine and become well its a disorder in the brain not in the gut like chance says and there is no cure, that is a fact believe me i wish there was!!!!!!!